Land suitability assessment is a prerequisite phase in land use planning; it guides toward optimal land use by providing information on the opportunities and constraints involved in the use of a given land area. A geo...Land suitability assessment is a prerequisite phase in land use planning; it guides toward optimal land use by providing information on the opportunities and constraints involved in the use of a given land area. A geographic information system-based procedure, known as rural settlement suitability evaluation(RSSE) using an improved technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution(TOPSIS), was adopted to determine the most suitable area for constructing rural settlements in different geographical locations. Given the distribution and independence of rural settlements, a distinctive evaluation criteria system that differed from that of urban suitability was established by considering the level of rural infrastructure services as well as living and working conditions. The unpredictable mutual interference among evaluation factors has been found in practical works. An improved TOPSIS using Mahalanobis distance was applied to solve the unpredictable correlation among the criteria in a suitability evaluation. Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses obtained via Monte Carlo simulation were performed to examine the robustness of the model. Daye, a resource-based city with rapid economic development, unsatisfied rural development, and geological environmental problems caused by mining, was used as a case study. Results indicate the following findings: 1) The RSSE model using the improved TOPSIS can assess the suitability of rural settlements, and the suitability maps generated using the improved TOPSIS have higher information density than those generated using traditional TOPSIS. The robustness of the model is improved, and the uncertainty is reduced in the suitability results. 2) Highly suitable land is mainly distributed in the northeast of the study area, and the majority of which is cultivated land, thereby leading to tremendous pressure on the loss of cultivated land. 3) Lastly, 12.54% of the constructive expansion permitted zone and 8.36% of the constructive expansion conditionally permitted zone are situated in an unsuitable area, which indicates that the general planning of Daye lacks the necessary verification of suitability evaluation. Guidance is provided on the development strategy of rural settlement patches to support decision making in general land use planning.展开更多
针对传统方法子指标的不确定性问题,提出了一种基于三角直觉模糊网络分析法(triangular intuitionistic fuzzy analytic network process,TIFANP)、优劣解距离法(technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution,TO...针对传统方法子指标的不确定性问题,提出了一种基于三角直觉模糊网络分析法(triangular intuitionistic fuzzy analytic network process,TIFANP)、优劣解距离法(technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution,TOPSIS)和三角直觉模糊综合评价(triangular intuitionistic fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,TIFCE)的大跨桥梁安全状态评估方法。首先,建立大跨桥梁安全状态分层指标体系,采用TIFANP法确定考虑指标相互影响后的权重;其次,引入TOPSIS法分配指标各截面权重,进而获得子指标取值;然后,将桥梁安全状态划分为5级,通过TIFCE法构建指标在不同等级的隶属度和非隶属度函数,据此建立对应判断矩阵,并进行桥梁安全状态指数综合计算;最后,以某大跨悬索桥监测数据为依托,验证了所提方法的有效性。结果表明:所提方法能够更合理地处理评价指标间的相互影响以及专家评分时的不确定,可为运营期大跨桥梁安全状态的准确评估提供新思路。展开更多
The cross-efficiency evaluation method is reviewed which is developed as a data envelopment analysis (DEA) extensive tool. The cross-efficiency evaluation method is utilized to identify the decision making unit (DM...The cross-efficiency evaluation method is reviewed which is developed as a data envelopment analysis (DEA) extensive tool. The cross-efficiency evaluation method is utilized to identify the decision making unit (DMU) with the best practice and to rank the DMUs by their respective cross-efficiency scores. The main drawbacks of the cross-efficiency evaluation method when the ultimate average cross-efficiency scores are used to evalu- ate and rank the DMUs are also pointed out. With the research gap, an improved technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is introduced to rank the crossfficiency by eliminating the average assumption. Finally, an empirical example is illustrated to examine the validity of the proposed method.展开更多
目的通过对以神经科学集群建设为特色的三级甲等医院的神经专科能力进行评估,为国内医院的特色专科建设提供参考。方法从服务能力、技术能力、质量安全和服务效率4个维度建立神经外科、神经内科专科能力评估指标体系,通过优劣解距离(tec...目的通过对以神经科学集群建设为特色的三级甲等医院的神经专科能力进行评估,为国内医院的特色专科建设提供参考。方法从服务能力、技术能力、质量安全和服务效率4个维度建立神经外科、神经内科专科能力评估指标体系,通过优劣解距离(technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution,TOPSIS)法纵向比较首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经专科2019—2023年发展趋势,并采用波士顿矩阵深入分析神经专科各亚专业建设情况。结果2019—2023年首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经专科TOPSIS综合得分指数呈上升趋势。神经外科以胶质瘤诊治为主的肿瘤专业1,在技术能力和质量安全方面得分指数最高;神经内科以脑血管病为主的亚专业,在技术能力和服务效率方面得分指数较高,以上两个亚专业在波士顿矩阵中均处于优势巩固区。结论2019—2023年首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经专科诊治能力不断提升。神经外科亚专业中,专科能力排名最高的为肿瘤专业1,诊疗技术难度较高,同时医疗质量负性事件发生率低。神经内科各亚专业中,脑血管专业诊疗技术难度高且服务高效。展开更多
目的采用一测多评(QAMS)法同时测定法制半夏曲中肌苷、鸟苷、腺苷等11种成分含量,并建立其灰色关联度分析(GRA)联合熵权逼近理想解排序分析法(EW-TOPSIS)综合质量评价方法。方法采用Shimadzu C 18色谱柱;乙腈-0.5%醋酸为流动相,梯度洗脱...目的采用一测多评(QAMS)法同时测定法制半夏曲中肌苷、鸟苷、腺苷等11种成分含量,并建立其灰色关联度分析(GRA)联合熵权逼近理想解排序分析法(EW-TOPSIS)综合质量评价方法。方法采用Shimadzu C 18色谱柱;乙腈-0.5%醋酸为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速1.0 mL·min-1;检测波长254和290 nm。以对甲氧基肉桂酸乙酯为内参比物质,计算其他10个成分的相对校正因子(RCF),测定各成分含量。采用GRA联合EW-TOPSIS模型对法制半夏曲进行综合质量评价。结果法制半夏曲中11种成分在一定浓度范围内线性关系良好,相关系数均>0.999;平均加样回收率96.94%~100.12%(RSD<2.0%,n=9);QAMS与外标法(ESM)实测值无明显差异。GRA模型相对关联度0.2903~0.6187,EW-TOPSIS模型相对接近度0.2114~0.6343;GRA和EW-TOPSIS模型综合评价结果基本一致。结论QAMS法便捷、准确,可用于法制半夏曲多指标成分定量控制,GRA联合EW-TOPSIS模型可用于法制半夏曲综合质量评价。展开更多
信息安全风险评估是一项非常重要的信息安全保障活动.依据信息安全相关标准,可从资产、威胁和脆弱性3方面识别出重要的风险因素,并确定相应的信息安全风险评估指标.参考等保2.0确定风险评估指标是一种可行的方法.在进行信息安全风险评估...信息安全风险评估是一项非常重要的信息安全保障活动.依据信息安全相关标准,可从资产、威胁和脆弱性3方面识别出重要的风险因素,并确定相应的信息安全风险评估指标.参考等保2.0确定风险评估指标是一种可行的方法.在进行信息安全风险评估时,采用熵权法进行客观的指标赋权,并结合优劣解距离法(technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution,TOPSIS)和灰色关联分析(grey relational analysis,GRA)进行综合评估.实例分析表明,依据信息熵进行客观赋权相对减少了主观因素的影响;基于TOPSIS和GRA进行信息安全风险评估,综合被评价对象整体因素和内部因素,较有效地将多项信息安全风险评估指标综合成单一评分,便于对多个被评对象进行信息安全风险的择优与排序.展开更多
Network maintenance strategy selection is a multi-objective decision making topic. It mostly depends on the uncertainty and fuzziness of decision makers and conditions. In this paper, based on analytic hierarchy proce...Network maintenance strategy selection is a multi-objective decision making topic. It mostly depends on the uncertainty and fuzziness of decision makers and conditions. In this paper, based on analytic hierarchy process(AHP) and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution(TOPSIS), TOPSIS partial order method is proposed to choose the optimal maintenance strategy. This method uses AHP to determine the weights of evaluation indexes. The optimal maintenance strategy choice is given as an example to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.展开更多
目前储能技术路线多样,不同类型的储能各具应用前景,但储能选型需要综合考虑经济性、安全性等因素,是一个复杂的多目标决策问题,因此储能选型是工程应用中的关键问题之一。提出一种将层次分析法(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)和优劣...目前储能技术路线多样,不同类型的储能各具应用前景,但储能选型需要综合考虑经济性、安全性等因素,是一个复杂的多目标决策问题,因此储能选型是工程应用中的关键问题之一。提出一种将层次分析法(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)和优劣解距离法(technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution,TOPSIS)-模糊综合分析法相结合的储能选型评价体系。首先,通过建立评价体系的判断矩阵,利用AHP获取指标权重;其次,将判断矩阵里量纲不同的指标类型用TOPSIS做规范化处理,以此获得更客观的权重向量,改善AHP法的主观性;而后,将指标权重对角化处理并与标准化后的矩阵相乘获得加权判断矩阵,并求取贴近度向量。最后,加权判断矩阵与模糊综合分析法关系矩阵相乘获取储能类型的隶属度评价结果,并以隶属度最大值所在的等级为最终评价,处于等级Ⅰ中最佳,等级Ⅱ次之并以此类推;由此通过TOPSIS获得更客观的权重向量,改善AHP法的主观性,得到的权重向量也更客观。最后以锂离子电池、钠硫电池和铅酸电池等七种储能类型在应用于削峰填谷、电网保供电和改善电压质量场景为例,并与现有的储能选型方法进行比较,体现该评价体系的创新,检验所提评价体系和选型方法的有效性。展开更多
高校是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,为深入分析新形势下高校科技创新效率,完善高校科技创新效率评价方法,综合运用数据包络分析(data envelopment analysis,DEA)模型和基于信息熵法的理想点模型(technique for order preference by simi...高校是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,为深入分析新形势下高校科技创新效率,完善高校科技创新效率评价方法,综合运用数据包络分析(data envelopment analysis,DEA)模型和基于信息熵法的理想点模型(technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution model,TOPSIS),以天津市区域14所高校为例,对比分析了新形势下高校科技创新效率。基于DEA模型的分析结果表明,14所高校科技创新效率总体呈不规律波动趋势,即使继续加大投入力度,也仅能获得科技成果产出规模有限的增加;基于TOPSIS模型的分析结果表明,14所高校科技创新效率总体呈上升发展趋势,可继续加大投入力度,以促进科技成果更大规模地产出。通过两个模型的综合运用,实现了评价结果的交叉验证,为新形势下高校科技创新效率评价提供了新思路。展开更多
基金Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41371429,41401196)
文摘Land suitability assessment is a prerequisite phase in land use planning; it guides toward optimal land use by providing information on the opportunities and constraints involved in the use of a given land area. A geographic information system-based procedure, known as rural settlement suitability evaluation(RSSE) using an improved technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution(TOPSIS), was adopted to determine the most suitable area for constructing rural settlements in different geographical locations. Given the distribution and independence of rural settlements, a distinctive evaluation criteria system that differed from that of urban suitability was established by considering the level of rural infrastructure services as well as living and working conditions. The unpredictable mutual interference among evaluation factors has been found in practical works. An improved TOPSIS using Mahalanobis distance was applied to solve the unpredictable correlation among the criteria in a suitability evaluation. Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses obtained via Monte Carlo simulation were performed to examine the robustness of the model. Daye, a resource-based city with rapid economic development, unsatisfied rural development, and geological environmental problems caused by mining, was used as a case study. Results indicate the following findings: 1) The RSSE model using the improved TOPSIS can assess the suitability of rural settlements, and the suitability maps generated using the improved TOPSIS have higher information density than those generated using traditional TOPSIS. The robustness of the model is improved, and the uncertainty is reduced in the suitability results. 2) Highly suitable land is mainly distributed in the northeast of the study area, and the majority of which is cultivated land, thereby leading to tremendous pressure on the loss of cultivated land. 3) Lastly, 12.54% of the constructive expansion permitted zone and 8.36% of the constructive expansion conditionally permitted zone are situated in an unsuitable area, which indicates that the general planning of Daye lacks the necessary verification of suitability evaluation. Guidance is provided on the development strategy of rural settlement patches to support decision making in general land use planning.
文摘针对传统方法子指标的不确定性问题,提出了一种基于三角直觉模糊网络分析法(triangular intuitionistic fuzzy analytic network process,TIFANP)、优劣解距离法(technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution,TOPSIS)和三角直觉模糊综合评价(triangular intuitionistic fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,TIFCE)的大跨桥梁安全状态评估方法。首先,建立大跨桥梁安全状态分层指标体系,采用TIFANP法确定考虑指标相互影响后的权重;其次,引入TOPSIS法分配指标各截面权重,进而获得子指标取值;然后,将桥梁安全状态划分为5级,通过TIFCE法构建指标在不同等级的隶属度和非隶属度函数,据此建立对应判断矩阵,并进行桥梁安全状态指数综合计算;最后,以某大跨悬索桥监测数据为依托,验证了所提方法的有效性。结果表明:所提方法能够更合理地处理评价指标间的相互影响以及专家评分时的不确定,可为运营期大跨桥梁安全状态的准确评估提供新思路。
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Innovative Research Groups(70821001),the National Natural Science Foundation of China(70901069)the Special Fund for the Gainers of Excellent Ph.D.'s Dissertations and Dean's Scholarships of Chinese Academy of Sciences,the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China for New Teachers(20093402120013)+1 种基金the Research Fund for the Excellent Youth Scholars of Higher School of Anhui Province of China(2010SQRW001ZD)the Social Science Research Fund for Higher School of Anhui Province of China
文摘The cross-efficiency evaluation method is reviewed which is developed as a data envelopment analysis (DEA) extensive tool. The cross-efficiency evaluation method is utilized to identify the decision making unit (DMU) with the best practice and to rank the DMUs by their respective cross-efficiency scores. The main drawbacks of the cross-efficiency evaluation method when the ultimate average cross-efficiency scores are used to evalu- ate and rank the DMUs are also pointed out. With the research gap, an improved technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is introduced to rank the crossfficiency by eliminating the average assumption. Finally, an empirical example is illustrated to examine the validity of the proposed method.
文摘目的通过对以神经科学集群建设为特色的三级甲等医院的神经专科能力进行评估,为国内医院的特色专科建设提供参考。方法从服务能力、技术能力、质量安全和服务效率4个维度建立神经外科、神经内科专科能力评估指标体系,通过优劣解距离(technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution,TOPSIS)法纵向比较首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经专科2019—2023年发展趋势,并采用波士顿矩阵深入分析神经专科各亚专业建设情况。结果2019—2023年首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经专科TOPSIS综合得分指数呈上升趋势。神经外科以胶质瘤诊治为主的肿瘤专业1,在技术能力和质量安全方面得分指数最高;神经内科以脑血管病为主的亚专业,在技术能力和服务效率方面得分指数较高,以上两个亚专业在波士顿矩阵中均处于优势巩固区。结论2019—2023年首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经专科诊治能力不断提升。神经外科亚专业中,专科能力排名最高的为肿瘤专业1,诊疗技术难度较高,同时医疗质量负性事件发生率低。神经内科各亚专业中,脑血管专业诊疗技术难度高且服务高效。
文摘目的采用一测多评(QAMS)法同时测定法制半夏曲中肌苷、鸟苷、腺苷等11种成分含量,并建立其灰色关联度分析(GRA)联合熵权逼近理想解排序分析法(EW-TOPSIS)综合质量评价方法。方法采用Shimadzu C 18色谱柱;乙腈-0.5%醋酸为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速1.0 mL·min-1;检测波长254和290 nm。以对甲氧基肉桂酸乙酯为内参比物质,计算其他10个成分的相对校正因子(RCF),测定各成分含量。采用GRA联合EW-TOPSIS模型对法制半夏曲进行综合质量评价。结果法制半夏曲中11种成分在一定浓度范围内线性关系良好,相关系数均>0.999;平均加样回收率96.94%~100.12%(RSD<2.0%,n=9);QAMS与外标法(ESM)实测值无明显差异。GRA模型相对关联度0.2903~0.6187,EW-TOPSIS模型相对接近度0.2114~0.6343;GRA和EW-TOPSIS模型综合评价结果基本一致。结论QAMS法便捷、准确,可用于法制半夏曲多指标成分定量控制,GRA联合EW-TOPSIS模型可用于法制半夏曲综合质量评价。
文摘信息安全风险评估是一项非常重要的信息安全保障活动.依据信息安全相关标准,可从资产、威胁和脆弱性3方面识别出重要的风险因素,并确定相应的信息安全风险评估指标.参考等保2.0确定风险评估指标是一种可行的方法.在进行信息安全风险评估时,采用熵权法进行客观的指标赋权,并结合优劣解距离法(technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution,TOPSIS)和灰色关联分析(grey relational analysis,GRA)进行综合评估.实例分析表明,依据信息熵进行客观赋权相对减少了主观因素的影响;基于TOPSIS和GRA进行信息安全风险评估,综合被评价对象整体因素和内部因素,较有效地将多项信息安全风险评估指标综合成单一评分,便于对多个被评对象进行信息安全风险的择优与排序.
基金the Weapons and Equipment Preresearch Fund(No.9140A27040414JB34079)the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of the Military Education(No.2015JY354)
文摘Network maintenance strategy selection is a multi-objective decision making topic. It mostly depends on the uncertainty and fuzziness of decision makers and conditions. In this paper, based on analytic hierarchy process(AHP) and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution(TOPSIS), TOPSIS partial order method is proposed to choose the optimal maintenance strategy. This method uses AHP to determine the weights of evaluation indexes. The optimal maintenance strategy choice is given as an example to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.
文摘目前储能技术路线多样,不同类型的储能各具应用前景,但储能选型需要综合考虑经济性、安全性等因素,是一个复杂的多目标决策问题,因此储能选型是工程应用中的关键问题之一。提出一种将层次分析法(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)和优劣解距离法(technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution,TOPSIS)-模糊综合分析法相结合的储能选型评价体系。首先,通过建立评价体系的判断矩阵,利用AHP获取指标权重;其次,将判断矩阵里量纲不同的指标类型用TOPSIS做规范化处理,以此获得更客观的权重向量,改善AHP法的主观性;而后,将指标权重对角化处理并与标准化后的矩阵相乘获得加权判断矩阵,并求取贴近度向量。最后,加权判断矩阵与模糊综合分析法关系矩阵相乘获取储能类型的隶属度评价结果,并以隶属度最大值所在的等级为最终评价,处于等级Ⅰ中最佳,等级Ⅱ次之并以此类推;由此通过TOPSIS获得更客观的权重向量,改善AHP法的主观性,得到的权重向量也更客观。最后以锂离子电池、钠硫电池和铅酸电池等七种储能类型在应用于削峰填谷、电网保供电和改善电压质量场景为例,并与现有的储能选型方法进行比较,体现该评价体系的创新,检验所提评价体系和选型方法的有效性。
文摘高校是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,为深入分析新形势下高校科技创新效率,完善高校科技创新效率评价方法,综合运用数据包络分析(data envelopment analysis,DEA)模型和基于信息熵法的理想点模型(technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution model,TOPSIS),以天津市区域14所高校为例,对比分析了新形势下高校科技创新效率。基于DEA模型的分析结果表明,14所高校科技创新效率总体呈不规律波动趋势,即使继续加大投入力度,也仅能获得科技成果产出规模有限的增加;基于TOPSIS模型的分析结果表明,14所高校科技创新效率总体呈上升发展趋势,可继续加大投入力度,以促进科技成果更大规模地产出。通过两个模型的综合运用,实现了评价结果的交叉验证,为新形势下高校科技创新效率评价提供了新思路。