According to the World Health Organization, approximately 3 million deaths are prevented each year in the world thanks to vaccination and then, in addition, each year, it makes it possible to avoid nearly 750,000 chil...According to the World Health Organization, approximately 3 million deaths are prevented each year in the world thanks to vaccination and then, in addition, each year, it makes it possible to avoid nearly 750,000 children suffering from serious physical, mental or neurological handicaps and 1.5 million other deaths could be avoided if the vaccination coverage is improved. However, vaccination coverage is often not achieved due to various difficulties encountered by health providers in the expanded program on vaccination activities. Yet, it is important to strengthen the program. This research paper aimed to assess health providers’ points of view on the impact of the project to strengthen the routine expanded program on vaccination in the Barumbu health zone in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC). To do so, we surveyed a convenience sample of 234 health providers involved in the implementation of the project, including 210 community relays, 9 permanent nurses, 9 health committee chairpersons and 6 health authorities. A questionnaire related to the objective of the research was submitted to them. After analyzing the data, we found that the points of view of health providers are negative. The performance of the vaccination program was not great. Several reasons were given for this, including the non-involvement of the political and administrative authorities, the failure to respect the funds disbursement circuit and the non-effective financing of vaccination activities in the Barumbu health zone in Kinshasa, DRC.展开更多
你知道什么是手绘POP吗?它是英文Point Of Purchase的缩写。意为“卖点广告”。其主要商业用途是刺激引导消费和活跃卖场气氛。形式多样,有户外招牌、展板、橱窗海报、店内台牌、价目表、吊旗,甚至是立体卡通模型等等。常用的POP为...你知道什么是手绘POP吗?它是英文Point Of Purchase的缩写。意为“卖点广告”。其主要商业用途是刺激引导消费和活跃卖场气氛。形式多样,有户外招牌、展板、橱窗海报、店内台牌、价目表、吊旗,甚至是立体卡通模型等等。常用的POP为短期的促销使用,其表现形式夸张幽默,色彩强烈,能有效地吸引顾客的视点唤起购买欲。展开更多
传统的CDN(Content Delivery Network)技术和P2P(Peer to Peer)技术无法很好地满足大规模视频服务的需求。为此,研究并分析了网格技术在CDN视频服务网络中的应用,设计出一种具有3层结构的视频服务系统,称为Grid-CDN。归纳总结了Grid-CD...传统的CDN(Content Delivery Network)技术和P2P(Peer to Peer)技术无法很好地满足大规模视频服务的需求。为此,研究并分析了网格技术在CDN视频服务网络中的应用,设计出一种具有3层结构的视频服务系统,称为Grid-CDN。归纳总结了Grid-CDN的主要功能和特点,并详细描述了每个层次的各个模块所实现的功能。设计并开发了视频服务的原型系统,对所开发的系统进行压力测试,Grid-CDN单POP节点可以提供超过2 000个视频流,通过在广域网环境下分布式布置大量POP(Provider of Point)节点,可以很好地满足大规模视频点播服务的需求。测试结果表明,该系统具有很高的实用价值。展开更多
文摘According to the World Health Organization, approximately 3 million deaths are prevented each year in the world thanks to vaccination and then, in addition, each year, it makes it possible to avoid nearly 750,000 children suffering from serious physical, mental or neurological handicaps and 1.5 million other deaths could be avoided if the vaccination coverage is improved. However, vaccination coverage is often not achieved due to various difficulties encountered by health providers in the expanded program on vaccination activities. Yet, it is important to strengthen the program. This research paper aimed to assess health providers’ points of view on the impact of the project to strengthen the routine expanded program on vaccination in the Barumbu health zone in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC). To do so, we surveyed a convenience sample of 234 health providers involved in the implementation of the project, including 210 community relays, 9 permanent nurses, 9 health committee chairpersons and 6 health authorities. A questionnaire related to the objective of the research was submitted to them. After analyzing the data, we found that the points of view of health providers are negative. The performance of the vaccination program was not great. Several reasons were given for this, including the non-involvement of the political and administrative authorities, the failure to respect the funds disbursement circuit and the non-effective financing of vaccination activities in the Barumbu health zone in Kinshasa, DRC.
文摘你知道什么是手绘POP吗?它是英文Point Of Purchase的缩写。意为“卖点广告”。其主要商业用途是刺激引导消费和活跃卖场气氛。形式多样,有户外招牌、展板、橱窗海报、店内台牌、价目表、吊旗,甚至是立体卡通模型等等。常用的POP为短期的促销使用,其表现形式夸张幽默,色彩强烈,能有效地吸引顾客的视点唤起购买欲。
文摘传统的CDN(Content Delivery Network)技术和P2P(Peer to Peer)技术无法很好地满足大规模视频服务的需求。为此,研究并分析了网格技术在CDN视频服务网络中的应用,设计出一种具有3层结构的视频服务系统,称为Grid-CDN。归纳总结了Grid-CDN的主要功能和特点,并详细描述了每个层次的各个模块所实现的功能。设计并开发了视频服务的原型系统,对所开发的系统进行压力测试,Grid-CDN单POP节点可以提供超过2 000个视频流,通过在广域网环境下分布式布置大量POP(Provider of Point)节点,可以很好地满足大规模视频点播服务的需求。测试结果表明,该系统具有很高的实用价值。
文摘目的:总结近10年针灸治疗女性盆底功能障碍性疾病的选穴规律。方法:检索中国知网数据库(CNKI)、维普数据库(VIP)和万方数据库(Wanfang)中近10年针灸治疗女性盆底功能障碍性疾病(pelvic floor dysfunction,PFD)的相关临床文献,检索时间段为2009年1月至2019年12月。PFD包括压力性尿失禁(stress urinary incontinence,SUI)、盆腔器官脱垂(pelvic organ prolapse,POP)以及产后性功能障碍(postpartum female sexual disfunction,PSD)。结果:针灸治疗SUI文献126篇,涉及48个穴位,总频次580次,选穴以关元、中极、三阴交、肾俞、气海、足三里、会阳、次髎、中髎、膀胱俞、百会最多。针灸治疗POP文献45篇,共使用39个穴位,总频次323次,选穴以关元、气海、百会、三阴交、足三里、子宫、中极、维道、肾俞、大赫最多。针灸治疗PSD文献3篇。针灸治疗PFD选穴频率最高为关元,经脉以任脉、足太阳膀胱经为主,选穴主要分布在腹部,特定穴以交会穴使用最多。结论:针灸治疗PFD注重远近配合、循经取穴,对于PFD不同的症状表现,选穴侧重点略有不同。