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基于Process Simulate的工业机器人信息物理融合系统 被引量:7
作者 朱文华 陶涵 +2 位作者 蔡宝 顾鸿良 王佳 《制造技术与机床》 北大核心 2022年第2期9-13,共5页
工业机器人在进行新工艺开发时一般存在周期长、调试复杂等常见问题。以ABB的IRB120型工业机器人作为研究对象,基于Process Simulate工业仿真平台,采用了工业机器人信息物理融合的方法,实现了工业机器人实体与虚拟模型深度融合的功能,... 工业机器人在进行新工艺开发时一般存在周期长、调试复杂等常见问题。以ABB的IRB120型工业机器人作为研究对象,基于Process Simulate工业仿真平台,采用了工业机器人信息物理融合的方法,实现了工业机器人实体与虚拟模型深度融合的功能,通过数据的通信、采集与传输实现了二者的同步运动功能,进一步分析了虚拟模型相对于实体工业机器人的时间延迟误差。分析结果表明,二者的时间延迟误差在工业允许范围内,说明该技术可为智能制造提供有效的解决方案,可大幅缩短工艺开发周期、降低工艺开发成本,同时该技术也是数字孪生概念下的具体工程应用,技术本身具有较高的工程推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 工业机器人 Process simulate 信息物理融合 数字孪生
基于Process Simulate自动化离线编程的应用 被引量:7
作者 崔久好 《工业控制计算机》 2022年第9期62-63,66,共3页
为了解决中职、高职、本科院校在进行实践授课时设备短缺问题,借助数字孪生技术,通过Process Simulate软件加载设备的3D模型,在软件中创建设备模型的运动学、通讯信号,并以PLCSIM Advanced的通讯方式建立软件模型与虚拟PLC的连接,从而... 为了解决中职、高职、本科院校在进行实践授课时设备短缺问题,借助数字孪生技术,通过Process Simulate软件加载设备的3D模型,在软件中创建设备模型的运动学、通讯信号,并以PLCSIM Advanced的通讯方式建立软件模型与虚拟PLC的连接,从而实现自动化设备的离线编程,进而实现PLC对设备的控制。经实际运行测试,用这种数字孪生技术同样能够实现教学目的和教学任务,并且更具高效性和安全性,有较强的实用性和较高的推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 Process simulate PLC PLCSIM Advanced 离线编程 数字孪生
基于Process Simulate在物料智能分拣系统中的应用 被引量:7
作者 崔久好 《中阿科技论坛(中英文)》 2022年第2期108-112,共5页
为解决传统自动化产线编程调试需根据现场实际规划反复调试的问题,可借助数字双胞胎技术,将Process Simulate软件强大的虚实联调技术应用于自动化产线设计、安装、编程、调试及故障解决中。通过Process Simulate软件加载物料智能分拣设... 为解决传统自动化产线编程调试需根据现场实际规划反复调试的问题,可借助数字双胞胎技术,将Process Simulate软件强大的虚实联调技术应用于自动化产线设计、安装、编程、调试及故障解决中。通过Process Simulate软件加载物料智能分拣设备3D模型,在软件中创建三维模型的运动学、通讯信号,并以PLCSIM Advanced的通讯方式建立Process Simulate模型与虚拟PLC的连接,可实现虚拟PLC控制Process Simulate模型的运动。经实践运行测试发现,Process Simulate物料智能分拣系统工作效率高、运行可靠,有较强的实用性和较大的应用推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 Process simulate PLC PLCSIM Advanced 数字双胞胎 可行性 高效性 离线编程
Process Simulate在综合实训系统设计中的应用 被引量:1
作者 崔久好 《工业控制计算机》 2023年第6期57-59,共3页
为解决传统自动化产线编程调试需根据现场实际规划反复调试的问题,借助数字孪生技术,将Process Simulate软件强大的虚实联调技术应用于自动化产线设计、安装、编程、调试、故障解决中。在现实的智能工厂中,往往都是多工作站之间配合进... 为解决传统自动化产线编程调试需根据现场实际规划反复调试的问题,借助数字孪生技术,将Process Simulate软件强大的虚实联调技术应用于自动化产线设计、安装、编程、调试、故障解决中。在现实的智能工厂中,往往都是多工作站之间配合进而实现自动化产线的连续运行。多工作站之间的配合就会涉及到通讯,以西门子1500 PLC为例详细讲解如何借助Process Simulate软件实现多站之间的PUT/GET通讯,进而完成各站的PLC程序信号交互,最终完成自动化产线的程序调试。采用Process Simulate软件实现多站之间的通讯,优势体现在:虚拟的PLC即可实现多站之间的通讯,解决无真实设备状态下的编程和通讯,进而验证Process Simulate在智能装备多工作站中的应用高效性。 展开更多
关键词 Process simulate PLC 数字孪生 PUT/GET通讯 高效性
基于Process Simulate的机器人运动程序开发及应用 被引量:1
作者 沈阳 栾会玲 《机械工程师》 2021年第6期119-121,共3页
针对目前汽车行业车身车间越来越高的自动化程度和日益复杂的车型更新,使用Tecnomatix软件进行虚拟调试,把前期设计数模导入Process Simulate模块,进行运动仿真和碰撞模拟测试,提前发现设计缺陷,并与机器人厂家联合开发运动和工艺模块,... 针对目前汽车行业车身车间越来越高的自动化程度和日益复杂的车型更新,使用Tecnomatix软件进行虚拟调试,把前期设计数模导入Process Simulate模块,进行运动仿真和碰撞模拟测试,提前发现设计缺陷,并与机器人厂家联合开发运动和工艺模块,与上位PLC进行逻辑处理,与下位应用设备进行标准化模块处理及数据通信,提前在虚拟化环境中进行验证,最终输出机器人运动和安全程序,提高了机器人程序的质量并且能够大大减少现场调试时间。 展开更多
关键词 Process simulate 机器人 运动仿真 安全区
基于Teamcenter Process Simulate印章定制的生产线仿真设计
作者 周宝昌 朱敏茹 谢智阳 《装备制造技术》 2023年第8期193-196,共4页
基于Teamcenter Process Simulate进行了印章定制生产线仿真设计。本设计是完成印章的组装和包装工作,模拟实际生产过程。整个生产过程是由仓储供料站提供原料,运输站将其送至加工站加工,送至装配站进行组装,组装完后经过机器进行检测,... 基于Teamcenter Process Simulate进行了印章定制生产线仿真设计。本设计是完成印章的组装和包装工作,模拟实际生产过程。整个生产过程是由仓储供料站提供原料,运输站将其送至加工站加工,送至装配站进行组装,组装完后经过机器进行检测,然后送至包装台进行产品包装,最后由AGV小车运输至仓储放料台进行产品入库。设计以出料、运送物料、产品加工、组装、检测、包装、运送、入库等执行单元作为自动生产线的整体设计,组成了自动生产线的生产平台。系统的总控是由一台PLC承担其控制任务。结合工作中的经验,通过机电一体化设计将生产流水线设计方案嵌入到具体的Process Simulate虚拟仿真中,通过PLCSIM Advanced软件创建虚拟PLC,同时构建PLC与Process Simulate通信的桥梁,进而通过编程控制实现印章定制化生产实训系统自动化产线的仿真调试。通过仿真测试,能大大提高实际生产效率。 展开更多
关键词 Process simulate 西门子PLC 组态 PLCSIM Advanced 自动化原理
基于ABB机器人与Process Simulate间的虚实联调研究
作者 崔久好 《软件》 2023年第9期73-77,共5页
无论高等院校的师生还是智能工厂的数字化工程师,在利用软件Process Simulate完成机器人工作站的虚实联调时往往会消耗大量的时间,结果还不理想,因为其用到的方法是传统的创建多个机器人子程序,或是创建一个机器人程序在程序中用到大量... 无论高等院校的师生还是智能工厂的数字化工程师,在利用软件Process Simulate完成机器人工作站的虚实联调时往往会消耗大量的时间,结果还不理想,因为其用到的方法是传统的创建多个机器人子程序,或是创建一个机器人程序在程序中用到大量的等待信号去完成物理属性的机器人工作站与软件内机器人工作站的数字孪生同步运行,此方法能够实现物理属性的机器人工作站与软件内机器人工作站的同步运行即虚实联调,但是效率低同时对项目实施者要求也非常高,因此利用传统的方法完成机器人工作站的虚实联调会困难重重,效果还不理想。为了节省数字孪生项目中机器人工作站与软件间的虚实联调的完成时间和降低项目完成难度,作者通过在数字孪生实验室的大量实验研究,最终通过在真实机器人控制器中编写机器人程序读取机器人各轴位置数据,借助Profinet通讯完成机器人与PS软件间的实时位置数据交互,进而较快地完成虚实联调项目。通过与传统的方法做对比测试,作者创建的方法使项目完成的效率得到显著提高,同时降低了项目完成难度。基于以上对比测试,作者研究的方法在以后数字孪生项目中会得到很好地推广,并慢慢会取代传统的方法。 展开更多
关键词 数字孪生 虚实联调 ABB机器人 Process simulate
作者 骆峰 杨帆 +1 位作者 胡菡 李智 《武汉工程职业技术学院学报》 2024年第2期39-43,共5页
在自动化生产线安装调试工作中,工业机器人的装调费时费力且难以迅速满足生产线工艺要求,提出了使用Process Simulate软件对自动化生产线中的工业机器人进行工艺仿真的解决方案。文章介绍了使用Process Simulate软件对自动化生产线中的... 在自动化生产线安装调试工作中,工业机器人的装调费时费力且难以迅速满足生产线工艺要求,提出了使用Process Simulate软件对自动化生产线中的工业机器人进行工艺仿真的解决方案。文章介绍了使用Process Simulate软件对自动化生产线中的工业机器人进行工艺仿真的基本方法和过程,从而实现工业机器人装调效率和自动化生产线生产效率的提高。 展开更多
关键词 工业机器人 工艺仿真 安装调试 Process simulate 虚拟仿真
Theoretical analysis of hydrogen solubility in direct coal liquefaction solvents 被引量:1
作者 Xiaobin Zhang Aoqi Wang +1 位作者 Xingbao Wang Wenying Li 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期187-197,共11页
The cyclic hydrogenation technology in a direct coal liquefaction process relies on the dissolved hydrogen of the solvent or oil participating in the hydrogenation reaction.Thus,a theoretical basis for process optimiz... The cyclic hydrogenation technology in a direct coal liquefaction process relies on the dissolved hydrogen of the solvent or oil participating in the hydrogenation reaction.Thus,a theoretical basis for process optimization and reactor design can be established by analyzing the solubility of hydrogen in liquefaction solvents.Experimental studies of hydrogen solubility in liquefaction solvents are challenging due to harsh reaction conditions and complex solvent compositions.In this study,the composition and content of liquefied solvents were analyzed.As model compounds,hexadecane,toluene,naphthalene,tetrahydronaphthalene,and phenanthrene were chosen to represent the liquefied solvents in chain alkanes and monocyclic,bicyclic,and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.The solubility of hydrogen X(mol/mol)in pure solvent components and mixed solvents(alkanes and aromatics mixed in proportion to the chain alkanes+bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,bicyclic saturated aromatic hydrocarbons+bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,and bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons+compounds containing het-eroatoms composed of mixed components)are determined using Aspen simulation at temperature and pressure conditions of 373–523 K and 2–10 MPa.The results demonstrated that at high temperatures and pressures,the solubility of hydrogen in the solvent increases with the increase in temperature and pressure,with the pressure having a greater impact.Further-more,the results revealed that hydrogen is more soluble in straight-chain alkanes than in other solvents,and the solubility of eicosanoids reaches a maximum of 0.296.The hydrogen solubility in aromatic ring compounds decreased gradually with an increase in the aromatic ring number.The influence of chain alkanes on the solubility of hydrogen predominates in a mixture of solvents with different mixing ratios of chain alkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons.The solubility of hydrogen in mixed aromatic solvents is less than that in the corresponding single solvents.Hydrogen is less soluble in solvent compounds containing heteroatoms than in compounds without heteroatoms. 展开更多
关键词 Direct coal liquefaction Liquefaction solvents Process simulation Hydrogen solubility
Modeling and analysis of air combustion and steam regeneration in methanol to olefins processes
作者 Jinqiang Liang Danzhu Liu +1 位作者 Shuliang Xu Mao Ye 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期94-103,共10页
Light olefins is the incredibly important materials in chemical industry.Methanol to olefins(MTO),which provides a non-oil route for light olefins production,received considerable attention in the past decades.However... Light olefins is the incredibly important materials in chemical industry.Methanol to olefins(MTO),which provides a non-oil route for light olefins production,received considerable attention in the past decades.However,the catalyst deactivation is an inevitable feature in MTO processes,and regeneration,therefore,is one of the key steps in industrial MTO processes.Traditionally the MTO catalyst is regenerated by removing the deposited coke via air combustion,which unavoidably transforms coke into carbon dioxide and reduces the carbon utilization efficiency.Recent study shows that the coke species over MTO catalyst can be regenerated via steam,which can promote the light olefins yield as the deactivated coke species can be essentially transferred to industrially useful synthesis gas,is a promising pathway for further MTO processes development.In this work,we modelled and analyzed these two MTO regeneration methods in terms of carbon utilization efficiency and technology economics.As shown,the steam regeneration could achieve a carbon utilization efficiency of 84.31%,compared to 74.74%for air combustion regeneration.The MTO processes using steam regeneration can essentially achieve the near-zero carbon emission.In addition,light olefins production of the MTO processes using steam regeneration is 12.81%higher than that using air combustion regeneration.In this regard,steam regeneration could be considered as a potential yet promising regeneration method for further MTO processes,showing not only great environmental benefits but also competitive economic performance. 展开更多
关键词 Model Methanol to olefins REGENERATION Greenhouse gas Processes simulation
Phase equilibrium data prediction and process optimizationin butadiene extraction process
作者 Baowei Niu Yanjie Yi +5 位作者 Yuwen Wei Fuzhen Zhang Lili Wang Li Xia Xiaoyan Sun Shuguang Xiang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期1-12,共12页
In response to the lack of reliable physical parameters in the process simulation of the butadiene extraction,a large amount of phase equilibrium data were collected in the context of the actual process of butadiene p... In response to the lack of reliable physical parameters in the process simulation of the butadiene extraction,a large amount of phase equilibrium data were collected in the context of the actual process of butadiene production by acetonitrile.The accuracy of five prediction methods,UNIFAC(UNIQUAC Functional-group Activity Coefficients),UNIFAC-LL,UNIFAC-LBY,UNIFAC-DMD and COSMO-RS,applied to the butadiene extraction process was verified using partial phase equilibrium data.The results showed that the UNIFAC-DMD method had the highest accuracy in predicting phase equilibrium data for the missing system.COSMO-RS-predicted multiple systems showed good accuracy,and a large number of missing phase equilibrium data were estimated using the UNIFAC-DMD method and COSMO-RS method.The predicted phase equilibrium data were checked for consistency.The NRTL-RK(non-Random Two Liquid-Redlich-Kwong Equation of State)and UNIQUAC thermodynamic models were used to correlate the phase equilibrium data.Industrial device simulations were used to verify the accuracy of the thermodynamic model applied to the butadiene extraction process.The simulation results showed that the average deviations of the simulated results using the correlated thermodynamic model from the actual values were less than 2%compared to that using the commercial simulation software,Aspen Plus and its database.The average deviation was much smaller than that of the simulations using the Aspen Plus database(>10%),indicating that the obtained phase equilibrium data are highly accurate and reliable.The best phase equilibrium data and thermodynamic model parameters for butadiene extraction are provided.This improves the accuracy and reliability of the design,optimization and control of the process,and provides a basis and guarantee for developing a more environmentally friendly and economical butadiene extraction process. 展开更多
关键词 Butadiene extraction Phase equilibrium data Prediction methods Thermodynamic modeling Process simulation
Progress of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery in Laboratory Investigation 被引量:3
作者 宋绍富 张忠智 李术元 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4期23-29,61,共8页
This paper describes a simple, easy process for screening microorganisms, and introduces a laboratory simulation device and process of microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) , which is a necessary research step for t... This paper describes a simple, easy process for screening microorganisms, and introduces a laboratory simulation device and process of microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) , which is a necessary research step for trial in oilfields. The MEOR mechanism and the influence of adsorption, diffusion, metabolism, nutrition, porosity, and permeability are analyzed. The research indicates that different microbes have different efficiencies in EOR and that different culture types play different roles in EOR. The effect of syrup is better than that of glucose, and larger porosity is favorable to the reproduction and growth of microbes, thereby improving the oil recovery. Using crude oil as a single carbon source is more appreciable because of the decrease in cost of oil recovery. At the end of this paper, the development of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the future is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) screening process mechanism of enhancing oil recovery simulation device simulation process polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Photolithography Process Simulation for Integrated Circuits and Microelectromechanical System Fabrication 被引量:1
作者 周再发 黄庆安 李伟华 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期705-711,共7页
Simulations of photoresist etching,aerial image,exposure,and post-bake processes are integrated to obtain a photolithography process simulation for microelectromechanical system(MEMS) and integrated circuit(IC) fa... Simulations of photoresist etching,aerial image,exposure,and post-bake processes are integrated to obtain a photolithography process simulation for microelectromechanical system(MEMS) and integrated circuit(IC) fabrication based on three-dimensional (3D) cellular automata(CA). The simulation results agree well with available experimental results. This indicates that the 3D dynamic CA model for the photoresist etching simulation and the 3D CA model for the post-bake simulation could be useful for the monolithic simulation of various lithography processes. This is determined to be useful for the device-sized fabrication process simulation of IC and MEMS. 展开更多
关键词 cellular automata process simulation photolithography simulation MODEL TCAD
Modelling and simulation of high-speed milling chatter regeneration based on MATLAB 被引量:1
作者 梅文涛 苑苓苓 +1 位作者 郑勇峰 李红升 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2015年第2期175-179,共5页
Considering the deficiency in milling process parameters selection, based on the modelling of dynamic milling force and the deduction of chatter stability limits, the chatter stability lobes simulation program for mil... Considering the deficiency in milling process parameters selection, based on the modelling of dynamic milling force and the deduction of chatter stability limits, the chatter stability lobes simulation program for milling is developed with MAT- LAB. The simulation optimization application software of dynamics was designed using engineering simulation software Visio Basic. The chatter stability lobes for milling, which can be used as an instruction guide for the selection of process parameters, are simulated with frequency response functions (FRFs) gained by hammer test. The validation and accuracy of the simulation algorithm are verified by experiments. The simulation method has been used in a factory with an excellent application effect. 展开更多
关键词 chatter stability lobes machining process simulation milling
轿车侧围外板总成PLM产线规划的研究 被引量:1
作者 谷玉玲 叶茎 《轻工科技》 2021年第10期25-26,28,共3页
近年来全球PLM市场持续迅速增长,PLM领域的发展速度越来越快。PLM系统在我国企业的应用已收获了初步的效果和认可,但PLM在企业中的应用仍然较低。PLM技术的发展,可以实现信息化管理企业产品和数据,主要应用在制造行业,如航天航空、医疗... 近年来全球PLM市场持续迅速增长,PLM领域的发展速度越来越快。PLM系统在我国企业的应用已收获了初步的效果和认可,但PLM在企业中的应用仍然较低。PLM技术的发展,可以实现信息化管理企业产品和数据,主要应用在制造行业,如航天航空、医疗器械、汽车制造、电子制造和机械装备等行业。本研究内容来源于轿车企业需求,焊接质量的好坏与焊接技术的高低,是直接影响轿车侧围外板整体质量与整体外观的关键因素,因此设计了轿车侧围外板的焊接生产线,形成焊接岛(焊接工位),采用西门子Process Simulate软件实现车架焊接过程的验证,并进行仿真测试。 展开更多
关键词 轿车侧围外板总成 PLM产线 Process simulate
Ligand Size Effect on PdLn Oxidative Addition with Aryl Bromide: A DFT Study
作者 孙文晶 储伟 +1 位作者 余良军 江成发 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期175-179,I0001,共6页
The process and mechanism of the ligand volume controlled Pd(PR3)2 (PR3=PH3, PMe3, and PtBu3) oxidative addition with aryl bromide were investigated, using density functional theory method with the conductor-like ... The process and mechanism of the ligand volume controlled Pd(PR3)2 (PR3=PH3, PMe3, and PtBu3) oxidative addition with aryl bromide were investigated, using density functional theory method with the conductor-like screening model. Association pathway and dissocia-tion pathway were investigated by the comparison of several energies. The cleavage energy of Pd(PR3)2 complex was calculated, as well as the oxidative addition reaction barrier energy of Pd(PR3)n (n=1,2) with aryl bromide in N,N-dimethylformamide solvent. This study proved that the ligands volume possessed a great impact on the mechanism of oxidative addition: less bulky ligand palladium associated with aryl bromide via two donor ligands,but larger bulky ligand palladium coordinated via monoligand. 展开更多
关键词 Process simulation Ligand size effect Oxidative addition Cross-coupling reaction DFT method
Growth Mechanism of Microcrystalline Silicon Films by Scaling Theory and Monte Carlo Simulation 被引量:1
作者 訾威 周玉琴 +1 位作者 刘丰珍 朱美芳 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期1465-1468,共4页
Hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (~c-Si:H) films with a high deposition rate of 1.2nm/s were prepared by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD). The growth-front roughening processes of the μc-Si..H fil... Hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (~c-Si:H) films with a high deposition rate of 1.2nm/s were prepared by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD). The growth-front roughening processes of the μc-Si..H films were investi- gated by atomic force microscopy. According to the scaling theory, the growth exponent β≈0.67, the roughness exponent α≈0.80,and the dynamic exponent 1/z = 0.40 are obtained. These scaling exponents cannot be explained well by the known growth models. An attempt at Monte Carlo simulation has been made to describe the growth process of μc-Si: H film using a particle reemission model where the incident flux distribution,the type and concentration of growth radical, and sticking,reemission,shadowing mechanisms all contributed to the growing morphology. 展开更多
关键词 μc-Si:H growth mechanism scaling theory Monte Carlo simulations reemission process
A comparative study of MEA and DEA for post-combustion CO2 capture with different process configurations 被引量:12
作者 Boyang Xue Yanmei Yu +2 位作者 Jian Chen Xiaobo Luo Meihong Wang 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2017年第1期15-24,共10页
This paper presented a comparative study of monoethanolamine (MEA) and diethanolamine (DEA) for post- combustion CO2 capture (PCC) process with different process configurations to study the interaction effect be... This paper presented a comparative study of monoethanolamine (MEA) and diethanolamine (DEA) for post- combustion CO2 capture (PCC) process with different process configurations to study the interaction effect between solvent and process. The steady state process model of the conventional MEA-based PCC process was developed in Pro/II and was validated with the experimental data. Then ten different process configurations were simulated for both MEA and DEA. Their performances in energy consumption were compared in terms of reboiler duty and total equivalent work. The results show that DEA generally has better thermal performances than MEA for all these ten process configurations. Seven process configurations provide 0.38%-4.61% total energy saving compared with the conventional PCC process for MEA, and other two configurations are not favourable. For DEA, except one configuration, other process configurations have 0.27%-4.50% total energy saving. This work also analyzed the sensitivities of three key parameters (amine concentration, stripper pressure and lean solvent loading) in conventional process and five process modifications to show optimization strategy. 展开更多
关键词 Process simulation CO2 capture Energy consumption MEA DEA
Computational Mass Transfer Method for Chemical Process Simulation 被引量:10
作者 袁希钢 余国琮 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第4期497-502,共6页
The recent works on the development of computational mass transfer (CMT) method and its applications in chemical process simulation are reviewed. Some development strategies and challenges in future research are als... The recent works on the development of computational mass transfer (CMT) method and its applications in chemical process simulation are reviewed. Some development strategies and challenges in future research are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 computational mass transfer turbulent mass transfer diffusivity chemical process simulation
Operation optimization of the steel manufacturing process: A brief review 被引量:7
作者 Zhao-jun Xu Zhong Zheng Xiao-qiang Gao 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第8期1274-1287,共14页
Against the realistic background of excess production capacity, product structure imbalance, and high material and energy consumption in steel enterprises, the implementation of operation optimization for the steel ma... Against the realistic background of excess production capacity, product structure imbalance, and high material and energy consumption in steel enterprises, the implementation of operation optimization for the steel manufacturing process is essential to reduce the production cost, increase the production or energy efficiency, and improve production management. In this study, the operation optimization problem of the steel manufacturing process, which needed to go through a complex production organization from customers' orders to workshop production, was analyzed. The existing research on the operation optimization techniques, including process simulation, production planning, production scheduling, interface scheduling, and scheduling of auxiliary equipment, was reviewed. The literature review reveals that, although considerable research has been conducted to optimize the operation of steel production, these techniques are usually independent and unsystematic.Therefore, the future work related to operation optimization of the steel manufacturing process based on the integration of multi technologies and the intersection of multi disciplines were summarized. 展开更多
关键词 intelligent manufacturing operation optimization steel manufacturing process process simulation production planning production scheduling
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