The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg is a classic middle-length novel written by Mark Twain. The story revolves around a sack of gold that every one of the 19 principal citizens in the"most honest and upright town&q...The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg is a classic middle-length novel written by Mark Twain. The story revolves around a sack of gold that every one of the 19 principal citizens in the"most honest and upright town"Hadleyburg desires to claim by any means, fair or foul. The vivid description reveals the bourgeois hypocrisy of the capitalist society. This article intends to study the story from the perspective of binary opposition and finds out three pairs of opposition, they are honesty vs. hypocrisy; trust vs. trap; fancy vs. fact, which makes the story more sarcastic and full of sight and wisdom.展开更多
文摘The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg is a classic middle-length novel written by Mark Twain. The story revolves around a sack of gold that every one of the 19 principal citizens in the"most honest and upright town"Hadleyburg desires to claim by any means, fair or foul. The vivid description reveals the bourgeois hypocrisy of the capitalist society. This article intends to study the story from the perspective of binary opposition and finds out three pairs of opposition, they are honesty vs. hypocrisy; trust vs. trap; fancy vs. fact, which makes the story more sarcastic and full of sight and wisdom.