Through laboratory simulation, the influence of cadmium on soil respiratory intensity and microbial community were studied by adding different concentrations of heavy metal cadmium. The results indicated that, the soi...Through laboratory simulation, the influence of cadmium on soil respiratory intensity and microbial community were studied by adding different concentrations of heavy metal cadmium. The results indicated that, the soil respiration had a signifi- cant weakening trend in the same culture days with increasing exogenous cadmium content; the soil respiration intensity was decreased obviously with the increase of culture time, especially after 14 d when the soil exogenous cadmium content was in the range of 0.5-3.0 mg/kg, while the soil respiration had not obvious variation over time when the exogenous cadmium content was in the range of 5.0-10.0 mg/kg. The soil microbial communities decreased significantly and were much lower than that of the control treatment in the same culture days with the increasing of soil exogenous cadmium content; the soil microbial community declined significantly with increasing of culture time for all exogenous cadmium treatments. The number of soil microbial communities in treatment with 10 mg/kg of exogenous cadmium were only 46.43%, 32.26%, 28.74%, 27.39% and 24.62% of that in control treatment on the 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and 42rd of culture, respectively. It indicated that higher concen- tration of cadmium in dark brown soil had a significant inhibitory effect on soil mi- crobial growth.展开更多
基金Supported by Science and Technology Development Plan of Jilin Province(201105012)~~
文摘Through laboratory simulation, the influence of cadmium on soil respiratory intensity and microbial community were studied by adding different concentrations of heavy metal cadmium. The results indicated that, the soil respiration had a signifi- cant weakening trend in the same culture days with increasing exogenous cadmium content; the soil respiration intensity was decreased obviously with the increase of culture time, especially after 14 d when the soil exogenous cadmium content was in the range of 0.5-3.0 mg/kg, while the soil respiration had not obvious variation over time when the exogenous cadmium content was in the range of 5.0-10.0 mg/kg. The soil microbial communities decreased significantly and were much lower than that of the control treatment in the same culture days with the increasing of soil exogenous cadmium content; the soil microbial community declined significantly with increasing of culture time for all exogenous cadmium treatments. The number of soil microbial communities in treatment with 10 mg/kg of exogenous cadmium were only 46.43%, 32.26%, 28.74%, 27.39% and 24.62% of that in control treatment on the 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and 42rd of culture, respectively. It indicated that higher concen- tration of cadmium in dark brown soil had a significant inhibitory effect on soil mi- crobial growth.
文摘为评估DED(Dual Equilibrium Desorption,双元平衡解吸)模型用于预测实际场地VOCs呼吸暴露健康风险的适用性,以邯郸某化工搬迁场地中危化品存储车间场地为案例,采用DED模型分别计算了二氯甲烷和苯在埋深1.5m(浅层)和3.5m(深层)处的呼吸暴露健康风险,并与基于相应深度实测土壤气中污染物浓度及采用传统J&E(Johnson and Ettinger)模型预测的呼吸暴露健康风险进行了比较验证.结果表明:(1)采用DED模型预测的二氯甲烷健康风险均未超过10^(-6),在某些点位及深度(2号点浅层、6号点浅层及深层、5号点深层)苯的健康风险超过了10^(-6).(2)基于实测土壤气中污染物浓度计算的健康风险显示,二氯甲烷健康风险均未超过10^(-6),在某些点位及深度(4号和6号点浅层和深层及2号点深层)苯的健康风险超过了10^(-6).(3)采用J&E模型预测的二氯甲烷和苯的健康风险均超过10^(-6).(4)对比发现,对于二氯甲烷DED模型预测的风险结果与基于土壤气实测污染物浓度预测的结果总体无明显差异,但苯在部分点位前者预测结果低于后者.研究显示,DED模型基本上能适用于预测实际场地VOCs呼吸暴露健康风险,但在某些点位可能会低估实际风险,建议具体使用过程中进一步采集场地数据进行验证,而J&E模型的预测结果均过于保守;同时,对DED模型各参数进行敏感性分析发现,土壤中土壤气体积含量、污染物浓度和有机碳含量对风险结果影响相对明显,土壤容重则几乎没有影响.