A photovoltaic (PV) string with multiple modules with bypass diodes frequently deployed on a variety of autonomous PV systems may present multiple power peaks under uneven shading. For optimal solar harvesting, there ...A photovoltaic (PV) string with multiple modules with bypass diodes frequently deployed on a variety of autonomous PV systems may present multiple power peaks under uneven shading. For optimal solar harvesting, there is a need for a control schema to force the PV string to operate at global maximum power point (GMPP). While a lot of tracking methods have been proposed in the literature, they are usually complex and do not fully take advantage of the available characteristics of the PV array. This work highlights how the voltage at operating point and the forward voltage of the bypass diode are considered to design a global maximum power point tracking (GMPPT) algorithm with a very limited global search phase called Fast GMPPT. This algorithm successfully tracks GMPP between 94% and 98% of the time under a theoretical evaluation. It is then compared against Perturb and Observe, Deterministic Particle Swarm Optimization, and Grey Wolf Optimization under a sequence of irradiance steps as well as a power-over-voltage characteristics profile that mimics the electrical characteristics of a PV string under varying partial shading conditions. Overall, the simulation with the sequence of irradiance steps shows that while Fast GMPPT does not have the best convergence time, it has an excellent convergence rate as well as causes the least amount of power loss during the global search phase. Experimental test under varying partial shading conditions shows that while the GMPPT proposal is simple and lightweight, it is very performant under a wide range of dynamically varying partial shading conditions and boasts the best energy efficiency (94.74%) out of the 4 tested algorithms.展开更多
This paper investigates the adaptability of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms in single-stage three-phase photovoltaic (PV) systems connected to the grid of Congo-Brazzaville and compares the attributes o...This paper investigates the adaptability of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms in single-stage three-phase photovoltaic (PV) systems connected to the grid of Congo-Brazzaville and compares the attributes of various conventional, significance and novelty of controller system of the proposed of method and improved Incremental Conductance algorithms, Perturbation and Observation Techniques, and other Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms in normal and partial shading conditions. Performance evaluation techniques are discussed on the basis of the dynamic parameters of the PV system although the control of this structure is relatively advanced technology but the conversion efficiency is difficult to improve due to increase in transformation series. The single stage topology has a simple topology with high reliability and efficiency because of high power consumption, but control algorithm is more complex because of its power convert main circuit a new strategy is being developed. This paper describes a method for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in the single-stage and three single-phase PV grid-connected system. In the paper, the nonlinear output characteristics of the PV including I-V & P-V are obtained in changed solar insulations or temperature based on MATLAB, and the MPPT algorithm which is based on the P & O algorithm method, compared with Incremental Conductance, is also described, a dimensioning of the impedance adapter for better stabilization. A comparison SPWM and SVPWM control methods in the case of a grid connection applied to the electrical grid of Republic of Congo and their influences on the dynamic performance of the system and their impact in reducing the harmonic rate for better injection into the grid. The simulation model of three single-phase PV grid-connected system is built, and simulation results show the MPPT algorithm has excellent dynamic and static performances, which verifies the Incremental Conductance is effective for MPPT in the single-stage and three single-phase PV grid-connected system.展开更多
This study proposes a fuzzy system for tracking the maximum power point of a PV system for solar panel. The solar panel and maximum power point tracker have been modeled using MATLAB/Simulink. A simulation model consi...This study proposes a fuzzy system for tracking the maximum power point of a PV system for solar panel. The solar panel and maximum power point tracker have been modeled using MATLAB/Simulink. A simulation model consists of PV panel, boost converter, and maximum power point tack MPPT algorithm is developed. Three different conditions are simulated: 1) Uniform irradiation;2) Sudden changing;3) Partial shading. Results showed that fuzzy controller successfully find MPP for all different weather conditions studied. FLC has excellent ability to track MPP in less than 0.01 second when PV is subjected to sudden changes and partial shading in irradiation.展开更多
针对局部遮阴环境下传统灰狼优化(Gray wolf optimization,GWO)算法在跟踪最大功率点时P-U特性曲线出现多峰值、后期收敛速度慢、稳态精度低等问题,结合灰狼优化算法和扰动观察法(Perturbation and observation,P&O)各自的优势,提...针对局部遮阴环境下传统灰狼优化(Gray wolf optimization,GWO)算法在跟踪最大功率点时P-U特性曲线出现多峰值、后期收敛速度慢、稳态精度低等问题,结合灰狼优化算法和扰动观察法(Perturbation and observation,P&O)各自的优势,提出了基于GWO-P&O的混合优化最大功率点跟踪(Maximum power point tracking,MPPT)算法。首先,采用灰狼优化算法逐渐向光伏的全局最大功率点靠近。其次,在灰狼优化算法收敛后期引入P&O法,既保持了灰狼优化算法较高的稳态精度,又能以较快速度寻找到局部最大功率点。最后,在不同环境工况下,将所提出的GWO-P&O方法与传统GWO算法进行对比。结果表明,改进的GWO-P&O算法在保证良好稳态性能的同时,一定程度上提高了GWO算法后期跟踪最大功率时的收敛速度。展开更多
光伏最大功率点跟踪是提高光伏发电效率的重要手段。在局部阴影条件下,光伏阵列的特性曲线呈现多峰形状,常规的传统算法容易陷入局部最优。如何在局部阴影条件下找到全局最大功率点(global maximum power point,GMPP)至关重要。提出了...光伏最大功率点跟踪是提高光伏发电效率的重要手段。在局部阴影条件下,光伏阵列的特性曲线呈现多峰形状,常规的传统算法容易陷入局部最优。如何在局部阴影条件下找到全局最大功率点(global maximum power point,GMPP)至关重要。提出了一种定位收缩法(locate and shrink algorithm,LSA),采用收缩边界的思想使得边界逐渐收缩到GMPP。LSA第一阶段提出了一种峰的定位方法,通过自适应采样结合I-V特性曲线能够定位主要峰的占空比范围。定位法能够与其他单峰算法结合,具有较强的扩展性。第二阶段提出了一种基于三点准则的收缩法,能够在单峰范围内通过收缩边界快速找到峰值点,并且具有很强的环境适应性。将LSA与多个算法进行仿真和硬件实验对比,结果表明LSA在跟踪速度、跟踪精度和稳态振荡方面有着明显优势。展开更多
为了解决局部阴影下传统最大功率点追踪(maximum power point tracking, MPPT)算法容易陷入局部最优从而降低光伏系统发电效率的问题,本研究提出融合正弦余弦算法和自适应策略的布谷鸟优化算法(cuckoo search algorithm fusing sine cos...为了解决局部阴影下传统最大功率点追踪(maximum power point tracking, MPPT)算法容易陷入局部最优从而降低光伏系统发电效率的问题,本研究提出融合正弦余弦算法和自适应策略的布谷鸟优化算法(cuckoo search algorithm fusing sine cosine algorithm and adaptive strategy, AFCS),并应用于光伏全局MPPT控制中,以改善其收敛速度与追踪精度.设置多种光照情况,并与扰动观察法、花朵授粉算法和粒子群算法进行对比.经过Matlab/Simulink仿真验证,表明本算法拥有较快的收敛速度和较高的追踪精度,在各个光照条件下均能快速追踪到光伏阵列最大功率点,可以有效提高光伏系统的发电效率.展开更多
实现光伏阵列最大功率点跟踪(Maximum power point tracking, MPPT)的传统算法已经较为成熟,但是在局部阴影出现后会发生寻优失效,难以实现全局最大功率跟踪(Global maximum power tracking, GMPPT)。为解决该问题,研究人员提出将粒子群...实现光伏阵列最大功率点跟踪(Maximum power point tracking, MPPT)的传统算法已经较为成熟,但是在局部阴影出现后会发生寻优失效,难以实现全局最大功率跟踪(Global maximum power tracking, GMPPT)。为解决该问题,研究人员提出将粒子群(Particle swarm optimization, PSO)等群搜索算法应用在MPPT控制过程中,虽然能够控制工作点稳定在全局最大功率点处,但由于该算法收敛能力依赖于核心参数,在应用过程中有一定概率会导致系统振荡。针对以上问题,在电导增量法(Incremental conductance, INC)的基础上提出跃变探索式电导增量法(Jump explore incremental conductance, JEINC),相较于传统电导增量法而言,具有较强的探索能力,能够在局部阴影下实现全局最大功率点跟踪控制,同时所提算法具有较好的收敛能力,在工作点位于最大功率点附近能够快速稳定。在三种光照环境下进行Matlab仿真,从稳定时间、暂态过程能量损耗率和振荡幅值三个方面验证了所提算法相较于电导增量法和粒子群算法的优越性。展开更多
文摘A photovoltaic (PV) string with multiple modules with bypass diodes frequently deployed on a variety of autonomous PV systems may present multiple power peaks under uneven shading. For optimal solar harvesting, there is a need for a control schema to force the PV string to operate at global maximum power point (GMPP). While a lot of tracking methods have been proposed in the literature, they are usually complex and do not fully take advantage of the available characteristics of the PV array. This work highlights how the voltage at operating point and the forward voltage of the bypass diode are considered to design a global maximum power point tracking (GMPPT) algorithm with a very limited global search phase called Fast GMPPT. This algorithm successfully tracks GMPP between 94% and 98% of the time under a theoretical evaluation. It is then compared against Perturb and Observe, Deterministic Particle Swarm Optimization, and Grey Wolf Optimization under a sequence of irradiance steps as well as a power-over-voltage characteristics profile that mimics the electrical characteristics of a PV string under varying partial shading conditions. Overall, the simulation with the sequence of irradiance steps shows that while Fast GMPPT does not have the best convergence time, it has an excellent convergence rate as well as causes the least amount of power loss during the global search phase. Experimental test under varying partial shading conditions shows that while the GMPPT proposal is simple and lightweight, it is very performant under a wide range of dynamically varying partial shading conditions and boasts the best energy efficiency (94.74%) out of the 4 tested algorithms.
文摘This paper investigates the adaptability of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms in single-stage three-phase photovoltaic (PV) systems connected to the grid of Congo-Brazzaville and compares the attributes of various conventional, significance and novelty of controller system of the proposed of method and improved Incremental Conductance algorithms, Perturbation and Observation Techniques, and other Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms in normal and partial shading conditions. Performance evaluation techniques are discussed on the basis of the dynamic parameters of the PV system although the control of this structure is relatively advanced technology but the conversion efficiency is difficult to improve due to increase in transformation series. The single stage topology has a simple topology with high reliability and efficiency because of high power consumption, but control algorithm is more complex because of its power convert main circuit a new strategy is being developed. This paper describes a method for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in the single-stage and three single-phase PV grid-connected system. In the paper, the nonlinear output characteristics of the PV including I-V & P-V are obtained in changed solar insulations or temperature based on MATLAB, and the MPPT algorithm which is based on the P & O algorithm method, compared with Incremental Conductance, is also described, a dimensioning of the impedance adapter for better stabilization. A comparison SPWM and SVPWM control methods in the case of a grid connection applied to the electrical grid of Republic of Congo and their influences on the dynamic performance of the system and their impact in reducing the harmonic rate for better injection into the grid. The simulation model of three single-phase PV grid-connected system is built, and simulation results show the MPPT algorithm has excellent dynamic and static performances, which verifies the Incremental Conductance is effective for MPPT in the single-stage and three single-phase PV grid-connected system.
文摘This study proposes a fuzzy system for tracking the maximum power point of a PV system for solar panel. The solar panel and maximum power point tracker have been modeled using MATLAB/Simulink. A simulation model consists of PV panel, boost converter, and maximum power point tack MPPT algorithm is developed. Three different conditions are simulated: 1) Uniform irradiation;2) Sudden changing;3) Partial shading. Results showed that fuzzy controller successfully find MPP for all different weather conditions studied. FLC has excellent ability to track MPP in less than 0.01 second when PV is subjected to sudden changes and partial shading in irradiation.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.52067013)Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province(No.21JR7RA280)。
文摘针对局部遮阴环境下传统灰狼优化(Gray wolf optimization,GWO)算法在跟踪最大功率点时P-U特性曲线出现多峰值、后期收敛速度慢、稳态精度低等问题,结合灰狼优化算法和扰动观察法(Perturbation and observation,P&O)各自的优势,提出了基于GWO-P&O的混合优化最大功率点跟踪(Maximum power point tracking,MPPT)算法。首先,采用灰狼优化算法逐渐向光伏的全局最大功率点靠近。其次,在灰狼优化算法收敛后期引入P&O法,既保持了灰狼优化算法较高的稳态精度,又能以较快速度寻找到局部最大功率点。最后,在不同环境工况下,将所提出的GWO-P&O方法与传统GWO算法进行对比。结果表明,改进的GWO-P&O算法在保证良好稳态性能的同时,一定程度上提高了GWO算法后期跟踪最大功率时的收敛速度。
文摘光伏最大功率点跟踪是提高光伏发电效率的重要手段。在局部阴影条件下,光伏阵列的特性曲线呈现多峰形状,常规的传统算法容易陷入局部最优。如何在局部阴影条件下找到全局最大功率点(global maximum power point,GMPP)至关重要。提出了一种定位收缩法(locate and shrink algorithm,LSA),采用收缩边界的思想使得边界逐渐收缩到GMPP。LSA第一阶段提出了一种峰的定位方法,通过自适应采样结合I-V特性曲线能够定位主要峰的占空比范围。定位法能够与其他单峰算法结合,具有较强的扩展性。第二阶段提出了一种基于三点准则的收缩法,能够在单峰范围内通过收缩边界快速找到峰值点,并且具有很强的环境适应性。将LSA与多个算法进行仿真和硬件实验对比,结果表明LSA在跟踪速度、跟踪精度和稳态振荡方面有着明显优势。
文摘为了解决局部阴影下传统最大功率点追踪(maximum power point tracking, MPPT)算法容易陷入局部最优从而降低光伏系统发电效率的问题,本研究提出融合正弦余弦算法和自适应策略的布谷鸟优化算法(cuckoo search algorithm fusing sine cosine algorithm and adaptive strategy, AFCS),并应用于光伏全局MPPT控制中,以改善其收敛速度与追踪精度.设置多种光照情况,并与扰动观察法、花朵授粉算法和粒子群算法进行对比.经过Matlab/Simulink仿真验证,表明本算法拥有较快的收敛速度和较高的追踪精度,在各个光照条件下均能快速追踪到光伏阵列最大功率点,可以有效提高光伏系统的发电效率.
文摘实现光伏阵列最大功率点跟踪(Maximum power point tracking, MPPT)的传统算法已经较为成熟,但是在局部阴影出现后会发生寻优失效,难以实现全局最大功率跟踪(Global maximum power tracking, GMPPT)。为解决该问题,研究人员提出将粒子群(Particle swarm optimization, PSO)等群搜索算法应用在MPPT控制过程中,虽然能够控制工作点稳定在全局最大功率点处,但由于该算法收敛能力依赖于核心参数,在应用过程中有一定概率会导致系统振荡。针对以上问题,在电导增量法(Incremental conductance, INC)的基础上提出跃变探索式电导增量法(Jump explore incremental conductance, JEINC),相较于传统电导增量法而言,具有较强的探索能力,能够在局部阴影下实现全局最大功率点跟踪控制,同时所提算法具有较好的收敛能力,在工作点位于最大功率点附近能够快速稳定。在三种光照环境下进行Matlab仿真,从稳定时间、暂态过程能量损耗率和振荡幅值三个方面验证了所提算法相较于电导增量法和粒子群算法的优越性。