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Simulation of the Impacts of Single LEO Satellite Orbit Parameters on the Distribution and Number of Occultation Events
作者 XU Xiaohua LI Zhenghang LUO Jia 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2006年第1期13-17,共5页
Focusing on carrying out GPS occultation observat io ns with a receiver set on LEO satellite, this paper develops the LEO orbit simul ation system based on which the occultation events can be simulated taking into acc... Focusing on carrying out GPS occultation observat io ns with a receiver set on LEO satellite, this paper develops the LEO orbit simul ation system based on which the occultation events can be simulated taking into account the geometric relationship of the satellites and the field of view of th e receiver antenna. In this paper, the impacts of 4 types of LEO orbit parameter s including argument of latitude (AOL), right ascension of ascending node (RAAN) , orbit height and orbit inclination on the distribution and number of occultati on events observed with a single LEO satellite are discussed through simulat ion and some conclusions are drawn. 展开更多
关键词 LEO satellite GPS OCCULTATION orbit parameters
作者 黄建斌 王绍武 +4 位作者 闻新宇 周天军 朱锦红 杨保 任国玉 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2011年第2期103-112,共10页
The impact of orbital parameters on the climate of China in the Holocene is simulated from 11kaBP to 0kaBP with an interval of 1ka using National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Atmosphere Model versi... The impact of orbital parameters on the climate of China in the Holocene is simulated from 11kaBP to 0kaBP with an interval of 1ka using National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Atmosphere Model version 2 (CAM2). The geographic distributions of summer precipitation around both 9kaBP and 4kaBP were realistically captured by CAM2, compared to the proxy data collected from 80 stations. Among all orbital parameters, the precession plays a major role in computing solar radiation, which dominates the variations of summer precipitation over China during the Holocene. The summers around 9kaBP were the wettest in China. Later on, the precipitation gradually reduced to the minimum around 0kaBP by about 10%. This tremendous change occurred from the Northeast China and the eastern Inner Mongolia extending southwestwards to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, especially over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 HOLOCENE climate simulation orbital parameters climate humidity
航天器相对运动姿轨耦合特性研究 被引量:6
作者 朱战霞 马家瑨 樊瑞山 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期887-891,共5页
近距离复杂操作过程中航天器相对运动姿轨之间存在耦合,准确分析耦合特性是精准控制系统设计的前提。利用基于对偶四元数得到的航天器相对运动一体化模型,采用参数分析法研究了姿轨耦合特性。首先分析了模型中的耦合项,明确了耦合产生... 近距离复杂操作过程中航天器相对运动姿轨之间存在耦合,准确分析耦合特性是精准控制系统设计的前提。利用基于对偶四元数得到的航天器相对运动一体化模型,采用参数分析法研究了姿轨耦合特性。首先分析了模型中的耦合项,明确了耦合产生的物理成因,确定了关键耦合参数;之后逐次改变各个参数,联合一体化动力学模型进行求解,获得耦合对航天器相对运动的定量影响。结果表明,推力偏心所产生的附加力矩和重力梯度力矩是产生相对姿轨耦合的主要成因,绝对姿态运动比相对姿态运动对相对轨道的影响更加明显,形成的姿轨耦合特性更为复杂。研究结果可为相对姿轨协同控制系统设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 相对运动 姿轨耦合 对偶四元数 参数分析法 耦合性分析
一种基于引力场线性化的制导方法 被引量:3
作者 朱战霞 金伟 韩沛 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期181-186,共6页
文章针对航天器连续推力轨道机动过程中各种摄动误差的修正问题,提出了最优补偿系数的引力场线性化闭环制导方法。按照力的性质可将摄动力分为保守摄动力和非保守摄动力。通过对保守摄动力进行简化,给出了力的线性表达式,在此基础上基... 文章针对航天器连续推力轨道机动过程中各种摄动误差的修正问题,提出了最优补偿系数的引力场线性化闭环制导方法。按照力的性质可将摄动力分为保守摄动力和非保守摄动力。通过对保守摄动力进行简化,给出了力的线性表达式,在此基础上基于引力场线性化方法,将惯性系下航天器受摄运动方程转化为线性形式,推导出了以摄动引起的位置偏差为反馈量的闭环制导加速度的表达式。之后考虑非保守摄动力(也即大气阻力),通过引入补偿系数,并利用遗传算法对补偿系数进行优化,得到修正的闭环制导加速度表达式。文中所提的制导方法可用于各种空间轨道机动过程中摄动误差的修正,以交会为例进行了仿真,结果表明修正后的轨道能够很好地跟踪理想轨道,且交会精度高。 展开更多
关键词 制导律 引力场线性化 轨道机动
卫星联合定轨的参数化融合模型 被引量:2
作者 赵德勇 王正明 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期2344-2350,共7页
针对基于双星定位系统的近地卫星的多星高精度联合定轨问题,首先建立了不同轨道高度的卫星动力学的物理参数模型与基于稀疏参数表示和时间序列分析的数学模型相结合的轨道动力学高精度表示模型,然后建立了基于测量系统误差参数建模和模... 针对基于双星定位系统的近地卫星的多星高精度联合定轨问题,首先建立了不同轨道高度的卫星动力学的物理参数模型与基于稀疏参数表示和时间序列分析的数学模型相结合的轨道动力学高精度表示模型,然后建立了基于测量系统误差参数建模和模型误差非参数分量表示相结合的非线性半参数联合观测模型,在此基础上建立了联合定轨的参数化融合模型,设计了联合定轨参数化融合模型的非线性半参数联合估计算法.理论分析和仿真计算结果表明,卫星轨道动力学模型的高精度表示方法能够进一步提高动力学模型的表示精度,非线性半参数联合观测模型优化建模方法能够进一步细化观测模型,而基于此设计的参数化融合模型的联合估计算法能够使最终的卫星联合定轨精度得到较大程度的改善. 展开更多
关键词 联合定轨 参数化融合模型 稀疏参数模型 非线性半参数联合估计算法
CsCl:Cr和CsBr:Cr的光谱和g因子的理论研究 被引量:2
作者 杜懋陆 谌家军 《西南民族学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2001年第2期165-168,共4页
文用参量化轨道理论和双自旋轨道耦合系数模型计算了掺Cr3+的CsCl和CsBr晶体的光谱和顺磁 g因子 。
关键词 光谱 G因子 参量化d轨道理论 双自旋-轨道耦合系数模型 铬掺杂 氯化铯晶体 溴化铯晶体
采用虚拟引力场的太阳帆/电推进混合推力机动轨道设计 被引量:3
作者 孙冲 袁建平 +3 位作者 方群 崔尧 汪明晓 刘易斯 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期618-626,共9页
针对连续小推力轨道设计问题,提出了一种采用虚拟引力场的太阳帆-电推进混合小推力轨道设计与优化方法。首先,给出了虚拟引力场的定义,以及太阳帆/电推进混合推力模型;然后建立了基于混合推进方法设计连续小推力机动轨道设计模型;并推... 针对连续小推力轨道设计问题,提出了一种采用虚拟引力场的太阳帆-电推进混合小推力轨道设计与优化方法。首先,给出了虚拟引力场的定义,以及太阳帆/电推进混合推力模型;然后建立了基于混合推进方法设计连续小推力机动轨道设计模型;并推导了该动力学模型的解析解;其次采用四阶龙格库塔数值方法分析了该解析解的精度,提出了误差因子参数的概念,采用误差因子参数约束来保证解析解精度。最后,以地球-火星转移轨道设计的算例,求解了采用太阳帆/电推进混合推进方式实现航天器轨道机动,并将其结果与单独电推力方法进行了对比。仿真结果表明,该方法能够大大减小燃料消耗以及轨道转移任务时间;与混合连续推力间接优化方法相比,该解析方法能够很大程度上减少计算时间。 展开更多
关键词 连续小推力 太阳帆/电推进混合推进 轨道转移 轨道优化
作者 张晓勇 张莹 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2004年第4期138-140,共3页
本文描述了轨道式球阀CAD系统的结构与实现。系统采用工程数据库技术 ,把设计过程中的运动设计、结构设计及参数化计算机绘图有机地结合成一个整体 。
关键词 轨道式球阀 工程数据库 CAD 参数化
基于自适应积分的太阳同步轨道发射优化设计 被引量:1
作者 淡雪 岳晓奎 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期701-705,共5页
太阳同步轨道(Sun Synchronous Orbit,SSO)发射轨道的优化设计问题是一个具有严格内点约束和终端约束、终端时刻不确定型的最优控制问题,采用最优控制理论求解难度较大。针对此问题,首先将其转化为多重参数优化问题,然后提出一种自适应... 太阳同步轨道(Sun Synchronous Orbit,SSO)发射轨道的优化设计问题是一个具有严格内点约束和终端约束、终端时刻不确定型的最优控制问题,采用最优控制理论求解难度较大。针对此问题,首先将其转化为多重参数优化问题,然后提出一种自适应积分方法,根据高度和速度入轨条件自动确定中间转移轨道,并引入脉冲修正罚函数处理弹道倾角入轨条件,形成无约束最优化问题。借助于MATLAB集成遗传算法,实现了SSO发射轨道的优化设计。算例表明:该优化方法收敛性好,转移轨道的入轨条件能够精确满足,SSO的入轨参数只需较小的速度修正,优化结果曲线符合工程实际情况,得到了工业部门的认可。 展开更多
关键词 SSO发射轨道 优化 自适应积分 脉冲修正罚函数 遗传算法
CAS-FGOALS Datasets for the Two Interglacial Epochs of the Holocene and the Last Interglacial in PMIP4 被引量:5
作者 Weipeng ZHENG Yongqiang YU +6 位作者 Yihua LUAN Shuwen ZHAO Bian HE Li DONG Mirong SONG Pengfei LIN and Hailong LIU 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第10期1034-1044,共11页
Two versions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model(CASFGOALS),version f3-L and g3,are used to simulate the two interglacial epochs of the mid-Holocene and the Last Inter... Two versions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model(CASFGOALS),version f3-L and g3,are used to simulate the two interglacial epochs of the mid-Holocene and the Last Interglacial in phase 4 of the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project(PMIP4),which aims to study the impact of changes in orbital parameters on the Earth’s climate.Following the PMIP4 experimental protocols,four simulations for the mid-Holocene and two simulations for the Last Interglacial have been completed,and all the data,including monthly and daily outputs for the atmospheric,oceanic,land and sea-ice components,have been released on the Earth System Grid Federation(ESGF)node.These datasets contribute to PMIP4 and CMIP6(phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project)by providing the variables necessary for the two interglacial periods.In this paper,the basic information of the CAS-FGOALS models and the protocols for the two interglacials are briefly described,and the datasets are validated using proxy records.Results suggest that the CAS-FGOALS models capture the large-scale changes in the climate system in response to changes in solar insolation during the interglacial epochs,including warming in mid-to-high latitudes,changes in the hydrological cycle,the seasonal variation in the extent of sea ice,and the damping of interannual variabilities in the tropical Pacific.Meanwhile,disagreements within and between the models and the proxy data are also presented.These datasets will help the modeling and the proxy data communities with a better understanding of model performance and biases in paleoclimate simulations. 展开更多
关键词 PMIP4 CMIP6 CAS-FGOALS interglacials orbital parameters
轨道式无摩擦球阀CAD系统开发 被引量:1
作者 张晓勇 姚进 +1 位作者 丁骐 史利民 《机械设计与制造工程》 2002年第2期21-22,25,共3页
详细阐述了轨道式球阀CAD系统开发的方法与具体内容。将轨道式球阀三维参数化建模、工程图输出、数据库管理和设计计算软件有机结合 ,开发出高效实用的轨道式球阀CAD系统。
关键词 参数化建模 轨道式无摩擦球阀 CAD
Causes of Mid-Pliocene Strengthened Summer and Weakened Winter Monsoons over East Asia
作者 ZHANG Ran JIANG Dabang ZHANG Zhongshi 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1016-1026,共11页
The mid-Pliocene warm period was the most recent geological period in Earth's history that featured long-term warming. Both geological evidence and model results indicate that East Asian summer winds (EASWs) streng... The mid-Pliocene warm period was the most recent geological period in Earth's history that featured long-term warming. Both geological evidence and model results indicate that East Asian summer winds (EASWs) strengthened in monsoonal China, and that East Asian winter winds (EAWWs) weakened in northern monsoonal China during this period, as compared to the pre-industrial period. However, the corresponding mechanisms are still unclear. In this paper, the results of a set of numerical simulations are reported to analyze the effects of changed boundary conditions on the mid-Pliocene East Asian monsoon climate, based on PRISM3 (Pliocene Research Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping) palaeoenvironmental recon- struction. The model results showed that the combined changes of sea surface temperatures, atmospheric CO2 concentration, and ice sheet extent were necessary to generate an overall warm climate on a large scale, and that these factors exerted the greatest effects on the strengthening of EASWs in monsoonal China. The orographic change produced significant local warming and had the greatest effect on the weakening of EAWWs in northern monsoonal China in the mid-Pliocene. Thus, these two factors both had important but different effects on the monsoon change. In comparison, the effects of vegetational change on the strengthened EASWs and weakened EAWWs were relatively weak. The changed monsoon winds can be ex- plained by a reorganization of the meridional temperature gradient and zonal thermal contrast. Moreover, the effect of orbital parameters cannot be ignored. Results showed that changes in orbital parameters could have marked!y affected the EASWs and EAWWs, and caused significant short-term oscillations in the mid-Pliocene monsoon climate in East Asia. 展开更多
关键词 mid-Pliocene East Asian monsoon orographic change orbital parameters
Visual LISP在机构运动分析中的应用
作者 王瑞芳 《机械与电子》 2006年第5期61-63,共3页
以铰链四杆机构的运动学分析系统为例,以Visual LISP为开发语言,实现了机构简图的参数化设计,机构运动曲线的生成,机构上点的运动轨迹的绘制,以及机构的运动仿真。
关键词 机构运动学分析 Visual LISP 四杆机构 参数化 点轨迹 运动仿真
作者 程然 韩文标 +4 位作者 冯初刚 张会彦 赵罡 陈艳玲 武子谦 《中国科学院上海天文台年刊》 2016年第1期73-86,共14页
介绍了在广义相对论框架下建立的微米级卫星激光测距时延模型。为考察新模型对于参数化后牛顿系数β和γ解算精度的影响,将该模型用于定轨软件Utopia对Ajisai,Lageos1,Lageos2,Etalon1四颗卫星的模拟观测资料进行批处理,并假设大... 介绍了在广义相对论框架下建立的微米级卫星激光测距时延模型。为考察新模型对于参数化后牛顿系数β和γ解算精度的影响,将该模型用于定轨软件Utopia对Ajisai,Lageos1,Lageos2,Etalon1四颗卫星的模拟观测资料进行批处理,并假设大气、固体潮等观测模型的效应以及动力学模型的误差已精确扣除。结果表明,在当前的仿真条件下采用微米级时延模型解算的参数化后牛顿系数解算精度比采用现有的标准时延模型的解算精度高2个量级。 展开更多
关键词 卫星激光测距 引力时延 参数化后牛顿系数 精密定轨
MM5 Simulations of the China Regional Climate During the LGM.Ⅰ:Influence of CO_2 and Earth Orbit Change 被引量:3
作者 刘煜 何金海 +1 位作者 李维亮 陈隆勋 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 2008年第1期8-21,共14页
Using a regional climate model MM5 nested to an atmospheric global climate model CCM3, a series of simulations and sensitivity experiments have been performed to investigate the relative Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) c... Using a regional climate model MM5 nested to an atmospheric global climate model CCM3, a series of simulations and sensitivity experiments have been performed to investigate the relative Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) climate response to different mechanisms over China. Model simulations of the present day (PD) climate and the LGM climate change are in good agreement with the observation data and geological records, especially in the simulation of precipitation change. Under the PD and LGM climate, changes of earth orbital parameters have a small influence on the annual mean temperature over China. However, the magnitude of the effect shows a seasonal pattern, with a significant response in winter. Thus, this influence cannot be neglected. During the LGM, CO2 concentration reached its lowest point to 200 ppmv. This results in a temperature decrease over China. The influences of CO2 concentration on climate show seasonal and regional patterns as well, with a significant influence in winter. On the contrary, CO2 concentration has less impact in summer season. In some cases, temperature even increases with decreasing in CO2 concentration. This temperature increase is the outcome of decrease in cloud amount; hence increase the solar radiation that reached the earth's surface. This result suggests that cloud amount plays a very important role in climate change and could direct the response patterns of some climate variables such as temperature during certain periods and over certain regions. In the Tibetan Plateau, the temperature responses to changes of the above two factors are generally weaker than those in other regions because the cloud amount in this area is generally more than in the other areas. Relative to the current climate, changes in orbital parameters have less impact on the LGM climate than changes in CO2 concentration. However, both factors have rather less contributions to the climate change in the LGM. About 3%-10% changes in the annual mean temperature are contributed by CO2. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 earth orbital parameters Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) China climate
MM5 Simulations of the China Regional Climate During the Mid-Holocene 被引量:1
作者 刘煜 何金海 +3 位作者 李维亮 陈隆勋 李薇 张博 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 2010年第4期468-483,共16页
Using a regional climate model MM5 nested with an atmospheric global climate model CCM3, a series of simulations and sensitivity experiments have been performed to investigate responses of the mid-Holocene climate to ... Using a regional climate model MM5 nested with an atmospheric global climate model CCM3, a series of simulations and sensitivity experiments have been performed to investigate responses of the mid-Holocene climate to different factors over China. Model simulations of the mid-Holocene climate change, especially the precipitation change, are in good agreement with the geologic records. Model results show that relative to the present day (PD) climate, the temperature over China increased in the mid-Holocene, and the increase in summer is more than that in winter. The summer monsoon strengthened over the eastern China north of 30°N, and the winter monsoon weakened over the whole eastern China; the precipitation increased over the west part of China, North China, and Northeast China, and decreased over the south part of China. The sensitive experiments indicate that changes in the global climate (large-scale circulation background), vegetation, earth orbital parameter, and CO2 concentration led to the mid-Holocene climate change relative to the PD climate, and changes in precipitation, temperature and wind fields were mainly affected by change of the large-scale circulation background, especially with its effect on precipitation exceeding 50%. Changes in vegetation resulted in increasing of temperature in both winter and summer over China, especially over eastern China; furthermore, its effect on precipitation in North China accounts for 25% of the total change. Change in the orbital parameter produced the larger seasonal variation of solar radiation in the mid-Holocene than the PD, which resulted in declining of temperature in winter and increasing in summer; and also had an important effect on precipitation with an effect equivalent to vegetation in Northeast China and North China. During the mid-Holocene, CO2 content was only 280×10^-6, which reduced temperature in a very small magnitude. Therefore, factors affecting the mid-Holocene climate change over China from strong to weak are large-scale circulation pattern, vegetation, earth orbital parameter, and CO2 concentration. 展开更多
关键词 MID-HOLOCENE China earth orbital parameter VEGETATION large-scale circulation background field
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