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作者 邢长征 梁浚锋 +2 位作者 金海波 徐佳玉 乌海荣 《计算机应用》 北大核心 2025年第1期48-58,共11页
针对现有的试卷生成技术存在过多关注生成试卷的难易程度,而忽略了其他相关目标,例如质量、分数分布和技能覆盖范围的问题,提出一种强化学习和矩阵补全引导的多目标试卷生成方法,以优化试卷生成领域的特定目标。首先,运用深度知识追踪... 针对现有的试卷生成技术存在过多关注生成试卷的难易程度,而忽略了其他相关目标,例如质量、分数分布和技能覆盖范围的问题,提出一种强化学习和矩阵补全引导的多目标试卷生成方法,以优化试卷生成领域的特定目标。首先,运用深度知识追踪方法对学生之间的交互信息和响应日志进行建模以获取学生群体的技能熟练程度;其次,运用矩阵分解和矩阵补全方法对学生未做的习题进行得分预测;最后,基于多目标试卷生成策略,为提升Q网络的更新效率,设计一个Exam Q-Network函数逼近器以自动地选择合适的问题集来更新试卷组成。实验结果表明,相较于DEGA(Diseased-Enhanced Genetic Algorithm)、SSA-GA(Sparrow Search Algorithm-Genetic Algorithm)等模型,在试卷难度、合理性、准确性这3个指标上验证了所提模型在解决试卷生成场景的多重困境方面上效果显著。 展开更多
关键词 多目标试卷生成 深度知识追踪 Q网络 矩阵分解 矩阵补全
作者 徐园 曹子瑶 刘超 《考试研究》 2025年第1期27-34,共8页
“云艺考”是以网络、信息技术为基础,依托强大的系统平台组织实施艺术类专业考试的方式,其核心理念在于全面推进艺考标准化体系建设和数字化管理,进一步提高考试公平性、安全性、便捷性,促进考试公平,服务科学选才。“云艺考”是提升... “云艺考”是以网络、信息技术为基础,依托强大的系统平台组织实施艺术类专业考试的方式,其核心理念在于全面推进艺考标准化体系建设和数字化管理,进一步提高考试公平性、安全性、便捷性,促进考试公平,服务科学选才。“云艺考”是提升艺术类专业省级统考组织管理效率的重要措施,也是社会关注的热点问题。“云艺考”面临的风险主要有四类:省级招生考试机构缺乏预见和变革能力的风险;系统平台功能难以满足考试技术需求的风险;考生个体因不了解不适应“云艺考”方式而影响考试发挥的风险;考点管理和水平不能适应新模式的风险。应对“云艺考”四类风险的措施包括:提高科学决策水平;持续完善系统平台功能;引导考生提高适应性;提升考点管理水平。 展开更多
关键词 艺考改革 云艺考 优势 风险 应对
Reducing Test Anxiety while Increasing Learning Efficiency:by Using Cheat Sheet in the College English Exam
作者 夏英姿 项敏 《海外英语》 2011年第5X期61-62,共2页
Cheat sheets are so named because they may be used by students without the instructor's knowledge to cheat on a test.Student learning is greatly enhanced by studying prior to an exam.Allowing students to prepare a... Cheat sheets are so named because they may be used by students without the instructor's knowledge to cheat on a test.Student learning is greatly enhanced by studying prior to an exam.Allowing students to prepare a cheat sheet for the exam helps structure this study time and deepens learning.The crib sheet is well defined:one double-sided page of A4.An award for the best and most creative cheat sheet allows the instructor to appreciate the students' efforts.Using the cheat sheet can not only reduces student anxiety during testing but also incease student learning efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 assessment CHEAT SHEET student ANXIETY college exam
作者 黄潇 郭蓉蓉 黄俊逸 《考试研究》 2025年第1期87-94,共8页
关键词 爱尔兰高考 中文考试 国际中文教育
Discussion and Practice of Exam-oriented Skills in Landscape "Quick Design"
作者 夏卿 周海萍 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2011年第5期19-23,共5页
Landscape quick design is an important approach to test students' scheme performance ability,and also a vital issue in current landscape design teaching.The study has discussed methods to improve ability for quick... Landscape quick design is an important approach to test students' scheme performance ability,and also a vital issue in current landscape design teaching.The study has discussed methods to improve ability for quick design in short time and employment competition of students of landscape major.By taking landscaping skill competition training in higher vocational schools of Zhejiang Province for example,from the perspective of characteristics of quick design,quick design training has been divided into six modules which are basic quality,schematic design,design theme,plants disposition,drawing effect and exam-oriented strategies;key points of training and exam-oriented strategies of each module have been illustrated at length;and finally five stages of training process have been listed,providing new thought for teaching of landscape quick design. 展开更多
关键词 Quick DESIGN Landscapes in higher VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS Module training exam-oriented SKILLS
作者 巩怡学 《宁夏党校学报》 2025年第1期78-87,共10页
“赶考”是一个具有多重意蕴的概念,中国共产党将这一概念运用于治国理政的语境之中,在革命、建设、改革各个历史时期不断丰富其内涵。作为一种政治话语,“赶考”以马克思主义理论为基础,源于新民主主义革命背景下救国救民的现实境遇,... “赶考”是一个具有多重意蕴的概念,中国共产党将这一概念运用于治国理政的语境之中,在革命、建设、改革各个历史时期不断丰富其内涵。作为一种政治话语,“赶考”以马克思主义理论为基础,源于新民主主义革命背景下救国救民的现实境遇,在社会主义革命和建设时期、改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期不断深化,新时代中国共产党提出“走好新的赶考之路”这一重要命题。从“赶考”到“新赶考”的演进构建了中国共产党赶考理论话语体系,是党领导人民坚持和发展中国特色社会主义、推进中国式现代化的经验总结,具有新内容、新目标、新特征,彰显了中国共产党人舍我其谁的使命感责任感、居安思危的忧患意识和艰苦奋斗的进取精神。 展开更多
关键词 中国共产党 赶考 新的赶考之路 全面从严治党
作者 张雪 朱珍珍 刘一沛 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期116-123,共8页
考察初中生考试焦虑与学业倦怠的关系以及特质情绪智力和领悟教师情感支持的作用。研究一选取了654名初中生进行问卷调查,探究特质情绪智力作为中间变量在考试焦虑和学业倦怠之间的作用;研究二选取了598名初中生进行问卷调查,探究领悟... 考察初中生考试焦虑与学业倦怠的关系以及特质情绪智力和领悟教师情感支持的作用。研究一选取了654名初中生进行问卷调查,探究特质情绪智力作为中间变量在考试焦虑和学业倦怠之间的作用;研究二选取了598名初中生进行问卷调查,探究领悟教师情感支持在考试焦虑与学业倦怠之间的作用。结果发现:(1)初中生考试焦虑与学业倦怠呈显著正相关;(2)特质情绪智力在初中生考试焦虑和学业倦怠之间起中介作用;(3)领悟教师情感支持在考试焦虑和学业倦怠之间起调节作用。该研究结果为有效缓解青少年学业倦怠和考试焦虑提供了参考,也为进一步探讨影响考试焦虑与学业倦怠之间的中间因素提供了思路。 展开更多
关键词 考试焦虑 学业倦怠 特质情绪智力 领悟教师情感支持
作者 林关成 曾辰熙 +1 位作者 宋琦 孔令阳 《渭南师范学院学报》 2025年第2期77-86,共10页
针对高校学生缓考与课程重修统计审核效率低和数据错误率高等问题,研究分析了学生缓考与课程重修管理系统架构,利用B/S架构和SSM框架,应用Spring Security权限控制技术,结合MySQL数据库及Java开发语言,设计了具有高效、准确管理功能的... 针对高校学生缓考与课程重修统计审核效率低和数据错误率高等问题,研究分析了学生缓考与课程重修管理系统架构,利用B/S架构和SSM框架,应用Spring Security权限控制技术,结合MySQL数据库及Java开发语言,设计了具有高效、准确管理功能的学生缓考与课程重修Web管理系统,实现了学生缓考与课程重修申请、审核、下载以及审批统计与数据分析等功能。实践测试结果表明,系统运行稳定,管理功能全面,操作简单便捷,学生缓考与课程重修的申请与审核、审批统计与数据分析等信息准确,其功能达到了预期需求,为高校学生缓考与课程重修的信息化管理提供了借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 地方高校 学生缓考与课程重修管理系统 SSM框架 B/S架构
Subtle skills: Using objective structured clinical examinations to assess gastroenterology fellow performance in system based practice milestones 被引量:1
作者 Marianna Papademetriou Gabriel Perrault +4 位作者 Max Pitman Colleen Gillespie Sondra Zabar Elizabeth Weinshel Renee Williams 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2020年第11期1221-1230,共10页
BACKGROUND System based practice(SBP) milestones require trainees to effectively navigate the larger health care system for optimal patient care. In gastroenterology training programs, the assessment of SBP is difficu... BACKGROUND System based practice(SBP) milestones require trainees to effectively navigate the larger health care system for optimal patient care. In gastroenterology training programs, the assessment of SBP is difficult due to high volume, high acuity inpatient care, as well as inconsistent direct supervision. Nevertheless,structured assessment is required for training programs. We hypothesized that objective structured clinical examination(OSCE) would be an effective tool for assessment of SBP.AIM To develop a novel method for SBP milestone assessment of gastroenterology fellows using the OSCE.METHODS For this observational study, we created 4 OSCE stations: Counseling an impaired colleague, handoff after overnight call, a feeding tube placement discussion, and giving feedback to a medical student on a progress note. Twentysix first year fellows from 7 programs participated. All fellows encountered identical case presentations. Checklists were completed by trained standardized patients who interacted with each fellow participant. A report with individual and composite scores was generated and forwarded to program directors to utilize in formative assessment. Fellows also received immediate feedback from a faculty observer and completed a post-session program evaluation survey.RESULTS Survey response rate was 100%. The average composite score across SBP milestones for all cases were 6.22(SBP1), 4.34(SBP2), 3.35(SBP3), and 6.42(SBP4)out of 9. The lowest composite score was in SBP 3, which asks fellows to advocate for cost effective care. This highest score was in patient care 2, which asks fellows to develop comprehensive management plans. Discrepancies were identified between the fellows’ perceived performance in their self-assessments and Standardized Patient checklist evaluations for each case. Eighty-seven percent of fellows agreed that OSCEs are an important component of their clinical training,and 83% stated that the cases were similar to actual clinical encounters. All participating fellows stated that the immediate feedback was "very useful." One hundred percent of the fellows stated they would incorporate OSCE learning into their clinical practice.CONCLUSION OSCEs may be used for standardized evaluation of SBP milestones. Trainees scored lower on SBP milestones than other more concrete milestones. Training programs should consider OSCEs for assessment of SBP. 展开更多
关键词 Objective structured clinical exams MEDICAL education MEDICAL error SYSTEM BASED PRACTICE MILESTONES GASTROENTEROLOGY
Novel Solution Based on Face Recognition to Address Identity Theft and Cheating in Online Examination Systems 被引量:1
作者 Ayham Fayyoumi Anis Zarrad 《Advances in Internet of Things》 2014年第2期5-12,共8页
The main objective of this research is to provide a solution for online exam systems by using face recognition to authenticate learners for attending an online exam. More importantly, the system continuously (with sho... The main objective of this research is to provide a solution for online exam systems by using face recognition to authenticate learners for attending an online exam. More importantly, the system continuously (with short time intervals), checks for learner identity during the whole exam period to ensure that the learner who started the exam is the same one who continued until the end and prevent the possibility of cheating by looking at adjacent PC or reading from an external paper. The system will issue an early warning to the learners if suspicious behavior has been noticed by the system. The proposed system has been presented to eight e-learning instructors and experts in addition to 32 students to gather feedback and to study the impact and the benefit of such system in e-learning environment. 展开更多
关键词 Online exam FACE Recognition AUTHENTICATION exam CHEATING
A Validation Pilot Study Comparing Telemedicine Images to a Face-to-Face Airway Exam for Conducting the Anesthesia Preoperative Airway Evaluation 被引量:1
作者 Kavya Reddy Kwame Awuku +5 位作者 Yash M. Shah George Tewfik Ming Xiong Evan Spivack Alex Bekker Dennis Grech 《Open Journal of Anesthesiology》 2021年第7期207-218,共12页
Telemedicine is a branch of healthcare that uses communication technology to deliver medical information and services between patients and healthcare providers. The applicability of telemedicine is vast and increasing... Telemedicine is a branch of healthcare that uses communication technology to deliver medical information and services between patients and healthcare providers. The applicability of telemedicine is vast and increasingly relevant. There is a lack of research on utilizing telemedicine for remote evaluation of the airway. The primary aim of this pilot study was to validate a telemedical airway exam as a viable alternative to an in-person evaluation. Three anesthesiologists evaluated 48 volunteers by telemedicine and live examination. The telemedical exam consisted of transmitting still images of four established, predictive parameters of difficult airways: Mallampati score;neck extension;ability to prognath;and thyromental distance. Each subject’s telemedical and face-to-face scores were compared to determine their degree of correlation. Still images were taken using standardized positioning with four pictures of mouth opening, neck extension, prognath, and thyromental distance. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests and free-marginal multirater kappa analysis. Average respective scores for live versus telemedicine examination were as follows: Mallampati scores were 1.73 versus 2.54;neck extension scores were 3.77 versus 3.60;thyromental distance (measured in finger breadths) was 2.95 versus 2.92;and prognath scores were 0.97 versus 0.94. There was no difference in grading of thyromental distance or prognathy ability between live and telemedical exams, and interrater reliability was very good for both parameters. This study supports telemedicine as a reliable tool for preoperative anesthesia airway exams to identify airway difficulties. This may be especially useful as an alternative in patients with COVID-19 undergoing urgent surgery. 展开更多
关键词 Airway exam TELEMEDICINE Preoperative exam COVID-19 Preadmission Testing
ISHD:Intelligent Standing Human Detection of Video Surveillance for the Smart Examination Environment 被引量:1
作者 Wu Song Yayuan Tang +1 位作者 Wenxue Tan Sheng Ren 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2023年第10期509-526,共18页
In the environment of smart examination rooms, it is important to quickly and accurately detect abnormal behavior(human standing) for the construction of a smart campus. Based on deep learning, we propose an intellige... In the environment of smart examination rooms, it is important to quickly and accurately detect abnormal behavior(human standing) for the construction of a smart campus. Based on deep learning, we propose an intelligentstanding human detection (ISHD) method based on an improved single shot multibox detector to detect thetarget of standing human posture in the scene frame of exam room video surveillance at a specific examinationstage. ISHD combines the MobileNet network in a single shot multibox detector network, improves the posturefeature extractor of a standing person, merges prior knowledge, and introduces transfer learning in the trainingstrategy, which greatly reduces the computation amount, improves the detection accuracy, and reduces the trainingdifficulty. The experiment proves that the model proposed in this paper has a better detection ability for the smalland medium-sized standing human body posture in video test scenes on the EMV-2 dataset. 展开更多
关键词 Deep learning object detection video surveillance of exam room smart examination environment
暴露分析模拟系统(EXAMS)及其应用 被引量:1
作者 王敏健 《国外环境科学技术》 CAS 1990年第2期1-7,共7页
关键词 examS 暴露分析 模拟系统 环境评价
On College English Final Exams Within a University
作者 刘红文 张克实 《海外英语》 2016年第21期67-69,共3页
This paper discusses the importance of a well-written college English final exam within a university at the end of each semester, the directive function of such an exam, the valuable informative feedback of the detail... This paper discusses the importance of a well-written college English final exam within a university at the end of each semester, the directive function of such an exam, the valuable informative feedback of the detailed scores, the necessity and importance of informing students of the general format of the exam and types of items as early as possible. It also deals with the importance of formative evaluation, the functions of regular scores, problems in retests that test-makers should pay attention to and the different organizations of test-makers. 展开更多
关键词 college English final exam PRINCIPLE achievement test proficiency test formative test
Speak of Student's Study and Exam
作者 王艳 《中原工学院学报》 CAS 2000年第S1期21-23,共3页
This paper briefly discusses the causes which have led to the present situation ,most of the students study only for the exam itself,regard their grades in the exam as their lifeblood ,and the attitude towards study a... This paper briefly discusses the causes which have led to the present situation ,most of the students study only for the exam itself,regard their grades in the exam as their lifeblood ,and the attitude towards study and exam at all levels of education . 展开更多
关键词 STUDY exam testsystem HOMEWORK
Predictors of Retention and Passing the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses
作者 Nancy Elkins 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2015年第3期218-225,共8页
Using Seidman’s retention formula as a theoretical foundation, this study investigated historical data from a Bachelor of Science (BSN) nursing program to determine whether the admission variables of the preprogram g... Using Seidman’s retention formula as a theoretical foundation, this study investigated historical data from a Bachelor of Science (BSN) nursing program to determine whether the admission variables of the preprogram grade point averages (GPA), American College Testing (ACT) scores, anatomy and physiology course grades, and/or the Health Education System Inc. (HESI) Exit Exam scores could predict completing the nursing program, as well as passing the NCLEX-RN. A significant relationship (p < 0.01) was identified between the preprogram GPA, ACT scores, anatomy grades, and the HESI Exit Exam scores with the completion of the BSN program and passing the NCLEX-RN. 展开更多
关键词 Attrition HESI EXIT exam NCLEX-RN exam Nursing Student RETENTION Seidman’s RETENTION Theory
Toward Developing a Syllabus-Oriented Computer-Based Question-Banks Software to Support Partially Computerized Exams
作者 Sulieman Bani-Ahmad 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2015年第5期252-268,共17页
Aims: This study aims at designing and implementing syllabus-oriented question-bank system that is capable of producing paper-based exams with multiple forms along with answer keys. The developed software tool is nam... Aims: This study aims at designing and implementing syllabus-oriented question-bank system that is capable of producing paper-based exams with multiple forms along with answer keys. The developed software tool is named Χ(Chi)-Pro Milestone and supports four types of questions, namely: Multiple-choice, True/False, Short-Answer and Free-Response Essay questions. The study is motivated by the fact that student number in schools and universities is continuously growing at high, non-linear, and uncontrolled rates. This growth, however, is not accompanied by an equivalent growth of educational resources (mainly: instructors, classrooms, and labs). A direct result of this situation is having relatively large number of students in each classroom. It is observed that providing and using online-examining systems could be intractable and expensive. As an alternative, paper-based exams can be used. One main issue is that manually produced paper-based exams are of low quality because of some human factors such as instability and relatively narrow range of topics [1]. Further, it is observed that instructors usually need to spend a lot of time and energy in composing paper-based exams with multiple forms. Therefore, the use of computers for automatic production of paper-based exams from question banks is becoming more and more important. Methodology: The design and evaluation of X-Pro Milestone are done by considering a basic set of design principles that are based on a list of identified Functional and Non-Functional Requirements. Deriving those requirements is made possible by developing X-Pro Milestone using the Iterative and Incremental model from software engineering domain. Results: We demonstrate that X-Pro Milestone has a number of excellent characteristics compared to the exam-preparation and question banks tools available in market. Some of these characteristics are: ease of use and operation, user-friendly interface and good usability, high security and protection of the question bank-items, high stability, and reliability. Further, X-Pro Milestone makes initiating, maintaining and archiving Question-Banks and produced exams possible. Putting X-Pro Milestone into real use has showed that X-Pro Milestone is easy to be learned and effectively used. We demonstrate that X-Pro Milestone is a cost-effective alternative to online examining systems with more and richer features and with low infrastructure requirements. 展开更多
关键词 exam Preparation Tools Syllabus-Oriented QUESTION Banks PARTIALLY COMPUTERIZED exams Iterative and Incremental SOFTWARE Development Model X-Pro Milestone
Mobile Based Learning and Examination: Students and Instructors Perceptions from Different Arab Countries
作者 Ayham Fayyoumi Heba Mohammad Hossam Faris 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2013年第12期662-669,共8页
The online education market is expanding both globally and locally;Arab countries are paying special attention to the growth of this sector. Reports showed that the e-learning market arrived at $27.1 billion in the ye... The online education market is expanding both globally and locally;Arab countries are paying special attention to the growth of this sector. Reports showed that the e-learning market arrived at $27.1 billion in the year 2009 and is expected to surpass $49.6 billion by the year 2014. This paper presents and surveys the perception of students and instructors regarding mobile learning and mobile examination system in some Arab countries. Many universities in the Arab world are under progress in the implementation of this new technology and many have already implemented it. Strong tools are required to improve e-learning system of education. This research supports the transition of education from conventional methods to m-learning and m-exam systems. The purpose of this research is to study the perception of both instructors and students regarding mobile learning and mobile examination systems. The introduction of such systems to the educational process requires people involved to have basic technical skills and to be aware of the benefits of such systems. Results showed different perspectives from three countries;also showed that online examination systems could be very helpful, but many factors should be considered and they should be implemented carefully to guarantee the successful adoption, fairness and reliability. 展开更多
关键词 m-Learning MOBILE Based exam System m-examination Fairness INSTRUCTORS Attitude towards m-exam STUDENTS Perception of m-exam
Compliance of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Examination Requests at the Diagnostic Center of the National Social Security Fund of Conakry
作者 Ousmane Aminata Bah Aminata Sakho +3 位作者 Alpha Abdoulaye Balde Alpha Issiaga Barry Kaba Mohamed Douty Aboubacar Toure 《Open Journal of Radiology》 2023年第1期58-66,共9页
Introduction: MRI is a rapidly growing technique with more and more indica-tions and requests in the Republic of Guinea. Its correct prescription is a guar-antee for the satisfaction of the actors, both prescribers, r... Introduction: MRI is a rapidly growing technique with more and more indica-tions and requests in the Republic of Guinea. Its correct prescription is a guar-antee for the satisfaction of the actors, both prescribers, radiologists and pa-tients. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the compliance of MRI examination requests at the Diagnostic Center of the National Social Se-curity Fund (CNSS) in Conakry. Material and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study of MRI prescription forms sent to the MRI unit of the CNSS Diagnostic Center from February 1 to May 1, 2021. The 8 compliance criteria established by the French High Authority for Health were used to evaluate the compliance of the examination requests. Results: A total of 7003 examination forms were sent to the facility, including 7% (n = 468) of MRIs. 56.2% of MRI requests were performed by specialists. We observed an overall compliance of 10%. Administrative and clinical compliance were missing in 24% and 38%, respectively. More specifically, the purpose of the examination was not mentioned in 60%, followed by the requesting department in 48.1% and the patient’s age in 35.1%. Conclusion: This study allowed us to highlight the gaps in establishing MRI requests. It would be important to organize an awareness campaign for prescribers on the usefulness of correctly filling an MRI request and to design templates to be filled out by prescribers. 展开更多
关键词 CNSS COMPLIANCE Conakry exams MRI
Factors Affecting Students’Plans to Take the CPA Examination
作者 Brian Trout Eric Blazer 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2018年第8期416-424,共9页
Enrollments in accounting programs and the demand for accounting graduates are increasing,but the number of candidates sitting for the CPA exam is decreasing.This study compares characteristics of students at a mid-si... Enrollments in accounting programs and the demand for accounting graduates are increasing,but the number of candidates sitting for the CPA exam is decreasing.This study compares characteristics of students at a mid-size regional university who plan to sit for the CPA exam with those who do not.In addition,reasons offered by students for their plans to take or not take the CPA exam are explored.The study finds that a student’s desired career path,as well as their mother’s educational level,is significantly related to their intention to sit for the exam.Career alignment or misalignments were the primary factors shaping a student’s plan to sit for the CPA exam.The proportion of students intending to sit for the CPA exam decreases with class level,and the majority of students intend to work outside of public accounting.This study will be of interest to the profession and public as the decline in CPA examination candidates coincides with a higher than average percentage of CPAs projected to retire in the next three years. 展开更多
关键词 ACCOUNTING students CPA exam ACCOUNTING students’career ASPIRATIONS CPA exam candidates
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