In order to alleviate the shortage of natural gas supply in winter,relevant policies have been issued to promote the construction of gas peak-shaving and storage facilities.Largescale gas storage can transfer the supp...In order to alleviate the shortage of natural gas supply in winter,relevant policies have been issued to promote the construction of gas peak-shaving and storage facilities.Largescale gas storage can transfer the supply-demand relationship of natural gas in time sequence,which has great potential in improving the economy and reliabillity of urban multi-energy flow systems.Addressing this issue,this paper proposes a mid-and long-term energy optimization method for urban multi-energy flow system that considers seasonal peak shaving of natural gas.First,the energy supply and demand features of different energy subsystems are analyzed.Then,a network model of the electricity-gas-heat multi-energy flow system is established.Considering the time-of-use electricity price mechanism and the seasonal fluctuations of the natural gas price,a mid-and long-term energy optimization model maximizing the annual economic revenue is established.The alternative direction multiplier method with Gaussian back substitution(ADMM-GBS)algorithm is used to solve the optimal dispatch model.Finally,the proposed method is verified by employing the actual data of the demonstration zone in Yangzhong City,China.The simulation results show that the proposed method is effective.展开更多
文摘【目的】在“双碳”目标背景下,解决高风电渗透率系统建设带来的调峰安全性和经济性问题。【方法】采用电池储能系统削峰填谷的解决方案,提出了一种兼顾技术及经济性的锌溴液流电池(zinc-bromine flow battery,ZBB)储能的调峰优化控制方法。根据实际电池装置,对ZBB储能进行结构解析及数学模型构建。考虑调峰技术性效果,以调峰后的负荷曲线标准差最小为目标函数,提出一种考虑调峰效果的储能双向寻优控制策略。在此基础上,依据电网分时(time of use,TOU)电价政策,以技术性及经济性最优为目标函数,提出一种基于TOU电价机制的储能调峰经济模型,得出储能优化功率时序结果。最后,以东北某地区负荷及风电数据为例,对比验证所提策略的有效性。【结果】所提策略相较于原负荷,在日均负荷峰谷差、峰谷差率指标上分别降低了35.973%和34.205%,在调峰经济性优化方面提高了5.582%,且合并缓解了电网弃风消纳问题。【结论】所提策略在达到一定调峰效果的同时,在其全寿命周期内仍保持较好的调峰经济性。
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2018YFB0905000)Science and Technology Project of State Grid Corporation of China(SGTJDK00DWJS1800232).
文摘In order to alleviate the shortage of natural gas supply in winter,relevant policies have been issued to promote the construction of gas peak-shaving and storage facilities.Largescale gas storage can transfer the supply-demand relationship of natural gas in time sequence,which has great potential in improving the economy and reliabillity of urban multi-energy flow systems.Addressing this issue,this paper proposes a mid-and long-term energy optimization method for urban multi-energy flow system that considers seasonal peak shaving of natural gas.First,the energy supply and demand features of different energy subsystems are analyzed.Then,a network model of the electricity-gas-heat multi-energy flow system is established.Considering the time-of-use electricity price mechanism and the seasonal fluctuations of the natural gas price,a mid-and long-term energy optimization model maximizing the annual economic revenue is established.The alternative direction multiplier method with Gaussian back substitution(ADMM-GBS)algorithm is used to solve the optimal dispatch model.Finally,the proposed method is verified by employing the actual data of the demonstration zone in Yangzhong City,China.The simulation results show that the proposed method is effective.