本文运用Citespace文献计量分析软件,以《Information Systems Research》(简称ISR)期刊在1998年至2017年近20年收录的747篇文献为研究对象,从文献产出分析、国家合作网络分析、机构合作网络分析和引文网络聚类分析四个方面进行研究,研...本文运用Citespace文献计量分析软件,以《Information Systems Research》(简称ISR)期刊在1998年至2017年近20年收录的747篇文献为研究对象,从文献产出分析、国家合作网络分析、机构合作网络分析和引文网络聚类分析四个方面进行研究,研究结果表明:1) 根据文献产出分析,ISR期刊的文献产出量呈现波动性增长;2) 根据国家合作网络分析,美国在国家合作网络中是核心节点,中国需要加强国际合作,提高自身影响力;3) 在研究机构合作网络中,文献产出量前五所高校均位于美国,同时根据合作网络中心性分析,中心性在0.1以上的12所机构中,9所位于美国,中国只有香港城市大学列于其中,另外,德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校、佐治亚理工学院、新加坡国立大学和德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,在信息系统领域研究潜力巨大;4) 根据引文网络聚类分析,研究热点的演变可分为三个阶段:1998年至2001年期间信息系统领域研究的重心在信息系统的企业应用,2002年至2011年期间研究重心由传统的组织转移到虚拟组织的测量指标、信任和影响因素,2012年至2017年期间由电子口碑研究转向在线知识社区中的知识扩散研究。展开更多
Concept of agricultural heritage systems was introduced. As a new heritage type, agricultural heritage systems focus on agricultural systems and its related biodiversity, landscape, land use system, traditional agricu...Concept of agricultural heritage systems was introduced. As a new heritage type, agricultural heritage systems focus on agricultural systems and its related biodiversity, landscape, land use system, traditional agricultural knowledge and experience, practices, and also the relative cultural diversity which make it the best expression of "agricultural heritage systems are not about the past, it is about the future". Studies about agricultural systems are mainly concentrating on pilot systems, about biodiversity conservation, eco-mechanism and ecological values of the systems, traditional knowledge conservation, community involvement, policies and regulations about the dynamic conservation and adaptive management, and also ways of dynamic conservation and exploration. Being considered as a dynamic approach of protecting agricultural heritage systems, agricultural heritage tourism was compared with rural tourism, agricultural tourism and "farm-stay". Agricultural heritage tourism is actually a type of heritage tourism, and one of its important functions is to build cultural identity of the heritage site and enhance awareness of the local community to conserve their assets. And the studies show that agricultural heritage systems as a kind of tourist resources have great development potentials.展开更多
The BOF-key is the performance-based research funding system that is used in Flanders, Belgium. In this paper we describe the historical background of the system, its current design and organization, as well as its ef...The BOF-key is the performance-based research funding system that is used in Flanders, Belgium. In this paper we describe the historical background of the system, its current design and organization, as well as its effects on the Flemish higher education landscape. The BOFkey in its current form relies on three bibliometric parameters: publications in Web of Science, citations in Web of Science, and publications in a comprehensive regional database for SSH publications. Taken together, the BOF-key forms a unique variant of the Norwegian model: while the system to a large extent relies on a commercial database, it avoids the problem of inadequate coverage of the SSH. Because the bibliometric parameters of the BOF-key are reused in other funding allocation schemes, their overall importance to the Flemish universities is substantial.展开更多
The state of the art of workflow management techniques in research is introduced. The research and development trends of Workflow Management System (WFMS) are presented. On basis of analysis and comparison of kinds of...The state of the art of workflow management techniques in research is introduced. The research and development trends of Workflow Management System (WFMS) are presented. On basis of analysis and comparison of kinds of WFMSs, a WFMS based on Web technology and distributed object management is proposed. Finally, the application of the WFMS in supply chain management is described in detail.展开更多
Purpose: This study aims to present the key systemic changes in the Polish book evaluation model to focus on the publisher list, as inspired by the Norwegian Model. Design/methodology/approach: In this study we recons...Purpose: This study aims to present the key systemic changes in the Polish book evaluation model to focus on the publisher list, as inspired by the Norwegian Model. Design/methodology/approach: In this study we reconstruct the framework of the 2010 and 2018 models of book evaluation in Poland within the performance-based research funding system. Findings: For almost 20 years the book evaluation system in Poland has been based on the verification of various technical criteria(e.g. length of the book). The new 2018 model is based on the principle of prestige inheritance(a book is worth as much as its publisher is) and is inspired by the publisher list used in the Norwegian Model. In this paper, we argue that this solution may be a more balanced policy instrument than the previous 2010 model in which neither the quality of the publisher nor the quality of the book played any role in the evaluation.Research limitations: We work from the framework of the 2018 model of book evaluation specified in the law on higher education and science from 20 July 2018, as implementation acts are not available yet. Practical implications: This study may provide a valuable point of reference on how structural reforms in the research evaluation model were implemented on a country level. The results of this study may be interesting to policy makers, stakeholders and researchers focused on science policy. Originality/value: This is the very first study that presents the new framework of the Polish research evaluation model and policy instruments for scholarly book evaluation. We describe what motivated policy makers to change the book evaluation model, and what arguments were explicitly raised to argue for the new solution.展开更多
Based on the combination of Geographical information system(GIS)with the research ofToponymy,some foundational problems of the Geographical Name Information System(GINS)are discussed in this paper.The present situatio...Based on the combination of Geographical information system(GIS)with the research ofToponymy,some foundational problems of the Geographical Name Information System(GINS)are discussed in this paper.The present situation of Toponymical research is anal-ysed and the necessity of introducing the GIS tools to the research of Toponymy is demon-strated.The conceptual model of the GNIS and the structure of Geographical name Database(GND)are discussed.The basic functions of the GNIS software for management and re-search of geographical name are suggested.Some issues are stated such as the applicationand potential of the combination of GIS with CAD in the management and research of To-ponymy,the combination of GNIS with other spatial information system and sharing the in-formation with each other,the research and development of GNIS, etc.展开更多
An analysis of the impact of simulation modelling in three diverse crop-livestock improvement projects in Agricultural Research for Development(AR4D) reveals benefits across a range of aspects including identificati...An analysis of the impact of simulation modelling in three diverse crop-livestock improvement projects in Agricultural Research for Development(AR4D) reveals benefits across a range of aspects including identification of objectives, design and implementation of experimental programs, effectiveness of participatory research with smallholder farmers, implementation of system change and scaling-out of results.In planning change, farmers must consider complex interactions within both biophysical and socioeconomic aspects of their crop and animal production activities.For this, whole-farm models that include household models of food, workload and financial requirements have the most utility and impact.The analysis also proposes improvements in design and implementation of AR4 D projects to improve the utility of simulation modelling for securing positive agronomic and livestock outcomes and lasting legacies.展开更多
The objectives of this article are as follows: 1) to propose a university research ethics system framework, 2) to provide a brief anatomy of the Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST) Institutional Research ...The objectives of this article are as follows: 1) to propose a university research ethics system framework, 2) to provide a brief anatomy of the Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST) Institutional Research Ethics Review Committee (MIRERC), 3) to perform a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of MIRERC, and 4) to make recommendations for improving its performance. The 13-member multi-disciplinary MIRERC was established in April 2017 to provide effective ethical oversight of research undertaken by the University’s scholarly community. Strengths of the MUST research ethics review system include a functional MIRERC, a pertinent national law and ethical guidelines, an Innovation and Enterprise Centre that could house a dedicated MIRERC Secretariat, and a supportive University Management Board. The weaknesses include lack of graduate schools to assure scientific rigor of proposals before submission to the MIRERC, lack of research ethics training in most school’s curricula, absence of a dedicated MIRERC Secretariat, undergraduate research proposals being not ethically reviewed, dearth of faculty trained in research ethics, and lack of an operating budget for MIRERC work. The opportunities include existence of about 22 accredited Institutional Research Ethics Review Committees (IRERC) in Kenya, existence of international standards and operational guidance for ethics review, availability of guidelines and codes of best ethical practices in research, existence of a free automated platform called Research for Health Innovation Organizer (RHInnO) Ethics for managing the ethics review process, and availability of external resources for strengthening IRERCs. In order to improve the performance and sustainability of the MUST research ethics system, there is need to include research ethics training in all undergraduate and post-graduate curricula, create a dynamic database of potential research ethics reviewers, allocate a percentage of the annual MUST research budget for MIRERC operations, charge a graduated fee for proposal ethics review, require all students’ and faculties’ internal and external research proposals be cleared by the MIRERC, and use the RHInnO Ethics platform to manage the ethics review process.展开更多
A geopark is a scientific theme park with the main body of geoheritage and is usually of significance of scientific research.Scientific research on geoparks may provide a sound basis for geoheritage conservation; enha...A geopark is a scientific theme park with the main body of geoheritage and is usually of significance of scientific research.Scientific research on geoparks may provide a sound basis for geoheritage conservation; enhance the scientificity of geoscience popularization and interpretation.In turn,it can promote the development of geosciences,technologies and other related disciplines.The purpose of this study is to define the concept of scientific展开更多
Safety systems, built on state-of-the-art technology, are essential for achieving acceptable levels of plant safety to minimize hazards to the reactor and the general public. The second shutdown system(SSS) as an engi...Safety systems, built on state-of-the-art technology, are essential for achieving acceptable levels of plant safety to minimize hazards to the reactor and the general public. The second shutdown system(SSS) as an engineered safety feature and a part of the reactor protection system(RPS) is a means for rapidly shutting down a nuclear reactor, keeping it in a subcritical state and serving as a backup to the first shutdown system(FSS). In this research, one SSS with two types of optimum chamber designs is proposed that take into account the main current characteristic features of the Tehran research reactor with improvements over earlier designs. They are based on a liquid neutron absorber injection that is preferably different, diverse, and independent from the FSS based on the rod drop mechanism. The major design characteristics of this SSS with two different chambers were investigated using MCNPX 2.6.0 code. The performed calculations showed that the designed SSS is a reliable shutdown system, assuring an appropriate shutdown margin and injection time, with no significant effects on the effective delayed neutron fraction while causing minimal variations to the core structure. Further, the reasonable financial cost and the prolongation of the operation cycle are additional advantages of this design.展开更多
A brief assessment is provided of both the case against and the case for assigning priority to research on large-scale weather systems (LSWS). The three-fold case against is based upon: the emergence of new overarc...A brief assessment is provided of both the case against and the case for assigning priority to research on large-scale weather systems (LSWS). The three-fold case against is based upon: the emergence of new overarching themes in environmental science; the fresh emphasis upon other sub-disciplines of the atmospheric science; and the mature state of research and prediction of LSWS. The case for is also supported by three arguments. First is the assertion that LSWS research should not merely be an integral but a major component of future research related to both the new overarching themes and the other sub-disciplines. Second recent major developments in LSWS research, as epitomized by the paradigm shifts in the prediction strategy for LSWS and the emergence of the potential vorticity perspective, testify to the theme's on-going vibrancy. Third the field's future development, as exemplified by the new international THORPEX (The Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment) programme, embodies a perceptive dovetailing of intellectually challenging fundamental research with directed application(s) of societal and economic benefit. It is thus inferred that LSWS research, far from being in demise, will feature at the forefront of the new relationship between science and society.展开更多
The National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) is an integrated network of 29 protected and coordinated estuarine reserve sites in 23 states and one territory (Puerto Rico) covering more than 525,000 ha of est...The National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) is an integrated network of 29 protected and coordinated estuarine reserve sites in 23 states and one territory (Puerto Rico) covering more than 525,000 ha of estuarine habitat, adjoining wetlands, and uplands that encompass 19 biogeographical regions along the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific coasts, as well as the Caribbean Sea and Great Lakes. NERRS is an ecosystem-based research and monitoring network of sites serving as platforms to develop quantitative databases of value to coastal management programs in identifying and tracking short-term variability and long-term changes in the integrity and biodiversity of estuarine systems nationwide due to natural perturbations and anthropogenic disturbances. The reserve sites also play a vital role in assessing coastal issues of local, regional, and national significance for the purpose of sustaining estuarine systems and coastal lands, such as evaluating their responses to climate change and other major stressors to inform coastal decision-making and public awareness for the protection and resilience of natural resources and coastal communities. Over the past four decades, NERRS sites have collected large volumes of research and monitoring data of great utility in characterizing estuarine environments and addressing an array of resource-management concerns, including degraded water quality, loss and alteration of essential habitat, impacted fisheries, invasive species, and conservation.展开更多
With the increasing of data on the internet, data analysis has become inescapable to gain time and efficiency, especially in bibliographic information retrieval systems. We can estimate the number of actual scientific...With the increasing of data on the internet, data analysis has become inescapable to gain time and efficiency, especially in bibliographic information retrieval systems. We can estimate the number of actual scientific journals points to around 40</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">,</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">000 with about four million articles published each year. Machine learning and deep learning applied to recommender systems had become unavoidable whether in industry or in research. In this current, we propose an optimized interface for bibliographic information retrieval as a </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">running example, which allows different kind of researchers to find their</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> needs following some relevant criteria through natural language understanding. Papers indexed in Web of Science and Scopus are in high demand. Natural language including text and linguistic-based techniques, such as tokenization, named entity recognition, syntactic and semantic analysis, are used to express natural language queries. Our Interface uses association rules to find more related papers for recommendation. Spanning trees are challenged to optimize the search process of the system.展开更多
文摘Concept of agricultural heritage systems was introduced. As a new heritage type, agricultural heritage systems focus on agricultural systems and its related biodiversity, landscape, land use system, traditional agricultural knowledge and experience, practices, and also the relative cultural diversity which make it the best expression of "agricultural heritage systems are not about the past, it is about the future". Studies about agricultural systems are mainly concentrating on pilot systems, about biodiversity conservation, eco-mechanism and ecological values of the systems, traditional knowledge conservation, community involvement, policies and regulations about the dynamic conservation and adaptive management, and also ways of dynamic conservation and exploration. Being considered as a dynamic approach of protecting agricultural heritage systems, agricultural heritage tourism was compared with rural tourism, agricultural tourism and "farm-stay". Agricultural heritage tourism is actually a type of heritage tourism, and one of its important functions is to build cultural identity of the heritage site and enhance awareness of the local community to conserve their assets. And the studies show that agricultural heritage systems as a kind of tourist resources have great development potentials.
文摘The BOF-key is the performance-based research funding system that is used in Flanders, Belgium. In this paper we describe the historical background of the system, its current design and organization, as well as its effects on the Flemish higher education landscape. The BOFkey in its current form relies on three bibliometric parameters: publications in Web of Science, citations in Web of Science, and publications in a comprehensive regional database for SSH publications. Taken together, the BOF-key forms a unique variant of the Norwegian model: while the system to a large extent relies on a commercial database, it avoids the problem of inadequate coverage of the SSH. Because the bibliometric parameters of the BOF-key are reused in other funding allocation schemes, their overall importance to the Flemish universities is substantial.
文摘The state of the art of workflow management techniques in research is introduced. The research and development trends of Workflow Management System (WFMS) are presented. On basis of analysis and comparison of kinds of WFMSs, a WFMS based on Web technology and distributed object management is proposed. Finally, the application of the WFMS in supply chain management is described in detail.
基金supported by the DIALOG Program[grant name“Research into Excellence Patterns in Science and Art”]financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland
文摘Purpose: This study aims to present the key systemic changes in the Polish book evaluation model to focus on the publisher list, as inspired by the Norwegian Model. Design/methodology/approach: In this study we reconstruct the framework of the 2010 and 2018 models of book evaluation in Poland within the performance-based research funding system. Findings: For almost 20 years the book evaluation system in Poland has been based on the verification of various technical criteria(e.g. length of the book). The new 2018 model is based on the principle of prestige inheritance(a book is worth as much as its publisher is) and is inspired by the publisher list used in the Norwegian Model. In this paper, we argue that this solution may be a more balanced policy instrument than the previous 2010 model in which neither the quality of the publisher nor the quality of the book played any role in the evaluation.Research limitations: We work from the framework of the 2018 model of book evaluation specified in the law on higher education and science from 20 July 2018, as implementation acts are not available yet. Practical implications: This study may provide a valuable point of reference on how structural reforms in the research evaluation model were implemented on a country level. The results of this study may be interesting to policy makers, stakeholders and researchers focused on science policy. Originality/value: This is the very first study that presents the new framework of the Polish research evaluation model and policy instruments for scholarly book evaluation. We describe what motivated policy makers to change the book evaluation model, and what arguments were explicitly raised to argue for the new solution.
文摘Based on the combination of Geographical information system(GIS)with the research ofToponymy,some foundational problems of the Geographical Name Information System(GINS)are discussed in this paper.The present situation of Toponymical research is anal-ysed and the necessity of introducing the GIS tools to the research of Toponymy is demon-strated.The conceptual model of the GNIS and the structure of Geographical name Database(GND)are discussed.The basic functions of the GNIS software for management and re-search of geographical name are suggested.Some issues are stated such as the applicationand potential of the combination of GIS with CAD in the management and research of To-ponymy,the combination of GNIS with other spatial information system and sharing the in-formation with each other,the research and development of GNIS, etc.
基金the various projects and others who participated in the review and to ACIAR and CSIRO for logistical and financial supportPC was a research manager for these projects in CSIRO
文摘An analysis of the impact of simulation modelling in three diverse crop-livestock improvement projects in Agricultural Research for Development(AR4D) reveals benefits across a range of aspects including identification of objectives, design and implementation of experimental programs, effectiveness of participatory research with smallholder farmers, implementation of system change and scaling-out of results.In planning change, farmers must consider complex interactions within both biophysical and socioeconomic aspects of their crop and animal production activities.For this, whole-farm models that include household models of food, workload and financial requirements have the most utility and impact.The analysis also proposes improvements in design and implementation of AR4 D projects to improve the utility of simulation modelling for securing positive agronomic and livestock outcomes and lasting legacies.
文摘The objectives of this article are as follows: 1) to propose a university research ethics system framework, 2) to provide a brief anatomy of the Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST) Institutional Research Ethics Review Committee (MIRERC), 3) to perform a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of MIRERC, and 4) to make recommendations for improving its performance. The 13-member multi-disciplinary MIRERC was established in April 2017 to provide effective ethical oversight of research undertaken by the University’s scholarly community. Strengths of the MUST research ethics review system include a functional MIRERC, a pertinent national law and ethical guidelines, an Innovation and Enterprise Centre that could house a dedicated MIRERC Secretariat, and a supportive University Management Board. The weaknesses include lack of graduate schools to assure scientific rigor of proposals before submission to the MIRERC, lack of research ethics training in most school’s curricula, absence of a dedicated MIRERC Secretariat, undergraduate research proposals being not ethically reviewed, dearth of faculty trained in research ethics, and lack of an operating budget for MIRERC work. The opportunities include existence of about 22 accredited Institutional Research Ethics Review Committees (IRERC) in Kenya, existence of international standards and operational guidance for ethics review, availability of guidelines and codes of best ethical practices in research, existence of a free automated platform called Research for Health Innovation Organizer (RHInnO) Ethics for managing the ethics review process, and availability of external resources for strengthening IRERCs. In order to improve the performance and sustainability of the MUST research ethics system, there is need to include research ethics training in all undergraduate and post-graduate curricula, create a dynamic database of potential research ethics reviewers, allocate a percentage of the annual MUST research budget for MIRERC operations, charge a graduated fee for proposal ethics review, require all students’ and faculties’ internal and external research proposals be cleared by the MIRERC, and use the RHInnO Ethics platform to manage the ethics review process.
文摘A geopark is a scientific theme park with the main body of geoheritage and is usually of significance of scientific research.Scientific research on geoparks may provide a sound basis for geoheritage conservation; enhance the scientificity of geoscience popularization and interpretation.In turn,it can promote the development of geosciences,technologies and other related disciplines.The purpose of this study is to define the concept of scientific
文摘Safety systems, built on state-of-the-art technology, are essential for achieving acceptable levels of plant safety to minimize hazards to the reactor and the general public. The second shutdown system(SSS) as an engineered safety feature and a part of the reactor protection system(RPS) is a means for rapidly shutting down a nuclear reactor, keeping it in a subcritical state and serving as a backup to the first shutdown system(FSS). In this research, one SSS with two types of optimum chamber designs is proposed that take into account the main current characteristic features of the Tehran research reactor with improvements over earlier designs. They are based on a liquid neutron absorber injection that is preferably different, diverse, and independent from the FSS based on the rod drop mechanism. The major design characteristics of this SSS with two different chambers were investigated using MCNPX 2.6.0 code. The performed calculations showed that the designed SSS is a reliable shutdown system, assuring an appropriate shutdown margin and injection time, with no significant effects on the effective delayed neutron fraction while causing minimal variations to the core structure. Further, the reasonable financial cost and the prolongation of the operation cycle are additional advantages of this design.
文摘A brief assessment is provided of both the case against and the case for assigning priority to research on large-scale weather systems (LSWS). The three-fold case against is based upon: the emergence of new overarching themes in environmental science; the fresh emphasis upon other sub-disciplines of the atmospheric science; and the mature state of research and prediction of LSWS. The case for is also supported by three arguments. First is the assertion that LSWS research should not merely be an integral but a major component of future research related to both the new overarching themes and the other sub-disciplines. Second recent major developments in LSWS research, as epitomized by the paradigm shifts in the prediction strategy for LSWS and the emergence of the potential vorticity perspective, testify to the theme's on-going vibrancy. Third the field's future development, as exemplified by the new international THORPEX (The Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment) programme, embodies a perceptive dovetailing of intellectually challenging fundamental research with directed application(s) of societal and economic benefit. It is thus inferred that LSWS research, far from being in demise, will feature at the forefront of the new relationship between science and society.
文摘The National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) is an integrated network of 29 protected and coordinated estuarine reserve sites in 23 states and one territory (Puerto Rico) covering more than 525,000 ha of estuarine habitat, adjoining wetlands, and uplands that encompass 19 biogeographical regions along the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific coasts, as well as the Caribbean Sea and Great Lakes. NERRS is an ecosystem-based research and monitoring network of sites serving as platforms to develop quantitative databases of value to coastal management programs in identifying and tracking short-term variability and long-term changes in the integrity and biodiversity of estuarine systems nationwide due to natural perturbations and anthropogenic disturbances. The reserve sites also play a vital role in assessing coastal issues of local, regional, and national significance for the purpose of sustaining estuarine systems and coastal lands, such as evaluating their responses to climate change and other major stressors to inform coastal decision-making and public awareness for the protection and resilience of natural resources and coastal communities. Over the past four decades, NERRS sites have collected large volumes of research and monitoring data of great utility in characterizing estuarine environments and addressing an array of resource-management concerns, including degraded water quality, loss and alteration of essential habitat, impacted fisheries, invasive species, and conservation.
文摘With the increasing of data on the internet, data analysis has become inescapable to gain time and efficiency, especially in bibliographic information retrieval systems. We can estimate the number of actual scientific journals points to around 40</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">,</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">000 with about four million articles published each year. Machine learning and deep learning applied to recommender systems had become unavoidable whether in industry or in research. In this current, we propose an optimized interface for bibliographic information retrieval as a </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">running example, which allows different kind of researchers to find their</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> needs following some relevant criteria through natural language understanding. Papers indexed in Web of Science and Scopus are in high demand. Natural language including text and linguistic-based techniques, such as tokenization, named entity recognition, syntactic and semantic analysis, are used to express natural language queries. Our Interface uses association rules to find more related papers for recommendation. Spanning trees are challenged to optimize the search process of the system.