The xingkai Lake pine(Pinus lakahasii Nakai) gall rust caused by Cronartiumquereuum(Berk.)Miyabe:Shirai is a serious stem rust in the northeast region of China.The alternatehost is oak (Quercus mongolica Fisch).Germin...The xingkai Lake pine(Pinus lakahasii Nakai) gall rust caused by Cronartiumquereuum(Berk.)Miyabe:Shirai is a serious stem rust in the northeast region of China.The alternatehost is oak (Quercus mongolica Fisch).Germination of both acciospores and urediospores wasoptimal at 12℃ and occurred over a range of temperatures,from 4℃ to 32℃.Teliosperes germinatedoptimally at 16--18℃ and over a range of 8--28℃.All spores germinated best under natural light anddark conditions.Direct light inhibited germination eren when followed by darkness.The incubauonperiods of urediospores and teliospores in inoculation experiments were 6--16 days and 3--33daysrespectively. Anatomical studies of Cribartium quercuum galls showed that rust hyphae freely ramify throughthe intereellular spaces within parenchymatous lissues of the cortex,phloem,cambium,and xylemHyphac are perennial;largc haustoria are cylindrical with rounded or blunt ends. Among the 12 fungieides tested for control the rust,pine-tar,pine-tar;diesel oil(1:1。展开更多
文摘The xingkai Lake pine(Pinus lakahasii Nakai) gall rust caused by Cronartiumquereuum(Berk.)Miyabe:Shirai is a serious stem rust in the northeast region of China.The alternatehost is oak (Quercus mongolica Fisch).Germination of both acciospores and urediospores wasoptimal at 12℃ and occurred over a range of temperatures,from 4℃ to 32℃.Teliosperes germinatedoptimally at 16--18℃ and over a range of 8--28℃.All spores germinated best under natural light anddark conditions.Direct light inhibited germination eren when followed by darkness.The incubauonperiods of urediospores and teliospores in inoculation experiments were 6--16 days and 3--33daysrespectively. Anatomical studies of Cribartium quercuum galls showed that rust hyphae freely ramify throughthe intereellular spaces within parenchymatous lissues of the cortex,phloem,cambium,and xylemHyphac are perennial;largc haustoria are cylindrical with rounded or blunt ends. Among the 12 fungieides tested for control the rust,pine-tar,pine-tar;diesel oil(1:1。