Space robots possess unique distinguishing features unlike general robots on earth, due to the particular environments in space. The developing of various practical space robots promoting the improvement of space scie...Space robots possess unique distinguishing features unlike general robots on earth, due to the particular environments in space. The developing of various practical space robots promoting the improvement of space science and technology is a complex man-machine-environment engineering problem. This paper analyses from the systems engineering viewpoint the space robot system in the scope of the architecture of robotics discipline, space environment characteristics, man-machine-environment system of space robots, the general methodology of project systems engineering and the process of space robot systems engineering.展开更多
文摘Space robots possess unique distinguishing features unlike general robots on earth, due to the particular environments in space. The developing of various practical space robots promoting the improvement of space science and technology is a complex man-machine-environment engineering problem. This paper analyses from the systems engineering viewpoint the space robot system in the scope of the architecture of robotics discipline, space environment characteristics, man-machine-environment system of space robots, the general methodology of project systems engineering and the process of space robot systems engineering.