We derive an effective Hamiltonian for a spin-1/2 particle confined within a curved thin layer with non-uniform thickness using the confining potential approach.Our analysis reveals the presence of a pseudo-magnetic f...We derive an effective Hamiltonian for a spin-1/2 particle confined within a curved thin layer with non-uniform thickness using the confining potential approach.Our analysis reveals the presence of a pseudo-magnetic field and effective spin–orbit interaction(SOI)arising from the curvature,as well as an effective scalar potential resulting from variations in thickness.Importantly,we demonstrate that the physical effect of additional SOI from thickness fluctuations vanishes in low-dimensional systems,thus guaranteeing the robustness of spin interference measurements to thickness imperfection.Furthermore,we establish the applicability of the effective Hamiltonian in both symmetric and asymmetric confinement scenarios,which is crucial for its utilization in one-side etching systems.展开更多
The transverse spin-2 Ising ferromagnetic model with a longitudinal crystal-field is studied within the mean-field theory based on Bogoliubov inequality for the Gibbs free energy. The ground-state phase diagram and th...The transverse spin-2 Ising ferromagnetic model with a longitudinal crystal-field is studied within the mean-field theory based on Bogoliubov inequality for the Gibbs free energy. The ground-state phase diagram and the tricritical point are obtained in the transverse field Ω/ zJ-longitudinal crystal D / zJ field plane. We find that there are the first order-order phase transitions in a very small range of D /zJ besides the usual first order-disorder phase transitions and the second order-disorder phase transitions,展开更多
The spin-1 Blume–Capel model with transverse and longitudinal external magnetic fields h, in addition to a longitudinal random crystal field D, is studied in the mean-field approximation. It is assumed that the cryst...The spin-1 Blume–Capel model with transverse and longitudinal external magnetic fields h, in addition to a longitudinal random crystal field D, is studied in the mean-field approximation. It is assumed that the crystal field is either turned on with probability p or turned off with probability 1 p on the sites of a square lattice. Phase diagrams are then calculated on the reduced temperature crystal field planes for given values of γ=Ω/J and p at zero h. Thus, the effect of changing γ and p are illustrated on the phase diagrams in great detail and interesting results are observed.展开更多
We report a new kagome quantum spin liquid candidate CuaZn(OH)6FBr, which does not experience any phase transition down to 50inK, more than three orders lower than the antiferromagnetic Curie-Weiss temperature (-20...We report a new kagome quantum spin liquid candidate CuaZn(OH)6FBr, which does not experience any phase transition down to 50inK, more than three orders lower than the antiferromagnetic Curie-Weiss temperature (-200 K). A clear gap opening at low temperature is observed in the uniform spin susceptibility obtained from 19F nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. We observe the characteristic magnetic field dependence of the gap as expected for fractionalized spin-1/2 spinon excitations. Our experimental results provide firm evidence for spin fractionalization in a topologically ordered spin system, resembling charge fraetionalization in the fractional quantum Hall state.展开更多
After the discovery of fraction quantum Hall states in the 1980s, it became more and more clear that Landau symmetry breaking theory does not describe all possible quantum phases of matter. The new quan- tum phases of...After the discovery of fraction quantum Hall states in the 1980s, it became more and more clear that Landau symmetry breaking theory does not describe all possible quantum phases of matter. The new quan- tum phases of matter were called topologically ordered phases(for gapped cases) or quantum ordered phases (for gapless cases), which correspond to pat- terns of many-body entanglement. One may won- der: besides quantum Hall systems, are there other systems that realize the new topological/quantum order?展开更多
We study the entanglement (measured by negativity) evolution and the non-Markovianity for the dynamical process of a spin-S system embedded in dephasing environments. The exact analytical solution is presented, whic...We study the entanglement (measured by negativity) evolution and the non-Markovianity for the dynamical process of a spin-S system embedded in dephasing environments. The exact analytical solution is presented, which shows that the decoherence function governs the evolutions of coherence, entanglement, and the non-Markovianity of the correspond- ing dynamical processes. For Ohmic and sub-Ohmic reservoirs, the negativity decreases monotonically in time and the corresponding dynamics is Markovian. While for super-Ohmic reservoirs with non-monotonic decoherence function, the negativity appears as the phenomenon of revival and the corresponding dynamics is non-Markovian. The relation between non-Markovianity and the system dimension is studied.展开更多
The phase diagrams in the mixed spin-3/2 and spin-2 Ising system with two alternative layers on a honeycomb lattice are investigated and discussed by the use of the effective-field theory with correlations. The intera...The phase diagrams in the mixed spin-3/2 and spin-2 Ising system with two alternative layers on a honeycomb lattice are investigated and discussed by the use of the effective-field theory with correlations. The interaction of the nearest-neighbour spins of each layer is taken to be positive (ferromagnetic interaction) and the interaction of the adjacent spins of the nearest-neighbour layers is considered to be either positive or negative (ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic interaction). The temperature dependence of the layer magnetizations of the system is examined to characterize the nature (continuous or discontinuous) of the phase transitions and obtain the phase transition temperatures. The system exhibits both second- and first-order phase transitions besides triple point (TP), critical end point (E), multicritical point (A), isolated critical point (C) and reentrant behaviour depending on the interaction parameters. We have also studied the temperature dependence of the total magnetization to find the compensation points, as well as to determine the type of behaviour, and N-type behaviour in Neel classification nomenclature existing in the system. The phase diagrams are constructed in eight different planes and it is found that the system also presents the compensation phenomena depending on the sign of the bilinear exchange interactions.展开更多
The thermal entanglement of a two-qutrit spin-1 anisotropic Heisenberg XXZ chain in an inhomogeneous magnetic field is studied in detail. The effects of the external magnetic field (B), a parameter b which controls ...The thermal entanglement of a two-qutrit spin-1 anisotropic Heisenberg XXZ chain in an inhomogeneous magnetic field is studied in detail. The effects of the external magnetic field (B), a parameter b which controls the inhomogeneity of B, and the bilinear interaction parameters Jx = Jy ≠ Jz on the thermal variation of the negativity are studied in detail. It is found that negativity N decreases when the values of magnetic field, inhomogeneity b and temperature are increasing. In addition, N remains at higher temperatures for higher values of Jz and lower values of B and b.展开更多
The spin-1/2 kagome antiferromagnets are key prototype materials for studying frustrated magnetism.Three isostructural kagome antiferromagnets LnCu_(3)(OH)_(6)Cl_(3)(Ln=Gd,Tb,Dy)have been successfully synthesized by t...The spin-1/2 kagome antiferromagnets are key prototype materials for studying frustrated magnetism.Three isostructural kagome antiferromagnets LnCu_(3)(OH)_(6)Cl_(3)(Ln=Gd,Tb,Dy)have been successfully synthesized by the hydrothermal method.LnCu_(3)(OH)_(6)Cl_(3) adopts space group P3m1 and features the layered Cu-kagome lattice with lanthanide Ln3+cations sitting at the center of the hexagons.Although heavy lanthanides(Ln=Gd,Tb,Dy)in LnCu_(3)(OH)_(6)Cl_(3) provide a large effective magnetic moment and ferromagnetic-like spin correlations compared to light-lanthanides(Nd,Sm,Eu)analogues,Cu-kagome holds an antiferromagnetically ordered state at around 17 K like YCu_(3)(OH)_(6)Cl_(3).展开更多
Fe-O/AlO_x/Fe-O tunnel junctions were prepared by reactive magnetronsputtering under mixed working gas Ar+2 percent O_2. The insulating AlO_x layer of 1-2nm thicknesswas sputtered directly from A1_2O_3 target. Electro...Fe-O/AlO_x/Fe-O tunnel junctions were prepared by reactive magnetronsputtering under mixed working gas Ar+2 percent O_2. The insulating AlO_x layer of 1-2nm thicknesswas sputtered directly from A1_2O_3 target. Electrode layers were made of 80at. percent iron and20at. percent oxygen. Bottom Fe-O electrode deposited on glass substrate annealed at 473K at thepressure of 3 X 10^(-4) Pa for an hour shows disparate crystalline grain structure, lower electricalresistance and coercivity compared to the as-deposited top electrode. Only crystalline structrureof alpha-Fe is observed in both electrodes. Large tunnel magnetoresistance in large Fe-O/AlO_x/Fe-Ojunctions of 1cm^2 is observed at room temperature and the I-V characteristic curve of the junctionshows that the barrier of the junction is of high quality.展开更多
Thermodynamic properties of the mixed spin-1 and spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model are studied on a honeycomb lattice using a new approach in the mean-field approximation to analyze the effects of longitudinal Dz and tr...Thermodynamic properties of the mixed spin-1 and spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model are studied on a honeycomb lattice using a new approach in the mean-field approximation to analyze the effects of longitudinal Dz and transverse Dx crystal fields. The phase diagrams are calculated in detail by studying the thermal variations of the order parameters, i.e., magnetizations and quadrupole moments, and compared with the literature to assess the reliability of the new approach. It is found that the model yields both second- and first-order phase transitions, and tricritical points. The compensation behavior of the model is also investigated for the sublattice magnetizations, and longitudinal and transverse quadrupolar moments. The latter type of compensation is observed in the literature but its possible importance is overlooked.展开更多
We consider a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a harmonic potential with different nonlinearity coeffi- cients. We illustrate the dynamics of soliton breathers in two-component and three-component states by ...We consider a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a harmonic potential with different nonlinearity coeffi- cients. We illustrate the dynamics of soliton breathers in two-component and three-component states by numerically solv- ing the one-dimensional time-dependent coupled Gross-Pitaecskii equations (GPEs). We present that two condensates with repulsive interspecies interactions make elastic collision and novel soliton breathers are created in two-component state. We also demonstrate novel soliton breathers in three-component state with attractive coupling constants. Furthermore, possible reasons for creating soliton breathers are discussed.展开更多
The bimodal random crystal field (A) effects are investigated on the phase diagrams of spin-3/2 Ising model by using the effective-field theory with correlations based on two approximations: the general van der Wae...The bimodal random crystal field (A) effects are investigated on the phase diagrams of spin-3/2 Ising model by using the effective-field theory with correlations based on two approximations: the general van der Waerden identity and the approximated van der Waerden identity. In our approach, the crystal field is either turned on or turned off randomly for a given probability p or q = 1 -p, respectively. Then the phase diagrams are constructed on the (A,kT/J) and (p,kT/J) planes for given p and A, respectively, when the coordination number is z = 3. Furthermore, the effect of randomization of the crystal field is illustrated on the (△,kT/J) plane for p = 0.5 when z - 3,4, and 6. All these are carried out for both approximations and then the results are compared to point out the differences. In addition to the lines of second-order phase transitions, the model also exhibits first-order phase transitions and the lines of which terminate at the isolated critical points for high p values.展开更多
Dynamics of a spin-3/2 Ising system Hamiltonian with bilinear and biquadratic nearest-neighbour exchange interactions is studied by a simple method in which the statistical equilibrium theory is combined with the Onsa...Dynamics of a spin-3/2 Ising system Hamiltonian with bilinear and biquadratic nearest-neighbour exchange interactions is studied by a simple method in which the statistical equilibrium theory is combined with the Onsager's theory of irreversible thermodynamics. First, the equilibrium behaviour of the model in the molecular-field approximation is given briefly in order to obtain the phase transition temperatures, i.e. the first- and second-order and the tricritical points. Then, the Onsager theory is applied to the model and the kinetic or rate equations are obtained. By solving these equations three relaxation times are calculated and their behaviours are examined for temperatures near the phase transition points. Moreover, the z dynamic critical exponent is calculated and compared with the z values obtained for different systems experimentally and theoretically, and they are found to be in good agrement.展开更多
We have investigated the random crystal field effects on the phase diagrams of the spin-2 Blume-Capel model for a honeycomb lattice using the effective-field theory with correlations. To do so, the thermal variations ...We have investigated the random crystal field effects on the phase diagrams of the spin-2 Blume-Capel model for a honeycomb lattice using the effective-field theory with correlations. To do so, the thermal variations of magnetization are studied via calculating the phase diagrams of the model. We have found that the model displays both second-order and first-order phase transitions in addition to the tricritical and isolated points. Reentrant behavior is also observed for some appropriate values of certain system parameters. Besides the usual ground-state phases of the spin-2 model including ±2, ~1, and 0, we have also observed the phases ±3/2 and ±1/2, which are unusual for the spin-2 case.展开更多
The transverse spin-2 Ising ferromagnetic model with a longitudinal crystal field is studied within themean-field theory.The phase diagrams and magnetization curves are obtained by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian H_i of...The transverse spin-2 Ising ferromagnetic model with a longitudinal crystal field is studied within themean-field theory.The phase diagrams and magnetization curves are obtained by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian H_i ofthe Ising system numerically,and the first order-order phase transitions,the first order-disorder phase transitions,andthe second-order phase transitions are discussed in details.Reentrant phenomena occur when the value of the transversefield is not zero and the reentrant diagram is given.展开更多
We study analytically and numerically the nonlinear collective dynamics of quasi-one-dimensional spin-orbit coupled spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in harmonic potential.The ground state of the system is dete...We study analytically and numerically the nonlinear collective dynamics of quasi-one-dimensional spin-orbit coupled spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in harmonic potential.The ground state of the system is determined by minimizing the Lagrange density,and the coupled equations of motions for the center-of-mass coordinate of the condensate and its width are derived.Then,two low energy excitation modes in breathing dynamics and dipole dynamics are obtained analytically,and the mechanism of exciting the anharmonic collective dynamics is revealed explicitly.The coupling among spin-orbit coupling,Raman coupling and spin-dependent interaction results in multiple external collective modes,which leads to the anharmonic collective dynamics.The cooperative effect of spin momentum locking and spin-dependent interaction results in coupling of dipolar and breathing dynamics,which strongly depends on spin-dependent interaction and behaves distinct characters in different phases.Interestingly,in the absence of spin-dependent interaction,the breathing dynamics is decoupled from spin dynamics and the breathing dynamics is harmonic.Our results provide theoretical evidence for deep understanding of the ground sate phase transition and the nonlinear collective dynamics of the system.展开更多
The dynamics of the weak non//near matter sofitary waves in a spin-1 condensates with harmonic external potential are investigated analytically by a perturbation method. It is shown that, in the small amplitude limit,...The dynamics of the weak non//near matter sofitary waves in a spin-1 condensates with harmonic external potential are investigated analytically by a perturbation method. It is shown that, in the small amplitude limit, the dynamics of the solitary waves are governed by a variable-coetficient Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. The reduction to the (KdV) equation may be useful to understand the dynamics of nonlinear matter waves in spinor BECs. The analytical expressions for the evolution of soliton show that the small-amplitude vector solitons of the mixed types perform harmonic oscillations in the presence of the trap. Furthermore, the emitted radiation profiles and the soliton oscillation frequency are also obtained.展开更多
The Casimir effect has been studied for various quantum fields in both fiat and curved spacetimes. As a further step along this line, we provide an explicit derivation of Casimlr effect for massless spin-3/2 field wit...The Casimir effect has been studied for various quantum fields in both fiat and curved spacetimes. As a further step along this line, we provide an explicit derivation of Casimlr effect for massless spin-3/2 field with periodic boundary condition imposed in four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. The corresponding results with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are also discussed.展开更多
基金This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.12104239)National Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China(Grant No.BK20210581)+2 种基金Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Science Foundation(Grant Nos.NY221024 and NY221100)the Science and Technology Program of Guangxi,China(Grant No.2018AD19310)the Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation(Grant No.20224BAB211020).
文摘We derive an effective Hamiltonian for a spin-1/2 particle confined within a curved thin layer with non-uniform thickness using the confining potential approach.Our analysis reveals the presence of a pseudo-magnetic field and effective spin–orbit interaction(SOI)arising from the curvature,as well as an effective scalar potential resulting from variations in thickness.Importantly,we demonstrate that the physical effect of additional SOI from thickness fluctuations vanishes in low-dimensional systems,thus guaranteeing the robustness of spin interference measurements to thickness imperfection.Furthermore,we establish the applicability of the effective Hamiltonian in both symmetric and asymmetric confinement scenarios,which is crucial for its utilization in one-side etching systems.
文摘The transverse spin-2 Ising ferromagnetic model with a longitudinal crystal-field is studied within the mean-field theory based on Bogoliubov inequality for the Gibbs free energy. The ground-state phase diagram and the tricritical point are obtained in the transverse field Ω/ zJ-longitudinal crystal D / zJ field plane. We find that there are the first order-order phase transitions in a very small range of D /zJ besides the usual first order-disorder phase transitions and the second order-disorder phase transitions,
文摘The spin-1 Blume–Capel model with transverse and longitudinal external magnetic fields h, in addition to a longitudinal random crystal field D, is studied in the mean-field approximation. It is assumed that the crystal field is either turned on with probability p or turned off with probability 1 p on the sites of a square lattice. Phase diagrams are then calculated on the reduced temperature crystal field planes for given values of γ=Ω/J and p at zero h. Thus, the effect of changing γ and p are illustrated on the phase diagrams in great detail and interesting results are observed.
基金Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant Nos 2016YFA0300502,2016YFA0300503,2016YFA0300604,2016YF0300300 and 2016YFA0300802the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 11421092,11474330,11574359,11674406,11374346 and 11674375+3 种基金the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)under Grant No 2015CB921304the National Thousand-Young-Talents Program of Chinathe Strategic Priority Research Program(B) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant Nos XDB07020000,XDB07020200 and XDB07020300supported by DOE-BES under Grant No DE-FG02-04ER46148
文摘We report a new kagome quantum spin liquid candidate CuaZn(OH)6FBr, which does not experience any phase transition down to 50inK, more than three orders lower than the antiferromagnetic Curie-Weiss temperature (-200 K). A clear gap opening at low temperature is observed in the uniform spin susceptibility obtained from 19F nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. We observe the characteristic magnetic field dependence of the gap as expected for fractionalized spin-1/2 spinon excitations. Our experimental results provide firm evidence for spin fractionalization in a topologically ordered spin system, resembling charge fraetionalization in the fractional quantum Hall state.
文摘After the discovery of fraction quantum Hall states in the 1980s, it became more and more clear that Landau symmetry breaking theory does not describe all possible quantum phases of matter. The new quan- tum phases of matter were called topologically ordered phases(for gapped cases) or quantum ordered phases (for gapless cases), which correspond to pat- terns of many-body entanglement. One may won- der: besides quantum Hall systems, are there other systems that realize the new topological/quantum order?
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11275064 and 11075050)the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(Grant No.20124306110003)+1 种基金the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in Universities of China(Grant No.IRT0964)the Construct Program of the National Key Discipline
文摘We study the entanglement (measured by negativity) evolution and the non-Markovianity for the dynamical process of a spin-S system embedded in dephasing environments. The exact analytical solution is presented, which shows that the decoherence function governs the evolutions of coherence, entanglement, and the non-Markovianity of the correspond- ing dynamical processes. For Ohmic and sub-Ohmic reservoirs, the negativity decreases monotonically in time and the corresponding dynamics is Markovian. While for super-Ohmic reservoirs with non-monotonic decoherence function, the negativity appears as the phenomenon of revival and the corresponding dynamics is non-Markovian. The relation between non-Markovianity and the system dimension is studied.
基金Project supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TBTAK) (Grant No. 107T533)Erciyes University Research Funds (Grant No. FBD-08-593)
文摘The phase diagrams in the mixed spin-3/2 and spin-2 Ising system with two alternative layers on a honeycomb lattice are investigated and discussed by the use of the effective-field theory with correlations. The interaction of the nearest-neighbour spins of each layer is taken to be positive (ferromagnetic interaction) and the interaction of the adjacent spins of the nearest-neighbour layers is considered to be either positive or negative (ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic interaction). The temperature dependence of the layer magnetizations of the system is examined to characterize the nature (continuous or discontinuous) of the phase transitions and obtain the phase transition temperatures. The system exhibits both second- and first-order phase transitions besides triple point (TP), critical end point (E), multicritical point (A), isolated critical point (C) and reentrant behaviour depending on the interaction parameters. We have also studied the temperature dependence of the total magnetization to find the compensation points, as well as to determine the type of behaviour, and N-type behaviour in Neel classification nomenclature existing in the system. The phase diagrams are constructed in eight different planes and it is found that the system also presents the compensation phenomena depending on the sign of the bilinear exchange interactions.
文摘The thermal entanglement of a two-qutrit spin-1 anisotropic Heisenberg XXZ chain in an inhomogeneous magnetic field is studied in detail. The effects of the external magnetic field (B), a parameter b which controls the inhomogeneity of B, and the bilinear interaction parameters Jx = Jy ≠ Jz on the thermal variation of the negativity are studied in detail. It is found that negativity N decreases when the values of magnetic field, inhomogeneity b and temperature are increasing. In addition, N remains at higher temperatures for higher values of Jz and lower values of B and b.
基金supported by the Program for Guangdong Introducing Innovative and Entrepreneurial Teams (Grant No. 2017ZT07C062)Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Quantum Functional Materials and Devices (Grant No. ZDSYS20190902092905285)+4 种基金Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (Grant No. 2020B1515120100)the support of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2020M682780)the financial supports from Science and Technology Development Fund, Macao SAR, China (File No. 0051/2019/AFJ)Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (Guangdong-Dongguan Joint Fund No. 2020B1515120025)Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Joint Laboratory for Neutron Scattering Science and Technology, China (Grant No. 2019B121205003)
文摘The spin-1/2 kagome antiferromagnets are key prototype materials for studying frustrated magnetism.Three isostructural kagome antiferromagnets LnCu_(3)(OH)_(6)Cl_(3)(Ln=Gd,Tb,Dy)have been successfully synthesized by the hydrothermal method.LnCu_(3)(OH)_(6)Cl_(3) adopts space group P3m1 and features the layered Cu-kagome lattice with lanthanide Ln3+cations sitting at the center of the hexagons.Although heavy lanthanides(Ln=Gd,Tb,Dy)in LnCu_(3)(OH)_(6)Cl_(3) provide a large effective magnetic moment and ferromagnetic-like spin correlations compared to light-lanthanides(Nd,Sm,Eu)analogues,Cu-kagome holds an antiferromagnetically ordered state at around 17 K like YCu_(3)(OH)_(6)Cl_(3).
基金This work was partly supported by theNational Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 19974005).
文摘Fe-O/AlO_x/Fe-O tunnel junctions were prepared by reactive magnetronsputtering under mixed working gas Ar+2 percent O_2. The insulating AlO_x layer of 1-2nm thicknesswas sputtered directly from A1_2O_3 target. Electrode layers were made of 80at. percent iron and20at. percent oxygen. Bottom Fe-O electrode deposited on glass substrate annealed at 473K at thepressure of 3 X 10^(-4) Pa for an hour shows disparate crystalline grain structure, lower electricalresistance and coercivity compared to the as-deposited top electrode. Only crystalline structrureof alpha-Fe is observed in both electrodes. Large tunnel magnetoresistance in large Fe-O/AlO_x/Fe-Ojunctions of 1cm^2 is observed at room temperature and the I-V characteristic curve of the junctionshows that the barrier of the junction is of high quality.
文摘Thermodynamic properties of the mixed spin-1 and spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model are studied on a honeycomb lattice using a new approach in the mean-field approximation to analyze the effects of longitudinal Dz and transverse Dx crystal fields. The phase diagrams are calculated in detail by studying the thermal variations of the order parameters, i.e., magnetizations and quadrupole moments, and compared with the literature to assess the reliability of the new approach. It is found that the model yields both second- and first-order phase transitions, and tricritical points. The compensation behavior of the model is also investigated for the sublattice magnetizations, and longitudinal and transverse quadrupolar moments. The latter type of compensation is observed in the literature but its possible importance is overlooked.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11271158 and 11174108)
文摘We consider a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a harmonic potential with different nonlinearity coeffi- cients. We illustrate the dynamics of soliton breathers in two-component and three-component states by numerically solv- ing the one-dimensional time-dependent coupled Gross-Pitaecskii equations (GPEs). We present that two condensates with repulsive interspecies interactions make elastic collision and novel soliton breathers are created in two-component state. We also demonstrate novel soliton breathers in three-component state with attractive coupling constants. Furthermore, possible reasons for creating soliton breathers are discussed.
文摘The bimodal random crystal field (A) effects are investigated on the phase diagrams of spin-3/2 Ising model by using the effective-field theory with correlations based on two approximations: the general van der Waerden identity and the approximated van der Waerden identity. In our approach, the crystal field is either turned on or turned off randomly for a given probability p or q = 1 -p, respectively. Then the phase diagrams are constructed on the (A,kT/J) and (p,kT/J) planes for given p and A, respectively, when the coordination number is z = 3. Furthermore, the effect of randomization of the crystal field is illustrated on the (△,kT/J) plane for p = 0.5 when z - 3,4, and 6. All these are carried out for both approximations and then the results are compared to point out the differences. In addition to the lines of second-order phase transitions, the model also exhibits first-order phase transitions and the lines of which terminate at the isolated critical points for high p values.
基金Project supported by the Erciyes University Research Funds(Grand No.FBT-03-09)
文摘Dynamics of a spin-3/2 Ising system Hamiltonian with bilinear and biquadratic nearest-neighbour exchange interactions is studied by a simple method in which the statistical equilibrium theory is combined with the Onsager's theory of irreversible thermodynamics. First, the equilibrium behaviour of the model in the molecular-field approximation is given briefly in order to obtain the phase transition temperatures, i.e. the first- and second-order and the tricritical points. Then, the Onsager theory is applied to the model and the kinetic or rate equations are obtained. By solving these equations three relaxation times are calculated and their behaviours are examined for temperatures near the phase transition points. Moreover, the z dynamic critical exponent is calculated and compared with the z values obtained for different systems experimentally and theoretically, and they are found to be in good agrement.
文摘We have investigated the random crystal field effects on the phase diagrams of the spin-2 Blume-Capel model for a honeycomb lattice using the effective-field theory with correlations. To do so, the thermal variations of magnetization are studied via calculating the phase diagrams of the model. We have found that the model displays both second-order and first-order phase transitions in addition to the tricritical and isolated points. Reentrant behavior is also observed for some appropriate values of certain system parameters. Besides the usual ground-state phases of the spin-2 model including ±2, ~1, and 0, we have also observed the phases ±3/2 and ±1/2, which are unusual for the spin-2 case.
基金Ph.D.Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China under Grant No.20040145019
文摘The transverse spin-2 Ising ferromagnetic model with a longitudinal crystal field is studied within themean-field theory.The phase diagrams and magnetization curves are obtained by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian H_i ofthe Ising system numerically,and the first order-order phase transitions,the first order-disorder phase transitions,andthe second-order phase transitions are discussed in details.Reentrant phenomena occur when the value of the transversefield is not zero and the reentrant diagram is given.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.12164042,12264045,11764039,11475027,11865014,12104374,and 11847304)the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province(Grant Nos.17JR5RA076 and 20JR5RA526)+2 种基金the Scientific Research Project of Gansu Higher Education(Grant No.2016A-005)the Innovation Capability Enhancement Project of Gansu Higher Education(Grant Nos.2020A-146 and 2019A-014)the Creation of Science and Technology of Northwest Normal University(Grant No.NWNU-LKQN-18-33)。
文摘We study analytically and numerically the nonlinear collective dynamics of quasi-one-dimensional spin-orbit coupled spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in harmonic potential.The ground state of the system is determined by minimizing the Lagrange density,and the coupled equations of motions for the center-of-mass coordinate of the condensate and its width are derived.Then,two low energy excitation modes in breathing dynamics and dipole dynamics are obtained analytically,and the mechanism of exciting the anharmonic collective dynamics is revealed explicitly.The coupling among spin-orbit coupling,Raman coupling and spin-dependent interaction results in multiple external collective modes,which leads to the anharmonic collective dynamics.The cooperative effect of spin momentum locking and spin-dependent interaction results in coupling of dipolar and breathing dynamics,which strongly depends on spin-dependent interaction and behaves distinct characters in different phases.Interestingly,in the absence of spin-dependent interaction,the breathing dynamics is decoupled from spin dynamics and the breathing dynamics is harmonic.Our results provide theoretical evidence for deep understanding of the ground sate phase transition and the nonlinear collective dynamics of the system.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.10774120 and 10975114the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province under Grant No.1010RJZA012Natural Science Foundation of Northwest Normal University under Grant No.NWNU-KJCXGC-03-48
文摘The dynamics of the weak non//near matter sofitary waves in a spin-1 condensates with harmonic external potential are investigated analytically by a perturbation method. It is shown that, in the small amplitude limit, the dynamics of the solitary waves are governed by a variable-coetficient Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. The reduction to the (KdV) equation may be useful to understand the dynamics of nonlinear matter waves in spinor BECs. The analytical expressions for the evolution of soliton show that the small-amplitude vector solitons of the mixed types perform harmonic oscillations in the presence of the trap. Furthermore, the emitted radiation profiles and the soliton oscillation frequency are also obtained.
基金The project supported partly by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 10373003, 10475013, and NBRPC under Grant No. 2003CB716302
文摘The Casimir effect has been studied for various quantum fields in both fiat and curved spacetimes. As a further step along this line, we provide an explicit derivation of Casimlr effect for massless spin-3/2 field with periodic boundary condition imposed in four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. The corresponding results with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are also discussed.