Salt stress is one of the worldwide abiotic stresses resulting in growth re- duction, chlorosis, wilting, and plant death. These exhibitions might result from men- tal toxicity and osmotic stress induced by salt. The ...Salt stress is one of the worldwide abiotic stresses resulting in growth re- duction, chlorosis, wilting, and plant death. These exhibitions might result from men- tal toxicity and osmotic stress induced by salt. The two aspects of stress would af- fect vital metabolic pathways, reactive oxygen species scavenging system, lipid per- oxidation and photosynthetic apparatus. Thus, exploring ways to improve crop pro- ductivity or alleviate harmful effects under salt is one of the major areas of concern. Polyamines are aliphatic nitrogen organic cations which are implicated in a wide range of plant physiological processes such as morphogenesis, flower differentiation and initiation, they also play a role in biotic or abiotic stress responses. At the physiological level, polyamines modify the activities of many enzymes included in salt stress response and can bond to photosynthetic apparatus, thus changing the photosynthetic efficiency. At molecular level, polyamines can modify expressions of the polyamine-related genes directly or indirectly. Significant researches had been done to understand the effects of polyamines on plant salt resistance, but several questions still need to be answered. The present review is focused specifically on the effects of polyamines on physiological and molecular changes in plants under salt stress.展开更多
The paper compared the differences between above ground and underground biomass of four types of plants.The heavy metals(Cu,Zn,Cd,Cr,Pb,As,Hg)and nutrients(TN,TP)content in tissues of four maturity plants were detecte...The paper compared the differences between above ground and underground biomass of four types of plants.The heavy metals(Cu,Zn,Cd,Cr,Pb,As,Hg)and nutrients(TN,TP)content in tissues of four maturity plants were detected,and their enrichment coefficient and transfer coefficient were calculated.The results showed that Suaeda salsa had the largest concentrated capacity on Cu,Zn,Pb,As and Phragmites australis was larger on the Cd,Hg than other plants.Considering the purification of four plants,the effect on the restoration of heavy metal pollution was better if we harvested Phragmites australis and Suaeda salsa.Four plants had a larger difference in absorption capacity of nitrogen and smaller absorption of phosphorus.Phosphorus uptake was significantly smaller than nitrogen.Harvesting Phragmites australis and Suaeda salsa can reduce total nitrogen and phosphorus content of the wetland,while harvesting Spartina alterniflora and Typha orientalis can reduce total phosphorus content.展开更多
Salinity is a global challenge to agricultural production. Understanding Na^+ sensing and transport in plants under salt stress will be of benefit for breeding robustly salt-tolerant crop species. In this review, firs...Salinity is a global challenge to agricultural production. Understanding Na^+ sensing and transport in plants under salt stress will be of benefit for breeding robustly salt-tolerant crop species. In this review, first, possible salt stress sensor candidates and the root meristem zone as a tissue harboring salt stress-sensing components are proposed. Then,the importance of Na^+ exclusion and vacuolar Na^+ sequestration in plant overall salt tolerance is highlighted. Other Na^+ regulation processes, including xylem Na^+ loading and unloading, phloem Na^+ recirculation, and Na^+ secretion, are discussed and summarized.Along with a summary of Na^+ transporters and channels, the molecular regulation of Na^+ transporters and channels in response to salt stress is discussed. Finally, some largely neglected issues in plant salt stress tolerance, including Na^+ concentration in cytosol and the role of Na^+ as a nutrient, are reviewed and discussed.展开更多
The structure and diversity of the bacterial communities in rhizosphere soils of native Phragmites australis and Scirpus rnariqueter and alien Spartina alterniflora in the Yangtze River Estuary were investigated by co...The structure and diversity of the bacterial communities in rhizosphere soils of native Phragmites australis and Scirpus rnariqueter and alien Spartina alterniflora in the Yangtze River Estuary were investigated by constructing 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clone libraries. The bacterial diversity was quantified by placing the clones into operational taxonomic unit (OTU) groups at the level of sequence similarity of 〉 97%. Phylogenetic analysis of the resulting 398 clone sequences indicated a high diversity of bacteria in the rhizosphere soils of these plants. The members of Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Deltaproteobacteria of the phylum Proteobacteria were the most abundant in rhizobacteria. Chao 1 nonpaxametric diversity estimator coupled with the reciprocal of Simpson's index (l/D) was applied to sequence data obtained from each library to evaluate total sequence diversity and quantitatively compare the level of dominance. The results showed that Phragmites, Scirpus, and Spartina rhizosphere soils contained 200, 668, and 382 OTUs, respectively. The bacterial communities in the Spartina and Phragraites rhizosphere soils displayed species dominance revealed by 1/D, whereas the bacterial community in Scirpus rhizosphere soil had uniform distributions of species abundance. Overall, analysis of 16S rDNA clone libraries from the rhizosphere soils indicates that the changes in bacterial composition may occur concomitantly with the shift of species composition in plant communities.展开更多
Salinity is a major factor limiting rice yield in coastal areas of Asia. To facilitate breeding salt tolerant rice varieties, the wholeplant growth duration salt tolerance(ST) was genetically dissected by phenotypin...Salinity is a major factor limiting rice yield in coastal areas of Asia. To facilitate breeding salt tolerant rice varieties, the wholeplant growth duration salt tolerance(ST) was genetically dissected by phenotyping two sets of BC2F5 introgression lines(ILs) for four yield traits under severe natural salt stress and non-stress filed conditions using SSR markers and the methods of advanced backcross QTL(AB-QTL) analysis and selective introgression. Many QTLs affecting four yield traits under salt stress and nonstress conditions were identified, most(〉90%) of which were clustered in 13 genomic regions of the rice genome and involved in complex epistasis. Most QTLs affecting yield traits were differentially expressed under salt stress and non-stress conditions. Our results suggested that genetics complementarily provides an adequate explanation for the hidden genetic diversity for ST observed in both IL populations. Some promising Huanghuazhan(HHZ) ILs with favorable donor alleles at multiple QTLs and significantly improved yield traits under salt stress and non-stress conditions were identified, providing excellent materials and relevant genetic information for improving rice ST by marker-assisted selection(MAS) or genome selection.展开更多
A laboratory salt-water dynamics experiment using unsaturated soils in packed silt loam and clay soil columns withdifferent soil texture profiles and groundwater levels under crops were conducted to study the changes ...A laboratory salt-water dynamics experiment using unsaturated soils in packed silt loam and clay soil columns withdifferent soil texture profiles and groundwater levels under crops were conducted to study the changes of salt-waterdynamics induced by water uptake of crops and to propose the theoretical basis for the regulation and control of salt-water dynamics as well as to predict salinity levels. The HYDRUS 1D model was applied to simulate the one-dimensionalmovement of water and salt transport in the soil columns. The results showed that the salts mainly accumulated in theplow layer in the soil columns under crops. Soil water and salt both moved towards the plow layer due to soil waterabsorption by the crop root system. The salt contents in the column with lower groundwater were mostly greater thanthose with high groundwater. The water contents in the soil columns increased from top to the bottom due to plant rootwater uptake. The changes in groundwater level had little influence on water content of the root zone in the soil columnswith crop planting. Comparison between the simulated and the determined values showed that model simulation resultswere ideal, so it is practicable to do numerical simulation of soil salt and water transport by the HYDRUS 1D model.Furthermore, if the actual movement of salt and water in fields is to be described in detail, much work needs to be done.The most important thing is to refine the parameters and select precise boundary conditions.展开更多
Bauxite residue disposal areas(BRDAs)are physically degraded and hostile to plant growth.Nevertheless,natural plant colonization was observed in an abandoned BRDA in Central China.The pioneer plant species at the disp...Bauxite residue disposal areas(BRDAs)are physically degraded and hostile to plant growth.Nevertheless,natural plant colonization was observed in an abandoned BRDA in Central China.The pioneer plant species at the disposal area were identified,whilst distribution characteristics of salt ions such as Na^+,K^+,and Ca^2+in plant tissues and rhizosphere residues were investigated.The mean concentration of exchangeable Na^+in the rhizosphere soils was 19.5 cmol/kg,which suggested that these pioneer plants had relatively high salinity resistance.Sodium content varied from 0.84 cmol/kg(Digitaria sanguinalis)to 39.7 cmol/kg(Kochia scoparia),whilst K to Na ratio varied from 0.71(Myricaria bracteata)to 32.39(Digitaria sanguinalis)in the shoots,which demonstrated that the salinity tolerance mechanisms of these pioneer species differed significantly.Accumulation factors of Na^+in local plant species ranged from 0.04(D.sanguinalis)to 3.29(M.bracteata),whilst the translocation factor varied from 0.13(D.sanguinalis)to 2.92(M.bracteata).The results suggested that four pioneer plant species including K.scoparia,M.bracteate,Cynodon dactylon and D.sanguinalis could be suitable for revegetation at other disposal areas.展开更多
In this study, we examined the influence of changes in the degree and frequency of disturbance in estuarine tidal flats on the annual salt marsh plant communities (Suaeda maritima, Artemisia fukudo) in Mie Prefecture,...In this study, we examined the influence of changes in the degree and frequency of disturbance in estuarine tidal flats on the annual salt marsh plant communities (Suaeda maritima, Artemisia fukudo) in Mie Prefecture, Japan. Suaeda maritima and Artemisia fukudo communities occur in the branch river of the Kushida River. Although the areas occupied by these communities were very small in 2006, the Suaeda maritima community expanded significantly to 3609 m2 in 2008, and the Artemisia fukudo community expanded significantly to 2726 m2 in 2008 and 10,396 m2 in 2010. Before the onset of the investigation period in 2006, the overflow warning water level (3.5 m) and the flood fighting corps standby water level (3.0 m) each occurred on one day in August 2004 and October 2004, respectively;at those times, the water volume exceeded 1000 m3·s-1 and 1500 m3·s-1, respectively. We suggest that because much of the estuarine tidal flat erodes when the water volume exceeds 1000 m3·sǃ, the establishment of the Suaeda maritima and Artemisia fukudo communities is delayed until sufficient substrate is formed by the deposition of new sediment. In contrast, a water level of 2 - 3 m was observed on one day each in 2005, 2007 and 2009, with average water volumes of 488.5, 566.4 and 690.1 m3·s-1, respectively. We suggest that following the repeated disturbances caused by water levels of 1 - 3 m and flow volumes of 500 - 700 m3·s-1 over the bare ground exposed after flooding and erosion, Suaeda maritima is a pioneer species that colonizes on bare ground deposited by sediment transported from upstream and the sea during high tides, and following the same level of disturbance, Artemisia fukudo is secondary colonizer that has germinated and grown on the sediment deposited on the Suaeda maritima community.展开更多
Some advances in researches on the physiology of woody plants under salt condition are reviewed. The salt tolerant woody plants can be divided into two main groups. glycophytes and halophyes. They have different mech...Some advances in researches on the physiology of woody plants under salt condition are reviewed. The salt tolerant woody plants can be divided into two main groups. glycophytes and halophyes. They have different mechanisms for maintaining normal metabolism under salt condition. Halophytes usually are salt accumulators and glycophytes are salt excludors. However,the criteria for salt exclusion is not always coear. Although salt responses of different types of woody plants ard not the same some major changes are identilied identilied in net photosynthesis rate and in growth.Four mechamsms are proved to be related to the salt resitance of woody plants(1) Regulation of ion intake;(2) avoidance of toxicity; (3) maintaining meinbrane mtegrity and (4) ion compartmentation. Currently,conventional plant breeding and bioteclogy are both used to improve salt tolerance of woody plant.展开更多
Plant growth and productivity are negatively affected by soil salinity.This study investigated the effects of the rhizosphere-promoting bacterium,Bacillus paramycoides JYZ-SD5,and the ectomycorrhizal fungus,Schizophyl...Plant growth and productivity are negatively affected by soil salinity.This study investigated the effects of the rhizosphere-promoting bacterium,Bacillus paramycoides JYZ-SD5,and the ectomycorrhizal fungus,Schizophyllum commune Be,on the growth of Metasequoia glyptostroboides under salt stress.Changes in biomass,root growth,root ion distribution and in vivo enzyme activities were determined under different treatments(Be,JYZ-SD5,and Be+JYZ-SD5).The results show that all inoculations increased chlorophyll content,shoot length and root diameter with or without salt stress,and the effect of Be+JYZ-SD5was the strongest.JYZ-SD5 and Be+JYZ-SD5 treatments significantly increased root length,surface area,bifurcation number,tip number,main root length and diameter under salt stress.Normal chloroplast structures developed under both single and double inoculations.Relative to the control,root activities of M.glyptostroboides in the Be,JYZSD5,and Be+JYZ-SD5 treatments increased by 31.3%,17.2%,and 33.7%.All treatments increased the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD),peroxidase(POD),Na^(+)-K^(+)-ATPase and Ca^(2+)-Mg^(2+)-ATPase.The strongest effect was by Be+JYZ-SD5.Analysis of root ion distribution showed that,under salt stress,Na^(+)and K^(+)decreased and were concentrated in the epidermis or cortex.Na/K ratios also decreased.The Be+JYZ-SD5 treatment increased betaine by 130.3%and 97.9%under 50 mM and 100 mM salt stress,respectively.Together,these changes result in the activation of physiological and biochemical processes involved in the mitigation of salinity-induced stress in M.glyptostroboides.展开更多
The investigation was conducted to determine physiological criteria of early selection for salt tolerant leguminous plants. Plants were subjected to 5 levels of salt stress at the roots (0, 50, 100,150 and 200 mM NaC...The investigation was conducted to determine physiological criteria of early selection for salt tolerant leguminous plants. Plants were subjected to 5 levels of salt stress at the roots (0, 50, 100,150 and 200 mM NaCI). Results showed that sodium chloride had an underrating effect on growth of stems and seed germination of the species studied. The germination rates of seeds of Glycine max and Phaseolus vulgaris (sensitive glyeophytes) were affected from 3 g/L of NaCl, with critical thresholds at 9 and 12 g/L respectively. In contrast, critical thresholds with Mucunapoggei (facultative halophyte), Vigna unguiculata (moderately tolerant glycophyte) and P. adenanthus (natural halophyte) was found to be above 21 g/L. The reduction of stems growth rate were not significant in P. adenanthus whereas in M. poggei and V. unguiculata this inhibition was observed just when nutritive solutions were enriched with 200 mM. The lipid contents were reduced in all the species under salt stress, whereas proteins and proline contents in the leaves were substantially increased in tolerant species (M. poggei, P. adenanthus and V. unguiculata). In contrast, proteins and leaf proline contents were negatively affected by salt concentration to G. max and P. vulgaris. Seed germination, proteins and proline could be used as physiological criteria of early selection for salt tolerant leguminous plants.展开更多
Using Tongxian No.2 as material, the effects of different film-covering time, different sowing time and different planting density on the occurrence of freeze injury and yield of fresh broad beans were investigated. T...Using Tongxian No.2 as material, the effects of different film-covering time, different sowing time and different planting density on the occurrence of freeze injury and yield of fresh broad beans were investigated. The randomized block design was adopted. The results showed that with the delayed film covering, the incidence of mild freeze injury and number of headless seedlings were increased correspondingly, but the yield was increased; with the delayed sowing, the branch number per plant, effective branch number per plant, incidence of mild freeze injury and number of headless seedlings were all reduced, and the broad beans, sowed on September 30 th, obtained the highest yield; planting density showed on effect on the occurrence of freeze injury, and the yield was increased with the increase of planting density. Under the same film-covering time, the incidence of freeze injury was reduced with the delayed sowing time and it showed no changes when planting density was changed, but the yield was increased with the increase of planting density and it was highest when broad bean seeds were sowed on September 30th;under the same sowing time, the incidence of freeze injury was increased with the delayed film-covering time and it showed no changes when planting density was changed, and the yield was increased with the delayed film-covering time and increased planting density; under the same planting density, the incidence of freeze injury was increased with the delayed film-covering time but was reduced with the delayed sowing time, and the yield was increased with the delayed film-covering time and it was highest when the broad bean seeds were sowed on September30 th. Under same film-covering time and sowing time, the total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant were reduced, but the yield was increased with the increase of planting density; under same film-covering time and planting density, the incidence of freeze injury was reduced with the delayed sowing time, and the yield was highest when broad bean seeds were sowed on September30th; under same sowing time and planting density, the incidence of freeze injury and the yield were all increased with the delayed film-covering time.展开更多
The production of transgenic sweetpotato (cv.Xushu 18) plants exhibiting enhanced salt tolerance using salt overly sensitive (SOS) genes was achieved through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation.A.tum...The production of transgenic sweetpotato (cv.Xushu 18) plants exhibiting enhanced salt tolerance using salt overly sensitive (SOS) genes was achieved through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation.A.tumefaciens strain EHA105 harbors a binary vector pCAMBIA3301 with SOS genes (SOS1,SOS2 and SOS3) and bar gene.Selection culture was conducted using 0.3 mg L^-1 phosphinothricin (PPT).A total of 40 plants were produced from the inoculated 170 cell aggregates via somatic embryogenesis.PCR analysis showed that 37 of the 40 regenerated plants were transgenic plants.The in vitro assay demonstrated that superoxide dismutase (SOD) and proline were significantly more accumulated and malonaldehyde (MDA) was significantly less accumulated in 21 transgenic plants than in control plants when they were exposed to 86 mmol L^-1 NaCl.Salt tolerance of these 21 plants was further evaluated with Hoagland solution containing 0,51,86,and 120 mmol L^-1 NaCl in the greenhouse.The results indicated that 6 of them had significantly better growth and rooting ability than the remaining 15 transgenic plants and control plants.Expression of SOS genes in the 6 salt-tolerant transgenic plants was demonstrated by RT-PCR analysis.This study provides an alternative approach for improving salt tolerance of sweetpotato.展开更多
Low temperature and high salinity are the major abiotic stresses that restrict cucumber growth and production, breeding materials with multiple abiotic resistance are in greatly need. Here we investigated the effect o...Low temperature and high salinity are the major abiotic stresses that restrict cucumber growth and production, breeding materials with multiple abiotic resistance are in greatly need. Here we investigated the effect of introducing the LOS5 gene, a key regulator of ABA biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, under the stress-responsive RD29A promoter into cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. S516). We found that T1 RD29A-LOS5 transgenic lines have enhanced tolerance to cold and salt stresses. Specifically, transgenic lines exhibited dwarf phenotypes with reduced leaf number, shorter internode, decreased length of the biggest leaf, fewer female flowers, shorter fruit neck and lower vitamin C (Vc). The increased cold tolerance can be reflected from the significantly decreased cold index, the reduced electrolyte leakage index and the MDA content upon cold treatment as compared to those in the control. This may result from the accumulation of internal ABA, soluble sugars and proline, and the enhanced activities of protective enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) in the transgenic lines. Under salt treatment, the transgenic lines exhibited increased germination index, vigor index, more lateral roots and increased root fresh weight. Moreover, RD29A-LOS5 transgenic plants displayed quicker responses in salt stress than that in low-temperature stress.展开更多
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the major oilseed crops, mainly grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. It is also rich in proteins, vitamins and ions, therefore it constitutes an important por...Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the major oilseed crops, mainly grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. It is also rich in proteins, vitamins and ions, therefore it constitutes an important portion of food nutrition for people in these regions. The production of peanut is being threatened by the changing environments as the major peanut producing counties such as China, India, and USA are facing severe water shortage for peanut irrigation. The yield and quality of peanut are negatively affected by drought and salinity. Making peanut more droughtand salt-tolerant will likely sustain peanut production in countries where water shortage or saline soil are already problems. Efforts were made to genetically engineer peanut for higher tolerance to drought and salt. Analysis of these transgenic peanut plants indicated that the agronomic traits such as peanut yields were the same between wild-type and transgenic peanut plants under normal growth conditions, yet the yields of transgenic peanut plants were much higher than wild-type peanut plant under reduced irrigation conditions. Other traits such as protein content and fatty acid compositions in the seeds of transgenic peanut plants were not altered under both normal and drought conditions, indicating that the genetic manipulation of peanut for stress tolerance did not affect chemical compositions of peanut seeds in transgenic peanut plants, only increased seed yields under stress conditions.展开更多
The yeast HAL1 gene was introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation with vacuum infiltration under the control of CaMV 35S promoter. Thirty-three individual kanamycin resi...The yeast HAL1 gene was introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation with vacuum infiltration under the control of CaMV 35S promoter. Thirty-three individual kanamycin resistant plants were obtained from 75,000 seeds. Southern blotting analysis indicated that HAL1 gene had been integrated into all of the transgenic plants’ genomes. The copy number of HAL1 gene in transgenic plants was mostly 1 to 3 by Southern analysis. Phenotypes of transgenic plants have no differences with wild type plants. several samples of transformants were self-pollinated, and progenies from transformed and non-transformed plants (controls) were evaluated for salt tolerance and gene expression. Measurement of concentrations of intracellular K+ and Na+ showed that transgenic lines were able to retain less Na+ than that of the control under salt stress. Results from different tests indicated the expression of HAL1 gene promotes a higher level of salt tolerance in vivo in the transgenic Arabidopsis plants.展开更多
Tomato fruit are sensitive to chilling injury(CI)during cold storage.Several factors have been discovered to be involved in chilling injury of tomato fruit.Plant hormones play an important regulatory role,however,the ...Tomato fruit are sensitive to chilling injury(CI)during cold storage.Several factors have been discovered to be involved in chilling injury of tomato fruit.Plant hormones play an important regulatory role,however,the relationship between chilling injury and N6-methyladenosine(m^(6)A)methylation of transcripts in plant hormone pathways has not been reported yet.In order to clarify the complex regulatory mechanism of m^(6)A methylation on chilling injury in tomato fruit,Nanopore direct RNA sequencing was employed.A large number of enzymes and transcription factors were found to be involved in the regulation process of fruit chilling injury,which were associated with plant hormone,such as 1-aminocyclopropane 1-carboxylate synthase(ACS),aspartate aminotransferase(AST),auxin response factor(ARF2),ethylene response factor 2(ERF2),gibberellin 20-oxidase-3(GA20ox)and jasmonic acid(JA).By conjoint analysis of the differential expression transcripts related to chilling injury andm^(6)Amethylation differential expression transcripts 41 differential expression transcripts were identified involved in chilling injury including 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase(ACO)and pectinesterase(PE)were down-regulated and heat shock cognate 70 kD protein 2(cpHSC70),HSP70-binding protein(HspBP)and salicylic acid-binding protein 2(SABP2)were up-regulated.Our results will provide a deeper understanding for chilling injury regulatory mechanism and post-harvest cold storage of tomato fruit.展开更多
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31101117)National Key Technology Research and Development Program of China during the 12th Five-year Plan Period(2011BAD16B05,2012BAD04B13,2013BAD07B13)Rice Breeding Project in Sichuan Province of China(2011NZ0098-15)~~
文摘Salt stress is one of the worldwide abiotic stresses resulting in growth re- duction, chlorosis, wilting, and plant death. These exhibitions might result from men- tal toxicity and osmotic stress induced by salt. The two aspects of stress would af- fect vital metabolic pathways, reactive oxygen species scavenging system, lipid per- oxidation and photosynthetic apparatus. Thus, exploring ways to improve crop pro- ductivity or alleviate harmful effects under salt is one of the major areas of concern. Polyamines are aliphatic nitrogen organic cations which are implicated in a wide range of plant physiological processes such as morphogenesis, flower differentiation and initiation, they also play a role in biotic or abiotic stress responses. At the physiological level, polyamines modify the activities of many enzymes included in salt stress response and can bond to photosynthetic apparatus, thus changing the photosynthetic efficiency. At molecular level, polyamines can modify expressions of the polyamine-related genes directly or indirectly. Significant researches had been done to understand the effects of polyamines on plant salt resistance, but several questions still need to be answered. The present review is focused specifically on the effects of polyamines on physiological and molecular changes in plants under salt stress.
基金Supported by Oceanic Scientific Research Special Fund for Public Welfare Industry(200905009-5,200805070)
文摘The paper compared the differences between above ground and underground biomass of four types of plants.The heavy metals(Cu,Zn,Cd,Cr,Pb,As,Hg)and nutrients(TN,TP)content in tissues of four maturity plants were detected,and their enrichment coefficient and transfer coefficient were calculated.The results showed that Suaeda salsa had the largest concentrated capacity on Cu,Zn,Pb,As and Phragmites australis was larger on the Cd,Hg than other plants.Considering the purification of four plants,the effect on the restoration of heavy metal pollution was better if we harvested Phragmites australis and Suaeda salsa.Four plants had a larger difference in absorption capacity of nitrogen and smaller absorption of phosphorus.Phosphorus uptake was significantly smaller than nitrogen.Harvesting Phragmites australis and Suaeda salsa can reduce total nitrogen and phosphorus content of the wetland,while harvesting Spartina alterniflora and Typha orientalis can reduce total phosphorus content.
基金supported by a Ph.D. scholarship provided by University of Tasmania (185466S9A),Australiathe Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Tea Plant Biology Utilization at Anhui Agricultural University (SKLTOF20170112)
文摘Salinity is a global challenge to agricultural production. Understanding Na^+ sensing and transport in plants under salt stress will be of benefit for breeding robustly salt-tolerant crop species. In this review, first, possible salt stress sensor candidates and the root meristem zone as a tissue harboring salt stress-sensing components are proposed. Then,the importance of Na^+ exclusion and vacuolar Na^+ sequestration in plant overall salt tolerance is highlighted. Other Na^+ regulation processes, including xylem Na^+ loading and unloading, phloem Na^+ recirculation, and Na^+ secretion, are discussed and summarized.Along with a summary of Na^+ transporters and channels, the molecular regulation of Na^+ transporters and channels in response to salt stress is discussed. Finally, some largely neglected issues in plant salt stress tolerance, including Na^+ concentration in cytosol and the role of Na^+ as a nutrient, are reviewed and discussed.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.30370235 and 30670330)Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai (No.04DZ19304)Ministry of Education of China (No.105063)
文摘The structure and diversity of the bacterial communities in rhizosphere soils of native Phragmites australis and Scirpus rnariqueter and alien Spartina alterniflora in the Yangtze River Estuary were investigated by constructing 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clone libraries. The bacterial diversity was quantified by placing the clones into operational taxonomic unit (OTU) groups at the level of sequence similarity of 〉 97%. Phylogenetic analysis of the resulting 398 clone sequences indicated a high diversity of bacteria in the rhizosphere soils of these plants. The members of Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Deltaproteobacteria of the phylum Proteobacteria were the most abundant in rhizobacteria. Chao 1 nonpaxametric diversity estimator coupled with the reciprocal of Simpson's index (l/D) was applied to sequence data obtained from each library to evaluate total sequence diversity and quantitatively compare the level of dominance. The results showed that Phragmites, Scirpus, and Spartina rhizosphere soils contained 200, 668, and 382 OTUs, respectively. The bacterial communities in the Spartina and Phragraites rhizosphere soils displayed species dominance revealed by 1/D, whereas the bacterial community in Scirpus rhizosphere soil had uniform distributions of species abundance. Overall, analysis of 16S rDNA clone libraries from the rhizosphere soils indicates that the changes in bacterial composition may occur concomitantly with the shift of species composition in plant communities.
基金funded by the National High-Tech R&D Program of China (2012AA101101)the 948 Project from the Ministry of Agriculture, China (2010-G2B)+1 种基金the International Cooperative Project from the Ministry of Science and Technology, China (S2012ZR0160)the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Project (OPP51587)
文摘Salinity is a major factor limiting rice yield in coastal areas of Asia. To facilitate breeding salt tolerant rice varieties, the wholeplant growth duration salt tolerance(ST) was genetically dissected by phenotyping two sets of BC2F5 introgression lines(ILs) for four yield traits under severe natural salt stress and non-stress filed conditions using SSR markers and the methods of advanced backcross QTL(AB-QTL) analysis and selective introgression. Many QTLs affecting four yield traits under salt stress and nonstress conditions were identified, most(〉90%) of which were clustered in 13 genomic regions of the rice genome and involved in complex epistasis. Most QTLs affecting yield traits were differentially expressed under salt stress and non-stress conditions. Our results suggested that genetics complementarily provides an adequate explanation for the hidden genetic diversity for ST observed in both IL populations. Some promising Huanghuazhan(HHZ) ILs with favorable donor alleles at multiple QTLs and significantly improved yield traits under salt stress and non-stress conditions were identified, providing excellent materials and relevant genetic information for improving rice ST by marker-assisted selection(MAS) or genome selection.
基金the National Key Basic Research Support Foundation (NKBRSF) of China (No. G1999011803),the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 40371058 and 40471018), the Jiangsu Provincial Society Deve-lopment Program of China (No. BS2003005), and the Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences(No. S250020).
文摘A laboratory salt-water dynamics experiment using unsaturated soils in packed silt loam and clay soil columns withdifferent soil texture profiles and groundwater levels under crops were conducted to study the changes of salt-waterdynamics induced by water uptake of crops and to propose the theoretical basis for the regulation and control of salt-water dynamics as well as to predict salinity levels. The HYDRUS 1D model was applied to simulate the one-dimensionalmovement of water and salt transport in the soil columns. The results showed that the salts mainly accumulated in theplow layer in the soil columns under crops. Soil water and salt both moved towards the plow layer due to soil waterabsorption by the crop root system. The salt contents in the column with lower groundwater were mostly greater thanthose with high groundwater. The water contents in the soil columns increased from top to the bottom due to plant rootwater uptake. The changes in groundwater level had little influence on water content of the root zone in the soil columnswith crop planting. Comparison between the simulated and the determined values showed that model simulation resultswere ideal, so it is practicable to do numerical simulation of soil salt and water transport by the HYDRUS 1D model.Furthermore, if the actual movement of salt and water in fields is to be described in detail, much work needs to be done.The most important thing is to refine the parameters and select precise boundary conditions.
基金Project(41877511)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘Bauxite residue disposal areas(BRDAs)are physically degraded and hostile to plant growth.Nevertheless,natural plant colonization was observed in an abandoned BRDA in Central China.The pioneer plant species at the disposal area were identified,whilst distribution characteristics of salt ions such as Na^+,K^+,and Ca^2+in plant tissues and rhizosphere residues were investigated.The mean concentration of exchangeable Na^+in the rhizosphere soils was 19.5 cmol/kg,which suggested that these pioneer plants had relatively high salinity resistance.Sodium content varied from 0.84 cmol/kg(Digitaria sanguinalis)to 39.7 cmol/kg(Kochia scoparia),whilst K to Na ratio varied from 0.71(Myricaria bracteata)to 32.39(Digitaria sanguinalis)in the shoots,which demonstrated that the salinity tolerance mechanisms of these pioneer species differed significantly.Accumulation factors of Na^+in local plant species ranged from 0.04(D.sanguinalis)to 3.29(M.bracteata),whilst the translocation factor varied from 0.13(D.sanguinalis)to 2.92(M.bracteata).The results suggested that four pioneer plant species including K.scoparia,M.bracteate,Cynodon dactylon and D.sanguinalis could be suitable for revegetation at other disposal areas.
文摘In this study, we examined the influence of changes in the degree and frequency of disturbance in estuarine tidal flats on the annual salt marsh plant communities (Suaeda maritima, Artemisia fukudo) in Mie Prefecture, Japan. Suaeda maritima and Artemisia fukudo communities occur in the branch river of the Kushida River. Although the areas occupied by these communities were very small in 2006, the Suaeda maritima community expanded significantly to 3609 m2 in 2008, and the Artemisia fukudo community expanded significantly to 2726 m2 in 2008 and 10,396 m2 in 2010. Before the onset of the investigation period in 2006, the overflow warning water level (3.5 m) and the flood fighting corps standby water level (3.0 m) each occurred on one day in August 2004 and October 2004, respectively;at those times, the water volume exceeded 1000 m3·s-1 and 1500 m3·s-1, respectively. We suggest that because much of the estuarine tidal flat erodes when the water volume exceeds 1000 m3·sǃ, the establishment of the Suaeda maritima and Artemisia fukudo communities is delayed until sufficient substrate is formed by the deposition of new sediment. In contrast, a water level of 2 - 3 m was observed on one day each in 2005, 2007 and 2009, with average water volumes of 488.5, 566.4 and 690.1 m3·s-1, respectively. We suggest that following the repeated disturbances caused by water levels of 1 - 3 m and flow volumes of 500 - 700 m3·s-1 over the bare ground exposed after flooding and erosion, Suaeda maritima is a pioneer species that colonizes on bare ground deposited by sediment transported from upstream and the sea during high tides, and following the same level of disturbance, Artemisia fukudo is secondary colonizer that has germinated and grown on the sediment deposited on the Suaeda maritima community.
文摘Some advances in researches on the physiology of woody plants under salt condition are reviewed. The salt tolerant woody plants can be divided into two main groups. glycophytes and halophyes. They have different mechanisms for maintaining normal metabolism under salt condition. Halophytes usually are salt accumulators and glycophytes are salt excludors. However,the criteria for salt exclusion is not always coear. Although salt responses of different types of woody plants ard not the same some major changes are identilied identilied in net photosynthesis rate and in growth.Four mechamsms are proved to be related to the salt resitance of woody plants(1) Regulation of ion intake;(2) avoidance of toxicity; (3) maintaining meinbrane mtegrity and (4) ion compartmentation. Currently,conventional plant breeding and bioteclogy are both used to improve salt tolerance of woody plant.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFD0600104)the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD)。
文摘Plant growth and productivity are negatively affected by soil salinity.This study investigated the effects of the rhizosphere-promoting bacterium,Bacillus paramycoides JYZ-SD5,and the ectomycorrhizal fungus,Schizophyllum commune Be,on the growth of Metasequoia glyptostroboides under salt stress.Changes in biomass,root growth,root ion distribution and in vivo enzyme activities were determined under different treatments(Be,JYZ-SD5,and Be+JYZ-SD5).The results show that all inoculations increased chlorophyll content,shoot length and root diameter with or without salt stress,and the effect of Be+JYZ-SD5was the strongest.JYZ-SD5 and Be+JYZ-SD5 treatments significantly increased root length,surface area,bifurcation number,tip number,main root length and diameter under salt stress.Normal chloroplast structures developed under both single and double inoculations.Relative to the control,root activities of M.glyptostroboides in the Be,JYZSD5,and Be+JYZ-SD5 treatments increased by 31.3%,17.2%,and 33.7%.All treatments increased the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD),peroxidase(POD),Na^(+)-K^(+)-ATPase and Ca^(2+)-Mg^(2+)-ATPase.The strongest effect was by Be+JYZ-SD5.Analysis of root ion distribution showed that,under salt stress,Na^(+)and K^(+)decreased and were concentrated in the epidermis or cortex.Na/K ratios also decreased.The Be+JYZ-SD5 treatment increased betaine by 130.3%and 97.9%under 50 mM and 100 mM salt stress,respectively.Together,these changes result in the activation of physiological and biochemical processes involved in the mitigation of salinity-induced stress in M.glyptostroboides.
文摘The investigation was conducted to determine physiological criteria of early selection for salt tolerant leguminous plants. Plants were subjected to 5 levels of salt stress at the roots (0, 50, 100,150 and 200 mM NaCI). Results showed that sodium chloride had an underrating effect on growth of stems and seed germination of the species studied. The germination rates of seeds of Glycine max and Phaseolus vulgaris (sensitive glyeophytes) were affected from 3 g/L of NaCl, with critical thresholds at 9 and 12 g/L respectively. In contrast, critical thresholds with Mucunapoggei (facultative halophyte), Vigna unguiculata (moderately tolerant glycophyte) and P. adenanthus (natural halophyte) was found to be above 21 g/L. The reduction of stems growth rate were not significant in P. adenanthus whereas in M. poggei and V. unguiculata this inhibition was observed just when nutritive solutions were enriched with 200 mM. The lipid contents were reduced in all the species under salt stress, whereas proteins and proline contents in the leaves were substantially increased in tolerant species (M. poggei, P. adenanthus and V. unguiculata). In contrast, proteins and leaf proline contents were negatively affected by salt concentration to G. max and P. vulgaris. Seed germination, proteins and proline could be used as physiological criteria of early selection for salt tolerant leguminous plants.
基金Supported by Jiangsu Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Fund[CX(12)3006]Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Support Program,China(BE2013352)Study on Saving the Cost Facility Cultivation Techniques of High-quality,Safe and Efficient in Fresh Faba Bean(HL2014029)~~
文摘Using Tongxian No.2 as material, the effects of different film-covering time, different sowing time and different planting density on the occurrence of freeze injury and yield of fresh broad beans were investigated. The randomized block design was adopted. The results showed that with the delayed film covering, the incidence of mild freeze injury and number of headless seedlings were increased correspondingly, but the yield was increased; with the delayed sowing, the branch number per plant, effective branch number per plant, incidence of mild freeze injury and number of headless seedlings were all reduced, and the broad beans, sowed on September 30 th, obtained the highest yield; planting density showed on effect on the occurrence of freeze injury, and the yield was increased with the increase of planting density. Under the same film-covering time, the incidence of freeze injury was reduced with the delayed sowing time and it showed no changes when planting density was changed, but the yield was increased with the increase of planting density and it was highest when broad bean seeds were sowed on September 30th;under the same sowing time, the incidence of freeze injury was increased with the delayed film-covering time and it showed no changes when planting density was changed, and the yield was increased with the delayed film-covering time and increased planting density; under the same planting density, the incidence of freeze injury was increased with the delayed film-covering time but was reduced with the delayed sowing time, and the yield was increased with the delayed film-covering time and it was highest when the broad bean seeds were sowed on September30 th. Under same film-covering time and sowing time, the total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant were reduced, but the yield was increased with the increase of planting density; under same film-covering time and planting density, the incidence of freeze injury was reduced with the delayed sowing time, and the yield was highest when broad bean seeds were sowed on September30th; under same sowing time and planting density, the incidence of freeze injury and the yield were all increased with the delayed film-covering time.
基金supported by China Agriculture Research System(Sweetpotato)the National High-Tech R&D Program of China(2009AA10Z102)the National Transgenic Plants Project of China(2009ZX08009-064B)
文摘The production of transgenic sweetpotato (cv.Xushu 18) plants exhibiting enhanced salt tolerance using salt overly sensitive (SOS) genes was achieved through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation.A.tumefaciens strain EHA105 harbors a binary vector pCAMBIA3301 with SOS genes (SOS1,SOS2 and SOS3) and bar gene.Selection culture was conducted using 0.3 mg L^-1 phosphinothricin (PPT).A total of 40 plants were produced from the inoculated 170 cell aggregates via somatic embryogenesis.PCR analysis showed that 37 of the 40 regenerated plants were transgenic plants.The in vitro assay demonstrated that superoxide dismutase (SOD) and proline were significantly more accumulated and malonaldehyde (MDA) was significantly less accumulated in 21 transgenic plants than in control plants when they were exposed to 86 mmol L^-1 NaCl.Salt tolerance of these 21 plants was further evaluated with Hoagland solution containing 0,51,86,and 120 mmol L^-1 NaCl in the greenhouse.The results indicated that 6 of them had significantly better growth and rooting ability than the remaining 15 transgenic plants and control plants.Expression of SOS genes in the 6 salt-tolerant transgenic plants was demonstrated by RT-PCR analysis.This study provides an alternative approach for improving salt tolerance of sweetpotato.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program,2009CB11900)the National Key Research Program of China (2008BADA6B03,2008BADB1B05 and 2009BADB8B00)
文摘Low temperature and high salinity are the major abiotic stresses that restrict cucumber growth and production, breeding materials with multiple abiotic resistance are in greatly need. Here we investigated the effect of introducing the LOS5 gene, a key regulator of ABA biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, under the stress-responsive RD29A promoter into cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. S516). We found that T1 RD29A-LOS5 transgenic lines have enhanced tolerance to cold and salt stresses. Specifically, transgenic lines exhibited dwarf phenotypes with reduced leaf number, shorter internode, decreased length of the biggest leaf, fewer female flowers, shorter fruit neck and lower vitamin C (Vc). The increased cold tolerance can be reflected from the significantly decreased cold index, the reduced electrolyte leakage index and the MDA content upon cold treatment as compared to those in the control. This may result from the accumulation of internal ABA, soluble sugars and proline, and the enhanced activities of protective enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) in the transgenic lines. Under salt treatment, the transgenic lines exhibited increased germination index, vigor index, more lateral roots and increased root fresh weight. Moreover, RD29A-LOS5 transgenic plants displayed quicker responses in salt stress than that in low-temperature stress.
文摘Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the major oilseed crops, mainly grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. It is also rich in proteins, vitamins and ions, therefore it constitutes an important portion of food nutrition for people in these regions. The production of peanut is being threatened by the changing environments as the major peanut producing counties such as China, India, and USA are facing severe water shortage for peanut irrigation. The yield and quality of peanut are negatively affected by drought and salinity. Making peanut more droughtand salt-tolerant will likely sustain peanut production in countries where water shortage or saline soil are already problems. Efforts were made to genetically engineer peanut for higher tolerance to drought and salt. Analysis of these transgenic peanut plants indicated that the agronomic traits such as peanut yields were the same between wild-type and transgenic peanut plants under normal growth conditions, yet the yields of transgenic peanut plants were much higher than wild-type peanut plant under reduced irrigation conditions. Other traits such as protein content and fatty acid compositions in the seeds of transgenic peanut plants were not altered under both normal and drought conditions, indicating that the genetic manipulation of peanut for stress tolerance did not affect chemical compositions of peanut seeds in transgenic peanut plants, only increased seed yields under stress conditions.
基金a grant from State 863 National High Technology Research Development Project of China, No. 819-0803.
文摘The yeast HAL1 gene was introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation with vacuum infiltration under the control of CaMV 35S promoter. Thirty-three individual kanamycin resistant plants were obtained from 75,000 seeds. Southern blotting analysis indicated that HAL1 gene had been integrated into all of the transgenic plants’ genomes. The copy number of HAL1 gene in transgenic plants was mostly 1 to 3 by Southern analysis. Phenotypes of transgenic plants have no differences with wild type plants. several samples of transformants were self-pollinated, and progenies from transformed and non-transformed plants (controls) were evaluated for salt tolerance and gene expression. Measurement of concentrations of intracellular K+ and Na+ showed that transgenic lines were able to retain less Na+ than that of the control under salt stress. Results from different tests indicated the expression of HAL1 gene promotes a higher level of salt tolerance in vivo in the transgenic Arabidopsis plants.
基金supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.31772022,32072284 and 31501544)the Special Innovation Ability Construction Fund of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences(Grant Nos.20200427 and 20210437)+4 种基金Science and Technology Planning Project of Tianjin City(Grant No.19YFSLQY00100)the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission(Grant Nos.Z191100008619004 and Z191100004019010)Supported by China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA,collaborative innovation center of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences(Grant No.201915)the Young Investigator Fund of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences(Grant No.202016)the key scientific research projects of colleges and universities in Henan Province(Grant No.20A550014)。
文摘Tomato fruit are sensitive to chilling injury(CI)during cold storage.Several factors have been discovered to be involved in chilling injury of tomato fruit.Plant hormones play an important regulatory role,however,the relationship between chilling injury and N6-methyladenosine(m^(6)A)methylation of transcripts in plant hormone pathways has not been reported yet.In order to clarify the complex regulatory mechanism of m^(6)A methylation on chilling injury in tomato fruit,Nanopore direct RNA sequencing was employed.A large number of enzymes and transcription factors were found to be involved in the regulation process of fruit chilling injury,which were associated with plant hormone,such as 1-aminocyclopropane 1-carboxylate synthase(ACS),aspartate aminotransferase(AST),auxin response factor(ARF2),ethylene response factor 2(ERF2),gibberellin 20-oxidase-3(GA20ox)and jasmonic acid(JA).By conjoint analysis of the differential expression transcripts related to chilling injury andm^(6)Amethylation differential expression transcripts 41 differential expression transcripts were identified involved in chilling injury including 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase(ACO)and pectinesterase(PE)were down-regulated and heat shock cognate 70 kD protein 2(cpHSC70),HSP70-binding protein(HspBP)and salicylic acid-binding protein 2(SABP2)were up-regulated.Our results will provide a deeper understanding for chilling injury regulatory mechanism and post-harvest cold storage of tomato fruit.