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作者 杨永 王嘉孺 +6 位作者 张瑛 张江银 孟媛 樊杭 韦嘉雯 黄蓉 覃惠娟 《卫生职业教育》 2025年第1期67-71,共5页
目的了解广西中医药大学护理专业本科生(以下简称护生)实习中期对临床实习的认知情况以及真实感受,为护生临床实习培养机制完善提供理论依据。方法采用目的抽样法,选取8名处于实习中期的护生进行半结构化访谈,收集并分析资料。结果共提... 目的了解广西中医药大学护理专业本科生(以下简称护生)实习中期对临床实习的认知情况以及真实感受,为护生临床实习培养机制完善提供理论依据。方法采用目的抽样法,选取8名处于实习中期的护生进行半结构化访谈,收集并分析资料。结果共提炼出3个主题和7个副主题。包括临床教学问题,体现在实习安排、带教方式、考核内容与方法;实习中期的心理状态,体现在负面情绪、学习工作压力;个人成长与发展,体现在提升专业技术、未来职业发展。结论实习期间的中期考核是对护生理论知识、临床能力和身心状况等方面的综合考评。学校和医院应参考实习护生的相关需求完善实习安排,关心护生心理健康,提高其专业技术,增强职业认同感,从而保证护理人才队伍的稳定。 展开更多
关键词 中医院校 护理本科生 临床实习
作者 杨丽颖 郭永合 +1 位作者 雷新宁 路露 《卫生职业教育》 2025年第2期72-75,共4页
目的探讨基于微信平台的清单式教学模式在护理实习带教中的应用效果。方法选取在宁夏医科大学总医院胸外科实习的护理学专业学生作为研究对象,按照临床实习时间先后分为对照组(n=50)和实验组(n=48),对照组采用一对一传统的跟班式教学模... 目的探讨基于微信平台的清单式教学模式在护理实习带教中的应用效果。方法选取在宁夏医科大学总医院胸外科实习的护理学专业学生作为研究对象,按照临床实习时间先后分为对照组(n=50)和实验组(n=48),对照组采用一对一传统的跟班式教学模式,实验组采用基于微信平台的清单式教学模式。实习结束后,比较两组护生理论与实践综合测评成绩、对实习带教的满意度评分以及带教教师对两组护生的满意度评分。结果实验组护生出科理论和实践综合测评成绩均高于对照组(P<0.05);实验组护生对实习带教的满意度评分高于对照组(P<0.05);带教教师对实验组护生的满意度评分高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论基于微信平台的清单式教学模式可保证护理实习带教效果,提高护生带教满意度,提升临床护理实习带教质量。 展开更多
关键词 清单式教学 微信平台 护理实习带教 胸外科
作者 刘意 李莉 +3 位作者 朱菲 刘红妹 张睿莹 刘丽华 《护理学杂志》 北大核心 2025年第2期9-13,26,共6页
目的辨识实习护生社交猜疑的潜在剖面,探究其与生涯适应力的关系。方法2024年5-7月,采用一般资料问卷、社交猜疑量表中文版及简版生涯适应力量表对便利选取的湖南省3所三级甲等综合医院的610名实习护生进行调查。采取潜在剖面分析识别... 目的辨识实习护生社交猜疑的潜在剖面,探究其与生涯适应力的关系。方法2024年5-7月,采用一般资料问卷、社交猜疑量表中文版及简版生涯适应力量表对便利选取的湖南省3所三级甲等综合医院的610名实习护生进行调查。采取潜在剖面分析识别社交猜疑的潜在剖面,运用多元logistic回归分析其影响因素,采用单因素方差分析比较不同社交猜疑组别护生的生涯适应力水平。结果实习护生的社交猜疑可分为低猜疑-高信任组(69.5%)、较低猜疑-高自我保护意识组(24.9%)和中等猜疑-低信任组(5.6%)3种潜在剖面。多元logistic回归分析结果显示,经常联系的好友数量、朋友背叛史和实习满意度是实习护生社交猜疑潜在剖面的影响因素(均P<0.05)。三组护生的生涯适应力及各维度得分差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论实习护生的社交猜疑水平存在明显的异质性,且社交猜疑影响生涯适应力水平。建议根据影响因素对不同类别社交猜疑实习护生实施干预,以期提升其生涯适应力。 展开更多
关键词 实习护生 社交猜疑 生涯适应力 心理健康 角色适应 实习满意度 朋友背叛 护理教育
作者 王凯 原华 《中国现代教育装备》 2025年第1期107-109,共3页
作为土木工程专业实习教学的重要组成部分,生产实习十分注重实践教学,符合新时代背景下的人才培养需求。当前,研究性教学已经成为培养具备创新能力人才的重要手段。分析了研究性教学对提升学生实践能力、培养自主学习能力和团队协作能... 作为土木工程专业实习教学的重要组成部分,生产实习十分注重实践教学,符合新时代背景下的人才培养需求。当前,研究性教学已经成为培养具备创新能力人才的重要手段。分析了研究性教学对提升学生实践能力、培养自主学习能力和团队协作能力的重要作用,探索了将研究性教学引入土木工程专业实习教学的路径,提出了注重问题驱动式教学、加强启发性教学和完善综合性评价与反馈机制等教学策略。经过实践,教学改革取得了良好的效果,为培养新时代背景下的高素质创新型人才奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 研究性教学 土木工程 生产实习 本科教学
作者 张珍珍 吴洪成 《衡水学院学报》 2025年第1期115-123,共9页
津沽大学家政系从1945年设立至1953年停办,历经7年多的发展,其办学背景、演变过程和阶段特征反映了当时社会对女性教育的需求和期待。家政系的教育目标从培养治家人才转变为保育师资,课程设置融合多元学科,兼具科学严谨与实用实效;教师... 津沽大学家政系从1945年设立至1953年停办,历经7年多的发展,其办学背景、演变过程和阶段特征反映了当时社会对女性教育的需求和期待。家政系的教育目标从培养治家人才转变为保育师资,课程设置融合多元学科,兼具科学严谨与实用实效;教师聘任制度和学生选拔制度严格,教师队伍由国内外知名学者组成,学生多为家庭经济条件较好的女生;教学实习活动多种多样,教学考评严格规范,注重实践能力的培养。津沽大学家政系的办学经验对当今家政学科建设具有重要的参考价值,特别是在家政学专业学科及其师资队伍建设、不同层次家政专业人才培养等方面提供了启示。 展开更多
关键词 津沽大学 家政系 家政教育 实习活动 办学活动
作者 郝慧慧 冯安华 +2 位作者 马晓林 李敖 丁传华 《国际医药卫生导报》 2025年第4期539-542,共4页
随着医疗水平的持续提升,临床药学作用愈发凸显,为满足医疗机构对临床药学专业人才的需求,改进实习带教模式势在必行。本文深入探讨SOAP思维模式下问题教学法联合案例教学法在临床药学实习带教中的应用。该模式通过案例导入、学生分组... 随着医疗水平的持续提升,临床药学作用愈发凸显,为满足医疗机构对临床药学专业人才的需求,改进实习带教模式势在必行。本文深入探讨SOAP思维模式下问题教学法联合案例教学法在临床药学实习带教中的应用。该模式通过案例导入、学生分组自主学习、小组讨论与汇报、评估与反馈等环节,提高学生的临床思维能力、问题解决能力及团队协作能力。这种教学模式可有效弥补传统带教方法的不足,提升学生学习积极性、综合能力及知识掌握程度。 展开更多
关键词 临床药学 SOAP PBL CBL 实习带教 进展
作者 孟繁媛 陈茉弦 +3 位作者 李柯蓉 邢志中 敖丽娟 徐璇 《昆明医科大学学报》 2025年第1期160-166,共7页
目的探究校内康复门诊的临床见习模式对物理治疗专业学生临床实践能力和就业意向的影响。方法选取昆明医科大学2020级康复物理治疗专业60名学生为研究对象,大二上学期根据随机原则分为校内康复门诊三阶段式临床见习组(n=30)和常规临床... 目的探究校内康复门诊的临床见习模式对物理治疗专业学生临床实践能力和就业意向的影响。方法选取昆明医科大学2020级康复物理治疗专业60名学生为研究对象,大二上学期根据随机原则分为校内康复门诊三阶段式临床见习组(n=30)和常规临床见习组(n=30)。三阶段式临床见习组按照培养目标在校内康复门诊完成三阶段的临床见习,常规临床见习组根据见习大纲要求完成临床见习。在全部临床见习结束时使用专业核心课程理论综合考试、物理治疗临床实践评估量表(APP)、就业意向调查表对两组进行临床见习后效果的评估。结果两组在完成所有见习任务后,专业核心课程理论综合考分数比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组物理治疗临床实践评估总分比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。细分评估中专业行为、沟通、评估三阶段见习组优于常规组(P<0.05)。两组分析和计划、干预、循证实践、风险管理比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。就业意向调查三阶段见习组70%的学生愿意到康复门诊或诊所工作,而常规组只有46.6%,两组就业意向比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论校内康复门诊的三阶段见习模式不仅可提高学生的临床实践能力,并增加学生到康复门诊或诊所就业信心,从而可拓宽康复物理治疗专业学生的就业途径。 展开更多
关键词 校内康复门诊 临床见习 实践能力 就业
作者 秦思 张尹棣 +1 位作者 倪银星 钟健 《中国继续医学教育》 2025年第1期176-180,共5页
内分泌学作为内科学的重要学科分支,具有病种多、疾病复杂、知识抽象等特点,在信息化、数字化时代,单一的传统临床实习教学模式已经跟不上时代发展的需要,为有效提高临床教学中实习生的内分泌专业综合素质,基于网络信息化技术的远程实... 内分泌学作为内科学的重要学科分支,具有病种多、疾病复杂、知识抽象等特点,在信息化、数字化时代,单一的传统临床实习教学模式已经跟不上时代发展的需要,为有效提高临床教学中实习生的内分泌专业综合素质,基于网络信息化技术的远程实习教学提供了一种新的教学模式。目前,远程实习教学实施中存在设备设施及教学资源准备不足、质量管控难度大等问题,必须依托现有信息化、数字化技术,最大限度模拟还原真实临床实践情景,科学、系统地设计一整套基于信息化技术的临床教学课程体系建设、师资队伍培养方案、临床教学设备设施建立、信息化管理平台构建及创新性教学方法等,使临床教学向更广、更深的方向拓展。 展开更多
关键词 内分泌科 临床教学 实习 主阵地 远程教学 信息化
作者 孟艳琴 赵瑞媛 +2 位作者 王雅利 柴霞 徐丽 《现代畜牧科技》 2025年第1期123-125,共3页
高职院校动物医学专业的顶岗实习是培养学生实践能力和专业技能的重要环节。然而,当前在实习管理中存在诸多难点,包括实习岗位与专业对接不足、实习指导和监督困难、实习内容单调,以及安全管理不足等。这些问题不仅影响了学生的实习体验... 高职院校动物医学专业的顶岗实习是培养学生实践能力和专业技能的重要环节。然而,当前在实习管理中存在诸多难点,包括实习岗位与专业对接不足、实习指导和监督困难、实习内容单调,以及安全管理不足等。这些问题不仅影响了学生的实习体验,也制约了他们的职业能力提升。针对这些挑战,该文分析了动物医学专业顶岗实习中的主要管理难点,并提出相应的对策,包括优化校企合作机制、探索现代合作模式、加强信息化管理平台建设以及提升实习指导与支持。通过这些措施,旨在改善实习管理质量,提高学生的实践效果,进而提升动物医学专业学生的综合职业素养和就业竞争力。 展开更多
关键词 动物医学 高职教育 顶岗实习 管理难点 对策
作者 王长丽 苏锦清 +2 位作者 叶广彬 宾晓芸 梁凯芬 《高教学刊》 2025年第S1期169-172,共4页
该文通过论述“三全育人”这一新时代教育背景下医学生实习前阶段开展思政教育的重要性,同时,总结医学院该阶段开展传统思政教育课程中普遍存在的问题,从而探索医学生实习前阶段开展思政教育的新路径。该阶段的思政教育需要提升教学者... 该文通过论述“三全育人”这一新时代教育背景下医学生实习前阶段开展思政教育的重要性,同时,总结医学院该阶段开展传统思政教育课程中普遍存在的问题,从而探索医学生实习前阶段开展思政教育的新路径。该阶段的思政教育需要提升教学者和医学生对思政教育的重视程度、切实结合学生专业特长、强化榜样模范作用、融入地域和红色文化拓展思政课程内容及建立长效反馈监测机制,以期进一步完善社会对医学人才的育人保障及满足医学生对个人发展的需求。 展开更多
关键词 三全育人 医学院校 医学生 实习前 思政教育
作者 王帅 马海涛 +5 位作者 蔡瑜娇 田蜜 彪丹 李小龙 肖卫东 邱远 《中国继续医学教育》 2025年第1期97-102,共6页
目的探究BOPPPS结合线上线下混合教学在普通外科临床实习带教中的应用效果。方法选取2023年1—10月陆军军医大学第二附属医院普通外科参加临床实习医师80名,按照随机数字表法分为对照组和试验组,各40名。对照组采用传统教学的模式进行... 目的探究BOPPPS结合线上线下混合教学在普通外科临床实习带教中的应用效果。方法选取2023年1—10月陆军军医大学第二附属医院普通外科参加临床实习医师80名,按照随机数字表法分为对照组和试验组,各40名。对照组采用传统教学的模式进行临床带教,试验组采用BOPPPS结合线上线下混合教学的方式。所有实习医师轮转1个月,轮转结束后通过理论考试成绩、Mini-CEX技能考核成绩和实习医师的教学满意度问卷调查进行教学效果评估,比较2组实习医师对专业知识的掌握程度的差异。结果出科时,试验组的实习医师的理论考试成绩、Mini-CEX技能考核平均成绩分别为(86.25±4.25)分、(90.50±4.50)分,均高于对照组的(78.25±5.25)分、(72.50±3.50)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。问卷调查结果显示,试验组实习医师的授课法满意度更好,对教学效果的评价也更高。结论BOPPPS结合线上线下混合教学是一种行之有效的教学模式,有利于提高普通外科实习医师的教学质量,且实习医师的接受度更高。 展开更多
关键词 BOPPPS 线上线下混合教学 互联网教学 普通外科 实习带教 教学方法
Avoiding the Gap of College Students’ Internship Expectations and Perceptions—A Case Study in Taiwan 被引量:1
作者 Yi-An Hou 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2018年第8期531-551,共21页
Internship is believed to be vital in bridging the gap of theory and practice because of its providing students many realities they couldn’t find on campus. In fact, successful internships can play the role of “win-... Internship is believed to be vital in bridging the gap of theory and practice because of its providing students many realities they couldn’t find on campus. In fact, successful internships can play the role of “win-win-win” triangular partnership among schools, students, and industries, especially to benefit students to well equip themselves for good opportunities in the future career development. However, internship experiences that fail to meet students’ expectation may also discourage them or turn them away from entering the industry. Hence, to be aware of and to avoid the potential gap of students’ expectation cannot be underestimated. The study aimed to explore students’ expectation of internships from an aspect of gender and multiple intelligences expecting to avoid the potential gap beforehand. Subjects were eighty college Hospitality students who were ready to conduct their internships out of campus. They helped to fill out the questionnaires dealing with their personal demographic information, multiple intelligences, and expectations of internship. Findings revealed that genders and multiple intelligences did make a difference in students’ expectations of internship which may bring about frustration or disappointment in their real internship world. Suggestions and implications for the triangular partnership of schools, students, and industries were provided with a better understanding of factors relevant to students’ expectations for a more appropriate internship program to avoid the potential gap in advance. 展开更多
Exploring internship nursing students’ perception of gerontological nursing competencies: A descriptive study at Cairo University Hospitals 被引量:1
作者 Naglaa El-Sayed ELDARDERY Ebtesam Mo’awad El-Sayed EBIED +6 位作者 Yousef MOHAMMED Kholoud KHODARY Basmala MOHAMMED Sara MOHAMMED Kholoud MOHAMMED Ahmed KAMAL Mostafa SHABAN 《Journal of Integrative Nursing》 2023年第4期235-242,共8页
Objective:This research study explores the perceptions of gerontological nursing competencies,attitudes toward older individuals,and the willingness to provide care for the elderly among internship nursing students.Ma... Objective:This research study explores the perceptions of gerontological nursing competencies,attitudes toward older individuals,and the willingness to provide care for the elderly among internship nursing students.Materials and Methods:A convenience sample of 350 internship nursing students from Cairo University Faculty of Nursing participated in the study.Data were collected using a set of comprehensive tools,including personal data and work experience assessment,the Hartford geriatric nurse competency tool,Kogan’s attitudes toward old people scale,and the modified elderly patient care inventory.Results:Descriptive analysis revealed balanced gender representation,with 60%identifying as female.Seventy percent of participants reported prior experience in gerontological care.Self-assessed competency scores indicated moderate proficiency in communication,physiological changes,and functional status assessment.Areas such as pain management and restraint use demonstrated potential gaps in self-perceived skills.Attitudes toward older individuals were predominantly positive,and the willingness to provide care showed positive tendencies,with a minor degree of hesitation noted.Conclusion:The findings underscore the need for targeted interventions in nursing education to address competency gaps,enhance positive attitudes,and alleviate potential hesitations in caregiving for older individuals.As the elderly population continues to grow,nursing education programs must prepare future practitioners to deliver comprehensive and compassionate care tailored to the unique needs of older adults. 展开更多
关键词 ATTITUDES competencies elderly care gerontological nursing internship nursing students WILLINGNESS
Evaluating of Training and Internship Programs of University Hospitals
作者 Farzianpour Fereshteh Emami Amir Hossein Hosseini Shayan 《Health》 CAS 2016年第7期658-663,共6页
Objective: This study aimed to assess training and internship programs (courses) of basic and clinical sciences in hospitals based on surveying the students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Material and Metho... Objective: This study aimed to assess training and internship programs (courses) of basic and clinical sciences in hospitals based on surveying the students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Material and Methods: The present study was a cross-sectional one with survey descriptive designs. The data collection tool was a questionnaire with 14 five-point likert style items. The Research and Development Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences surveyed all 185 students of training and internship programs, using a questionnaire with the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 81%, for the purpose of adjusting the education to the society’s needs and improving its quality. Result: The mean scores of the assessment of training and internship programs were 3.32%, 2.98%, 3.38% and 3.29%, respectively for theoretical classroom training related to practical training, mental, communicational and practical skills courses. The students’ satisfaction rate regarding the quality of educational courses of training and internship programs was 50.2%. Conclusion: Educational authorities have made necessary attempts to implement these programs and use potential resources for realizing the objectives and achieving the educational quality;however, they should make further attempts in this regard. 展开更多
关键词 EVALUATING Training and internship Courses Hospitals UNIVERSITY
Analysis of Combining OBE and CBL in Pharmacy Internship 被引量:1
作者 Yuqiong Yang Yanyan Wu +1 位作者 Yanmei Fa Qionglian Wu 《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 2023年第6期71-77,共7页
Talent training has been emphasized in China’s national development.Training an excellent pharmaceutical professional has far-reaching significance for promoting rational use of drugs,ensuring safe drug use,and impro... Talent training has been emphasized in China’s national development.Training an excellent pharmaceutical professional has far-reaching significance for promoting rational use of drugs,ensuring safe drug use,and improving the quality and safety of medical treatment.The internship program is an important part of a pharmacy major that serves to develop students’practical skills.In this paper,we propose a combination of outcome-based education(OBE)and case-based learning(CBL)in pharmacy internships to promote critical thinking and independent learning among students and ensure the sustainable development of pharmacy education. 展开更多
关键词 Outcome-based education Case-based learning Teaching methods Pharmacy internship
Insights from the University of Cincinnati Paid Internship Education Program
作者 Jieli Chen 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2020年第11期29-32,共4页
The University of Cincinnati is the birthplace of the paid internship program in the world and it has the most number of compulsory paid internship programs in the United States.Their paid internship education program... The University of Cincinnati is the birthplace of the paid internship program in the world and it has the most number of compulsory paid internship programs in the United States.Their paid internship education program has rich experience and remarkable results in curriculum arrangement,internship management and government support.However,the internship for vocational colleges in China faces problems such as low enthusiasm from industry,difficulty in internship management and insufficient government support.Drawing on the experience of paid internship education in the United States,the school and the industry jointly planned the internship training program,and finally established a collaboration model that benefits the three parties of the academia,the industry and the students. 展开更多
关键词 Paid internship Vocational internship Academic-industrial collaboration Work-study combination Paid internship consultant
Hospitality and Tourism International Internships and Perceived Employability
作者 Greg Gannon 《Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management》 2020年第4期161-174,共14页
This paper investigates the experiences of UK undergraduate students who have undertaken a one year paid internship abroad within the hotel sector by using a phenomenological approach.Semi-structured interviews were c... This paper investigates the experiences of UK undergraduate students who have undertaken a one year paid internship abroad within the hotel sector by using a phenomenological approach.Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 final year undergraduate students.The findings shed light on the alignment of key elements of the constructs of positive psychological capital and cosmopolitan human capital,along with strong self-belief in employability as a consequence of the experience.A theoretical model of international experience and positive psych-social development is postulated and contributes to improved practice in internship and employability mentoring and policy decision-making with respect to current internationalisation and employability agendas in the UK’s higher education system. 展开更多
关键词 internships INTERNATIONAL experience EMPLOYABILITY COSMOPOLITAN human CAPITAL positive psychological CAPITAL
Analysis of the Role of Chinese and American Supervisors of Internship Placement-Taking the Universityof Cincinnat's School-Enterprise Cooperation Model as an Example
作者 Jieli Chen 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2020年第12期52-55,共4页
The University of Cincinnati is the birthplace of the global paid internship program and has the most professional paid internship instructors in the United States.The University of Cincinnati has the most professiona... The University of Cincinnati is the birthplace of the global paid internship program and has the most professional paid internship instructors in the United States.The University of Cincinnati has the most professional paid internship instructors in the United States.However,China's higher education institutions started their internship programs late,and instructors lack special training,which prevents them from playing their role fully.By analyzing the type of full-time mentor teachers,job content and legal functions of the University of Cincinnati,we will provide reference for the working model of new internship mentor teachers in China. 展开更多
关键词 Capstone internship School-enterprise cooperation Paid internship consultant
Difficulties and Countermeasures of Enterprise's Post Internship Management
作者 Jian-hua KONG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2017年第5期50-52,共3页
Relative policies, enterprise' s human resources management theories and colleges' internship management systems were reviewed, the difficulties of enterprise' s post internship management were analyzed and counter... Relative policies, enterprise' s human resources management theories and colleges' internship management systems were reviewed, the difficulties of enterprise' s post internship management were analyzed and countermeasures were put forward from the perspective of colleges in order to lower enterprise' s risk, foster internship work to carry out smoothly and realize the benefits of college, enterprise and students. 展开更多
关键词 post internship enterprise management COST risk
Application of Electronic Portfolio in Internship Course of University Art Education Major
作者 Yuan Shao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期66-68,共3页
Electronic portfolio is a method of teaching evaluation applied in teaching under the modern educational concept in recent years, normally used in primary and secondary schools. In recent years, some teachers have int... Electronic portfolio is a method of teaching evaluation applied in teaching under the modern educational concept in recent years, normally used in primary and secondary schools. In recent years, some teachers have introdnced it into university teaching. Characteristics and demands of fine arts education internship ask for application of the form of electronic portfolio internship for teaching evaluation, enabling instructors to make internship preparation for students' internship period. Teaching experience accumulation and reflection could bring a more systematic and comprehensive evaluation of teaching and internship can enhance internship students' awareness of the importance of internship, and make good sorting in internship effectively. Self-reflection and conclusion are conducive to exchange of internship experience, promotion of learning ability and cultivation of a good learning attitude of life-long learning. In internship evaluation, teachers can determine evaluation objectives by applying the electronic portfolio to help students select portfolio of internship, gather the information needed in teaching, make teaching recommendations, solve practical teaching problems, and finally make a multivariate evaluation of internship students, to really make art education internship contribute to students. 展开更多
关键词 Electronic portfolio University art education major internship Evaluation.
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