In Dakar, Happy Kids Kindergarten has set itself an ambitious challenge: to teach Senegalese toddlers to speak Chinese. This kindergarten, located in Ngor District, boasts of being the first trilingual school in Sene...In Dakar, Happy Kids Kindergarten has set itself an ambitious challenge: to teach Senegalese toddlers to speak Chinese. This kindergarten, located in Ngor District, boasts of being the first trilingual school in Senegal. In addition to French (the country's official language) and English, the school also teaches Mandarin. With China being the world's most popu lous country and second largest economy, there is much to benefit from it this decision.展开更多
文摘In Dakar, Happy Kids Kindergarten has set itself an ambitious challenge: to teach Senegalese toddlers to speak Chinese. This kindergarten, located in Ngor District, boasts of being the first trilingual school in Senegal. In addition to French (the country's official language) and English, the school also teaches Mandarin. With China being the world's most popu lous country and second largest economy, there is much to benefit from it this decision.