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On the Fuzziness of Language and its Translation
作者 许晴 《教师》 2010年第2期61-62,共2页
关键词 中学 英语教学 教学方法 阅读
The realization of language input in an efficient way
作者 何衡衡 《汉口学院学报》 2008年第2期41-46,共6页
A comparison of the two Versions of The Story of an hour in terms of Language
作者 刘晏婴 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第S1期277-279,共3页
The comparison of the two versions of The story of An Hour done by Yanxuejun and Ge Lin respectively presents how important accarate idiomatic and vivid language is in course of translation.
关键词 source language Target langnage Idiomatic
A Researchon Foreign Language Anxiety among Vocational School Students
作者 徐晓莉 《海外英语》 2014年第11X期69-70,共2页
Foreign language anxiety is a negative emotion of fear or apprehension occurring in the specific situation of foreign language learning influencing language learning. The author made a research among vocational school... Foreign language anxiety is a negative emotion of fear or apprehension occurring in the specific situation of foreign language learning influencing language learning. The author made a research among vocational school students to investigate the level and sources of foreign language anxiety. 展开更多
Comparison of R and Excel in the Field of Data Analysis
作者 Jue Wang 《Journal of Electronic Research and Application》 2024年第3期178-184,共7页
This research paper compares Excel and R language for data analysis and concludes that R language is more suitable for complex data analysis tasks.R language’s open-source nature makes it accessible to everyone,and i... This research paper compares Excel and R language for data analysis and concludes that R language is more suitable for complex data analysis tasks.R language’s open-source nature makes it accessible to everyone,and its powerful data management and analysis tools make it suitable for handling complex data analysis tasks.It is also highly customizable,allowing users to create custom functions and packages to meet their specific needs.Additionally,R language provides high reproducibility,making it easy to replicate and verify research results,and it has excellent collaboration capabilities,enabling multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously.These advantages make R language a more suitable choice for complex data analysis tasks,particularly in scientific research and business applications.The findings of this study will help people understand that R is not just a language that can handle more data than Excel and demonstrate that r is essential to the field of data analysis.At the same time,it will also help users and organizations make informed decisions regarding their data analysis needs and software preferences. 展开更多
关键词 EXCEL R language Data analysis Open source COMPARE Data management Advantages Disadvantages FUNCTION
作者 韩琳 《长江学术》 2025年第1期113-121,共9页
黄季刚语言文字研究始终贯穿着探求语言文字系统和根源的思路。语言和文字是两个不同层次的系统,具有不同的根源。字形之根源是象形指事的“文”,以“文”为起点,以音义为基础,以变易、孽乳为条例探索文字孽生之迹,为同源字系统。语言... 黄季刚语言文字研究始终贯穿着探求语言文字系统和根源的思路。语言和文字是两个不同层次的系统,具有不同的根源。字形之根源是象形指事的“文”,以“文”为起点,以音义为基础,以变易、孽乳为条例探索文字孽生之迹,为同源字系统。语言的根源是语言产生时期的言语音声,以“文”为依托,以分化语和转语为类型呈现语言发生、发展轨迹,是同源词系统。文字是记录语言的符号系统,同源字和同源词虽分别但联系紧密。联系同源字系统综合考察同源词的类型、源头、层级,可以呈现黄季刚同源词理论体系的整体面貌。 展开更多
关键词 黄侃 语言文字研究 语言变化 同源字 同源词
作者 朱梦婷 刘志航 +5 位作者 李航 林杏华 童晓萍 吴蕾 林琳 陈远彬 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2025年第1期215-220,共6页
目的通过系统梳理间质性肺病(肺痹)的中医理论源流,并基于R语言数据挖掘分析中医古籍治疗肺痹的用药规律,为现代中医临床诊疗提供参考。方法通过查阅专业书籍,确定以“肺痹”为检索词,对第5版《中华医典》《中医药古籍数据库》及《广中... 目的通过系统梳理间质性肺病(肺痹)的中医理论源流,并基于R语言数据挖掘分析中医古籍治疗肺痹的用药规律,为现代中医临床诊疗提供参考。方法通过查阅专业书籍,确定以“肺痹”为检索词,对第5版《中华医典》《中医药古籍数据库》及《广中医古籍数据库》中符合纳入标准的条文进行提取,探讨肺痹的理论发展源流,基于R语言平台(V4.2.3)对中药处方进行频次分析、关联规则分析以及聚类分析、Phi相关性分析等。结果肺痹的中医病名及病因病机制论首见于《黄帝内经》,隋唐时期沿袭其理论并继承发展,宋朝《圣济总录》首次单列肺痹章节,并提出治法方药,进一步发展了肺痹理论,明清时期记载的肺痹条文占80%以上,理法方药趋于完善。筛选得到治疗肺痹的方剂45首,中药112味,中药频次居于前五位依次为杏仁、陈皮、瓜蒌、人参和茯苓,关联规则分析得到最为常用的药对:郁金-杏仁,瓜蒌-杏仁,瓜蒌-郁金-杏仁等,聚类分析得到2个核心药物组方:瓜蒌-郁金-杏仁-栀子-贝母-桑叶,陈皮-茯苓-半夏-人参-白术-甘草-紫菀-桔梗。结论古籍论治肺痹的病机关键是“郁、痰、瘀、虚”,形成的核心处方用药符合以行气开痹、化痰祛瘀、补虚通络的治疗原则,可为肺痹分期的临床诊治、后续开展临床研究及新药研发提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 间质性肺病 肺痹 R语言 理论源流 数据挖掘
SM3国密算法在Android内核的汇编语言快速实现 被引量:1
作者 郑东 汪梦月 杨中皇 《西安邮电大学学报》 2023年第3期57-62,共6页
基于Android平台,设计并实现SM3国密算法的汇编语言。首先,使用Java本地接口(Java Native Interface,JNI)技术开发Android系统应用,设置动态库文件的生成配置。然后,对SM3国密算法的汇编语言进行调用,获取SM3算法哈希值,生成动态库文件... 基于Android平台,设计并实现SM3国密算法的汇编语言。首先,使用Java本地接口(Java Native Interface,JNI)技术开发Android系统应用,设置动态库文件的生成配置。然后,对SM3国密算法的汇编语言进行调用,获取SM3算法哈希值,生成动态库文件。在获取Android内核的操作权限后,将生成的动态库文件嵌入Android内核,从而进行SM3国密算法在Android内核的汇编语言快速实现。在Pixel 2上的测试结果表明,在Android系统使用汇编语言实现SM3算法具有更高的实现速率。 展开更多
关键词 andROID SM3国密算法 android开放源代码项目 汇编语言
SM4国密算法在Android内核的汇编语言快速实现 被引量:3
作者 郑东 常晓阳 杨中皇 《西安邮电大学学报》 2021年第6期66-71,共6页
基于Android智能设备中所封装的安全机制,利用SM4国密算法对Android智能设备中的隐私数据提供机密性保护。通过编译Android开源项目(Android Open Source Project,AOSP)的源码,设计SM4国密算法的汇编语言代码,并将所生成的安全算法动态... 基于Android智能设备中所封装的安全机制,利用SM4国密算法对Android智能设备中的隐私数据提供机密性保护。通过编译Android开源项目(Android Open Source Project,AOSP)的源码,设计SM4国密算法的汇编语言代码,并将所生成的安全算法动态库嵌入Android 9.0源码,在Android内核层中实现SM4密码算法对终端内部文件执行快速加密的功能。在Pixel 2设备上利用汇编语言对SM4密码算法的加密速率进行模拟仿真,结果表明,在移动智能终端中采用汇编语言设计的SM4算法具有较高的加密速率,能够高效保护Android移动设备用户的隐私数据。 展开更多
关键词 国密算法SM4 andROID操作系统 android开源项目 汇编语言 隐私数据安全
Understanding of Form and Content in Nida's Translation Theory 被引量:1
作者 王茹 《承德职业学院学报》 2001年第3期7-10,共4页
由于语言以不同的形式而存在 ,为了达意 ,有时我们必须改变语言的形式。
关键词 形式 内容 翻译 原语 目的语
The Myth of the Omniscient Translator and the Perfect Translation
作者 赵玉莉 《海外英语》 2010年第3X期105-106,共2页
Translation is a complex and misleading field of knowledge. Many people consider that some translators are incredibly skillful and that "perfect" translation truly exists. While this fantasy is so appealing,... Translation is a complex and misleading field of knowledge. Many people consider that some translators are incredibly skillful and that "perfect" translation truly exists. While this fantasy is so appealing, we must know that such things as perfect translation and omni- scient translators do not exist, and the reasons are often too subtle for people to realize. Even though the prospect of translation seems to be a little bit frustrating, it is not a hopeless field where we can still make progress. In this essay, I will first introduce what are "omniscient translator" and "perfect translation", and then I will analyze why they do not exist in real world, and why many people take these two fantasies for granted. At last, I will tell that what we can do to get improvement in translation. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSLATION OMNISCIENT culture elements TRANSLATOR language source language context society PERFECT
Localization of the human language cortex by magnetic source imaging
作者 孙吉林 吴杰 +2 位作者 李素敏 吴育锦 刘连祥 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第7期1039-1042,共4页
Objective To localize the language cortex associated with Chinese word processing by magnetic source imaging (MSI) Methods Eight right handed and one left handed healthy native Chinese subjects were examined by ... Objective To localize the language cortex associated with Chinese word processing by magnetic source imaging (MSI) Methods Eight right handed and one left handed healthy native Chinese subjects were examined by magnetoencephalography (MEG) and a 1 5T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) unit All subjects were given pure tone stimuli 50 times, 150 pairs of Chinese words (meaning related or unrelated) auditory stimuli, and pure tone stimuli subsequently 50 times Evoked response fields time locked to the pure tone and Chinese words were recorded using a whole head neuromagnetometer in real time The acquired data were averaged by the acquisition computer according to the response to the pure tone, related pairs of words and unrelated pairs of words The data obtained by MEG were superimposed on MRI, using a GE Signa 1 5T system Results MEG, showed there were two obviously higher magnetic waves named M50 and M100, which were localized in the bilateral transverse temporal gyri in all subjects The responses to the pairs of Chinese words (meaning related or unrelated) were similar in the same hemisphere of the same subjects There was a higher peak during 300-600 ms in the right hemisphere of one left handed subject, but no peak in the left hemisphere, indicating that the language dominant hemisphere was localized in the right hemisphere Superimposing the MEG data on MRI, the language area was localized in the Wernicke's areas A 300-600 ms response peak was obsarved in each hemisphere (the amplitude of the 300-600 ms response peak in each hemisphere was almost the same) in two right handed subjects, showing that the language area was localized in the 2 hemispheres in the two subjects There was one peak in each hemisphere (300-600 ms response) in 6 subjects, but the amplitude of the wave in the left hemisphere in the 6 subjects was much higher than that in the right hemisphere By choosing randomly from the later component (300-600 ms response) several time points and superimposing them on MRI, all time points were localized in the posterior part of the superior temporal gyri, which is the Wernicke's areas Conclusions Comparing with the later component of the bilateral hemispheres, the wave amplitude in the language dominant hemisphere was much higher than that in the non language dominant hemisphere The language areas could be identified by judging whether meanings of pairs of Chinese words were related or not 展开更多
关键词 magnetoencephalography · magnetic source imaging · language · cerebral dominance
Functionalist Translation Theory and Film Translation
作者 魏然 《商情》 2014年第20期353-354,共2页
关键词 摘要 编辑部 编辑工作 读者
Local Radial Basis Function Methods: Comparison, Improvements, and Implementation
作者 Scott A. Sarra 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2023年第12期3867-3886,共20页
Radial Basis Function methods for scattered data interpolation and for the numerical solution of PDEs were originally implemented in a global manner. Subsequently, it was realized that the methods could be implemented... Radial Basis Function methods for scattered data interpolation and for the numerical solution of PDEs were originally implemented in a global manner. Subsequently, it was realized that the methods could be implemented more efficiently in a local manner and that the local approaches could match or even surpass the accuracy of the global implementations. In this work, three localization approaches are compared: a local RBF method, a partition of unity method, and a recently introduced modified partition of unity method. A simple shape parameter selection method is introduced and the application of artificial viscosity to stabilize each of the local methods when approximating time-dependent PDEs is reviewed. Additionally, a new type of quasi-random center is introduced which may be better choices than other quasi-random points that are commonly used with RBF methods. All the results within the manuscript are reproducible as they are included as examples in the freely available Python Radial Basis Function Toolbox. 展开更多
关键词 Radial Basis Functions Shape Parameter Selection Quasi-Random Centers Numerical PDEs Scientific Computing Open source Software Python Programming language Reproducible Research
On the Culture Elements in Translation
作者 李璐 《海外英语》 2011年第9X期255-256,共2页
As a form of cultural exchanges,it isn't avoidable for translation and culture to be closely connected and influenced by each other.In the translation process,target work is influenced by all kinds of cultural ele... As a form of cultural exchanges,it isn't avoidable for translation and culture to be closely connected and influenced by each other.In the translation process,target work is influenced by all kinds of cultural elements so that target work is different from source work in some degree.The content of source work remains the same,but the form of that is changed more or less as the result of the target language culture.Sometimes the culture of the source language and that of the target language may be on equal footing complementary but sometimes they might be unequal because of their different position of comparative advantages,one culture is neglected.The cultural elements of translator have a great influence on the target work.The target work is the recreation of the translator. 展开更多
关键词 source language culture TARGET language culture CULTURAL EXCHANGE
融合大语言模型的国防科技情报智能感知系统构建及应用研究 被引量:1
作者 林卓 张福山 陈乐 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期35-41,共7页
[目的/意义]在全球地缘冲突风险下,搭建自主可控的国防科技情报智能感知系统,对国家安全和军队建设的战略决策支撑作用重大。开展融合大语言模型的国防科技情报智能感知系统建设研究,能提高情报获取效率和智能分析能力。[方法/过程]该... [目的/意义]在全球地缘冲突风险下,搭建自主可控的国防科技情报智能感知系统,对国家安全和军队建设的战略决策支撑作用重大。开展融合大语言模型的国防科技情报智能感知系统建设研究,能提高情报获取效率和智能分析能力。[方法/过程]该系统通过自动采集分类更新,可以快速识别技术情报及专家情报;构建了庞大知识库和信息模型,融合大语言模型智能挖掘创新点和前沿技术。[结果/结论]该系统总体上实现了根据任务及时监测重要情报线索、深度挖掘支撑可信情报的证据及证据链、智能感知领域技术关键内容等功能,为国防科技情报工作在人工智能时代提质增效提供参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 大语言模型 国防科技情报 情报感知 开源情报 人工智能
作者 张华平 李春锦 +3 位作者 魏顺平 耿国桐 李伟伟 李玉岗 《国防科技》 2024年第3期51-57,共7页
随着开源情报在军事领域的广泛应用,对相关情报的认知和分析需求日益增长。然而,当前研究人员所使用的大语言模型存在严重的幻觉现象,导致其生成的信息不可靠,无法直接用于军事开源情报的认知任务。为了解决这一问题,通过网上收集构建... 随着开源情报在军事领域的广泛应用,对相关情报的认知和分析需求日益增长。然而,当前研究人员所使用的大语言模型存在严重的幻觉现象,导致其生成的信息不可靠,无法直接用于军事开源情报的认知任务。为了解决这一问题,通过网上收集构建一个包含约10万条对话记录的军事开源情报数据集;利用LLaMA-13B模型作为基座,通过微调训练得到一个新的模型——ChatBIT,专门针对军事领域的对话和问答任务进行优化。对比分析ChatBIT模型与Vicuna-13B模型在军事知识问答方面的能力,通过一系列标准化的指标评估,包括Bleu值、Rouge-1、Rouge-2和Rouge-L,可知ChatBIT在所有指标上均优于Vicuna-13B。具体来说,相比Vicuna-13B,ChatBIT的Bleu值高2.3909,Rouge-1值高3.2079,Rouge-2值高2.2562,Rouge-L值高1.5939。结果表明,ChatBIT模型在处理军事领域的对话和问答任务时,能够提供更准确、更可靠的信息。 展开更多
关键词 大语言模型 ChatBIT 开源情报 人工智能
作者 李秉震 余佳洵 《云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版)》 2024年第2期10-18,共9页
新时期的国际中文教育要想讲好中国故事必须从讲述目的、讲述对象、讲述主体、讲述内容、讲述方法、评价体系等六个方面进行重新审视。文章首先梳理了“中国故事”的概念源流,指出“中国故事”因改革开放而出现,随着社会发展而内涵不断... 新时期的国际中文教育要想讲好中国故事必须从讲述目的、讲述对象、讲述主体、讲述内容、讲述方法、评价体系等六个方面进行重新审视。文章首先梳理了“中国故事”的概念源流,指出“中国故事”因改革开放而出现,随着社会发展而内涵不断丰富,相关研究也逐渐扩展至国际中文教育领域。习近平总书记高度关注国际中文教育,曾先后十余次复信中文学习者,并就如何讲好中国故事提出了重要论述。文章以此为基础,深入阐释了讲好中国故事需要处理好的若干关系。 展开更多
关键词 国际中文教育 中国故事 概念源流 理论探索 人才培养
作者 唐卫贞 黄婷 黄洲升 《航空计算技术》 2024年第5期1-5,10,共6页
机场作为关键的交通枢纽和经济引擎,必须实施安全风险管理,以确保其安全运营,为此,提出了危险源管控措施效能评估模型。采集多个机场的危险源数据,对其进行量化分析;利用GloVe将管控措施文本处理成词向量,通过文本卷积神经网络(TextCNN... 机场作为关键的交通枢纽和经济引擎,必须实施安全风险管理,以确保其安全运营,为此,提出了危险源管控措施效能评估模型。采集多个机场的危险源数据,对其进行量化分析;利用GloVe将管控措施文本处理成词向量,通过文本卷积神经网络(TextCNN)模型,评估出风险管控措施的效果。通过对比实验,确定危险源管控措施效能评估模型的优劣。结果表明基于TextCNN的效能评估模型的准确率达到74.36%,而基于TextRNN的模型为69.24%。因此,TextCNN更适合用于此类评估任务。本研究为机场管理部门提供了一个新的视角和方法,以更有效地评估和管理各种危险源,从而提升整个机场的安全性能。 展开更多
关键词 机场风险管控 卷积神经网络 危险源 效能评估 自然语言处理 效能评估
作者 翁义明 《昭通学院学报》 2024年第1期68-73,共6页
在汉语流水句的英译过程中,添加恰当的关联词语是最常见的译文语篇建构方式,但在“源语透过效应”的作用下,意合现象在英译文本中普遍存在。意合的无标记性关联手段与形合的标记性连贯手段在流水句的英译过程中具有等效的语篇建构功能... 在汉语流水句的英译过程中,添加恰当的关联词语是最常见的译文语篇建构方式,但在“源语透过效应”的作用下,意合现象在英译文本中普遍存在。意合的无标记性关联手段与形合的标记性连贯手段在流水句的英译过程中具有等效的语篇建构功能。“源语透过效应”使源语的语言特征无形中转移到译语语言中,使形合的英语文本呈现汉语特有的意合性特征。 展开更多
关键词 汉语流水句 英译 源语透过效应 意合
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