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Recent Advances to Enhance Nutritional Quality of Rice
作者 Sundus ZAFAR XU Jianlong 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第6期523-536,共14页
The nutritional quality of rice is a major concern,along with the need to enhance productivity to feed the continuously growing population.Therefore,there is a requirement to breed high-yielding rice varieties with im... The nutritional quality of rice is a major concern,along with the need to enhance productivity to feed the continuously growing population.Therefore,there is a requirement to breed high-yielding rice varieties with improved nutritional quality that can help combat malnutrition,a global health issue.Undoubtedly,breeding approaches have played a significant role in increasing rice yield while enhancing its nutritional content.In addition to traditional breeding techniques,other recent approaches,such as genetic engineering,gene editing,omics methods,and agronomic practices,must also be employed to meet the nutritional needs of the current population.In this review,we offered detailed information on the development of nutritionally improved rice varieties through the enhancement of protein content,microand macronutrients,vitamins,and oil quality using genetic engineering approaches.We also identified QTLs associated with amino acids,proteins,and micronutrients in rice.Furthermore,omics approaches provide a range of tools and techniques for effectively exploring resources and understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in trait development.Omics branches,including transcriptomics,proteomics,ionomics,and metabolomics,are efficiently utilized for improving rice nutrition.Therefore,by utilizing the information obtained from these techniques and incorporating all of these recent approaches,we can effectively modify the rice genome,directly enhancing the nutritional value of rice varieties.This will help address the challenges of malnutrition in the years to come. 展开更多
关键词 RICE nutritional quality quantitative trait locus genetic engineering OMICS gene editing
Towards Exploring Patterns of Editing Behavior on OpenStreetMap 被引量:2
作者 Zhiyao ZHAO Hongchao FAN 《Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science》 2022年第2期85-97,共13页
OpenStreetMap has a large number of volunteers.There is a hypothesis that volunteers with different cultural backgrounds may have different editing behaviors when contributing to OSM.It may be strongly related to data... OpenStreetMap has a large number of volunteers.There is a hypothesis that volunteers with different cultural backgrounds may have different editing behaviors when contributing to OSM.It may be strongly related to data quality and data reliability on OSM.As for the heterogeneity and the reliability of OSM data,previous research usually focuses on the geometric accuracy,spatial location accuracy and semantic integrity of OSM data,while few researchers have analyzed these problems from the perspective of editing behavior.On the grounds of relationship between mapping motivation and editing behavior,the dispersion of editing trajectory and clockwise direction index are proposed in the paper to explore whether the volunteers are sufficiently motivated and knowledgeable.In the experiments,the historical OSM data of four countries suggested that developed countries have lower trajectory dispersion.The lower degree of trajectory dispersion reflects the higher concentration and professionalism of volunteers.A high degree of drawing direction consistency shows volunteers who mapped French data were natives with local knowledge.From this point of view,this paper verifies that volunteer editing behavior is an effective method to analyze data quality heterogeneity and data reliability. 展开更多
关键词 editing behavior historical OSM data data quality heterogeneity data reliability
作者 赵国惠 《大连民族大学学报》 CAS 2024年第4期351-354,共4页
以2023辽宁省首届职工职业技能大赛为例,阐述大赛助力期刊编辑队伍建设的重要意义。指出大赛宗旨切合编辑队伍建设需求,即体现编辑工作要求,促进期刊编辑队伍稳定与发展,探索“培训+竞赛”的编辑队伍建设模式;大赛提升参赛者综合素质,... 以2023辽宁省首届职工职业技能大赛为例,阐述大赛助力期刊编辑队伍建设的重要意义。指出大赛宗旨切合编辑队伍建设需求,即体现编辑工作要求,促进期刊编辑队伍稳定与发展,探索“培训+竞赛”的编辑队伍建设模式;大赛提升参赛者综合素质,主要体现在备考、现场答题和考场外交流等方面;赛后效应,包括激励效应、辐射效应和赋能效应,持续助力期刊队伍建设。 展开更多
关键词 职业大赛 编辑 编校技能
作者 刘桂兰 邹斯彧 《南昌工程学院学报》 CAS 2024年第2期73-79,共7页
机器翻译给人们带来了便利,同时促成了译后编辑的诞生。本文以《畅游赣鄱——水文化英文之旅》慕课字幕文本为研究样本,在MQM(Multidimensional Quality Metrics)质量评估框架基础上提出视听文本机器翻译产品质量评估标准,量化其错误值... 机器翻译给人们带来了便利,同时促成了译后编辑的诞生。本文以《畅游赣鄱——水文化英文之旅》慕课字幕文本为研究样本,在MQM(Multidimensional Quality Metrics)质量评估框架基础上提出视听文本机器翻译产品质量评估标准,量化其错误值,测试机器翻译质量,并由此提出译后编辑的三级模式:轻度译后编辑(Light Post-editing, LPE)、中度译后编辑(Moderate Post-editing, MPE)和重度译后编辑(Full Post-editing, FPE)。 展开更多
关键词 视听文本 慕课 机器翻译质量测评 译后编辑
作者 张洁 陈一朵 刘建党 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期153-160,共8页
利用中国知网引文数据库的资料,以2013-2022年《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》(以下简称《学报》)刊发文章总量的5%为标准遴选出的高被引论文作为研究对象,对高被引论文的栏目/专题、基金项目、高被引论文作者、第一作者机构和排... 利用中国知网引文数据库的资料,以2013-2022年《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》(以下简称《学报》)刊发文章总量的5%为标准遴选出的高被引论文作为研究对象,对高被引论文的栏目/专题、基金项目、高被引论文作者、第一作者机构和排名前20的高被引论文进行了分析,为组稿、约稿和筛选优质稿源提供依据。结果显示,《学报》2013-2022年共刊发论文1266篇,总被引频次为32051次,从中遴选出高被引论文63篇,高被引论文总被引频次为8308次,占总被引频次的25.92%。63篇高被引论文均属学报特色栏目——“三农”问题研究的下设专题论文,此栏目的高被引论文占到了73.02%,“精准扶贫”“乡村振兴”“农村电商”3个专题高被引论文表现抢眼。在高被引论文获助的基金项目中,国家社科基金资助20项,占31.75%,是获助的主体;国家自然科学基金资助论文居于第2位。高被引论文中作者的职称(学历)居前3位的分别是博士研究生、教授(研究员)、副教授(副研究员),其中博士研究生的高被引论文占到了总数的38.10%,表明其已经成为学术研究的主力军;发表2篇以上高被引论文的作者有3位。来源论文机构总被引频次的排序前5名为西北农林科技大学、中国农业大学、华中农业大学、华中科技大学和西安交通大学。被引频次最多的前20篇论文的统计结果与前面的统计情况相吻合,值得注意的是“精准扶贫”和“乡村振兴”两个专题的高被引论文占了几近一半。鉴于以上结果,今后应继续做好选题策划,持续加强“三农”问题研究特色栏目建设。组稿约稿中要扩大核心作者群,积极关注青年科技工作者研究成果,打造高水平服务团队,提升论文学术水平;大力推进新媒体融合出版,提升学术成果传播速度。 展开更多
关键词 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 高被引论文 被引频次 学术质量 学术影响力
作者 方卿 李佰珏 《出版与印刷》 2024年第2期2-13,共12页
探索新质生产力视域下编辑数智素养的内涵、价值和培育方式,为出版深度融合发展下的人才素养建设提供参考借鉴。文章提出编辑数智素养是新质生产力在出版业的核心体现,培养编辑数智素养是推动出版业新质生产力形成的必由之路。重点论述... 探索新质生产力视域下编辑数智素养的内涵、价值和培育方式,为出版深度融合发展下的人才素养建设提供参考借鉴。文章提出编辑数智素养是新质生产力在出版业的核心体现,培养编辑数智素养是推动出版业新质生产力形成的必由之路。重点论述由数智思维、数智编辑力和数智伦理构成的编辑数智素养体系内涵、价值与培育路径,以丰富和拓展编辑素养理论体系。 展开更多
关键词 新质生产力 编辑数智素养 数智思维 数智编辑力 数智伦理
作者 黄文波 黄明 《四川图书馆学报》 2024年第3期96-100,共5页
民国时期出版的壮族文献《亦嚣轩诗集》,以诗歌的形式和独特的视角反映了少数民族地区的政治、经济、军事、文化以及风土人情和民族心态,具有较高的思想价值和艺术价值。但有关地方文献资料对其版本记录语焉不详甚至出现舛误。文章对《... 民国时期出版的壮族文献《亦嚣轩诗集》,以诗歌的形式和独特的视角反映了少数民族地区的政治、经济、军事、文化以及风土人情和民族心态,具有较高的思想价值和艺术价值。但有关地方文献资料对其版本记录语焉不详甚至出现舛误。文章对《亦嚣轩诗集》所见三种版本进行梳理考证。 展开更多
关键词 《亦嚣轩诗集》 校样本 特印本 正印本
作者 蒋璐 《黑龙江教师发展学院学报》 2024年第7期153-156,共4页
关键词 历史类图书 编校特点 编校问题
作者 朱宝元 《中国出版史研究》 2024年第1期155-167,共13页
本文在编辑出版《书于竹帛:中国古代文字记录(六十周年纪念版)》的基础上,综述了该书从1962年英文初版问世后的出版历程,六十周年纪念版的底本选择、内容增删和编校经过,以及此书作为学术论著的价值及其蕴含的学术精神。希望六十周年纪... 本文在编辑出版《书于竹帛:中国古代文字记录(六十周年纪念版)》的基础上,综述了该书从1962年英文初版问世后的出版历程,六十周年纪念版的底本选择、内容增删和编校经过,以及此书作为学术论著的价值及其蕴含的学术精神。希望六十周年纪念版的出版能够激励更多学人继往开来,推动中华优秀传统文化的创造性转化和创新性发展。 展开更多
关键词 钱存训 《书于竹帛》 编辑校对 独特精神标识
作者 赵瑞雪 靳玉乐 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第2期192-204,共13页
增强学生文明素养是“十四五”时期建设高质量教育体系的重要目标,也是落实立德树人根本任务的一项重要举措。教科书里的文明形象塑造是学生文明素养的形象化表达,引导学生理解现实世界和建构意义世界,帮助学生确证着自身作为社会存在... 增强学生文明素养是“十四五”时期建设高质量教育体系的重要目标,也是落实立德树人根本任务的一项重要举措。教科书里的文明形象塑造是学生文明素养的形象化表达,引导学生理解现实世界和建构意义世界,帮助学生确证着自身作为社会存在的本质,同时指引学生成为更加文明的社会存在。基于“学生文明素养框架”对初中统编版道德与法治、语文、历史教科书进行文本分析,发现教科书在内容上塑造了物质文明生活中的劳动者形象、精神文明生活中的缔造者形象、政治文明生活中的捍卫者形象、社会文明生活中的模范者形象、生态文明生活中的守护者形象;在形式上以文学作品、历史叙事和探究活动为载体,分别侧重文明形象的艺术性塑造、真实性塑造和生活化塑造。同时,仍需要通过完善教科书中整体文明生活的文明形象塑造、突出典型化文明形象的生活意义等内容深化措施,以及注重塑造手法对学生想象空间的拓宽、加强人物叙事与学生生活世界的关联、生动呈现文明形象的文明行动等形式细化措施,进一步优化教科书中的学生文明素养培育内容与形式。 展开更多
关键词 文明形象 学生文明素养 统编版 初中教科书
作者 杜东辰 《天津科技》 2024年第6期100-102,共3页
关键词 医学期刊 参考文献 编校疏漏
作者 路晓鸽 王文福 +2 位作者 张德福 赵晓明 刘常达 《黑龙江工程学院学报》 CAS 2024年第1期78-82,共5页
高校学报具有育人职能,对本校青年师生科研写作具有示范和引导作用。参考文献是学术论文不可分割的重要组成部分,规范著录参考文献,是学报科研育人的重要环节。文章阐述参考文献的功用,分析高校学报参考文献著录存在的突出问题,提出高... 高校学报具有育人职能,对本校青年师生科研写作具有示范和引导作用。参考文献是学术论文不可分割的重要组成部分,规范著录参考文献,是学报科研育人的重要环节。文章阐述参考文献的功用,分析高校学报参考文献著录存在的突出问题,提出高校学报利用自身资源实施参考文献检核的方法,从而实现参考文献著录规范化。对高校青年作者和编辑正确著录和检核参考文献具有一定借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 高校学报 科研育人 参考文献 著录规范 编校质量 提高途径
作者 魏鲁南 《电声技术》 2024年第1期62-64,共3页
文章深入研究同期声编辑技术在电视新闻采访中的应用,关注其在音频后期处理中的关键作用。通过分析其技术发展、特点以及在实际制作中的运用,揭示同期声编辑技术如何有效提升声音素材处理效率,创造真实和引人入胜的新闻报道。研究发现,... 文章深入研究同期声编辑技术在电视新闻采访中的应用,关注其在音频后期处理中的关键作用。通过分析其技术发展、特点以及在实际制作中的运用,揭示同期声编辑技术如何有效提升声音素材处理效率,创造真实和引人入胜的新闻报道。研究发现,该技术不仅能够增强报道的情感表达,而且能够为观众呈现更具沉浸感和传达力的电视新闻节目。这一技术在电视新闻领域的应用,将推动传媒产业不断迈向更高水平,提供更丰富、生动的视听体验。 展开更多
关键词 同期声编辑技术 电视新闻采访 声音素材 报道质量
Genome Editing as A Versatile Tool to Improve Horticultural Crop Qualities 被引量:9
作者 Yating Chen Wenwen Mao +3 位作者 Ting Liu Qianqian Feng Li Li Bingbing Li 《Horticultural Plant Journal》 SCIE 2020年第6期372-384,共13页
The quality traits of horticultural crops,including the accumulation of nutrients and flavor substances,morphology,and texture,affect the palatability and nutritional value.For many years,efforts have been made to imp... The quality traits of horticultural crops,including the accumulation of nutrients and flavor substances,morphology,and texture,affect the palatability and nutritional value.For many years,efforts have been made to improve the quality of horticultural crops.The recent establishment of gene editing technology,with its potential applications in horticultural crops,provides a strategy for achieving this goal in a rapid and efficient manner.Here,we summarize research efforts aimed at improving horticultural crop quality through genome editing.We describe specific genome editing systems that have been used and traits that have been targeted in these efforts.Additionally,we discuss limiting factors and future perspectives of genome editing technology in improving horticultural crop qualities in both research and plant breeding.In summary,genome editing technology is emerging as a powerful tool for efficiently and rapidly improving horticultural crop quality,and we believe that the cautious application of genome editing in horticultural crops will generate new germplasms with improved quality in the near future. 展开更多
关键词 Genome editing CRISPR/Cas9 Horticultural crop quality improvement
Post-genomics revolution in the design of premiumquality rice in a high-yieldingbackground to meet consumer demands in the 21st century 被引量:3
作者 Nese Sreenivasulu Changquan Zhang +1 位作者 Rhowell NTiozon Qiaoquan Liu 《Plant Communications》 SCIE 2022年第3期1-16,共16页
The eating and cooking quality(ECQ)of rice is critical for determining its economic value in the marketplace and promoting consumer acceptance.It has therefore been of paramount importance in rice breeding programs.He... The eating and cooking quality(ECQ)of rice is critical for determining its economic value in the marketplace and promoting consumer acceptance.It has therefore been of paramount importance in rice breeding programs.Here,we highlight advances in genetic studies of ECQ and discuss prospects for further enhancement of ECQ in rice.Innovations in gene-and genome-editing techniques have enabled improvements in rice ECQ.Significant genes and quantitative trait loci(QTLs)have been shown to regulate starch composition,thereby affecting amylose content and thermal and pasting properties.A limited number of genes/QTLs have been identified for other ECQ properties such as protein content and aroma.Marker-assisted breeding has identified rare alleles in diverse genetic resources that are associated with superior ECQ properties.The post-genomics-driven information summarized in this review is relevant for augmenting current breeding strategies to meet consumer preferences and growing population demands. 展开更多
关键词 AMYLOSE AMYLOPECTIN eating and cooking quality genetics genome editing texture
Analysis of papers published in Journal of Shanghai University(English Edition) from 1997 to 2004
作者 陈爱萍 洪鸥 《Journal of Shanghai University(English Edition)》 CAS 2006年第6期563-566,共4页
Statistical analysis of various data for the papers published in Journal of Shanghai University ( English Edition) from 1997 to 2004 was made. The issues examined include numbers of published papers, disciplinary di... Statistical analysis of various data for the papers published in Journal of Shanghai University ( English Edition) from 1997 to 2004 was made. The issues examined include numbers of published papers, disciplinary distribution, constituents of authors, propor- tions of collaborated papers contributed by multiple authors and papers based on cooperation between different institutions, publishing retardation, and citation of references. Suggestions are made for further improving the quality of the Journal. 展开更多
关键词 Journal of Shanghai University (English Edition) statistical analysis quality of the Journal.
Binary Vector Construction for Site-Directed Mutagenesis of <i>Kafirin</i>Genes in Sorghum
作者 Grigoriy A. Gerashchenkov Lev A. Elkonin +4 位作者 Kirill G. Gerashchenkov Natalia A. Rozhnova Stefan Hiekel Jochen Kumlehn Alexey V. Chemeris 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2021年第8期1276-1287,共12页
Sorghum (<i>Sorghum</i><span> <i>bicolor</i></span> (L.) Moench) is one of the world’s leading cereal crops in agricultural production, which has a special importance in the arid r... Sorghum (<i>Sorghum</i><span> <i>bicolor</i></span> (L.) Moench) is one of the world’s leading cereal crops in agricultural production, which has a special importance in the arid regions. However, unlike other cereals, sorghum grain has a lower nutritional value, which is caused, inter alia, by the resistance of its seed storage proteins (kafirins) to protease digestion. One of the effective approaches to improve the nutritional value of sorghum grain is to obtain mutants with partially or completely suppressed synthesis or altered amino acid composition of kafirins. The employment of genome editing may allow to solve this problem by introducing mutations into the nucleotide sequences of the <i>α</i>- and <i>γ</i>-kafirin genes. In this study, genomic target motifs (23 bp sequences) were selected for the introduction of mutations into the <i>α-</i> and <i>γ-KAFIRIN</i> genes of sorg<span>hum. The design of the gRNAs was conducted using the online tools</span> CRISPROR and CHOPCHOP. <a name="_Hlk55317737"></a>Two most suitable targets were chosen for <i>α-KAFIRIN</i> (<i>k</i><span>1<i>C</i>5</span>) and two for <i>γ-KAFIRIN</i> (<i>gKAF</i><span>1</span>) genes. The insertion of respective sequences in the generic vector pSH121 was performed at the <i>BsaI</i> (<i>Eco</i><span>31<i>I</i></span>) sites. Validation of the cloning procedure was performed by DNA sequencing. Subcloning of the resulting constructs was performed using the <i>SfiI</i> restriction sites into the compatible binary vector B479p7oUZm-LH. The correct assembly of binary vectors was confirmed by restriction analysis using the <i>MluI</i> and <i>SfiI</i> cleavage sites. The four vectors created (1C</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:"">-</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:"">4C) were transferred by electroporation into the <i>Agrobacterium</i><span> <i>tumefaciens</i></span> strain AGL0. Currently, this vector series is used for stable transformation of sorghum using immature embryo explants. 展开更多
关键词 Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench CRISPR/Cas Genome editing α-Kafirin γ-Kafirin Genetic Engineering Grain quality
Innovation leads the way at ITMA 2019
《China Textile》 2019年第7期8-9,共2页
Themed “Innovating the World of Textiles”, the 18th edition of ITMA, the world’s most established textile and garment technology exhibition, concluded successfully in Barcelona, Spain. The global textile and garmen... Themed “Innovating the World of Textiles”, the 18th edition of ITMA, the world’s most established textile and garment technology exhibition, concluded successfully in Barcelona, Spain. The global textile and garment manufacturing industry converged at ITMA 2019, chalking up new records for the exhibition which has been held every four years since 1951. It featured many exciting new product launches and innovative technologies and products, including those that leverage the Internet of Things, by 1717 exhibitors from 45 countries. 展开更多
关键词 INNOVATION EDITION quality buyers
科技书刊常见编校质量问题分析及应对举措 被引量:2
作者 李金花 《天津科技》 2023年第6期89-91,96,共4页
在国家大力发展科技的背景下,科学传播的重要性更加凸显。作为科学传播的重要媒介,科技图书的重要性不言而喻。编校工作是科技图书出版流程中极为重要的一环,对保证图书质量具有关键作用。通过对科技图书常见编校差错及质量下滑背后的... 在国家大力发展科技的背景下,科学传播的重要性更加凸显。作为科学传播的重要媒介,科技图书的重要性不言而喻。编校工作是科技图书出版流程中极为重要的一环,对保证图书质量具有关键作用。通过对科技图书常见编校差错及质量下滑背后的原因进行分析,提出提高科技图书编校质量的对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 科技 图书质量 编校差错 对策建议
基于《国家通用盲文方案》的盲文编校技能探析 被引量:1
作者 李娜 《出版与印刷》 2023年第1期48-52,共5页
探讨盲文编校人员应具备的技能,推动我国盲文出版的高质量发展。文章从懂盲文、精出版、会智能三个方面探讨盲文编校人员应掌握的技能,具体包括盲文编校人员首先要学好国家通用盲文,其次要熟练掌握盲文书的编辑、录入、校对技能,最后还... 探讨盲文编校人员应具备的技能,推动我国盲文出版的高质量发展。文章从懂盲文、精出版、会智能三个方面探讨盲文编校人员应掌握的技能,具体包括盲文编校人员首先要学好国家通用盲文,其次要熟练掌握盲文书的编辑、录入、校对技能,最后还要熟悉各种新技术在盲文出版中的应用,努力成为盲文出版复合型人才。 展开更多
关键词 《国家通用盲文方案》 国家通用盲文 盲文编校 盲文译录 盲文出版 人才培养
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