Ammonia is one of the basin indices which are nation-controlled in the waterenvironmental management. In order to assess the differences of ammonia criteria indifferent basins, 7 major basins are used for the study ob...Ammonia is one of the basin indices which are nation-controlled in the waterenvironmental management. In order to assess the differences of ammonia criteria indifferent basins, 7 major basins are used for the study object, including Songhua River,Liaohe River, Haihe River, Yellow River, Huaihe River, Yangtze River and ZhujiangRiver, referring the water environmental criteria technology of the United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency, based on the effects of water characteristics on theecotoxicity of ammonia, and in summer and non-summer situation, aquatic life criteriais derived for ammonia. The results showed that: (a) The differences between thecriteria values in different basins and different seasons were significant. The differencesbetween the criteria values in different basins were greater than 6 times, while those indifferent seasons in the same basin were greater than 2 times. (b) The summer acuteand chronic criteria for Huaihe River were 0.37 mg/L and 0.06 mg/L while thenon-summer values were 0.81 mg/L and 0.15 mg/L. Both the summer and thenon-summer values were lowest in all of the seven basins. (c) The preliminaryassessment of Ammonia exposure ecological risk indicated that was the lowest inZhujiang River, and it was much lower in Songhua River, Liaohe River and YangtzeRiver, and was higher in Yellow River, and the highest in both Haihe River and HuaiheRiver. Haihe River has 7 sections while 2 in high risk, and Huaihe River has 27 sectionswhile sixteen in high risk. According to the differences of the criteria values for ammoniain seven basins in different seasons and difference of ammonia ecological riskassessment, it is suggested that it should be managed by different policies.展开更多
随着工业化进程的加快和城市化的发展,大量污染物排入黄河流域,并被频繁检出,威胁生态系统和人类健康。为获取潜在生态环境风险污染物,该研究通过调研2000年1月1日−2022年12月31日Web of Science(WoS)和中国知网(CNKI)数据库中黄河流域...随着工业化进程的加快和城市化的发展,大量污染物排入黄河流域,并被频繁检出,威胁生态系统和人类健康。为获取潜在生态环境风险污染物,该研究通过调研2000年1月1日−2022年12月31日Web of Science(WoS)和中国知网(CNKI)数据库中黄河流域已报道的288篇污染物相关文献,使用多指标综合评分法筛选黄河流域的特征污染物,采用风险商值法获取水样和沉积物中的风险污染物。结果表明:①黄河流域共检出10类144种污染物,采用9类共13个筛选指标构建多指标综合评分法,对污染物各项指标进行评分,然后进行K-means聚类分析,按得分高低分为Ⅰ~Ⅵ级,选取得分较高的33种Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级高分值污染物作为黄河流域特征污染物,包括12种有机氯农药、10种多环芳烃、10种多氯联苯和1种邻苯二甲酸酯。②水样污染物浓度和沉积物含量前5种都是重金属、有机氯农药、邻苯二甲酸酯、多环芳烃以及药品和个人护理产品,而且二者顺序完全一致,且多数污染物的浓度之间存在显著相关性。③根据风险最大化原则,使用风险商值法(RQ)分别对水样和沉积物进行风险评估,将RQ≥0.1的污染物列为风险污染物,水样中共筛选出21种风险污染物,其中RQ≥1的高风险污染物有5种,包括硒、铅、苯并[a,h]蒽、苯并[a]蒽和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯。④沉积物中共筛选出19种风险污染物,其中有13种高风险污染物,包括8种多环芳烃(芘、蒽、荧蒽、苊、萘、芴、苯并[a]蒽、苯并[a,h]蒽)、4种重金属(汞、铅、硒、砷)和1种邻苯二甲酸酯(邻苯二甲酸二丁酯)。该研究对相关部门拟定黄河流域污染物监测方案和管控措施有重要参考意义。展开更多
The present study indicates the status of metal contamination in the vegetables/crops grown in the upper most Ganga-Yamuna doab region of India and associated health risk. Commonly grown vegetables and crops were samp...The present study indicates the status of metal contamination in the vegetables/crops grown in the upper most Ganga-Yamuna doab region of India and associated health risk. Commonly grown vegetables and crops were sampled and analyzed for the metal contamination. Maximum concentration (mg/kg) of Cd and Cr, was observed in Radish (7.6) and Cabbage (56.24) respectively, whereas maximum concentration of Pb, Ni and Zn was observed in the edible parts of Mustard plant (95.4, 58.6, 756.43 respectively). Bio-concentration factor (BCF) value indicated the transfer level of metal from soil to crop;indicated high transfer value of Cd in Radish followed by cabbage and spinach. Considerably high BCF value was observed in the Mustard (8.13), Cabbage (4.18) and radish (3.07) for Zn contamination. Estimated daily intake (EDI) and Hazard quotient (HQ) or Non-carcinogenic health risk was calculated using the USEPA method. The result revealed that the metal intake and associated health risk were considerably high in the children population in comparison to the adult population.展开更多
This study aimed at investigating the content of heavy metals in some marine organisms of the Cameroon Atlantic coast and assessing the health risk due to their consumption by the population. Nine fish and one shrimp ...This study aimed at investigating the content of heavy metals in some marine organisms of the Cameroon Atlantic coast and assessing the health risk due to their consumption by the population. Nine fish and one shrimp species were collected for this study. These fish species were Ethmolosa fimbriata, Drepane africana, Dentex moroccanus, Arius latiscotatus, Scarus hoefleri, Cynoglossus browni, Sardinella madorensis, Pseudotolithus elongatus, Pseudotolithus typus. The shrimp species was Macrobranchium macrobranchium. The elements investigated in this study were: Fe, Co, Cu, Cd and Pb. For seven fish species it was found that the concentration of heavy metals followed the order Fe > Co > Cd > Cu > Pb. For most fish species the Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) value calculated showed the following trend Cd > Co > Pb > Fe ≥ Cu. Cadmium was found to be the main contributor to health risk that may result from the consumption of the fish species under study. The THQ for this element was in the range 0.7 - 1.2 while the Target Cancer Risk (TR) due to ingestion of this metal was in the range (3 × 10<sup>-</sup><sup>4</sup> - 6 × 10<sup>-</sup><sup>4</sup>). These values are slightly above the threshold limits established for both carcinogenic and non carcinogenic risks by the United States, Environmental Protection Agency. The estimated weekly intake of cadmium due to consumption of some fishes under study was greater or equal to the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) determined by Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization.展开更多
The overall objective of this study was to assess the health risk of water in the Loutété River contaminated with heavy metals. Six surface water samples were collected during the dry season (October 2014). ...The overall objective of this study was to assess the health risk of water in the Loutété River contaminated with heavy metals. Six surface water samples were collected during the dry season (October 2014). The physico-chemical parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved salts) were measured using a HANNA brand device. The values of these physico-chemical parameters are below the WHO standards. The concentrations of heavy metals Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn and Mn were determined by ICP-OES. These obtained in (μg/L) are in the range: Cr (0.08 - 5.8);Cu (0.6 - 14.5);Fe (0.2 - 386.05);Pb (1.02 - 370.09);Zn (8.02 - 248.7) and Mn (37.1 - 328.08). These concentrations are below the WHO drinking water guideline value in all samples for Cr, Cu, Mn and Zn, 50, 2000, 400 and 3000 μg/L respectively. Concentrations of As, Fe and Pb exceeded the WHO guideline value for drinking water at the following stations: S1 for arsenic, S4 for iron, and for Pb at all stations except S5. The health risk assessment for adults due to ingestion exposure gave HQing. values < 1 for the following heavy metals: Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, except for Arsenic and Lead. The hazard quotient calculated by dermal contact (HQ derm) in the waters of the river Loutété, showed that HQ derm < 1 for all heavy metals in all stations. For children, the dermal contact hazard quotient HQ derm < 1 for all heavy metals As, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr and Pb. With the exception of station S4, we observed that HQ > 1 for lead. In the case of ingestion, HQing. < 1 for the heavy metals Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn, with the exception of the following metals Arsenic, Lead and Iron.展开更多
Peri-urban agriculture of food crops is practiced in many slum areas in developing countries. This often uses waste water whose levels of essential and non-essential elements are largely unknown but would be feared to...Peri-urban agriculture of food crops is practiced in many slum areas in developing countries. This often uses waste water whose levels of essential and non-essential elements are largely unknown but would be feared to contaminate soils, consequently exposing man to associated health risks. Inhabitants in Kibera slum, Nairobi City practice these growing kales, amaranthus, arrowroots, and spinach. Health risk assessment was done using daily intake of metals (DIM), target hazard quotient (THQ) and incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR). Atomic absorption spectroscopy was employed for elemental analysis. The levels of essential elements ranged as follows;Mn 91.04 - 374.44, Mg 261.28 - 532.96, Fe 350.74 - 1273.68, and Zn 1.18 - 6.3 μg/g per dry weight were found to be below the recommended limits by FAO/WHO. Non-essential elements ranged as follows;Cr 1.15 - 4.32 and Pb 0.14 - 0.91 μg/g above the EU recommendation. DIM of Fe 5.81 - 27.61 and Mn 1.97 - 8.12 μg/g is above the recommended daily intake amounts. THQ values for Mn and Fe were more than unit. THQ values for non-essential elements were generally below unit. ILCR showed that from lead alone 73 people (0.043% of 0.17M residents) are likely to develop cancer. There are foreseen health risks associated with consumption of food crops grown in Kibera slum that requires immediate address.展开更多
基金supported by the National Water Pollution Control and Treatment Science and Technology Major Project(Grant No.2012ZX07501-003)Science and technology basic work(Grant No.2014FY120606)
文摘Ammonia is one of the basin indices which are nation-controlled in the waterenvironmental management. In order to assess the differences of ammonia criteria indifferent basins, 7 major basins are used for the study object, including Songhua River,Liaohe River, Haihe River, Yellow River, Huaihe River, Yangtze River and ZhujiangRiver, referring the water environmental criteria technology of the United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency, based on the effects of water characteristics on theecotoxicity of ammonia, and in summer and non-summer situation, aquatic life criteriais derived for ammonia. The results showed that: (a) The differences between thecriteria values in different basins and different seasons were significant. The differencesbetween the criteria values in different basins were greater than 6 times, while those indifferent seasons in the same basin were greater than 2 times. (b) The summer acuteand chronic criteria for Huaihe River were 0.37 mg/L and 0.06 mg/L while thenon-summer values were 0.81 mg/L and 0.15 mg/L. Both the summer and thenon-summer values were lowest in all of the seven basins. (c) The preliminaryassessment of Ammonia exposure ecological risk indicated that was the lowest inZhujiang River, and it was much lower in Songhua River, Liaohe River and YangtzeRiver, and was higher in Yellow River, and the highest in both Haihe River and HuaiheRiver. Haihe River has 7 sections while 2 in high risk, and Huaihe River has 27 sectionswhile sixteen in high risk. According to the differences of the criteria values for ammoniain seven basins in different seasons and difference of ammonia ecological riskassessment, it is suggested that it should be managed by different policies.
文摘随着工业化进程的加快和城市化的发展,大量污染物排入黄河流域,并被频繁检出,威胁生态系统和人类健康。为获取潜在生态环境风险污染物,该研究通过调研2000年1月1日−2022年12月31日Web of Science(WoS)和中国知网(CNKI)数据库中黄河流域已报道的288篇污染物相关文献,使用多指标综合评分法筛选黄河流域的特征污染物,采用风险商值法获取水样和沉积物中的风险污染物。结果表明:①黄河流域共检出10类144种污染物,采用9类共13个筛选指标构建多指标综合评分法,对污染物各项指标进行评分,然后进行K-means聚类分析,按得分高低分为Ⅰ~Ⅵ级,选取得分较高的33种Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级高分值污染物作为黄河流域特征污染物,包括12种有机氯农药、10种多环芳烃、10种多氯联苯和1种邻苯二甲酸酯。②水样污染物浓度和沉积物含量前5种都是重金属、有机氯农药、邻苯二甲酸酯、多环芳烃以及药品和个人护理产品,而且二者顺序完全一致,且多数污染物的浓度之间存在显著相关性。③根据风险最大化原则,使用风险商值法(RQ)分别对水样和沉积物进行风险评估,将RQ≥0.1的污染物列为风险污染物,水样中共筛选出21种风险污染物,其中RQ≥1的高风险污染物有5种,包括硒、铅、苯并[a,h]蒽、苯并[a]蒽和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯。④沉积物中共筛选出19种风险污染物,其中有13种高风险污染物,包括8种多环芳烃(芘、蒽、荧蒽、苊、萘、芴、苯并[a]蒽、苯并[a,h]蒽)、4种重金属(汞、铅、硒、砷)和1种邻苯二甲酸酯(邻苯二甲酸二丁酯)。该研究对相关部门拟定黄河流域污染物监测方案和管控措施有重要参考意义。
文摘The present study indicates the status of metal contamination in the vegetables/crops grown in the upper most Ganga-Yamuna doab region of India and associated health risk. Commonly grown vegetables and crops were sampled and analyzed for the metal contamination. Maximum concentration (mg/kg) of Cd and Cr, was observed in Radish (7.6) and Cabbage (56.24) respectively, whereas maximum concentration of Pb, Ni and Zn was observed in the edible parts of Mustard plant (95.4, 58.6, 756.43 respectively). Bio-concentration factor (BCF) value indicated the transfer level of metal from soil to crop;indicated high transfer value of Cd in Radish followed by cabbage and spinach. Considerably high BCF value was observed in the Mustard (8.13), Cabbage (4.18) and radish (3.07) for Zn contamination. Estimated daily intake (EDI) and Hazard quotient (HQ) or Non-carcinogenic health risk was calculated using the USEPA method. The result revealed that the metal intake and associated health risk were considerably high in the children population in comparison to the adult population.
文摘This study aimed at investigating the content of heavy metals in some marine organisms of the Cameroon Atlantic coast and assessing the health risk due to their consumption by the population. Nine fish and one shrimp species were collected for this study. These fish species were Ethmolosa fimbriata, Drepane africana, Dentex moroccanus, Arius latiscotatus, Scarus hoefleri, Cynoglossus browni, Sardinella madorensis, Pseudotolithus elongatus, Pseudotolithus typus. The shrimp species was Macrobranchium macrobranchium. The elements investigated in this study were: Fe, Co, Cu, Cd and Pb. For seven fish species it was found that the concentration of heavy metals followed the order Fe > Co > Cd > Cu > Pb. For most fish species the Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) value calculated showed the following trend Cd > Co > Pb > Fe ≥ Cu. Cadmium was found to be the main contributor to health risk that may result from the consumption of the fish species under study. The THQ for this element was in the range 0.7 - 1.2 while the Target Cancer Risk (TR) due to ingestion of this metal was in the range (3 × 10<sup>-</sup><sup>4</sup> - 6 × 10<sup>-</sup><sup>4</sup>). These values are slightly above the threshold limits established for both carcinogenic and non carcinogenic risks by the United States, Environmental Protection Agency. The estimated weekly intake of cadmium due to consumption of some fishes under study was greater or equal to the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) determined by Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization.
文摘The overall objective of this study was to assess the health risk of water in the Loutété River contaminated with heavy metals. Six surface water samples were collected during the dry season (October 2014). The physico-chemical parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved salts) were measured using a HANNA brand device. The values of these physico-chemical parameters are below the WHO standards. The concentrations of heavy metals Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn and Mn were determined by ICP-OES. These obtained in (μg/L) are in the range: Cr (0.08 - 5.8);Cu (0.6 - 14.5);Fe (0.2 - 386.05);Pb (1.02 - 370.09);Zn (8.02 - 248.7) and Mn (37.1 - 328.08). These concentrations are below the WHO drinking water guideline value in all samples for Cr, Cu, Mn and Zn, 50, 2000, 400 and 3000 μg/L respectively. Concentrations of As, Fe and Pb exceeded the WHO guideline value for drinking water at the following stations: S1 for arsenic, S4 for iron, and for Pb at all stations except S5. The health risk assessment for adults due to ingestion exposure gave HQing. values < 1 for the following heavy metals: Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, except for Arsenic and Lead. The hazard quotient calculated by dermal contact (HQ derm) in the waters of the river Loutété, showed that HQ derm < 1 for all heavy metals in all stations. For children, the dermal contact hazard quotient HQ derm < 1 for all heavy metals As, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr and Pb. With the exception of station S4, we observed that HQ > 1 for lead. In the case of ingestion, HQing. < 1 for the heavy metals Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn, with the exception of the following metals Arsenic, Lead and Iron.
文摘Peri-urban agriculture of food crops is practiced in many slum areas in developing countries. This often uses waste water whose levels of essential and non-essential elements are largely unknown but would be feared to contaminate soils, consequently exposing man to associated health risks. Inhabitants in Kibera slum, Nairobi City practice these growing kales, amaranthus, arrowroots, and spinach. Health risk assessment was done using daily intake of metals (DIM), target hazard quotient (THQ) and incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR). Atomic absorption spectroscopy was employed for elemental analysis. The levels of essential elements ranged as follows;Mn 91.04 - 374.44, Mg 261.28 - 532.96, Fe 350.74 - 1273.68, and Zn 1.18 - 6.3 μg/g per dry weight were found to be below the recommended limits by FAO/WHO. Non-essential elements ranged as follows;Cr 1.15 - 4.32 and Pb 0.14 - 0.91 μg/g above the EU recommendation. DIM of Fe 5.81 - 27.61 and Mn 1.97 - 8.12 μg/g is above the recommended daily intake amounts. THQ values for Mn and Fe were more than unit. THQ values for non-essential elements were generally below unit. ILCR showed that from lead alone 73 people (0.043% of 0.17M residents) are likely to develop cancer. There are foreseen health risks associated with consumption of food crops grown in Kibera slum that requires immediate address.