Savannas are distributed globally across various regions.They perform a significant socioeconomic role in regulating net primary productivity and the terrestrial carbon cycle.Owing to the high spatial heterogeneity in...Savannas are distributed globally across various regions.They perform a significant socioeconomic role in regulating net primary productivity and the terrestrial carbon cycle.Owing to the high spatial heterogeneity induced by the mixed distribution of trees and grasses,current global land-cover classification maps often classify savannas as forests or grasslands Temperate savannas in China cover a vast area,yet their spatial patterns and extent remain poorly understood.This study developed a novel remote sensing temperate savannas mapping method by integrating very high-resolution(VHR)unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)and GF-6 satellite imagery based on the vegetation structure characteristics of temperate savannas using the FAO definition of savannas.Training and validation datasets were collected from VHR UAV imagery covering the main temperate savannah types with a ground area of 1818 ha.The fractional woody vegetation cover(FWVC)and fractional herbaceous vegetation cover(FHVC)in temperate savannas were estimated by integrating Classification and Regression Tree and Random Forest algorithms.The current distribution of temperate savannas in the Horqin and Otindag Sandy Lands of Eastern China was mapped to a unit area of 0.5 ha.The root-mean-square error(RMSE)values for the FWVC and FHVC models were 10.69%and 11.67%,and the R^(2)values were 0.66 and 0.63,respectively.The assessment indicated that the new temperate savanna map had high identification accuracy,with a Kappa coefficient of 0.70,overall accuracy of 0.88,and average accuracy of 0.85.Temperate savannas in the sandy lands of eastern China were primarily distributed in the northern Horqin Sandy Land the central and eastern regions of the Otindag Sandy Land,and the transition zone from the southern slopes of the Greater Khingan Mountains to the plains,covering a total area of 3.27×10^(6)ha.The main savannah types were elm,oak/maple,and shrub savannas.Elm savannas were widely distributed in the Otindag Sandy Land and the eastern and northern Horqin Sandy Land arranged in stripes and distributed alternately with mobile dunes.Oak/maple savannas were mainly found in northern Horqin Sandy Land and grew on low hills.The largest temperate savannas were shrub savannas,which were primarily distributed in the western Otindag Sandy Land and the central and western Horqin Sandy Land.This study developed a detailed map of temperate savannas in Horqin Sandy Land and Otindag Sandy Land in eastern China,providing their precise area and geographical distribution.This map can support the conservation and utilization of temperate savannas,scientific research,and decisionmaking related to combating desertification and ecosystem restoration in the sandy lands of eastern China.This method provides a new vision for precisely mapping savannas on a global scale and analyzing savanna dynamics.展开更多
Lipids may play an important role in preventing gas embolisms by coating nanobubbles in xylem sap.Few studies on xylem sap lipids have been reported for temperate plants,and it remain unclear whether sap lipids have a...Lipids may play an important role in preventing gas embolisms by coating nanobubbles in xylem sap.Few studies on xylem sap lipids have been reported for temperate plants,and it remain unclear whether sap lipids have adaptational significance in tropical plants.In this study,we quantify the lipid composition of xylem sap for angiosperm species from a tropical savanna(seven species)and a seasonal rainforest(five species)using mass spectrometry.We found that all twelve species studied contained lipids in their xylem sap,including galactolipids,phospholipids and triacylglycerol,with a total lipid concentration ranging from 0.09 to 0.26 nmol/L.There was no difference in lipid concentration or composition between plants from the two sites,and the lipid concentration was negatively related to species’open vessel volume.Furthermore,savanna species showed little variation in lipid composition between the dry and the rainy season.These results support the hypothesis that xylem sap lipids are derived from the cytoplasm of individual conduit cells,remain trapped inside individual conduits,and undergo few changes in composition over consecutive seasons.A xylem sap lipidomic data set,which includes 12 tropical tree species from this study and 11 temperate tree species from literature,revealed no phylogenetic signals in lipid composition for these species.This study fills a knowledge gap in the lipid content of xylem sap in tropical trees and provides additional support for their common distribution in xylem sap of woody angiosperms.It appears that xylem sap lipids have no adaptive significance.展开更多
Identifying how leaf habit subdivisions link to the fast–slow and avoidance–tolerance trait tradeoffs can provide new insight into divergence in ecophysiological strategies among plant functional groups. Here, we te...Identifying how leaf habit subdivisions link to the fast–slow and avoidance–tolerance trait tradeoffs can provide new insight into divergence in ecophysiological strategies among plant functional groups. Here, we tested a hypothesis that the differentiation across deciduous, semi-deciduous and evergreen woody species contributes to physiological trait tradeoffs in a dry-hot valley savanna. We investigated 11 photosynthetic, morphological and hydraulic traits of 24 species including 8 deciduous, 10 semi-deciduous and 6 evergreen species. Deciduous species were grouped in the fast and avoidance side associated with high values of maximum photosynthetic rates,stomatal conductance and leaf size, while evergreen species were grouped in the slow and tolerance side associated with high photosynthetic water use efficiency, leaf mass per area, sapwood density, Huber value, leaf water potential at turgor loss point and water potential causing 50% loss of stem hydraulic conductance. Semideciduous species generally had intermediate trait values and represented different physiological characteristics when compared to deciduous and evergreen species. The physiological trait tradeoffs showed a close linkage to the differentiation of these three leaf habits. Our findings clearly reveal trait tradeoffs related to fast–slow and avoidance–tolerance strategies among diverse savanna plants, suggesting a syndrome in multiple ecophysiology strategies across different leaf habits.展开更多
Field experiments were conducted during 2009/10 and 2010/2011 dry seasons at the Fadama Teaching and Research Farm of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, in the Sudan Savanna ecological zone of Nigeria (latitude ...Field experiments were conducted during 2009/10 and 2010/2011 dry seasons at the Fadama Teaching and Research Farm of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, in the Sudan Savanna ecological zone of Nigeria (latitude 13°01'N;longitude 5°15'E, altitude of 350 m above sea level) to study the effect of water stress, sowing date and cultivar on yield and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The treatments consisted of factorial combination of water stress at three critical growth stages which was imposed by withholding water at tillering, flowering, grain filling and control (no stress), four sowing dates (21st November, 5th December, 19th December and 2nd January) and two bread wheat cultivar (Star 11 TR 77173/SLM and Kuaz/Weaver), laid out in a split-plot design with three replications. Water stress and date of sowing were assigned to the main-plot, while variety was assigned to the sub-plots. Result revealed that water stress at tillering significantly reduced spike length and grains per spike. Whereas, water stress at flowering and grain filling significantly reduced 1000-grain weight, grain yield and harvest index. Results also indicated significant (P st November and 5th December and lowest at 19th December and 2nd January, therefore wheat should be sown in November or at least first week of December in this area and other area with similar climate. Variety had significant effect on spike per m-2, grain yield and harvest index. Water stress at flowering and grain filling should be avoided as they are the most critical growth stages in yield determination in wheat, because plants cannot recover, while delay in sowing resulted in reduction in yield and yield components. Star II TR 77173/SLM is therefore recommended for the area.展开更多
The increasing demand for safe food without preservatives or pesticides residues has encouraged several studies on natural products with antifungal activity and low toxicity.In this study,ethanolic extracts from leave...The increasing demand for safe food without preservatives or pesticides residues has encouraged several studies on natural products with antifungal activity and low toxicity.In this study,ethanolic extracts from leaves and fruit residues(peel and seeds)of three Brazilian savanna species(Acrocomia aculeata,Campomanesia adamantium and Caryocar brasiliense)were evaluated against phytopathogenic fungi.Additionally,the most active extract was chemically characterized by ESI-MS and its oral acute toxicity was evaluated.Extracts from C.brasiliense(pequi)peel and leaves were active against Alternaria alternata,Alternaria solani and Venturia pirina with minimal inhibitory concentrations between 350 and 1000 lg/mL.When incorporated in solid media,these extracts extended the lag phase of A.alternata and A.solani and reduced the growth rate of A.solani.Pequi peel extract showed better antifungal activity and their ESI-MS analysis revealed the presence of substances widely reported as antifungal such as gallic acid,quinic acid,ellagic acid,glucogalin and corilagin.The oral acute toxicity was relatively low,being considered safe for use as a potential natural fungicide.展开更多
While some reports show that physical characteristics of the baru fruits (Dipteryx alata Vog.) differ within and among the Brazilian Savanna regions, a study shows that there are differences in the nutritional composi...While some reports show that physical characteristics of the baru fruits (Dipteryx alata Vog.) differ within and among the Brazilian Savanna regions, a study shows that there are differences in the nutritional composition of baru almonds from different trees from the same Savanna area. It is unknown, however, whether the Savanna’s region influences the nutritional quality of this native almond. Thus, we evaluated the influence of East, Southeast and West regions of the Brazilian Savanna on physical characteristics, nutrient composition and protein quality of the baru almond. Chemical composition and amino acid profile were analyzed, and Amino Acid Score (AAS), Net Protein Ratio (NPR), and Protein Digestibility–Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) were estimated. The physical characteristics significantly differed within but not among regions. The protein (310 g kg-1), lipid (410 g·kg-1), fiber (120 g·kg-1) and calcium (1,300 mg·kg-1) contents of baru almonds were high, with significant differences among regions for insoluble fiber content (94.3 - 128.3 g·kg-1) and amino acid profile (AAS = 77% - 89%). The relative NPR (RNPR) values were similar among regions (mean value of RNPR = 71%), and the PDCAAS values ranged from 65 to 73%. The region of the Brazilian Savanna influences the fiber and amino acid profiles, but not the total content of nutrients, the protein quality and the physical characteristics of the native baru almonds. The baru almond is a potential food as source of complementary protein for healthy diets and as a nutritious raw material for various food systems.展开更多
A two-year field experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of nitrogen (0, 30, 60, and 120 kg N ha^-1) and phosphorus (0, 30, and 60 kg P2O5 ha^-1) application on grain yield and yield components of five ...A two-year field experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of nitrogen (0, 30, 60, and 120 kg N ha^-1) and phosphorus (0, 30, and 60 kg P2O5 ha^-1) application on grain yield and yield components of five New Rice for Africa (NERICA) cultivars, their parents, and a check on a degraded soil in the moist savanna of Nigeria. Nerica 14 recorded the highest grain yield of 1.3 mg halcompared to the other NERICA cultivars. It also produced significantly (P 〈 0.05) longer panicles (19.24 cm), higher sink capacity as determined by thousand-kernel weight (30.3 g), and a higher potential for partitioning photosynthates (45.15%) into grains than the other cultivars. N × P interaction effect on grain yield was significant (P 〈 0.05) with moderate P (60 kg P2O5 ha^1) and moderate N (60 kg N ha^-1) resulting in optimum grain yield (1.7 mg ha^-1). Thus, moderate N and P were recommended for the production of NERICA varieties in low-input smallholder upland rice production systems of the moist savanna of Nigeria.展开更多
remote sensing of woody vegetation in savannas has been inhibited by its complex stand structure and abundant vegetation species.An understanding of the distribution and spatial variation in savanna vegetation is crit...remote sensing of woody vegetation in savannas has been inhibited by its complex stand structure and abundant vegetation species.An understanding of the distribution and spatial variation in savanna vegetation is critical for making timely assessments of the ecosystem conditions.This study investigated the possibility of improving the prediction of woody vegetation in tropical savannas using an approach that integrates spatial statistics and remote sensing.展开更多
Based on 120 stem discs collected during3 months of fieldwork along a 12 km route,the history of fires in the Wari Maro Forest(09 1000 N–02 1000E) over the past century in savanna woodland and dry forest was recons...Based on 120 stem discs collected during3 months of fieldwork along a 12 km route,the history of fires in the Wari Maro Forest(09 1000 N–02 1000E) over the past century in savanna woodland and dry forest was reconstituted.Three major ecological areas are characterized:one highly burnt zone located between two relative less burnt areas.By analyzing tree rings,246 fire scars were identified.The scars were caused by 51 fire years,occurring at a mean interval of 2.23 years.From 1890 to1965,only 6 years with fires were recorded from sampled trees.Since 1966,no year has passed without fire.The fire frequency point scale reached 14 years.This was the case of Burkea africana,which has been identified as a species tolerant to fire and could be planted to create a natural firewall.In contrast,Anogeissus leiocarpa is highly sensitive to fire,and in a dry forest ecosystem that burns seasonally,it requires a special conservation plan.Two new concepts are described:the rebarking of trees after fire and Mean Kilometer Fire Interval.The first concept was tested with Daniellia oliveri(Rolfe) Hutch & Dalz trees,and the second concept was used to evaluate spatial fire distribution.We demonstrate that savanna woodland and dry forest were subject to a degradation process caused by destructive fires related to vegetation cover clearance and illegal logging.展开更多
Clear and data-driven bioregionalizations can provide a framework to test hypotheses and base biodiversity conservation.Here we used occurrence and abundance data in combination with objective analytical methods to pr...Clear and data-driven bioregionalizations can provide a framework to test hypotheses and base biodiversity conservation.Here we used occurrence and abundance data in combination with objective analytical methods to propose two bioregionalization schemes for tree species of the Cerrado and the Pantanal in South America.We also evaluated the contribution of three sets of determinants of the occurrence-and abundance-based subregions.We compiled data on tree species composition from 894 local assemblages based on species occurrences,and from 658 local assemblages based on species abundances.We used an unconstrained community-level modelling approach and clustering techniques to identify and map tree subregions for the occurrence and the abundance data sets,separately.Hierarchical clustering analyses were conducted to investigate floristic affinities between the subregions and to map broader floristic regions.We used multinomial logistic regression models,deviance partitioning,and rank-sum tests to assess the main subregion correlates.We identified 18 occurrence-and four abundance-based subregions in the Cerrado-Pantanal.The hierarchical classifications grouped the occurrence-based subregions into nine floristic zones and abundance-based subregions into two broad floristic zones.Variation in subregions were explained mainly by environmental factors and spatial structure in both occurrence and abundance data sets.The occurrence-and abundance-based subregions are complementary approaches to disentangle macroecological patterns and to plan conservation efforts in the Cerrado and the Pantanal.Our findings based on occurrence data revealed more complex and interdigitated boundaries between subregions of tree species than previously reported.The environment,historical stability,and human effects act in a synergetic way on the distribution of the subregions.Finally,the relevance of contemporary environmental factors to the subregion patterns we found alert us to the profound impact global warming may have on the spatial organization of the Cerrado-Pantanal tree flora.展开更多
Recent applications of digital photogrammetry in forestry have highlighted its utility as a viable mensuration technique.However,in tropical regions little research has been done on the accuracy of this approach for s...Recent applications of digital photogrammetry in forestry have highlighted its utility as a viable mensuration technique.However,in tropical regions little research has been done on the accuracy of this approach for stem volume calculation.In this study,the performance of Structure from Motion photogrammetry for estimating individual tree stem volume in relation to traditional approaches was evaluated.We selected 30 trees from five savanna species growing at the periphery of the W National Park in northern Benin and measured their circumferences at different heights using traditional tape and clinometer.Stem volumes of sample trees were estimated from the measured circumferences using nine volumetric formulae for solids of revolution,including cylinder,cone,paraboloid,neiloid and their respective fustrums.Each tree was photographed and stem volume determined using a taper function derived from tri-dimensional stem models.This reference volume was compared with the results of formulaic estimations.Tree stem profiles were further decomposed into different portions,approximately corresponding to the stump,butt logs and logs,and the suitability of each solid of revolution was assessed for simulating the resulting shapes.Stem volumes calculated using the fustrums of paraboloid and neiloid formulae were the closest to reference volumes with a bias and root mean square error of 8.0%and 24.4%,respectively.Stems closely resembled fustrums of a paraboloid and a neiloid.Individual stem portions assumed different solids as follows:fustrums of paraboloid and neiloid were more prevalent from the stump to breast height,while a paraboloid closely matched stem shapes beyond this point.Therefore,a more accurate stem volumetric estimate was attained when stems were considered as a composite of at least three geometric solids.展开更多
Savanna woodlands in Sudan host great biodiversity, provide a plethora of ecosystem goods and services to local communities, and sustain numerous ecological functions. Although the importance of the Acacia trees in th...Savanna woodlands in Sudan host great biodiversity, provide a plethora of ecosystem goods and services to local communities, and sustain numerous ecological functions. Although the importance of the Acacia trees in these areas is well known, up-to-date information about these woodlands' diversity is limited and changes in their woody vegetation composition, density, diversity and relative frequency are not monitored over time. This study explored tree diversity and stand stage structure in Nuara Reserved Forest, a typical savanna woodland ecosystem in southeastern Sudan. A total of 638 circular sample plots(1000 m^2 for each) were established using a systematic sampling grid method. The distance between plots was 200 m. In each plot, all living trees with diameter at breast height(DBH) ≥5.00 cm were identified and counted, and their DBH values were recorded. From these data, tree composition, diversity, density and stage structure were assessed. There were 12,259 individual trees representing four species(Acacia seyal, Balanites aegyptiaca, Acacia Senegal and Acacia mellifera) that belong to two families. The dominant species was Acacia seyal. Average tree density was 191 trees/hm^2 and the Shannon-Weiner index for trees diversity was 0.204. Overall, young trees comprised 86.30% of the forest. The state of tree richness and density in the study area was low compared to other similar environments in the region and around the world. We recommended adoption of a proper management system that includes monitoring of woody vegetation diversity in this forest, and management actions to enhance tree diversity and sustain ecosystem services to local communities. In addition to care for the dominant Acacia seyal stands, more attention and conservation should be devoted to reestablishing Acacia senegal and Acacia mellifera trees because of their high ecological and economic values for local communities.展开更多
Plants deploy various ecological strategies in response to environmental heterogeneity.In many forest ecosystems,plants have been reported to have notable inter-and intra-specific trait variation,as well as clear phyl...Plants deploy various ecological strategies in response to environmental heterogeneity.In many forest ecosystems,plants have been reported to have notable inter-and intra-specific trait variation,as well as clear phylogenetic signals,indicating that these species possess a degree of phenotypic plasticity to cope with habitat variation in the community.Savanna communities,however,grow in an open canopy structure and exhibit little species diversification,likely as a result of strong environmental stress.In this study,we hypothesized that the phylogenetic signals of savanna species would be weak,the intraspecific trait variation(ITV)would be low,and the contribution of intraspecific variation to total trait variance would be reduced,owing to low species richness,multiple stresses and relatively homogenous community structure.To test these hypotheses,we sampled dominant woody species in a dry-hot savanna in southwestern China,focusing on leaf traits related to adaptability of plants to harsh conditions(yearround intense radiation,low soil fertility and seasonal droughts).We found weak phylogenetic signals in leaf traits and low ITV(at both individual and canopy-layer levels).Intraspecific variation(including leaf-,layer-and individual-scales)contributed little to the total trait variance,whereas interspecific variation and variation in leaf phenology explained substantial variance.Our study suggests that intraspecific trait variation is reduced in savanna community.Furthermore,our findings indicate that classifying species by leaf phenology may help better understand how species coexist under similar habitats with strong stresses.展开更多
Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of integrated use of agricultural wastes and a compound mineral fertilizer on the fluxes of soil nutrients. Agricultural wastes applied were: livestock manure (...Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of integrated use of agricultural wastes and a compound mineral fertilizer on the fluxes of soil nutrients. Agricultural wastes applied were: livestock manure (cow dung and poultry litter), shoots of Chromolaena odorata and Parkia biglosa (locust bean), Neem (Azadiracta inidca) seed powder/cake and melon shell. These materials were applied at zero (control), 100% (i.e. organic wastes applied at the recommended rates of 10 t/ha) and 70% of their recommended rates plus 30% of the recommended rate of the mineral fertilizer (NPK: 400 Kg/ha). Average values of soil organic carbon (SOC) were 1.94, 1.68, 1.36 and 1.38 for organic wastes alone, organic waste plus mineral fertilizer (NPK) and unamended control. Mineral N ( N plus N) pools were relatively high at 30 and 60 days after planting, and were significantly higher for organically amended soils (550) and wastes applied at reduced rates combined with 120 kg/ha mineral NPK (470) than the unamended control (277). Across sampling dates, SOC values were the highest in poultry manure and neem seed cake. The values of N plus exchangeable N which constitutes plant available nitrogen (PAN) were significantly higher for organically amended soils and wastes applied at reduced rates combined with 120 kg/ha mineral NPK than the unamended control. The % C microbial to C organic ratio was higher in organically amended soils. The temporal profile of SOC, NH4-N and NO3-N showed declines with time, the relationship was linear for SOC (Y = 0.18x + 1.07;R2 = 0.34), by a power function for N (Y = 48.084x-1.79;R2 = 0.91) and a polynomial function for NH4-N (Y = -28.75x + 130.65x - 57.25;R2 = 0.61). The time dynamics of microbial population (cfu) followed trends obtained for SOC.展开更多
Savanna regions of Nigeria are deficient in nitrogen and phosphorus, which retard the growth and yield of crops. Therefore, a study was conducted in the wet season of 2006 at the Dry Land Teaching and Research Farm of...Savanna regions of Nigeria are deficient in nitrogen and phosphorus, which retard the growth and yield of crops. Therefore, a study was conducted in the wet season of 2006 at the Dry Land Teaching and Research Farm of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto to evaluate the effect of phosphorus on the growth and yield of two cowpea varieties sourced from Republic of Niger. Treatment consisted of four (4) rates of phosphorus (0, 20, 40, 60 kg.ha–1) factorialy combined with (2) varieties of cowpea (kvx303096G and TN5-78) and laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated three (3) times. Results showed significant response to applied P on pods per plant, grain and stover yield and 100-seed weight with highest response to the application of 60 kg.P.ha–1. From this study it can be concluded that KVX303096G and TN5-78 could both be sown under Sokoto condition to obtain reasonable yield of about 1 t.ha–1 of grain and 1.6 t.ha–1 of stover. Irrespective of the varieties, application of 60 kg P2O5 ha–1 could be recommended for higher yield of cowpea (1.4 t.ha–1) relative to 0 kg.P.ha–1 that yielded 1.0 t.ha–1.展开更多
The Sudanian savanna is a key vegetation biome in West Africa providing food and vital ecosystem services. Recently, it has been reported alarming vegetation loss in this biome, calling for more investigation, relevan...The Sudanian savanna is a key vegetation biome in West Africa providing food and vital ecosystem services. Recently, it has been reported alarming vegetation loss in this biome, calling for more investigation, relevant to tackle land degradation and ensure food security. However, vegetation dynamics in this area remains a matter of debate, and one of the main challenges is to document consistently the underlying driving factors. This study aimed at assessing vegetation trends and driving factors from 2000 to 2022. NDVI trend, detected using the Mann-Kendall’s monotonic trend test, was used as proxy to express vegetation dynamics. In addition to the non-parametric Spearman correlation analysis, variables importance scores, derived from Random Forest (RF) classifications, were used to determine key driving factors among climatic, topographic, edaphic, accessibility and demographic factors. During 2000-2022, no significant trends largely characterised the vegetation cover of the study area. However, patterns of strong (weak) browning and strong (weak) greening affected 7.1% (10.6%) and 12.8% (19.1%) of the study area respectively. According to the driving factors analysis, the observed vegetation trends were mainly driven by rainfall dynamics (trend and mean annual), population growth and anthropogenic activities. The results of this study can support the development of efficient strategies for safeguarding vegetation cover in the Sudanian savanna of Burkina Faso.展开更多
In Cameroon, most farmers rely on their perceptions for fertility evaluation and choice of agricultural land units. However, because of environmental change, this knowledge is mostly disregarded. The use of farmers' ...In Cameroon, most farmers rely on their perceptions for fertility evaluation and choice of agricultural land units. However, because of environmental change, this knowledge is mostly disregarded. The use of farmers' knowledge is important for the identification of relevant information for the choice of agricultural land units. The objective of this study was to compare farmers' perceptions of soil fertility with a conventional scientific approach in two locations of the forest margin zone of Center Cameroon. Through interviews and soil analysis, this study spelled and weighed the relationships between farmers' perceptions and soil fertility status. One hundred and twenty households' heads were interviewed and 30 soil samples collected. Farmers' perceptions were used to assess the topsoil fertility status across the studied areas, while a conventional scientific approach was used to quantify soil fertility status by the means of a soil fertility index (SFI). Results showed that farmers, for soil differentiation, used color, texture, depth, drainage and vegetation. Soil' names delivered key messages for their location. Although the low overall SFI approximated by the conventional approach, farmers' perceptions could differentiate fertility levels between soils. This knowledge is relevant for the design of technical innovations in perceived fertility niches.展开更多
Nutrient mining is one of the major threats facing crop production in Africa and inputs of nutrients are required to overcome this constraint. Greenhouse and field trials were conducted to investigate the effect of so...Nutrient mining is one of the major threats facing crop production in Africa and inputs of nutrients are required to overcome this constraint. Greenhouse and field trials were conducted to investigate the effect of sole and combined applications of neem-based and conventional compound (NPK 15-15-15) fertilizers on five crops. In another set of treatments, a factorial combination of the neem fertilizer and urea at 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha-1 was applied to maize, millet and sorghum in the field in a randomized complete block design. The results obtained on cowpea and soybean showed that application of 20 kg N hal from the neem-based compound fertilizer produced both grain and haulm yields that were comparable to what was obtained with the application of 30 kg N ha1 from the conventional fertilizer. Based on maize performance, combined application of neem-based and NPK in ratio 0.25:0.75 respectively gave significantly (P 〈 0.01) higher plant height, stem girth, shoot and dry weight compared to other treatment combinations. The causes of the interactions between the two fertilizer sources resulting in added benefits from their mixed rather than sole application could be attributed to improvement in phosphorus availability and other soil conditions.展开更多
The impacts of climate change on crop yields are receiving renewed interest,with focus on cereals and staple crops at the regional and national scales.Yet,the impacts of climate change on the yields of leguminous crop...The impacts of climate change on crop yields are receiving renewed interest,with focus on cereals and staple crops at the regional and national scales.Yet,the impacts of climate change on the yields of leguminous crops in the local context has not been explored.Thus,an in-depth understanding of climate change in the local context may support the design of locally relevant adaptation responses to current and future climate risks.This study examined the impacts of climate variables(annual rainfall,annual average temperature,rainfall indices(rainfall onset,rainfall cessation,and the length of rainy days),and the number of dry days)on the yields of leguminous crops(groundnuts,cowpeas,and soybeans)in the Guinea Savanna agroecological zone of Ghana during the period of 1989-2020.The data were analysed using Mann-Kendall’s trend,Sen’s slope test,correlation analysis,and Multiple Regression Analysis(MRA).The findings revealed that annual rainfall,annual average temperature,rainfall onset,rainfall cessation,and the length of rainy days,and the number of dry days all showed varied impacts on the yields of groundnuts,cowpeas,and soybeans.The trend analysis detected a marginal decrease in the amount of rainfall,rainfall onset,and the number of dry days from 1989 to 2020(P>0.050).Annual average temperature and the length of rainy days substantially varied(P<0.050)from 1989 to 2020,showing an increasing trend.The findings also showed a marked upward trend for the yields of groundnuts,cowpeas,and soybeans during 2005-2020.The climate variables analysed above increased the yields of groundnuts,cowpeas,and soybeans by 49.0%,55.0%,and 69.0%,respectively.The yields of groundnuts,cowpeas,and soybeans fluctuated with the variability of 30.0%,28.0%,and 27.0%from 2005 to 2020,respectively.The three leguminous crops under study demonstrated unpredictable yields due to the variations of annual rainfall,annual average temperature,rainfall onset,rainfall cessation,the length of rainy days,and the number of dry days,which stressed the need for agricultural diversification,changing planting dates,using improved seed variety,and irrigation to respond to climate change.The results of this study implied that climate change considerably impacts crop production in the Guinea Savanna agroecological zone of Ghana,emphasizing the urgency of locally based and farmer-induced adaptation measures for food security and resilient agricultural systems.展开更多
The main results of a study of pollen representation in surface soils from different plant communities in the upland savannas of Guayana were presented. The representation of savanna herb pollen mainly belonging to th...The main results of a study of pollen representation in surface soils from different plant communities in the upland savannas of Guayana were presented. The representation of savanna herb pollen mainly belonging to the Poaceae and Cyperaceae was high in open communities such as fernlands, grasslands and Mauritia palm swamps, but decreased as vegetation structure became more closed and woody;from savanna-forest borders to secondary forests and lastly, evergreen montane forests;mimicking the gradient of vegetation openness observed in living plant communities. Thus, the proportion of savanna herb pollen in herbaceous communities: swamps, fernlands and grasslands, reached over 80% and arboreal pollen contributed less than 10%. This ratio changed in savanna-forest borders where savanna herb pollen decreased to 60% or less and the proportion of arboreal pollen rose to 30% or higher. Lastly, in forest soils, pollen abundances from trees (Dimorphandra, Protium, Schefflera), shrubs (Miconia and other Melastomataceae) and lianas contributed higher than 60% of the pollen sum, even in open gallery forests and fallows. The lack of pollen from cassava, the main crop in the forests of the region, at these sites was remarkable. The ordination of sediment samples from 4 records from the Late Holocene with respect to the soil surface samples studied, showed that the characterization of pollen rain was useful for identifying long-term compositional and structural changes in the sedimentary records, thus providing objective indicators for the interpretation of past vegetation structure.展开更多
基金supported by the Chinese Academy of Forestry Science Fund(Grant Nos.CAFYBB2020QD002,CAFYBB2021MC002,CAFYBB2023ZA009)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.32171875)+1 种基金the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2023YFF1304103)the Open Bidding for Selecting the Best Candidates Project supported by National Forestry and Grassland Administration(Grant No.202401)。
文摘Savannas are distributed globally across various regions.They perform a significant socioeconomic role in regulating net primary productivity and the terrestrial carbon cycle.Owing to the high spatial heterogeneity induced by the mixed distribution of trees and grasses,current global land-cover classification maps often classify savannas as forests or grasslands Temperate savannas in China cover a vast area,yet their spatial patterns and extent remain poorly understood.This study developed a novel remote sensing temperate savannas mapping method by integrating very high-resolution(VHR)unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)and GF-6 satellite imagery based on the vegetation structure characteristics of temperate savannas using the FAO definition of savannas.Training and validation datasets were collected from VHR UAV imagery covering the main temperate savannah types with a ground area of 1818 ha.The fractional woody vegetation cover(FWVC)and fractional herbaceous vegetation cover(FHVC)in temperate savannas were estimated by integrating Classification and Regression Tree and Random Forest algorithms.The current distribution of temperate savannas in the Horqin and Otindag Sandy Lands of Eastern China was mapped to a unit area of 0.5 ha.The root-mean-square error(RMSE)values for the FWVC and FHVC models were 10.69%and 11.67%,and the R^(2)values were 0.66 and 0.63,respectively.The assessment indicated that the new temperate savanna map had high identification accuracy,with a Kappa coefficient of 0.70,overall accuracy of 0.88,and average accuracy of 0.85.Temperate savannas in the sandy lands of eastern China were primarily distributed in the northern Horqin Sandy Land the central and eastern regions of the Otindag Sandy Land,and the transition zone from the southern slopes of the Greater Khingan Mountains to the plains,covering a total area of 3.27×10^(6)ha.The main savannah types were elm,oak/maple,and shrub savannas.Elm savannas were widely distributed in the Otindag Sandy Land and the eastern and northern Horqin Sandy Land arranged in stripes and distributed alternately with mobile dunes.Oak/maple savannas were mainly found in northern Horqin Sandy Land and grew on low hills.The largest temperate savannas were shrub savannas,which were primarily distributed in the western Otindag Sandy Land and the central and western Horqin Sandy Land.This study developed a detailed map of temperate savannas in Horqin Sandy Land and Otindag Sandy Land in eastern China,providing their precise area and geographical distribution.This map can support the conservation and utilization of temperate savannas,scientific research,and decisionmaking related to combating desertification and ecosystem restoration in the sandy lands of eastern China.This method provides a new vision for precisely mapping savannas on a global scale and analyzing savanna dynamics.
基金supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (project number 31861133008)financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG, project number 410768178)
文摘Lipids may play an important role in preventing gas embolisms by coating nanobubbles in xylem sap.Few studies on xylem sap lipids have been reported for temperate plants,and it remain unclear whether sap lipids have adaptational significance in tropical plants.In this study,we quantify the lipid composition of xylem sap for angiosperm species from a tropical savanna(seven species)and a seasonal rainforest(five species)using mass spectrometry.We found that all twelve species studied contained lipids in their xylem sap,including galactolipids,phospholipids and triacylglycerol,with a total lipid concentration ranging from 0.09 to 0.26 nmol/L.There was no difference in lipid concentration or composition between plants from the two sites,and the lipid concentration was negatively related to species’open vessel volume.Furthermore,savanna species showed little variation in lipid composition between the dry and the rainy season.These results support the hypothesis that xylem sap lipids are derived from the cytoplasm of individual conduit cells,remain trapped inside individual conduits,and undergo few changes in composition over consecutive seasons.A xylem sap lipidomic data set,which includes 12 tropical tree species from this study and 11 temperate tree species from literature,revealed no phylogenetic signals in lipid composition for these species.This study fills a knowledge gap in the lipid content of xylem sap in tropical trees and provides additional support for their common distribution in xylem sap of woody angiosperms.It appears that xylem sap lipids have no adaptive significance.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31901285, 32171507, 31870385, 32301308)the CAS“Light of West China”programs to DY and JLZ+3 种基金the Yunnan Fundamental Research Projects (202001AU070128, 202401AT070230)the 14th Five-Year Plan of the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences (XTBG-1450101)German Vargas G. was supported by the NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship Programadministered by UCAR's Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS) under the NOAA Science Collaboration Program award#NA21OAR4310383。
文摘Identifying how leaf habit subdivisions link to the fast–slow and avoidance–tolerance trait tradeoffs can provide new insight into divergence in ecophysiological strategies among plant functional groups. Here, we tested a hypothesis that the differentiation across deciduous, semi-deciduous and evergreen woody species contributes to physiological trait tradeoffs in a dry-hot valley savanna. We investigated 11 photosynthetic, morphological and hydraulic traits of 24 species including 8 deciduous, 10 semi-deciduous and 6 evergreen species. Deciduous species were grouped in the fast and avoidance side associated with high values of maximum photosynthetic rates,stomatal conductance and leaf size, while evergreen species were grouped in the slow and tolerance side associated with high photosynthetic water use efficiency, leaf mass per area, sapwood density, Huber value, leaf water potential at turgor loss point and water potential causing 50% loss of stem hydraulic conductance. Semideciduous species generally had intermediate trait values and represented different physiological characteristics when compared to deciduous and evergreen species. The physiological trait tradeoffs showed a close linkage to the differentiation of these three leaf habits. Our findings clearly reveal trait tradeoffs related to fast–slow and avoidance–tolerance strategies among diverse savanna plants, suggesting a syndrome in multiple ecophysiology strategies across different leaf habits.
文摘Field experiments were conducted during 2009/10 and 2010/2011 dry seasons at the Fadama Teaching and Research Farm of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, in the Sudan Savanna ecological zone of Nigeria (latitude 13°01'N;longitude 5°15'E, altitude of 350 m above sea level) to study the effect of water stress, sowing date and cultivar on yield and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The treatments consisted of factorial combination of water stress at three critical growth stages which was imposed by withholding water at tillering, flowering, grain filling and control (no stress), four sowing dates (21st November, 5th December, 19th December and 2nd January) and two bread wheat cultivar (Star 11 TR 77173/SLM and Kuaz/Weaver), laid out in a split-plot design with three replications. Water stress and date of sowing were assigned to the main-plot, while variety was assigned to the sub-plots. Result revealed that water stress at tillering significantly reduced spike length and grains per spike. Whereas, water stress at flowering and grain filling significantly reduced 1000-grain weight, grain yield and harvest index. Results also indicated significant (P st November and 5th December and lowest at 19th December and 2nd January, therefore wheat should be sown in November or at least first week of December in this area and other area with similar climate. Variety had significant effect on spike per m-2, grain yield and harvest index. Water stress at flowering and grain filling should be avoided as they are the most critical growth stages in yield determination in wheat, because plants cannot recover, while delay in sowing resulted in reduction in yield and yield components. Star II TR 77173/SLM is therefore recommended for the area.
基金We are grateful to SaōPaulo Research Foundation for the financial support of this research and for the fellowships awarded to C.A.B.(FAPESP No.2011/19057-7)G.A.B.(FAPESP No.2012/21395-0)to Study Group of Cerrado Agroindustrial Processes(GEPPAC)of the Federal University of Grande Dourados to provide laboratories for plant material processing step.
文摘The increasing demand for safe food without preservatives or pesticides residues has encouraged several studies on natural products with antifungal activity and low toxicity.In this study,ethanolic extracts from leaves and fruit residues(peel and seeds)of three Brazilian savanna species(Acrocomia aculeata,Campomanesia adamantium and Caryocar brasiliense)were evaluated against phytopathogenic fungi.Additionally,the most active extract was chemically characterized by ESI-MS and its oral acute toxicity was evaluated.Extracts from C.brasiliense(pequi)peel and leaves were active against Alternaria alternata,Alternaria solani and Venturia pirina with minimal inhibitory concentrations between 350 and 1000 lg/mL.When incorporated in solid media,these extracts extended the lag phase of A.alternata and A.solani and reduced the growth rate of A.solani.Pequi peel extract showed better antifungal activity and their ESI-MS analysis revealed the presence of substances widely reported as antifungal such as gallic acid,quinic acid,ellagic acid,glucogalin and corilagin.The oral acute toxicity was relatively low,being considered safe for use as a potential natural fungicide.
文摘While some reports show that physical characteristics of the baru fruits (Dipteryx alata Vog.) differ within and among the Brazilian Savanna regions, a study shows that there are differences in the nutritional composition of baru almonds from different trees from the same Savanna area. It is unknown, however, whether the Savanna’s region influences the nutritional quality of this native almond. Thus, we evaluated the influence of East, Southeast and West regions of the Brazilian Savanna on physical characteristics, nutrient composition and protein quality of the baru almond. Chemical composition and amino acid profile were analyzed, and Amino Acid Score (AAS), Net Protein Ratio (NPR), and Protein Digestibility–Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) were estimated. The physical characteristics significantly differed within but not among regions. The protein (310 g kg-1), lipid (410 g·kg-1), fiber (120 g·kg-1) and calcium (1,300 mg·kg-1) contents of baru almonds were high, with significant differences among regions for insoluble fiber content (94.3 - 128.3 g·kg-1) and amino acid profile (AAS = 77% - 89%). The relative NPR (RNPR) values were similar among regions (mean value of RNPR = 71%), and the PDCAAS values ranged from 65 to 73%. The region of the Brazilian Savanna influences the fiber and amino acid profiles, but not the total content of nutrients, the protein quality and the physical characteristics of the native baru almonds. The baru almond is a potential food as source of complementary protein for healthy diets and as a nutritious raw material for various food systems.
文摘A two-year field experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of nitrogen (0, 30, 60, and 120 kg N ha^-1) and phosphorus (0, 30, and 60 kg P2O5 ha^-1) application on grain yield and yield components of five New Rice for Africa (NERICA) cultivars, their parents, and a check on a degraded soil in the moist savanna of Nigeria. Nerica 14 recorded the highest grain yield of 1.3 mg halcompared to the other NERICA cultivars. It also produced significantly (P 〈 0.05) longer panicles (19.24 cm), higher sink capacity as determined by thousand-kernel weight (30.3 g), and a higher potential for partitioning photosynthates (45.15%) into grains than the other cultivars. N × P interaction effect on grain yield was significant (P 〈 0.05) with moderate P (60 kg P2O5 ha^1) and moderate N (60 kg N ha^-1) resulting in optimum grain yield (1.7 mg ha^-1). Thus, moderate N and P were recommended for the production of NERICA varieties in low-input smallholder upland rice production systems of the moist savanna of Nigeria.
文摘remote sensing of woody vegetation in savannas has been inhibited by its complex stand structure and abundant vegetation species.An understanding of the distribution and spatial variation in savanna vegetation is critical for making timely assessments of the ecosystem conditions.This study investigated the possibility of improving the prediction of woody vegetation in tropical savannas using an approach that integrates spatial statistics and remote sensing.
基金funded by Deutscher Akademisher Austausch Dienst(DAAD)Biodiversity Monitoring Transect Analysis(BIOTA)project
文摘Based on 120 stem discs collected during3 months of fieldwork along a 12 km route,the history of fires in the Wari Maro Forest(09 1000 N–02 1000E) over the past century in savanna woodland and dry forest was reconstituted.Three major ecological areas are characterized:one highly burnt zone located between two relative less burnt areas.By analyzing tree rings,246 fire scars were identified.The scars were caused by 51 fire years,occurring at a mean interval of 2.23 years.From 1890 to1965,only 6 years with fires were recorded from sampled trees.Since 1966,no year has passed without fire.The fire frequency point scale reached 14 years.This was the case of Burkea africana,which has been identified as a species tolerant to fire and could be planted to create a natural firewall.In contrast,Anogeissus leiocarpa is highly sensitive to fire,and in a dry forest ecosystem that burns seasonally,it requires a special conservation plan.Two new concepts are described:the rebarking of trees after fire and Mean Kilometer Fire Interval.The first concept was tested with Daniellia oliveri(Rolfe) Hutch & Dalz trees,and the second concept was used to evaluate spatial fire distribution.We demonstrate that savanna woodland and dry forest were subject to a degradation process caused by destructive fires related to vegetation cover clearance and illegal logging.
基金This study was financed in part by the Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior-Brasil(CAPES)-Finance Code 001.
文摘Clear and data-driven bioregionalizations can provide a framework to test hypotheses and base biodiversity conservation.Here we used occurrence and abundance data in combination with objective analytical methods to propose two bioregionalization schemes for tree species of the Cerrado and the Pantanal in South America.We also evaluated the contribution of three sets of determinants of the occurrence-and abundance-based subregions.We compiled data on tree species composition from 894 local assemblages based on species occurrences,and from 658 local assemblages based on species abundances.We used an unconstrained community-level modelling approach and clustering techniques to identify and map tree subregions for the occurrence and the abundance data sets,separately.Hierarchical clustering analyses were conducted to investigate floristic affinities between the subregions and to map broader floristic regions.We used multinomial logistic regression models,deviance partitioning,and rank-sum tests to assess the main subregion correlates.We identified 18 occurrence-and four abundance-based subregions in the Cerrado-Pantanal.The hierarchical classifications grouped the occurrence-based subregions into nine floristic zones and abundance-based subregions into two broad floristic zones.Variation in subregions were explained mainly by environmental factors and spatial structure in both occurrence and abundance data sets.The occurrence-and abundance-based subregions are complementary approaches to disentangle macroecological patterns and to plan conservation efforts in the Cerrado and the Pantanal.Our findings based on occurrence data revealed more complex and interdigitated boundaries between subregions of tree species than previously reported.The environment,historical stability,and human effects act in a synergetic way on the distribution of the subregions.Finally,the relevance of contemporary environmental factors to the subregion patterns we found alert us to the profound impact global warming may have on the spatial organization of the Cerrado-Pantanal tree flora.
基金The work was supported by the International Foundation for Science(Grant No:I-1-D-60661).
文摘Recent applications of digital photogrammetry in forestry have highlighted its utility as a viable mensuration technique.However,in tropical regions little research has been done on the accuracy of this approach for stem volume calculation.In this study,the performance of Structure from Motion photogrammetry for estimating individual tree stem volume in relation to traditional approaches was evaluated.We selected 30 trees from five savanna species growing at the periphery of the W National Park in northern Benin and measured their circumferences at different heights using traditional tape and clinometer.Stem volumes of sample trees were estimated from the measured circumferences using nine volumetric formulae for solids of revolution,including cylinder,cone,paraboloid,neiloid and their respective fustrums.Each tree was photographed and stem volume determined using a taper function derived from tri-dimensional stem models.This reference volume was compared with the results of formulaic estimations.Tree stem profiles were further decomposed into different portions,approximately corresponding to the stump,butt logs and logs,and the suitability of each solid of revolution was assessed for simulating the resulting shapes.Stem volumes calculated using the fustrums of paraboloid and neiloid formulae were the closest to reference volumes with a bias and root mean square error of 8.0%and 24.4%,respectively.Stems closely resembled fustrums of a paraboloid and a neiloid.Individual stem portions assumed different solids as follows:fustrums of paraboloid and neiloid were more prevalent from the stump to breast height,while a paraboloid closely matched stem shapes beyond this point.Therefore,a more accurate stem volumetric estimate was attained when stems were considered as a composite of at least three geometric solids.
文摘Savanna woodlands in Sudan host great biodiversity, provide a plethora of ecosystem goods and services to local communities, and sustain numerous ecological functions. Although the importance of the Acacia trees in these areas is well known, up-to-date information about these woodlands' diversity is limited and changes in their woody vegetation composition, density, diversity and relative frequency are not monitored over time. This study explored tree diversity and stand stage structure in Nuara Reserved Forest, a typical savanna woodland ecosystem in southeastern Sudan. A total of 638 circular sample plots(1000 m^2 for each) were established using a systematic sampling grid method. The distance between plots was 200 m. In each plot, all living trees with diameter at breast height(DBH) ≥5.00 cm were identified and counted, and their DBH values were recorded. From these data, tree composition, diversity, density and stage structure were assessed. There were 12,259 individual trees representing four species(Acacia seyal, Balanites aegyptiaca, Acacia Senegal and Acacia mellifera) that belong to two families. The dominant species was Acacia seyal. Average tree density was 191 trees/hm^2 and the Shannon-Weiner index for trees diversity was 0.204. Overall, young trees comprised 86.30% of the forest. The state of tree richness and density in the study area was low compared to other similar environments in the region and around the world. We recommended adoption of a proper management system that includes monitoring of woody vegetation diversity in this forest, and management actions to enhance tree diversity and sustain ecosystem services to local communities. In addition to care for the dominant Acacia seyal stands, more attention and conservation should be devoted to reestablishing Acacia senegal and Acacia mellifera trees because of their high ecological and economic values for local communities.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31870410 and Dimensions US-China:32061123003)the Chinese Academy of Sciences Youth Innovation Promotion Association,the West Light Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ten Thousand Talents Program of Yunnan(YNWR-QNBJ-2018-309)。
文摘Plants deploy various ecological strategies in response to environmental heterogeneity.In many forest ecosystems,plants have been reported to have notable inter-and intra-specific trait variation,as well as clear phylogenetic signals,indicating that these species possess a degree of phenotypic plasticity to cope with habitat variation in the community.Savanna communities,however,grow in an open canopy structure and exhibit little species diversification,likely as a result of strong environmental stress.In this study,we hypothesized that the phylogenetic signals of savanna species would be weak,the intraspecific trait variation(ITV)would be low,and the contribution of intraspecific variation to total trait variance would be reduced,owing to low species richness,multiple stresses and relatively homogenous community structure.To test these hypotheses,we sampled dominant woody species in a dry-hot savanna in southwestern China,focusing on leaf traits related to adaptability of plants to harsh conditions(yearround intense radiation,low soil fertility and seasonal droughts).We found weak phylogenetic signals in leaf traits and low ITV(at both individual and canopy-layer levels).Intraspecific variation(including leaf-,layer-and individual-scales)contributed little to the total trait variance,whereas interspecific variation and variation in leaf phenology explained substantial variance.Our study suggests that intraspecific trait variation is reduced in savanna community.Furthermore,our findings indicate that classifying species by leaf phenology may help better understand how species coexist under similar habitats with strong stresses.
文摘Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of integrated use of agricultural wastes and a compound mineral fertilizer on the fluxes of soil nutrients. Agricultural wastes applied were: livestock manure (cow dung and poultry litter), shoots of Chromolaena odorata and Parkia biglosa (locust bean), Neem (Azadiracta inidca) seed powder/cake and melon shell. These materials were applied at zero (control), 100% (i.e. organic wastes applied at the recommended rates of 10 t/ha) and 70% of their recommended rates plus 30% of the recommended rate of the mineral fertilizer (NPK: 400 Kg/ha). Average values of soil organic carbon (SOC) were 1.94, 1.68, 1.36 and 1.38 for organic wastes alone, organic waste plus mineral fertilizer (NPK) and unamended control. Mineral N ( N plus N) pools were relatively high at 30 and 60 days after planting, and were significantly higher for organically amended soils (550) and wastes applied at reduced rates combined with 120 kg/ha mineral NPK (470) than the unamended control (277). Across sampling dates, SOC values were the highest in poultry manure and neem seed cake. The values of N plus exchangeable N which constitutes plant available nitrogen (PAN) were significantly higher for organically amended soils and wastes applied at reduced rates combined with 120 kg/ha mineral NPK than the unamended control. The % C microbial to C organic ratio was higher in organically amended soils. The temporal profile of SOC, NH4-N and NO3-N showed declines with time, the relationship was linear for SOC (Y = 0.18x + 1.07;R2 = 0.34), by a power function for N (Y = 48.084x-1.79;R2 = 0.91) and a polynomial function for NH4-N (Y = -28.75x + 130.65x - 57.25;R2 = 0.61). The time dynamics of microbial population (cfu) followed trends obtained for SOC.
文摘Savanna regions of Nigeria are deficient in nitrogen and phosphorus, which retard the growth and yield of crops. Therefore, a study was conducted in the wet season of 2006 at the Dry Land Teaching and Research Farm of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto to evaluate the effect of phosphorus on the growth and yield of two cowpea varieties sourced from Republic of Niger. Treatment consisted of four (4) rates of phosphorus (0, 20, 40, 60 kg.ha–1) factorialy combined with (2) varieties of cowpea (kvx303096G and TN5-78) and laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated three (3) times. Results showed significant response to applied P on pods per plant, grain and stover yield and 100-seed weight with highest response to the application of 60 kg.P.ha–1. From this study it can be concluded that KVX303096G and TN5-78 could both be sown under Sokoto condition to obtain reasonable yield of about 1 t.ha–1 of grain and 1.6 t.ha–1 of stover. Irrespective of the varieties, application of 60 kg P2O5 ha–1 could be recommended for higher yield of cowpea (1.4 t.ha–1) relative to 0 kg.P.ha–1 that yielded 1.0 t.ha–1.
文摘The Sudanian savanna is a key vegetation biome in West Africa providing food and vital ecosystem services. Recently, it has been reported alarming vegetation loss in this biome, calling for more investigation, relevant to tackle land degradation and ensure food security. However, vegetation dynamics in this area remains a matter of debate, and one of the main challenges is to document consistently the underlying driving factors. This study aimed at assessing vegetation trends and driving factors from 2000 to 2022. NDVI trend, detected using the Mann-Kendall’s monotonic trend test, was used as proxy to express vegetation dynamics. In addition to the non-parametric Spearman correlation analysis, variables importance scores, derived from Random Forest (RF) classifications, were used to determine key driving factors among climatic, topographic, edaphic, accessibility and demographic factors. During 2000-2022, no significant trends largely characterised the vegetation cover of the study area. However, patterns of strong (weak) browning and strong (weak) greening affected 7.1% (10.6%) and 12.8% (19.1%) of the study area respectively. According to the driving factors analysis, the observed vegetation trends were mainly driven by rainfall dynamics (trend and mean annual), population growth and anthropogenic activities. The results of this study can support the development of efficient strategies for safeguarding vegetation cover in the Sudanian savanna of Burkina Faso.
文摘In Cameroon, most farmers rely on their perceptions for fertility evaluation and choice of agricultural land units. However, because of environmental change, this knowledge is mostly disregarded. The use of farmers' knowledge is important for the identification of relevant information for the choice of agricultural land units. The objective of this study was to compare farmers' perceptions of soil fertility with a conventional scientific approach in two locations of the forest margin zone of Center Cameroon. Through interviews and soil analysis, this study spelled and weighed the relationships between farmers' perceptions and soil fertility status. One hundred and twenty households' heads were interviewed and 30 soil samples collected. Farmers' perceptions were used to assess the topsoil fertility status across the studied areas, while a conventional scientific approach was used to quantify soil fertility status by the means of a soil fertility index (SFI). Results showed that farmers, for soil differentiation, used color, texture, depth, drainage and vegetation. Soil' names delivered key messages for their location. Although the low overall SFI approximated by the conventional approach, farmers' perceptions could differentiate fertility levels between soils. This knowledge is relevant for the design of technical innovations in perceived fertility niches.
文摘Nutrient mining is one of the major threats facing crop production in Africa and inputs of nutrients are required to overcome this constraint. Greenhouse and field trials were conducted to investigate the effect of sole and combined applications of neem-based and conventional compound (NPK 15-15-15) fertilizers on five crops. In another set of treatments, a factorial combination of the neem fertilizer and urea at 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha-1 was applied to maize, millet and sorghum in the field in a randomized complete block design. The results obtained on cowpea and soybean showed that application of 20 kg N hal from the neem-based compound fertilizer produced both grain and haulm yields that were comparable to what was obtained with the application of 30 kg N ha1 from the conventional fertilizer. Based on maize performance, combined application of neem-based and NPK in ratio 0.25:0.75 respectively gave significantly (P 〈 0.01) higher plant height, stem girth, shoot and dry weight compared to other treatment combinations. The causes of the interactions between the two fertilizer sources resulting in added benefits from their mixed rather than sole application could be attributed to improvement in phosphorus availability and other soil conditions.
文摘The impacts of climate change on crop yields are receiving renewed interest,with focus on cereals and staple crops at the regional and national scales.Yet,the impacts of climate change on the yields of leguminous crops in the local context has not been explored.Thus,an in-depth understanding of climate change in the local context may support the design of locally relevant adaptation responses to current and future climate risks.This study examined the impacts of climate variables(annual rainfall,annual average temperature,rainfall indices(rainfall onset,rainfall cessation,and the length of rainy days),and the number of dry days)on the yields of leguminous crops(groundnuts,cowpeas,and soybeans)in the Guinea Savanna agroecological zone of Ghana during the period of 1989-2020.The data were analysed using Mann-Kendall’s trend,Sen’s slope test,correlation analysis,and Multiple Regression Analysis(MRA).The findings revealed that annual rainfall,annual average temperature,rainfall onset,rainfall cessation,and the length of rainy days,and the number of dry days all showed varied impacts on the yields of groundnuts,cowpeas,and soybeans.The trend analysis detected a marginal decrease in the amount of rainfall,rainfall onset,and the number of dry days from 1989 to 2020(P>0.050).Annual average temperature and the length of rainy days substantially varied(P<0.050)from 1989 to 2020,showing an increasing trend.The findings also showed a marked upward trend for the yields of groundnuts,cowpeas,and soybeans during 2005-2020.The climate variables analysed above increased the yields of groundnuts,cowpeas,and soybeans by 49.0%,55.0%,and 69.0%,respectively.The yields of groundnuts,cowpeas,and soybeans fluctuated with the variability of 30.0%,28.0%,and 27.0%from 2005 to 2020,respectively.The three leguminous crops under study demonstrated unpredictable yields due to the variations of annual rainfall,annual average temperature,rainfall onset,rainfall cessation,the length of rainy days,and the number of dry days,which stressed the need for agricultural diversification,changing planting dates,using improved seed variety,and irrigation to respond to climate change.The results of this study implied that climate change considerably impacts crop production in the Guinea Savanna agroecological zone of Ghana,emphasizing the urgency of locally based and farmer-induced adaptation measures for food security and resilient agricultural systems.
文摘The main results of a study of pollen representation in surface soils from different plant communities in the upland savannas of Guayana were presented. The representation of savanna herb pollen mainly belonging to the Poaceae and Cyperaceae was high in open communities such as fernlands, grasslands and Mauritia palm swamps, but decreased as vegetation structure became more closed and woody;from savanna-forest borders to secondary forests and lastly, evergreen montane forests;mimicking the gradient of vegetation openness observed in living plant communities. Thus, the proportion of savanna herb pollen in herbaceous communities: swamps, fernlands and grasslands, reached over 80% and arboreal pollen contributed less than 10%. This ratio changed in savanna-forest borders where savanna herb pollen decreased to 60% or less and the proportion of arboreal pollen rose to 30% or higher. Lastly, in forest soils, pollen abundances from trees (Dimorphandra, Protium, Schefflera), shrubs (Miconia and other Melastomataceae) and lianas contributed higher than 60% of the pollen sum, even in open gallery forests and fallows. The lack of pollen from cassava, the main crop in the forests of the region, at these sites was remarkable. The ordination of sediment samples from 4 records from the Late Holocene with respect to the soil surface samples studied, showed that the characterization of pollen rain was useful for identifying long-term compositional and structural changes in the sedimentary records, thus providing objective indicators for the interpretation of past vegetation structure.