In this paper, by using symbolic and algebra computation, Chen and Wang's multiple R/ccati equations rational expansion method was further extended. Many double soliton-like and other novel combined forms of exact so...In this paper, by using symbolic and algebra computation, Chen and Wang's multiple R/ccati equations rational expansion method was further extended. Many double soliton-like and other novel combined forms of exact solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Breaking soliton equation are derived by using the extended multiple Riccatl equations expansion method.展开更多
We investigate the highest weight representations of the q-deformed Virasoro algebra of Hom-type. In order to determine its unitarity and irreducible highest weight representations, we present its Kac determinant form...We investigate the highest weight representations of the q-deformed Virasoro algebra of Hom-type. In order to determine its unitarity and irreducible highest weight representations, we present its Kac determinant formula when q is nonzero and non-root of unity.展开更多
In this paper, we present the exact solution of the one-dimensional Schrrdinger equation for the q-deformed quantum potentials via the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of these potentials ar...In this paper, we present the exact solution of the one-dimensional Schrrdinger equation for the q-deformed quantum potentials via the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of these potentials are obtained via this method. The energy equations and the corresponding wave functions for some special cases of these potentials are briefly discussed. The PT-symmetry and Hermiticity for these potentials are also discussed.展开更多
An approximate solution of the Dirac equation for a spin-1/2 particle under the influence of q-deformed hyperbolic P ¨oschl–Teller potential combined with trigonometric Scarf II non-central potential is studied ...An approximate solution of the Dirac equation for a spin-1/2 particle under the influence of q-deformed hyperbolic P ¨oschl–Teller potential combined with trigonometric Scarf II non-central potential is studied analytically. It is assumed that the scalar potential equals the vector potential in order to obtain analytical solutions. Both radial and angular parts of the Dirac equation are solved using the Nikiforov–Uvarov method. A relativistic energy spectrum and the relation between quantum numbers can be obtained using this method. Several quantum wave functions corresponding to several states are also presented in terms of the Jacobi Polynomials.展开更多
In a recent article [Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China) 47 (2007) 270], Cao et al. gave some nontrivial solutions of a Riccati equation by using symbolic and algebra computation. They took these solutions, whic...In a recent article [Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China) 47 (2007) 270], Cao et al. gave some nontrivial solutions of a Riccati equation by using symbolic and algebra computation. They took these solutions, which are in the form of q-deformed hyperbolic and triangular functions as new solutions. In this comment, we will show that these solutions are just the special cases of some known solutions of the Riccati equation and thus they are not new solutions.展开更多
When a boson interacts with another to form a composite system with SO(3) dynamic symmetry, it is shown that there exists the q-deformed 5osonic excitation satisfying the q-deformed Heisenberg commutation relation i...When a boson interacts with another to form a composite system with SO(3) dynamic symmetry, it is shown that there exists the q-deformed 5osonic excitation satisfying the q-deformed Heisenberg commutation relation in the quasi-classical limit that the angular momentum j for SO(3) is large, but not infinite. In second quantization this quasi-excitation is associated with the boson realization of SO(3) Lie algebra. Physically, the phenomena of q-deformed excitation can happen in many models of quantum dynamics, such as super emission from a system of many identical two-level atoms, the spin wave in Heisenberg chain, the high spin precession and the coherent output of Bose-Einstein atoms in a trap. Especially, in these models, the deformation parameter q is well defined intrinsically by a conservative quantity, such as the total atomic number and the angular momentum.展开更多
In this paper,the q-deformed Sinh-Gordon equation is solved analytically using a new general form based on the extended tanh approach.The numerical solutions of the equation is obtained using a b-spline finite element...In this paper,the q-deformed Sinh-Gordon equation is solved analytically using a new general form based on the extended tanh approach.The numerical solutions of the equation is obtained using a b-spline finite element method.Also,we present numerous figures to demonstrate the various solitons propagation patterns.This type of equation has not been previously dealt with in such ways,whether analytical or numerical.This study is very useful in studying several physical systems that have lost their symmetry.展开更多
This paper aims to study low dimensional cohomology of Hom-Lie algebras and the qdeformed W(2, 2) algebra. We show that the q-deformed W(2, 2) algebra is a Hom-Lie algebra. Also,we establish a one-to-one correspon...This paper aims to study low dimensional cohomology of Hom-Lie algebras and the qdeformed W(2, 2) algebra. We show that the q-deformed W(2, 2) algebra is a Hom-Lie algebra. Also,we establish a one-to-one correspondence between the equivalence classes of one-dimensional central extensions of a Hom-Lie algebra and its second cohomology group, leading us to determine the second cohomology group of the q-deformed W(2, 2) algebra. In addition, we generalize some results of derivations of finitely generated Lie algebras with values in graded modules to Hom-Lie algebras.As application, we compute all αk-derivations and in particular the first cohomology group of the q-deformed W(2, 2) algebra.展开更多
The Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which is the governor equation of Bose-Einstein condensates, is solved by first order perturbation expansion under various q-deformed potentials. Stationary probability distributions rev...The Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which is the governor equation of Bose-Einstein condensates, is solved by first order perturbation expansion under various q-deformed potentials. Stationary probability distributions reveal one and two soliton behavior depending on the type of the q-deformed potential. Additionally a spatial shift of the probability distribution is found for the dark soliton solution, when the q parameter is changed.展开更多
The classical Levy-Meixner polynomials are distinguished through the special forms of their generating functions. In fact, they are completely determined by 4 parameters: c1, c2,γ and β. In this paper, for-1 〈q〈 ...The classical Levy-Meixner polynomials are distinguished through the special forms of their generating functions. In fact, they are completely determined by 4 parameters: c1, c2,γ and β. In this paper, for-1 〈q〈 1, we obtain a unified explicit form of q-deformed Levy-Meixner polynomials and their generating functions in term of c1, c2, γand β, which is shown to be a reasonable interpolation between classical case (q=1) and fermionic case (q=-1).In particular, when q=0 it's also compatible with the free case.展开更多
The q-deformed Fermi-Dirac distribution is used to study the high-temperature(T TF) ∨behavior of a relativistic q-deformed ideal Fermi gas. The effects of the q-deformation and relativity on the properties of the s...The q-deformed Fermi-Dirac distribution is used to study the high-temperature(T TF) ∨behavior of a relativistic q-deformed ideal Fermi gas. The effects of the q-deformation and relativity on the properties of the system are discussed,and then,the example of the neutrinos near the surface of the earth is used to calculate approximately. It shows that the q-deformation increases the total energy but decreases the chemical potential and heat capacity,whereas mc 2 ε F0increases the chemical potential and total energy but decreases the heat capacity( ε F0is the Fermi energy of ultrarelativistic undeformed Fermi gas) . The larger the deformation parameter q and the value of mc 2 ε F0are,the more remarkable the effects of them on the thermostatistic properties will be. However,the effects of both q-deformation and relativity become weak with increasing temperature. When the temperature T →∞,the thermostatistic properties of the system are reduced to those of ordinary Boltzmann gases and independent of q and relativity effect completely,which implies that the q-deformation is a pure quantum effect.展开更多
The q-deformed entangled states are introduced by using deformation quantization methods and new normal ordering of the vacuum projection operator for q-deformed boson oscillator. In similar way, by virtue of the tech...The q-deformed entangled states are introduced by using deformation quantization methods and new normal ordering of the vacuum projection operator for q-deformed boson oscillator. In similar way, by virtue of the technique of integration within an ordered product (IWOP) of operators, the new completeness and orthogonMity relations composed of the bra and ket, which are not mutually Hermitian conjugates are obtained. Furthermore, the property of squeezing operator represented by the q-deformed entangled states is exhibited. Lastly, the nonclassical properties of the q-deformed two-mode squeezed vacuum state are studied.展开更多
We have obtained approximate bound state solutions of Schrödinger wave equation with modified quadratic Yukawa plus q-deformed Eckart potential Using Parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method. However, we obtai...We have obtained approximate bound state solutions of Schrödinger wave equation with modified quadratic Yukawa plus q-deformed Eckart potential Using Parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method. However, we obtained numerical energy eigenvalues and un-normalized wave function using confluent hypergeometric function (Jacobi polynomial). With some modifications, our potential reduces to a well-known potential such as Poschl-Teller and exponential inversely quadratic potential. Numerical bound state energies were carried out using a well-designed Matlab algorithm while the plots were obtained using origin software. The result obtained is in agreement with that of the existing literature.展开更多
On Hom-Lie algebras and superalgebras,we introduce the notions of biderivations and linear commuting maps,and compute them for some typical Hom-Lie algebras and superalgebras,including the q-deformed W(2,2)algebra,the...On Hom-Lie algebras and superalgebras,we introduce the notions of biderivations and linear commuting maps,and compute them for some typical Hom-Lie algebras and superalgebras,including the q-deformed W(2,2)algebra,the q-deformed Witt algebra and superalgebra.展开更多
q-Deformations of 3-Lie algebras and representations of q-3-Lie algebras are discussed. A q-3-Lie algebra (A, [, ,]q, [, ,]'q, Ja), where q ∈ F and q ≠ 0, is a vector space A over a field F with 3-cry linear mult...q-Deformations of 3-Lie algebras and representations of q-3-Lie algebras are discussed. A q-3-Lie algebra (A, [, ,]q, [, ,]'q, Ja), where q ∈ F and q ≠ 0, is a vector space A over a field F with 3-cry linear multiplications [,, ]q and [,, ]'q from A 3 to A, and a map Jq : A 5→ F satisfying the q-Jacobi identity Jq(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)[x1, x2, [x3, x4, x5]q]'q = Jq(x4, x5, x1, x2, x3)[x4, x5, [x1, x2, x3]q]'q for all x1 ∈ A. If the multiplications satisfy that [,,]q = [,,]'q and [,,]q is skew-symmetry, then (A, [,,]q, Jq) is called a type (I)-q-3- Lie algebra. From q-Lie algebras, group algebras and commutative associative algebras, q-3-Lie algebras and type (I)-q-3-Lie algebras are constructed. Also, the non-trivial one- dimensional central extension of q-3-Lie algebras is investigated, and new q-3-Lie algebras (DerqC[x,x-1], [, ,]q, [, ,]'q, Jq), and (Derδq C[x,x-1], [, ,]q, [,,]'q, Jq) are obtained.展开更多
The q-deformation of W(2, 2) Lie algebra is well defined based on a realization of this Lie algebra by using the famous bosonic and fermionic oscillators in physics. Furthermore, the quantum group structures on the ...The q-deformation of W(2, 2) Lie algebra is well defined based on a realization of this Lie algebra by using the famous bosonic and fermionic oscillators in physics. Furthermore, the quantum group structures on the q-deformation of W(2, 2) Lie algebra are completely determined. Finally, the 1-dimensional central extension of the q-deformed W(2, 2) Lie algebra is studied, which turns out to be coincided with the conventional W(2, 2) Lie algebra in the q → 1 limit.展开更多
In this paper,we construct the addition formulae for several integrable hierarchies,including the discrete KP,the q-deformed KP,the two-component BKP and the D type Drinfeld–Sokolov hierarchies.With the help of the H...In this paper,we construct the addition formulae for several integrable hierarchies,including the discrete KP,the q-deformed KP,the two-component BKP and the D type Drinfeld–Sokolov hierarchies.With the help of the Hirota bilinear equations and τ functions of different kinds of KP hierarchies,we prove that these addition formulae are equivalent to these hierarchies.These studies show that the addition formula in the research of the integrable systems has good universality.展开更多
基金The project partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 10471143 and the State 973 Project under Grant No. 2004CB318001 The authors are very grateful to Prof. Hong-Bo Li, Yong Chen, Zhen-Ya Yan, and Zhuo-Sheng Lii for their kind help and valuable suggestions. They also thank Prof. En-Gui Fan and Prof. Chun-Ping Liu for their constructive suggestions about the solutions of Riccati equation.
文摘In this paper, by using symbolic and algebra computation, Chen and Wang's multiple R/ccati equations rational expansion method was further extended. Many double soliton-like and other novel combined forms of exact solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Breaking soliton equation are derived by using the extended multiple Riccatl equations expansion method.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11047030)Supported by the Science and Technology Program of Henan Province(152300410061)
文摘We investigate the highest weight representations of the q-deformed Virasoro algebra of Hom-type. In order to determine its unitarity and irreducible highest weight representations, we present its Kac determinant formula when q is nonzero and non-root of unity.
文摘In this paper, we present the exact solution of the one-dimensional Schrrdinger equation for the q-deformed quantum potentials via the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of these potentials are obtained via this method. The energy equations and the corresponding wave functions for some special cases of these potentials are briefly discussed. The PT-symmetry and Hermiticity for these potentials are also discussed.
文摘An approximate solution of the Dirac equation for a spin-1/2 particle under the influence of q-deformed hyperbolic P ¨oschl–Teller potential combined with trigonometric Scarf II non-central potential is studied analytically. It is assumed that the scalar potential equals the vector potential in order to obtain analytical solutions. Both radial and angular parts of the Dirac equation are solved using the Nikiforov–Uvarov method. A relativistic energy spectrum and the relation between quantum numbers can be obtained using this method. Several quantum wave functions corresponding to several states are also presented in terms of the Jacobi Polynomials.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.10671172the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province under Grant No.BK2006064
文摘In a recent article [Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China) 47 (2007) 270], Cao et al. gave some nontrivial solutions of a Riccati equation by using symbolic and algebra computation. They took these solutions, which are in the form of q-deformed hyperbolic and triangular functions as new solutions. In this comment, we will show that these solutions are just the special cases of some known solutions of the Riccati equation and thus they are not new solutions.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.10547101,10647108,and 10604002the National Fundamental Research Program of China under Grant No.2006CB921200
文摘When a boson interacts with another to form a composite system with SO(3) dynamic symmetry, it is shown that there exists the q-deformed 5osonic excitation satisfying the q-deformed Heisenberg commutation relation in the quasi-classical limit that the angular momentum j for SO(3) is large, but not infinite. In second quantization this quasi-excitation is associated with the boson realization of SO(3) Lie algebra. Physically, the phenomena of q-deformed excitation can happen in many models of quantum dynamics, such as super emission from a system of many identical two-level atoms, the spin wave in Heisenberg chain, the high spin precession and the coherent output of Bose-Einstein atoms in a trap. Especially, in these models, the deformation parameter q is well defined intrinsically by a conservative quantity, such as the total atomic number and the angular momentum.
文摘In this paper,the q-deformed Sinh-Gordon equation is solved analytically using a new general form based on the extended tanh approach.The numerical solutions of the equation is obtained using a b-spline finite element method.Also,we present numerous figures to demonstrate the various solitons propagation patterns.This type of equation has not been previously dealt with in such ways,whether analytical or numerical.This study is very useful in studying several physical systems that have lost their symmetry.
基金Supported by China Scholarship Council(Grant No.201206125047)China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project(Grant No.2012M520715)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No.HIT.NSRIF.201462)
文摘This paper aims to study low dimensional cohomology of Hom-Lie algebras and the qdeformed W(2, 2) algebra. We show that the q-deformed W(2, 2) algebra is a Hom-Lie algebra. Also,we establish a one-to-one correspondence between the equivalence classes of one-dimensional central extensions of a Hom-Lie algebra and its second cohomology group, leading us to determine the second cohomology group of the q-deformed W(2, 2) algebra. In addition, we generalize some results of derivations of finitely generated Lie algebras with values in graded modules to Hom-Lie algebras.As application, we compute all αk-derivations and in particular the first cohomology group of the q-deformed W(2, 2) algebra.
文摘The Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which is the governor equation of Bose-Einstein condensates, is solved by first order perturbation expansion under various q-deformed potentials. Stationary probability distributions reveal one and two soliton behavior depending on the type of the q-deformed potential. Additionally a spatial shift of the probability distribution is found for the dark soliton solution, when the q parameter is changed.
基金Project Nos.10571065 and 10401011 supported by NSFC
文摘The classical Levy-Meixner polynomials are distinguished through the special forms of their generating functions. In fact, they are completely determined by 4 parameters: c1, c2,γ and β. In this paper, for-1 〈q〈 1, we obtain a unified explicit form of q-deformed Levy-Meixner polynomials and their generating functions in term of c1, c2, γand β, which is shown to be a reasonable interpolation between classical case (q=1) and fermionic case (q=-1).In particular, when q=0 it's also compatible with the free case.
基金Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of the Education Department of Anhui Province (KJ2009B056Z)the Special Foundation of Talent Introduction in Anhui Science and Technology University (ZRC2008184)
文摘The q-deformed Fermi-Dirac distribution is used to study the high-temperature(T TF) ∨behavior of a relativistic q-deformed ideal Fermi gas. The effects of the q-deformation and relativity on the properties of the system are discussed,and then,the example of the neutrinos near the surface of the earth is used to calculate approximately. It shows that the q-deformation increases the total energy but decreases the chemical potential and heat capacity,whereas mc 2 ε F0increases the chemical potential and total energy but decreases the heat capacity( ε F0is the Fermi energy of ultrarelativistic undeformed Fermi gas) . The larger the deformation parameter q and the value of mc 2 ε F0are,the more remarkable the effects of them on the thermostatistic properties will be. However,the effects of both q-deformation and relativity become weak with increasing temperature. When the temperature T →∞,the thermostatistic properties of the system are reduced to those of ordinary Boltzmann gases and independent of q and relativity effect completely,which implies that the q-deformation is a pure quantum effect.
文摘The q-deformed entangled states are introduced by using deformation quantization methods and new normal ordering of the vacuum projection operator for q-deformed boson oscillator. In similar way, by virtue of the technique of integration within an ordered product (IWOP) of operators, the new completeness and orthogonMity relations composed of the bra and ket, which are not mutually Hermitian conjugates are obtained. Furthermore, the property of squeezing operator represented by the q-deformed entangled states is exhibited. Lastly, the nonclassical properties of the q-deformed two-mode squeezed vacuum state are studied.
文摘We have obtained approximate bound state solutions of Schrödinger wave equation with modified quadratic Yukawa plus q-deformed Eckart potential Using Parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method. However, we obtained numerical energy eigenvalues and un-normalized wave function using confluent hypergeometric function (Jacobi polynomial). With some modifications, our potential reduces to a well-known potential such as Poschl-Teller and exponential inversely quadratic potential. Numerical bound state energies were carried out using a well-designed Matlab algorithm while the plots were obtained using origin software. The result obtained is in agreement with that of the existing literature.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation grants of China(Grant No.11301109)。
文摘On Hom-Lie algebras and superalgebras,we introduce the notions of biderivations and linear commuting maps,and compute them for some typical Hom-Lie algebras and superalgebras,including the q-deformed W(2,2)algebra,the q-deformed Witt algebra and superalgebra.
文摘q-Deformations of 3-Lie algebras and representations of q-3-Lie algebras are discussed. A q-3-Lie algebra (A, [, ,]q, [, ,]'q, Ja), where q ∈ F and q ≠ 0, is a vector space A over a field F with 3-cry linear multiplications [,, ]q and [,, ]'q from A 3 to A, and a map Jq : A 5→ F satisfying the q-Jacobi identity Jq(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)[x1, x2, [x3, x4, x5]q]'q = Jq(x4, x5, x1, x2, x3)[x4, x5, [x1, x2, x3]q]'q for all x1 ∈ A. If the multiplications satisfy that [,,]q = [,,]'q and [,,]q is skew-symmetry, then (A, [,,]q, Jq) is called a type (I)-q-3- Lie algebra. From q-Lie algebras, group algebras and commutative associative algebras, q-3-Lie algebras and type (I)-q-3-Lie algebras are constructed. Also, the non-trivial one- dimensional central extension of q-3-Lie algebras is investigated, and new q-3-Lie algebras (DerqC[x,x-1], [, ,]q, [, ,]'q, Jq), and (Derδq C[x,x-1], [, ,]q, [,,]'q, Jq) are obtained.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10825101)
文摘The q-deformation of W(2, 2) Lie algebra is well defined based on a realization of this Lie algebra by using the famous bosonic and fermionic oscillators in physics. Furthermore, the quantum group structures on the q-deformation of W(2, 2) Lie algebra are completely determined. Finally, the 1-dimensional central extension of the q-deformed W(2, 2) Lie algebra is studied, which turns out to be coincided with the conventional W(2, 2) Lie algebra in the q → 1 limit.
基金Supported by the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation under Grant No.LY15A010004the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.11201251,11571192+2 种基金the Natural Science Foundation of Ningbo under Grant No.2015A610157supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.11271210K.C.Wong Magna Fund in Ningbo University
文摘In this paper,we construct the addition formulae for several integrable hierarchies,including the discrete KP,the q-deformed KP,the two-component BKP and the D type Drinfeld–Sokolov hierarchies.With the help of the Hirota bilinear equations and τ functions of different kinds of KP hierarchies,we prove that these addition formulae are equivalent to these hierarchies.These studies show that the addition formula in the research of the integrable systems has good universality.