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作者 王帅 邓木兰 +6 位作者 梁志成 周泓宇 何少媚 张智 穆云萍 李芳红 赵子建 《食品工业科技》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第9期124-130,共7页
基于pyrF筛选标记和来源于乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis,L.lactis)的基因组DNA为表达元件,构建L.lactis食品级表达载体,用于食品和药用多肽的表达和生产。首先,利用NZ3900 pyrF基因列构建同源重组突变盒,构建NZ3900 ΔpyrF突变株;然后... 基于pyrF筛选标记和来源于乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis,L.lactis)的基因组DNA为表达元件,构建L.lactis食品级表达载体,用于食品和药用多肽的表达和生产。首先,利用NZ3900 pyrF基因列构建同源重组突变盒,构建NZ3900 ΔpyrF突变株;然后,分别以来源于L.lactis的repA和repC基因为复制元件、pyrF基因为筛选标记、P_(32)和P_(8)为启动子、以及Tusp_(45)和TpepN为终止子,构建食品级表达质粒pLD;最后以绿色荧光蛋白ZsGreen为报告基因,验证ZsGreen在NZ3900 ΔpyrF突变株的表达及pLD-ZsG的遗传稳定性。实验结果表明,原养型ZsGreen阳性转化子可在普通Elliker培养基中正常生长,在荧光显微镜下观察到明显的绿色荧光信号;此外,PCR和Western blotting也证实ZsGreen能在NZ3900中表达且能稳定传代至30代,说明pLD食品级表达载体构建成功且使得外源蛋白在L.lactis中稳定表达。综上所述,基于pyrF营养缺陷型标记构建的L.lactis食品级表达载体的方法切实可行,可为推动L.lactis在食品和药用多肽生产中的应用提供研究基础。 展开更多
关键词 pyrf 乳酸乳球菌 食品级表达载体 筛选标记 绿色荧光蛋白
结核分枝杆菌pyrF基因的生物信息学分析 被引量:5
作者 黄劲 王洁 +6 位作者 牛雪可 邱文 赵亮 王梅竹 康颖倩 冯永红 秦莲花 《中国病原生物学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期125-130,136,共7页
目的应用生物信息学软件分析预测结核分枝杆菌乳清酸核苷-5'-磷酸脱羧酶(orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase,OMPdecase)的结构与生物学特性。方法采用ProtParam,ProtScale,TMPred,SignalP4.1,NetNGlyc1.0,Netphos3.1,SO... 目的应用生物信息学软件分析预测结核分枝杆菌乳清酸核苷-5'-磷酸脱羧酶(orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase,OMPdecase)的结构与生物学特性。方法采用ProtParam,ProtScale,TMPred,SignalP4.1,NetNGlyc1.0,Netphos3.1,SOPMA,SWISS-MODEL和STRING等生物信息学软件对结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium Tuberculosis)H37Rv的pyrF基因及其编码蛋白OMPdecase的理化性质、信号肽、糖基化位点、磷酸化位点、二级结构、三维结构和蛋白-蛋白相互作用网络等进行预测分析。结果预测结核分枝杆菌pyrF基因编码的OMPdecase为相对分子质量27.4×10~3的富含丙氨酸、甘氨酸和缬氨酸的稳定疏水性膜蛋白或胞浆蛋白,不含信号肽,且磷酸化程度较高。α螺旋和无规卷曲为OMPdecase的主要二级结构元件,分别占51.09%和27.37%。同源建模分析显示D93-K95-D98-I99-T102位于活性中心区域内。结论生物信息学方法预测结核分枝杆菌pyrF基因编码的OMPdecase相对分子质量为27.4×10~3,为稳定疏水性膜蛋白或胞浆蛋白,其含有的保守氨基酸残基D93-K95-D98-I99-T102与该蛋白的催化活性密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 pyrf 结核分枝杆菌 结构 功能 生物信息学
Development of pyrF-based gene knockout systems for genome-wide manipulation of the archaea Haloferax mediterranei and Haloarcula hispanica 被引量:14
作者 Hailong Liu Jing Han Xiaoqing Liu Jian Zhou Hua Xiang 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期261-269,共9页
The haloarchaea Haloferax mediterranei and Haloarcula hispanica are both polyhydroxyalkanoate producers in the domain Archaea, and they are becoming increasingly attractive for research and biotechnology due to their ... The haloarchaea Haloferax mediterranei and Haloarcula hispanica are both polyhydroxyalkanoate producers in the domain Archaea, and they are becoming increasingly attractive for research and biotechnology due to their unique genetic and metabolic features. To accelerate their genome-level genetic and metabolic analyses, we have developed specific and highly efficient gene knockout systems for these two haloarchaea. These gene knockout systems consist of a suicide plasmid vector with the pyrF gene as the selection marker and a uracil auxotrophic haloarchaeon (apyrF) as the host. For in-frame deletion of a target gene, the suicide plasmid carrying the flanking region of the target gene was transferred into the corresponding apyrF host. After positive selection of the single-crossover integration recombinants (pop-in) on AS-168SY medium without uracil and counterselection of the double-crossover pyrF-excised recombinants (pop-out) with 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA), the target gene knockout mutants were confirmed by PCR and Southern blot analysis. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of these systems by knocking out the crtB gene which encodes a phytoene synthase in these haloarchaea. In conclusion, these well-developed knockout systems would greatly accelerate the functional genomic research of these halophilic archaea. 展开更多
关键词 Knockout system pyrf Pop-in/pop-out method HALOARCHAEA
Development of a pyrF-based counterselectable system for targeted gene deletion in Streptomyces rimosus 被引量:1
作者 Yiying YANG Qingqing SUN +16 位作者 Yang LIU Hanzhi YIN Wenping YANG Yang WANG Ying LIU Yuxian LI Shen PANG Wenxi LIU Qian ZHANG Fang YUAN Shiwen QIU Jiong LI XuefengWANG Keqiang FAN Weishan WANG Zilong LI Shouliang YIN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第5期383-396,共14页
Streptomyces produces many valuable and important biomolecules with clinical and pharmaceutical applications.The development of simple and highly efficient gene editing tools for genetic modification of Streptomyces i... Streptomyces produces many valuable and important biomolecules with clinical and pharmaceutical applications.The development of simple and highly efficient gene editing tools for genetic modification of Streptomyces is highly desirable.In this study,we developed a screening system for targeted gene knockout using a uracil auxotrophic host(ΔpyrF)resistant to the highly toxic uracil analog of 5-fluoroorotic acid(5-FOA)converted by PyrF,and a non-replicative vector pKC1132-pyrF carrying the complemented pyrF gene coding for orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase.The pyrF gene acts as a positive selection and counterselection marker for recombinants during genetic modifications.Single-crossover homologous integration mutants were selected on minimal medium without uracil by reintroducing pyrF along with pKC1132-pyrF into the genome of the mutantΔpyrF at the targeted locus.Double-crossover recombinants were generated,from which the pyrF gene,plasmid backbone,and targeted gene were excised through homologous recombination exchange.These recombinants were rapidly screened by the counterselection agent,5-FOA.We demonstrated the feasibility and advantage of using this pyrF-based screening system through deleting the otcR gene,which encodes the cluster-situated regulator that directly activates oxytetracycline biosynthesis in Streptomyces rimosus M4018.This system provides a new genetic tool for investigating the genetic characteristics of Streptomyces species. 展开更多
关键词 Counterselectable system pyrf 5-Fluoroorotic acid(5-FOA) Gene deletion Streptomyces rimosus
紫外诱变筛选柄篮状菌尿嘧啶缺陷型菌株 被引量:1
作者 周志义 张佑红 耿安丽 《化学与生物工程》 CAS 2016年第7期48-51,共4页
柄篮状菌EMM是一株从原始菌OPC4诱变获得的高产纤维素酶菌株。为了获得转化用的宿主菌,通过紫外诱变的方法,在1.5g·mL-1 5-FOA的筛选压力下,从EMM诱变得到一株尿嘧啶营养缺陷型菌株EMU6。从原始菌OPC4的基因组里克隆出2 553bp的pyr... 柄篮状菌EMM是一株从原始菌OPC4诱变获得的高产纤维素酶菌株。为了获得转化用的宿主菌,通过紫外诱变的方法,在1.5g·mL-1 5-FOA的筛选压力下,从EMM诱变得到一株尿嘧啶营养缺陷型菌株EMU6。从原始菌OPC4的基因组里克隆出2 553bp的pyrF基因,NCBI比对发现,pyrF为编码乳清酸磷酸核糖基转移酶的基因,影响尿嘧啶的合成。测序比对发现,尿嘧啶营养缺陷型菌株EMU6的pyrF基因在1 160bp处有一个核苷酸缺失。柄篮状菌尿嘧啶营养缺陷型菌株的获得使基于pyrF基因转化体系的建立成为可能。 展开更多
关键词 柄篮状菌 尿嘧啶营养缺陷型 PEG/CaCl2转化法 pyrf 紫外诱变
金针菇尿嘧啶营养缺陷型菌株的筛选与分子鉴定 被引量:5
作者 卢绪志 万佳宁 +3 位作者 茅文俊 杨瑞恒 王瑞娟 鲍大鹏 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期495-503,共9页
选用对5–氟乳清酸(5-FOA)敏感的金针菇单核菌株‘DG1-1’作为供试菌株,对其原生质体采用功率为10 W的紫外光进行垂直距离15 cm照射12 s的诱变处理,利用含有5-FOA和尿嘧啶的筛选培养基筛选获得了3株稳定的尿嘧啶营养缺陷型突变菌株‘NG1... 选用对5–氟乳清酸(5-FOA)敏感的金针菇单核菌株‘DG1-1’作为供试菌株,对其原生质体采用功率为10 W的紫外光进行垂直距离15 cm照射12 s的诱变处理,利用含有5-FOA和尿嘧啶的筛选培养基筛选获得了3株稳定的尿嘧啶营养缺陷型突变菌株‘NG1-65’、‘NG1-92’和‘NG1-95’。通过对尿嘧啶合成代谢路径中的pyrF和pyrG基因的分子检测发现,‘NG1-65’菌株的pyr F基因第39位和40位碱基之间插入T,‘NG1-92’菌株的pyrG基因第236位碱基T突变为C,‘NG1-95’菌株的pyrF基因第104位碱基C突变为T,这些插入突变和点突变可能导致基因编码的蛋白功能失去活性,产生尿嘧啶营养缺陷型。金针菇尿嘧啶缺陷型菌株可以为金针菇遗传转化体系的构建提供材料。 展开更多
关键词 金针菇 尿嘧啶营养缺陷型 pyrf基因 pyrG基因
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