The timing of the emplacement of the Weiya pluton remains controversial due to the absence of systematic and precise dating. This paper reports zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of different lithologic phases in the Weiya plu...The timing of the emplacement of the Weiya pluton remains controversial due to the absence of systematic and precise dating. This paper reports zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of different lithologic phases in the Weiya pluton, and discusses the genesis and tectonic environment. The ages of gabbro, quartz syenite, diorite porphyrite and fine-grained granite are 236±6 Ma, 246±6 Ma, 233±8 Ma and 237±8 Ma, respectively. All these phases were formed in early-middle Indosinian (Triassic) in a post-orogenic environment. In addition to underplating, intraplating of mantle-derived magmas is also a substantial mechanism for magma generation and vertical accretion of the continental crust. Granitoid rocks are important products of vertical continental accretion as underplating evolves gradually to intraplating. The existence of post-orogenic Indosinian granites shows that the middle Tianshan orogenic belt underwent an important tectonic conversion from the Paleo-Asian ocean subduction-collision system to the Paleo-Tethys ocean regime.展开更多
The LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb geochronology of three typically Indosinian granitic plutons yielded weighted mean ^206pb/^238U ages of 214.1±5.9 Ma and 210.3±4.7 Ma for the biotite monzonitic granites from the Xie...The LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb geochronology of three typically Indosinian granitic plutons yielded weighted mean ^206pb/^238U ages of 214.1±5.9 Ma and 210.3±4.7 Ma for the biotite monzonitic granites from the Xiema and Xiangzikou plutons in Hunan Province, and 205.3±1.6 Ma for biotite granite from the Napeng pluton, western Guandong Province, respectively, showing a similar late Indosinian age of crystallization. In combination with other geochronological data from Indosinian granites within the South China Block (SCB), it is proposed that those late Indosinian granites with an age of -210 Ma and the early Indosinian granites (230-245 Ma) have the similar petrogenesis in identical tectonic setting. The Indosinian granites within the SCB might be the products of anatexis of the thickening crust in a compressive regime. These data provide a further understanding for the temporal and spatial distribution of the Indosinian granites and the dynamic evolution of the SCB.展开更多
It is generally considered that granitic plutons are forcefully emplaced in acompressional setting and permissively emplaced in an extensional setting. This paper, however,shows that syn-kinematic (extensional) ellipt...It is generally considered that granitic plutons are forcefully emplaced in acompressional setting and permissively emplaced in an extensional setting. This paper, however,shows that syn-kinematic (extensional) elliptic granitic plutons in the Yagan-Onch Hayrhanmetamorphic core complex (MCC) have relatively strong forceful emplacement, which are indicated by(1) concentric distribution of the rock units, (2) a strain pattern with strong strains on themargins and low strains at the centre of a pluton, and particularly (3) syn-emplacement shorteningof the host rocks within the aureole. The strain analysis for the host rocks shows that thehost-rock ductile shortening, i.e. forceful emplacement, provides about 16-24 percent of theemplacement space for the present plutons. All these suggest that forceful emplacement occurs notonly in a compressional tectonic setting, but also in an extensional setting. This study furtherdemonstrates the significance of the multiple emplacement of granitic plutons and provides newinformation about the causality between granitic magmatism and the formation of the MCC and itsdynamics.展开更多
The Fenghuangshan Pluton is located in the Tongling polymineral-cluster district in the middle-lower section of the Yangtze metallogenic belt. In tectonic terms, it is in the middle of the Guichi-Fanchang faulted fold...The Fenghuangshan Pluton is located in the Tongling polymineral-cluster district in the middle-lower section of the Yangtze metallogenic belt. In tectonic terms, it is in the middle of the Guichi-Fanchang faulted fold bundle of the lower Yangtze Platform fold belt between the Dabie Orogenic Belt and the Jiangnan Massif. Analyses of the structural deformation characteristics of both the contact zone and the interior of the pluton are used to explain its emplacement mechanism. The foliation and lineation of the pluton, consisting of the oriented distribution of dark minerals and xenoliths, mainly concentrate along the margin of the pluton. Toward the center of the pluton, the foliation structure becomes weak, showing intense compression formation at the margin, and reflecting the conformable intrusion of the pluton. The relatively gentle lineation is evidence of a rotatory emplacement mechanism. Relatively steep marginal foliation reflects compression expanding. Affected by the thermal power of the pluton, the metamorphism of the contact zone has zonation. Both the strike of the axial plane of fold at the contact zone and that of the flow cleavage of the ductile shear zone are consistent with the boundary of the pluton, which reflects the speciality of conformable intrusion. The hinges of the folds are mostly inclined and erect, reflecting both the rotation of the pluton and its upward spiraling emplacement mechanism. Boudins developed in both the contact zone and the steep strata indicate the emplacement characteristic of the ballon expanding. The surrounding rock of the contact zone shortens horizontally. The average percentage of shortening is 39.7%, which further proves the mechanism of the pluton expanding, and the space occupied by the active expanding intrusion was provided by the shortening of the surrounding rock. The left-lateral shear shown by the ductile shear zone and the rheomorphic fold reveals that the pluton emplacement and the deformation of surrounding rock are controlled by a NNE-striking left-lateral shear stress field. These characteristics of pluton structures provide a mechanism of emplacement. In the deep, the pluton apirally rose left lateral, and in the shallow, the one forcefully emplaced balloningly.展开更多
Late Carboniferous to Early Permian A-type granites are extensively distributed throughout the West Junggar region, NW China, and the Akebasitao pluton is extremely distinguished among these plutons. In this paper, we...Late Carboniferous to Early Permian A-type granites are extensively distributed throughout the West Junggar region, NW China, and the Akebasitao pluton is extremely distinguished among these plutons. In this paper, we reported new anisotropy of magnetic susceptible (AMS) data combine with detailed field study and audio magnetotelluric (AMT) sounding to assess the three-dimensional shape and magmatic emplacement mechanism of the Akebasitao pluton. The geological features and the AMT sounding indicate that the pluton had a slightly oblique movement of magma from northwest to southeast, which was most likely to correspond to an asymmetrical torch with a laccolith-shaped upper part, and a lower part formed by sub-vertical "root" that was located within its northwestern part, probably controlled by the NE-trending Anqi fault. The AMS fabrics of all the specimens reveal a low Pj value (mean of 1.02) and a low T value (mean of -0.024), suggesting that the deformation of the AMS ellipsoid is relatively weak. The specimens exhibit both oblate and prolate shapes of the AMS ellipsoid. Magnetic lineations and foliations are randomly distributed throughout the pluton without any preferred orientation. These AMS patterns indicate that the pluton formed in a relatively stable structural environment with no regional extrusion. Therefore, we propose a complex emplacement process in which the magmas reached the shallower crust levels via deep-faults and subsequently occupied the room created by doming, accompanied by stoping near the pluton roof. Additionally, the regional tectonic setting was relatively stable during the emplacement of the Akebasitao pluton, indicating the termination of compressional orogeny during the late Late Carboniferous in the West Junggar region. This conclusion perfectly coincides with the regional tectonic paleogeography, magmatic system, and paleostress field.展开更多
The Huamenlou pluton,is an elongated granite intrusion with high aspect ratio,emplaced within the southern margin of the North Qinling(central China).Here we investigate this pluton through multiple techniques includi...The Huamenlou pluton,is an elongated granite intrusion with high aspect ratio,emplaced within the southern margin of the North Qinling(central China).Here we investigate this pluton through multiple techniques including the fabric study,microstructural observation and zircon geochronology.Our zircon U-Pb data confirm that the granite crystallized at ca.462 Ma which is consistent with the ages of other linear plutons in North Qinling.Microstructural observations of the Huamenlou granites illustrate that the pluton has undergone superimposed deformation during its emplacement,from magmatic to hightemperature solid state conditions.The internal fabric obtained by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility(AMS)and shape preferred orientation(SPO)show similar results.The fabrics are relatively concordant and generally vary from NE-SW to NEE-SWW which are roughly oblique to the trend of the pluton elongation and the regional structures.Meanwhile,scalar parameters reflect two completely different strain regimes for the pluton and its host rocks,i.e.,the fabrics within host rocks are mainly oblate while the central part of the intrusion displays mainly prolate fabrics.It is inferred that the structural pattern recorded in this pluton was caused by local dextral transtension in consequence of oblique convergence between the South and North China Blocks.We propose that the local transtension in convergence setting probably evolved from vertical extrusion tectonics that provided room for the magma emplacement and imparted prolate fabrics in the Huamenlou pluton.展开更多
The Dehe granitic pluton intruded the Xiahe Group which is in the core complex of the North Qinling Orogenic Belt(NQOB).It shows gneissic bedding and possesses typical S-type granite minerals such as muscovite and gar...The Dehe granitic pluton intruded the Xiahe Group which is in the core complex of the North Qinling Orogenic Belt(NQOB).It shows gneissic bedding and possesses typical S-type granite minerals such as muscovite and garnet.LA-ICP-MS U-Pb isotopic dating of the Dehe granite yielded a weighted average age of 925±23 Ma which represents the emplacement age of the pluton.Most of the εHf(t) values are negative,and the two-stage model ages are consistent with the age of the Qinling Group.The isotope data show that the Dehe granite was formed in the following geological setting:in the syn-collision setting of the NQOB in the Neoproterozoic,crustal thickening induced partial melting of materials derived from the Qinling complex,and then the maga upwelled and intruded into the Xiahe Group.The formation of the Dehe S-type granite implied the occurrence of a convergent event in the QOB during the Neoproterozoic.展开更多
The Venda Nova Pluton (VNP) is a zoned ring structure emplaced in the southern portion of the Neoproterozoic Araquai Belt, in Espirito Santo, Brazil. It is a slightly westward tilted cylinder-like intrusion, with an...The Venda Nova Pluton (VNP) is a zoned ring structure emplaced in the southern portion of the Neoproterozoic Araquai Belt, in Espirito Santo, Brazil. It is a slightly westward tilted cylinder-like intrusion, with an almost circular horizontal section. In the center of this structure, an off-centered gabbro-noritic core, surrounded by syeno-monzonitic rocks, intrudes an outer ring of charnockites and norite. These envelop the syeno-monzonitic and gabbro-noritic center, as a narrow discontinuous belt. While, in the core intrusion, mingling and mixing processes are widespread and well documented in the literature, in the outer ring, the norite and charnockite layers show predominantly homogeneous and isotropic internal structures. Nevertheless, smaller interaction zones between charnockites and norite denote a comparatively more restricted mingling process. The norite is a fine-grained rock with hypidio- morphic granular to intergranular texture. The charnockites are medium-grained and made up of: (a) orthopyroxene-tonalite, (h) orthopyroxene-quartz-diorite, and (c) orthopyroxene-granodiorite with hy- pidiomorphic granular to porphyritic textures. In all lithotypes both ortho- and clinopyroxene are replaced by hornblende and biotite. Two contrasting compositional sequences have been recognized, based on whole rock geochemistry: (1) a basic, with tholeiitic affinities (norite) and, (2) an intermediate, medium-K calc-alkalinc, comprising the charnockites. Estimated crystallization temperatures, which have been calculated from micro-probe analysis of pyroxenes, range from 915± 25 ℃ to 960 ± 50 ℃. Re-equilibration temperature (ihnenite-magnetite calibration) is around 600 ~ 50 ℃. This indicates oxygen fugacities four order of magnitude below the FMQ-buffer and a reduced environment. Coeval pressure conditions estimated from the Al-content in hornblende range from 5.5 ± 0.6 kbar. Data obtained for the norite point toward an evolution from the partial melting of an anhydrous tholeiitic mantle magma. The charnockites may correspond to the differentiation of a calc-alkaline parental magma. The later could be the hybrid product from the contamination and mixing between the anhydrous tholeiitic magma with other deeper crustal sources. Further the magmatic system evolved through frac- tionation of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and ilnlenite. Our results support the hypothesis for the evolution of the Venda Nova Pluton through a mantle-crust delamination process probably related to the collapse of the Araquai orogeny.展开更多
The Dahongliutan granitic pluton,in the eastern part of the West Kunlun orogenic belt,provides significant insights for studying the tectonic evolution of West Kunlun.This paper presents a systematic study of LA-ICP-M...The Dahongliutan granitic pluton,in the eastern part of the West Kunlun orogenic belt,provides significant insights for studying the tectonic evolution of West Kunlun.This paper presents a systematic study of LA-ICP-MS zircon U Pb age,major and trace elements,Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes,and the first detailed Li isotope analysis of the Dahongliutan pluton.LA-ICP-MS zircon U Pb dating shows that the Dahongliutan granites were emplaced in the Late Triassic((213±2.1)Ma).Geochemical data show relatively high SiO2 contents(68.45 wt%73.62 wt%)and aluminum saturation index(A/CNK=1.111.21)indicates peraluminous high-K calc-alkaline granite.The Dahongliutan granites are relatively high in light rare earth elements(LREE)and large ion lithophile elements(LILEs)(e.g.,Rb,K,Th),and relatively depleted in high field strength elements(HFSEs)(e.g.,Nb,Ta,P,Ti).TheεNd(t)values range from 8.71 to 4.73,and(87Sr/86Sr)i=0.70870.71574.Zircons from the pluton yield 176Hf/177Hf values of 0.2826181 to 0.2827683,andεHf(t)values are around 0;the two-stage Hf model ages range from 0.974 to 1.307 Ga.Theδ7Li values are 0.76‰3.25‰,with an average of 2.53‰.Isotopic compositions of the pluton suggest a mixed trend between the partial melting of the Middle Proterozoic ancient crustal material and a juvenile mantle-derived material.This study infers that the Dahongliutan rock mass is formed in the post-collisional extension environment,when the collision between South Kunlun and the Tianshuihai terranes results in the closure of the Palaeo-Tethys.The mantle-derived magma results in partial melting of the lower crust.展开更多
Rocks of the late Neoproterozoic Askaoun pluton (558 ± 2 Ma) located in the Ouzellarh-Sirwa promontory (Anti-Atlas) include magmatic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) ranging from rounded to ovoid in shape, dark and ...Rocks of the late Neoproterozoic Askaoun pluton (558 ± 2 Ma) located in the Ouzellarh-Sirwa promontory (Anti-Atlas) include magmatic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) ranging from rounded to ovoid in shape, dark and fine grained and generally 5 to 10 cm in size, some reaching a size of 50 cm. They are composed of microdiorite, quartz microdiorite and micromonzodiorite, whereas the felsic host rocks comprise mainly quartz-diorite and amphibole-biotite granodiorite based on mineralogical compositions. The mineral assemblage is similar to those described in their hosting granitoids but with different proportions. In this study composition of minerals is used to describe the nature of the magma and estimate the pressure, temperature and oxygen fugacity at which Askaoun pluton is emplaced. Based on chemistry of biotite Askaoun pluton formed from calc-alkaline magma. Compositions of plagioclase (An5 - An29);hornblende (Mg ≠= 0.59 - 0.65) and biotite (Mg ≠= 0.49 - 0.55) of MMEs are slightly distinct or similar to those of host rocks (An7-40;hbl Mg ≠= 0.64 - 0.69;Bi Mg ≠= 0.49 - 0.50) which suggest partial to complete equilibration during mafic-felsic magma interaction. The coexisting hornblende and plagioclase (hornblende-plagioclase thermometry), Al content in hornblende (aluminum-in-hornblende barometry) and the assemblage titanite-magnetite-quartz were used to constrain the P, T and fO2 during the crystallization of the parent magmas. The Askaoun pluton was emplaced at temperature ca. 504°C - 633°C and at pressure ca. 0.9 - 4.66 ± 0.6 Kbars (average depth = 6.5 km) from a highly oxidized magma (log fO2 = ?24.8 to ?19.2).展开更多
A number of studies revealed that the Gangdese magmatic belt of southern Tibet was closely related to the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere and Indo-Asian collision.However,pre-Cretaceous magm...A number of studies revealed that the Gangdese magmatic belt of southern Tibet was closely related to the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere and Indo-Asian collision.However,pre-Cretaceous magmatism is still poorly constrained in the Gangdese magmatic belt,southern Tibet.Here,we conducted systematically geochronology and geochemistry studies on a newly-identified granitic pluton in the middle Gangdese magmatic belt(Namling area),southern Tibet.Zircon SHRIMPⅡU-Pb dating for one representative sample gives a weighted age of 184.2±1.8 Ma(MSWD=±1.11),corresponding to emplacement and crystallization age of the granitic pluton in the Early Jurassic(Pliensbachian).High SiO2(68.9-72.1 wt.%)contents and intermediate Mg#values(35-38)together suggest that the newly-identified granitic pluton was probably formed by partial melting of crustal material with minor injection of mantle-derived magma,precluding an origin from melting of metasedimentary rocks that are characterized by low Mg#and high zirconδ^18O values(>8‰).Geochemically,the newly-identified granitic pluton belongs to typical I-type granitic affinity,whereas this is inconsistent with aluminium saturation index(ASI=A/CNK ratios)and geochemical signatures.This suggests that zircon oxygen isotopes(4.30‰-5.28‰)and mineral features(lacking Al-rich minerals)are reliable indicators for discriminating granitic origin.Significantly depleted whole-rock Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions and zirconεHf(t)values indicate that the granitic pluton was derived from partial melting of depleted arc-type lavas.In addition,the granitic pluton shows zirconδ^18O values ranging from 4.30‰to 5.28‰(with a mean value of 4.77‰)that are consistent with mantle-derived zircon values(5.3‰±0.6‰)within the uncertainties,indicating that the granitic pluton might have experienced weak short-living high-temperature hydrous fluid-rock interaction.Combined with the Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotopes and geochemical signatures,we propose that the newly-identified granitic pluton was originated from partial melting of depleted mafic lower crust,and experienced only negligible wall-rock contamination during ascent.Integrated with published data,we also propose that the initial subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere occurred no later than the Pliensbachian of the Early Jurassic.展开更多
1 Introduction The western Kunlun orogen,located in the northwest Tibet Plateau,and is a conjunction between the Pan-Asian and the Tethys tectonic domains.From north to south,the Western Kunlun orogen includes four
Objective The widely exposed granites in the Wulashan area of Inner Mongolia are an important component of intermediate-acidic magma belt at the northern margin of the North China Craton, and are also a natural labor...Objective The widely exposed granites in the Wulashan area of Inner Mongolia are an important component of intermediate-acidic magma belt at the northern margin of the North China Craton, and are also a natural laboratory to research the origin of granite bodies. The Shadegai pluton, a representative intrusion, intruded into the Wulashan Group metamorphic rocks, occurring as stock, and was controlled by the Linhe-Jining deep fracture. This pluton is composed of dominant K-feldspar granites and less biotite moyite, with abundant mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) dominated by gray black monzonite. Most MMEs have a sharp contact zone with their host granite, and few have a gradual contact relationship. Previous researches have described the characteristics of petrology and chronology of the Shadegai pluton, but few have focused on the characteristics of the petrography,展开更多
The new micro-structural and magnetic fabric data on Cuizhao plutou and their emplacement implications are demonstrated in this peper. The magnetic foliations develop better and the degree of magnetic susceptibility a...The new micro-structural and magnetic fabric data on Cuizhao plutou and their emplacement implications are demonstrated in this peper. The magnetic foliations develop better and the degree of magnetic susceptibility anlsotropy is larger in the margin of the pluton than that in the center,which reveals mainly horizontal compression or magma during emplacement- The mapnetic lineations are not very well developed. The magnetic fabrics in the Cuizhao pluton reveal horizontal compression like the bollooning model during emplacement near the Earth surrace. This feature was fixed in later tectonic events.展开更多
Compositionally zoned plutons, both layered and concentrically arranged, provide granitic exposures where the mechanisms and timing of the magmatic emplacement processes can be studied. The importance of in-situ geoch...Compositionally zoned plutons, both layered and concentrically arranged, provide granitic exposures where the mechanisms and timing of the magmatic emplacement processes can be studied. The importance of in-situ geochemical differentiation and the magma replenishment rates are revealed by geochemistry and field relations, together with the increasingly accurate U-Pb geochronology, which has promoted the knowledge about the pluton incremental assembly theories.The Flamenco pluton, located in the Coastal Range of northern Chile, is part of the Upper Triassic to Early Cretaceous Andean intrusives formed in the western active margin of South America, and present a normal zoned structure with mafic magmatic facies(mostly gabbros and Qtz-diorites) close to the contacts with the host metasediments, and tonalites, granodiorites and granites in the inner areas. A combined study of the field relations, geochemistry and zircon geochronology of the magmatic facies was applied to determine the emplacement sequence of the Flamenco pluton, revealing three distinguishable domains separated by metasedimentary septa. The SW area is constituted by mostly homogeneous leucocratic granodiorites that yielded an age of 213 Ma as the best estimation for their emplacement age. Distinctive geochemical characteristics, such as the absence of an Eu anomaly, the depletion in HREE, or the highest Sr, Sr/Y and Ce/Yb values among the granodioritic facies of the pluton,involve lower T and/or higher P conditions at the magmatic source according to experimental studies.These conditions were established during an early stage of the Andean magmatic arc building that is firstly defined here as Upper Triassic. The NW and E domains of the pluton were sequentially emplaced between 194 Ma and 186 Ma and both the field relations and the detailed geochronological results suggest that the mafic facies intruded latter in the emplacement sequence. To the NW, Qtz-dioritic and gabbroic externally emplaced pulses gave a younger crystallization age of 186.3 ± 1.8 Ma, and promoted the granoblastic textures and metamorphic zircon overgrowths that characterize the granodiorites located in the contact with the intermediate and felsic inner magmas, which yielded a best estimation of their emplacement age of 192 士 1.5 Ma. On the other hand, in the eastern domain, magma-magma relations are observed between gabbros and previously intruded tonalites and granodiorites. Both the mafic and intermediate facies show two main subgroups of ages that yielded 194.7 土 1.5 Ma to188.3 ± 2.1 Ma and 193.1 ± 2.2 Ma to 185.5 ± 1.4 Ma respectively. These differences are related to the variations in the magmatic addition rates, which may extend the super-solidus conditions in the eastern domain of the magmatic reservoir as is confirmed by the wider age ranges yielded by these magmatic facies. Zircon overgrowths in the host rocks yield similar ages(around 220 Ma and 205 Ma) than the oldest results obtained in the intrusive facies, indicating that metamorphism correlates with the initial stages of plutonic emplacement.Geochronological results differ between 9 Myr and 41 Myr in the eight studied samples for noninherited ages and gave very close mean ages(within analytical uncertainty) for all the intrusive units. However, we examine other characteristics such as zircon morphology, internal structure,geochemistry and statistical data to assess if the scattering of the geochronological data may be related to the different processes involved in the construction of the Flamenco pluton. We concluded that this detailed study of U-Pb zircon ages, including individual and significative groups of analyses, is useful to determine accurately the emplacement sequence and the genetic relation between the intrusive units,together with the evidences depicted by the geochemistry and field relations.展开更多
The post-collisional Yangba granodiorite intruded into the Bikou metasedimentary-volcanic group, southern Mianlue Suture, central China. The host granodiorites contain many mafic microgranular enclaves which have acic...The post-collisional Yangba granodiorite intruded into the Bikou metasedimentary-volcanic group, southern Mianlue Suture, central China. The host granodiorites contain many mafic microgranular enclaves which have acicular apatite, phenocrysts of host granodiorites, implying that the enclaves have been incorporated as magma globules into host granodioritic magma and undergone rapid cooling. The variation trends of major and trace ele- ments between enclaves and host rocks suggest a mixing and mingling process with respect to their petrogenesis. The mafic microgranular enclaves are characterized by shoshonite with SiO2≤63%, σ (4.54–6.18)>3.3, high K2O content (4.22%–6.04%), K2O/Na2O>1; in the K2O-SiO2 diagram, all the samples plot in the shoshonite field, which are enriched in LILE and LREE, with obvious Nb, Ta negative anomalies, indicating a subducting fluid-metasomatised mantle source. Zircon LA-ICP-MS dating of the granodiorites yielded an age of 215.4±8.3 Ma, indicating they were formed during the late-orogenic or post-collisional stage (≤242±21 Ma) of the South Qinling Mountain Belt. The host granodiorites have many close compositional similarities to high-silica adakites from su- pra-subduction zone setting, but tend to have a higher concentration of K2O (3.22%–3.84%) and Mg#. Chon- drite-normalized rare-earth element patterns are characterized by high ratios of (La/Yb)N, the extreme HREE deple- tion and a lack of significant Eu anomalies. In conjunction with the high abundances of Ba and Sr as well as the low abundances of Y and HREE, these patterns suggest a feldspar-poor, garnet ± amphibole-rich fractionation mineral assemblage. High Mg# values demonstrate that the host granodiorites were contaminated by enclave magma. On a whole, integrated geological and geochemical studies suggested the Yangba granodiorites and their mafic micro- granular enclaves resulted from mixing of enriched mantle-derived shoshonitic magma and thickened lower crust-derived felsic magma. In combination with previous studies we consider that the Yangba granodiorites were likely to represent underplating activities and delamination of the lower crust during the late orogenic stage in west- ern Qinling Orogenic Belt.展开更多
The Assam-Meghalaya Gneissic Complex(AMGC)of northeast India contains numerous Pan-African granitic bodies that have been attributed to post-collisional rift-related magmatism.The present study is concerned with the f...The Assam-Meghalaya Gneissic Complex(AMGC)of northeast India contains numerous Pan-African granitic bodies that have been attributed to post-collisional rift-related magmatism.The present study is concerned with the first appraisal of intermediate magmatism(diorite,monzonite,and monzodiorite)found in the Borjuri Pluton of Mikir Massif,which is the eastern extension of AMGC.The diorites are strongly metaluminous and exhibit enriched LREE([La/Yb]N=1.63–7.37)with respect to HREE([Gd/Yb]N=1.95–2.27).The studied rocks do not show any mineralogical or textural indication of metamorphism.Tectonic discrimination diagrams indicate that these rocks originated in a within-plate tectonic setting.The lower Mg#(33.49–38.69),low Cr(below detection limit),and Ni(27–41 ppm)contents along with elemental ratios such as Rb/Sr(0.32–0.95),La/Nb(0.49–4.21),and Nb/Ce(0.11–0.64)suggest a crustal source for the diorites.Discrimination diagrams coupled with elemental ratios suggest that these rocks originated due to partial melting of mafic components in the crust with possible contribution from mantle materials.The P–T conditions of diorite emplacement(7.4 kbar,688℃)were calculated using the amphibole-plagioclase geothermobarometer.Geochemical and geochronological data of the Pan-African felsic plutons reported from the AMGC indicate that these rocks were emplaced in a post-collisional extensional regime.The Borjuri Pluton is in close proximity with the Kathalguri Pluton,which has been reported as a product of PanAfrican magmatism.In view of the numerous extensional Pan-African felsic magmatism reported from the AMGC and based on the close vicinity of the Borjuri diorites with the Kathalguri granites,we speculate that the Borjuri diorites are products of the Pan-African post-collisional magmatism.展开更多
The Andong pluton consists of comagmatic granitoid rocks which constitute outstanding examples of reversely zoned granitoids. The pluton has three lithofacies: hornblende biotite tonalite, biotite granodiorite and por...The Andong pluton consists of comagmatic granitoid rocks which constitute outstanding examples of reversely zoned granitoids. The pluton has three lithofacies: hornblende biotite tonalite, biotite granodiorite and porphyritic biotite granite. The zoned pattern forms by locating a tonalite core containing high-temperature mafic assemblages in central part,granodiorite rims in marginal part, and a porphyritic granite cap containing more felsic assemblages in topside of the pluton.Mineral abundances as well as bulk compositions of the granitoids indicate that the interior is enriched in mafic minerals and that it shows higher contents of oxides than the margin and topside. The compositional gradients change gradually with continuity between the lithofacies. The regular compositional variations within the pluton support the argument that the pluton behaved as an individual petrochemical system. Model abundances of the granitoids are in agreement with the bulk compositional gradients, suggesting that no significant interaction with country rocks occurred. Remobilization (resurgence) of deeper parts of the system into the more felsic magmas of the chamber explains the reverse zoning. Fractional crystallization was of importance and probably accounts for the selective removal of the settling phases. The Andong pluton is an example of reversely zoned plutons related by remobilization of more mafic but consanguineous magmas. Large-scale upwelling occurred in the pluton leading to the present arrangement of three lithofacies. It is conceivable that remnants of the reverse zoning become more difficult to discern as the plutonic rocks reach the latest stages of their evolution. In this case, the Andong pluton represents an earlier stage in the evolution of a felsic system that is usually represented by the final stages in normally zoned plutons.展开更多
The crystal form,chemical composition and U-Pb isotopic composition of various zircon fractions is a Middle Proterozoic granite pluton from the Baoban area suggest that the zircons are typically magmatogenic in nature...The crystal form,chemical composition and U-Pb isotopic composition of various zircon fractions is a Middle Proterozoic granite pluton from the Baoban area suggest that the zircons are typically magmatogenic in nature,and different from those of sedimentary and epigenetic orgins.The various zircon fractions yielded and age of about 1440.87Ma,which may represent the ge of zircon crystallization.The so-called aoban-group migmatite is,as a matter of fact,a Middle Proterozoic granite pluton.展开更多
文摘The timing of the emplacement of the Weiya pluton remains controversial due to the absence of systematic and precise dating. This paper reports zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of different lithologic phases in the Weiya pluton, and discusses the genesis and tectonic environment. The ages of gabbro, quartz syenite, diorite porphyrite and fine-grained granite are 236±6 Ma, 246±6 Ma, 233±8 Ma and 237±8 Ma, respectively. All these phases were formed in early-middle Indosinian (Triassic) in a post-orogenic environment. In addition to underplating, intraplating of mantle-derived magmas is also a substantial mechanism for magma generation and vertical accretion of the continental crust. Granitoid rocks are important products of vertical continental accretion as underplating evolves gradually to intraplating. The existence of post-orogenic Indosinian granites shows that the middle Tianshan orogenic belt underwent an important tectonic conversion from the Paleo-Asian ocean subduction-collision system to the Paleo-Tethys ocean regime.
基金This study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grants 40421303 and 40234046).
文摘The LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb geochronology of three typically Indosinian granitic plutons yielded weighted mean ^206pb/^238U ages of 214.1±5.9 Ma and 210.3±4.7 Ma for the biotite monzonitic granites from the Xiema and Xiangzikou plutons in Hunan Province, and 205.3±1.6 Ma for biotite granite from the Napeng pluton, western Guandong Province, respectively, showing a similar late Indosinian age of crystallization. In combination with other geochronological data from Indosinian granites within the South China Block (SCB), it is proposed that those late Indosinian granites with an age of -210 Ma and the early Indosinian granites (230-245 Ma) have the similar petrogenesis in identical tectonic setting. The Indosinian granites within the SCB might be the products of anatexis of the thickening crust in a compressive regime. These data provide a further understanding for the temporal and spatial distribution of the Indosinian granites and the dynamic evolution of the SCB.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant 49872072) the Postdoctoral Foundation of China.
文摘It is generally considered that granitic plutons are forcefully emplaced in acompressional setting and permissively emplaced in an extensional setting. This paper, however,shows that syn-kinematic (extensional) elliptic granitic plutons in the Yagan-Onch Hayrhanmetamorphic core complex (MCC) have relatively strong forceful emplacement, which are indicated by(1) concentric distribution of the rock units, (2) a strain pattern with strong strains on themargins and low strains at the centre of a pluton, and particularly (3) syn-emplacement shorteningof the host rocks within the aureole. The strain analysis for the host rocks shows that thehost-rock ductile shortening, i.e. forceful emplacement, provides about 16-24 percent of theemplacement space for the present plutons. All these suggest that forceful emplacement occurs notonly in a compressional tectonic setting, but also in an extensional setting. This study furtherdemonstrates the significance of the multiple emplacement of granitic plutons and provides newinformation about the causality between granitic magmatism and the formation of the MCC and itsdynamics.
基金the Major State Basic Research Program(No.G1999043206)the Project of National Natrual Science Foundation of China(No.40372050) the Project of Resources Assessment of the China Geological Survey(No.200310200064).
文摘The Fenghuangshan Pluton is located in the Tongling polymineral-cluster district in the middle-lower section of the Yangtze metallogenic belt. In tectonic terms, it is in the middle of the Guichi-Fanchang faulted fold bundle of the lower Yangtze Platform fold belt between the Dabie Orogenic Belt and the Jiangnan Massif. Analyses of the structural deformation characteristics of both the contact zone and the interior of the pluton are used to explain its emplacement mechanism. The foliation and lineation of the pluton, consisting of the oriented distribution of dark minerals and xenoliths, mainly concentrate along the margin of the pluton. Toward the center of the pluton, the foliation structure becomes weak, showing intense compression formation at the margin, and reflecting the conformable intrusion of the pluton. The relatively gentle lineation is evidence of a rotatory emplacement mechanism. Relatively steep marginal foliation reflects compression expanding. Affected by the thermal power of the pluton, the metamorphism of the contact zone has zonation. Both the strike of the axial plane of fold at the contact zone and that of the flow cleavage of the ductile shear zone are consistent with the boundary of the pluton, which reflects the speciality of conformable intrusion. The hinges of the folds are mostly inclined and erect, reflecting both the rotation of the pluton and its upward spiraling emplacement mechanism. Boudins developed in both the contact zone and the steep strata indicate the emplacement characteristic of the ballon expanding. The surrounding rock of the contact zone shortens horizontally. The average percentage of shortening is 39.7%, which further proves the mechanism of the pluton expanding, and the space occupied by the active expanding intrusion was provided by the shortening of the surrounding rock. The left-lateral shear shown by the ductile shear zone and the rheomorphic fold reveals that the pluton emplacement and the deformation of surrounding rock are controlled by a NNE-striking left-lateral shear stress field. These characteristics of pluton structures provide a mechanism of emplacement. In the deep, the pluton apirally rose left lateral, and in the shallow, the one forcefully emplaced balloningly.
基金funded by the China Geological Survey (Grant Nos.1212011120502,1212011220245)
文摘Late Carboniferous to Early Permian A-type granites are extensively distributed throughout the West Junggar region, NW China, and the Akebasitao pluton is extremely distinguished among these plutons. In this paper, we reported new anisotropy of magnetic susceptible (AMS) data combine with detailed field study and audio magnetotelluric (AMT) sounding to assess the three-dimensional shape and magmatic emplacement mechanism of the Akebasitao pluton. The geological features and the AMT sounding indicate that the pluton had a slightly oblique movement of magma from northwest to southeast, which was most likely to correspond to an asymmetrical torch with a laccolith-shaped upper part, and a lower part formed by sub-vertical "root" that was located within its northwestern part, probably controlled by the NE-trending Anqi fault. The AMS fabrics of all the specimens reveal a low Pj value (mean of 1.02) and a low T value (mean of -0.024), suggesting that the deformation of the AMS ellipsoid is relatively weak. The specimens exhibit both oblate and prolate shapes of the AMS ellipsoid. Magnetic lineations and foliations are randomly distributed throughout the pluton without any preferred orientation. These AMS patterns indicate that the pluton formed in a relatively stable structural environment with no regional extrusion. Therefore, we propose a complex emplacement process in which the magmas reached the shallower crust levels via deep-faults and subsequently occupied the room created by doming, accompanied by stoping near the pluton roof. Additionally, the regional tectonic setting was relatively stable during the emplacement of the Akebasitao pluton, indicating the termination of compressional orogeny during the late Late Carboniferous in the West Junggar region. This conclusion perfectly coincides with the regional tectonic paleogeography, magmatic system, and paleostress field.
基金Financial support for this study was jointly provided by the NSFC(Nos.41672200 and 41002070)Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics(BJ081331 and BJ14257)Innovation Fund for Graduate students of Northwest University(YZZ14016)
文摘The Huamenlou pluton,is an elongated granite intrusion with high aspect ratio,emplaced within the southern margin of the North Qinling(central China).Here we investigate this pluton through multiple techniques including the fabric study,microstructural observation and zircon geochronology.Our zircon U-Pb data confirm that the granite crystallized at ca.462 Ma which is consistent with the ages of other linear plutons in North Qinling.Microstructural observations of the Huamenlou granites illustrate that the pluton has undergone superimposed deformation during its emplacement,from magmatic to hightemperature solid state conditions.The internal fabric obtained by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility(AMS)and shape preferred orientation(SPO)show similar results.The fabrics are relatively concordant and generally vary from NE-SW to NEE-SWW which are roughly oblique to the trend of the pluton elongation and the regional structures.Meanwhile,scalar parameters reflect two completely different strain regimes for the pluton and its host rocks,i.e.,the fabrics within host rocks are mainly oblate while the central part of the intrusion displays mainly prolate fabrics.It is inferred that the structural pattern recorded in this pluton was caused by local dextral transtension in consequence of oblique convergence between the South and North China Blocks.We propose that the local transtension in convergence setting probably evolved from vertical extrusion tectonics that provided room for the magma emplacement and imparted prolate fabrics in the Huamenlou pluton.
基金supported jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41030423,41072068 and 40872071)National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB403502)+2 种基金MOST Special Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwest University (Grant No. BJ091349)National Found for Fostering Talents of Basic Sciences (Grant No. J0830519)Graduate Innovation and Creativity Funds of Northwest University,China (Grant No. 10YZZ24)
文摘The Dehe granitic pluton intruded the Xiahe Group which is in the core complex of the North Qinling Orogenic Belt(NQOB).It shows gneissic bedding and possesses typical S-type granite minerals such as muscovite and garnet.LA-ICP-MS U-Pb isotopic dating of the Dehe granite yielded a weighted average age of 925±23 Ma which represents the emplacement age of the pluton.Most of the εHf(t) values are negative,and the two-stage model ages are consistent with the age of the Qinling Group.The isotope data show that the Dehe granite was formed in the following geological setting:in the syn-collision setting of the NQOB in the Neoproterozoic,crustal thickening induced partial melting of materials derived from the Qinling complex,and then the maga upwelled and intruded into the Xiahe Group.The formation of the Dehe S-type granite implied the occurrence of a convergent event in the QOB during the Neoproterozoic.
基金UFRJ(Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and LMU(Ludwig Maximillians University in Munich,Germany) and several bilateral research projects
文摘The Venda Nova Pluton (VNP) is a zoned ring structure emplaced in the southern portion of the Neoproterozoic Araquai Belt, in Espirito Santo, Brazil. It is a slightly westward tilted cylinder-like intrusion, with an almost circular horizontal section. In the center of this structure, an off-centered gabbro-noritic core, surrounded by syeno-monzonitic rocks, intrudes an outer ring of charnockites and norite. These envelop the syeno-monzonitic and gabbro-noritic center, as a narrow discontinuous belt. While, in the core intrusion, mingling and mixing processes are widespread and well documented in the literature, in the outer ring, the norite and charnockite layers show predominantly homogeneous and isotropic internal structures. Nevertheless, smaller interaction zones between charnockites and norite denote a comparatively more restricted mingling process. The norite is a fine-grained rock with hypidio- morphic granular to intergranular texture. The charnockites are medium-grained and made up of: (a) orthopyroxene-tonalite, (h) orthopyroxene-quartz-diorite, and (c) orthopyroxene-granodiorite with hy- pidiomorphic granular to porphyritic textures. In all lithotypes both ortho- and clinopyroxene are replaced by hornblende and biotite. Two contrasting compositional sequences have been recognized, based on whole rock geochemistry: (1) a basic, with tholeiitic affinities (norite) and, (2) an intermediate, medium-K calc-alkalinc, comprising the charnockites. Estimated crystallization temperatures, which have been calculated from micro-probe analysis of pyroxenes, range from 915± 25 ℃ to 960 ± 50 ℃. Re-equilibration temperature (ihnenite-magnetite calibration) is around 600 ~ 50 ℃. This indicates oxygen fugacities four order of magnitude below the FMQ-buffer and a reduced environment. Coeval pressure conditions estimated from the Al-content in hornblende range from 5.5 ± 0.6 kbar. Data obtained for the norite point toward an evolution from the partial melting of an anhydrous tholeiitic mantle magma. The charnockites may correspond to the differentiation of a calc-alkaline parental magma. The later could be the hybrid product from the contamination and mixing between the anhydrous tholeiitic magma with other deeper crustal sources. Further the magmatic system evolved through frac- tionation of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and ilnlenite. Our results support the hypothesis for the evolution of the Venda Nova Pluton through a mantle-crust delamination process probably related to the collapse of the Araquai orogeny.
基金Project(2017YFC0602701)supported by the National Key Research and Development Plan,ChinaProject(DD20160004-8-3)supported by the Geological Survey of China
文摘The Dahongliutan granitic pluton,in the eastern part of the West Kunlun orogenic belt,provides significant insights for studying the tectonic evolution of West Kunlun.This paper presents a systematic study of LA-ICP-MS zircon U Pb age,major and trace elements,Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes,and the first detailed Li isotope analysis of the Dahongliutan pluton.LA-ICP-MS zircon U Pb dating shows that the Dahongliutan granites were emplaced in the Late Triassic((213±2.1)Ma).Geochemical data show relatively high SiO2 contents(68.45 wt%73.62 wt%)and aluminum saturation index(A/CNK=1.111.21)indicates peraluminous high-K calc-alkaline granite.The Dahongliutan granites are relatively high in light rare earth elements(LREE)and large ion lithophile elements(LILEs)(e.g.,Rb,K,Th),and relatively depleted in high field strength elements(HFSEs)(e.g.,Nb,Ta,P,Ti).TheεNd(t)values range from 8.71 to 4.73,and(87Sr/86Sr)i=0.70870.71574.Zircons from the pluton yield 176Hf/177Hf values of 0.2826181 to 0.2827683,andεHf(t)values are around 0;the two-stage Hf model ages range from 0.974 to 1.307 Ga.Theδ7Li values are 0.76‰3.25‰,with an average of 2.53‰.Isotopic compositions of the pluton suggest a mixed trend between the partial melting of the Middle Proterozoic ancient crustal material and a juvenile mantle-derived material.This study infers that the Dahongliutan rock mass is formed in the post-collisional extension environment,when the collision between South Kunlun and the Tianshuihai terranes results in the closure of the Palaeo-Tethys.The mantle-derived magma results in partial melting of the lower crust.
文摘Rocks of the late Neoproterozoic Askaoun pluton (558 ± 2 Ma) located in the Ouzellarh-Sirwa promontory (Anti-Atlas) include magmatic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) ranging from rounded to ovoid in shape, dark and fine grained and generally 5 to 10 cm in size, some reaching a size of 50 cm. They are composed of microdiorite, quartz microdiorite and micromonzodiorite, whereas the felsic host rocks comprise mainly quartz-diorite and amphibole-biotite granodiorite based on mineralogical compositions. The mineral assemblage is similar to those described in their hosting granitoids but with different proportions. In this study composition of minerals is used to describe the nature of the magma and estimate the pressure, temperature and oxygen fugacity at which Askaoun pluton is emplaced. Based on chemistry of biotite Askaoun pluton formed from calc-alkaline magma. Compositions of plagioclase (An5 - An29);hornblende (Mg ≠= 0.59 - 0.65) and biotite (Mg ≠= 0.49 - 0.55) of MMEs are slightly distinct or similar to those of host rocks (An7-40;hbl Mg ≠= 0.64 - 0.69;Bi Mg ≠= 0.49 - 0.50) which suggest partial to complete equilibration during mafic-felsic magma interaction. The coexisting hornblende and plagioclase (hornblende-plagioclase thermometry), Al content in hornblende (aluminum-in-hornblende barometry) and the assemblage titanite-magnetite-quartz were used to constrain the P, T and fO2 during the crystallization of the parent magmas. The Askaoun pluton was emplaced at temperature ca. 504°C - 633°C and at pressure ca. 0.9 - 4.66 ± 0.6 Kbars (average depth = 6.5 km) from a highly oxidized magma (log fO2 = ?24.8 to ?19.2).
基金co-supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(Grant No.ZR2019QD002)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41902230)+2 种基金the Key Laboratory of DeepEarth Dynamics of Ministry of Natural Resources(Grant No.J1901-16)the Young innovative projects of Shandong Province(Grant No.2019KJH004)the research foundation of China Geological Survey(JYYWF20181702)。
文摘A number of studies revealed that the Gangdese magmatic belt of southern Tibet was closely related to the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere and Indo-Asian collision.However,pre-Cretaceous magmatism is still poorly constrained in the Gangdese magmatic belt,southern Tibet.Here,we conducted systematically geochronology and geochemistry studies on a newly-identified granitic pluton in the middle Gangdese magmatic belt(Namling area),southern Tibet.Zircon SHRIMPⅡU-Pb dating for one representative sample gives a weighted age of 184.2±1.8 Ma(MSWD=±1.11),corresponding to emplacement and crystallization age of the granitic pluton in the Early Jurassic(Pliensbachian).High SiO2(68.9-72.1 wt.%)contents and intermediate Mg#values(35-38)together suggest that the newly-identified granitic pluton was probably formed by partial melting of crustal material with minor injection of mantle-derived magma,precluding an origin from melting of metasedimentary rocks that are characterized by low Mg#and high zirconδ^18O values(>8‰).Geochemically,the newly-identified granitic pluton belongs to typical I-type granitic affinity,whereas this is inconsistent with aluminium saturation index(ASI=A/CNK ratios)and geochemical signatures.This suggests that zircon oxygen isotopes(4.30‰-5.28‰)and mineral features(lacking Al-rich minerals)are reliable indicators for discriminating granitic origin.Significantly depleted whole-rock Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions and zirconεHf(t)values indicate that the granitic pluton was derived from partial melting of depleted arc-type lavas.In addition,the granitic pluton shows zirconδ^18O values ranging from 4.30‰to 5.28‰(with a mean value of 4.77‰)that are consistent with mantle-derived zircon values(5.3‰±0.6‰)within the uncertainties,indicating that the granitic pluton might have experienced weak short-living high-temperature hydrous fluid-rock interaction.Combined with the Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotopes and geochemical signatures,we propose that the newly-identified granitic pluton was originated from partial melting of depleted mafic lower crust,and experienced only negligible wall-rock contamination during ascent.Integrated with published data,we also propose that the initial subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere occurred no later than the Pliensbachian of the Early Jurassic.
基金funded by the State Technology Support Program(2015BAB05B03-02)
文摘1 Introduction The western Kunlun orogen,located in the northwest Tibet Plateau,and is a conjunction between the Pan-Asian and the Tethys tectonic domains.From north to south,the Western Kunlun orogen includes four
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant No.41302064)
文摘Objective The widely exposed granites in the Wulashan area of Inner Mongolia are an important component of intermediate-acidic magma belt at the northern margin of the North China Craton, and are also a natural laboratory to research the origin of granite bodies. The Shadegai pluton, a representative intrusion, intruded into the Wulashan Group metamorphic rocks, occurring as stock, and was controlled by the Linhe-Jining deep fracture. This pluton is composed of dominant K-feldspar granites and less biotite moyite, with abundant mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) dominated by gray black monzonite. Most MMEs have a sharp contact zone with their host granite, and few have a gradual contact relationship. Previous researches have described the characteristics of petrology and chronology of the Shadegai pluton, but few have focused on the characteristics of the petrography,
文摘The new micro-structural and magnetic fabric data on Cuizhao plutou and their emplacement implications are demonstrated in this peper. The magnetic foliations develop better and the degree of magnetic susceptibility anlsotropy is larger in the margin of the pluton than that in the center,which reveals mainly horizontal compression or magma during emplacement- The mapnetic lineations are not very well developed. The magnetic fabrics in the Cuizhao pluton reveal horizontal compression like the bollooning model during emplacement near the Earth surrace. This feature was fixed in later tectonic events.
基金funded with FONDECYT Project No. 11140722 of CONICYTthe fund support of DIUDA 2013-22268 and DIUDA 201422273 projects
文摘Compositionally zoned plutons, both layered and concentrically arranged, provide granitic exposures where the mechanisms and timing of the magmatic emplacement processes can be studied. The importance of in-situ geochemical differentiation and the magma replenishment rates are revealed by geochemistry and field relations, together with the increasingly accurate U-Pb geochronology, which has promoted the knowledge about the pluton incremental assembly theories.The Flamenco pluton, located in the Coastal Range of northern Chile, is part of the Upper Triassic to Early Cretaceous Andean intrusives formed in the western active margin of South America, and present a normal zoned structure with mafic magmatic facies(mostly gabbros and Qtz-diorites) close to the contacts with the host metasediments, and tonalites, granodiorites and granites in the inner areas. A combined study of the field relations, geochemistry and zircon geochronology of the magmatic facies was applied to determine the emplacement sequence of the Flamenco pluton, revealing three distinguishable domains separated by metasedimentary septa. The SW area is constituted by mostly homogeneous leucocratic granodiorites that yielded an age of 213 Ma as the best estimation for their emplacement age. Distinctive geochemical characteristics, such as the absence of an Eu anomaly, the depletion in HREE, or the highest Sr, Sr/Y and Ce/Yb values among the granodioritic facies of the pluton,involve lower T and/or higher P conditions at the magmatic source according to experimental studies.These conditions were established during an early stage of the Andean magmatic arc building that is firstly defined here as Upper Triassic. The NW and E domains of the pluton were sequentially emplaced between 194 Ma and 186 Ma and both the field relations and the detailed geochronological results suggest that the mafic facies intruded latter in the emplacement sequence. To the NW, Qtz-dioritic and gabbroic externally emplaced pulses gave a younger crystallization age of 186.3 ± 1.8 Ma, and promoted the granoblastic textures and metamorphic zircon overgrowths that characterize the granodiorites located in the contact with the intermediate and felsic inner magmas, which yielded a best estimation of their emplacement age of 192 士 1.5 Ma. On the other hand, in the eastern domain, magma-magma relations are observed between gabbros and previously intruded tonalites and granodiorites. Both the mafic and intermediate facies show two main subgroups of ages that yielded 194.7 土 1.5 Ma to188.3 ± 2.1 Ma and 193.1 ± 2.2 Ma to 185.5 ± 1.4 Ma respectively. These differences are related to the variations in the magmatic addition rates, which may extend the super-solidus conditions in the eastern domain of the magmatic reservoir as is confirmed by the wider age ranges yielded by these magmatic facies. Zircon overgrowths in the host rocks yield similar ages(around 220 Ma and 205 Ma) than the oldest results obtained in the intrusive facies, indicating that metamorphism correlates with the initial stages of plutonic emplacement.Geochronological results differ between 9 Myr and 41 Myr in the eight studied samples for noninherited ages and gave very close mean ages(within analytical uncertainty) for all the intrusive units. However, we examine other characteristics such as zircon morphology, internal structure,geochemistry and statistical data to assess if the scattering of the geochronological data may be related to the different processes involved in the construction of the Flamenco pluton. We concluded that this detailed study of U-Pb zircon ages, including individual and significative groups of analyses, is useful to determine accurately the emplacement sequence and the genetic relation between the intrusive units,together with the evidences depicted by the geochemistry and field relations.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.40572050,40272042 and 40234041);the Teaching and Research Award Program for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education Institutions of Ministry of Education, ER.China.
文摘The post-collisional Yangba granodiorite intruded into the Bikou metasedimentary-volcanic group, southern Mianlue Suture, central China. The host granodiorites contain many mafic microgranular enclaves which have acicular apatite, phenocrysts of host granodiorites, implying that the enclaves have been incorporated as magma globules into host granodioritic magma and undergone rapid cooling. The variation trends of major and trace ele- ments between enclaves and host rocks suggest a mixing and mingling process with respect to their petrogenesis. The mafic microgranular enclaves are characterized by shoshonite with SiO2≤63%, σ (4.54–6.18)>3.3, high K2O content (4.22%–6.04%), K2O/Na2O>1; in the K2O-SiO2 diagram, all the samples plot in the shoshonite field, which are enriched in LILE and LREE, with obvious Nb, Ta negative anomalies, indicating a subducting fluid-metasomatised mantle source. Zircon LA-ICP-MS dating of the granodiorites yielded an age of 215.4±8.3 Ma, indicating they were formed during the late-orogenic or post-collisional stage (≤242±21 Ma) of the South Qinling Mountain Belt. The host granodiorites have many close compositional similarities to high-silica adakites from su- pra-subduction zone setting, but tend to have a higher concentration of K2O (3.22%–3.84%) and Mg#. Chon- drite-normalized rare-earth element patterns are characterized by high ratios of (La/Yb)N, the extreme HREE deple- tion and a lack of significant Eu anomalies. In conjunction with the high abundances of Ba and Sr as well as the low abundances of Y and HREE, these patterns suggest a feldspar-poor, garnet ± amphibole-rich fractionation mineral assemblage. High Mg# values demonstrate that the host granodiorites were contaminated by enclave magma. On a whole, integrated geological and geochemical studies suggested the Yangba granodiorites and their mafic micro- granular enclaves resulted from mixing of enriched mantle-derived shoshonitic magma and thickened lower crust-derived felsic magma. In combination with previous studies we consider that the Yangba granodiorites were likely to represent underplating activities and delamination of the lower crust during the late orogenic stage in west- ern Qinling Orogenic Belt.
基金DST-SERB grant vide Project No.CRG/2020/002635CSIR-JRF fellowship No.09/1236(11154)/2021-EMR-I。
文摘The Assam-Meghalaya Gneissic Complex(AMGC)of northeast India contains numerous Pan-African granitic bodies that have been attributed to post-collisional rift-related magmatism.The present study is concerned with the first appraisal of intermediate magmatism(diorite,monzonite,and monzodiorite)found in the Borjuri Pluton of Mikir Massif,which is the eastern extension of AMGC.The diorites are strongly metaluminous and exhibit enriched LREE([La/Yb]N=1.63–7.37)with respect to HREE([Gd/Yb]N=1.95–2.27).The studied rocks do not show any mineralogical or textural indication of metamorphism.Tectonic discrimination diagrams indicate that these rocks originated in a within-plate tectonic setting.The lower Mg#(33.49–38.69),low Cr(below detection limit),and Ni(27–41 ppm)contents along with elemental ratios such as Rb/Sr(0.32–0.95),La/Nb(0.49–4.21),and Nb/Ce(0.11–0.64)suggest a crustal source for the diorites.Discrimination diagrams coupled with elemental ratios suggest that these rocks originated due to partial melting of mafic components in the crust with possible contribution from mantle materials.The P–T conditions of diorite emplacement(7.4 kbar,688℃)were calculated using the amphibole-plagioclase geothermobarometer.Geochemical and geochronological data of the Pan-African felsic plutons reported from the AMGC indicate that these rocks were emplaced in a post-collisional extensional regime.The Borjuri Pluton is in close proximity with the Kathalguri Pluton,which has been reported as a product of PanAfrican magmatism.In view of the numerous extensional Pan-African felsic magmatism reported from the AMGC and based on the close vicinity of the Borjuri diorites with the Kathalguri granites,we speculate that the Borjuri diorites are products of the Pan-African post-collisional magmatism.
文摘The Andong pluton consists of comagmatic granitoid rocks which constitute outstanding examples of reversely zoned granitoids. The pluton has three lithofacies: hornblende biotite tonalite, biotite granodiorite and porphyritic biotite granite. The zoned pattern forms by locating a tonalite core containing high-temperature mafic assemblages in central part,granodiorite rims in marginal part, and a porphyritic granite cap containing more felsic assemblages in topside of the pluton.Mineral abundances as well as bulk compositions of the granitoids indicate that the interior is enriched in mafic minerals and that it shows higher contents of oxides than the margin and topside. The compositional gradients change gradually with continuity between the lithofacies. The regular compositional variations within the pluton support the argument that the pluton behaved as an individual petrochemical system. Model abundances of the granitoids are in agreement with the bulk compositional gradients, suggesting that no significant interaction with country rocks occurred. Remobilization (resurgence) of deeper parts of the system into the more felsic magmas of the chamber explains the reverse zoning. Fractional crystallization was of importance and probably accounts for the selective removal of the settling phases. The Andong pluton is an example of reversely zoned plutons related by remobilization of more mafic but consanguineous magmas. Large-scale upwelling occurred in the pluton leading to the present arrangement of three lithofacies. It is conceivable that remnants of the reverse zoning become more difficult to discern as the plutonic rocks reach the latest stages of their evolution. In this case, the Andong pluton represents an earlier stage in the evolution of a felsic system that is usually represented by the final stages in normally zoned plutons.
基金This project was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘The crystal form,chemical composition and U-Pb isotopic composition of various zircon fractions is a Middle Proterozoic granite pluton from the Baoban area suggest that the zircons are typically magmatogenic in nature,and different from those of sedimentary and epigenetic orgins.The various zircon fractions yielded and age of about 1440.87Ma,which may represent the ge of zircon crystallization.The so-called aoban-group migmatite is,as a matter of fact,a Middle Proterozoic granite pluton.