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作者 谢江英 《山西建筑》 2024年第13期42-45,51,共5页
城市湖泊型风景区具有良好的生态系统服务社会价值,是城市规划关注的热点。对当前的城市湖泊型风景区,少有从生态系统服务社会价值方面进行评估和研究。以武汉东湖风景区为例,通过SolVES模型对其生态系统服务社会价值及其影响因素进行评... 城市湖泊型风景区具有良好的生态系统服务社会价值,是城市规划关注的热点。对当前的城市湖泊型风景区,少有从生态系统服务社会价值方面进行评估和研究。以武汉东湖风景区为例,通过SolVES模型对其生态系统服务社会价值及其影响因素进行评估,结果表明:游客对武汉东湖风景区美学价值、生命可持续价值、生物多样性价值、科研教育价值和康养价值评价较高;美学价值、康养价值和科研教育价值主要集中在磨山、听涛及落雁景区的主要旅游景点,生物多样性和生命可持续价值在各景区广泛分布;水体、植被覆盖度、公共设施、旅游景点、科教文化设施、交通设施的建设会影响游客对社会价值的偏好。根据研究结果对武汉东湖风景区生态系统服务社会价值提出了提升策略。 展开更多
关键词 城市湖泊型风景区 生态系统服务社会价值 solveS模型 武汉东湖风景区
作者 佘心怡 刘欢瑶 +1 位作者 李小马 甘德欣 《绿色科技》 2023年第23期16-21,共6页
人类活动对生态系统不同服务的多样化需求日益增加,传统的生态系统服务价值评估多以经济学方法为主,较少关注其社会属性与空间异质性。选取湖南烈士公园为研究对象,应用SolVES模型评估了公园社会价值及其影响因素,结果表明:受访者对公... 人类活动对生态系统不同服务的多样化需求日益增加,传统的生态系统服务价值评估多以经济学方法为主,较少关注其社会属性与空间异质性。选取湖南烈士公园为研究对象,应用SolVES模型评估了公园社会价值及其影响因素,结果表明:受访者对公园内历史、娱乐、美学、文化以及康体疗养价值显示较为显著的偏好;美学价值高点在水域附近较为集中,文化价值高点集中在文化底蕴深厚的区域,高娱乐价值集中在具有游乐设施以及互动性较强的区域,视野开阔的硬质铺装区域有高康体疗养价值的分布;道路、水体、步行路径、广场平台等环境指标的布局会影响受访者对不同社会价值的偏好程度。SolVES模型在评估中小尺度生态系统服务社会价值方面具有较好的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 solveS模型 生态系统服务社会价值 空间分析 湖南烈士公园
基于SolVES的传统村落生态系统服务社会价值评估——以锦江木屋村为例 被引量:3
作者 赵宏宇 李雁冰 车越 《中国园林》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期76-81,共6页
与自然和谐共生的生态系统服务,是传统村落能够历经百年仍保持鲜活生命力的核心关键,但其社会价值属性一直由于无形性常在村落保护建设中被忽视,造成大量传统村落价值流失,亟须对其进行量化分析。以国家第二批传统村落锦江木屋村为研究... 与自然和谐共生的生态系统服务,是传统村落能够历经百年仍保持鲜活生命力的核心关键,但其社会价值属性一直由于无形性常在村落保护建设中被忽视,造成大量传统村落价值流失,亟须对其进行量化分析。以国家第二批传统村落锦江木屋村为研究对象,基于SolVES模型和偏好调查数据对其生态系统服务社会价值进行量化评估,绘制社会价值地图,揭示其社会价值的空间聚类关系,以及周边自然环境变量对其社会价值的影响,探讨传统村落社会价值提升的优化策略。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 生态系统服务 传统村落 社会价值 空间分析 solveS模型
高校英语师范生职前困惑及“SOLVE”策略 被引量:1
作者 刘沙 《三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2008年第4期111-114,共4页
新《课标》在推动基础教育英语课程改革的同时,也向高校英语教育专业人才的培养和师范生的综合素质提出了新的要求。针对完成教学实习活动后的高校英语教育专业学生在理想和现实的冲突中所产生的诸多困惑,提出了"SOLVE"的应... 新《课标》在推动基础教育英语课程改革的同时,也向高校英语教育专业人才的培养和师范生的综合素质提出了新的要求。针对完成教学实习活动后的高校英语教育专业学生在理想和现实的冲突中所产生的诸多困惑,提出了"SOLVE"的应对之策。 展开更多
关键词 英语教育 毕业生 困惑 solve”策略
基于SolVES模型的生态系统文化服务价值评估——以浙江省武义县南部生态公园为例 被引量:55
作者 霍思高 黄璐 严力蛟 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期3682-3691,共10页
文化服务是一种重要的生态系统服务类型,也是连接生态系统和社会系统的重要桥梁。以浙江省武义县南部生态公园为研究对象,以规划应用为导向,以Sol VES模型为基础,以专家调查法为补充,以价值指数(VI)评估生态系统文化服务价值,结果表明:... 文化服务是一种重要的生态系统服务类型,也是连接生态系统和社会系统的重要桥梁。以浙江省武义县南部生态公园为研究对象,以规划应用为导向,以Sol VES模型为基础,以专家调查法为补充,以价值指数(VI)评估生态系统文化服务价值,结果表明:(1)武义县南部生态公园中部及北部生态系统文化服务价值较高,东北部存在一条价值较高的生态系统文化服务带;(2)牛头山、延福寺、柳城畲族镇—十里荷花等是生态系统文化服务价值较高的热点地区;(3)受访专家认为美学、文化遗产、康养、消遣娱乐价值较为重要,教育、宗教与精神价值重要程度相对较低;(4)6种生态系统文化服务价值均与距道路、水体距离呈负相关关系,林地对应的VI范围最广,农田、水域对应的VI相对较高。将评估结果应用于武义县南部生态公园总体规划,为其提出空间布局与环境要素改善等方面的建议。通过本研究发现,SolVES模型与专家调查法相结合是一种适用于规划应用的文化服务价值评估方法,可为管理决策提供知识和技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统服务 solveS模型 价值评估 武义县 生态规划
基于SolVES模型的关中-天水经济区生态系统文化服务评估 被引量:30
作者 赵琪琪 李晶 +2 位作者 刘婧雅 秦克玉 田涛 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期3673-3681,共9页
随着人类对于生态系统服务的需求持续增加,生态系统服务的评估逐渐成为研究热点。其中文化服务因其自身的无形性常在研究中被忽视且难以衡量。选取关中-天水经济区为研究区域,应用Sol VES模型并生成5种价值指数地图和价值总和地图来评... 随着人类对于生态系统服务的需求持续增加,生态系统服务的评估逐渐成为研究热点。其中文化服务因其自身的无形性常在研究中被忽视且难以衡量。选取关中-天水经济区为研究区域,应用Sol VES模型并生成5种价值指数地图和价值总和地图来评估该区域生态系统的文化服务。结果表明:审美价值在秦岭山脉和城市公园等区域较高;娱乐价值在娱乐机会较多、交通便利的城市和秦岭北麓区域更高;文化与历史价值集中在历史文化底蕴深厚的城市地区;精神价值在与城市距离较近、有山川分布的森林公园更高。Sol VES模型在大范围区域的应用取得了较好的效果同时为政府进行生态建设和规划提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 solveS模型 生态系统服务 文化服务 关中-天水经济区 空间分析
作者 王启新 安兴华 +1 位作者 王小鸽 王克宏 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第21期120-124,146,共6页
随着不同种类体系结构高性能计算机系统的不断出现和网络技术的迅猛发展,人们越来越希望能够打破平台和地域的限制,共享分布在广域网上的各种高性能计算机的计算能力。但广域网络分布式计算平台的异构性和资源组织协调的复杂性一直困扰... 随着不同种类体系结构高性能计算机系统的不断出现和网络技术的迅猛发展,人们越来越希望能够打破平台和地域的限制,共享分布在广域网上的各种高性能计算机的计算能力。但广域网络分布式计算平台的异构性和资源组织协调的复杂性一直困扰着这方面工作的发展。作者从Java字节码的平台无关性和Jini架构的网络资源运行时动态自组织能力中得到启发,提出了JiniSolve网络异构平台分布式计算架构(一种元计算架构),以克服这两个障碍。JiniSolve架构能够支持所有三种网络分布式计算的模式———远程计算、MobileAgent计算和代码下载计算,其中对MobileAgent计算的支持是以往类似元计算架构所不能做到的。同时,JiniSolve架构又具有运行时动态异步自组织能力,从而使整个系统具有更高的可适应性,可用性,可靠性和易用性。文章将介绍JiniSolve架构的基本体系结构,分析其优点并给出一个实验性的应用举例。 展开更多
关键词 元计算 Jini Jin:solve 体系结构 网络计算 计算机网络
SIR phasing by combination of SOLVE/RESOLVE and dual-space fragment extension involving OASIS
作者 何尧 古元新 +2 位作者 林政炯 郑朝德 范海福 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第10期3022-3028,共7页
A new phasing procedure has been proposed for dealing with single isomorphous replacement (SIR) x-ray diffraction data. The procedure combines SOLVE/RESOLVE with the dual-space fragment extension involving OASIS. Tw... A new phasing procedure has been proposed for dealing with single isomorphous replacement (SIR) x-ray diffraction data. The procedure combines SOLVE/RESOLVE with the dual-space fragment extension involving OASIS. Two sets of SIR data at 0.28 nm resolution taken from the protein (R)-phycoerythrin (PDB code: 1LIA) were used in the test. For one of the two SIR data sets, a default run of SOLVE/RESOLVE based on the heavy-atom substructure found by SHLEXD led automatically to an interpretable electron density map. OASIS could not effectively improve the result. For the other set of SIR data, SOLVE/RESOLVE resulted in a fragmented model consisting of 454 of the total 668 residues, in which only 29 residues were docked into the sequence. Based on this model, 7 iteration cycles of OASIS-DM- RESOLVE (build only) yielded automatically a model of 547 residues with 133 residues docked into the sequence. The overall-averaged phase error decreased considerably and the quality of electron density map was improved significantly. Two more cycles of iterative OASIS-DM-RESOLVE were carried out, in which the output phases and figures of merit from DM were merged with that from the original run of SOLVE/RESOLVE before they were passed onto RESOLVE (build only). This led automatically to a model containing 452 residues with 173 docked into the sequence. The resultant electron density map is manually traceable. It is concluded that when results of SOLVE/RESOLVE are not sufficiently satisfactory, the combination of SOLVE/RESOLVE and OASIS-DM-RESOLVE (build only) may significantly improve them. 展开更多
关键词 SIR phasing solve/REsolve OASIS dual-space fragment extension for proteins
Quaternion Approach to Solve Coupled Nonlinear Schrdinger Equation and Crosstalk of Quarter-Phase-Shift-Key Signals in Polarization Multiplexing Systems
作者 刘岚岚 吴重庆 +2 位作者 尚超 王健 高凯强 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第8期78-82,共5页
The quaternion approach to solve the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations (CNSEs) in fibers is proposed, converting the CNSEs to a single variable equation by using a conception of eigen-quaternion of coupled qua... The quaternion approach to solve the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations (CNSEs) in fibers is proposed, converting the CNSEs to a single variable equation by using a conception of eigen-quaternion of coupled quater- nion. The crosstalk of quarter-phase-shift-key signals caused by fiber nonlinearity in polarization multiplexing systems with 100 Cbps bit-rate is investigated and simulated. The results demonstrate that the crosstalk is like a rotated ghosting of input constellation. For the 50 km conventional fiber link, when the total power is less than 4roW, the crosstalk effect can be neglected; when the power is larger than 20roW, the crosstalk is very obvious. In addition, the crosstalk can not be detected according to the output eye diagram and state of polarization in Poincare sphere in the trunk fiber, making it difficult for the monitoring of optical trunk link. 展开更多
关键词 In dinger Equation and Crosstalk of Quarter-Phase-Shift-Key Signals in Polarization Multiplexing Systems Quaternion Approach to solve Coupled Nonlinear Schr
Helping Africa to Solve Grain Challenges
作者 LI JUN 《China Today》 2019年第10期36-39,共4页
FOR a long time, agricultural development and food production in Africa have been severely constrained due to various reasons. These include insufficient agricultural infrastructure, lack of breeding capacity, and a p... FOR a long time, agricultural development and food production in Africa have been severely constrained due to various reasons. These include insufficient agricultural infrastructure, lack of breeding capacity, and a poor level of agricultural mechanization. In addition, in recent years, due to various factors such as natural disasters and epidemics, the food security situation in many African countries is not optimistic. 展开更多
Adhering to Opening-up is the Key to Solve Sino-US Economic and Trade Problems
作者 Wang Huiyao 《International Understanding》 2019年第3期32-34,共3页
The new round of Sino-US high-level economic and trade consultations has been concluded.This is the 13th round of negotiations since the wide acceleration of economic and trade frictions between China and US.
关键词 Opening-up the KEY solve Sino-US ECONOMIC Trade PROBLEMS
To Solve the Problems of English Teaching in China: A Comprehensive Literature Review
作者 郭思含 《海外英语》 2019年第5期242-244,共3页
English education in China has its problems due to its history and teaching environment,such as deficiency of communication purpose,insufficiency of teaching on oral expression and so on.Consequently,to solve the prob... English education in China has its problems due to its history and teaching environment,such as deficiency of communication purpose,insufficiency of teaching on oral expression and so on.Consequently,to solve the problems of English teaching in China seems necessary.Therefore,the solutions as the changes of policy,updated teaching methods,improvement of teacher’s skills on teaching and diverse ways of teaching should be pointed out. 展开更多
关键词 LITERATURE review problems solving English LANGUAGE teaching
Can You Solve the Problems?
作者 曾凯琪 《疯狂英语(理论版)》 2019年第1期36-37,共2页
Maths is important in our life, especially fraction, and it is also fun.But can you solve the following fraction problems? Try, please.(1) Adam needs to drive a distance of 372 miles to New York to attend his friend s... Maths is important in our life, especially fraction, and it is also fun.But can you solve the following fraction problems? Try, please.(1) Adam needs to drive a distance of 372 miles to New York to attend his friend s birthday party. He stops over to grab a quick bite after he covers one-third the total distance. 展开更多
关键词 CAN solve PROBLEMS
How to Solve Percentage Problems?
作者 张丽莉 《疯狂英语(理论版)》 2019年第1期45-48,共4页
Some of the primary school students can solve percentage problems written in Chinese but fail to solve them written in English. Why?Is bilingual maths more diffi cult than Chinese maths? The answer is 'No'.The... Some of the primary school students can solve percentage problems written in Chinese but fail to solve them written in English. Why?Is bilingual maths more diffi cult than Chinese maths? The answer is 'No'.The main reason is that they might not know well about the formula of percentage and the English expressions of percentage. 展开更多
Remote County Solves Rural Credit Conundrum
作者 BAIXU 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2006年第3期10-11,共2页
It has long been assumed that no solution exists. For decades, Chinese and foreign experts in Beijing have wrestled over evermore elaborate micro-creditschemes with the sole aim of raising the Chinese peasant out of p... It has long been assumed that no solution exists. For decades, Chinese and foreign experts in Beijing have wrestled over evermore elaborate micro-creditschemes with the sole aim of raising the Chinese peasant out of poverty, yet the peasants are too poor to present any collateral to get the loan. 展开更多
关键词 OVER RATE Remote County solves Rural Credit Conundrum 田月 US
Africa Can Solve Its Own Affairs
《ChinAfrica》 2011年第8期11-11,共1页
As NATO forces continue bombing Libya and no solution to the conflict is in sight,Zhang Zhongxiang,Deputy Director of the Department of the West Asian and African Studies at the Shanghai Institutes for International S... As NATO forces continue bombing Libya and no solution to the conflict is in sight,Zhang Zhongxiang,Deputy Director of the Department of the West Asian and African Studies at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies,says African countries should be left to resolve their own conflicts via the African Union and Western intervention in Libya only exacerbates an already volatile situation. His thoughts are as follows: 展开更多
关键词 Africa Can solve Its Own Affairs As
Can postponing school starting age solve China’s “Boy Crisis?”
《ChinAfrica》 2017年第2期12-13,共2页
Education has always been a deeply emotional topic for Chinese parents. A recent proposal calling for postponing boys' school starting age by one year has led to even more heated discussions on the topic.
关键词 Boy Crisis Can postponing school starting age solve China’s
Unemployment,a Problem Being Solved in China
作者 LI XIA 《China Today》 1996年第2期16-18,共3页
Unemployment,aProblemBeingSolvedinChinaBystaffreporterLIXIAChinaworkstocompletethetransitiontoasocialistmark... Unemployment,aProblemBeingSolvedinChinaBystaffreporterLIXIAChinaworkstocompletethetransitiontoasocialistmarketeconomy.Jingsha... 展开更多
关键词 Unemployment a Problem Being solved in China
SolVES模型在生态系统服务功能社会价值评估中的应用 被引量:2
作者 潘健峰 马月伟 +2 位作者 蔡思青 陈艳 陈玉美 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期20-25,共6页
生态系统服务功能社会价值评估是优化区域资源管理、提高社会治理水平的重要依据,但因其自身的无形性、主观性、不确定性常在研究中被忽视且难以有效量化。传统的生态系统服务价值评估主要以自然要素测度为主,既忽略了社会属性及价值,... 生态系统服务功能社会价值评估是优化区域资源管理、提高社会治理水平的重要依据,但因其自身的无形性、主观性、不确定性常在研究中被忽视且难以有效量化。传统的生态系统服务价值评估主要以自然要素测度为主,既忽略了社会属性及价值,又导致评估结果缺乏完整性、客观性。SolVES模型以非货币化价值指数表示、定量化评估精度高、适用性广泛、空间可视化程度高等特点,广泛应用于不同生态系统及空间尺度的评估。文中概述SolVES模型的框架及原理,结合相关应用案例总结该模型当前的研究成果、研究热点及优缺点,对其未来发展趋势进行归纳和展望,可为SolVES模型更好地应用于生态系统服务功能社会价值评估提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统服务 社会价值 solveS模型 模型评估
作者 周璇宇 甄悦昕 《区域治理》 2023年第36期172-174,共3页
随着中国城市化进程加快以及游客对美好生活要求的提高,城市公园建设成为城市建设重要课题。本文以成都市空港中央公园为研究区,运用 SolVES 模型研究空港中央公园生态系统服务价值,重点探索近郊区复合型城市公园生态系统服务价值的体... 随着中国城市化进程加快以及游客对美好生活要求的提高,城市公园建设成为城市建设重要课题。本文以成都市空港中央公园为研究区,运用 SolVES 模型研究空港中央公园生态系统服务价值,重点探索近郊区复合型城市公园生态系统服务价值的体现。结果表明,游客对间接经济价值、生命支持价值和娱乐价值偏好较高,各价值间的相关指数根据距道路、水体距离呈现不同水平的相关关系,并针对目前城市公园建设情况进一步提出发展路径建议。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统服务 solveS模型 近郊区复合型城市公园 生态规划
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