"微媒体时代"背景下,将移动学习模式引入到独立学院的大学英语教学,可以培养符合时代发展需求的高素质应用型综合人才。学生利用碎片化时间,利用"VOA Special English"手机App进行移动学习最新的新闻英语听力,练习..."微媒体时代"背景下,将移动学习模式引入到独立学院的大学英语教学,可以培养符合时代发展需求的高素质应用型综合人才。学生利用碎片化时间,利用"VOA Special English"手机App进行移动学习最新的新闻英语听力,练习口语表达。该软件的互动性、时效性及纯正规范的发音能激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生自主学习能力,从而提高学生综合听说能力。展开更多
Phenomenon: Nowadays, with rapidly developing in medical laboratory science(MLS), new concepts, knowledge and technologies are constantly emerging, which requires medical students to continuously learn to grasp the ne...Phenomenon: Nowadays, with rapidly developing in medical laboratory science(MLS), new concepts, knowledge and technologies are constantly emerging, which requires medical students to continuously learn to grasp the new development trend and the latest research progress. To enable the students to learn and make use of scientific knowledge better, the Special English Curriculum for MLS has been set up, which is very important to non-English-speaking students. However, there are many problems in the course of teaching, so the improved teaching quality of the curriculum is in demand. Approach: In this paper these problems are described and the corresponding advices are proposed from the perspectives of staff room, teachers and students, which are supposed to develop the curriculum for education of the medical laboratory scientists. Findings: To improve the teaching quality of the Special English Curriculum for MLS, the textbook should be appropriately selected or compiled, the novel teaching methods can be applied, and the modern multimedia teaching materials can be adopted.The teachers of the curriculum should be proficient in professional knowledge, English as well as the systematic and scientific teaching methods. The students need to have the courage and determination to overcome the difficulties when they learn the curriculum, and the students who have not did well in their lessons should learn to study by themselves. Insights: The Special English Curriculum for MLS is very important to non-English-speaking students and is kind of difficult for them, the staff room, teachers and students should adjust themselves to teach and learn the curriculum better.展开更多
本刊主编去年10月11月间应邀访美。11月17日他应邀访问了VOA.著名播音员 Mr.Kim Elliot与本刊主编进行了一个小时的长谈。临别,Kim还向主编赠送了一些书籍。其中一本标题为《Science in the News》。这是一册 VOA Spe-ical English的节...本刊主编去年10月11月间应邀访美。11月17日他应邀访问了VOA.著名播音员 Mr.Kim Elliot与本刊主编进行了一个小时的长谈。临别,Kim还向主编赠送了一些书籍。其中一本标题为《Science in the News》。这是一册 VOA Spe-ical English的节目精选。本刊曾收到过一些读者的来信。他们从录音中记录了《Science in the News》的部分内容,要求刊发。这些内容确实精彩可读,也非常适合本刊.但是.这些记录文稿难免时现小错.为维护本刊的严肃性及对广大读者负责.本刊考虑再三.不得不“割爱”。现在好了。获VOA的同意,本刊决定从1997年第1期起.在《注释读物》栏目中选刊《Science in the News》的内容.以飨读者。本规《英语佳句/佳作欣赏》一栏刊发了“美国之音Special English节目的语言特色”一文,所有例句均出于本文。请读者不忘一读。同时在此说明,因本刊选登了《Science in the News》,故原拟新设的《科普短文》栏取消。展开更多
本文写得何等实用而激动人心!它首先提出了问题:20-million hectares of tropical forest disappear each year, mainly in developing countries.然后,又提出了解决问题的方法:…one way to halt the destruction is to get farmers to...本文写得何等实用而激动人心!它首先提出了问题:20-million hectares of tropical forest disappear each year, mainly in developing countries.然后,又提出了解决问题的方法:…one way to halt the destruction is to get farmers to start tree farms.这种方法不是抽象的,而是具体的。本文提供了分布于世界各地的优良树木—它们的名字已令选者望而却步。这些优良树木的共同特点是速生、优质、多用途,笔者忽发奇想:我们国家引进这种树木是否实在太少了?笔者最近有幸到大兴安岭,过火10载的崇山峻岭虽已初露生机,但新树尚“待千尺”。展开更多
读此短文,会倍感Vitamin的译名—“维他命”—音谐而意赅! 本文不仅对其发现及命名追根溯源,且有涉最新的有关维他命的研究成果。文中此句颇有新意:the body stores very little vitamin C. So we must get it every day in vitamin C-r...读此短文,会倍感Vitamin的译名—“维他命”—音谐而意赅! 本文不仅对其发现及命名追根溯源,且有涉最新的有关维他命的研究成果。文中此句颇有新意:the body stores very little vitamin C. So we must get it every day in vitamin C-rich foods. These include citrus fruits, tomatoes and uncooked cabbage.笔者忽发奇想:西人爱食“色拉”是否与此有涉?惯食喜食“生猛海鲜”的国人,是否也应多食些“生而不猛”的蔬菜? 另一处让读者感到新奇的是:Bacteria in the intestines normally produce vitamin K. So we do not have to worry about getting it from foods.细菌有此“善举”,其实应归功于人体的神力。从此文看,人类了解到“维他命”,只不过是本世纪初的事。纵览滔滔历史长河,人类对自身的认识是否尚处于“初级阶段”? 就表达言,本文不失一篇优秀的广播稿,深入浅出,流畅鲜明。细心的读者也许会在阅读的过程中发现以下的句型至少出现了四次。其中的一个or用得妙极。可资模仿; Funk had been studying a substance in the outer covering. or hull. of rice.】展开更多
我们所以在 New Science一栏中郑重推出此文,除了儿童的身高问题不能小视之外,另一重要原因是针对目前各类广告对儿童身高的误导宣传。此类广告给人的印象是,似乎服用了他们的产品,儿童的身高就会迅速“达标”.而且儿童身高未能“达标...我们所以在 New Science一栏中郑重推出此文,除了儿童的身高问题不能小视之外,另一重要原因是针对目前各类广告对儿童身高的误导宣传。此类广告给人的印象是,似乎服用了他们的产品,儿童的身高就会迅速“达标”.而且儿童身高未能“达标”的原因就是因为缺乏“钙”的摄入量!读罢此文,令我们走出误区,如梦初醒。本文对儿童发育迟缓,身高不足的问题条分缕析,严密科学。诚然.钙是 important hone-building chemical,但是文章提醒读者;Vitamin D helps thebody to use calcium…But the vitamin must be changed,first by the liver andthen by the kidneys,before it can do this.由此可窥见“钙”被人体吸收的两个重要的先决条件。 文中的第 13条注释词为 cyproheptadine(赛庚啶).此药在我国被认定是用于治疗气喘、止痒等,而本文所述的此药的功能不知是否已被我国药界认识。 最后、本文提及了儿童身高的重要参数,似可参考:Generally,a child growsfive centimeters or more each year、Parents should talk to a doctor if a child’syearly growth falls below five centimeters.】展开更多
这是一篇不存在偏见的好文章。 记得在电视剧《北京人在纽约》中,有一个角色对中医中草药大放厥词,无知而又狂妄地贬低中医中草药。 而本文却说: Many parts of the world still do not have university—educated doctors.Nor dothey h...这是一篇不存在偏见的好文章。 记得在电视剧《北京人在纽约》中,有一个角色对中医中草药大放厥词,无知而又狂妄地贬低中医中草药。 而本文却说: Many parts of the world still do not have university—educated doctors.Nor dothey have costly hospitals.Yet injuries are treated.And diseaes are often cured.How?By ancient time methods.By medicines that might seem mysterious.even magical. 文章提供了不少读者已知或未知的趣闻。其中一则是: For centuries people in Asia and South America have used the roots of plantscontaining rotenone.Such plants are called tuba in Asia and barbasco in SouthAmerica.Fishermen threw the cut—up roots into the water.The rotenone paralyzesthe fish.They rise to the top,unable to move.They are cught easily. Nature is really a chemical factory.为什么? …many of these traditional medicines may provide the cure for some of today’smost serions diseases.这又是为什么? 这些问题的答案是简单的:All living things contain chemicals that help themsurvive.——人类无非借植物之“刀”杀人体之“病毒”而已。 这些问题的答?展开更多
Business English is an important tool used by importers and exporters innegotiating business with their customers abroad and drafting letters and commercialdocuments.Just like literary or scientific Engliush,it has it...Business English is an important tool used by importers and exporters innegotiating business with their customers abroad and drafting letters and commercialdocuments.Just like literary or scientific Engliush,it has its own characteristics.In thisarticle,owing to the limited space,I shall discuss only some of its special points inlanguage and euphemistic expressions.展开更多
With the deepening of higher education reform in China,higher education starts to focus more on the comprehensive training of talents,therefore many innovative teaching methods have been integrated into the higher edu...With the deepening of higher education reform in China,higher education starts to focus more on the comprehensive training of talents,therefore many innovative teaching methods have been integrated into the higher education system,importantly,in English teaching,which is one of the important skills that modern talents should have.In the teaching of English for special purposes,the traditional teaching mode should be replaced with the task-based language teaching mode,where scientifically carry out teaching work based on the specific tasks and goals.This paper analyzed the connotation of task-based language teaching,and the significance of this teaching application in English for Special Purposes.Further,the purpose to study the application strategies of task-based language teaching in English for Special Purposes were also discussed in this paper.展开更多
目的探究专门用途英语(English for special purpose,ESP)视域下适合医学英语的教学模式在留学生教育中的应用。方法选择2021年10月—2022年10月南京医科大学国际教育学院的六年制临床医学专业本科留学生60名为研究对象,按班级将60名留...目的探究专门用途英语(English for special purpose,ESP)视域下适合医学英语的教学模式在留学生教育中的应用。方法选择2021年10月—2022年10月南京医科大学国际教育学院的六年制临床医学专业本科留学生60名为研究对象,按班级将60名留学生分为对照组(30名)和观察组(30名),对照组采用传统教学,观察组采用ESP视域下适合医学英语的教学模式。比较2组留学生的综合成绩、文献检索和综述能力及留学生对教材效果评价、满意度。结果观察组留学生综合成绩为(82.56±5.25)分,高于对照组的(74.41±6.58)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),观察组及格与优秀占比分别是56.67%(17/30)、43.33%(13/30),而对照组的是76.67%(23/30)、16.67%(5/30),且对照组不及格占比6.67%(2/30);观察组对留学生在专业词汇的准确应用、综述内容的科学性、语法评分方面的评价及留学生对教材效果的评价均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);观察组在教学方式、课程参与度方面的满意度高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而在语言能力培养、独立思考、师生互动及自学能力方面的满意度与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论ESP视域下适合医学英语的教学模式在留学生教育中的应用效果较好,能有效提高留学生文献检索和综述能力,改善对教材效果的评价,提高对教学方式、课程参与度等方面的满意度。展开更多
文摘"微媒体时代"背景下,将移动学习模式引入到独立学院的大学英语教学,可以培养符合时代发展需求的高素质应用型综合人才。学生利用碎片化时间,利用"VOA Special English"手机App进行移动学习最新的新闻英语听力,练习口语表达。该软件的互动性、时效性及纯正规范的发音能激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生自主学习能力,从而提高学生综合听说能力。
文摘Phenomenon: Nowadays, with rapidly developing in medical laboratory science(MLS), new concepts, knowledge and technologies are constantly emerging, which requires medical students to continuously learn to grasp the new development trend and the latest research progress. To enable the students to learn and make use of scientific knowledge better, the Special English Curriculum for MLS has been set up, which is very important to non-English-speaking students. However, there are many problems in the course of teaching, so the improved teaching quality of the curriculum is in demand. Approach: In this paper these problems are described and the corresponding advices are proposed from the perspectives of staff room, teachers and students, which are supposed to develop the curriculum for education of the medical laboratory scientists. Findings: To improve the teaching quality of the Special English Curriculum for MLS, the textbook should be appropriately selected or compiled, the novel teaching methods can be applied, and the modern multimedia teaching materials can be adopted.The teachers of the curriculum should be proficient in professional knowledge, English as well as the systematic and scientific teaching methods. The students need to have the courage and determination to overcome the difficulties when they learn the curriculum, and the students who have not did well in their lessons should learn to study by themselves. Insights: The Special English Curriculum for MLS is very important to non-English-speaking students and is kind of difficult for them, the staff room, teachers and students should adjust themselves to teach and learn the curriculum better.
文摘本刊主编去年10月11月间应邀访美。11月17日他应邀访问了VOA.著名播音员 Mr.Kim Elliot与本刊主编进行了一个小时的长谈。临别,Kim还向主编赠送了一些书籍。其中一本标题为《Science in the News》。这是一册 VOA Spe-ical English的节目精选。本刊曾收到过一些读者的来信。他们从录音中记录了《Science in the News》的部分内容,要求刊发。这些内容确实精彩可读,也非常适合本刊.但是.这些记录文稿难免时现小错.为维护本刊的严肃性及对广大读者负责.本刊考虑再三.不得不“割爱”。现在好了。获VOA的同意,本刊决定从1997年第1期起.在《注释读物》栏目中选刊《Science in the News》的内容.以飨读者。本规《英语佳句/佳作欣赏》一栏刊发了“美国之音Special English节目的语言特色”一文,所有例句均出于本文。请读者不忘一读。同时在此说明,因本刊选登了《Science in the News》,故原拟新设的《科普短文》栏取消。
文摘本文写得何等实用而激动人心!它首先提出了问题:20-million hectares of tropical forest disappear each year, mainly in developing countries.然后,又提出了解决问题的方法:…one way to halt the destruction is to get farmers to start tree farms.这种方法不是抽象的,而是具体的。本文提供了分布于世界各地的优良树木—它们的名字已令选者望而却步。这些优良树木的共同特点是速生、优质、多用途,笔者忽发奇想:我们国家引进这种树木是否实在太少了?笔者最近有幸到大兴安岭,过火10载的崇山峻岭虽已初露生机,但新树尚“待千尺”。
文摘读此短文,会倍感Vitamin的译名—“维他命”—音谐而意赅! 本文不仅对其发现及命名追根溯源,且有涉最新的有关维他命的研究成果。文中此句颇有新意:the body stores very little vitamin C. So we must get it every day in vitamin C-rich foods. These include citrus fruits, tomatoes and uncooked cabbage.笔者忽发奇想:西人爱食“色拉”是否与此有涉?惯食喜食“生猛海鲜”的国人,是否也应多食些“生而不猛”的蔬菜? 另一处让读者感到新奇的是:Bacteria in the intestines normally produce vitamin K. So we do not have to worry about getting it from foods.细菌有此“善举”,其实应归功于人体的神力。从此文看,人类了解到“维他命”,只不过是本世纪初的事。纵览滔滔历史长河,人类对自身的认识是否尚处于“初级阶段”? 就表达言,本文不失一篇优秀的广播稿,深入浅出,流畅鲜明。细心的读者也许会在阅读的过程中发现以下的句型至少出现了四次。其中的一个or用得妙极。可资模仿; Funk had been studying a substance in the outer covering. or hull. of rice.】
文摘我们所以在 New Science一栏中郑重推出此文,除了儿童的身高问题不能小视之外,另一重要原因是针对目前各类广告对儿童身高的误导宣传。此类广告给人的印象是,似乎服用了他们的产品,儿童的身高就会迅速“达标”.而且儿童身高未能“达标”的原因就是因为缺乏“钙”的摄入量!读罢此文,令我们走出误区,如梦初醒。本文对儿童发育迟缓,身高不足的问题条分缕析,严密科学。诚然.钙是 important hone-building chemical,但是文章提醒读者;Vitamin D helps thebody to use calcium…But the vitamin must be changed,first by the liver andthen by the kidneys,before it can do this.由此可窥见“钙”被人体吸收的两个重要的先决条件。 文中的第 13条注释词为 cyproheptadine(赛庚啶).此药在我国被认定是用于治疗气喘、止痒等,而本文所述的此药的功能不知是否已被我国药界认识。 最后、本文提及了儿童身高的重要参数,似可参考:Generally,a child growsfive centimeters or more each year、Parents should talk to a doctor if a child’syearly growth falls below five centimeters.】
文摘这是一篇不存在偏见的好文章。 记得在电视剧《北京人在纽约》中,有一个角色对中医中草药大放厥词,无知而又狂妄地贬低中医中草药。 而本文却说: Many parts of the world still do not have university—educated doctors.Nor dothey have costly hospitals.Yet injuries are treated.And diseaes are often cured.How?By ancient time methods.By medicines that might seem mysterious.even magical. 文章提供了不少读者已知或未知的趣闻。其中一则是: For centuries people in Asia and South America have used the roots of plantscontaining rotenone.Such plants are called tuba in Asia and barbasco in SouthAmerica.Fishermen threw the cut—up roots into the water.The rotenone paralyzesthe fish.They rise to the top,unable to move.They are cught easily. Nature is really a chemical factory.为什么? …many of these traditional medicines may provide the cure for some of today’smost serions diseases.这又是为什么? 这些问题的答案是简单的:All living things contain chemicals that help themsurvive.——人类无非借植物之“刀”杀人体之“病毒”而已。 这些问题的答?
文摘Business English is an important tool used by importers and exporters innegotiating business with their customers abroad and drafting letters and commercialdocuments.Just like literary or scientific Engliush,it has its own characteristics.In thisarticle,owing to the limited space,I shall discuss only some of its special points inlanguage and euphemistic expressions.
文摘With the deepening of higher education reform in China,higher education starts to focus more on the comprehensive training of talents,therefore many innovative teaching methods have been integrated into the higher education system,importantly,in English teaching,which is one of the important skills that modern talents should have.In the teaching of English for special purposes,the traditional teaching mode should be replaced with the task-based language teaching mode,where scientifically carry out teaching work based on the specific tasks and goals.This paper analyzed the connotation of task-based language teaching,and the significance of this teaching application in English for Special Purposes.Further,the purpose to study the application strategies of task-based language teaching in English for Special Purposes were also discussed in this paper.
文摘目的探究专门用途英语(English for special purpose,ESP)视域下适合医学英语的教学模式在留学生教育中的应用。方法选择2021年10月—2022年10月南京医科大学国际教育学院的六年制临床医学专业本科留学生60名为研究对象,按班级将60名留学生分为对照组(30名)和观察组(30名),对照组采用传统教学,观察组采用ESP视域下适合医学英语的教学模式。比较2组留学生的综合成绩、文献检索和综述能力及留学生对教材效果评价、满意度。结果观察组留学生综合成绩为(82.56±5.25)分,高于对照组的(74.41±6.58)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),观察组及格与优秀占比分别是56.67%(17/30)、43.33%(13/30),而对照组的是76.67%(23/30)、16.67%(5/30),且对照组不及格占比6.67%(2/30);观察组对留学生在专业词汇的准确应用、综述内容的科学性、语法评分方面的评价及留学生对教材效果的评价均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);观察组在教学方式、课程参与度方面的满意度高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而在语言能力培养、独立思考、师生互动及自学能力方面的满意度与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论ESP视域下适合医学英语的教学模式在留学生教育中的应用效果较好,能有效提高留学生文献检索和综述能力,改善对教材效果的评价,提高对教学方式、课程参与度等方面的满意度。