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基于多维度分析的浙江共同富裕示范区建设政策文本研究 被引量:1
作者 张建国 王浩毅 《湖州师范学院学报》 2024年第3期1-11,共11页
分析浙江省共同富裕示范区建设的政策文本,揭示其推进工作的目标、路径、手段和措施,以期从顶层设计视角为其他区域推动共同富裕提供有益借鉴。基于政策工具、政策目标、政策主题以及交叉分析等多个维度,分析22份从不同层面推进浙江省... 分析浙江省共同富裕示范区建设的政策文本,揭示其推进工作的目标、路径、手段和措施,以期从顶层设计视角为其他区域推动共同富裕提供有益借鉴。基于政策工具、政策目标、政策主题以及交叉分析等多个维度,分析22份从不同层面推进浙江省共同富裕示范区建设的政策文本内容,深入剖析政策文本的特点与存在的问题。结果表明:(1)从政策工具的使用情况来看,环境型政策工具占比最大,供给型政策工具占比居中,需求型政策工具占比最小,且各大类政策工具内部结构存在差异;(2)从政策的发展目标来看,实施有效占主导地位,共建共享和产业兴旺次之,而风险防范、绿色发展和文化兴盛则占比最低;(3)从政策主题的内容来看,与项目政策推进、实施、共同建设以及文化发扬相关的主题词频次较高,频次居中的是旅游、乡村、共同富裕和示范等,而频次较低的则是全面、协同、数字和管理等;(4)从政策工具—政策目标的交叉对比结果来看,实施有效和共建共享是共同富裕示范区建设最本质的目标,与之对应的政策工具(具体类别)的频次也处于较高的位置,且对政策目标有着相对集中的支持力度;政策目标—政策主题的交叉分析证实,政策主题更倾向于实施有效这一政策目标。为此,要通过补充政策工具短板内容,加大对风险防范的政策工具支撑,提高政策的聚集度,增强政策工具、政策目标与政策主题的匹配度,扩大政策工具支持范围等途径,促进政策文件更好地支撑共同富裕示范区建设。 展开更多
关键词 共同富裕示范区 政策文本 多维架构分析 发展对策 浙江
作者 胡斌 陈婷 +2 位作者 张楠楠 施玥 包天力 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期119-126,共8页
通过淬灭滴定实验,文章采用同步荧光光谱和傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)结合二维相关光谱分析,探究Cu^(2+)和Cd^(2+)多重离子与溶解态有机质(DOM)结合特性。研究结果表明,(1)DOM与Cu^(2+)和Cd^(2+)结合稳定常数(lg KM)分别为4.75~5.18和3.71~4.... 通过淬灭滴定实验,文章采用同步荧光光谱和傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)结合二维相关光谱分析,探究Cu^(2+)和Cd^(2+)多重离子与溶解态有机质(DOM)结合特性。研究结果表明,(1)DOM与Cu^(2+)和Cd^(2+)结合稳定常数(lg KM)分别为4.75~5.18和3.71~4.12,Cu^(2+)与DOM的结合能力要强于Cd^(2+)。(2)Cd^(2+)浓度为0和100μmol/L时,DOM点位与Cu^(2+)的结合顺序均为430~500 nm>330~420 nm,且Cd^(2+)存在时Cu^(2+)与DOM的lg KM为4.56~4.95。对比结果表明Cd^(2+)的存在并未影响DOM点位与Cu^(2+)的结合顺序,但减弱了DOM与Cu^(2+)的结合能力。(3)FTIR结果表明,Cd^(2+)浓度为0和100μmol/L时DOM官能团与Cu^(2+)结合顺序依次为酚类C-O>酰胺N-H>酰胺C=O>羧基C=O>芳香族C-H>多糖C-O和酰胺N-H>酰胺C=O>酚类C-O>芳香族C-H>多糖C-O。Cd^(2+)与酚类C-O结合后影响了Cu^(2+)与DOM中酚类C-O和羧基C=O官能团的结合。水环境中多重金属离子共存时的生物有效性和生态风险应受到关注。 展开更多
关键词 荧光光谱 多重金属离子 有机质 傅里叶红外光谱 二维相关光谱分析
作者 刘东来 关文达 +3 位作者 吴林寰 王浩 杨子峰 许四宏 《中国食品药品监管》 2024年第5期34-41,共8页
病原宏基因组高通量测序(mNGS)技术已成为感染病原学诊断的新工具,由实验操作(湿实验)和生物信息学分析(干实验)两部分组成。干实验由算法和数据库构成,其功能是对湿实验产生的测序数据进行分析处理后输出检测结果。干实验的性能受到测... 病原宏基因组高通量测序(mNGS)技术已成为感染病原学诊断的新工具,由实验操作(湿实验)和生物信息学分析(干实验)两部分组成。干实验由算法和数据库构成,其功能是对湿实验产生的测序数据进行分析处理后输出检测结果。干实验的性能受到测序数据中复杂多变的干扰因素的影响,包括临床样本中大量的人源核酸、试剂与耗材携带的微生物核酸、采样与湿实验引入的环境微生物核酸、数据库中基因组质量不均一或不同物种基因组之间的相似性过高导致的错误比对与注释,以及算法与参数差异对分类鉴定的影响等。上述干扰因素可能来自mNGS检测各个环节,不仅可能导致干实验输出错误的物种鉴定和微生物检测结果,也给干实验的质量控制与评价带来较大挑战。本文综述了mNGS干实验质量控制的关键问题以及关于质量评价方法的思考。 展开更多
关键词 病原宏基因组高通量测序 生物信息学分析 质量评价 数字参考品
作者 李均 《现代大学教育》 北大核心 2024年第2期1-8,112,共9页
长期以来,高等教育学史不仅薄弱,而且对其性质、对象、意义等关键核心问题的认识仍然存在一些偏差与误区。从性质来看,高等教育学史研究应从史论纷争到史论统一,确认历史研究和元理论研究的双重性质,追求历史与逻辑的有机统一。从对象来... 长期以来,高等教育学史不仅薄弱,而且对其性质、对象、意义等关键核心问题的认识仍然存在一些偏差与误区。从性质来看,高等教育学史研究应从史论纷争到史论统一,确认历史研究和元理论研究的双重性质,追求历史与逻辑的有机统一。从对象来看,高等教育学史研究应从内外分隔到内外兼修,要兼顾乃至融合学科的内外部历史,深入探讨知识与制度的双向联动关系,以此把握高等教育学史的完整谱系、内在机制与总体规律。从意义来看,高等教育学史研究应从单一向度到多维观照,不再局限于历史学的单一向度,而是要追寻理论建设、制度建设、文化建设的多重意义。未来高等教育学史的研究视域不能只限定于中国的高等教育学而沦为地方知识,整个世界高等教育研究的历史都应该纳入其研究范围。新时代的中国高等教育学只有通过加强学科史研究,才能提升理论建设与学科反思的主动性和自觉性,为建构高等教育学自主知识体系奠定坚实的基础。 展开更多
关键词 高等教育学史 高等教育学 学科史 历史研究 元理论研究 学科建制
作者 李幼东 王建强 +7 位作者 彭雨涵 刘久楹 王紫妍 邓屹杉 李少雄 吕晶 张伟 杜玉茹 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2024年第5期660-666,共7页
目的:调查“双减”背景下河北省中小学生焦虑抑郁症状的影响因素、关键症状及容易导致共病的症状,为制定中小学生焦虑抑郁症状预防与干预工作提供参考依据。方法:使用一般资料调查表、抑郁症状群量表(PHQ-9)、广泛性焦虑量表(GAD-7)对... 目的:调查“双减”背景下河北省中小学生焦虑抑郁症状的影响因素、关键症状及容易导致共病的症状,为制定中小学生焦虑抑郁症状预防与干预工作提供参考依据。方法:使用一般资料调查表、抑郁症状群量表(PHQ-9)、广泛性焦虑量表(GAD-7)对河北省6个地区48所的4413名中小学进行问卷调查。结果:中小学生焦虑和抑郁症状检出率分别为13.7%、10.4%,共病检出率为6.3%。二元Logistic回归结果显示,焦虑和抑郁症状的共同危险因素为女生、住宿、感到学习压力大、受过欺凌和睡不着觉(P<0.05),其中焦虑症状的危险因素为初中和独生子女(P<0.01),抑郁症状的危险因素为城镇、双亲家庭、每日上网时间>2小时和对学校感到不适应(P<0.05)。网络结构中预期影响较高的症状为GAD4“很难放松”(Z=1.09)、PHQ6“感觉自己糟糕或让其他人失望”(Z=1.06)、PHQ1“兴趣下降”(Z=1.05);桥梁预期影响较高的3个症状分别为PHQ9“存在消极观念”(Z=0.54)、PHQ1“兴趣下降”(Z=0.53)、GAD7“害怕将有可怕的事发生”(Z=0.46)。结论:“双减”背景下河北省焦虑和抑郁症状的检出率较低,但仍有待进一步降低。二者共同危险因素为女生、住宿、感到学习压力大、受过欺凌和睡不着觉,其中焦虑症状的危险因素为初中和独生子女,抑郁症状的危险因素城镇、双亲家庭、每日上网时间>2小时和对学校感到不适应。焦虑抑郁症状网络中的关键症状为GAD4、PHQ6、PHQ1,传递风险较高的桥梁症状为PHQ9、PHQ1、GAD7。 展开更多
关键词 焦虑抑郁症状 二元Logistic回归分析 网络分析 中小学生 双减
作者 平洪领 张涛 +5 位作者 史会来 付铁中 何杰 李彬 卢斌 俞学军 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期133-142,共10页
为研究斑鰶不同月龄表型性状的生长规律和特征,及最佳生长季节各性状与月龄的关系。采用主成分和判别分析的方法对2、4、6和8月龄斑鰶的全长、体长、头长、躯干长、尾柄长、眼径、体高、尾柄高、体宽、眼间距和体重等11个性状进行分析... 为研究斑鰶不同月龄表型性状的生长规律和特征,及最佳生长季节各性状与月龄的关系。采用主成分和判别分析的方法对2、4、6和8月龄斑鰶的全长、体长、头长、躯干长、尾柄长、眼径、体高、尾柄高、体宽、眼间距和体重等11个性状进行分析。结果显示,斑鰶不同月龄各性状指标间呈现不同程度的正相关,各月龄的体重与全长、体长、体高和体宽的相关系数均较大,眼径和眼间距2个性状与其他性状之间的相关系数均较小,8月龄各性状对体重的相关系数均小于2、4和6月龄。斑鰶不同月龄性状的主成分有所不同,各月龄第一主成分均以增重、增长的生长发育特性为主;第二主成分为2月龄指向体宽的发育情况,4、6和8月龄指向眼径发育情况;第三主成分为2和4月龄反映头部发育情况,6月龄反映眼径发育情况,8月龄反映体宽的发育情况。通过逐步判别分析法,剔除掉3个性状指标,建立各月龄的判别函数式,总的判别准确率为99.3%,2、4和8月龄的判别准确率达到100%。斑鰶2~8月龄的体长与体重的关系为W=0.017L^(2.929)(R^(2)=0.981)。研究表明,全长、体长、体高和体宽是影响斑鰶生长发育最重要的表型性状指标,建立了不同生长阶段的判别函数式,生长方式为等速生长(2~8月龄)。本研究为斑鰶的选择育种工作提供理论依据和建议测量指标。 展开更多
关键词 斑鰶 表型性状 主成分分析 判别分析
作者 李婷 王茜蔓 +5 位作者 贺康特 刘妍 杨富巍 鹿瑞聪 赵晓伟 张坤 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1661-1667,共7页
徐州土山二号墓是近年来发掘的一座重要的东汉早期诸侯王级墓葬,并成功入选2020年度全国十大考古新发现。该墓葬属于砖室墓,墓葬中多处、大量使用白灰的情况为同时期墓葬中所罕见,代表着当时高度发达的白灰生产和应用的工艺水平。白灰... 徐州土山二号墓是近年来发掘的一座重要的东汉早期诸侯王级墓葬,并成功入选2020年度全国十大考古新发现。该墓葬属于砖室墓,墓葬中多处、大量使用白灰的情况为同时期墓葬中所罕见,代表着当时高度发达的白灰生产和应用的工艺水平。白灰是中国古代应用最为广泛的胶凝材料之一,但目前针对它的科学研究仍存在着较大的空白。为深入探究土山二号白灰的成分和功用,对该墓中白灰的使用情况进行了调查,并利用X射线衍射分析(XRD)、傅里叶变换红外光谱分析(FTIR)、热重-差示扫描量热分析(TG-DSC)、扫描电镜显微观察(SEM)、碘淀粉实验和多孔材密度、孔隙率、吸水率测试、X射线荧光光谱分析(XRF)等多种技术手段对各类白灰样品进行了分析测试。研究结果显示,土山二号墓中的所有白灰样品均由天然石灰石经人工煅烧后生成,且没有添加骨料成分,反映出汉代时古人烧制石灰的工艺已经十分纯熟;白灰的原材料都来源于利用徐州本地青石类高钙天然材料烧制的石灰,碳酸钙含量到达了85%以上,说明当时在煅烧石灰时已经具有优选原材料的意识;石灰在墓中具有多种用途,包括墓室砖石墙体的砌筑灰浆、墓室踢脚线和顶券的装饰抹灰及棺内墓主尸身下防腐吸潮的衬灰等,说明当时人们已经对石灰的性质有了相当的了解并能够将之善加利用;样品由于与外界自然环境接触,发生了明显的侵蚀和风化,亟需进行加固保护处理。该研究对于了解中国东汉时期古人对石灰性能的认识及其在生产生活中的应用等科技文明发展状况具有重要意义,也为后续相关文物的保护提供了科学的参考。 展开更多
关键词 土山汉墓 白灰 分析测试 科学研究
作者 邹德鑫 赵朕 +2 位作者 杨凯寅 王勤 陈光明 《制冷学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期63-71,共9页
空气源热泵作为一种新型的节能环保技术,在多种供暖场景中得到了广泛应用,其在低环境温度下的运行可靠性和效率是重要的关注点。采用二元混合工质CO_(2)/R1233zd(E)构建了兼顾环保性、安全性和高效性的回热热泵系统,并通过优化分析得到... 空气源热泵作为一种新型的节能环保技术,在多种供暖场景中得到了广泛应用,其在低环境温度下的运行可靠性和效率是重要的关注点。采用二元混合工质CO_(2)/R1233zd(E)构建了兼顾环保性、安全性和高效性的回热热泵系统,并通过优化分析得到该系统的COP、单位容积制热量、吸气压力和排气压力等系统性能在-30~-10℃环境温度下的变化规律。通过与目前常用的传统补气增焓系统和复叠系统进行对比,探明了该混合工质回热系统在低环境温度下可以保持较高效率运行。在-30~-10℃环境温度下,与R134a补气增焓系统相比其COP和单位容积制热量分别减小了9.8%~20.6%和增大了3.5%~56.1%,并且压缩机压比以及压比随环境温度的变化幅度低于其他方案。二元混合工质回热系统结构简单,CO_(2)和R1233zd(E)安全环保,因此提出的混合工质回热系统方案在低环境温度采暖的应用中具有独特优势。 展开更多
关键词 空气源热泵 回热循环 混合制冷剂 优化分析
作者 刘金凤 田碧青 +3 位作者 吴常雪 丁莹莹 高鹏 穆兴民 《盐湖研究》 CAS CSCD 2024年第3期61-68,共8页
湖泊在水循环和水平衡中发挥着重要作用,对气候变化极其敏感。分析青藏高原湖泊面积变化及驱动因素,对揭示高原气候变化具有重要意义。文章通过解译1976—2021年Landsat系列遥感影像,获取纳木错和色林错湖泊水体面积,利用数理统计方法... 湖泊在水循环和水平衡中发挥着重要作用,对气候变化极其敏感。分析青藏高原湖泊面积变化及驱动因素,对揭示高原气候变化具有重要意义。文章通过解译1976—2021年Landsat系列遥感影像,获取纳木错和色林错湖泊水体面积,利用数理统计方法分析湖泊水体面积及气温、降水的变化特征,并探讨了气温和降水量对湖泊面积变化的影响。结果表明:1.纳木错和色林错湖泊面积总体均呈显著增长趋势(P<0.01),增幅分别为2.90%和36.30%,分别于2001年和2002年发生突变,其中,纳木错湖泊面积变化波动较小(CV=1.64%),色林错湖泊面积波动幅度较大(CV=12.65%)。2.纳木错和色林错流域多年平均降水量和气温均呈现显著增加趋势。3.纳木错湖泊面积变化与气温和降水量呈显著正相关,受降水与气温的共同影响;色林错湖泊面积变化与气温呈显著正相关,与降水量无显著相关性,气温增加引起的冰雪加速融化是色林错急剧扩张的主要原因。相关结果为高寒地区湖泊演变机制的研究及生态环境保护措施的制定提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 湖泊面积 气候变化 遥感 趋势分析 突变检验
Encroachment drives facilitation at alpine shrublines
作者 Yafeng Wang Eryuan Liang J.Julio Camarero 《Forest Ecosystems》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期62-72,共11页
Ongoing encroachment is driving recent alpine shrubline dynamics globally,but the role of shrub-shrub interactions in shaping shrublines and their relationships with stem density changes remain poorly understood.Here,... Ongoing encroachment is driving recent alpine shrubline dynamics globally,but the role of shrub-shrub interactions in shaping shrublines and their relationships with stem density changes remain poorly understood.Here,the size and age of shrubs from 26 Salix shrubline populations along a 900-km latitudinal gradient(30°-38°N)were measured and mapped across the eastern Tibetan Plateau.Point pattern analyses were used to quantify the spatial distribution patterns of juveniles and adults,and to assess spatial associations between them.Mean intensity of univariate and bivariate spatial patterns was related to biotic and abiotic variables.Bivariate mark correlation functions with a quantitative mark(shrub height,basal stem diameter,crown width)were also employed to investigate the spatial relationships between shrub traits of juveniles and adults.Structural equation models were used to explore the relationships among conspecific interactions,patterns,shrub traits and recruitment dynamics under climate change.Most shrublines showed clustered patterns,suggesting the existence of conspecific facilitation.Clustered patterns of juveniles and conspecific interactions(potentially facilitation)tended to intensify with increasing soil moisture stress.Summer warming before 2010 triggered positive effects on population interactions and spatial patterns via increased shrub recruitment.However,summer warming after2010 triggered negative effects on interactions through reduced shrub recruitment.Therefore,shrub recruitment shifts under rapid climate change could impact spatial patterns,alter conspecific interactions and modify the direction and degree of shrublines responses to climate.These changes would have profound implications for the stability of alpine woody ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 Alpine shrubline Positive interactions FACILITATION Spatial clustering Point pattern analyses
作者 叶淑婷 陈祯鸿 +3 位作者 赵真辉 何欢 林孝春 梁光红 《森林与环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期95-104,共10页
研究我国林业重要食叶害虫——柳杉毛虫保幼激素结合蛋白(JHBP),对于揭示其生长发育、化蛹、摄食、交配生殖及抗药性等生命活动具有重要意义。参照模式昆虫家蚕的41条JHBP蛋白序列,构建系统进化树,并对这些基因所编码的蛋白质二级结构... 研究我国林业重要食叶害虫——柳杉毛虫保幼激素结合蛋白(JHBP),对于揭示其生长发育、化蛹、摄食、交配生殖及抗药性等生命活动具有重要意义。参照模式昆虫家蚕的41条JHBP蛋白序列,构建系统进化树,并对这些基因所编码的蛋白质二级结构、疏水性、蛋白质序列基序和三级结构等生物学特性进行分析,利用heatmap可视化工具分析柳杉毛虫JHBP在不同发育时期的表达水平。结果表明,柳杉毛虫JHBP基因共有JHBPa、JHBPc、JHBPd 3个亚家族,分别包含6、26、15个JHBP基因;蛋白序列至少含有1个JHBP结构域,且其中Dho05G001220蛋白序列不仅含有JHBP结构域,还含有Grp allergen结构域,各蛋白序列的疏水性区域呈明显的聚集分布,亲水性区域的聚集分布则不明显;JHBP基因在柳杉毛虫的低龄和中龄幼虫、蛹和成虫中显著表达,表明JHBP明显参与调控不同虫态的发育或变态过程。研究结果可为进一步明确柳杉毛虫JHBP基因家族的生物学功能提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 柳杉毛虫 基因家族 JHBP 生物信息学分析
Fine mapping and characterization of stripe rust resistance gene YrAYH in near-isogenic lines derived from a cross involving wheat landrace Anyuehong
作者 Li Long Jue Li +19 位作者 Linyu Huang Huiling Jin Fangnian Guan Haipeng Zhang Sasa Zhao Hao Li Zhien Pu Wei Li Qiantao Jiang Yuming Wei Jian Ma Houyang Kang Shoufen Dai Pengfei Qi Qiang Xu Mei Deng Youliang Zheng Yunfeng Jiang Matthew James Moscou Guoyue Chen 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期826-835,共10页
Stripe rust,caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici(Pst),is a devastating disease in wheat worldwide.Discovering and characterizing new resistance genes/QTL is crucial for wheat breeding programs.In this study,we ... Stripe rust,caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici(Pst),is a devastating disease in wheat worldwide.Discovering and characterizing new resistance genes/QTL is crucial for wheat breeding programs.In this study,we fine-mapped and characterized a stripe rust resistance gene,YRAYH,on chromosome arm 5BL in the Chinese wheat landrace Anyuehong(AYH).Evaluations of stripe rust response to prevalent Chinese Pst races in near-isogenic lines derived from a cross of Anyuehong and Taichung 29 showed that YrAYH conferred a high level of resistance at all growth stages.Fine mapping using a large segregating population of 9748 plants,narrowed the YRAYH locus to a 3.7 Mb interval on chromosome arm 5BL that included 61 annotated genes.Transcriptome analysis of two NIL pairs identified 64 upregulated differentially expressed genes(DEGs)in the resistant NILs(NILs-R).Annotations indicated that many of these genes have roles in plant disease resistance pathways.Through a combined approach of fine-mapping and transcriptome sequencing,we identified a serine/threonine-protein kinase SRPK as a candidate gene underlying YrAYH.A unique 25 bp insertion was identified in the NILs-R compared to the NILs-S and previously published wheat genomes.An InDel marker was developed and co-segregated with YrAYH.Agronomic trait evaluation of the NILs suggested that YrAYH not only reduces the impact of stripe rust but was also associated with a gene that increases plant height and spike length. 展开更多
关键词 Candidate gene analysis Crop protection Puccinia striiformis Transcriptome analyses
Weathering and accumulation of trace elements in the soils of the Porali Plain, Balochistan: repercussions in agriculture
作者 Maria Kaleem Erum Bashir +2 位作者 Shahid Naseem Tahir Rafique Bushra Shahab 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期214-234,共21页
This study is thefirst attempt to assess the nature of the soil,especially on the western side of the Porali Plain in Balochistan;a new emerging agriculture hub,using weathering and pollution indices supplemented by mu... This study is thefirst attempt to assess the nature of the soil,especially on the western side of the Porali Plain in Balochistan;a new emerging agriculture hub,using weathering and pollution indices supplemented by multi-variate analysis based on geochemical data.The outcomes of this study are expected to help farmers in soil manage-ment and selecting suitable crops for the region.Twenty-five soil samples were collected,mainly from the arable land of the Porali Plain.After drying and coning-quarter-ing,soil samples were analyzed for major and trace ele-ments using the XRF technique;sieving and hydrometric methods were employed for granulometric analysis.Esti-mated data were analyzed using Excel,SPSS,and Surfer software to calculate various indices,correlation matrix,and spatial distribution.The granulometric analysis showed that 76%of the samples belonged to loam types of soil,12%to sand type,and 8%to silt type.Weathering indices:CIA,CIW,PIA,PWI,WIP,CIX,and ICV were calculated to infer the level of alteration.These indices reflect mod-erate to intense weathering;supported by K_(2)O/AI_(2)O_(3),Rb/K_(2)O,Rb/Ti,and Rb/Sr ratios.Assessment of the geo-ac-cumulation and Nemerow Pollution indices pinpoint rela-tively high concentrations of Pb,Ni,and Cr concentration in the soils.The correlation matrix and Principal Compo-nent Analysis show that the soil in this study area is mainly derived from the weathering of igneous rocks of Bela Ophiolite(Cretaceous age)and Jurassic sedimentary rocks of Mor Range having SEDEX/MVT type mineralization.Weathering may result in the undesirable accumulation of certain trace elements which adversely affects crops. 展开更多
关键词 Weathering indices Pollution indices ACCUMULATION Repercussions Trace elements Multivariate analyses Porali Plain BALOCHISTAN
Causal roles of gut microbiota in cholangiocarcinoma etiology suggested by genetic study
作者 Zhi-Tao Chen Chen-Chen Ding +3 位作者 Kai-Lei Chen Yang-Jun Gu Chi-Cheng Lu Qi-Yong Li 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology》 SCIE 2024年第4期1319-1333,共15页
BACKGROUND Cholangiocarcinoma(CCA)is a highly malignant biliary tract cancer with poor prognosis.Previous studies have implicated the gut microbiota in CCA,but evidence for causal mechanisms is lacking.AIM To investig... BACKGROUND Cholangiocarcinoma(CCA)is a highly malignant biliary tract cancer with poor prognosis.Previous studies have implicated the gut microbiota in CCA,but evidence for causal mechanisms is lacking.AIM To investigate the causal relationship between gut microbiota and CCA risk.METHODS We performed a two-sample mendelian randomization study to evaluate potential causal associations between gut microbiota and CCA risk using genome-wide association study summary statistics for 196 gut microbial taxa and CCA.Genetic variants were used as instrumental variables.Multiple sensitivity analyses assessed result robustness.RESULTS Fifteen gut microbial taxa showed significant causal associations with CCA risk.Higher genetically predicted abundance of genus Eubacteriumnodatum group,genus Ruminococcustorques group,genus Coprococcus,genus Dorea,and phylum Actinobacteria were associated with reduced risk of gallbladder cancer and extrahepatic CCA.Increased intrahepatic CCA risk was associated with higher abundance of family Veillonellaceae,genus Alistipes,order Enterobacteriales,and phylum Firmicutes.Protective effects against CCA were suggested for genus Collinsella,genus Eisenbergiella,genus Anaerostipes,genus Paraprevotella,genus Parasutterella,and phylum Verrucomicrobia.Sensitivity analyses indicated these findings were reliable without pleiotropy.CONCLUSION This pioneering study provides novel evidence that specific gut microbiota may play causal roles in CCA risk.Further experimental validation of these candidate microbes is warranted to consolidate causality and mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA Mendelian randomization Gut microbiota Instrumental variables Sensitivity analyses
基于卡诺模型的社区乳腺癌患者健康服务需求分析 被引量:1
作者 章毛毛 张柳柳 +5 位作者 智晓旭 程芳 姚宇锋 邓荣 刘春丽 王燕 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2024年第2期171-178,I0001,共9页
目的为乳腺癌患者提供满意的医疗服务,可有效减轻患者的负担和医疗资源压力。本研究的目的是利用卡诺模型探讨社区乳腺癌患者的健康服务需求。方法2023年1月—3月对某三级肿瘤医院出院的乳腺癌患者进行横断面调查。患者填写了基于卡诺... 目的为乳腺癌患者提供满意的医疗服务,可有效减轻患者的负担和医疗资源压力。本研究的目的是利用卡诺模型探讨社区乳腺癌患者的健康服务需求。方法2023年1月—3月对某三级肿瘤医院出院的乳腺癌患者进行横断面调查。患者填写了基于卡诺模型自行设计的健康服务需求调查问卷,同时也提供了社会人口学信息。调查问卷中包括30项健康服务内容,基于卡诺模型对这些项目的属性进行分类和优先级排序。结果共回收有效问卷296份。对30项医疗服务的需求属性进行评价的结果显示,30项服务中有1项被归类为“必备型属性”(身体形象管理),13项被归类为“期望型属性”(侧重于医疗保障支持、健康管理和健康咨询),3项被归类为“魅力型属性”(侧重于沟通需求和远程保健服务),11项被归类为“无差异型属性”(主要集中在社会心理服务领域)。结论社区乳腺癌患者对不同健康服务项目的需求程度不同。医务工作者应根据患者需求确定有效的健康服务策略,优先提供必备型和期望型属性的服务,努力提供魅力型属性服务,以提高社区乳腺癌患者的生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 乳腺肿瘤 癌症患者 卫生保健提供 需求分析 卫生人员 卡诺模型
Numerical investigation of hydro-morphodynamic characteristics of a cascading failure of landslide dams
作者 ZHONG Qiming CHEN Lingchun +3 位作者 MEI Shengyao SHAN Yibo WU Hao ZHAO Kunpeng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第6期1868-1885,共18页
A cascading failure of landslide dams caused by strong earthquakes or torrential rains in mountainous river valleys can pose great threats to people’s lives,properties,and infrastructures.In this study,based on the t... A cascading failure of landslide dams caused by strong earthquakes or torrential rains in mountainous river valleys can pose great threats to people’s lives,properties,and infrastructures.In this study,based on the three-dimensional Reynoldsaveraged Navier-Stokes equations(RANS),the renormalization group(RNG)k-εturbulence model,suspended and bed load transport equations,and the instability discriminant formula of dam breach side slope,and the explicit finite volume method(FVM),a detailed numerical simulation model for calculating the hydro-morphodynamic characteristics of cascading dam breach process has been developed.The developed numerical model can simulate the breach hydrograph and the dam breach morphology evolution during the cascading failure process of landslide dams.A model test of the breaches of two cascading landslide dams has been used as the validation case.The comparison of the calculated and measured results indicates that the breach hydrograph and the breach morphology evolution process of the upstream and downstream dams are generally consistent with each other,and the relative errors of the key breaching parameters,i.e.,the peak breach flow and the time to peak of each dam,are less than±5%.Further,the comparison of the breach hydrographs of the upstream and downstream dams shows that there is an amplification effect of the breach flood on the cascading landslide dam failures.Three key parameters,i.e.,the distance between the upstream and the downstream dams,the river channel slope,and the downstream dam height,have been used to study the flood amplification effect.The parameter sensitivity analyses show that the peak breach flow at the downstream dam decreases with increasing distance between the upstream and the downstream dams,and the downstream dam height.Further,the peak breach flow at the downstream dam first increases and then decreases with steepening of the river channel slope.When the flood caused by the upstream dam failure flows to the downstream dam,it can produce a surge wave that overtops and erodes the dam crest,resulting in a lowering of the dam crest elevation.This has an impact on the failure occurrence time and the peak breach flow of the downstream dam.The influence of the surge wave on the downstream dam failure process is related to the volume of water that overtops the dam crest and the erosion characteristics of dam material.Moreover,the cascading failure case of the Xiaogangjian and Lower Xiaogangjian landslide dams has also been used as the representative case for validating the model.In comparisons of the calculated and measured breach hydrographs and final breach morphologies,the relative errors of the key dam breaching parameters are all within±10%,which verify the rationality of the model is applicable to real-world cases.Overall,the numerical model developed in this study can provide important technical support for the risk assessment and emergency treatment of failures of cascading landslide dams. 展开更多
关键词 Cascading landslide dams Cascading dam failure process Detailed numerical simulation model Flood amplification effect Parameter sensitivity analyses
计及非线性寄生参数的SiC MOSFET开关暂态模型
作者 李洁 党晓圆 李辉 《电力电子技术》 2024年第2期137-140,共4页
针对SiC分析模型忽略高频欠阻尼振荡和非线性寄生参数,导致开关暂态电压/电流误差较大的问题,提出一种计及非线性寄生参数的SiC金属-氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)开关暂态分析模型。首先,根据SiC器件开关过程不同状态建立状态方程... 针对SiC分析模型忽略高频欠阻尼振荡和非线性寄生参数,导致开关暂态电压/电流误差较大的问题,提出一种计及非线性寄生参数的SiC金属-氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)开关暂态分析模型。首先,根据SiC器件开关过程不同状态建立状态方程。其次,提取非线性结电容和沟道电流变化曲线。基于离散状态变量分析方法,实现状态方程间的转换和非线性寄生参数的更新。最后,将状态方程的迭代输出结果以受控电压源/电流源的形式转换为相应的电路输出,实现计及非线性寄生参数的SiC MOSFET器件开关暂态分析建模,通过双脉冲实验对分析模型开关特性进行验证。 展开更多
关键词 分析模型 金属-氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 寄生参数
Self-assembly of differentiated dental pulp stem cells facilitates spheroid human dental organoid formation and prevascularization
作者 Fei Liu Jing Xiao +4 位作者 Lei-Hui Chen Yu-Yue Pan Jun-Zhang Tian Zhi-Ren Zhang Xiao-Chun Bai 《World Journal of Stem Cells》 SCIE 2024年第3期287-304,共18页
BACKGROUND The self-assembly of solid organs from stem cells has the potential to greatly expand the applicability of regenerative medicine.Stem cells can self-organise into microsized organ units,partially modelling ... BACKGROUND The self-assembly of solid organs from stem cells has the potential to greatly expand the applicability of regenerative medicine.Stem cells can self-organise into microsized organ units,partially modelling tissue function and regeneration.Dental pulp organoids have been used to recapitulate the processes of tooth development and related diseases.However,the lack of vasculature limits the utility of dental pulp organoids.AIM To improve survival and aid in recovery after stem cell transplantation,we demonstrated the three-dimensional(3D)self-assembly of adult stem cell-human dental pulp stem cells(hDPSCs)and endothelial cells(ECs)into a novel type of spheroid-shaped dental pulp organoid in vitro under hypoxia and conditioned medium(CM).METHODS During culture,primary hDPSCs were induced to differentiate into ECs by exposing them to a hypoxic environment and CM.The hypoxic pretreated hDPSCs were then mixed with ECs at specific ratios and conditioned in a 3D environment to produce prevascularized dental pulp organoids.The biological characteristics of the organoids were analysed,and the regulatory pathways associated with angiogenesis were studied.RESULTS The combination of these two agents resulted in prevascularized human dental pulp organoids(Vorganoids)that more closely resembled dental pulp tissue in terms of morphology and function.Single-cell RNA sequencing of dental pulp tissue and RNA sequencing of Vorganoids were integrated to analyse key regulatory pathways associated with angiogenesis.The biomarkers forkhead box protein O1 and fibroblast growth factor 2 were identified to be involved in the regulation of Vorganoids.CONCLUSION In this innovative study,we effectively established an in vitro model of Vorganoids and used it to elucidate new mechanisms of angiogenesis during regeneration,facilitating the development of clinical treatment strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Human dental pulp stem cells Prevascularized organoids Integrated analyses ANGIOGENESIS Forkhead box protein O1
Design,preparation,application of advanced array structured materials and their action mechanism analyses for high performance lithium-sulfur batteries
作者 Nanping Deng Xiaofan Feng +7 位作者 Yongbing Jin Zhaozhao Peng Yang Feng Ying Tian Yong Liu Lu Gao Weimin Kang Bowen Cheng 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期266-303,I0007,共39页
Lithium-sulfur battery(LSB)has brought much attention and concern because of high theoretical specific capacity and energy density as one of main competitors for next-generation energy storage systems.The widely comme... Lithium-sulfur battery(LSB)has brought much attention and concern because of high theoretical specific capacity and energy density as one of main competitors for next-generation energy storage systems.The widely commercial application and development of LSB is mainly hindered by serious“shuttle effect”of lithium polysulfides(Li PSs),slow reaction kinetics,notorious lithium dendrites,etc.In various structures of LSB materials,array structured materials,possessing the composition of ordered micro units with the same or similar characteristics of each unit,present excellent application potential for various secondary cells due to some merits such as immobilization of active substances,high specific surface area,appropriate pore sizes,easy modification of functional material surface,accommodated huge volume change,enough facilitated transportation for electrons/lithium ions,and special functional groups strongly adsorbing Li PSs.Thus many novel array structured materials are applied to battery for tackling thorny problems mentioned above.In this review,recent progresses and developments on array structured materials applied in LSBs including preparation ways,collaborative structural designs based on array structures,and action mechanism analyses in improving electrochemical performance and safety are summarized.Meanwhile,we also have detailed discussion for array structured materials in LSBs and constructed the structure-function relationships between array structured materials and battery performances.Lastly,some directions and prospects about preparation ways,functional modifications,and practical applications of array structured materials in LSBs are generalized.We hope the review can attract more researchers'attention and bring more studying on array structured materials for other secondary batteries including LSB. 展开更多
关键词 Array structured materials Preparation methods and structural designs Action mechanism analyses Advanced Li-S batteries Excellent electrochemical performances and safety
In silico prospective analysis of the medicinal plants activity on the CagA oncoprotein from Helicobacter pylori
作者 Rafaela Viana Vieira Gabrielle Caroline Peiter +2 位作者 Fabrício Freire de Melo Ana Carla Zarpelon-Schutz Kádima Nayara Teixeira 《World Journal of Clinical Oncology》 2024年第5期653-663,共11页
BACKGROUND Colonization with Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)has a strong correlation with gastric cancer,and the virulence factor CagA is implicated in carcinogenesis.Studies have been conducted using medicinal plants w... BACKGROUND Colonization with Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)has a strong correlation with gastric cancer,and the virulence factor CagA is implicated in carcinogenesis.Studies have been conducted using medicinal plants with the aim of eliminating the pathogen;however,the possibility of blocking H.pylori-induced cell differentiation to prevent the onset and/or progression of tumors has not been addressed.This type of study is expensive and time-consuming,requiring in vitro and/or in vivo tests,which can be solved using bioinformatics.Therefore,prospective computational analyses were conducted to assess the feasibility of interaction between phenolic compounds from medicinal plants and the CagA oncoprotein.AIM To perform a computational prospecting of the interactions between phenolic compounds from medicinal plants and the CagA oncoprotein of H.pylori.METHODS In this in silico study,the structures of the phenolic compounds(ligands)kaempferol,myricetin,quercetin,ponciretin(flavonoids),and chlorogenic acid(phenolic acid)were selected from the PubChem database.These phenolic compounds were chosen based on previous studies that suggested medicinal plants as non-drug treatments to eliminate H.pylori infection.The three-dimensional structure model of the CagA oncoprotein of H.pylori(receptor)was obtained through molecular modeling using computational tools from the I-Tasser platform,employing the threading methodology.The primary sequence of CagA was sourced from GenBank(BAK52797.1).A screening was conducted to identify binding sites in the structure of the CagA oncoprotein that could potentially interact with the ligands,utilizing the GRaSP online platform.Both the ligands and receptor were prepared for molecular docking using AutoDock Tools 4(ADT)software,and the simulations were carried out using a combination of ADT and AutoDock Vina v.1.2.0 software.Two sets of simulations were performed:One involving the central region of CagA with phenolic compounds,and another involving the carboxy-terminus region of CagA with phenolic compounds.The receptor-ligand complexes were then analyzed using PyMol and BIOVIA Discovery Studio software.RESULTS The structure model obtained for the CagA oncoprotein exhibited high quality(C-score=0.09)and was validated using parameters from the MolProbity platform.The GRaSP online platform identified 24 residues(phenylalanine and leucine)as potential binding sites on the CagA oncoprotein.Molecular docking simulations were conducted with the three-dimensional model of the CagA oncoprotein.No complexes were observed in the simulations between the carboxy-terminus region of CagA and the phenolic compounds;however,all phenolic compounds interacted with the central region of the oncoprotein.Phenolic compounds and CagA exhibited significant affinity energy(-7.9 to-9.1 kcal/mol):CagA/kaempferol formed 28 chemical bonds,CagA/myricetin formed 18 chemical bonds,CagA/quercetin formed 16 chemical bonds,CagA/ponciretin formed 13 chemical bonds,and CagA/chlorogenic acid formed 17 chemical bonds.Although none of the phenolic compounds directly bound to the amino acid residues of the K-Xn-R-X-R membrane binding motif,all of them bound to residues,mostly positively or negatively charged,located near this region.CONCLUSION In silico,the tested phenolic compounds formed stable complexes with CagA.Therefore,they could be tested in vitro and/or in vivo to validate the findings,and to assess interference in CagA/cellular target interactions and in the oncogenic differentiation of gastric cells. 展开更多
关键词 CagA oncoprotein Phenolic compounds Helicobacter pylori In silico analyses Medicinal plants Prospective analysis
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