在气候变化和人类活动的综合影响下,青海省生态环境发生了明显变化。在此背景下,以GIMMS NDVI 3g.v1为数据源,采用Sen+Mann-Kendal方法研究青海省1982-2015年植被覆盖区域NDVI时空变化,将趋势分析和R/S(rescaled range analysis)分析叠...在气候变化和人类活动的综合影响下,青海省生态环境发生了明显变化。在此背景下,以GIMMS NDVI 3g.v1为数据源,采用Sen+Mann-Kendal方法研究青海省1982-2015年植被覆盖区域NDVI时空变化,将趋势分析和R/S(rescaled range analysis)分析叠加,研究植被生长季NDVI变化的持续性特征,并揭示植被对气候变化及人类活动的响应规律。结果表明:1)近34年青海省植被NDVI整体呈从西北到东南的增加趋势;且变异系数显示,波动性较大地区集中在柴达木盆地周边和青南牧区西北部等植被NDVI较低的区域,波动性较小地区集中在祁连山东部、东部农业区和青南牧区东南部等植被NDVI较高的区域。2)近34年青海省植被NDVI整体呈增加趋势,增长率为0.38%·10a^(-1);且NDVI变化具有明显的阶段性,存在1994年和2000年两个突变点。3)近34年青海省植被改善区域(75.4%)远大于退化区域(24.6%),其中显著改善面积占植被覆盖区域面积的40.9%,退化区随时间变化在空间上表现出明显的转移现象。4)Hurst指数表明,青海省植被变化反持续性较强,趋势分析与Hurst指数叠加得出,由退化转为改善的区域占植被覆盖区面积的13.7%,由改善转为退化的区域占植被覆盖区面积的44.3%,另41.5%的区域无法确定未来变化趋势。5)青海省植被生长季NDVI受气候变化和人类活动的双重影响,且不同植被类型对气候变化的响应存在较大差异。展开更多
基于金沙江下游梯级水电开发区10个气象站1956-2011年的逐月降水资料,运用线性倾向估计法、Morlet 小波分析法和 R/ S 分析法对多年降水和季节降水变化及其趋势、周期和持续性特征进行分析。结果表明:研究区1956-2011年降水量呈波动...基于金沙江下游梯级水电开发区10个气象站1956-2011年的逐月降水资料,运用线性倾向估计法、Morlet 小波分析法和 R/ S 分析法对多年降水和季节降水变化及其趋势、周期和持续性特征进行分析。结果表明:研究区1956-2011年降水量呈波动式下降趋势,降水倾向率为-1.338 mm/ a;季节降水中除春季呈微小上升趋势外,夏、秋和冬季均呈下降趋势,且空间差异明显;夏、秋季的降水量占全年的81.1%,尤以夏季为主导,占57.4%;年降水存在1~2 a、4 a 、8 a 、14 a和31 a 的周期变化规律,其中8 a 的周期尤为明显,通过90%置信水平检验;研究区降水序列总体上存在明显的 Hurst 现象,具有持续性特征,未来降水仍会维持减少趋势。展开更多
This paper retrieves the yearly and monthly mean 0.75μm aerosol optical depth(AOD)of 41 A-class solar radiation stations over China from 1979 to 1990,and analyzes the spatial and temporal distribution of AOD over Chi...This paper retrieves the yearly and monthly mean 0.75μm aerosol optical depth(AOD)of 41 A-class solar radiation stations over China from 1979 to 1990,and analyzes the spatial and temporal distribution of AOD over China mainland.The data employed are daily direct solar radiation and sunshine duration,as well as the TOMS version-7 ozone observation data in the same time.The results indicate that the Siehuan Basin is the largest center of yearly mean AOD over China.and the other two larger centers lie in Wuhan City and the South Xinjiang Basin, separately.AOD values are also relatively larger in the middle-and-lower reaches area of Changjiang River.Shandong Peninsula and coastal area of Guangdong Province:while in Yunnan Province,coastal area of Fujian Province.most parts of Northwest and Northeast China,AOD values are relatively smaller.The distribution of AOD varies with different months.In most parts of China.the maximum of AOD occurs in spring season;but the minimum varies in different regions,From 1979 to 1990.in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau,West Siehuan Basin,North Guizhou Province.most areas of the middle-and-lower reaches of Changjiang River,Shandong Peninsula and west part of South Xinjiang Basin.AOD shows an increasing trend.But in Northeast China, most part of Northwest China,Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau,western Guangxi Region and the coastal areas of East China,AOD shows decreasing tendency.Generally,the seasonal variation characteristics of AOD in China can be classified into four typical models,i.e.,mono-modal types A and B,bimodal and Poly-modal.展开更多
文摘在气候变化和人类活动的综合影响下,青海省生态环境发生了明显变化。在此背景下,以GIMMS NDVI 3g.v1为数据源,采用Sen+Mann-Kendal方法研究青海省1982-2015年植被覆盖区域NDVI时空变化,将趋势分析和R/S(rescaled range analysis)分析叠加,研究植被生长季NDVI变化的持续性特征,并揭示植被对气候变化及人类活动的响应规律。结果表明:1)近34年青海省植被NDVI整体呈从西北到东南的增加趋势;且变异系数显示,波动性较大地区集中在柴达木盆地周边和青南牧区西北部等植被NDVI较低的区域,波动性较小地区集中在祁连山东部、东部农业区和青南牧区东南部等植被NDVI较高的区域。2)近34年青海省植被NDVI整体呈增加趋势,增长率为0.38%·10a^(-1);且NDVI变化具有明显的阶段性,存在1994年和2000年两个突变点。3)近34年青海省植被改善区域(75.4%)远大于退化区域(24.6%),其中显著改善面积占植被覆盖区域面积的40.9%,退化区随时间变化在空间上表现出明显的转移现象。4)Hurst指数表明,青海省植被变化反持续性较强,趋势分析与Hurst指数叠加得出,由退化转为改善的区域占植被覆盖区面积的13.7%,由改善转为退化的区域占植被覆盖区面积的44.3%,另41.5%的区域无法确定未来变化趋势。5)青海省植被生长季NDVI受气候变化和人类活动的双重影响,且不同植被类型对气候变化的响应存在较大差异。
文摘基于金沙江下游梯级水电开发区10个气象站1956-2011年的逐月降水资料,运用线性倾向估计法、Morlet 小波分析法和 R/ S 分析法对多年降水和季节降水变化及其趋势、周期和持续性特征进行分析。结果表明:研究区1956-2011年降水量呈波动式下降趋势,降水倾向率为-1.338 mm/ a;季节降水中除春季呈微小上升趋势外,夏、秋和冬季均呈下降趋势,且空间差异明显;夏、秋季的降水量占全年的81.1%,尤以夏季为主导,占57.4%;年降水存在1~2 a、4 a 、8 a 、14 a和31 a 的周期变化规律,其中8 a 的周期尤为明显,通过90%置信水平检验;研究区降水序列总体上存在明显的 Hurst 现象,具有持续性特征,未来降水仍会维持减少趋势。
文摘This paper retrieves the yearly and monthly mean 0.75μm aerosol optical depth(AOD)of 41 A-class solar radiation stations over China from 1979 to 1990,and analyzes the spatial and temporal distribution of AOD over China mainland.The data employed are daily direct solar radiation and sunshine duration,as well as the TOMS version-7 ozone observation data in the same time.The results indicate that the Siehuan Basin is the largest center of yearly mean AOD over China.and the other two larger centers lie in Wuhan City and the South Xinjiang Basin, separately.AOD values are also relatively larger in the middle-and-lower reaches area of Changjiang River.Shandong Peninsula and coastal area of Guangdong Province:while in Yunnan Province,coastal area of Fujian Province.most parts of Northwest and Northeast China,AOD values are relatively smaller.The distribution of AOD varies with different months.In most parts of China.the maximum of AOD occurs in spring season;but the minimum varies in different regions,From 1979 to 1990.in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau,West Siehuan Basin,North Guizhou Province.most areas of the middle-and-lower reaches of Changjiang River,Shandong Peninsula and west part of South Xinjiang Basin.AOD shows an increasing trend.But in Northeast China, most part of Northwest China,Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau,western Guangxi Region and the coastal areas of East China,AOD shows decreasing tendency.Generally,the seasonal variation characteristics of AOD in China can be classified into four typical models,i.e.,mono-modal types A and B,bimodal and Poly-modal.