The PARASOL code and the simulation by using PARASOL are introduced briefly. The PARASOL code with particle-in-cell (PIC) method and binary collision model was developed in JAERI and JAEA. Simulations using PARASOL ...The PARASOL code and the simulation by using PARASOL are introduced briefly. The PARASOL code with particle-in-cell (PIC) method and binary collision model was developed in JAERI and JAEA. Simulations using PARASOL code were carried out in order to investigate the power and particle control with diveror system in fusion reactors. The one-dimensional (1D) version of PARASOL was adopted to investigate the Bohm criterion, the supersonic flow, the SOL heat conduction, and so on. The heat propagation due to edge localized mode (ELM) was studied with the 1D-dynamic PARASOL. The two-dimensional version of PARASOL for the whole tokamak plasma including scrape-off-layer (SOL)-divertor region was useful for simulating the SOL flow pattern, the electric field formation etc. Based on PARASOL simulation results, improved physics modeling for the fluid simulation was built up.展开更多
近年来,绝缘管型母线作为一种大电流连接线使用日渐增多,但由于目前管母的生产、运维尚缺乏有效规范,投运后频繁出现问题。文中以四川某变电站35 k V绝缘管母为研究对象,对其投运后出现的鼓包、冒烟、着火等异常现象和结构设计进行了全...近年来,绝缘管型母线作为一种大电流连接线使用日渐增多,但由于目前管母的生产、运维尚缺乏有效规范,投运后频繁出现问题。文中以四川某变电站35 k V绝缘管母为研究对象,对其投运后出现的鼓包、冒烟、着火等异常现象和结构设计进行了全面的分析与探讨。通过多组试验和解体分析结果,管母的半导电层和铜带配合不合理所导致的半导电层破损是运行异常的直接原因。有限元仿真计算结果表明,半导电层出现破损后,破损处电场局部集中,且破损处的电场强度与破损口大小正向相关。同时,由于半导电层阻燃性能较差,出现放电后使缺陷发展扩大,并最终表现出鼓包、冒烟、着火等异常现象。在此基础上,文中还分析了管母的结构设计、材料使用对其电气性能的影响,并从生产加工、运行维护、检测等方面对管母的安全可靠运行提出建议。展开更多
文摘The PARASOL code and the simulation by using PARASOL are introduced briefly. The PARASOL code with particle-in-cell (PIC) method and binary collision model was developed in JAERI and JAEA. Simulations using PARASOL code were carried out in order to investigate the power and particle control with diveror system in fusion reactors. The one-dimensional (1D) version of PARASOL was adopted to investigate the Bohm criterion, the supersonic flow, the SOL heat conduction, and so on. The heat propagation due to edge localized mode (ELM) was studied with the 1D-dynamic PARASOL. The two-dimensional version of PARASOL for the whole tokamak plasma including scrape-off-layer (SOL)-divertor region was useful for simulating the SOL flow pattern, the electric field formation etc. Based on PARASOL simulation results, improved physics modeling for the fluid simulation was built up.
文摘近年来,绝缘管型母线作为一种大电流连接线使用日渐增多,但由于目前管母的生产、运维尚缺乏有效规范,投运后频繁出现问题。文中以四川某变电站35 k V绝缘管母为研究对象,对其投运后出现的鼓包、冒烟、着火等异常现象和结构设计进行了全面的分析与探讨。通过多组试验和解体分析结果,管母的半导电层和铜带配合不合理所导致的半导电层破损是运行异常的直接原因。有限元仿真计算结果表明,半导电层出现破损后,破损处电场局部集中,且破损处的电场强度与破损口大小正向相关。同时,由于半导电层阻燃性能较差,出现放电后使缺陷发展扩大,并最终表现出鼓包、冒烟、着火等异常现象。在此基础上,文中还分析了管母的结构设计、材料使用对其电气性能的影响,并从生产加工、运行维护、检测等方面对管母的安全可靠运行提出建议。