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Flavour and Colour of Quarks in Spin Topological Space
作者 Shaoxu Ren 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2021年第3期380-389,共10页
An assumption that <em>all</em> the six flavour quarks are attributed to be the components of <em>a same, a</em> <em>common</em> isospin multiplets space named <strong>STS<... An assumption that <em>all</em> the six flavour quarks are attributed to be the components of <em>a same, a</em> <em>common</em> isospin multiplets space named <strong>STS</strong> is proposed. Base on <strong>Pauli Exclusion Principle</strong>, every quark is assigned to different flavour marks in STS. Every flavour quark possesses <em>its own colour spectral line array</em> specially appointed. The collection of colour spectral line arrays of the six flavour quarks constructs together the <strong>CSDF</strong>, Colour Spectrum Diagram of Flavour, further baryons and mesons could be constructed from <strong>CSDF</strong>. STS, Spin Topological Space is a math frame with infinite dimensional matrix representation for spin angular momentum. Flavours is an isospin angular momentum coupling phenomena of the three-colour-quarks. 展开更多
关键词 Pauli Exclusion Principle STS spin Topological space STC spin Topological Coordinate Colour Spectral Line Array CSDF Colour Spectrum Diagram of Flavour
<i>E</i>Infinity, the Zero Set, Absolute Space and the Photon Spin
作者 Jean-Paul Auffray 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2015年第5期536-545,共10页
As defined and used in General Relativity calculations, spacetime is a strictly classical construct which does not incorporate in any way, shape or form the concept of quantum. While reviewing the efforts that Alexand... As defined and used in General Relativity calculations, spacetime is a strictly classical construct which does not incorporate in any way, shape or form the concept of quantum. While reviewing the efforts that Alexandria theoretician M. S. El Naschie has made to resolve the dichotomy, we discovered that his E infinity theory contains a Cantor set which has characteristics specified by Isaac Newton for Absolute space. We show that this unexpected connection leads to an understanding of the mysterious origin of the one and only attribute that all particles listed in the Standard Model of Elementary Particles possess—including notably the photon—and which has remained unexplained hitherto: spin. This most rewarding result reinforces our belief in the relevance of the E infinity basic concepts in relation to our own Xonic Quantum Physics (XQP) which places dynamical action rather spacetime and energy at the core of the System of the World. 展开更多
关键词 QUANTUM Foam E INFINITY Xonic QUANTUM Physics Newton ABSOLUTE space PHOTON spin
Spin and Quantization of Gravitational Space
作者 Bin Liang 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2012年第11期1757-1762,共6页
According to the formula of translational motion of vector along an infinitesimal closed curve in gravitational space, this article shows that the space and time both are quantized;the called center singularity of Sch... According to the formula of translational motion of vector along an infinitesimal closed curve in gravitational space, this article shows that the space and time both are quantized;the called center singularity of Schwarzschild metric does not exist physically, and Einstein’s theory of gravity is compatible with the traditional quantum theory in essence;the quantized gravitational space is just the spin network which consists of infinite quantized loops linking and intersecting each other, and that whether the particle is in spin eigenstate depends on the translational track of its spin vector in gravitational space. 展开更多
关键词 QUANTIZATION of GRAVITATIONAL space TRANSLATIONAL Motion of Vector Curvature Area Tensor spin Network spin EIGENSTATE
3D-SPACE序列在面神经内耳道段成像中的初步研究 被引量:11
作者 宋海岩 侯严振 +2 位作者 雷益 陈华生 王蕾 《医学影像学杂志》 2012年第8期1276-1278,共3页
目的探讨可变翻转角的三维快速自旋回波序列(3D-SPACE)在面神经内耳道段成像中的应用价值。方法使用1.5T磁共振,对16例志愿者行颅底3D-SPACE横断位扫描,并重建面神经长轴位和斜矢状位图像,观察各方向上面神经的图像质量。结果 16例共32... 目的探讨可变翻转角的三维快速自旋回波序列(3D-SPACE)在面神经内耳道段成像中的应用价值。方法使用1.5T磁共振,对16例志愿者行颅底3D-SPACE横断位扫描,并重建面神经长轴位和斜矢状位图像,观察各方向上面神经的图像质量。结果 16例共32侧面神经内耳道段及其周围血管均清晰显示,显示率100%;面神经及周围血管在图像上显示为低信号,脑脊液显示为高信号,脂肪显示为中等信号。图像锐利,对比良好,空间分辨率高。结论 3D-SPACE序列能清晰显示面神经内耳道段,可作为面神经MRI的常规序列。 展开更多
关键词 面神经 磁共振成像 快速自旋回波 可变翻转角
三维快速自旋回波成像技术——SPACE 被引量:62
作者 李国斌 张卫军 《磁共振成像》 CAS 2010年第4期295-298,共4页
二维快速自旋回波(turbo spin echo,TSE)早已成为临床磁共振成像的参考工具,但受到SAR以及T2衰减效应的限制,其数据采集效率仍然难以满足三维成像的需求。基于TSE演化出的SPACE技术,采用可变翻转角的回聚脉冲链设计,解决了临床对TSE三... 二维快速自旋回波(turbo spin echo,TSE)早已成为临床磁共振成像的参考工具,但受到SAR以及T2衰减效应的限制,其数据采集效率仍然难以满足三维成像的需求。基于TSE演化出的SPACE技术,采用可变翻转角的回聚脉冲链设计,解决了临床对TSE三维采集的需求,被逐步应用于各个部位的高分辨率三维成像中。结合应用实例,本文还介绍了SPACE技术的发展过程,以及目前的研究热点。 展开更多
关键词 磁共振成像 快速自旋回波 space 可变翻转角
三维快速自旋回波(SPACE)——序列原理及其应用 被引量:13
作者 张磊 张娜 +1 位作者 刘新 钟耀祖 《集成技术》 2013年第5期22-29,共8页
二维快速自旋回波(Two Dimensional Turbo Spin Echo,2D TSE)是目前临床应用十分广泛的一项成像技术。通过与隔层扫描技术相结合,2D TSE已在短时间内迅速应用于整个大脑的成像。由于射频能量吸收率(Specific Absorption Rate,SAR)以及T... 二维快速自旋回波(Two Dimensional Turbo Spin Echo,2D TSE)是目前临床应用十分广泛的一项成像技术。通过与隔层扫描技术相结合,2D TSE已在短时间内迅速应用于整个大脑的成像。由于射频能量吸收率(Specific Absorption Rate,SAR)以及T2衰减的影响,TSE数据采集效率难以满足三维成像的要求。SPACE(Sampling Perfection with Application-optimized Contrasts by using different flip angle Evolutions)在TSE的基础上,采用非选择回聚脉冲和可变翻转角,克服了SAR和T2衰减的影响,满足了临床对三维TSE的需求。文章将详细介绍SPACE的基本原理,分析成像参数对图像质量的影响,并简单介绍SPACE在人体各个部位的临床应用及其前景展望。 展开更多
关键词 磁共振成像 快速自旋回波 space 可变翻转角
3D SPACE序列对女性内生殖器显示的应用 被引量:5
作者 乔建兰 龚建中 姚振威 《中国医学计算机成像杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期186-189,共4页
目的:观察3D SPACE序列MRI在女性内生殖器成像中的应用价值。方法:对20例受检者采用SIEMENS Magnetom Avanto 1.5T磁共振成像系统,行常规女性内生殖器MRI扫描后加扫3D SPACE序列。并利用3D后处理软件对其原始图像进行矢状位、冠状位和... 目的:观察3D SPACE序列MRI在女性内生殖器成像中的应用价值。方法:对20例受检者采用SIEMENS Magnetom Avanto 1.5T磁共振成像系统,行常规女性内生殖器MRI扫描后加扫3D SPACE序列。并利用3D后处理软件对其原始图像进行矢状位、冠状位和横轴位重建;比较3D SPACE图像与常规T2WITIR M图像显示输卵管、卵巢、子宫的清晰度。由两位高年医师对图像质量采用双盲法评分,应用配对t检验进行统计学分析。结果:20例患者中,3D SPACE组所获图像明显优于T2WI-TIRM组所获图像,两组图像显示输卵管、卵巢评分差异存在显著性意义(t值13.043、12.389,P<0.05)。显示子宫的评分无统计学意义(t=2.096,P>0.05)。结论:用3D SPACE序列能清晰显示输卵管、卵巢、子宫,具有重要临床应用价值。利用重建软件对SPACE序列进行各个方向和层面的重建,可简化图像采集过程,为临床诊断提供更多信息。 展开更多
关键词 女性内生殖器 快速自旋回波 space 可变翻转角
优化MRI T_(2)-3D-SPACE的序列成像在外周神经扫描中的应用 被引量:2
作者 李伟峰 梁长松 +2 位作者 陈泽文 陈钦龙 马超进 《海南医学》 CAS 2021年第13期1709-1712,共4页
目的研究优化核磁共振成像(MRI)T_(2)-三维快速自旋回波序列(T_(2)-3D-SPACE)的序列成像在外周神经扫描中的应用效果。方法选择江门市新会区人民医院2019年7月至2020年12月收治的42例单侧臂丛神经病变患者,按照随机数表法均分A组、B组和... 目的研究优化核磁共振成像(MRI)T_(2)-三维快速自旋回波序列(T_(2)-3D-SPACE)的序列成像在外周神经扫描中的应用效果。方法选择江门市新会区人民医院2019年7月至2020年12月收治的42例单侧臂丛神经病变患者,按照随机数表法均分A组、B组和C组,各14例,分别接受T_(2)-3D-SPACE常规平扫、增强扫描、优化T_(2)-3D-SPACE序列扫描。对比三种方式成像的图像质量评分、图像背景抑制评分、神经干对比噪声比(CNR)及信噪比(SNR),以及对臂丛神经锁骨上下段的显示情况。结果A组患者的图像质量评分为(3.45±0.42)分,明显低于B组的(3.78±0.31)分和C组的(3.81±0.29)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);A组患者的图像背景抑制评分为(3.01±0.33)分,明显高于B组的(2.27±0.21)分和C组的(2.61±0.28)分,而C组的图像背景抑制评分又明显高于B组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);A组患者的SNR值及CNR值分别为(14.88±1.22)、(18.13±1.68),明显低于B组的(16.75±1.67)、(19.44±1.39)和C组的(17.29±1.41)、(19.05±1.53),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);A组患者的锁骨上段和下段显示率分别为42.86%、35.71%,明显低于B组的92.86%、85.71%和C组的85.71%及78.57%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论优化MRI T_(2)-3D-SPACE的序列成像与常规增强扫描T_(2)-3D-SPACE均可清晰显示臂丛神经,但优化MRI T_(2)-3D-SPACE序列无需注射对比剂,更适用于对比剂禁忌证患者。 展开更多
关键词 臂丛神经 核磁共振成像 T_(2)-三维快速自旋回波序列 图像质量 对比噪声比 信噪比
What Will Happen, If Zero SpinParticle Possesses Spin Rotational Construction, With Non-Zero Eigenvalues Of Spin Angular Momentum?
作者 ShaoXu Ren 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第16期2257-2265,共9页
There is no any spin rotational construction for zero spin particle, Casimir operator and the thired component of zero spin particle areandrespectively. Further, there are no spin interactions between zero spin partic... There is no any spin rotational construction for zero spin particle, Casimir operator and the thired component of zero spin particle areandrespectively. Further, there are no spin interactions between zero spin particle and other spin particles. This paper shows: in Spin Topological Space, STS [1], the third component of zero spin particle possesses non-zero eigenvalues besides original zero value, this leads to a miraculous spin interaction phenomenon between zero spin particle and other spin particles. In STS, zero spin particle could "dissolve other spin particles", degrade the values of their Casimir operator, and decay these spin particles into other forms of spin particle. 展开更多
关键词 zero spin particle non-Hermitian matrix non-zero eigenvalues Casimir operator the third component spin Topological space STS binding energy of spin particles
There Is a Way to Comprise Half-Integer Eigenvalues for Photon Spin
作者 ShaoXu Ren 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第11期1364-1374,共12页
In this article, an attempt based on Spin Topological Space, STS, to give areasonable detailed account of the cause of photonic fermionization phenomena of light photon is made. STS is an unconventional spin space in ... In this article, an attempt based on Spin Topological Space, STS, to give areasonable detailed account of the cause of photonic fermionization phenomena of light photon is made. STS is an unconventional spin space in quantum mechanics, which can be used to account for where the unconventional half-integer spin eigenvalues phenomenon of light photon comes from. We suggest to dectect the possible existence of photonic one-third-spinization phenomenon of light photon, by using three beams of light photon in interference experiment. 展开更多
关键词 spin Topological space STS Non-Hermitian matrix Casimir operator photonic fermionization phenomena half-integer spin eigenvalues one third one fourth spin eigenvalues of photon spin
Spin Forms and Spin Interactions among Higgs Bosons, between Higgs Boson and Graviton
作者 Shao Xu Ren 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第8期737-759,共23页
This paper offers concrete spin matrix forms of 0h spin zero particle, and shows the existent of the spin interactions among 0h spin zero particles. It is obviously hoping to approach, on the most comprehensive level,... This paper offers concrete spin matrix forms of 0h spin zero particle, and shows the existent of the spin interactions among 0h spin zero particles. It is obviously hoping to approach, on the most comprehensive level, to understand what really Higgs Boson is and what role-play Higgs Boson is acting in particle physics. As a "particle" of gravitational force, the spin interaction between 0h spin zero particle (Higgs Boson) and 2h spin particle (Graviton) is given, which maybea way that people would find Graviton in future. 展开更多
关键词 Higgs Boson Graviton Vacuum Bubble Pair spin Topological space STS Casimir operator right-hand 0? spin zero particle left-hand 0? spin zero particle
作者 魏幼平 《Journal of China Textile University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 1993年第4期71-80,共10页
The technique of sirospun process is applied on a modified semi-worsted balloonless spinningframe to investigate the effect of spindle-speed,yarn-twist and strand-spacing on yarn properties.Yarn breaking strength,brea... The technique of sirospun process is applied on a modified semi-worsted balloonless spinningframe to investigate the effect of spindle-speed,yarn-twist and strand-spacing on yarn properties.Yarn breaking strength,breaking extension,evenness and imperfection are examined on the basisof CCD experimental design.Yarn hairiness is particularly concerned,being found that all spinningparameters tested have significant effects on hairiness and that the minimum number of hairs oc-curs at the strand-spacing of 14.4 mm.Compared to conventional single spun yarn,experimentshave revealed the greatest advantage of using sirospun process is that all sirospun yarns have muchless hairiness.A new sirospun yarn fault,so called“loop”,has also been examined.The most likely cause forthis yarn fault is the strand-tension unbalance between the two strands when low tension spinningis applied.Further analysis and some initial tests have been carried out in the hope of overcomingthis loop fault which is an important obstacle to the application of balloonless spinning. 展开更多
关键词 ring FRAME balloonless spinNING SIROSPUN process strand-spacing YARN hairness YARN loop
Motion in Clifford Space
作者 Magd E. Kahil 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2020年第11期1856-1873,共18页
Clifford algebra as an approach of geometrization of physics plays a vital role in unification of micro-physics and macro-physics, which leads to examine the problem of motion for different objects. Equations of charg... Clifford algebra as an approach of geometrization of physics plays a vital role in unification of micro-physics and macro-physics, which leads to examine the problem of motion for different objects. Equations of charged and spinning of extended objects are derived. Their corresponding deviation equations as an extension of geodesics and geodesic deviation of vectors in Riemannian geometry have been developed in case of Clifford space. 展开更多
关键词 Cifford space Poly-Vectors-Geodesics Geodesic Deviation spinning Objects Extended Objects
Lorentz Transform in Multi-Dimensional Space
作者 I. A. Urusovskii 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2012年第11期1749-1756,共8页
It is shown that in Euclidean space with any number of spatial dimensions more than three, the Lorentz transform holds true if the proper time of each elementary particle is proportional to the length of its path in t... It is shown that in Euclidean space with any number of spatial dimensions more than three, the Lorentz transform holds true if the proper time of each elementary particle is proportional to the length of its path in the extra-dimensional subspace, and all elementary particles move at the speed of light in the complete space. The six-dimensional treatment of the Coulomb force of interaction between two charges is given. The electric force is due to the motion of charges in the extra-dimensional subspace and is equal to the corresponding Lorentz force. 展开更多
关键词 LORENTZ Transform Euclidean Multi-Dimensional space COMPTON Wave Length De BROGLIE Waves spin and Isotopic spin HEISENBERG Uncertainty CPT Symmetry COULOMB Force
The Big Bang as the Creative Force of the Creation of the Universe
作者 Avas Khugaev Eugeniya Bibaeva 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2024年第10期3281-3306,共26页
The paper considers the mechanism of the Big Bang energy influence on the creation of space-time fields of four structures of the Universe from the 1st type Ether (the Main Field and three spheres of the Relic). It ex... The paper considers the mechanism of the Big Bang energy influence on the creation of space-time fields of four structures of the Universe from the 1st type Ether (the Main Field and three spheres of the Relic). It explains how the Big Bang energy leads to the processes of “melting” in these structures, generating emergent properties that are different from their properties before the Big Bang. The key role of the Big Bang in completing the process of formation of 70% of DE is emphasized. It is shown that the Big Bang preceded the emergence of the furcation point, which chose several directions for the creation of cosmic matter—it was the combined efforts of these directions that created the visible worlds. The principle of dynamic equilibrium is considered the main criterion of the space-time field, in contrast to other physical fields, which is a necessary prerequisite for the quantization of the gravitational field. A spin particle is introduced, capable of emitting special particles—spitons, the characteristics of which are associated with the topology of the Mobius strip and determine the spinor properties of gravitational fields. The mechanism of interaction of particles of the 2nd type of Ether with the fields of space-time is described, allowing the creation of matter first and then the materiality of visible worlds. At the same time, the role of the “matter-negotiator” in the creation process of visible worlds of the Universe is especially highlighted. Since the new properties of gravitational fields go beyond Einstein’s standard theory of gravity, it is proposed to build a new theory of space-time that generalizes it and has a clear geometric interpretation. The proposed theory is based on the action built on a full set of invariants of the Ricci tensor. Within the framework of the Poincaré theory, the classification of furcation points is considered. The processes at the furcation point are described by the Gauss-Laplace curve, for which the principle of conservation of probability density is introduced when considering the transition at the furcation point to four different directions of development. 展开更多
关键词 Big Bang Furcation Point space-Time Criterion Mobius Strip spin-Particle Resonance of Place Matter-Negotiator
环锭细纱机纺包芯纱的成纱机理研究 被引量:21
作者 王静荣 李杰新 +1 位作者 谢莉青 谭丛德 《青岛大学学报(工程技术版)》 CAS 2002年第4期82-85,共4页
关键词 包芯纱 成纱机理 加捻三角区 环锭细纱机
RoCoS紧密纺纱新技术 被引量:6
作者 刘林兵 高卫东 程丙伟 《毛纺科技》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第6期48-50,共3页
文章介绍了一种新的紧密纺纱技术———RoCoS(RotorcraftCompactSpinningSystem)。RoCoS紧密纺纱系统借助于RoCoS组合件构成三罗拉四皮辊牵伸结构,采用磁铁———机械式原理集束,相继实现纱线的牵伸、集聚和加捻。RoCoS紧密纺纱技术结... 文章介绍了一种新的紧密纺纱技术———RoCoS(RotorcraftCompactSpinningSystem)。RoCoS紧密纺纱系统借助于RoCoS组合件构成三罗拉四皮辊牵伸结构,采用磁铁———机械式原理集束,相继实现纱线的牵伸、集聚和加捻。RoCoS紧密纺纱技术结构简单,安装便捷,使用可靠,维护方便,克服了传统气流集束式紧密纺技术的不足。它适于纺棉型或毛型纱线,可用于新机或老机改造,是一种有较强市场发展潜力的新型紧密纺纱技术。 展开更多
关键词 紧密纺纱技术 Compact 紧密纺技术 纺纱系统 技术结构 老机改造 发展潜力 组合件 机械式 牵伸 集束 纱线 皮辊 罗拉 加捻 可靠 棉型
多天线干涉处理的窄带雷达空间旋转目标三维成像 被引量:4
作者 陈永安 罗迎 +2 位作者 王恺 张群 宋桐 《空军工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期46-51,共6页
借鉴干涉式逆合成孔径雷达中多天线干涉处理的思想,采用L型三天线成像结构,提出了一种基于多天线干涉处理的窄带雷达空间旋转目标三维成像方法。推导了窄带条件下空间旋转目标回波干涉处理的原理,分析了短时傅里叶变换对回波干涉相位信... 借鉴干涉式逆合成孔径雷达中多天线干涉处理的思想,采用L型三天线成像结构,提出了一种基于多天线干涉处理的窄带雷达空间旋转目标三维成像方法。推导了窄带条件下空间旋转目标回波干涉处理的原理,分析了短时傅里叶变换对回波干涉相位信息的影响,在对各天线回波进行短时傅里叶变换的基础上,在时频平面上有效区分了各散射点对应的回波曲线,获得了不同散射点对应的干涉相位信息,实现了对空间旋转目标的干涉式三维成像。与已有方法相比,该方法仅需利用单部多天线雷达即可获得目标的真实三维信息。仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 多天线干涉处理 微多普勒效应 空间旋转目标 三维成像
错位纺纱对紧密纺成纱质量的影响 被引量:15
作者 李向红 敖利民 +1 位作者 马军 王媛媛 《棉纺织技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期7-10,共4页
探讨错位纺纱对国产改造紧密纺成纱质量的影响及其机理。研究结果表明:错位纺纱改变了加捻三角形的形状和尺寸,因而改变了成纱结构和性质,错位纺纱对成纱质量的影响程度与错位方向和捻向的匹配有关,Z捻左斜与S捻右斜对成纱质量改善较显... 探讨错位纺纱对国产改造紧密纺成纱质量的影响及其机理。研究结果表明:错位纺纱改变了加捻三角形的形状和尺寸,因而改变了成纱结构和性质,错位纺纱对成纱质量的影响程度与错位方向和捻向的匹配有关,Z捻左斜与S捻右斜对成纱质量改善较显著;纺纱断面尺寸的变化也对成纱质量有着复杂的影响,一些因素对成纱质量是不利的,在实际生产中,应注意通过专件和工艺的配合加以改善;错位量的精确控制是错位纺纱的发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 错位纺纱 加捻三角形 错位方向 错位量 纺纱断面尺寸
作者 张盼 《纺织器材》 2024年第5期6-8,53,共4页
为提高赛络纺粘胶纱线质量水平和制成率、减少纤维逃逸损失,从纺纱原料及设备准备两方面降低赛络纺纤维逃逸的影响;对比普通赛络纺、集聚赛络纺加捻三角区纤维形态与分布,分析加捻三角区长度与纤维逃逸损失率的关系以及纤维逃逸原理;以... 为提高赛络纺粘胶纱线质量水平和制成率、减少纤维逃逸损失,从纺纱原料及设备准备两方面降低赛络纺纤维逃逸的影响;对比普通赛络纺、集聚赛络纺加捻三角区纤维形态与分布,分析加捻三角区长度与纤维逃逸损失率的关系以及纤维逃逸原理;以纺制赛络纺R 7.38 tex品种为例,对比分析不同粗纱定量、喇叭口间距和输出胶辊前冲量对纤维逃逸损失率和成纱质量的影响。指出:良好的设备状态、合适的器材专件、合理的工艺参数、较低的粗纱定量、较小的喇叭口间距以及适当增加输出胶辊前冲量,可降低纤维逃逸损失率并提高纱线质量,但普通赛络纺纱的纤维损失因成纱原理限制无法避免。 展开更多
关键词 纤维逃逸 损失率 赛络纺 加捻三角区 粗纱定量 喇叭口间距 胶辊前冲量
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