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Discoloration Range and Shroud Image Depth Values Cannot Be Satisfied by the Same Proton Energy
作者 Giovanni Fazio 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2023年第8期1224-1232,共9页
The radiative hypothesis has been revisited showing other characteristics, produced by the protons used as dyes in total disagree with the ones of the Body Image that appears on the Shroud of Turin. Our investigations... The radiative hypothesis has been revisited showing other characteristics, produced by the protons used as dyes in total disagree with the ones of the Body Image that appears on the Shroud of Turin. Our investigations highlight that for the protons to reach 3.7 cm in air, the distance that measures the range of discoloration effects, must be emitted with an energy of about 1.5 MeV using Wilson and Brobeck’s empirical formula and 1.35 MeV using Bethe’s. This last formula provides a result closer to reality. Bethe shows that the penetration depth is greater than that calculated empirically. Such a value of proton energy (1.35 MeV) makes it possible to satisfy the discoloration effects range for the Shroud but it is incompatible with a depth of penetration in linen that is only 200 nm. Moreover, using the same subatomic particles, we obtained on the colored linen a distribution of energy represented by regression but not linear. Thus, also the possible I(z) correlation, between color intensity and body-sheet distance, which should be due to the oxidizing action of protons, does not agree with that extracted from the Shroud of Turin. 展开更多
关键词 shroud of Turin Body Image Formation Radiative Hypothesis Proton Model Discoloration Effects Range
作者 杨坤 徐颖 +2 位作者 漆文凯 崔海涛 张宏建 《机械制造与自动化》 2024年第3期94-98,共5页
介绍涡轮叶片叶身与叶冠的冷热态尺寸换算原理。以优化设计方式建立带锯齿形叶冠叶片的冷热态尺寸换算方法,并以某型带冠涡轮叶片为例,完成带冠涡轮叶片从热态尺寸到冷态尺寸的换算。结果表明:所建立的带锯齿形叶冠叶片冷热态尺寸换算... 介绍涡轮叶片叶身与叶冠的冷热态尺寸换算原理。以优化设计方式建立带锯齿形叶冠叶片的冷热态尺寸换算方法,并以某型带冠涡轮叶片为例,完成带冠涡轮叶片从热态尺寸到冷态尺寸的换算。结果表明:所建立的带锯齿形叶冠叶片冷热态尺寸换算方法精确可靠,为其他典型涡轮部件的冷热态尺寸换算提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 锯齿冠 涡轮叶片 尺寸换算 优化设计
作者 徐国华 王适存 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1998年第2期50-54,共5页
较详细地研究了涵道尾桨的涵道与内桨的拉力分配关系。文中引入一拉力分配因子q,表示涵道尾桨的涵道拉力与总拉力之比。从动量原理出发,推导出静止(悬停)和轴流(直升机侧风)状态下的涵道尾桨拉力、需用功率与气流速度的关系式,... 较详细地研究了涵道尾桨的涵道与内桨的拉力分配关系。文中引入一拉力分配因子q,表示涵道尾桨的涵道拉力与总拉力之比。从动量原理出发,推导出静止(悬停)和轴流(直升机侧风)状态下的涵道尾桨拉力、需用功率与气流速度的关系式,分三种情况对比分析了涵道尾桨与孤立尾桨的拉力、功率和桨盘面积,得出了一些结论。结果表明,虽然在静止状态涵道尾桨的涵道提供的拉力可达总拉力的50%,但对于轴流状态、涵道尾桨的涵道的拉力增益迅速下降,取决于气流速度比。 展开更多
关键词 直升机 尾桨 涵道 空气动力分析
作者 胡亚州 齐进刚 +3 位作者 樊利智 习娜娜 李灿 王胜 《四川冶金》 CAS 2024年第1期31-34,共4页
氮元素是钢中典型的有害元素,在结晶过程中,钢中氮的溶解度急剧降低,析出氮化铁(FeN、Fe 4N)位于晶界上阻止位错移动,虽可提高钢的强度和硬度,但会严重降低钢材塑性,易在后期加工过程出现开裂现象,同时氮含量易与钢中钛发生反应,降低有... 氮元素是钢中典型的有害元素,在结晶过程中,钢中氮的溶解度急剧降低,析出氮化铁(FeN、Fe 4N)位于晶界上阻止位错移动,虽可提高钢的强度和硬度,但会严重降低钢材塑性,易在后期加工过程出现开裂现象,同时氮含量易与钢中钛发生反应,降低有效钛,降低钢材性能。本文介绍了工业生产全流程氮含量变化,分析了钢中氮含量升高的主要因素并制定整改措施。通过明确转炉铁水、石灰、合金等原辅料的入炉标准,优化转炉吹炼枪位和炉后脱氧工艺,同时提高精炼埋弧效果,稳定控制大梁钢成品氮含量≤45 ppm,合格率达到95%。 展开更多
关键词 大梁钢 控氮 转炉工艺 LF埋弧 保护浇注
作者 王盛 唐炼 +4 位作者 浦春梅 舒华安 杜凡 刘杨 孙诗扬 《东方电气评论》 2024年第4期35-37,共3页
ACP100模块式小型堆堆芯围板组件为一体化焊接结构,类似结构国内首次制造。针对新型堆芯围板组件结构特点,选择合适的焊接方法、焊接顺序,设置专用防变形工装。根据各工艺阶段焊接变形数据,总结分析了堆芯围板组件焊接变形规律,同时为... ACP100模块式小型堆堆芯围板组件为一体化焊接结构,类似结构国内首次制造。针对新型堆芯围板组件结构特点,选择合适的焊接方法、焊接顺序,设置专用防变形工装。根据各工艺阶段焊接变形数据,总结分析了堆芯围板组件焊接变形规律,同时为后续类似结构堆芯围板组件的制造提供了数据参考。 展开更多
关键词 ACP100 堆芯围板组件 焊接变形
作者 崔新鹏 肖洒 李芳 《热力透平》 2024年第2期118-124,共7页
随着工业汽轮机和大功率火电汽轮机订单的暴增,汽轮机的生产制造面临产能压力,提高工艺准备和生产制造的效率迫在眉睫。以汽轮机转子的城墙齿围带车削加工过程为研究对象,针对数控程序的编制方法进行了深入研究。分析了城墙齿围带的结... 随着工业汽轮机和大功率火电汽轮机订单的暴增,汽轮机的生产制造面临产能压力,提高工艺准备和生产制造的效率迫在眉睫。以汽轮机转子的城墙齿围带车削加工过程为研究对象,针对数控程序的编制方法进行了深入研究。分析了城墙齿围带的结构特征,梳理了加工工艺,研发了一种更加高效、可靠的智能化数控编程系统。编程人员使用该系统时,只需进行少量参数设定,系统即可基于转子二维装配模型自动识别城墙齿围带结构,输出加工程序。应用该系统后,数控程序的编制质量与速度得到了极大提高。研究成果可为机加工行业中有典型特征产品的高效智能化编程提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 汽轮机转子 城墙齿围带 智能化编程 车削加工
作者 周伟刚 《阀门》 2024年第6期712-714,共3页
论述核电站核级仪表阀使用护罩法进行氦气检漏试验的原理和方法,探讨该试验方法在检测阀门密封性能方面的有效性与可靠性。研究结果表明,护罩法氦气检漏试验能够准确地检测出阀门的微小泄漏,对提升核级仪表阀的制造质量,保证核设备的安... 论述核电站核级仪表阀使用护罩法进行氦气检漏试验的原理和方法,探讨该试验方法在检测阀门密封性能方面的有效性与可靠性。研究结果表明,护罩法氦气检漏试验能够准确地检测出阀门的微小泄漏,对提升核级仪表阀的制造质量,保证核设备的安全稳定运行具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 核级仪表阀 护罩法 氦检漏试验
作者 高栋 刘燚栋 +1 位作者 郭云珊 王亚文 《失效分析与预防》 2024年第3期194-198,共5页
发动机地面试车过程中,高压涡轮外环热喷涂镍铬铝钇/聚酯封严涂层出现早期脱落,危及试验安全,导致试验中止。为揭示涂层失效根本原因并提出解决措施,通过金相检查及能谱分析对失效后涂层的组织及成分进行研究,获得涂层的失效特征。结果... 发动机地面试车过程中,高压涡轮外环热喷涂镍铬铝钇/聚酯封严涂层出现早期脱落,危及试验安全,导致试验中止。为揭示涂层失效根本原因并提出解决措施,通过金相检查及能谱分析对失效后涂层的组织及成分进行研究,获得涂层的失效特征。结果表明:涂层脱落的典型特征是沿粘结底层与基体界面处开裂,而界面污染是造成涂层从基体表面大块脱落的重要原因,其根本原因在于喷涂前吹砂处理工艺控制不当。 展开更多
关键词 镍铬铝钇/聚酯涂层 脱落 涡轮外环
作者 封明阳 尹延斌 +1 位作者 张炯明 史超宇 《江西冶金》 2024年第1期34-42,共9页
以某钢厂双长水口七流方坯中间包为研究对象,进行中间包优化研究。建立1∶4水模型并开展水模实验,对水模实验结果进行分析,研究导流孔位置和上仰角度对双长水口中间包流场的影响,选取最优的控流装置。同时,运用商业软件ANSYS Fluent对... 以某钢厂双长水口七流方坯中间包为研究对象,进行中间包优化研究。建立1∶4水模型并开展水模实验,对水模实验结果进行分析,研究导流孔位置和上仰角度对双长水口中间包流场的影响,选取最优的控流装置。同时,运用商业软件ANSYS Fluent对原型中间包和优化中间包进行流场和温度场耦合计算,并与水模型结果相互验证。结果表明,优化前后停留时间从127 s增至253 s,死区比例从57.13%减至24.10%,停留时间标准差从21.74减至10.87,浇注区纵截面浇注温度最大温差从4.7 K降至1.2 K,各流水口温差明显降低,中间包各水口一致性增加,流动更加均匀。 展开更多
关键词 双长水口 七流中间包 物理模拟 数值模拟
作者 张奇毅 陈海燕 +2 位作者 宋延成 刘吉刚 徐国龙 《宽厚板》 2024年第1期35-37,共3页
应用光谱仪、ASPEX-1020夹杂物自动分析仪测定兴澄特钢S355J0+N风电塔筒用钢冶炼过程中钢液成分和夹杂物数量、成分。通过分析试样中典型夹杂物组分,探讨了夹杂物的演变过程;根据中间包样中夹杂物比钢包样中夹杂物更多的情况,初步判定... 应用光谱仪、ASPEX-1020夹杂物自动分析仪测定兴澄特钢S355J0+N风电塔筒用钢冶炼过程中钢液成分和夹杂物数量、成分。通过分析试样中典型夹杂物组分,探讨了夹杂物的演变过程;根据中间包样中夹杂物比钢包样中夹杂物更多的情况,初步判定钢包钢水在进入中间包非稳态状态下,钢水被二次氧化。研究结果表明:通过做好连铸保护浇注、使用吹氩塞棒,S355J0+N风电塔筒用钢的夹杂物指数能稳定在9.5以下。 展开更多
关键词 风电塔筒用钢板 夹杂物 保护浇注 吹氩塞棒
Behaviors of fine bubbles in the shroud nozzle of ladle and tundish 被引量:8
作者 Yanping Boo, Jianhua Liu, and Baomei XuMetallurgical Engineering School, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 《Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing》 CSCD 2003年第4期20-23,共4页
Fine bubbles will create when the inert gas is introduced to the high rapidsteel stream within the shroud nozzle between ladle and tundish. The collision and attachment amongthe bubbles and fine inclusions will promot... Fine bubbles will create when the inert gas is introduced to the high rapidsteel stream within the shroud nozzle between ladle and tundish. The collision and attachment amongthe bubbles and fine inclusions will promote the floatation efficiency of inclusions in the tundish.The behaviors of the bubbles, such as the dispersion in shroud, coalescence and floatation intundish, are studied. The results show that the maximum sizes of the bubbles in the water and steelflow within the shroud in the length of 1.2 m are 0.70-1.44 mm and 1.53-3.16 mm respectively whenthe flow rates are 0.006-0.016 m^3/s; the terminal velocities of fine bubbles in the water andmolten steel within the tundish are 0.02-0.2 and 0.05-0.6 m/s. 展开更多
关键词 fine bubbles shroud nozzle of the ladle flotation
A special CAD/CAM software for electro-discharge machining of shrouded turbine blisks 被引量:5
作者 李刚 赵万生 +1 位作者 王振龙 吴湘 《Journal of Shanghai University(English Edition)》 CAS 2007年第1期74-78,共5页
In this paper, a special-purpose CAD/CAM software package, BliskCad/Cam, based on a commercial CAD/CAM software Unigraphics is developed to reduce difficulties in CNC-EDM of the shrouded turbine blisks. The software p... In this paper, a special-purpose CAD/CAM software package, BliskCad/Cam, based on a commercial CAD/CAM software Unigraphics is developed to reduce difficulties in CNC-EDM of the shrouded turbine blisks. The software package consists of five modules such as electrode design, path searching, and machining simulation module. Functions of BliskCad/Cam include parametrical reconstruction of 3-D model of the blisk, intelligent design of complex shaped electrode, automatic generation of NC codes, search of interference-free tool path for multi-axis NC-EDM and machining simulation, etc. Experimental verification is conducted by using BliskCad/Cam and the results show that it satisfies the requirements, and can realize precision machining and reduce accessorial time remarkably. 展开更多
关键词 shrouded turbine blisks electro-discharge machine(EDM) CAD/CAM
Geometric triangular chiral hexagon complexes and clonal embryogenic body organization on the Turin Shroud crucified man image: A predictable tissue response to injury 被引量:1
作者 Jairo A. Diaz 《Natural Science》 2013年第10期1102-1111,共10页
The shroud continues to remain one of the most studied and controversial artifacts in human history. Many tests, X-ray fluorescence, reflectance, spectrometry and low energy/high-resolution X ray transmission have sho... The shroud continues to remain one of the most studied and controversial artifacts in human history. Many tests, X-ray fluorescence, reflectance, spectrometry and low energy/high-resolution X ray transmission have shown that the crucified body is not compatible with a painted image. Researchers confirm that the alleged blood is real blood. We documented the self-assembly of geometric triangular chiral hexagon complex (GTCHC) with structural organization of embryoid bodies in cancer tissues. The identification of these structures is not only limited to malignant tumors but also appears in extreme injured tissues. Our interest is to determine if we can predict and identify these patterns in the Shroud of Turin. Based on pattern recognition image was analyzed over 100 shroud images. We identified a central spectral emission line that exhibits a characteristic signature on a plot of residual electromagnetic radiation, head area narrowing and low extremities broadening, indication of decay energy changes in the velocity of the molecules in the traversal trajectory. This Electromagnetic collision event generates in the cloth stagnant blood areas with patterns identical to those identified for us in cancer damage tissues. Inflammatory cytokines activate stem cells and Notch signaling proteins in cascade of interactions to generate real clonal human embryoid template. Can we predict function from structure? These structures evoke life, regeneration, but not death. Our findings suggest the image of a crucified man on the Shroud of Turin is a real physical electromagnetic collision event in response to extreme tissue injury, with the fact that supports our previous findings in cancer tissues as real and predictable. Proteins derived from these emergent damage tissue derivate stem cells could be used to design biologic templates in regenerative medicine and develop novel strategies in cancer therapy. 展开更多
Flow Simulation to Determine the Effects of Shrouds on the Performance of Wind Turbines 被引量:2
作者 Peter E. Jenkins Abdalfadel Younis 《Journal of Power and Energy Engineering》 2016年第8期79-93,共16页
This paper describes a flow simulation model used to determine the effects of a shroud on the performance of a wind turbine. Also, it focuses on comparing the standard type of wind turbines— upwind turbine with three... This paper describes a flow simulation model used to determine the effects of a shroud on the performance of a wind turbine. Also, it focuses on comparing the standard type of wind turbines— upwind turbine with three blades fixed on a horizontal axis—with a new type that is called a shrouded wind turbine. In addition, the two types of turbines are compared in terms of velocities profiles, pressure distribution and power output when applying four different velocities of winds: 10, 20, 30, 40 mph. Numerical values and graphs are highlighted in order to show the main differences between the shrouded turbine and the conventional one. Finally, a conclusion and some recommendations are provided to summarize the scope of this research and give a better prediction for a future optimal design of the shrouded turbines. 展开更多
关键词 Wind Turbine Flow Simulation shroud
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Shroud Design on Hemodynamic Performance and Blood Damage in a Centrifugal Blood Pump 被引量:2
作者 Guangliang Pan Yu Chang Mingrui Fu 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2018年第8期199-213,共15页
Patients with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation still suffer from high rates of complication that linked to the flow field within the blood pump.So it is essential to optimise the geometry of the pump.The specificat... Patients with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation still suffer from high rates of complication that linked to the flow field within the blood pump.So it is essential to optimise the geometry of the pump.The specification of shroud design is arguably the necessary design parameter in the centrifugal pump.However,the hemodynamic performances of the different shroud designs have not been studied extensively.In this study,ten different shroud designs were made and divided into two groups as the different covering locations(A:Covering the blade leading edge,B:Covering the blade trailing edge).In every group,six shroud designs with the covering proportions of 0,1/5,2/5,3/5,4/5,1 were made.Detailed computational fluid dynamics(CFD)analyses were performed to investigate their effects on hemodynamics and hydraulic performance at the constant flow condition(4000 rpm,5 L/min).The percentage volumes of the scalar shear stress in specific threshold(τ<1 Pa:Thrombosis,τ>9 Pa:the destruction of von Willebrand factor,τ>50 Pa:Platelet activation,τ>150 Pa:Break of red blood)were used to compare the blood damage of the different shroud designs.Also,the modified index of hemolysis(MIH)were calculated based on a Eulerian approach for different pumps.CFD simulations predicted an increase in the pump head,hydraulic efficiency,a fraction of fluid volume with scalar shear stress values above a threshold(9 Pa,50 Pa,150 Pa)and MIH with increasing shroud covering proportions from 0 to 1 in the same covering location.Also,these above results were higher in group B than group A.This means that the risks of the hemolysis,thrombosis and bleeding increased as the rise of the covering proportion and they were higher in the pump whose shroud covers the blade trailing edge. 展开更多
关键词 Computational fluid dynamics(CFD) HEMODYNAMICS centrifugal BLOOD pump shroud design BLOOD DAMAGE THROMBOSIS HEMOLYSIS
Characteristics of a coherent jet enshrouded in a supersonic fuel gas
作者 Fei Zhao Rong Zhu Wen-rui Wang 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第2期173-180,共8页
Based on a current coherent jet,this study proposes a supersonic combustion(SC)coherent jet in which the main oxygen jet is surrounded by a supersonic fuel gas.The characteristics of the proposed coherent jet are anal... Based on a current coherent jet,this study proposes a supersonic combustion(SC)coherent jet in which the main oxygen jet is surrounded by a supersonic fuel gas.The characteristics of the proposed coherent jet are analyzed using experimental methods and numerical simulations in the high-temperature environment of electric arc furnace(EAF)steelmaking.The SC coherent jet achieved stable combustion in the EAF steelmaking environment.The simulated combustion temperature of the supersonic shrouding methane gas was 2930 K,slightly below the theoretical combustion temperature of methane–oxygen gas.The high speed and temperature of the supersonic flame effectively weakened the interaction between the main oxygen jet and the external ambient gas,inhibiting the radial expansion of the main oxygen jet and maintaining its high speed and low turbulence over a long distance.These features improved the impact capacity of the coherent jet and strengthened the stirring intensity in the EAF bath. 展开更多
关键词 EAF steelmaking coherent jet supersonic shrouding fuel gas supersonic combustion field characteristics
Design and Analysis of a Dual Rotor Turbine with a Shroud Using Flow Simulations
作者 Peter E. Jenkins Abdalfadel Younis Yuxuan Chen 《Journal of Power and Energy Engineering》 2017年第4期25-40,共16页
This paper describes the flow simulation of a dual rotor, three-bladed wind turbine module with a shroud to determine its performance. The parameters that were evaluated are the effects of adding a second rotor, wind ... This paper describes the flow simulation of a dual rotor, three-bladed wind turbine module with a shroud to determine its performance. The parameters that were evaluated are the effects of adding a second rotor, wind speed, distance between the two rotors, the size of the front rotor and the shroud. The results were obtained by using the Solid Works 2015 flow simulation program. Also, the benefits and cost issues for wind generating systems are illustrated. 展开更多
关键词 Design and Analysis of a DUAL ROTOR TURBINE with a shroud USING Flow Simulations
Cold Acid Postmortem Blood Most Probably Formed Pinkish-Red Heme-Madder Lake on Madder-Dyed Shroud of Turin
作者 Adrie A. M. van der Hoeven 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2015年第11期705-746,共42页
The Turin Shroud was extensively scientifically investigated in 1978. In its pinkish red bloodstains, normal features of human blood were found, but also seemingly anomalous ones. In the present study, hitherto unnoti... The Turin Shroud was extensively scientifically investigated in 1978. In its pinkish red bloodstains, normal features of human blood were found, but also seemingly anomalous ones. In the present study, hitherto unnoticed details of the data are presented, Shroud data and more modern reference data are compared, and the results of a few experiments with linen, madder dye and blood are shown. It turns out that the Shroud’s ‘anomalous’ data are strong consistent evidence that its bloodstains contain acid heme-madder lake, of which the heme derived from cold acid postmortem blood and the madder had been applied to the Shroud at manufacture. It implies that the bloodstains were formed on the Shroud before the still not reproduced body-image was. Several other ‘red-color’ hypotheses for the Shroud’s bloodstains are discussed and dismissed. 展开更多
关键词 Turin shroud BLOOD Madder Forensic Medicine Spectroscopy
Design of Composite Ladle Shroud for Improving Thermal Shock Resistance
作者 LIU Guoqi LI Hongxia +3 位作者 YANG Wengang QIAN Fan YU Jianbin MA Weikui 《China's Refractories》 CAS 2021年第1期31-34,共4页
A ladle shroud is one of the functional refractories for continuous casting,which undergoes severe thermal shock by molten steel when used without pre-heating.The composite ladle shroud with an insulating liner presen... A ladle shroud is one of the functional refractories for continuous casting,which undergoes severe thermal shock by molten steel when used without pre-heating.The composite ladle shroud with an insulating liner presents excellent thermal shock resistance.Finite element simulation is an effective method to explore the maximum thermal stress for predicting the thermal shock resistance of ladle shrouds.In this paper,the influence of the lining materials and the structure of ladle shrouds on the thermal stress distribution is systematically researched.The working mechanism of the lining material on the body material is also presented.Lining materials with low thermal expansion,elastic modulus and thermal conductivity are helpful to improve the thermal shock resistance and an optimum lining thickness is suggested.The lining material can both serve as thermal resistance for the body material to buffer the thermal stress,and apply a strain load to the body material by the thermal strain to increase the stress. 展开更多
关键词 composite ladle shroud thermal shock resistance finite element simulation thermal stress
Hematite, Biotite and Cinnabar on the Face of the Turin Shroud: Microscopy and SEM-EDX Analysis
作者 Gérard Lucotte Thierry Derouin Thierry Thomasset 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2016年第9期601-625,共26页
The Turin Shroud, recently accessible for hands-on scientific research, is now extensively investigated. Its pinkish red blood stains that seem anomalous ones are studied by modern techniques (notably by resolute opti... The Turin Shroud, recently accessible for hands-on scientific research, is now extensively investigated. Its pinkish red blood stains that seem anomalous ones are studied by modern techniques (notably by resolute optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray). Exploration by these techniques of a blood stain located on the face permits us to discover some red-colour particles (hematite, biotite and cinnabar) of exogenous material in this stain. We finally characterize these red-colour particles and try to explain their presences in the blood stain. Globally, all these red-colour particles cannot explain all of the reddish appearance of the area under study. 展开更多
关键词 Turin shroud Blood Stains Face Area HEMATITE BIOTITE CINNABAR Optical Microscopy Scanning Electron Microscopy Energy Dispersive X-Ray
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