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A Research on the Influence of Motivation And Attitude on Foreign Language Learning
作者 李萍 《教育教学论坛》 2011年第23期80-81,共2页
There are various affective factors which have a profound influence on foreign language learning,such as aptitude,social-psychological factors and emotion,etc,among which the social-psychological factors,namely,motiva... There are various affective factors which have a profound influence on foreign language learning,such as aptitude,social-psychological factors and emotion,etc,among which the social-psychological factors,namely,motivation and attitude,are the focus ofthis thesis.This thesis aims to analyze the role played by motivation and attitude in foreign language learning. 展开更多
关键词 摘要 编辑部 编辑工作 读者
The Analysis of the Impact of Two Factors—Motivation and Attitude in Adult Foreign Language Learning
作者 李慧芳 《海外英语》 2014年第11X期244-245,共2页
This paper is mainly about how the two affective factors—motivation and attitude influence adults' foreign language learning. The topic is discussed from the aspect of some factors which indirectly influence adul... This paper is mainly about how the two affective factors—motivation and attitude influence adults' foreign language learning. The topic is discussed from the aspect of some factors which indirectly influence adults' language learning through influencing their learning motivation. Also positive attitude will promote adult foreign language learning. 展开更多
关键词 motivation ATTITUDE ADULT foreign language learnin
Recent Development of Research on Foreign Language Learning Motivation 被引量:1
作者 LUO Qin LIU Chunyan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2020年第1期13-17,共5页
Based on the definition of motivation,this thesis takes the material of the core journals of foreign languages over the past 10 years,analyzes the research content,research subjects,and research methods,through the re... Based on the definition of motivation,this thesis takes the material of the core journals of foreign languages over the past 10 years,analyzes the research content,research subjects,and research methods,through the research on the recent development of foreign language learning motivation,and aims to provide some teaching implications for the future English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 foreign language learning motivation ENGLISH TEACHinG
A case study of changing motivation in foreign language learning
作者 WANG Jian-mei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第6期13-17,41,共6页
After perceiving a common phenomenon of English learning at college in China, this paper presents a case study of motivation. In this study, a questionnaire is conducted twice among 156 Chinese college students when t... After perceiving a common phenomenon of English learning at college in China, this paper presents a case study of motivation. In this study, a questionnaire is conducted twice among 156 Chinese college students when they are sophomores and seniors. It intends to identify some components of foreign language learning motivation and probes into the causes for the changing motivations of students throughout 4-year college education. The findings suggest that the instrumental motivation plays a crucial role in foreign language learning context. 展开更多
关键词 learning motivation instrumental motivation foreign language learning case study
Research Nexus and Implications of Learner Identity in Foreign Language Education
作者 Tenglong Gong 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第2期48-56,共9页
One of the most obvious markers of an individual’s identity is their language.However,in some ways,the relationship between identity and language acquisition seems to be missed.In fact,a lot of studies have shown tha... One of the most obvious markers of an individual’s identity is their language.However,in some ways,the relationship between identity and language acquisition seems to be missed.In fact,a lot of studies have shown that identity may influence the reasons behind language acquisition,especially in bilingual or multilingual societies.Learning English can provide EFL(English as a Foreign Language)students with a good sense of identity and encourage them to practice their agency,which can improve learning efficiency and effectiveness.This paper examines how the efficacy and results of language learning are influenced by the learner’s identity. 展开更多
关键词 Learner identity motivation English learning foreign language education
Motivation——A Factor Affecting Foreign Language Learning 被引量:12
作者 Wang Xianjie 《河南教育学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1999年第1期75-77,共3页
Ⅰ.TypesofMotivationMotivationisaratherinternaldriveandemotionalefectthatencouragespeopletopursueacourseofact... Ⅰ.TypesofMotivationMotivationisaratherinternaldriveandemotionalefectthatencouragespeopletopursueacourseofaction.Motivationisw... 展开更多
关键词 motivation FACTOR foreign language learning ACHIEVEMENT
Motivation: A Central Factor in Foreign Language Learning
作者 Yiying Sheng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2005年第2期17-21,共5页
Based on a survey and some language experts' points of view about the motivation of Chinese university students, this article tries to deal with two issues: what kind of motivation does Chinese University students h... Based on a survey and some language experts' points of view about the motivation of Chinese university students, this article tries to deal with two issues: what kind of motivation does Chinese University students have and how can a teacher positively affect the motivation of his or her students? 展开更多
关键词 motivation foreign language learning and teaching
Use Self-Determination Theory to Explain the Difference Between Learning English in China and in England
作者 张雨涵 《海外英语》 2020年第20期279-280,共2页
Nowadays,to improve English learning capability,an increasing number of Chinese students choose to study abroad.As a member of International students,I have a puzzle about why I am less motivated to learn English in C... Nowadays,to improve English learning capability,an increasing number of Chinese students choose to study abroad.As a member of International students,I have a puzzle about why I am less motivated to learn English in China than in England,which is the same as the puzzle of a large proportion of international students.Furthermore,self-determination theory(SDT)focuses on students’learning motivation,therefore SDT helps investigate the international students’puzzle which related to language learning motivation. 展开更多
关键词 motivation self-determination theory language learning
Cooperative Learning in FLT Settings in China's Tertiary Education
作者 侯光海 《海外英语》 2016年第6期235-237,共3页
Cooperative learning is a pedagogical approach of great interest to some foreign language teachers in tertiary education in China. Cooperative learning is recognized as a well-known student-centered teaching method in... Cooperative learning is a pedagogical approach of great interest to some foreign language teachers in tertiary education in China. Cooperative learning is recognized as a well-known student-centered teaching method in the mainstream educational approaches ranging from kindergarten to tertiary education in other parts of the world. However, it is still not seen as an important method to use in China today. This paper briefly reviews and summarizes the major achievements as well as setbacks of FLT research in the past 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. It also addresses some important issues in the history of the development and the prospect of FLT, and the career development of FL teachers in China. Moreover, it presents argumentations in the remarkable exploratory process of educational theories of FLT with Chinese characteristics. It concludes that more and more Chinese FL teachers will implement cooperative learning in their classroom activities and enrich the connotations of this approach. 展开更多
关键词 cooperative learning foreign language teaching theory China CAREER development
作者 李俊伟 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2007年第3期54-63,125,共11页
After reviewing the main theoretical researches in second/foreign language learning motivation, this paper presents a case study of motivation. In this study, a questionnaire is conducted twice among 156 college stude... After reviewing the main theoretical researches in second/foreign language learning motivation, this paper presents a case study of motivation. In this study, a questionnaire is conducted twice among 156 college students when they are freshmen and juniors. It intends to identify some components of foreign language learning motivation and probes into the causes for the changing motivations of students throughout four-year college education. The findings suggest that instrumental motivation plays a crucial role in foreign language learning context. 展开更多
关键词 learning motivation instrumental motivation foreign language learning case study
作者 霍玉秀 《河南纺织高等专科学校学报》 2001年第3期56-58,共3页
本文主要分析了外语学习者学习动力的特点及学习动力对学习者学习过程的影响。同时还就教育政策、社会环境等因素对学生学习外语产生的影响进行了探讨 。
关键词 motivation 外语学习 学习动力 心理学
作者 李蓂 李雅楠 《天津市教科院学报》 2024年第1期72-80,共9页
研究以控制—价值理论为依据,以提升高三学生学习体验及效果、更好地了解和支持其心理健康需求为目的,考查了高三学生在线上外语学习中的无聊情绪水平,并探讨了外部环境各因素对学生外语学习无聊情绪的影响路径和作用机制。通过对461名... 研究以控制—价值理论为依据,以提升高三学生学习体验及效果、更好地了解和支持其心理健康需求为目的,考查了高三学生在线上外语学习中的无聊情绪水平,并探讨了外部环境各因素对学生外语学习无聊情绪的影响路径和作用机制。通过对461名高三学生的问卷调查和部分学生的访谈,发现在线上教学中,学习者的无聊情绪处于中等水平(M=2.93)。结构方程模型分析结果显示,学生硬件设备、教学活动设计、师生关系等各环境因素以不同路径与强度对学习者线上外语学习无聊感知产生影响。分析归纳各因素揭示出影响高三学生线上外语学习无聊情绪的外部因素关系式为:设备因素>授课因素>人际因素。建议学校及家长采取相应措施对学生线上学习无聊情绪进行积极干预。 展开更多
关键词 外语学习无聊情绪 环境因素 线上教学 控制—价值理论
PDCA理论下外语教师课程思政素养发展的再行动 被引量:1
作者 杨宇 肖红英 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2024年第5期116-118,共3页
提升外语教师课程思政学习共同体素养,体现了立德树人理念,是推动课程思政教学改革的重要途径和提高外语人才培养质量的必然要求。本文从管理主体缺位、管理客体动力不足和管理过程失筹三个问题出发,进而论证PDCA循环理论对外语教师课... 提升外语教师课程思政学习共同体素养,体现了立德树人理念,是推动课程思政教学改革的重要途径和提高外语人才培养质量的必然要求。本文从管理主体缺位、管理客体动力不足和管理过程失筹三个问题出发,进而论证PDCA循环理论对外语教师课程思政学习共同体发展的契合性,最后以PDCA循环理论为指导,从树立教师课程思政学习共同体新理念和外语教师课程思政学习共同体发展路径构建双重视阈下对外语教师课程思政素养发展提出可行性策略。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 外语教师 学习共同体 PDCA循环理论
作者 陈思洁 施媛媛 刘成富 《语言与文化论坛》 2024年第1期137-151,共15页
“专业+外语”复合型国际化人才培养对接高等教育国际化及“四新”建设重大战略需求,但面临学生语言学习动机不足问题。为探究该培养模式下本科生语言学习负动机影响因素,本研究对全国5个城市6所“双一流”高校中法合作办学机构的512名... “专业+外语”复合型国际化人才培养对接高等教育国际化及“四新”建设重大战略需求,但面临学生语言学习动机不足问题。为探究该培养模式下本科生语言学习负动机影响因素,本研究对全国5个城市6所“双一流”高校中法合作办学机构的512名本科生进行问卷调查,运用探索性因子分析确认7个主成分因子。采用独立样本T检测及单因子多变量变异数分析,对比不同法语水平、学习阶段及不同专业学习者负动机影响因子差异。结果表明“专业+外语”模式下:①高水平组学生动机受外生因素影响更显著,而中低水平组更易因自我效能因素产生负动机。②高年级学生更易受学习情境层面因素影响。③理学专业学生受课程因素影响更显著;管理学专业学生易受教师因素影响;艺术学专业学生对自我效能因素敏感;工学专业学生更注重外语学习工具型因素。因此,在“专业+外语”复合型国际化人才培养中,应针对学习者特点展开内容融合语言教学及个性化教学。 展开更多
关键词 专业+外语 负动机影响因子 外语学习动机 中外合作办学
作者 马拴莹 《河北开放大学学报》 2024年第2期62-65,共4页
应用型本科院校外语教研共同体建设研究借鉴“群体动力”理论、终身学习理念,把目光投射到外语教研共同体的基本要素、实质和建构策略上,关注外语教研共同体的最终目的和效果,进而提出了外语教研共同体建设优化路径:明确其目标定位;完... 应用型本科院校外语教研共同体建设研究借鉴“群体动力”理论、终身学习理念,把目光投射到外语教研共同体的基本要素、实质和建构策略上,关注外语教研共同体的最终目的和效果,进而提出了外语教研共同体建设优化路径:明确其目标定位;完善其运行机制;加强校际交流合作;建立质量评估机制等去解决教学实践及教科研中的问题。 展开更多
关键词 外语教研共同体 群体动力理论 终身学习 建构策略
Appraisal of the Production-Oriented Approach: An Introduction 被引量:4
作者 濮实 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 SCIE 2017年第4期452-453,共2页
The production-oriented approach (POA) has been developed over a decade. It is driven by the need to improve English classroom instruction for university students in China (Wen, 2016). It is also motivated by the ... The production-oriented approach (POA) has been developed over a decade. It is driven by the need to improve English classroom instruction for university students in China (Wen, 2016). It is also motivated by the aspiration to enhance the quality of foreign language education in other similar pedagogical contexts outside China. A volume of research has been done by Wen Qiufang and her research team, to formulate the theory of POA and to test its effectiveness in classroom pedagogy (e.g. Wen, 2016, 2015; Yang, 2015; Zhang, 2015). At the moment, the POA is still at an early stage of theory building and almost all empirical research is done in the Chinese context. In order to improve the quality of this theory and to make it intelligible to the international academic community, a one-day symposium was held in Beijing Foreign Studies University on May 15, 2017. The symposium was entitled 'The first international forum on innovative foreign language education in China: Appraisal of the POA'. In the forum, leading experts in applied linguistics were invited to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the POA and the directions for its future development. The symposium was the first attempt for the POA research team to discuss its latest work with international scholars. This Viewpoint section collects the responses of four experts who participated in the symposium, listed in alphabetical order. The collection of articles covers three topics related to the POA: its pedagogical application, its use for teacher training, and its research. Alister Cumming is Professor Emeritus and the former Head of the Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies, University of Toronto, Canada. His article focuses primarily on POA research as an exemplary case of design-based research. Rod Ellis is Research Professor in the School of Education at Curtin University, Australia. He discusses POA in terms of pedagogy, teacher training and research, with both critiques and constructive suggestions. Paul Kei Matsuda is Professor of English and Director of Second Language Writing at Arizona State University, the writed states. He responds to POA from the perspective of an expert researcher and teacher of L2 writing. Charlene Polio is Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Linguistics & Germanic, Slavic, Asian & African Languages atMichigan State University, the writed states. She conceptualises POA as a useful method to address some issues in pre-service teacher development. Overall, the articles in this section are insightful and reader-friendly. They are not only useful for the development of POA in particular, but may also be valuable to a broad range of researchers as they touch upon pertaining issues, as well as emerging topics, in the field of applied linguistics. We therefore find it necessary to make them accessible to a wide readership. 展开更多
关键词 the production-oriented approach (POA) has been developed over a decade. It is driven by the need to improve English classroom instruction for university students in China (Wen 2016). It is also motivated by the aspiration to enhance the quality of foreign language education in other similar pedagogical contexts outside China. A volume of research has been done by Wen Qiufang and her research team to formulate the theory of POA and to test its effectiveness in classroom pedagogy (e.g. Wen 2016 2015 Yang 2015 Zhang 2015). At the moment the POA is still at an early stage of theory building and almost all empirical research is done in the Chinese context. in order to improve the quality of this theory and to make it intelligible to the international academic community a one-day symposium was held in Beijing foreign Studies University on May 15 2017. the symposium was entitled the first international forum on innovative foreign language education in China: Appraisal of the POA'. in the forum leading experts in applied linguistics were invited to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the POA and the directions for its future development. the symposium was the first attempt for the POA research team to discuss its latest work with international scholars. This Viewpoint section collects the responses of four experts who participated in the symposium listed in alphabetical order. the collection of articles covers three topics related to the POA: its pedagogical application its use for teacher training and its research. Alister Cumming is Professor Emeritus and the former Head of the Centre for Educational Research on languages and Literacies University of Toronto Canada. His article focuses primarily on POA research as an exemplary case of design-based research. Rod Ellis is Research Professor in the School of Education at Curtin University Australia. He discusses POA in terms of pedagogy teacher training and research with both critiques and constructive suggestions. Paul Kei Matsuda is Professor of English and Director of Second language Writing at Arizona State University the writed states. He responds to POA from the perspective of an expert researcher and teacher of L2 writing. Charlene Polio is Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Linguistics Germanic Slavic Asian African languages atMichigan State University the writed states. She conceptualises POA as a useful method to address some issues in pre-service teacher development. Overall the articles in this section are insightful and reader-friendly. they are not only useful for the development of POA in particular but may also be valuable to a broad range of researchers as they touch upon pertaining issues as well as emerging topics in the field of applied linguistics. We therefore find it necessary to make them accessible to a wide readership.
图式理论、语料库语言学与外语教学 被引量:40
作者 徐曼菲 何安平 《解放军外国语学院学报》 北大核心 2004年第6期45-49,共5页
图式理论认为知识以抽象、结构化和系统化的形式储存于我们的大脑中。这种知识形式可以细分为陈述性知识与程序性知识。外语学习可以看做是这两种知识的建构与重构过程。本文指出语料库资源和工具在教学应用中可以为学习者的外语知识的... 图式理论认为知识以抽象、结构化和系统化的形式储存于我们的大脑中。这种知识形式可以细分为陈述性知识与程序性知识。外语学习可以看做是这两种知识的建构与重构过程。本文指出语料库资源和工具在教学应用中可以为学习者的外语知识的图式性建构和重构提供基础,有利于学习者更好地掌握外语。 展开更多
关键词 图式理论 语料库 外语教学
动机设计模型ARCS研究的新进展及其在外语教学中的应用 被引量:18
作者 余青兰 王美倩 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2015年第5期103-109,共7页
外语学习动机作为学习者外语学习行为之动力系统的重要组成部分之一,在提高外语教学绩效上发挥着关键作用。外语教学的社会性、碎片化、灵活性等特点对其动机策略的设计提出了新的要求,而动机设计模型ARCS的最新研究成果,尤其是ARCS模... 外语学习动机作为学习者外语学习行为之动力系统的重要组成部分之一,在提高外语教学绩效上发挥着关键作用。外语教学的社会性、碎片化、灵活性等特点对其动机策略的设计提出了新的要求,而动机设计模型ARCS的最新研究成果,尤其是ARCS模型与学科教学整合的研究新进展,为外语动机策略的设计提供了新思路。该文从外语学科教学的特征出发,把外语学习划分为碎片化、整合式与创造性三个阶段,并结合这三个阶段的主要特征,对ARCS模型在外语教学过程中的具体应用进行了深入探讨,构建了一个基于ARCS模型的外语教学动机策略设计金字塔模型。 展开更多
关键词 学习动机 ARCS模型 外语教学
谈英语学习动机及其激发与保持 被引量:186
作者 杜福兴 《外语教学》 北大核心 2003年第4期51-54,共4页
本文讨论了 Williams,M.和 R. L . Burden的具有认知主义和社会建构主义性质的学习动机理论 ,分析了学习动机的构成要素和影响学习动机的诸多因素 ;讨论了 Dornyei的外语学习动机模式——外语学习动机与目的语层面、与学习者个体层面、... 本文讨论了 Williams,M.和 R. L . Burden的具有认知主义和社会建构主义性质的学习动机理论 ,分析了学习动机的构成要素和影响学习动机的诸多因素 ;讨论了 Dornyei的外语学习动机模式——外语学习动机与目的语层面、与学习者个体层面、与学习环境层面等方面的因素紧密相关。在讨论了这些理论的基础上 。 展开更多
关键词 学习动机 外语学习动机 激发 保持
学习动机理论在C语言程序设计课程中的应用 被引量:5
作者 宋丹丹 李仲君 李凤霞 《计算机教育》 2011年第8期30-33,共4页
学习动机是推动、引导和维持人们进行学习活动的一种内部心理过程,是激励、指引学生学习的强大动力。文章论述我院通过对成就动机理论的理解与分析,将其应用于C语言程序设计课程教学,提出"以问题为引导,实施启发式教学;以成功为目... 学习动机是推动、引导和维持人们进行学习活动的一种内部心理过程,是激励、指引学生学习的强大动力。文章论述我院通过对成就动机理论的理解与分析,将其应用于C语言程序设计课程教学,提出"以问题为引导,实施启发式教学;以成功为目标,作业设置循序渐进;以发展为思路,适度扩展所学内容"的教学方法并给出具体示例。通过教学实践,学生学习动机有较大提高,取得了良好的学习效果。 展开更多
关键词 学习动机 成就动机理论 C语言程序设计
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