We demonstrate how to extract the Planck length from hydrostatic pressure without relying on any knowledge of Newton’s gravitational constant, G. By measuring the pressure from a water column, we can determine the Pl...We demonstrate how to extract the Planck length from hydrostatic pressure without relying on any knowledge of Newton’s gravitational constant, G. By measuring the pressure from a water column, we can determine the Planck length without requiring knowledge of either G or the Planck constant. This experiment is simple to perform and cost-effective, making it not only of interest to researchers studying gravity but also suitable for low-budget educational settings. Despite its simplicity, this has never been demonstrated to be possible before, and it is achievable due to new theoretical insights into gravity and its connection to quantum gravity and the Planck scale. This provides new insights into fluid mechanics and the Planck scale. We are also exploring initial concepts related to what we are calling “Planck fluid”, which could potentially play a central role in quantum gravity and quantum fluid mechanics.展开更多
When initial radius R<sub>initial</sub> →0 if Stoica actually presents Einstein equations in a formalism which remove the big bang singularity pathology, then the reason for Planck length no longer holds....When initial radius R<sub>initial</sub> →0 if Stoica actually presents Einstein equations in a formalism which remove the big bang singularity pathology, then the reason for Planck length no longer holds. We present entanglement entropy in the early universe with a shrinking scale factor, due to Muller and Lousto, and show that there are consequences due to initial entangled S<sub>Entropy</sub> = 0.3r<sup>2</sup><sub>h</sub>/a<sup>2 </sup>for a time dependent horizon radius r<sub>H</sub> = in cosmology, with (flat space conditions) for conformal time. Even if the 3 dimensional spatial length goes to zero, this construction preserves a minimum non-zero L vacuum energy, and in doing so keep the bits, for computational bits cosmological evolution even if Rinitial</sub> →0 . We state that the presence of computational bits is necessary for cosmological evolution to commence.展开更多
In relativity and quantum field theory, the vacuum speed of light is assumed to be constant;the range of validity of general relativity is determined by the Planck length. However, there has been no convincing theory ...In relativity and quantum field theory, the vacuum speed of light is assumed to be constant;the range of validity of general relativity is determined by the Planck length. However, there has been no convincing theory explaining the constancy of the light speed. In this paper, we assume a five dimensional spacetime with three spatial dimensions and two local time coordinates giving us a hint about the constancy of the speed of light. By decomposing the five dimensional spacetime vector into four-dimensional vectors for each time dimension and by minimizing the resulting action, for a certain class of additional time dimensions, we observe the existence of a minimal length scale, which we identify as the Planck scale. We derive an expression for the speed of light as a function of space and time and observe the constancy of the vacuum speed of light in the observable universe.展开更多
Newton already mentioned indivisible time in Principia. In 1899, Max Planck derived a unique time period from three universal constants: G, c, and ħ, and today this is known as the Planck time. The Planck time is of t...Newton already mentioned indivisible time in Principia. In 1899, Max Planck derived a unique time period from three universal constants: G, c, and ħ, and today this is known as the Planck time. The Planck time is of the order of about 10<sup>−44</sup> seconds while the best atomic clocks are down to 10<sup>−19</sup> seconds. An approach has recently been outlined that puts an upper limit on the quantization of time to 10<sup>−33</sup> seconds;this is, however, still far away from the Planck time. We demonstrate that the Planck time can easily be measured without any knowledge of any other physical constants. This is remarkable as this means we have demonstrated that the Planck time and therefore the Planck scale is real and detectable. It has taken more than 100 years to understand this. The reason for the breakthrough in Planck scale physics in recent years comes from understanding that G is a composite constant and that the true matter wavelength is the Compton wavelength rather than the de Broglie wavelength. When this is understood, the mysteries of the Planck scale can be uncovered. In this paper, we also demonstrate how to measure the number of Planck events in a gravitational mass without relying on any constants. This directly relates to a new and simple method for quantizing general relativity theory that we also will shortly discuss.展开更多
Haug has recently introduced a new theory of unified quantum gravity coined “<em>Collision Space-Time</em>”. From this new and deeper understanding of mass, we can also understand how a grandfather pendu...Haug has recently introduced a new theory of unified quantum gravity coined “<em>Collision Space-Time</em>”. From this new and deeper understanding of mass, we can also understand how a grandfather pendulum clock can be used to measure the world’s shortest time interval, namely the Planck time, indirectly, without any knowledge of G. Therefore, such a clock can also be used to measure the diameter of an indivisible particle indirectly. Further, such a clock can easily measure the Schwarzschild radius of the gravity object and what we will call “Schwarzschild time”. These facts basically prove that the Newton gravitational constant is not needed to find the Planck length or the Planck time;it is also not needed to find the Schwarzschild radius. Unfortunately, there is significant inertia towards new ideas that could significantly alter our perspective on the fundamentals in the current physics establishment. However, this situation is not new in the history of science. Still, the idea that the Planck time can be measured totally independently of any knowledge of Newton’s gravitational constant could be very important for moving forward in physics. Interestingly, an old instrument that today is often thought of as primitive instrument can measure the world’s shortest possible time interval. No atomic clock or optical clock is even close to be able to do this.展开更多
In this paper we rewrite the gravitational constant based on its relationship with the Planck length and based on this, we rewrite the Planck mass in a slightly different form (that gives exactly the same value). In t...In this paper we rewrite the gravitational constant based on its relationship with the Planck length and based on this, we rewrite the Planck mass in a slightly different form (that gives exactly the same value). In this way we are able to quantize a series of end results in Newton and Einstein’s gravitation theories. The formulas will still give exactly the same values as before, but everything related to gravity will then come in quanta. This also gives some new insight;for example, the gravitational deflection of light can be written as only a function of the radius and the Planck length. Numerically this only has implications at the quantum scale;for macro objects the discrete steps are so tiny that they are close to impossible to notice. Hopefully this can give additional insight into how well or not so well (ad hoc) quantized Newton and Einstein’s gravitation is potentially linked with the quantum world.展开更多
Here we derive Newton’s and Einstein’s gravitational results for any mass less than or equal to a Planck mass. All of the new formulas presented in this paper give the same numerical output as the traditional formul...Here we derive Newton’s and Einstein’s gravitational results for any mass less than or equal to a Planck mass. All of the new formulas presented in this paper give the same numerical output as the traditional formulas. However, they have been rewritten in a way that gives a new perspective on the formulas when working with gravity at the level of the subatomic world. To rewrite the well-known formulas in this way could make it easier to understand the strengths and weaknesses in Newton’s and Einstein’s gravitation formulas at the subatomic scale, potentially opening them up for new important interpretations and extensions. For example, we suggest that the speed of gravity equal to that of light is actually embedded and hidden inside of Newton’s gravitational formula.展开更多
Newton did not invent or use the so-called Newton’s gravitational constant G. Newton’s original gravity formula was and not . In this paper, we will show how a series of major gravity phenomena can be calculated and...Newton did not invent or use the so-called Newton’s gravitational constant G. Newton’s original gravity formula was and not . In this paper, we will show how a series of major gravity phenomena can be calculated and predicted without the gravitational constant. This is, to some degree, well known, at least for those that have studied a significant amount of the older literature on gravity. However, to understand gravity at a deeper level, still without G, one needs to trust Newton’s formula. It is when we first combine Newton’s assumptionn, that matter and light ultimately consist of hard indivisible particles, with new insight in atomism that we can truly begin to understand gravity at a deeper level. This leads to a quantum gravity theory that is unified with quantum mechanics and in which there is no need for G and not even a need for the Planck constant. We claim that two mistakes have been made in physics, which have held back progress towards a unified quantum gravity theory. First, it has been common practice to consider Newton’s gravitational constant as almost holy and untouchable. Thus, we have neglected to see an important aspect of mass;namely, the indivisible particle that Newton also held in high regard. Second, standard physics have built their quantum mechanics around the de Broglie wavelength, rather than the Compton wavelength. We claim the de Broglie wavelength is merely a mathematical derivative of the Compton wavelength, the true matter wavelength.展开更多
The Newton gravitational constant is considered a cornerstone of modern gravity theory. Newton did not invent or use the gravity constant;it was invented in 1873, about the same time as it became standard to use the k...The Newton gravitational constant is considered a cornerstone of modern gravity theory. Newton did not invent or use the gravity constant;it was invented in 1873, about the same time as it became standard to use the kilogram mass definition. We will claim that G is just a term needed to correct the incomplete kilogram definition so to be able to make gravity predictions. But there is another way;namely, to directly use a more complete mass definition, something that in recent years has been introduced as collision-time and a corresponding energy called collision-length. The collision-length is quantum gravitational energy. We will clearly demonstrate that by working with mass and energy based on these new concepts, rather than kilogram and the gravitational constant, one can significantly reduce the uncertainty in most gravity predictions.展开更多
For the last hundred years, the existence and the value of the cosmological constant Λ has been a great enigma. So far, any theoretical model has failed to predict the value of Λ by several orders of magnitude. We h...For the last hundred years, the existence and the value of the cosmological constant Λ has been a great enigma. So far, any theoretical model has failed to predict the value of Λ by several orders of magnitude. We here offer a solution to the cosmological constant problem by extending the Einstein-Friedmann equations by one additional time dimension. Solving these equations, we find that the Universe is flat on a global scale and that the cosmological constant lies between 10<sup>-90</sup> m<sup>-2</sup> and 10<sup>-51</sup> m<sup>-2</sup> which is in range observed by experiments. It also proposes a mean to explain the Planck length and to mitigate the singularity at the Big Bang.展开更多
There has been protracted historical evidence of a relative paucity in the distribution frequency of global earthquakes within the M = 3.5 to 4.0 range. We observed a similar phenomenon for all recently recorded earth...There has been protracted historical evidence of a relative paucity in the distribution frequency of global earthquakes within the M = 3.5 to 4.0 range. We observed a similar phenomenon for all recently recorded earthquakes from January 2009 through August 2013. Frequency distributions with increments of M = 0.1 verified the trough of the diminished incidence to be between M = 3.6 and 3.7 with an abrupt increase between M = 3.9 and 4.0. The calculated equivalent photon wavelength for the energies associated with M = 3.6 approaches Planck’s Length while the related time increment is the cutoff frequency for the Zero Point Fluctuation force coupled to gravity. The conspicuous congruence between Planck’s time and length and the lower than expected frequency based upon Gaussian assumptions of distribution for the discrete band of energy associated with this magnitude range of earthquakes suggests a conduit may exist between intrinsic features of Planck space-time and geophysical processes. The existence of such a connection would encourage alternative explanations for sun-seismic activities as due to solar instabilities. Instead, it may reflect influence upon both from alterations in the structure of space being traversed by the solar system as it moves through the galaxy.展开更多
Loop quantum gravity is considered to be one of the two major candidates for a theory of quantum gravity. The most appealing aspect about this theory is it predicts that spacetime is not continuous;both space and time...Loop quantum gravity is considered to be one of the two major candidates for a theory of quantum gravity. The most appealing aspect about this theory is it predicts that spacetime is not continuous;both space and time have a discrete nature. Simply, space is not infinitely divisible, but it has a granular structure, and time does not flow continuously like a smooth river. This paper demonstrates a review for two missed (unnoted) observations that support the discreteness of the spacetime. The content of this paper does not validate the specific model of quantized geometry of the spacetime which is predicted by the theory itself. Instead, it proves that time does not flow continuously. But it flows in certain, discrete steps, like a ticking of a clock, due to a simple observation which is absence of any possible value of time that can exist between the present and the future. Regarding space, it validates the spatial discreteness, and the existence of spatial granules (space quanta) due to a simple observation which is the existence of the origin position in a coordinates system. All of this is achieved by reviewing the concept of discreteness itself, and applied directly to the observations.展开更多
We extemporaneously summarize the theoretical scheme we have introduced recently in this note to account for the (hidden) functioning of the System of the World at the quantum level. We further explore the relevance, ...We extemporaneously summarize the theoretical scheme we have introduced recently in this note to account for the (hidden) functioning of the System of the World at the quantum level. We further explore the relevance, the pertinence and the potential validity of this scheme. We obtain new fundamental results, bearing notably on the nature and the origin of the “virtual particles” conventionally called upon in quantum field theories to explain the Casimir Effect. We define the concept of quantum meteorites in this context. We disable the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, judged to be a (mis) interpretation of otherwise legitimate observations, and we replace it with our new XQP Absolute Certainty Principle.展开更多
文摘We demonstrate how to extract the Planck length from hydrostatic pressure without relying on any knowledge of Newton’s gravitational constant, G. By measuring the pressure from a water column, we can determine the Planck length without requiring knowledge of either G or the Planck constant. This experiment is simple to perform and cost-effective, making it not only of interest to researchers studying gravity but also suitable for low-budget educational settings. Despite its simplicity, this has never been demonstrated to be possible before, and it is achievable due to new theoretical insights into gravity and its connection to quantum gravity and the Planck scale. This provides new insights into fluid mechanics and the Planck scale. We are also exploring initial concepts related to what we are calling “Planck fluid”, which could potentially play a central role in quantum gravity and quantum fluid mechanics.
文摘When initial radius R<sub>initial</sub> →0 if Stoica actually presents Einstein equations in a formalism which remove the big bang singularity pathology, then the reason for Planck length no longer holds. We present entanglement entropy in the early universe with a shrinking scale factor, due to Muller and Lousto, and show that there are consequences due to initial entangled S<sub>Entropy</sub> = 0.3r<sup>2</sup><sub>h</sub>/a<sup>2 </sup>for a time dependent horizon radius r<sub>H</sub> = in cosmology, with (flat space conditions) for conformal time. Even if the 3 dimensional spatial length goes to zero, this construction preserves a minimum non-zero L vacuum energy, and in doing so keep the bits, for computational bits cosmological evolution even if Rinitial</sub> →0 . We state that the presence of computational bits is necessary for cosmological evolution to commence.
基金partly funded by the Marie Curie Actions of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme(FP7/2007-2013)under REA grant agreement no 609405(COFUNDPostdocDTU).
文摘In relativity and quantum field theory, the vacuum speed of light is assumed to be constant;the range of validity of general relativity is determined by the Planck length. However, there has been no convincing theory explaining the constancy of the light speed. In this paper, we assume a five dimensional spacetime with three spatial dimensions and two local time coordinates giving us a hint about the constancy of the speed of light. By decomposing the five dimensional spacetime vector into four-dimensional vectors for each time dimension and by minimizing the resulting action, for a certain class of additional time dimensions, we observe the existence of a minimal length scale, which we identify as the Planck scale. We derive an expression for the speed of light as a function of space and time and observe the constancy of the vacuum speed of light in the observable universe.
文摘Newton already mentioned indivisible time in Principia. In 1899, Max Planck derived a unique time period from three universal constants: G, c, and ħ, and today this is known as the Planck time. The Planck time is of the order of about 10<sup>−44</sup> seconds while the best atomic clocks are down to 10<sup>−19</sup> seconds. An approach has recently been outlined that puts an upper limit on the quantization of time to 10<sup>−33</sup> seconds;this is, however, still far away from the Planck time. We demonstrate that the Planck time can easily be measured without any knowledge of any other physical constants. This is remarkable as this means we have demonstrated that the Planck time and therefore the Planck scale is real and detectable. It has taken more than 100 years to understand this. The reason for the breakthrough in Planck scale physics in recent years comes from understanding that G is a composite constant and that the true matter wavelength is the Compton wavelength rather than the de Broglie wavelength. When this is understood, the mysteries of the Planck scale can be uncovered. In this paper, we also demonstrate how to measure the number of Planck events in a gravitational mass without relying on any constants. This directly relates to a new and simple method for quantizing general relativity theory that we also will shortly discuss.
文摘Haug has recently introduced a new theory of unified quantum gravity coined “<em>Collision Space-Time</em>”. From this new and deeper understanding of mass, we can also understand how a grandfather pendulum clock can be used to measure the world’s shortest time interval, namely the Planck time, indirectly, without any knowledge of G. Therefore, such a clock can also be used to measure the diameter of an indivisible particle indirectly. Further, such a clock can easily measure the Schwarzschild radius of the gravity object and what we will call “Schwarzschild time”. These facts basically prove that the Newton gravitational constant is not needed to find the Planck length or the Planck time;it is also not needed to find the Schwarzschild radius. Unfortunately, there is significant inertia towards new ideas that could significantly alter our perspective on the fundamentals in the current physics establishment. However, this situation is not new in the history of science. Still, the idea that the Planck time can be measured totally independently of any knowledge of Newton’s gravitational constant could be very important for moving forward in physics. Interestingly, an old instrument that today is often thought of as primitive instrument can measure the world’s shortest possible time interval. No atomic clock or optical clock is even close to be able to do this.
文摘In this paper we rewrite the gravitational constant based on its relationship with the Planck length and based on this, we rewrite the Planck mass in a slightly different form (that gives exactly the same value). In this way we are able to quantize a series of end results in Newton and Einstein’s gravitation theories. The formulas will still give exactly the same values as before, but everything related to gravity will then come in quanta. This also gives some new insight;for example, the gravitational deflection of light can be written as only a function of the radius and the Planck length. Numerically this only has implications at the quantum scale;for macro objects the discrete steps are so tiny that they are close to impossible to notice. Hopefully this can give additional insight into how well or not so well (ad hoc) quantized Newton and Einstein’s gravitation is potentially linked with the quantum world.
文摘Here we derive Newton’s and Einstein’s gravitational results for any mass less than or equal to a Planck mass. All of the new formulas presented in this paper give the same numerical output as the traditional formulas. However, they have been rewritten in a way that gives a new perspective on the formulas when working with gravity at the level of the subatomic world. To rewrite the well-known formulas in this way could make it easier to understand the strengths and weaknesses in Newton’s and Einstein’s gravitation formulas at the subatomic scale, potentially opening them up for new important interpretations and extensions. For example, we suggest that the speed of gravity equal to that of light is actually embedded and hidden inside of Newton’s gravitational formula.
文摘Newton did not invent or use the so-called Newton’s gravitational constant G. Newton’s original gravity formula was and not . In this paper, we will show how a series of major gravity phenomena can be calculated and predicted without the gravitational constant. This is, to some degree, well known, at least for those that have studied a significant amount of the older literature on gravity. However, to understand gravity at a deeper level, still without G, one needs to trust Newton’s formula. It is when we first combine Newton’s assumptionn, that matter and light ultimately consist of hard indivisible particles, with new insight in atomism that we can truly begin to understand gravity at a deeper level. This leads to a quantum gravity theory that is unified with quantum mechanics and in which there is no need for G and not even a need for the Planck constant. We claim that two mistakes have been made in physics, which have held back progress towards a unified quantum gravity theory. First, it has been common practice to consider Newton’s gravitational constant as almost holy and untouchable. Thus, we have neglected to see an important aspect of mass;namely, the indivisible particle that Newton also held in high regard. Second, standard physics have built their quantum mechanics around the de Broglie wavelength, rather than the Compton wavelength. We claim the de Broglie wavelength is merely a mathematical derivative of the Compton wavelength, the true matter wavelength.
文摘The Newton gravitational constant is considered a cornerstone of modern gravity theory. Newton did not invent or use the gravity constant;it was invented in 1873, about the same time as it became standard to use the kilogram mass definition. We will claim that G is just a term needed to correct the incomplete kilogram definition so to be able to make gravity predictions. But there is another way;namely, to directly use a more complete mass definition, something that in recent years has been introduced as collision-time and a corresponding energy called collision-length. The collision-length is quantum gravitational energy. We will clearly demonstrate that by working with mass and energy based on these new concepts, rather than kilogram and the gravitational constant, one can significantly reduce the uncertainty in most gravity predictions.
文摘For the last hundred years, the existence and the value of the cosmological constant Λ has been a great enigma. So far, any theoretical model has failed to predict the value of Λ by several orders of magnitude. We here offer a solution to the cosmological constant problem by extending the Einstein-Friedmann equations by one additional time dimension. Solving these equations, we find that the Universe is flat on a global scale and that the cosmological constant lies between 10<sup>-90</sup> m<sup>-2</sup> and 10<sup>-51</sup> m<sup>-2</sup> which is in range observed by experiments. It also proposes a mean to explain the Planck length and to mitigate the singularity at the Big Bang.
文摘There has been protracted historical evidence of a relative paucity in the distribution frequency of global earthquakes within the M = 3.5 to 4.0 range. We observed a similar phenomenon for all recently recorded earthquakes from January 2009 through August 2013. Frequency distributions with increments of M = 0.1 verified the trough of the diminished incidence to be between M = 3.6 and 3.7 with an abrupt increase between M = 3.9 and 4.0. The calculated equivalent photon wavelength for the energies associated with M = 3.6 approaches Planck’s Length while the related time increment is the cutoff frequency for the Zero Point Fluctuation force coupled to gravity. The conspicuous congruence between Planck’s time and length and the lower than expected frequency based upon Gaussian assumptions of distribution for the discrete band of energy associated with this magnitude range of earthquakes suggests a conduit may exist between intrinsic features of Planck space-time and geophysical processes. The existence of such a connection would encourage alternative explanations for sun-seismic activities as due to solar instabilities. Instead, it may reflect influence upon both from alterations in the structure of space being traversed by the solar system as it moves through the galaxy.
文摘Loop quantum gravity is considered to be one of the two major candidates for a theory of quantum gravity. The most appealing aspect about this theory is it predicts that spacetime is not continuous;both space and time have a discrete nature. Simply, space is not infinitely divisible, but it has a granular structure, and time does not flow continuously like a smooth river. This paper demonstrates a review for two missed (unnoted) observations that support the discreteness of the spacetime. The content of this paper does not validate the specific model of quantized geometry of the spacetime which is predicted by the theory itself. Instead, it proves that time does not flow continuously. But it flows in certain, discrete steps, like a ticking of a clock, due to a simple observation which is absence of any possible value of time that can exist between the present and the future. Regarding space, it validates the spatial discreteness, and the existence of spatial granules (space quanta) due to a simple observation which is the existence of the origin position in a coordinates system. All of this is achieved by reviewing the concept of discreteness itself, and applied directly to the observations.
文摘We extemporaneously summarize the theoretical scheme we have introduced recently in this note to account for the (hidden) functioning of the System of the World at the quantum level. We further explore the relevance, the pertinence and the potential validity of this scheme. We obtain new fundamental results, bearing notably on the nature and the origin of the “virtual particles” conventionally called upon in quantum field theories to explain the Casimir Effect. We define the concept of quantum meteorites in this context. We disable the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, judged to be a (mis) interpretation of otherwise legitimate observations, and we replace it with our new XQP Absolute Certainty Principle.