This paper presents the main results obtained during a decade of scientific activities in the Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory (URL) located on the eastern boundary of the Paris Basin, in the Callov...This paper presents the main results obtained during a decade of scientific activities in the Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory (URL) located on the eastern boundary of the Paris Basin, in the Callovo-Oxfordian clay rock formation. The URL was built in the framework of ANDRA's research program into the feasibility of a reversible deep geological disposal of high-level and intermediate-level long-lived radioactive (HL, ILLL) waste. Its underground drifts have been used to study a 160-million-year old clay layer. The 2006 Planning Act adopted this disposal concept as the reference solution for the long-term management of HL and ILLL radioactive waste. Today, research is continuing into the design and sitting of the disposal facility which could be commissioned by 2025 if its license is granted in 2016. Through these programs, the laboratory will help ANDRA develop a concrete approach with a view to proposing suitable architectures and management methods for a deep disposal facility, to allow by 2016 the decision for the start of the construction of the shafts and drifts of the new disposal facility.展开更多
设施蔬菜是我国设施园艺的重要组成部分,发展无土栽培及配套的水肥一体化技术是节水、节肥、节能、减排、高效生产的有效途径。【目的】本试验旨在改变按生育期调节营养液浓度的跳跃式管理模式,进行番茄浓度的微小递增式调控,使番茄在...设施蔬菜是我国设施园艺的重要组成部分,发展无土栽培及配套的水肥一体化技术是节水、节肥、节能、减排、高效生产的有效途径。【目的】本试验旨在改变按生育期调节营养液浓度的跳跃式管理模式,进行番茄浓度的微小递增式调控,使番茄在生长发育阶段中有一个浓度适应的过程,更利于番茄的生长;进而筛选经济效益较高、品质较好的试验处理,作为营养液浓度精细化管理的最优方案。【方法】本试验以"欧官"为试材料,根据番茄主茎叶片数对灌溉营养液浓度进行调控:分别设置随番茄生长1片叶片(T1)、2片叶片(T2)、3片叶片(T3)对营养液浓度提高一个步长(0.1m S/cm)的3个处理,并以按生育期调控营养液浓度作为对照(CK),通过番茄生长、产量、品质及水分利用效率等参数综合评价调控效果。【结果】T1调控方案,番茄株体紧凑,番茄的光合及蒸腾速率最高,水分利用效率提高11%,节水效果显著(30.4%)高于其他处理,可滴定酸量较低,且可有效降低番茄果实中硝酸盐含量。T2处理的营养液浓度调控变化趋势与CK最为接近,增加营养液浓度调整频率,可有效提高番茄维生素C量,降低可滴定酸比例;且浓度调控间隔越大,果实中维生素C量越高、可滴定酸量越低。前期降低供液浓度、提高供液频率(T3)可提高番茄品质。【结论】根据调控目标确定调控方案,从增产与节水节肥角度,每生长一片叶,营养液浓度提高一个步长(0.1 m S/cm)为最优调控方案,有利于田间管理,促进番茄生殖生长,可在保证产量和品质的前提下大幅提高水分利用效率。在生产过程中,确定目标综合考虑来确定营养液浓度调控频率及灌溉频率,更有利于营养液高效管理,提高营养液浓度调控的精细度,为智能化调控的建立奠定基础。进一步可与番茄叶片数模型相结合,建立番茄浓度调控模型。展开更多
文摘This paper presents the main results obtained during a decade of scientific activities in the Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory (URL) located on the eastern boundary of the Paris Basin, in the Callovo-Oxfordian clay rock formation. The URL was built in the framework of ANDRA's research program into the feasibility of a reversible deep geological disposal of high-level and intermediate-level long-lived radioactive (HL, ILLL) waste. Its underground drifts have been used to study a 160-million-year old clay layer. The 2006 Planning Act adopted this disposal concept as the reference solution for the long-term management of HL and ILLL radioactive waste. Today, research is continuing into the design and sitting of the disposal facility which could be commissioned by 2025 if its license is granted in 2016. Through these programs, the laboratory will help ANDRA develop a concrete approach with a view to proposing suitable architectures and management methods for a deep disposal facility, to allow by 2016 the decision for the start of the construction of the shafts and drifts of the new disposal facility.
文摘设施蔬菜是我国设施园艺的重要组成部分,发展无土栽培及配套的水肥一体化技术是节水、节肥、节能、减排、高效生产的有效途径。【目的】本试验旨在改变按生育期调节营养液浓度的跳跃式管理模式,进行番茄浓度的微小递增式调控,使番茄在生长发育阶段中有一个浓度适应的过程,更利于番茄的生长;进而筛选经济效益较高、品质较好的试验处理,作为营养液浓度精细化管理的最优方案。【方法】本试验以"欧官"为试材料,根据番茄主茎叶片数对灌溉营养液浓度进行调控:分别设置随番茄生长1片叶片(T1)、2片叶片(T2)、3片叶片(T3)对营养液浓度提高一个步长(0.1m S/cm)的3个处理,并以按生育期调控营养液浓度作为对照(CK),通过番茄生长、产量、品质及水分利用效率等参数综合评价调控效果。【结果】T1调控方案,番茄株体紧凑,番茄的光合及蒸腾速率最高,水分利用效率提高11%,节水效果显著(30.4%)高于其他处理,可滴定酸量较低,且可有效降低番茄果实中硝酸盐含量。T2处理的营养液浓度调控变化趋势与CK最为接近,增加营养液浓度调整频率,可有效提高番茄维生素C量,降低可滴定酸比例;且浓度调控间隔越大,果实中维生素C量越高、可滴定酸量越低。前期降低供液浓度、提高供液频率(T3)可提高番茄品质。【结论】根据调控目标确定调控方案,从增产与节水节肥角度,每生长一片叶,营养液浓度提高一个步长(0.1 m S/cm)为最优调控方案,有利于田间管理,促进番茄生殖生长,可在保证产量和品质的前提下大幅提高水分利用效率。在生产过程中,确定目标综合考虑来确定营养液浓度调控频率及灌溉频率,更有利于营养液高效管理,提高营养液浓度调控的精细度,为智能化调控的建立奠定基础。进一步可与番茄叶片数模型相结合,建立番茄浓度调控模型。