This study aims to extend the multivariate adaptive regression splines(MARS)-Monte Carlo simulation(MCS) method for reliability analysis of slopes in spatially variable soils. This approach is used to explore the infl...This study aims to extend the multivariate adaptive regression splines(MARS)-Monte Carlo simulation(MCS) method for reliability analysis of slopes in spatially variable soils. This approach is used to explore the influences of the multiscale spatial variability of soil properties on the probability of failure(P_f) of the slopes. In the proposed approach, the relationship between the factor of safety and the soil strength parameters characterized with spatial variability is approximated by the MARS, with the aid of Karhunen-Loeve expansion. MCS is subsequently performed on the established MARS model to evaluate Pf.Finally, a nominally homogeneous cohesive-frictional slope and a heterogeneous cohesive slope, which are both characterized with different spatial variabilities, are utilized to illustrate the proposed approach.Results showed that the proposed approach can estimate the P_f of the slopes efficiently in spatially variable soils with sufficient accuracy. Moreover, the approach is relatively robust to the influence of different statistics of soil properties, thereby making it an effective and practical tool for addressing slope reliability problems concerning time-consuming deterministic stability models with low levels of P_f.Furthermore, disregarding the multiscale spatial variability of soil properties can overestimate or underestimate the P_f. Although the difference is small in general, the multiscale spatial variability of the soil properties must still be considered in the reliability analysis of heterogeneous slopes, especially for those highly related to cost effective and accurate designs.展开更多
Pedestrian safety has recently been considered as one of the most serious issues in the research of traffic safety. This study aims at analyzing the spatial correlation between the frequency of pedestrian crashes and ...Pedestrian safety has recently been considered as one of the most serious issues in the research of traffic safety. This study aims at analyzing the spatial correlation between the frequency of pedestrian crashes and various predictor variables based on open source point-of-interest (POI) data which can provide specific land use features and user characteristics. Spatial regression models were developed at Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level using 10,333 pedestrian crash records within the Fifth Ring of Beijing in 2015. Several spatial econometrics approaches were used to examine the spatial autocorrelation in crash count per TAZ, and the spatial heterogeneity was investigated by a geographically weighted regression model. The results showed that spatial error model performed better than other two spatial models and a traditional ordinary least squares model. Specifically, bus stops, hospitals, pharmacies, restaurants, and office buildings had positive impacts on pedestrian crashes, while hotels were negatively associated with the occurrence of pedestrian crashes. In addition, it was proven that there was a significant sign of localization effects for different POIs. Depending on these findings, lots of recommendations and countermeasures can be proposed to better improve the traffic safety for pedestrians.展开更多
Spatial autocorrelation methodologies, including Global Moran’s I and Local Indicators of Spatial Association statistic (LISA), were used to describe and map spatial clusters of 13 leading malignant neoplasms in Taiw...Spatial autocorrelation methodologies, including Global Moran’s I and Local Indicators of Spatial Association statistic (LISA), were used to describe and map spatial clusters of 13 leading malignant neoplasms in Taiwan. A logistic regression fit model was also used to identify similar characteristics over time. Two time periods (1995-1998 and 2005-2008) were compared in an attempt to formulate common spatio-temporal risks. Spatial cluster patterns were identified using local spatial autocorrelation analysis. We found a significant spatio-temporal variation between the leading malignant neoplasms and well-documented spatial risk factors. For instance, in Taiwan, cancer of the oral cavity in males was found to be clustered in locations in central Taiwan, with distinct differences between the two time periods. Stomach cancer morbidity clustered in aboriginal townships, where the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori is high and even quite marked differences between the two time periods were found. A method which combines LISA statistics and logistic regression is an effective tool for the detection of space-time patterns with discontinuous data. Spatio-temporal mapping comparison helps to clarify issues such as the spatial aspects of both two time periods for leading malignant neoplasms. This helps planners to assess spatio-temporal risk factors, and to ascertain what would be the most advantageous types of health care policies for the planning and implementation of health care services. These issues can greatly affect the performance and effectiveness of health care services and also provide a clear outline for helping us to better understand the results in depth.展开更多
Landslide susceptibility map is one of the study fields portraying the spatial distribution of future slope failure sus- ceptibility. This paper deals with past methods for producing landslide susceptibility map and d...Landslide susceptibility map is one of the study fields portraying the spatial distribution of future slope failure sus- ceptibility. This paper deals with past methods for producing landslide susceptibility map and divides these methods into 3 types. The logistic linear regression approach is further elaborated on by crosstabs method, which is used to analyze the relationship between the categorical or binary response variable and one or more continuous or categorical or binary explanatory variables derived from samples. It is an objective assignment of coefficients serving as weights of various factors under considerations while expert opinions make great difference in heuristic approaches. Different from deterministic approach, it is very applicable to regional scale. In this study, double logistic regression is applied in the study area. The entire study area is first analyzed. The logistic regression equation showed that elevation, proximity to road, river and residential area are main factors triggering land- slide occurrence in this area. The prediction accuracy of the first landslide susceptibility map was showed to be 80%. Along the road and residential area, almost all areas are in high landslide susceptibility zone. Some non-landslide areas are incorrectly divided into high and medium landslide susceptibility zone. In order to improve the status, a second logistic regression was done in high landslide susceptibility zone using landslide cells and non-landslide sample cells in this area. In the second logistic regression analysis, only engineering and geological conditions are important in these areas and are entered in the new logistic regression equation indicating that only areas with unstable engineering and geological conditions are prone to landslide during large scale engineering activity. Taking these two logistic regression results into account yields a new landslide susceptibility map. Double logistic regression analysis improved the non-landslide prediction accuracy. During calculation of parameters for logistic regres- sion, landslide density is used to transform nominal variable to numeric variable and this avoids the creation of an excessively high number of dummy variables.展开更多
Information model is adopted to integrate factors of various geosciences to estimate the susceptibility of geological hazards. Further combining the dynamic rainfall observations, Logistic regression is used for model...Information model is adopted to integrate factors of various geosciences to estimate the susceptibility of geological hazards. Further combining the dynamic rainfall observations, Logistic regression is used for modeling the probabilities of geological hazard occurrences, upon which hierarchical warnings for rainfall-induced geological hazards are produced. The forecasting and warning model takes numerical precipitation forecasts on grid points as its dynamic input, forecasts the probabilities of geological hazard occurrences on the same grid, and translates the results into likelihoods in the form of a 5-level hierarchy. Validation of the model with observational data for the year 2004 shows that 80% of the geological hazards of the year have been identified as "likely enough to release warning messages". The model can satisfy the requirements of an operational warning system, thus is an effective way to improve the meteorological warnings for geological hazards.展开更多
In spatial analysis, two problems of the scale effect and the spatial dependencehave been plagued scholars, the first law of geography presented to solve the spatialdependence has played a good role in the guidelines,...In spatial analysis, two problems of the scale effect and the spatial dependencehave been plagued scholars, the first law of geography presented to solve the spatialdependence has played a good role in the guidelines, forming the Geographical WeightedRegression (GWR). Based on classic statistical techniques, GWR model has ascertainsignificance in solving spatial dependence and spatial non-uniform problems, but it hasno impact on the integration of the scale effect. It does not consider the interactionbetween the various factors of the sampling scale observations and the numerous factorsof possible scale effects, so there is a loss of information. Crossing a two-stage analysisof “return of regression” to establish the model of Hierarchical Geographically WeightedRegression (HGWR), the first layer of regression analysis reflects the spatial dependenceof space samples and the second layer of the regression reflects the spatial relationshipsscaling. The combination of both solves the spatial scale effect analysis, spatialdependence and spatial heterogeneity of the combined effects.展开更多
Exposure to particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) may increase risk of lung cancer. The repetitive and broad-area coverage of satellites may allow atmospheric remote sensing to o...Exposure to particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) may increase risk of lung cancer. The repetitive and broad-area coverage of satellites may allow atmospheric remote sensing to offer a unique opportunity to monitor air quality and help fill air pollution data gaps that hinder efforts to study air pollution and protect public health. This geographical study explores if there is an association between PM2.5 and lung cancer mortality rate in the conterminous USA. Lung cancer (ICD-10 codes C34- C34) death count and population at risk by county were extracted for the period from 2001 to 2010 from the U.S. CDC WONDER online database. The 2001-2010 Global Annual Average PM2.5 Grids from MODIS and MISR Aerosol Optical Depth dataset was used to calculate a 10 year average PM2.5 pollution. Exploratory spatial data analyses, spatial regression (a spatial lag and a spatial error model), and spatially extended Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain simulation found that there is a significant positive association between lung cancer mortality rate and PM2.5. The association would justify the need of further toxicological investigation of the biological mechanism of the adverse effect of the PM2.5 pollution on lung cancer. The Global Annual Average PM2.5 Grids from MODIS and MISR Aerosol Optical Depth dataset provides a continuous surface of concentrations of PM2.5 and is a useful data source for environmental health research.展开更多
Understanding the dynamics that affect the spread of Covid-19 is critical for the development of government measures to stop and reverse this nowadays disease propagation. Like in any epidemiological study, it is esse...Understanding the dynamics that affect the spread of Covid-19 is critical for the development of government measures to stop and reverse this nowadays disease propagation. Like in any epidemiological study, it is essential to analyze the spatial data to account for the inherent spatial heterogeneity within the data (spatial autocorrelation). This paper uses Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) to identify the factors that influence the outbreak of Covid-19 in Western and Eastern countries of Africa. The analyses include traditional linear regression (including descriptive statistics, hierarchical clustering and correlations were not forgotten either) to reveal the importance of eight risk factors (population density, median age, aged over 65 years, GDP per capita, cardiovascular death rates, diabetes prevalence</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">,</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> female and male smokers) regarding Covid-19 dissemination. It is believed that this is the first attempt to explore possible causes associated with the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in these disadvantage countries, where some intriguing clues are presented for further research such as the positive relationship between the financial purchase power of nations and the total number of infected people or the smoker’s gender impact on Covid-19.展开更多
This article attempts to detail time series characteristics of PM2.5 concentration in Guangzhou(China)from 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2013 based on wavelet analysis tools,and discuss its spatial distribution using geograph...This article attempts to detail time series characteristics of PM2.5 concentration in Guangzhou(China)from 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2013 based on wavelet analysis tools,and discuss its spatial distribution using geographic information system software and a modified land use regression model.In this modified model,an important variable(land use data)is substituted for impervious surface area,which can be obtained conveniently from remote sensing imagery through the linear spectral mixture analysis method.Impervious surface has higher precision than land use data because of its sub-pixel level.Seasonal concentration pattern and day-by-day change feature of PM2.5 in Guangzhou with a micro-perspective are discussed and understood.Results include:(1)the highest concentration of PM2.5 occurs in October and the lowest in July,respectively;(2)average concentration of PM2.5 in winter is higher than in other seasons;and(3)there are two high concentration zones in winter and one zone in spring.展开更多
In order to establish the baseline finite element model for structural health monitoring,a new method of model updating was proposed after analyzing the uncertainties of measured data and the error of finite element m...In order to establish the baseline finite element model for structural health monitoring,a new method of model updating was proposed after analyzing the uncertainties of measured data and the error of finite element model.In the new method,the finite element model was replaced by the multi-output support vector regression machine(MSVR).The interval variables of the measured frequency were sampled by Latin hypercube sampling method.The samples of frequency were regarded as the inputs of the trained MSVR.The outputs of MSVR were the target values of design parameters.The steel structure of National Aquatic Center for Beijing Olympic Games was introduced as a case for finite element model updating.The results show that the proposed method can avoid solving the problem of complicated calculation.Both the estimated values and associated uncertainties of the structure parameters can be obtained by the method.The static and dynamic characteristics of the updated finite element model are in good agreement with the measured data.展开更多
This paper presents a Zhejiang Province southeastern China seasonal temperature model based on GIS techniques. Terrain variables derived from the 1 km resolution DEM are used as predictors of seasonal temperature, usi...This paper presents a Zhejiang Province southeastern China seasonal temperature model based on GIS techniques. Terrain variables derived from the 1 km resolution DEM are used as predictors of seasonal temperature, using a regression-based approach. Variables used for modelling include: longitude, latitude, elevation, distance from the nearest coast, direction to the nearest coast, slope, aspect, and the ratio of land to sea within given radii. Seasonal temperature data, for the observation period 1971 to 2000, were obtained from 59 meteorological stations. Temperature data from 52 meteorological stations were used to construct the regression model. Data from the other 7 stations were retained for model validation. Seasonal temperature surfaces were constructed using the regression equations, and refined by kriging the residuals from the regression model and subtracting the result from the predicted surface. Latitude, elevation and distance from the sea are found to be the most important predictors of local seasonal temperature. Validation determined that regression plus kriging predicts seasonal temperature with a coefficient of determination (R2), between the estimated and observed values, of 0.757 (autumn) and 0.935 (winter). A simple regression model without kriging yields less accurate results in all seasons except for the autumn temperature.展开更多
In the Anthropocene era,human activities have become increasingly complex and diversified.The natural ecosystems need higher ecological resilience to ensure regional sustainable development due to rapid urbanization a...In the Anthropocene era,human activities have become increasingly complex and diversified.The natural ecosystems need higher ecological resilience to ensure regional sustainable development due to rapid urbanization and industrialization as well as other intensified human activities,especially in arid and semi-arid areas.In the study,we chose the economic belt on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains(EBNSTM)in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China as a case study.By collecting geographic data and statistical data from 2010 and 2020,we constructed an ecological resilience assessment model based on the ecosystem habitat quality(EHQ),ecosystem landscape stability(ELS),and ecosystem service value(ESV).Further,we analyzed the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of ecological resilience in the EBNSTM from 2010 to 2020 by spatial autocorrelation analysis,and explored its responses to climate change and human activities using the geographically weighted regression(GWR)model.The results showed that the ecological resilience of the EBNSTM was at a low level and increased from 0.2732 to 0.2773 during 2010–2020.The spatial autocorrelation analysis of ecological resilience exhibited a spatial heterogeneity characteristic of"high in the western region and low in the eastern region",and the spatial clustering trend was enhanced during the study period.Desert,Gobi and rapidly urbanized areas showed low level of ecological resilience,and oasis and mountain areas exhibited high level of ecological resilience.Climate factors had an important impact on ecological resilience.Specifically,average annual temperature and annual precipitation were the key climate factors that improved ecological resilience,while average annual evapotranspiration was the main factor that blocked ecological resilience.Among the human activity factors,the distance from the main road showed a negative correlation with ecological resilience.Both night light index and PM2.5 concentration were negatively correlated with ecological resilience in the areas with better ecological conditions,whereas in the areas with poorer ecological conditions,the correlations were positive.The research findings could provide a scientific reference for protecting the ecological environment and promoting the harmony and stability of the human-land relationship in arid and semi-arid areas.展开更多
Soil carbon to nitrogen(C/N) ratio is one of the most important variables reflecting soil quality and ecological function,and an indicator for assessing carbon and nitrogen nutrition balance of soils.Its variation ref...Soil carbon to nitrogen(C/N) ratio is one of the most important variables reflecting soil quality and ecological function,and an indicator for assessing carbon and nitrogen nutrition balance of soils.Its variation reflects the carbon and nitrogen cycling of soils.In order to explore the spatial variability of soil C/N ratio and its controlling factors of the Ili River valley in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Northwest China,the traditional statistical methods,including correlation analysis,geostatistic alanalys and multiple regression analysis were used.The statistical results showed that the soil C/N ratio varied from 7.00 to 23.11,with a mean value of 10.92,and the coefficient of variation was 31.3%.Correlation analysis showed that longitude,altitude,precipitation,soil water,organic carbon,and total nitrogen were positively correlated with the soil C/N ratio(P < 0.01),whereas negative correlations were found between the soil C/N ratio and latitude,temperature,soil bulk density and soil p H.Ordinary Cokriging interpolation showed that r and ME were 0.73 and 0.57,respectively,indicating that the prediction accuracy was high.The spatial autocorrelation of the soil C/N ratio was 6.4 km,and the nugget effect of the soil C/N ratio was 10% with a patchy distribution,in which the area with high value(12.00–20.41) accounted for 22.6% of the total area.Land uses changed the soil C/N ratio with the order of cultivated land > grass land > forest land > garden.Multiple regression analysis showed that geographical and climatic factors,and soil physical and chemical properties could independently explain 26.8%and 55.4% of the spatial features of soil C/N ratio,while human activities could independently explain 5.4% of the spatial features only.The spatial distribution of soil C/N ratio in the study has important reference value for managing soil carbon and nitrogen,and for improving ecological function to similar regions.展开更多
In this study the principal component analysis (PCA) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) are combined to estimate the spatial distribution of water requirement of the winter wheat in North China while the eff...In this study the principal component analysis (PCA) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) are combined to estimate the spatial distribution of water requirement of the winter wheat in North China while the effect of the macroand micro-topographic as well as the meteorological factors on the crop water requirement is taking into account. The spatial distribution characteristic of the water requirement of the winter wheat in North China and its formation are analyzed based on the spatial variation of the main affecting factors and the regression coefficients. The findings reveal that the collinearity can be effectively removed when PCA is applied to process all of the affecting factors. The regression coefficients of GWR displayed a strong variability in space, which can better explain the spatial differences of the effect of the affecting factors on the crop water requirement. The evaluation index of the proposed method in this study is more efficient than the widely used Kriging method. Besides, it could clearly show the effect of those affecting factors in different spatial locations on the crop water requirement and provide more detailed information on the region where those factors suddenly change. To sum up, it is of great reference significance for the estimation of the regional crop water requirement.展开更多
Based on DEM data and conventional data of precipitation at 114 meteorological stations in Shandong Province during 1971 -2010, the statistical model of annual average precipitation in Shandong Province was establishe...Based on DEM data and conventional data of precipitation at 114 meteorological stations in Shandong Province during 1971 -2010, the statistical model of annual average precipitation in Shandong Province was established using SPSS software; DEM data and raster data of latitude and longitude were substituted into the statistical model, and the spatial distribution of annual average precipitation in Shandong Province based on the statistical model was obtained with the aid of ArcGIS software. Afterwards, the difference between actual value of precipitation at stations used in interpolation and simulated value was interpolated using Kriging interpolation method to obtain residual error of precipitation. Finally, the raster da- ta of annual average precipitation based on the regression model were overlaid with residual error of precipitation to obtain the spatial distribution map of annual average precipitation in Shandong Province. It is verified that the simulation result has high accuracy and can reflect the spatial distri- bution of precipitation in Shandong Province.展开更多
Spatiotemporal pattern analysis provides a new dimension for data interpretation due to new trends in computer vision and big data analysis. The main aim of this study was to explore the recent advances in geospatial ...Spatiotemporal pattern analysis provides a new dimension for data interpretation due to new trends in computer vision and big data analysis. The main aim of this study was to explore the recent advances in geospatial technologies to examine the spatiotemporal pattern of COVID-19 at the Public Health Unit (PHU) level in Ontario, Canada. The spatial autocorrelation results showed that the incidence rate (no. of confirmed cases per 100,000 population–IR/100K) was clustered at the PHU level and found a tendency of clustering high values. Some PHUs in Southern Ontario were identified as hot spots, while Northern PHUs were cold spots. The space-time cube showed an overall trend with a 99% confidence level. Considerable spatial variability in incidence intensity at different times suggested that risk factors were unevenly distributed in space and time. The study also created a regression model that explains the correlation between IR/100K values and potential socioeconomic factors.展开更多
基金supported by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University through the project RU3Ythe Research Grant Council through the project PolyU 5128/13E+1 种基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.51778313)Cooperative Innovation Center of Engineering Construction and Safety in Shangdong Blue Economic Zone
文摘This study aims to extend the multivariate adaptive regression splines(MARS)-Monte Carlo simulation(MCS) method for reliability analysis of slopes in spatially variable soils. This approach is used to explore the influences of the multiscale spatial variability of soil properties on the probability of failure(P_f) of the slopes. In the proposed approach, the relationship between the factor of safety and the soil strength parameters characterized with spatial variability is approximated by the MARS, with the aid of Karhunen-Loeve expansion. MCS is subsequently performed on the established MARS model to evaluate Pf.Finally, a nominally homogeneous cohesive-frictional slope and a heterogeneous cohesive slope, which are both characterized with different spatial variabilities, are utilized to illustrate the proposed approach.Results showed that the proposed approach can estimate the P_f of the slopes efficiently in spatially variable soils with sufficient accuracy. Moreover, the approach is relatively robust to the influence of different statistics of soil properties, thereby making it an effective and practical tool for addressing slope reliability problems concerning time-consuming deterministic stability models with low levels of P_f.Furthermore, disregarding the multiscale spatial variability of soil properties can overestimate or underestimate the P_f. Although the difference is small in general, the multiscale spatial variability of the soil properties must still be considered in the reliability analysis of heterogeneous slopes, especially for those highly related to cost effective and accurate designs.
文摘Pedestrian safety has recently been considered as one of the most serious issues in the research of traffic safety. This study aims at analyzing the spatial correlation between the frequency of pedestrian crashes and various predictor variables based on open source point-of-interest (POI) data which can provide specific land use features and user characteristics. Spatial regression models were developed at Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level using 10,333 pedestrian crash records within the Fifth Ring of Beijing in 2015. Several spatial econometrics approaches were used to examine the spatial autocorrelation in crash count per TAZ, and the spatial heterogeneity was investigated by a geographically weighted regression model. The results showed that spatial error model performed better than other two spatial models and a traditional ordinary least squares model. Specifically, bus stops, hospitals, pharmacies, restaurants, and office buildings had positive impacts on pedestrian crashes, while hotels were negatively associated with the occurrence of pedestrian crashes. In addition, it was proven that there was a significant sign of localization effects for different POIs. Depending on these findings, lots of recommendations and countermeasures can be proposed to better improve the traffic safety for pedestrians.
文摘Spatial autocorrelation methodologies, including Global Moran’s I and Local Indicators of Spatial Association statistic (LISA), were used to describe and map spatial clusters of 13 leading malignant neoplasms in Taiwan. A logistic regression fit model was also used to identify similar characteristics over time. Two time periods (1995-1998 and 2005-2008) were compared in an attempt to formulate common spatio-temporal risks. Spatial cluster patterns were identified using local spatial autocorrelation analysis. We found a significant spatio-temporal variation between the leading malignant neoplasms and well-documented spatial risk factors. For instance, in Taiwan, cancer of the oral cavity in males was found to be clustered in locations in central Taiwan, with distinct differences between the two time periods. Stomach cancer morbidity clustered in aboriginal townships, where the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori is high and even quite marked differences between the two time periods were found. A method which combines LISA statistics and logistic regression is an effective tool for the detection of space-time patterns with discontinuous data. Spatio-temporal mapping comparison helps to clarify issues such as the spatial aspects of both two time periods for leading malignant neoplasms. This helps planners to assess spatio-temporal risk factors, and to ascertain what would be the most advantageous types of health care policies for the planning and implementation of health care services. These issues can greatly affect the performance and effectiveness of health care services and also provide a clear outline for helping us to better understand the results in depth.
基金Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of ZhejiangProvince (No. 30295) and the Key Project of Zhejiang Province (No.011103192), China
文摘Landslide susceptibility map is one of the study fields portraying the spatial distribution of future slope failure sus- ceptibility. This paper deals with past methods for producing landslide susceptibility map and divides these methods into 3 types. The logistic linear regression approach is further elaborated on by crosstabs method, which is used to analyze the relationship between the categorical or binary response variable and one or more continuous or categorical or binary explanatory variables derived from samples. It is an objective assignment of coefficients serving as weights of various factors under considerations while expert opinions make great difference in heuristic approaches. Different from deterministic approach, it is very applicable to regional scale. In this study, double logistic regression is applied in the study area. The entire study area is first analyzed. The logistic regression equation showed that elevation, proximity to road, river and residential area are main factors triggering land- slide occurrence in this area. The prediction accuracy of the first landslide susceptibility map was showed to be 80%. Along the road and residential area, almost all areas are in high landslide susceptibility zone. Some non-landslide areas are incorrectly divided into high and medium landslide susceptibility zone. In order to improve the status, a second logistic regression was done in high landslide susceptibility zone using landslide cells and non-landslide sample cells in this area. In the second logistic regression analysis, only engineering and geological conditions are important in these areas and are entered in the new logistic regression equation indicating that only areas with unstable engineering and geological conditions are prone to landslide during large scale engineering activity. Taking these two logistic regression results into account yields a new landslide susceptibility map. Double logistic regression analysis improved the non-landslide prediction accuracy. During calculation of parameters for logistic regres- sion, landslide density is used to transform nominal variable to numeric variable and this avoids the creation of an excessively high number of dummy variables.
基金the New Technology Generalization Project of China Meteorological Administration (CMATG2004M05)
文摘Information model is adopted to integrate factors of various geosciences to estimate the susceptibility of geological hazards. Further combining the dynamic rainfall observations, Logistic regression is used for modeling the probabilities of geological hazard occurrences, upon which hierarchical warnings for rainfall-induced geological hazards are produced. The forecasting and warning model takes numerical precipitation forecasts on grid points as its dynamic input, forecasts the probabilities of geological hazard occurrences on the same grid, and translates the results into likelihoods in the form of a 5-level hierarchy. Validation of the model with observational data for the year 2004 shows that 80% of the geological hazards of the year have been identified as "likely enough to release warning messages". The model can satisfy the requirements of an operational warning system, thus is an effective way to improve the meteorological warnings for geological hazards.
文摘In spatial analysis, two problems of the scale effect and the spatial dependencehave been plagued scholars, the first law of geography presented to solve the spatialdependence has played a good role in the guidelines, forming the Geographical WeightedRegression (GWR). Based on classic statistical techniques, GWR model has ascertainsignificance in solving spatial dependence and spatial non-uniform problems, but it hasno impact on the integration of the scale effect. It does not consider the interactionbetween the various factors of the sampling scale observations and the numerous factorsof possible scale effects, so there is a loss of information. Crossing a two-stage analysisof “return of regression” to establish the model of Hierarchical Geographically WeightedRegression (HGWR), the first layer of regression analysis reflects the spatial dependenceof space samples and the second layer of the regression reflects the spatial relationshipsscaling. The combination of both solves the spatial scale effect analysis, spatialdependence and spatial heterogeneity of the combined effects.
文摘Exposure to particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) may increase risk of lung cancer. The repetitive and broad-area coverage of satellites may allow atmospheric remote sensing to offer a unique opportunity to monitor air quality and help fill air pollution data gaps that hinder efforts to study air pollution and protect public health. This geographical study explores if there is an association between PM2.5 and lung cancer mortality rate in the conterminous USA. Lung cancer (ICD-10 codes C34- C34) death count and population at risk by county were extracted for the period from 2001 to 2010 from the U.S. CDC WONDER online database. The 2001-2010 Global Annual Average PM2.5 Grids from MODIS and MISR Aerosol Optical Depth dataset was used to calculate a 10 year average PM2.5 pollution. Exploratory spatial data analyses, spatial regression (a spatial lag and a spatial error model), and spatially extended Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain simulation found that there is a significant positive association between lung cancer mortality rate and PM2.5. The association would justify the need of further toxicological investigation of the biological mechanism of the adverse effect of the PM2.5 pollution on lung cancer. The Global Annual Average PM2.5 Grids from MODIS and MISR Aerosol Optical Depth dataset provides a continuous surface of concentrations of PM2.5 and is a useful data source for environmental health research.
文摘Understanding the dynamics that affect the spread of Covid-19 is critical for the development of government measures to stop and reverse this nowadays disease propagation. Like in any epidemiological study, it is essential to analyze the spatial data to account for the inherent spatial heterogeneity within the data (spatial autocorrelation). This paper uses Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) to identify the factors that influence the outbreak of Covid-19 in Western and Eastern countries of Africa. The analyses include traditional linear regression (including descriptive statistics, hierarchical clustering and correlations were not forgotten either) to reveal the importance of eight risk factors (population density, median age, aged over 65 years, GDP per capita, cardiovascular death rates, diabetes prevalence</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">,</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> female and male smokers) regarding Covid-19 dissemination. It is believed that this is the first attempt to explore possible causes associated with the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in these disadvantage countries, where some intriguing clues are presented for further research such as the positive relationship between the financial purchase power of nations and the total number of infected people or the smoker’s gender impact on Covid-19.
基金This work is supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China[grant number:41201432],the National Science Foundation of Tibet[grant number:2016ZR-TU-05]the Foundation for Innovative Research for Young Teachers in Higher Educational Institutions of Tibet[grant number:QCZ2016-07].
文摘This article attempts to detail time series characteristics of PM2.5 concentration in Guangzhou(China)from 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2013 based on wavelet analysis tools,and discuss its spatial distribution using geographic information system software and a modified land use regression model.In this modified model,an important variable(land use data)is substituted for impervious surface area,which can be obtained conveniently from remote sensing imagery through the linear spectral mixture analysis method.Impervious surface has higher precision than land use data because of its sub-pixel level.Seasonal concentration pattern and day-by-day change feature of PM2.5 in Guangzhou with a micro-perspective are discussed and understood.Results include:(1)the highest concentration of PM2.5 occurs in October and the lowest in July,respectively;(2)average concentration of PM2.5 in winter is higher than in other seasons;and(3)there are two high concentration zones in winter and one zone in spring.
基金Project(50678052) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘In order to establish the baseline finite element model for structural health monitoring,a new method of model updating was proposed after analyzing the uncertainties of measured data and the error of finite element model.In the new method,the finite element model was replaced by the multi-output support vector regression machine(MSVR).The interval variables of the measured frequency were sampled by Latin hypercube sampling method.The samples of frequency were regarded as the inputs of the trained MSVR.The outputs of MSVR were the target values of design parameters.The steel structure of National Aquatic Center for Beijing Olympic Games was introduced as a case for finite element model updating.The results show that the proposed method can avoid solving the problem of complicated calculation.Both the estimated values and associated uncertainties of the structure parameters can be obtained by the method.The static and dynamic characteristics of the updated finite element model are in good agreement with the measured data.
基金Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of ZhejiangProvince (No. 30295) and the Key Project of Zhejiang Province (No.011103192), China
文摘This paper presents a Zhejiang Province southeastern China seasonal temperature model based on GIS techniques. Terrain variables derived from the 1 km resolution DEM are used as predictors of seasonal temperature, using a regression-based approach. Variables used for modelling include: longitude, latitude, elevation, distance from the nearest coast, direction to the nearest coast, slope, aspect, and the ratio of land to sea within given radii. Seasonal temperature data, for the observation period 1971 to 2000, were obtained from 59 meteorological stations. Temperature data from 52 meteorological stations were used to construct the regression model. Data from the other 7 stations were retained for model validation. Seasonal temperature surfaces were constructed using the regression equations, and refined by kriging the residuals from the regression model and subtracting the result from the predicted surface. Latitude, elevation and distance from the sea are found to be the most important predictors of local seasonal temperature. Validation determined that regression plus kriging predicts seasonal temperature with a coefficient of determination (R2), between the estimated and observed values, of 0.757 (autumn) and 0.935 (winter). A simple regression model without kriging yields less accurate results in all seasons except for the autumn temperature.
基金supported by the Third Xinjiang Scientific Expedition Program (2021xjkk0905).
文摘In the Anthropocene era,human activities have become increasingly complex and diversified.The natural ecosystems need higher ecological resilience to ensure regional sustainable development due to rapid urbanization and industrialization as well as other intensified human activities,especially in arid and semi-arid areas.In the study,we chose the economic belt on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains(EBNSTM)in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China as a case study.By collecting geographic data and statistical data from 2010 and 2020,we constructed an ecological resilience assessment model based on the ecosystem habitat quality(EHQ),ecosystem landscape stability(ELS),and ecosystem service value(ESV).Further,we analyzed the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of ecological resilience in the EBNSTM from 2010 to 2020 by spatial autocorrelation analysis,and explored its responses to climate change and human activities using the geographically weighted regression(GWR)model.The results showed that the ecological resilience of the EBNSTM was at a low level and increased from 0.2732 to 0.2773 during 2010–2020.The spatial autocorrelation analysis of ecological resilience exhibited a spatial heterogeneity characteristic of"high in the western region and low in the eastern region",and the spatial clustering trend was enhanced during the study period.Desert,Gobi and rapidly urbanized areas showed low level of ecological resilience,and oasis and mountain areas exhibited high level of ecological resilience.Climate factors had an important impact on ecological resilience.Specifically,average annual temperature and annual precipitation were the key climate factors that improved ecological resilience,while average annual evapotranspiration was the main factor that blocked ecological resilience.Among the human activity factors,the distance from the main road showed a negative correlation with ecological resilience.Both night light index and PM2.5 concentration were negatively correlated with ecological resilience in the areas with better ecological conditions,whereas in the areas with poorer ecological conditions,the correlations were positive.The research findings could provide a scientific reference for protecting the ecological environment and promoting the harmony and stability of the human-land relationship in arid and semi-arid areas.
基金Under the auspices of National Science and Technology Support Program of China(No.2014BAC15B03)the West Light Funds of Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.YB201302)
文摘Soil carbon to nitrogen(C/N) ratio is one of the most important variables reflecting soil quality and ecological function,and an indicator for assessing carbon and nitrogen nutrition balance of soils.Its variation reflects the carbon and nitrogen cycling of soils.In order to explore the spatial variability of soil C/N ratio and its controlling factors of the Ili River valley in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Northwest China,the traditional statistical methods,including correlation analysis,geostatistic alanalys and multiple regression analysis were used.The statistical results showed that the soil C/N ratio varied from 7.00 to 23.11,with a mean value of 10.92,and the coefficient of variation was 31.3%.Correlation analysis showed that longitude,altitude,precipitation,soil water,organic carbon,and total nitrogen were positively correlated with the soil C/N ratio(P < 0.01),whereas negative correlations were found between the soil C/N ratio and latitude,temperature,soil bulk density and soil p H.Ordinary Cokriging interpolation showed that r and ME were 0.73 and 0.57,respectively,indicating that the prediction accuracy was high.The spatial autocorrelation of the soil C/N ratio was 6.4 km,and the nugget effect of the soil C/N ratio was 10% with a patchy distribution,in which the area with high value(12.00–20.41) accounted for 22.6% of the total area.Land uses changed the soil C/N ratio with the order of cultivated land > grass land > forest land > garden.Multiple regression analysis showed that geographical and climatic factors,and soil physical and chemical properties could independently explain 26.8%and 55.4% of the spatial features of soil C/N ratio,while human activities could independently explain 5.4% of the spatial features only.The spatial distribution of soil C/N ratio in the study has important reference value for managing soil carbon and nitrogen,and for improving ecological function to similar regions.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2006CB403406)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51079154)the National HighTech Research & Development Program of China (2011AA100502)
文摘In this study the principal component analysis (PCA) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) are combined to estimate the spatial distribution of water requirement of the winter wheat in North China while the effect of the macroand micro-topographic as well as the meteorological factors on the crop water requirement is taking into account. The spatial distribution characteristic of the water requirement of the winter wheat in North China and its formation are analyzed based on the spatial variation of the main affecting factors and the regression coefficients. The findings reveal that the collinearity can be effectively removed when PCA is applied to process all of the affecting factors. The regression coefficients of GWR displayed a strong variability in space, which can better explain the spatial differences of the effect of the affecting factors on the crop water requirement. The evaluation index of the proposed method in this study is more efficient than the widely used Kriging method. Besides, it could clearly show the effect of those affecting factors in different spatial locations on the crop water requirement and provide more detailed information on the region where those factors suddenly change. To sum up, it is of great reference significance for the estimation of the regional crop water requirement.
基金Supported by the Project of Shandong Province Higher Educational Science and Technology Program(J12LH53)Scientific Research Foundation of Binzhou University(BZXY1501)
文摘Based on DEM data and conventional data of precipitation at 114 meteorological stations in Shandong Province during 1971 -2010, the statistical model of annual average precipitation in Shandong Province was established using SPSS software; DEM data and raster data of latitude and longitude were substituted into the statistical model, and the spatial distribution of annual average precipitation in Shandong Province based on the statistical model was obtained with the aid of ArcGIS software. Afterwards, the difference between actual value of precipitation at stations used in interpolation and simulated value was interpolated using Kriging interpolation method to obtain residual error of precipitation. Finally, the raster da- ta of annual average precipitation based on the regression model were overlaid with residual error of precipitation to obtain the spatial distribution map of annual average precipitation in Shandong Province. It is verified that the simulation result has high accuracy and can reflect the spatial distri- bution of precipitation in Shandong Province.
文摘Spatiotemporal pattern analysis provides a new dimension for data interpretation due to new trends in computer vision and big data analysis. The main aim of this study was to explore the recent advances in geospatial technologies to examine the spatiotemporal pattern of COVID-19 at the Public Health Unit (PHU) level in Ontario, Canada. The spatial autocorrelation results showed that the incidence rate (no. of confirmed cases per 100,000 population–IR/100K) was clustered at the PHU level and found a tendency of clustering high values. Some PHUs in Southern Ontario were identified as hot spots, while Northern PHUs were cold spots. The space-time cube showed an overall trend with a 99% confidence level. Considerable spatial variability in incidence intensity at different times suggested that risk factors were unevenly distributed in space and time. The study also created a regression model that explains the correlation between IR/100K values and potential socioeconomic factors.