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Influence of immobilization and sensory re-education on the sensory recovery after reconstruction of digital nerves with direct suture or muscle-in-vein conduits
作者 Theodora Manoli Jennifer Lynn Schiefer +2 位作者 Lukas Schulz Thomas Fuchsberger Hans-Eberhard Schaller 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第2期338-344,共7页
The influence of duration of immobilization and postoperative sensory re-education on the final outcome after reconstruction of digital nerves with direct suture or muscle-in-vein conduits was investigated. The final ... The influence of duration of immobilization and postoperative sensory re-education on the final outcome after reconstruction of digital nerves with direct suture or muscle-in-vein conduits was investigated. The final sensory outcome of 35 patients with 41 digital nerve injuries, who either underwent a direct suture(DS) or a nerve reconstruction with muscle-in-vein conduits(MVC), was assessed the earliest 12 months postoperatively using static and moving two-point discrimination as well as Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments. There was no significant difference in sensory recovery in cases with an immobilization of 3–7 days versus 10 days in the DS or MVC group. Moreover, no statistically significant difference in sensory recovery was found in cases receiving postoperative sensory re-education versus those not receiving in the DS or MVC group. An early mobilization does not seem to have a negative impact on the final outcome after digital nerve reconstruction. The effect of sensory re-education after digital nerve reconstruction should be reconsidered. 展开更多
关键词 nerve regeneration peripheral nerve digital nerve sensory re-education IMMOBILIZATION digital direct suture muscle-in-vein conduits
Deciphering the New UK Labour Government's"Securonomics"
作者 Yang Fang Qu Bing +1 位作者 Dong Yifan Liu Chen 《Contemporary International Relations》 2024年第6期67-89,共23页
"Securonomics"is an umbrella term referring to the new UK Labour government's approach to economic management.It is the flagship policy of the new government in response to broader political,economic,and... "Securonomics"is an umbrella term referring to the new UK Labour government's approach to economic management.It is the flagship policy of the new government in response to broader political,economic,and social crises,emphasizing government intervention,increasing employment rights,and promoting economic growth and fair development.For the first time ever,the UK government is officially naming its economic policy in combination with security,highlighting a trend toward policy securitization in the country.It is against complex backgrounds that securonomics has been created and developed.The main factors include Labour's tendency toward left-leaning policies in times of economic crisis,the challenges it currently faces at home,and the influence of left-wing political parties in Europe and the United States.Securonomics is rich in content,although its policies need refinement and effectiveness requires observation.Looking ahead,the Labour government needs to balance growth and stability,prosperity and security,and politics and economy.In the context of a fresh wave of right-wing trends in European and American politics,it remains to be seen whether the UK Labour Party will become a"beacon of hope"-or just a"faint light"-for the global left.And the success of securonomics will hinge on whether the new Labour government can present a proper,well-fitting development blueprint for the UK. 展开更多
关键词 new labour government securonomics United Kingdom
作者 曹莹 《决策与信息》 2025年第2期42-52,共11页
目前,以数字算法为核心技术支撑的平台企业已成为我国吸纳各类新业态从业者的重要载体。研究显示,新业态从业者不仅在劳动收入、劳动时间、劳动强度、劳动安全等方面不同程度地受制于平台企业的“算法控制”,而且由于后者常常有意凭借... 目前,以数字算法为核心技术支撑的平台企业已成为我国吸纳各类新业态从业者的重要载体。研究显示,新业态从业者不仅在劳动收入、劳动时间、劳动强度、劳动安全等方面不同程度地受制于平台企业的“算法控制”,而且由于后者常常有意凭借算法技术优势模糊劳动雇佣关系,从业者普遍面临着合同签约率低、社会保障覆盖低、工伤保险认定和劳动维权难等一系列问题。与此同时,受“算法支配”的生存处境也对从业者的自我感知、情绪稳定性、社会心态等造成了不同程度的负面影响,从而引发了许多不容忽视的社会安全隐患。有效化解新业态从业者的生存之困,需要政府、平台企业、从业者三方共同努力,从加强制度保障、技术优化、提高从业群体组织化水平等方面入手,积极营造一个更公平、更包容、更可持续的平台经济发展环境。 展开更多
关键词 平台经济 算法控制 新就业形态从业者 生存之困 劳动关系 社会心理 就业促进
作者 韦海珊 王德慧 +2 位作者 付立 侯睿 陆虹 《护理学杂志》 北大核心 2025年第2期56-59,79,共5页
目的调查第二产程直立位分娩实践方案实施后的助产服务现状,预测助产士需求量,对方案进行应用性评价。方法采用分娩率加权法问卷回顾性收集实施第二产程直立位分娩实践方案的1所医院的273例产妇资料,根据分娩率加权法计算公式预测医院... 目的调查第二产程直立位分娩实践方案实施后的助产服务现状,预测助产士需求量,对方案进行应用性评价。方法采用分娩率加权法问卷回顾性收集实施第二产程直立位分娩实践方案的1所医院的273例产妇资料,根据分娩率加权法计算公式预测医院助产士需求量。结果助产服务类型Ⅰ/Ⅱ产妇99例(36.26%),类型Ⅲ产妇112例(41.03%),类型Ⅳ产妇58例(21.25%),类型Ⅴ产妇4例(1.46%);各类型产妇助产服务时长分别为5.42(3.58,9.83)h,8.54(5.85,13.65)h,7.46(4.75,12.62)h,9.75(7.25,13.90)h,直立位与仰卧位分娩产妇各类型助产服务时长比较,差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论实施第二产程直立位分娩实践方案不会增加现有助产士人力资源负担。助产士管理者可以根据预测结果合理调配助产人力资源并灵活调整助产士工作,加强学习、培训,提供更优质的助产服务。 展开更多
关键词 第二产程 直立位分娩 仰卧位分娩 助产士 助产服务 人力资源管理 分娩率加权法 工作量
作者 刘方平 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期11-20,共10页
马克思将时间分为必要劳动时间、生理休息时间和自由劳动时间。必要劳动时间具备生存实践本质,生理休息时间蕴含增长蓄能内涵,自由劳动时间富有发展空间意蕴。新质生产力通过缩短必要劳动时间,增加生理休息时间,创造更多自由劳动时间多... 马克思将时间分为必要劳动时间、生理休息时间和自由劳动时间。必要劳动时间具备生存实践本质,生理休息时间蕴含增长蓄能内涵,自由劳动时间富有发展空间意蕴。新质生产力通过缩短必要劳动时间,增加生理休息时间,创造更多自由劳动时间多维度赋能共同富裕。通过Eviews计量分析模型对中国及21个OECD国家自由劳动时间与新质生产力、新质生产力与人均富裕度进行回归分析,结果显示这两组变量呈现出正相关性,即自由劳动时间越多,新质生产力发展水平就越高,该国人均富裕度就越高,国民整体表现为富裕状态。回归结果证明了马克思时间理论视阈下新质生产力赋能共同富裕问题的可行性与正确性,这对新发展阶段中国新质生产力的培育、全面深化改革开放具有重大的理论和实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 马克思时间理论 新质生产力 共同富裕 必要劳动时间 自由劳动时间
作者 唐若桐 尹铎 《旅游学刊》 北大核心 2025年第2期136-148,共13页
城市是人与野生动物共享的栖居之所。该研究以昆明海鸥旅游为案例,运用深度访谈、参与式观察等方法,深入分析了在城市开放生境下野生动物旅游中动物劳动与围绕动物劳动开展的社会实践。研究发现:1)海鸥通过新陈代谢劳动和生态劳动奠定... 城市是人与野生动物共享的栖居之所。该研究以昆明海鸥旅游为案例,运用深度访谈、参与式观察等方法,深入分析了在城市开放生境下野生动物旅游中动物劳动与围绕动物劳动开展的社会实践。研究发现:1)海鸥通过新陈代谢劳动和生态劳动奠定了海鸥旅游的实践基础,通过情感劳动创造了商业价值;2)野生动物旅游的实践过程展现了旅游营造与动物劳动的相互关系,一方面人类会根据动物劳动习惯改造旅游活动与空间,另一方面动物虽然基于自身目的性劳动,但会适应人类环境,并改造自身习性;3)不同于其他边界明确的野生动物旅游,昆明的海鸥旅游打破了物理的边界,此时,旅游背后的人类操控转向更加隐秘的形式。在积年累月的互动中,人类与海鸥群体已紧密地相互嵌入,这对空间、人类、野生动物三者都造成了潜在的风险。研究从开放生境的空间维度和动物劳动的研究视角,丰富了野生动物旅游研究的相关成果,为未来的管理实践提供了案例情景,也为共建人与动物生命共同体提出了来自旅游学科的解析。 展开更多
关键词 野生动物旅游 开放生境 动物劳动 昆明海鸥 人鸥关系
作者 尹志波 陈素容 《“生活·实践”教育研究》 2025年第1期110-116,共7页
依据中共中央国务院印发的《关于全面加强新时代大中小学劳动教育的意见》文件的要求,行知小学以落实立德树人为根本任务,在陶行知劳动教育理论的指引下,结合学校实际,探索以居家劳动为主体,以家校协同为载体,以居家劳动清单为抓手,以... 依据中共中央国务院印发的《关于全面加强新时代大中小学劳动教育的意见》文件的要求,行知小学以落实立德树人为根本任务,在陶行知劳动教育理论的指引下,结合学校实际,探索以居家劳动为主体,以家校协同为载体,以居家劳动清单为抓手,以创意劳动为特色,以素养评价为导向的劳动教育模式,建立城市学校实施劳动教育的体系。注重知行合一,着力培养学生的劳动情感、劳动态度、劳动技能和劳动习惯,确保学生的劳动素养得到明显提高。 展开更多
关键词 劳动教育 居家劳动清单 家校协同
作者 张和松 侯静 帅育栒 《“生活·实践”教育研究》 2025年第1期85-90,共6页
新时代背景下,教育倡导培养德智体美劳全面发展的“新时代”社会主义建设者和接班人。陶行知先生的劳动教育思想,核心内容包括“手脑并用”“劳力上劳心”以及“教学做合一”等,对新时代中小学校的劳动教育具有深远的指导意义。文章以... 新时代背景下,教育倡导培养德智体美劳全面发展的“新时代”社会主义建设者和接班人。陶行知先生的劳动教育思想,核心内容包括“手脑并用”“劳力上劳心”以及“教学做合一”等,对新时代中小学校的劳动教育具有深远的指导意义。文章以重庆市育才中学校为例,旨在探讨陶行知劳动教育思想在新时代中小学校的实践应用,并提出相应的实施策略,以期为新时代中小学校开展劳动教育提供有益的借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 陶行知 劳动教育 中小学 应用实践
作者 史宏凯 《“生活·实践”教育研究》 2025年第1期123-128,共6页
文章通过分析“生活·实践”教育视域下中小学劳动教育课程内涵,以重视劳动教育课程建构中的生活实践教育特性、重视劳动教育推进过程中的家校社联动、重视劳动教育课程育人的功能指向性为起点,着重分析了“生活·实践”教育中... 文章通过分析“生活·实践”教育视域下中小学劳动教育课程内涵,以重视劳动教育课程建构中的生活实践教育特性、重视劳动教育推进过程中的家校社联动、重视劳动教育课程育人的功能指向性为起点,着重分析了“生活·实践”教育中生活力、实践力、学习力、自主力、合作力、创造力等“六力”对区域推进中小学劳动教育的重要作用,阐述在课程框架建构、师资队伍建设、评价体系建立、协同机制建立等方面的思考与实践探索。 展开更多
关键词 “生活·实践”教育 实践教育 劳动教育 课程实施
STUDY ON THE MIGRANT LABOUR FORCE OF CHINA IN RECENT YEARS──A Case Study of Nanhai City of Guangdong Province 被引量:2
作者 阎小培 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 1997年第1期19-29,共11页
This Paper, taking Nanhai City of Guangdong Province as an example, focuses on five interrelated aspects of the migrant labour force of China in recent year’s. Attention is initially paid to the background of the lab... This Paper, taking Nanhai City of Guangdong Province as an example, focuses on five interrelated aspects of the migrant labour force of China in recent year’s. Attention is initially paid to the background of the labour migration from inland towards coastal area. Then, the demographic characteristics of the migrant labour force are analysed before turning to the analysis on the rare for the migration. Fourthly, the impacts of the migrant workers on the socio-economic development of Nanhai City and the problems are examined. Finally, the prospects and some suggestions for the labour migration are put forward. 展开更多
关键词 MIGRANT labour DEMOGRAPHIC and spoilal pattern econemic and SOCIAL CONFLICT ASSIMILATION
Labour analgesia effects on foetal heart rate. A mini-review 被引量:5
作者 Nicole Maria Anna Adela Engel Marc Van de Velde +1 位作者 Jan Gerrit Nijhuis M. A. E. Marcus 《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2011年第3期113-120,共8页
Foetal well-being during labour is of utmost importance. One of the ways to attempt to assess foetal well-being is by recording foetal heart rate (FHR). Loss of variability and deceleration patterns are known to be as... Foetal well-being during labour is of utmost importance. One of the ways to attempt to assess foetal well-being is by recording foetal heart rate (FHR). Loss of variability and deceleration patterns are known to be associated with foetal distress. Decelerations and foetal bradycardia have been described after any type of effective labour analgesia. This review addresses the questions if certain analgesic techniques and/or analgesics lead to clinically relevant FHR changes, what is their aetiology, and how we should manage these FHR changes. 展开更多
Research on the Impact of Rural Labour Forces Transfer on the Urban-rural Income Based on Economics of Discrimination 被引量:2
作者 LIU Yu-ping GUO Jun-jun 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2011年第1期65-67,共3页
On the basis of the analytical frame of discrimination, the thesis establishes a model of transfer of rural labour forces into city, and researches the impact of rural labour forces transfer on urban-rural income. The... On the basis of the analytical frame of discrimination, the thesis establishes a model of transfer of rural labour forces into city, and researches the impact of rural labour forces transfer on urban-rural income. The results show that the transfer of rural labour forces into city can increase urban-rural income and bridge the income gap between city and village to a certain extent. However, the capital stock of city in China is greatly more than that of the village, so the rural labour forces transfer cannot eliminate the urban-rural income gap completely. In order to elevate the rural income level in China and narrow urban-rural income gap, the government should paint a picture with two brushes at the same time: on one hand, the government should promote the transfer of rural labour forces into city, and change the status quo of dual urban-rural labour forces market structure; on the other hand, the government should increase the input in rural areas and promote the increase of rural capital stock so as to further increase rural residents' income in the process of labour forces transfer. 展开更多
关键词 labour forces transfer Urban-rural income Income gap The Economics of Discrimination China
Sonopelvimetry: An Innovative Method for Early Prediction of Obstructed Labour 被引量:1
作者 Yinon Gilboa Emma Bertucci +4 位作者 Carlotta Cani Maya Spira Jigal Haas Vincenzo Mazza Reuven Achiron 《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2014年第13期757-765,共9页
Aim: To evaluate an innovative sonopelvimetry method for early prediction of obstructed labour. Methods: A prospective study was conducted in two centers.GPS-based sonopelvimetry, laborProTM?(Trig Medical Inc., Yoqnea... Aim: To evaluate an innovative sonopelvimetry method for early prediction of obstructed labour. Methods: A prospective study was conducted in two centers.GPS-based sonopelvimetry, laborProTM?(Trig Medical Inc., Yoqneam Ilit, Israel) devise, was used prior to labour in nulliparous women at 39 - 42 weeks gestation remote from labor. Maternal pelvic parameters, including inter-iliac transverse diameter, obstetric conjugate and interspinous diameter were evaluated. Fetal parameters included head station, biparietal diameter and occipitofrontal diameter. Data on delivery and outcome were collected from the electronic files. Results: The innovative use of sonopelvimetry was applied to 154 consecutive women, none of the participants complained of discomfort or complications observed. The mean time of examination was 15 + 2 minutes. Mean time of examination to delivery interval was 4.8 days (range 0 - 16 days). Small interspinous diameter and high head station were the best predictors for obstructed labour. Analysis indicated 87% sensitivity and 61% specificity for birth weight fetal head station and ISD combined in predicting obstructed labour with an area under the curve of 0.77. Conclusions: Our results indicate that GPS-based?sonopelvimetry combined with fetal estimated weight is a valuable tool in the risk assessment of obstructed labour. Parameters obtained by sonopelvimetry combined with birth weight may be useful. 展开更多
关键词 FOETAL HEAD STATION Interspinous DIAMETER OBSTRUCTED labour Sonopelvimetry
Experiences of women with the support they received from their birth companions during labour and delivery in Malawi 被引量:1
作者 Esther Kungwimba Address Malata +1 位作者 Alfred Maluwa Ellen Chirwa 《Health》 2013年第1期45-52,共8页
A study was conducted to describe the experiences of primiparous women with the support they received from their birth companions during labour and delivery in Malawi. The study design was descriptive and utilized qua... A study was conducted to describe the experiences of primiparous women with the support they received from their birth companions during labour and delivery in Malawi. The study design was descriptive and utilized qualitative data collection and analysis method on a sample of 20 primiparous women. The women were recruited from the postnatal ward of Bwaila hospital and were interviewed regarding their experiences on the support they received from their birth companions during labour and delivery using an open ended interview guide. Data was manually analyzed using content analysis. Primiparous women described the support they received from their birth companions as useful and beneficial. Birth companions provided advice, physical, emotional and spiritual support to the women during their labour and delivery. In addition, the birth companions were viewed as guardians of the women during labour and delivery. Results however, show that some women were not properly assisted by their companions because both the mothers and companions lacked knowledge on birth companionship. The results further show that birth companions play important roles during the birth and delivery of primiparous women and thereby improving birth outcomes. Therefore, there is a need to train the companions regarding support to a woman during labour and delivery. Primiparous women also need to be trained during antenatal care education so that they properly understand the roles of a birth companion as opposed to those of the midwives. 展开更多
关键词 PRIMIPAROUS Woman BIRTH COMPANION labour Delivery SUPPORT ANTENATAL Clinic Education BIRTH Experience
Foley Balloon Catheter versus Oral Misoprostol for Induction of Labour after Prelabour Rupture of Membranes: A Retrospective Data Analysis 被引量:1
作者 Anna Bouwknegt Sjuul Jongen +3 位作者 Kim Kamphorst Maria G. van Pampus Paul J. Q. van der Linden Joost J. Zwart 《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 CAS 2022年第7期579-589,共11页
Objectives: The Foley balloon catheter (FC) is a viable method for cervical ripening, but concerns about infection risk restrict its use in cases of prolonged prelabour rupture of membranes (PROM). This study aims to ... Objectives: The Foley balloon catheter (FC) is a viable method for cervical ripening, but concerns about infection risk restrict its use in cases of prolonged prelabour rupture of membranes (PROM). This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the FC compared to oral misoprostol for cervical ripening after PROM. Study Design: A retrospective data-analysis of 128 pregnant women was conducted. Of these, 49 underwent cervical ripening with an FC and 79 with oral misoprostol. We included all women with a vital singleton pregnancy at 37 - 42 weeks of gestation who underwent cervical ripening after ≥ 24 hours of PROM in specific time frames in two Dutchsecondary care and teaching hospitals. The primary outcome was the incidence of intrapartum infection, a composite of maternal and neonatal infection. In addition, we evaluated the mode of delivery, duration of priming and priming-to-delivery interval. Secondary endpoints included uterine hyperstimulation, umbilical cord prolapse, birth weight, Apgar scores, length of admission to the neonatal low dependency unit, admission to the (neonatal) Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and mortality. Statistical analyses included bivariate and multivariate techniques. Results: Cervical ripening with FC, compared with oral misoprostol, showed a higher incidence of intrapartum infection, respectively 32.7% (n = 16) vs. 12.7% (n = 10) (p = 0.006). However, after adjusting for epidural anaesthesia and pregestational BMI, the association was no longer significant. No difference was found in mode of delivery and total priming-to-delivery interval (median 21.3 hours vs. 22.0, p = 0.897). Furthermore, FC, compared with oral misoprostol, showed a longer duration of cervical ripening and hence a shorter duration of active labour (p 0.001). Apart from the 1-min Apgar score, secondary maternal and neonatal outcomes did not differ between the groups. Conclusion: In women who require cervical ripening after prolonged PROM at term, the FC and oral misoprostol are similar in terms of efficacy and safety. Advantages associated with the FC are its safe application in women with a history of caesarean section, although we did not study these women, and an implied shorter duration of active labour. Our study adds to the limited available data on the use of the FC after the rupture of membranes and a large randomized controlled trial is needed to strengthen our findings. 展开更多
关键词 Prelabour Rupture of Membranes (PROM) Balloon Catheter MISOPROSTOL Cervical Ripening labour Induction CHORIOAMNIONITIS
Removal of laparoscopic cerclage stitches via laparotomy and rivanol-induced labour: A case report and literature review 被引量:1
作者 Xin-Ni Na Ben-Shuo Cai 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2022年第1期304-308,共5页
BACKGROUND Laparoscopic cervical cerclage is performed for patients with abnormal cervical anatomy and/or transvaginal cervical cerclage failure.However,the method of removing the stitches to allow labour induction re... BACKGROUND Laparoscopic cervical cerclage is performed for patients with abnormal cervical anatomy and/or transvaginal cervical cerclage failure.However,the method of removing the stitches to allow labour induction remains controversial.According to published literature,stitches are removed through laparoscopic or transvaginal methods.Herein,we report,for the first time,a case of a patient who had undergone laparoscopic cerclage,and then underwent removal of stitches by laparotomy and labour induction in the third trimester of pregnancy.CASE SUMMARY A patient who underwent laparoscopic cervical cerclage due to cervical insufficiency became pregnant naturally following the operation.At 31 wk of pregnancy,severe foetal malformations were found.To successfully induce labour,cerclage stitches were removed via laparotomy,and rivanol was injected directly into the uterus.Following successful induction of labour,the patient delivered a dead foetus.CONCLUSION This report provides a reliable scheme of removing cerclage stitches for patients who have undergone laparoscopic cerclage but experience severe foetal malformations. 展开更多
关键词 Laparoscopic cerclage Pregnancy Induced labour Stitch removal Case report
The Asymmetric Response of Older Male Labour Force Participation Rates to Pension Reform and Labour Market Variables 被引量:2
作者 Martin O'Brien 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第4期358-367,共10页
Increasing the labour force participation rates of older workers is a fundamental component of most OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries' response to the fiscal pressures associate... Increasing the labour force participation rates of older workers is a fundamental component of most OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries' response to the fiscal pressures associated with ageing populations. Both pension reform and employment policies are key elements to achieving such increases in participation and reversing the early retirement trends of recent decades. Econometric modeling results from a panel of 12 OECD countries indicate that labour market variables have a greater influence than social security pension value or the standard age of retirement on the labour force participation rates of males aged 55-64 years. Further results from modeling the potential asymmetric response of participation rates to unemployment rates indicate that a decrease in unemployment rates has a greater impact upon increasing the labour force participation rates of older workers compared to the effect of an increase on unemployment rates has on discouraging participation. We found mixed results for the asymmetric response of participation to an increase or decrease in pension value. Findings thus emphasize the importance of labour market oriented policies to reduce unemployment rates in the developed economies in coming years to address ageing population concerns. 展开更多
关键词 older workers labour force participation discouraged workers
The Changing Labour Relations during the Period of Economic Reform:A Case Study of Chinese Township and Village Enterprises in Yangtze River Delta
作者 金靖 《海外英语》 2011年第5X期317-318,321,共3页
The economic reform launched in the People's Republic of China(China) led to a rapid growth in non-state sectors.Various forms of corporate governances and ownerships emerged during the last two decades,especially... The economic reform launched in the People's Republic of China(China) led to a rapid growth in non-state sectors.Various forms of corporate governances and ownerships emerged during the last two decades,especially the Township and Village Enterprises owned by local residents.This article is conducted on the changing labour relations in Chinese Township and Village Enterprises(TVEs) despite their increasing contributions to China's transition from planned economy to market economy,and studies the labour market and the Labour Law to understand the unique labour mobility and to test the relationship between Human Resource Management(HRM) practice and the performance among TVEs. 展开更多
关键词 Township and VILLAGE Enterprises(TVEs) labour RELATIONS Human Resource Management(HRM) labour law
Epidural abscess after multiple lumbar punctures for labour epidural catheter placement
作者 Sundeep S.Tumber 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS 2010年第4期332-335,共4页
Epidural catheterization is routinely used by anaesthesiologists to provide labour and post-operative analgesia. In most cases, catheter placement is without serious side effects and uneventful. However, epidural absc... Epidural catheterization is routinely used by anaesthesiologists to provide labour and post-operative analgesia. In most cases, catheter placement is without serious side effects and uneventful. However, epidural abscess is a rare complication that may result in severe morbidity. We present a case of epidural abscess after labour epidural catheter placement in a healthy 36-year-old female who presented on post-partum d 10 with complaints of fever and back pain. She was treated with intravenous antibiotics and fully recovered. 展开更多
作者 阎小培 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 1996年第1期1-14,共14页
This paper focuses on the evolution and characteristics of the export labour service in China since the modern time especially since the reform of economic system in 1978.Historically the contract workers,central to t... This paper focuses on the evolution and characteristics of the export labour service in China since the modern time especially since the reform of economic system in 1978.Historically the contract workers,central to the goal of making a living,were the main body of the international migration.And Guangdong and Fujian provinces were the main origin places of the migration but the destination of the migrants varied.Both pull and push forces for driving the migration were identified.Then analysis is turned to the characteristics of export labour service of China since the reform of economic system in 1978.1)The export laobur has increased rapidly despite a small quantity.2)The export labour service is planned and organized.3)The export workers are considered temporary migrants.4)The dominant ways of export labour service are project contracts and pure labour export.And 5)the destinations of export labour are scattered over the world.Thirdly,the impact of the export labour service on the origin places and the emerging problems and contradictions were examined. In China,export labour service has alleviated the employment contradiction and gradually become one of sources of gaining foreign currency on the one hand,and China,through the service,has learnt the advanced technology and management experiences of other countries.However,some problems in the service such as small number,unsatisfactory quality of the export labour,and the weak link betweenthe service and employment are emerging,which need to be solved.Finally,the prospects for China as a large country of export labour was discussed. 展开更多
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