We study the stochastic evolutionary public goods game with punishment in a finite size population. Two kinds of costly punishments are considered, i.e., first-order punishment in which only the defectors are punished...We study the stochastic evolutionary public goods game with punishment in a finite size population. Two kinds of costly punishments are considered, i.e., first-order punishment in which only the defectors are punished, and second-order punishment in which both the defectors and the cooperators who do not punish the defective behaviors are punished. We focus on the stochastic stable equilibrium of the system. In the population, the evolutionary process of strategies is described as a finite state Markov process. The evolutionary equilibrium of the system and its stochastic stability are analyzed by the limit distribution of the Markov process. By numerical experiments, our findings are as follows.(i) The first-order costly punishment can change the evolutionary dynamics and equilibrium of the public goods game, and it can promote cooperation only when both the intensity of punishment and the return on investment parameters are large enough.(ii)Under the first-order punishment, the further imposition of the second-order punishment cannot change the evolutionary dynamics of the system dramatically, but can only change the probability of the system to select the equilibrium points in the "C+P" states, which refer to the co-existence states of cooperation and punishment. The second-order punishment has limited roles in promoting cooperation, except for some critical combinations of parameters.(iii) When the system chooses"C+P" states with probability one, the increase of the punishment probability under second-order punishment will further increase the proportion of the "P" strategy in the "C+P" states.展开更多
We studied the response of fractional-order van de Pol oscillator to Gaussian white noise excitation in this letter. An equivalent integral-order nonlinear stochastic system is obtained to replace the given system bas...We studied the response of fractional-order van de Pol oscillator to Gaussian white noise excitation in this letter. An equivalent integral-order nonlinear stochastic system is obtained to replace the given system based on the principle of minimum mean-square error. Through stochastic averaging, an averaged Ito equation is deduced. We obtained the Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equation connected to the averaged Ito equation and solved it to yield the approximate stationary response of the system. The analytical solution is confirmed by using Monte Carlo simulation.展开更多
Stochastic epistasis that is one of the characteristics of epistatic gene modules can have an important role in the maintenance of intraspecific population diversity. The effect of an epistatic modifier variant can va...Stochastic epistasis that is one of the characteristics of epistatic gene modules can have an important role in the maintenance of intraspecific population diversity. The effect of an epistatic modifier variant can vary in size and direction among the modifier careers on the basis of stochastic genetic individuality and the entire module effect can be also individually stochastic. This stochastic genetic contribution under a genetic background may be conditional upon the presence of a monomorphic switch locus in the gene module. The genetic background includes multiple modifier variants and the gene module is composed of the switch and the modifiers. The bell-shaped distribution of quantitative traits can be well simulated by the involvement of multiple stochastic epistatic modules. The phenotypic stochasticity makes the presence of switch and modifiers cryptic or missing in the research field and this cryptic gene networks can maintain and innovate in the phenotypic diversity under selection as a process of the evolution of complexity.展开更多
The nonlinear mixed-effects model with stochastic differential equations (SDEs) is used to model the population pharmacokinetic (PPK) data that are extended from ordinary differential equations (ODEs) by adding ...The nonlinear mixed-effects model with stochastic differential equations (SDEs) is used to model the population pharmacokinetic (PPK) data that are extended from ordinary differential equations (ODEs) by adding a stochastic term to the state equation. Compared with the ODEs, the SDEs can model correlated residuals which are ubiquitous in actual pharmacokinetic problems. The Bayesian estimation is provided for nonlinear mixed-effects models based on stochastic differential equations. Combining the Gibbs and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithms, the population and individual parameter values are given through the parameter posterior predictive distributions. The analysis and simulation results show that the performance of the Bayesian estimation for mixed-effects SDEs model and analysis of population pharmacokinetic data is reliable. The results suggest that the proposed method is feasible for population pharmacokinetic data.展开更多
Stochastic point kinetics equations(SPKEs) are a system of Ito? stochastic differential equations whose solution has been obtained by higher-order approximation.In this study, a fractional model of SPKEs has been anal...Stochastic point kinetics equations(SPKEs) are a system of Ito? stochastic differential equations whose solution has been obtained by higher-order approximation.In this study, a fractional model of SPKEs has been analyzed. The efficiency of the proposed higher-order approximation scheme has been discussed in the results section. The solutions of SPKEs in the presence of Newtonian temperature feedback have also been provided to further discuss the physical behavior of the fractional model.展开更多
We consider a population-size-dependent branching chain in a general random environment.We give suffcident conditions for certain extinction and for non-certain extinction.The chain exhibits different asymptotic accor...We consider a population-size-dependent branching chain in a general random environment.We give suffcident conditions for certain extinction and for non-certain extinction.The chain exhibits different asymptotic according to supk,θmk,θ1, mk,θn→1 as k →∞, n→∞, infk,θmk,θ1.展开更多
This article discusses the question of how elasticity of the system is intertwined with external stochastic disturbances. The speed at which a displaced system returns to its equilibrium is a measure of density depend...This article discusses the question of how elasticity of the system is intertwined with external stochastic disturbances. The speed at which a displaced system returns to its equilibrium is a measure of density dependence in population dynamics. Population dynamics in random environments, linearized around the equilibrium point, can be represented by a Langevin equation, where populations fluctuate under locally stable (not periodic or chaotic) dynamics. I consider a Langevin model in discrete time, driven by time-correlated random forces, and examine uncertainty in locating the population equilibrium. There exists a time scale such that for times shorter than this scale the dynamics can be approximately described by a random walk;it is difficult to know whether the system is heading toward the equilibrium point. Density dependence is a concept that emerges from a proper coarse-graining procedure applied for time-series analysis of population data. The analysis is illustrated using time-series data from fisheries in the North Atlantic, where fish populations are buffeted by stochastic harvesting in a random environment.展开更多
In this paper,we derive rigorously a non-local cross-diffusion system from an interacting stochastic many-particle system in the whole space.The convergence is proved in the sense of probability by introducing an inte...In this paper,we derive rigorously a non-local cross-diffusion system from an interacting stochastic many-particle system in the whole space.The convergence is proved in the sense of probability by introducing an intermediate particle system with a mollified interaction potential,where the mollification is of algebraic scaling.The main idea of the proof is to study the time evolution of a stopped process and obtain a Gronwall type estimate by using Taylor's expansion around the limiting stochastic process.展开更多
A stochastic averaging technique is proposed to study the randomly excited single-degree-of-freedom(SDOF) strongly nonlinear systems with delayed feedback fractional-order proportional-derivative(PD) controller. The d...A stochastic averaging technique is proposed to study the randomly excited single-degree-of-freedom(SDOF) strongly nonlinear systems with delayed feedback fractional-order proportional-derivative(PD) controller. The delayed feedback fractional-order PD control force is approximated by an equivalent non-delay feedback control force combining with a quasi-linear elastic force and a quasi-linear damping force. The averaged It? stochastic differential equation for amplitude of the equivalent nonlinear system is derived by the generalized harmonic functions. The analytical stationary probability density function(PDF) is obtained with solving the reduced Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov(FPK) equation. Two examples of van der Pol oscillator and RayleighDuffing oscillator are studied to illustrate the application and effectiveness of the proposed method. Numerical results display that the proposed method can yield to the high precision, and the time delay could ruin the control effectiveness, but also even amplifies the response of the system more than that of uncontrolled system. Furthermore, the study finds that the parameters of fractional-order α and time delay may cause the stochastic P-bifurcation. It is indicated that the delayed feedback fractional-order PD controller can offer a potentially effective tool for anti-control of stochastic bifurcation展开更多
Traditional evolutionary games assume uniform interaction rate, which means that the rate at which individuals meet and interact is independent of their strategies. But in some systems, especially biological systems, ...Traditional evolutionary games assume uniform interaction rate, which means that the rate at which individuals meet and interact is independent of their strategies. But in some systems, especially biological systems, the players interact with each other discriminately. Taylor and Nowak (2006) were the first to establish the corresponding non-uniform interaction rate model by allowing the interaction rates to depend on strategies. Their model is based on replicator dynamics which assumes an infinite size population. But in reality, the number of individuals in the population is always finite, and there will be some random interference in the individuals' strategy selection process. Therefore, it is more practical to establish the corresponding stochastic evolutionary model in finite populations. In fact, the analysis of evolutionary games in a finite size population is more difficult. Just as Taylor and Nowak said in the outlook section of their paper, 'The analysis of non-uniform interaction rates should be extended to stochastic game dynamics of finite populations.' In this paper, we are exactly doing this work. We extend Taylor and Nowak's model from infinite to finite case, especially focusing on the influence of non-uniform connection characteristics on the evolutionary stable state of the system. We model the strategy evolutionary process of the population by a continuous ergodic Markov process. Based on the limit distribution of the process, we can give the evolutionary stable state of the system. We make a complete classification of the symmetric 2×2 games. For each case game, the corresponding limit distribution of the Markov-based process is given when noise intensity is small enough. In contrast with most literatures in evolutionary games using the simulation method, all our results obtained are analytical. Especially, in the dominant-case game, coexistence of the two strategies may become evolutionary stable states in our model. This result can be used to explain the emergence of cooperation in the Prisoner is Dilemma Games to some extent. Some specific examples are given to illustrate our results.展开更多
We study large population stochastic dynamic games where the so-called Nash certainty equivalence based control laws are implemented by the individual players. We first show a martingale property for the limiting cont...We study large population stochastic dynamic games where the so-called Nash certainty equivalence based control laws are implemented by the individual players. We first show a martingale property for the limiting control problem of a single agent and then perform averaging across the population; this procedure leads to a constant value for the martingale which shows an invariance property of the population behavior induced by the Nash strategies.展开更多
In this paper, we present the compensated stochastic θ method for stochastic age-dependent delay population systems(SADDPSs) with Poisson jumps. The definition of mean-square stability of the numerical solution is ...In this paper, we present the compensated stochastic θ method for stochastic age-dependent delay population systems(SADDPSs) with Poisson jumps. The definition of mean-square stability of the numerical solution is given and a sufficient condition for mean-square stability of the numerical solution is derived. It is shown that the compensated stochastic θ method inherits stability property of the numerical solutions. Finally,the theoretical results are also confirmed by a numerical experiment.展开更多
In this study, a collocation technique is presented for approximate solution of the fractional-order logistic population model. Actually, we develop the Bessel collocation method by using the fractional derivative in ...In this study, a collocation technique is presented for approximate solution of the fractional-order logistic population model. Actually, we develop the Bessel collocation method by using the fractional derivative in the Caputo sense to obtain the approximate solutions of this model problem. By means of the fractional derivative in the Caputo sense, the collocation points, the Bessel functions of the first kind, the method transforms the model problem into a system of nonlinear algebraic equations. Numerical applications are given to demonstrate efficiency and accuracy of the method. In applications, the reliability of the scheme is shown by the error function based on the accuracy of the approximate solution.展开更多
Cancer metastasis is a process with multi-step complexity and apparent randomness. In this study, we aimed to establish a stochastic mathematical model to describe the random process of cancer metastasis and predict t...Cancer metastasis is a process with multi-step complexity and apparent randomness. In this study, we aimed to establish a stochastic mathematical model to describe the random process of cancer metastasis and predict the drug effect of QAP14 on metastasis in a mouse model. The data of lung metastases on the 22^(nd) day after cancer cell implantation with or without the treatment of QAP14, a new chemical compound, were collected in 4T1 breast cancer BALB/c mice. Based on the exponential growth of the primary tumor and metastatic loci, a joint distribution model of metastasis size and number was developed. Disease progression of metastasis and preclinical efficacy of QAP14 were modeled. Parameters M and m representing maximum and minimum of metastasis volume were 3.24 and 0.0184 mm^(3), respectively. The metastasis growth rate γ and metastasis promotion time ρ were estimated and fixed to be 0.0216 d^(-1) and 7.8 d, respectively. The efficacy of QAP14 acted on metastasis promotion time and metastasis growth rate constant in an exponential term, and the effect parameter Effectρ and Effectγ were 16.6 and 0.327 g/mg, respectively. In the present study, we comprehensively characterized the random process of lung metastasis and efficacy of QAP14 in 4T1 breast cancer mice, which might provide a useful reference for the establishment of a clinical population model of cancer metastasis.展开更多
We present an algorithm for the stochastic simulation of gene expression and heterogeneous population dynamics.The algorithm combines an exact method to simulate molecular-level fluctuations in single cells and a cons...We present an algorithm for the stochastic simulation of gene expression and heterogeneous population dynamics.The algorithm combines an exact method to simulate molecular-level fluctuations in single cells and a constant-number Monte Carlo method to simulate time-dependent statistical characteristics of growing cell populations.To benchmark performance,we compare simulation results with steadystate and time-dependent analytical solutions for several scenarios,including steadystate and time-dependent gene expression,and the effects on population heterogeneity of cell growth,division,and DNA replication.This comparison demonstrates that the algorithm provides an efficient and accurate approach to simulate how complex biological features influence gene expression.We also use the algorithm to model gene expression dynamics within"bet-hedging"cell populations during their adaption to environmental stress.These simulations indicate that the algorithm provides a framework suitable for simulating and analyzing realistic models of heterogeneous population dynamics combining molecular-level stochastic reaction kinetics,relevant physiological details and phenotypic variability.展开更多
“十四五”时期是中国实现碳达峰的关键时期,也是推动经济高质量发展和生态环境质量持续改善的重要阶段。可拓展的随机性环境影响评估(Stochastic Impacts by Regression on Population,Affluence,and Technology,STIRPAT)模型可以根据...“十四五”时期是中国实现碳达峰的关键时期,也是推动经济高质量发展和生态环境质量持续改善的重要阶段。可拓展的随机性环境影响评估(Stochastic Impacts by Regression on Population,Affluence,and Technology,STIRPAT)模型可以根据研究需要增加自变量,更好地分析相关因素对因变量的影响。以北京市为研究区,通过构建扩展的STIRPAT模型,分析人均地区生产总值(Gross Domestic Product,GDP)、人均汽车保有量、城市化率、第三产业GDP占比、能源消费强度与人均碳排放量的关系,并采用对数平均迪氏指数(Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index,LMDI)分解法分解能源消费强度。结果表明,产业结构和能源消费强度对人均碳排放量均有显著的正向影响。总体来看,要平衡经济发展与碳排放的关系,提高能源利用效率,推广可再生能源,降低能源消耗,减少碳排放。展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.71501149 and 71231007)the Soft Science Project of Hubei Province,China(Grant No.2017ADC122)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,China(Grant No.WUT:2017VI070)
文摘We study the stochastic evolutionary public goods game with punishment in a finite size population. Two kinds of costly punishments are considered, i.e., first-order punishment in which only the defectors are punished, and second-order punishment in which both the defectors and the cooperators who do not punish the defective behaviors are punished. We focus on the stochastic stable equilibrium of the system. In the population, the evolutionary process of strategies is described as a finite state Markov process. The evolutionary equilibrium of the system and its stochastic stability are analyzed by the limit distribution of the Markov process. By numerical experiments, our findings are as follows.(i) The first-order costly punishment can change the evolutionary dynamics and equilibrium of the public goods game, and it can promote cooperation only when both the intensity of punishment and the return on investment parameters are large enough.(ii)Under the first-order punishment, the further imposition of the second-order punishment cannot change the evolutionary dynamics of the system dramatically, but can only change the probability of the system to select the equilibrium points in the "C+P" states, which refer to the co-existence states of cooperation and punishment. The second-order punishment has limited roles in promoting cooperation, except for some critical combinations of parameters.(iii) When the system chooses"C+P" states with probability one, the increase of the punishment probability under second-order punishment will further increase the proportion of the "P" strategy in the "C+P" states.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(10932009,11072212,11272279,and 11002059)the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education(20103501120003)the Fundamental Research Funds for Huaqiao University(JB-SJ1010)
文摘We studied the response of fractional-order van de Pol oscillator to Gaussian white noise excitation in this letter. An equivalent integral-order nonlinear stochastic system is obtained to replace the given system based on the principle of minimum mean-square error. Through stochastic averaging, an averaged Ito equation is deduced. We obtained the Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equation connected to the averaged Ito equation and solved it to yield the approximate stationary response of the system. The analytical solution is confirmed by using Monte Carlo simulation.
文摘Stochastic epistasis that is one of the characteristics of epistatic gene modules can have an important role in the maintenance of intraspecific population diversity. The effect of an epistatic modifier variant can vary in size and direction among the modifier careers on the basis of stochastic genetic individuality and the entire module effect can be also individually stochastic. This stochastic genetic contribution under a genetic background may be conditional upon the presence of a monomorphic switch locus in the gene module. The genetic background includes multiple modifier variants and the gene module is composed of the switch and the modifiers. The bell-shaped distribution of quantitative traits can be well simulated by the involvement of multiple stochastic epistatic modules. The phenotypic stochasticity makes the presence of switch and modifiers cryptic or missing in the research field and this cryptic gene networks can maintain and innovate in the phenotypic diversity under selection as a process of the evolution of complexity.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.11171065,81130068)the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(No.BK2011058)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.JKPZ2013015)
文摘The nonlinear mixed-effects model with stochastic differential equations (SDEs) is used to model the population pharmacokinetic (PPK) data that are extended from ordinary differential equations (ODEs) by adding a stochastic term to the state equation. Compared with the ODEs, the SDEs can model correlated residuals which are ubiquitous in actual pharmacokinetic problems. The Bayesian estimation is provided for nonlinear mixed-effects models based on stochastic differential equations. Combining the Gibbs and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithms, the population and individual parameter values are given through the parameter posterior predictive distributions. The analysis and simulation results show that the performance of the Bayesian estimation for mixed-effects SDEs model and analysis of population pharmacokinetic data is reliable. The results suggest that the proposed method is feasible for population pharmacokinetic data.
文摘Stochastic point kinetics equations(SPKEs) are a system of Ito? stochastic differential equations whose solution has been obtained by higher-order approximation.In this study, a fractional model of SPKEs has been analyzed. The efficiency of the proposed higher-order approximation scheme has been discussed in the results section. The solutions of SPKEs in the presence of Newtonian temperature feedback have also been provided to further discuss the physical behavior of the fractional model.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10771185,10926036)Zhejiang Provinicial Natural Science Foundation of China (Y6090172)
文摘We consider a population-size-dependent branching chain in a general random environment.We give suffcident conditions for certain extinction and for non-certain extinction.The chain exhibits different asymptotic according to supk,θmk,θ1, mk,θn→1 as k →∞, n→∞, infk,θmk,θ1.
文摘This article discusses the question of how elasticity of the system is intertwined with external stochastic disturbances. The speed at which a displaced system returns to its equilibrium is a measure of density dependence in population dynamics. Population dynamics in random environments, linearized around the equilibrium point, can be represented by a Langevin equation, where populations fluctuate under locally stable (not periodic or chaotic) dynamics. I consider a Langevin model in discrete time, driven by time-correlated random forces, and examine uncertainty in locating the population equilibrium. There exists a time scale such that for times shorter than this scale the dynamics can be approximately described by a random walk;it is difficult to know whether the system is heading toward the equilibrium point. Density dependence is a concept that emerges from a proper coarse-graining procedure applied for time-series analysis of population data. The analysis is illustrated using time-series data from fisheries in the North Atlantic, where fish populations are buffeted by stochastic harvesting in a random environment.
基金funding from the European Research Council (ERC)under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme,ERC Advanced Grant No.101018153support from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (Grants P33010,F65)supported by the NSFC (Grant No.12101305).
文摘In this paper,we derive rigorously a non-local cross-diffusion system from an interacting stochastic many-particle system in the whole space.The convergence is proved in the sense of probability by introducing an intermediate particle system with a mollified interaction potential,where the mollification is of algebraic scaling.The main idea of the proof is to study the time evolution of a stopped process and obtain a Gronwall type estimate by using Taylor's expansion around the limiting stochastic process.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11672111,11432012,11602089)the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in Fujian Province University,and the Technological Project of Huaqiao University(Grant Nos.ZQN-YX307,ZQNYX505)
文摘A stochastic averaging technique is proposed to study the randomly excited single-degree-of-freedom(SDOF) strongly nonlinear systems with delayed feedback fractional-order proportional-derivative(PD) controller. The delayed feedback fractional-order PD control force is approximated by an equivalent non-delay feedback control force combining with a quasi-linear elastic force and a quasi-linear damping force. The averaged It? stochastic differential equation for amplitude of the equivalent nonlinear system is derived by the generalized harmonic functions. The analytical stationary probability density function(PDF) is obtained with solving the reduced Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov(FPK) equation. Two examples of van der Pol oscillator and RayleighDuffing oscillator are studied to illustrate the application and effectiveness of the proposed method. Numerical results display that the proposed method can yield to the high precision, and the time delay could ruin the control effectiveness, but also even amplifies the response of the system more than that of uncontrolled system. Furthermore, the study finds that the parameters of fractional-order α and time delay may cause the stochastic P-bifurcation. It is indicated that the delayed feedback fractional-order PD controller can offer a potentially effective tool for anti-control of stochastic bifurcation
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 71231007, 71071119, and 60574071
文摘Traditional evolutionary games assume uniform interaction rate, which means that the rate at which individuals meet and interact is independent of their strategies. But in some systems, especially biological systems, the players interact with each other discriminately. Taylor and Nowak (2006) were the first to establish the corresponding non-uniform interaction rate model by allowing the interaction rates to depend on strategies. Their model is based on replicator dynamics which assumes an infinite size population. But in reality, the number of individuals in the population is always finite, and there will be some random interference in the individuals' strategy selection process. Therefore, it is more practical to establish the corresponding stochastic evolutionary model in finite populations. In fact, the analysis of evolutionary games in a finite size population is more difficult. Just as Taylor and Nowak said in the outlook section of their paper, 'The analysis of non-uniform interaction rates should be extended to stochastic game dynamics of finite populations.' In this paper, we are exactly doing this work. We extend Taylor and Nowak's model from infinite to finite case, especially focusing on the influence of non-uniform connection characteristics on the evolutionary stable state of the system. We model the strategy evolutionary process of the population by a continuous ergodic Markov process. Based on the limit distribution of the process, we can give the evolutionary stable state of the system. We make a complete classification of the symmetric 2×2 games. For each case game, the corresponding limit distribution of the Markov-based process is given when noise intensity is small enough. In contrast with most literatures in evolutionary games using the simulation method, all our results obtained are analytical. Especially, in the dominant-case game, coexistence of the two strategies may become evolutionary stable states in our model. This result can be used to explain the emergence of cooperation in the Prisoner is Dilemma Games to some extent. Some specific examples are given to illustrate our results.
文摘We study large population stochastic dynamic games where the so-called Nash certainty equivalence based control laws are implemented by the individual players. We first show a martingale property for the limiting control problem of a single agent and then perform averaging across the population; this procedure leads to a constant value for the martingale which shows an invariance property of the population behavior induced by the Nash strategies.
基金Supported by Major Innovation Projects for Building First-class Universities in China’s Western Region(No.ZKZD2017009)(China)
文摘In this paper, we present the compensated stochastic θ method for stochastic age-dependent delay population systems(SADDPSs) with Poisson jumps. The definition of mean-square stability of the numerical solution is given and a sufficient condition for mean-square stability of the numerical solution is derived. It is shown that the compensated stochastic θ method inherits stability property of the numerical solutions. Finally,the theoretical results are also confirmed by a numerical experiment.
文摘In this study, a collocation technique is presented for approximate solution of the fractional-order logistic population model. Actually, we develop the Bessel collocation method by using the fractional derivative in the Caputo sense to obtain the approximate solutions of this model problem. By means of the fractional derivative in the Caputo sense, the collocation points, the Bessel functions of the first kind, the method transforms the model problem into a system of nonlinear algebraic equations. Numerical applications are given to demonstrate efficiency and accuracy of the method. In applications, the reliability of the scheme is shown by the error function based on the accuracy of the approximate solution.
基金Natural Science Foundation of Beijing Municipality (Grant No. 7192100)。
文摘Cancer metastasis is a process with multi-step complexity and apparent randomness. In this study, we aimed to establish a stochastic mathematical model to describe the random process of cancer metastasis and predict the drug effect of QAP14 on metastasis in a mouse model. The data of lung metastases on the 22^(nd) day after cancer cell implantation with or without the treatment of QAP14, a new chemical compound, were collected in 4T1 breast cancer BALB/c mice. Based on the exponential growth of the primary tumor and metastatic loci, a joint distribution model of metastasis size and number was developed. Disease progression of metastasis and preclinical efficacy of QAP14 were modeled. Parameters M and m representing maximum and minimum of metastasis volume were 3.24 and 0.0184 mm^(3), respectively. The metastasis growth rate γ and metastasis promotion time ρ were estimated and fixed to be 0.0216 d^(-1) and 7.8 d, respectively. The efficacy of QAP14 acted on metastasis promotion time and metastasis growth rate constant in an exponential term, and the effect parameter Effectρ and Effectγ were 16.6 and 0.327 g/mg, respectively. In the present study, we comprehensively characterized the random process of lung metastasis and efficacy of QAP14 in 4T1 breast cancer mice, which might provide a useful reference for the establishment of a clinical population model of cancer metastasis.
基金the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada(NSERC)the Canadian Institutes of Health Research(CIHR)+1 种基金the Academy of Finland(Application Number 129657,Finnish Programme for Centres of Excellence in Research 2006-2011,and 124615)the Tampere Graduate School in Information Science and Engineering(TISE).
文摘We present an algorithm for the stochastic simulation of gene expression and heterogeneous population dynamics.The algorithm combines an exact method to simulate molecular-level fluctuations in single cells and a constant-number Monte Carlo method to simulate time-dependent statistical characteristics of growing cell populations.To benchmark performance,we compare simulation results with steadystate and time-dependent analytical solutions for several scenarios,including steadystate and time-dependent gene expression,and the effects on population heterogeneity of cell growth,division,and DNA replication.This comparison demonstrates that the algorithm provides an efficient and accurate approach to simulate how complex biological features influence gene expression.We also use the algorithm to model gene expression dynamics within"bet-hedging"cell populations during their adaption to environmental stress.These simulations indicate that the algorithm provides a framework suitable for simulating and analyzing realistic models of heterogeneous population dynamics combining molecular-level stochastic reaction kinetics,relevant physiological details and phenotypic variability.
文摘“十四五”时期是中国实现碳达峰的关键时期,也是推动经济高质量发展和生态环境质量持续改善的重要阶段。可拓展的随机性环境影响评估(Stochastic Impacts by Regression on Population,Affluence,and Technology,STIRPAT)模型可以根据研究需要增加自变量,更好地分析相关因素对因变量的影响。以北京市为研究区,通过构建扩展的STIRPAT模型,分析人均地区生产总值(Gross Domestic Product,GDP)、人均汽车保有量、城市化率、第三产业GDP占比、能源消费强度与人均碳排放量的关系,并采用对数平均迪氏指数(Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index,LMDI)分解法分解能源消费强度。结果表明,产业结构和能源消费强度对人均碳排放量均有显著的正向影响。总体来看,要平衡经济发展与碳排放的关系,提高能源利用效率,推广可再生能源,降低能源消耗,减少碳排放。