结合高速摄影技术,应用SHPB加载装置,分别使用钢制、铝制和有机玻璃制3种透射杆,对直径约7.90、11.80、15.61 mm 3种尺寸的石英玻璃珠进行了低速冲击实验。根据不同透射杆条件下的玻璃珠破碎过程中的载荷-位移曲线,结合有限元软件计算...结合高速摄影技术,应用SHPB加载装置,分别使用钢制、铝制和有机玻璃制3种透射杆,对直径约7.90、11.80、15.61 mm 3种尺寸的石英玻璃珠进行了低速冲击实验。根据不同透射杆条件下的玻璃珠破碎过程中的载荷-位移曲线,结合有限元软件计算玻璃珠在冲击作用下载荷的变化情况以及实验过程中玻璃珠的应变,探讨了应力调整对玻璃珠破碎过程的影响。结果表明:相同冲击条件作用下,改变透射杆的材料,会改变玻璃珠破碎过程中的载荷分布,即透射端边界波阻抗的改变会导致反射波发生改变,从而导致玻璃珠内部载荷发生变化;透射杆为铝材和有机玻璃材质时,玻璃珠在破碎过程中的载荷明显下降,在加载过程中伴随着垫块的变形,玻璃珠内部的应力调整时间变长;透射杆为钢杆时,玻璃珠的应变主要表现为两端最大,越靠近中间应变越小,对于透射杆为铝杆和有机玻璃杆的玻璃珠,透射端局部出现了卸载行为。采用有机玻璃透射杆之后,局部应力和变形降低的结果使得玻璃珠在经受较大的变形之后发生破碎,表明玻璃珠的破碎行为由局部变形和局部变形梯度共同控制。展开更多
Two sand packs were filled with fine glass beads and quartz sand respectively. The characteristics of crosslinked polymer flowing through the sand packs as well as the influence of shear fracture of porous media on th...Two sand packs were filled with fine glass beads and quartz sand respectively. The characteristics of crosslinked polymer flowing through the sand packs as well as the influence of shear fracture of porous media on the indepth profile modification of the weak gel generated from the crosslinked polymer were investigated. The results indicated that under the dynamic condition crosslinking reaction happened in both sand packs, and the weak gels in these two cases became small gel particles after water flooding. The differences were: the dynamic gelation time in the quartz sand pack was longer than that in the glass bead pack. Residual resistance factor (FRR) caused by the weak gel in the quartz sand pack was smaller than that in the glass bead pack. The weak gel became gel particles after being scoured by subsequent flood water. A weak gel with uniform apparent viscosity and sealing characteristics was generated in every part of the glass bead pack, which could not only move deeply into the sand pack but also seal the high capacity channels again when it reached the deep part. The weak gel performed in-depth profile modification in the glass bead pack, while in the quartz sand pack, the weak gel was concentrated with 100 cm from the entrance of the sand pack. When propelled by the subsequent flood water, the weak gel could move towards the deep part of the sand pack but then became tiny gel particles and could not effectively seal the high capacity channels there. The in-depth profile modification of the weak gel was very weak in the quartz sand pack. It was the shear fracture of porous media that mainly affected the properties and weakened the in-depth profile modification of the weak gel.展开更多
文摘结合高速摄影技术,应用SHPB加载装置,分别使用钢制、铝制和有机玻璃制3种透射杆,对直径约7.90、11.80、15.61 mm 3种尺寸的石英玻璃珠进行了低速冲击实验。根据不同透射杆条件下的玻璃珠破碎过程中的载荷-位移曲线,结合有限元软件计算玻璃珠在冲击作用下载荷的变化情况以及实验过程中玻璃珠的应变,探讨了应力调整对玻璃珠破碎过程的影响。结果表明:相同冲击条件作用下,改变透射杆的材料,会改变玻璃珠破碎过程中的载荷分布,即透射端边界波阻抗的改变会导致反射波发生改变,从而导致玻璃珠内部载荷发生变化;透射杆为铝材和有机玻璃材质时,玻璃珠在破碎过程中的载荷明显下降,在加载过程中伴随着垫块的变形,玻璃珠内部的应力调整时间变长;透射杆为钢杆时,玻璃珠的应变主要表现为两端最大,越靠近中间应变越小,对于透射杆为铝杆和有机玻璃杆的玻璃珠,透射端局部出现了卸载行为。采用有机玻璃透射杆之后,局部应力和变形降低的结果使得玻璃珠在经受较大的变形之后发生破碎,表明玻璃珠的破碎行为由局部变形和局部变形梯度共同控制。
文摘Two sand packs were filled with fine glass beads and quartz sand respectively. The characteristics of crosslinked polymer flowing through the sand packs as well as the influence of shear fracture of porous media on the indepth profile modification of the weak gel generated from the crosslinked polymer were investigated. The results indicated that under the dynamic condition crosslinking reaction happened in both sand packs, and the weak gels in these two cases became small gel particles after water flooding. The differences were: the dynamic gelation time in the quartz sand pack was longer than that in the glass bead pack. Residual resistance factor (FRR) caused by the weak gel in the quartz sand pack was smaller than that in the glass bead pack. The weak gel became gel particles after being scoured by subsequent flood water. A weak gel with uniform apparent viscosity and sealing characteristics was generated in every part of the glass bead pack, which could not only move deeply into the sand pack but also seal the high capacity channels again when it reached the deep part. The weak gel performed in-depth profile modification in the glass bead pack, while in the quartz sand pack, the weak gel was concentrated with 100 cm from the entrance of the sand pack. When propelled by the subsequent flood water, the weak gel could move towards the deep part of the sand pack but then became tiny gel particles and could not effectively seal the high capacity channels there. The in-depth profile modification of the weak gel was very weak in the quartz sand pack. It was the shear fracture of porous media that mainly affected the properties and weakened the in-depth profile modification of the weak gel.