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A Study on Multivariable Interactions Concerning Radar Cross Section Reduction through Geometric Attributes
作者 Evan Sharp 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2024年第7期2582-2593,共12页
This resolution 5 (25−1 factorial) study aimed to ascertain an understanding of the interactions between different geometries on the resulting Radar Cross Section (RCS) of a target. The results of the study are in lin... This resolution 5 (25−1 factorial) study aimed to ascertain an understanding of the interactions between different geometries on the resulting Radar Cross Section (RCS) of a target. The results of the study are in line with the general understanding of the impact different geometries have on RCS but show that geometries can also influence the variance of measured RCS, and typical attributes that reduce RCS increase the variance of the measured RCS. Notably, an increased angle between the front face of a plate and the direction of the radar signal decreased RCS but increased the variance of the RCS measured. 展开更多
关键词 radar cross section rcs Geometrical Attributes radar STEALTH
Recognition of the major scattering sources on complex targets based on the high frequency radar cross section integrated calculation technique 被引量:5
作者 黄敏杰 吕明云 +1 位作者 黄俊 武哲 《Journal of Shanghai University(English Edition)》 CAS 2009年第4期316-321,共6页
Based on the high frequency (HF) integrated radar cross section (RCS) calculation approach, a technique of detecting major scattering source is developed by using an appropriate arithmetic for scattering distribut... Based on the high frequency (HF) integrated radar cross section (RCS) calculation approach, a technique of detecting major scattering source is developed by using an appropriate arithmetic for scattering distribution and scattering source detection. For the perfect adaptability to targets and the HF of the HF integrated RCS calculation platform, this technique is suitable to solve large complex targets and has lower requirement to the target modeling. A comparison with the result of 2-D radar imaging confirms the accuracy and reliability of this technique in recognition of the major scattering source on complex targets. This technique provides the foundation for rapid integrated evaluation of the scattering performance and 3-D scattering model reconstruction of large complex targets. 展开更多
关键词 stealth technique radar cross section (rcs scattering center scattering distribution map 2-dimension radar imaging
作者 李桐 杨欢欢 +4 位作者 李奇 廖嘉伟 高坤 季轲峰 曹祥玉 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期159-169,共11页
提出一种基于共享孔径技术设计低雷达散射截面(radar cross section,RCS)电磁超构表面天线的新方法.该方法首先设计具有低RCS性能的超构表面,然后借鉴共享孔径技术思想,将超构表面和传统天线的辐射结构直接共享口径紧密排列,得到新型低... 提出一种基于共享孔径技术设计低雷达散射截面(radar cross section,RCS)电磁超构表面天线的新方法.该方法首先设计具有低RCS性能的超构表面,然后借鉴共享孔径技术思想,将超构表面和传统天线的辐射结构直接共享口径紧密排列,得到新型低RCS天线结构,并结合电流分析和局部结构修正,优化天线的辐射性能,最终同时实现天线的良好辐射和宽带低RCS性能.为了阐明该方法,基于极化旋转机理设计了一款低RCS超构表面,采用共享孔径思想和电流分析,得到了一款宽带低RCS超构表面天线,详细分析了该天线的工作机理与性能.结果表明:设计的天线在保证较好辐射的同时,实现了超宽带RCS减缩,提出的设计方法摒弃了从天线到低RCS天线的传统设计思路,通过逆向思维,将散射的优化问题转化为辐射的优化问题,不仅实现了天线与超构表面的一体化设计,还显著地降低了低RCS天线优化设计的难度,加速了天线优化进程. 展开更多
关键词 电磁超构表面 天线 共享孔径技术 低雷达散射截面
作者 刘俊 任杰 +3 位作者 赤丰华 罗世彬 郑盛贤 宋佳文 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期3690-3702,共13页
为了降低高速飞行器的雷达散射截面(radar cross section,RCS),采用多层快速多极子算法和物理光学法研究局部外形参数对飞行器雷达散射特性的影响。在此基础上,提出一种变半径弧形的边缘钝化形式,以提高飞行器仰视对抗能力。所提出的变... 为了降低高速飞行器的雷达散射截面(radar cross section,RCS),采用多层快速多极子算法和物理光学法研究局部外形参数对飞行器雷达散射特性的影响。在此基础上,提出一种变半径弧形的边缘钝化形式,以提高飞行器仰视对抗能力。所提出的变半径弧形钝化外形具有良好的RCS减缩能力,与传统圆弧钝化外形相比,在前向重点角域内,RCS对数均值降低了22.88%;随着仰角的增大,变半径弧形钝化形式还具备全向RCS减缩能力,在全向角域内RCS对数均值降低了13.37%。最后,研究所提出的变半径弧形钝化方式在不同雷达波频段下的RCS特性,结果表明这种钝化方式对于频率较高时仰视对抗能力更好。 展开更多
关键词 高速飞行器 机身型线 钝化半径 钝化形式 雷达散射截面 变半径弧形钝化
作者 程健来 孔祥鲲 +1 位作者 费钟阳 招启军 《南京航空航天大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期217-226,共10页
针对武装直升机的宽带隐身问题,提出利用射线追踪和逆合成孔径雷达(Inverse synthetic aperture radar,ISAR)成像确定直升机强散射源位置的方法,形成电磁超构材料和磁性材料一体化设计直升机部分强散射源的隐身设计构想,并计算分析了两... 针对武装直升机的宽带隐身问题,提出利用射线追踪和逆合成孔径雷达(Inverse synthetic aperture radar,ISAR)成像确定直升机强散射源位置的方法,形成电磁超构材料和磁性材料一体化设计直升机部分强散射源的隐身设计构想,并计算分析了两款隐身材料加载后对整机隐身效果的影响。首先,分析等效媒质理论、射线追踪与ISAR成像原理。然后,通过射线追踪以及ISAR成像的计算,精确且直观地捕获强散射源部位。最后,给出了两款材料的反射系数并分析加载直升机后单站雷达散射截面(Radar cross section,RCS)变化。计算结果表明,两种不同类型隐身材料覆盖直升机强散射源部位后可以达到局部角域范围内RCS缩减的目的,为隐身材料和直升机蒙皮及旋翼的融合设计提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 直升机 雷达散射截面 射线追踪 逆合成孔径雷达成像 电磁超构材料 磁性材料
作者 毕志超 张依轩 +2 位作者 王楠 杨玉禾 林中朝 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期48-53,共6页
本研究通过结合逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)成像和散射中心提取技术,实现了近场测试距离下目标雷达散射截面积(RCS)的有效测量。利用近场球面波修正技术和探头补偿技术减少了近场球面波效应和收发探头对成像质量的影响。对ISAR目标图像采用散... 本研究通过结合逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)成像和散射中心提取技术,实现了近场测试距离下目标雷达散射截面积(RCS)的有效测量。利用近场球面波修正技术和探头补偿技术减少了近场球面波效应和收发探头对成像质量的影响。对ISAR目标图像采用散射中心提取技术,消除了ISAR目标图像中由于带宽有限所导致的旁瓣效应。文中针对散射中心提取中截断阈值的选取准则进行了深入研究,给出了截断阈值判定的经验公式并结合仿真实验进行了验证。最终利用标准球锥散射体的暗室近场测量数据对文中所提出的方法进行了实测验证,并与多层快速多极子(MLFMA)方法仿真结果吻合良好,验证了文中方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 雷达散射截面积 二维ISAR成像 近场测量 探头补偿 CLEAN算法
作者 梁成良 招启军 +1 位作者 费钟阳 曹宸恺 《航空工程进展》 CSCD 2024年第3期143-150,F0002,共9页
在执行战时任务时,对武装直升机的隐身性能提出了较高要求,为降低直升机在执行任务时被发现的概率,基于几何光学法和一致性绕射理论,研究直升机尾桨翼型厚度、弯度、剪刀角角度对RCS的影响。选用两种雷达照射方位,通过对尾桨不同参数和... 在执行战时任务时,对武装直升机的隐身性能提出了较高要求,为降低直升机在执行任务时被发现的概率,基于几何光学法和一致性绕射理论,研究直升机尾桨翼型厚度、弯度、剪刀角角度对RCS的影响。选用两种雷达照射方位,通过对尾桨不同参数和涂敷吸波材料的RCS峰值、均值对比,判断更有利于直升机尾桨隐身的条件。结果表明:雷达从地面照射时,尾桨厚度小、弯度小的RCS会适当减小,剪刀角角度的变化会导致RCS峰值相位变化;雷达平行照射时,厚度小的尾桨RCS小,弯度小的RCS峰值更小;在桨叶前缘与桨尖端面涂敷吸波材料可以有效降低桨叶整体RCS。因此,选择尾桨的厚度越小、弯度越小,有利于降低直升机尾桨的RCS,对桨尖端面和桨叶前缘进行吸波材料涂敷可以有效降低整体RCS。 展开更多
关键词 尾桨 雷达散射截面 高频近似方法 隐身
作者 徐振斌 谢亚楠 王瑞 《气象与环境学报》 2024年第5期106-111,共6页
通过不同相态降雨粒子散射衰减特性的回波路径分析,推导了归一化雷达散射截面(Normalized Radar Cross Section, NRCS)计算公式。利用1998年低纬度热带陆地和海洋实测对流降雨垂直廓线,根据合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR... 通过不同相态降雨粒子散射衰减特性的回波路径分析,推导了归一化雷达散射截面(Normalized Radar Cross Section, NRCS)计算公式。利用1998年低纬度热带陆地和海洋实测对流降雨垂直廓线,根据合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)的基于定向模型统计(Model-Oriented Statistical, MOS)地面降水量反演算法验证NRCS优化效果。结果表明:优化后的NRCS模型能提高6.17%的回波衰减;回波衰减量的提高表明,在MOS算法低估的地面降雨量范围内,优化后的NRCS模型能提高MOS算法的地面降雨量反演精度,反演的平均误差降低了1.56%。但在MOS算法高估的地面降雨量范围内,优化后的NRCS模型反而会增大MOS算法的反演误差。因此,改进型的NRCS模型仅适用于MOS算法低估地面降雨量的情况。 展开更多
关键词 星载合成孔径雷达 反演算法 归一化雷达散射截面 降雨垂直廓线
Solution for polarimetric radar cross section measurement and calibration 被引量:7
作者 Peikang Huang Chao Ning +2 位作者 Xiaojian Xu Hua Yan Zhaoguo Hou 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2014年第2期211-216,共6页
The exact radar cross-section (RCS) measurement is difficult when the scattering of targets is low. Ful polarimetric cali-bration is one technique that offers the potential for improving the accuracy of RCS measurem... The exact radar cross-section (RCS) measurement is difficult when the scattering of targets is low. Ful polarimetric cali-bration is one technique that offers the potential for improving the accuracy of RCS measurements. There are numerous polarimetric calibration algorithms. Some complex expressions in these algo-rithms cannot be easily used in an engineering practice. A radar polarimetric coefficients matrix (RPCM) with a simpler expression is presented for the monostatic radar polarization scattering matrix (PSM) measurement. Using a rhombic dihedral corner reflector and a metal ic sphere, the RPCM can be obtained by solving a set of equations, which can be used to find the true PSM for any target. An example for the PSM of a metal ic dish shows that the proposed method obviously improves the accuracy of cross-polarized RCS measurements. 展开更多
关键词 radar cross section (rcs polarization scattering ma-trix (PSM) polarimetric calibration polarimetry.
作者 徐文丰 李颖晖 +2 位作者 裴彬彬 宋亚南 孙鹏飞 《空军工程大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期39-46,共8页
飞机动态雷达散射截面(RCS)的分析能够为飞机隐身设计和测试评估提供重要理论支撑。针对现有动态RCS计算方法只能适用于有限角域的不足,对飞机本体系中雷达方位角的定义进行了修正,扩大了现有方法的适用范围。提出了一种新型的动态RCS... 飞机动态雷达散射截面(RCS)的分析能够为飞机隐身设计和测试评估提供重要理论支撑。针对现有动态RCS计算方法只能适用于有限角域的不足,对飞机本体系中雷达方位角的定义进行了修正,扩大了现有方法的适用范围。提出了一种新型的动态RCS计算方法,解决了现有方法中雷达视线角与飞机RCS值无法建立一一映射关系的问题,使用飞机本体坐标系与雷达照射坐标系的欧拉旋转角表征飞机的动态RCS值,相比传统方法具有更高的准确性。最后,仿真验证了当飞机处于机动状态时,新型的动态RCS计算方法得出的结果与现有方法相比有显著差异,其有效提高了动态RCS计算的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 飞机隐身 雷达散射截面 欧拉姿态角 雷达视线角 雷达照射坐标系
作者 林沂 杨凯 +3 位作者 武博 安强 刘燚 付云起 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期95-99,共5页
基于里德堡原子的量子微波接收机具有超宽带、高灵敏度等显著优点,在雷达探测、信号侦察等电磁对抗领域具有巨大的应用潜力。经典的微波接收机采用金属天线作为传感器探头,而量子微波接收机的传感器探头是一个全介质的原子气室。文中对... 基于里德堡原子的量子微波接收机具有超宽带、高灵敏度等显著优点,在雷达探测、信号侦察等电磁对抗领域具有巨大的应用潜力。经典的微波接收机采用金属天线作为传感器探头,而量子微波接收机的传感器探头是一个全介质的原子气室。文中对原子气室探头的雷达散射截面积(RCS)进行分析,通过将原子气室与经典的微带贴片天线进行仿真对比,展示了原子气室探头在2 GHz~18 GHz的宽频带内具有更低的RCS。此外,还对影响原子气室RCS的主要因素(结构、尺寸、相对介电常数等)进行仿真分析,给出了低RCS原子气室的参数选取基本原则。 展开更多
关键词 里德堡原子 量子微波接收机 雷达散射截面积 原子气室
航空发动机后向RCS统计特性分析方法 被引量:1
作者 傅莉 崔哲 邓洪伟 《航空发动机》 北大核心 2024年第1期72-78,共7页
为解决采用传统固定带宽核密度估计方法分析雷达散射截面(RCS)统计特性时精度低的问题,设计了K最近邻法计算Epanechnikov核密度估计的动态窗宽。以每个相邻样本的欧氏距离判断样本局部密度,通过样本点与最近邻的距离来调整核函数的窗宽... 为解决采用传统固定带宽核密度估计方法分析雷达散射截面(RCS)统计特性时精度低的问题,设计了K最近邻法计算Epanechnikov核密度估计的动态窗宽。以每个相邻样本的欧氏距离判断样本局部密度,通过样本点与最近邻的距离来调整核函数的窗宽以完成核密度估计,并将其用于发动机后向RCS的统计特性分析。采用改进的Epanechnikov核密度估计与传统核密度估计,对服从固定分布的4种RCS随机样本点的累积概率密度函数进行拟合,以验证算法的精度。结果表明:改进的Epanechnikov核密度估计的均方根误差比传统核密度估计的分别减小31.2%、38.8%、38.1%、31.9%。结合第2代RCS统计特性分析模型,以Kolmogorov-Smirnov拟合精度检验为拟合指标,应用改进的Epanechnikov核密度估计计算发动机后向RCS的统计特性并对其规律进行分析可知,对数正态分布更符合C波段和X波段的HH和VV极化的统计特性分布;卡方分布更符合C波段以及Ku波段的HV和VH极化;威布尔分布更符合X波段的HV、VH极化以及Ku波段的HH、VV极化。 展开更多
关键词 雷达散射截面 K最近邻法 核密度估计 统计特性 航空发动机
A New RCS Statistical Model of Radar Target 被引量:4
作者 Xu Xiaojian and Huang PeikangBeijing Institute of Environment Features, P. O. Box 142-207, Beijing 100854, China 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 1991年第1期60-66,共7页
In this paper, the drawbacks of conventional target fluctuation models used in radar target modeling are set out. It is usually difficult to statistically model a real target because there are very few parameters whic... In this paper, the drawbacks of conventional target fluctuation models used in radar target modeling are set out. It is usually difficult to statistically model a real target because there are very few parameters which can be used to approximate the probability density function (PDF) of a real target's radar cross section (RCS) in conventional target models. A new method of statistical modeling is suggested, according to which the first nth central moment of real target's RCS, combined with the Legendre orthogonal polynomials, is used to reconstruct the PDF of the target's RCS. The relationship between the coefficients of the Legendre polynomials and the central moments of RCS are deduced mathematically. Through a practical computing example, the error-of-fit is shown as a function of the orders of Legendre coefficients. By comparing the errors-of-fit caused by both the new model and the conventional models, it is concluded that the new nonparametric method for statistical modeling of radar targets is superior. 展开更多
关键词 Target model radar radar cross section.
Radar Cross Section Analysis Using Physical Optics and Its Applications to Marine Targets 被引量:6
作者 Joon-Tae Hwang Suk-Yoon Hong +1 位作者 Jee-Hun Song Hyun-Wung Kwon 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2015年第2期166-171,共6页
Radar Cross Section (RCS) is one of the most considerable parameters for ship stealth design. As modern ships are larger than their predecessors, RCS must be managed at each design stage for its reduction. For predict... Radar Cross Section (RCS) is one of the most considerable parameters for ship stealth design. As modern ships are larger than their predecessors, RCS must be managed at each design stage for its reduction. For predicting RCS of ship, Radar Cross Section Analysis Program (RACSAN) based on Kirchhoff approximation in high frequency range has been developed. This program can present RCS including multi-bounce effect in exterior and interior structure by combination of geometric optics (GO) and physical optics (PO) methods, coating effect by using Fresnel reflection coefficient, and response time pattern for detected target. In this paper, RCS calculations of ship model with above effects are simulated by using this developed program and RCS results are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 radar cross section (rcs) KIrcHHOFF APPROXIMATION Multi-Bounce Effect Response Time Pattern
Radar Cross Section Prediction and Reduction for Naval Ships 被引量:4
作者 Jawad Khan Wenyang Duan Salma Sherbaz 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第2期191-199,共9页
Radar cross section(RCS) is the measurement of the reflective strength of a target.Reducing the RCS of a naval ship enables its late detection,which is useful for capitalizing on elements of surprise and initiative.... Radar cross section(RCS) is the measurement of the reflective strength of a target.Reducing the RCS of a naval ship enables its late detection,which is useful for capitalizing on elements of surprise and initiative.Thus,the RCS of a naval ship has become a very important design factor for achieving surprise,initiative,and survivability.Consequently,accurate RCS determination and RCS reduction are of extreme importance for a naval ship.The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the theoretical background and engineering approach to deal with RCS prediction and reduction for naval ships.The importance of RCS,radar fundamentals,RCS basics,RCS prediction methods,and RCS reduction methods for naval ships is also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 stealth ship naval ship radar cross section rcs
Impact of emulsification of crude oil on normalized radar cross section 被引量:3
作者 GUO Jie ZHANG Tianlong +1 位作者 ZHANG Xi LIU Genwang 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第1期42-54,共13页
The emulsification of crude oil is caused by the oil flowing into the water,resulting in the increase of oil film tension,viscosity,water content,and volume,which brings great harm to the marine ecological environment... The emulsification of crude oil is caused by the oil flowing into the water,resulting in the increase of oil film tension,viscosity,water content,and volume,which brings great harm to the marine ecological environment and difficulties for the cleanup of marine emergency equipment.The realization observation of emulsification crude oil will increase the response speed of marine emergency response.Therefore,we set up crude oil emulsification samples to study the physical property in laboratory and conducted radar measurements at different incidence angles in outdoor.The radar is C band in resolution of 0.7 m by 0.7 m.A fully polarimetric scatterometer(HH,VV,and VH/HV)is mounted at 1.66 m(minimum altitude)height at an incidence angle between 35°and 60°.An asphalt content of less than 3%crude oil and the filtered seawater were used to the outdoor emulsification scattering experiment.The measurement results are as follows.The water content can be used to describe the process of emulsification and it is easy to measure.Wind speed,asphalt content,seawater temperature,and photo-oxidation affect the emulsifying process of crude oil,and affects the normalized radar cross section(NRCS)of oil film but wind is not the dominant factor.It is the first time to find that the emulsification of crude oil results in an increase of NRCS. 展开更多
关键词 emulsification of crude oil normalized radar cross section(Nrcs) water content wind speed TEMPERATURE
Ultra-wideband low radar cross-section metasurface and its application on waveguide slot antenna array 被引量:2
作者 Li-Li Cong Xiang-Yu Cao +1 位作者 Tao Song Jun Gao 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第11期466-471,共6页
A novel approach devoted to achieving ultra-wideband radar cross section reduction(RCSR) of a waveguide slot antenna array(WGSAA) while maintaining its radiation performance is proposed. Three kinds of artificial ... A novel approach devoted to achieving ultra-wideband radar cross section reduction(RCSR) of a waveguide slot antenna array(WGSAA) while maintaining its radiation performance is proposed. Three kinds of artificial magnetic conductors(AMCs) tiles consisting of three types of basic units resonant at different frequencies are designed and arranged in a novel quadruple-triangle-type configuration to create a composite planar metasurface. The proposed metasurface is characterized by low radar feature over an ultra-wideband based on the principle of phase cancellation. Both simulated and measured results demonstrate that after the composite metasurface is used to cover part of the antenna array, an ultrawideband RCSR involving in-band and out-of-band is achieved for co-and cross-polarized incident waves based on energy cancellation, while the radiation performance is well retained. The proposed method is simple, low-cost, and easy-tofabricate, providing a new method for ultra-wideband RCSR of an antenna array. Moreover, the method proposed in this paper can easily be applied to other antenna architectures. 展开更多
关键词 metasurface polarization-independent artificial magnetic conductor (PIDAMC) waveguide slot antenna array (WGSAA) radar cross section reduction
Analytical Estimation of Radar Cross Section of Infinitely Long Conducting Cylinder Coated with Metamaterial 被引量:1
作者 Girish K. Hema Singh 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2016年第6期199-215,共17页
Aerospace structures can be approximately modeled as a combination of canonical structures such as cylinder,cone and ellipsoid.Thus the RCS estimation of such canonical structures is of prime interest.Furthermore meta... Aerospace structures can be approximately modeled as a combination of canonical structures such as cylinder,cone and ellipsoid.Thus the RCS estimation of such canonical structures is of prime interest.Furthermore metamaterials possess peculiar electromagnetic properties which can be useful in modifying the RCS of structures.This paper is aimed at calculating the RCS of an infinitely long PEC circular cylinder coated with one or two layers of metamaterial.The incident and scattered fields of coated cylinder are expressed in terms of series summation of Bessel and Hankel functions.The unknown coefficients of summation are obtained by applying appropriate boundary conditions.The computations are carried out for both principal polarizations.The computed results are validated against the numerical-based method of moments.Further,the variation of RCS of the metamaterial coated PEC cylinder with material parameters,frequency,aspect angle and polarization is analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 Coated Cylinder METAMATERIAL perfect electric conductor radar cross section polarization.
Radar Cross Section Calculation for Wing-Body Blended Targets 被引量:1
作者 Lu Caicheng & Wang BaofaDept. of Electronic Eng., Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 1991年第2期100-108,共9页
A new method of calculating the radai cross section (RCS) for wing-body blended targets is presented and verified. The method utilizes a computer program for modeling targets' geometry in terms of small pieces. Th... A new method of calculating the radai cross section (RCS) for wing-body blended targets is presented and verified. The method utilizes a computer program for modeling targets' geometry in terms of small pieces. The calculation is based on physical optics approximation. Examples are given to show the validity of the method. 展开更多
关键词 radar cross section Electromagnetic scattering.
作者 王彩云 张慧雯 +2 位作者 王佳宁 吴钇达 常韵 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期2269-2275,共7页
针对弹道目标雷达信号易受环境影响、目标识别准确率低的问题,提出了一种基于双树复小波变换(dual-tree complex wavelet transform,DTCWT)和变分自编码器(variational autoencoder,VAE)的弹道目标雷达散射截面(radar cross section,RCS... 针对弹道目标雷达信号易受环境影响、目标识别准确率低的问题,提出了一种基于双树复小波变换(dual-tree complex wavelet transform,DTCWT)和变分自编码器(variational autoencoder,VAE)的弹道目标雷达散射截面(radar cross section,RCS)识别法。首先,采用DTCWT对弹道目标RCS动态数据进行预处理,再利用VAE提取目标的隐变量特征,最后用支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)分类器进行识别。实验结果表明,与已有方法相比,该方法具有更高的识别概率,且鲁棒性较好。 展开更多
关键词 弹道目标 目标识别 雷达散射截面 双树复小波变换 变分自编码器
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