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作者 王宝玉 《世界睡眠医学杂志》 2024年第5期1173-1176,共4页
目的:观察基于Watson人性照顾理论的干预对重症肺炎合并呼吸衰竭患者的应用效果。方法:选取2021年6月至2023年6月泉州市第一医院呼吸与危重症医学科收治的重症肺炎合并呼吸衰竭患者94例作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组... 目的:观察基于Watson人性照顾理论的干预对重症肺炎合并呼吸衰竭患者的应用效果。方法:选取2021年6月至2023年6月泉州市第一医院呼吸与危重症医学科收治的重症肺炎合并呼吸衰竭患者94例作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,每组47例。对照组给予常规护理干预,观察组在对照组基础上给予Watson人性照顾理论的干预。采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)比较2组患者干预前后睡眠质量的变化,采用阿森斯失眠量表(AIS)评估2组患者干预前后失眠的改善效果,并通过2组患者护理后的呼吸困难缓解时间、机械通气时间、重症监护室住院时间,以判断恢复情况。结果:干预后,观察组患者PSQI评分、AIS评分均显著低于对照组,观察组呼吸困难缓解时间、机械通气时间及重症监护室住院时间均显著短于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论:对重症肺炎合并呼吸衰竭患者应用基于Watson人性照顾理论的护理干预可有效改善其睡眠质量,促进病情恢复,值得临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 基于Watson人性照顾理论的干预 重症肺炎 呼吸衰竭 睡眠质量 重症护理
Promoting Development and Innovation of China’s Human Rights Theory 被引量:1
作者 LUO HAOCAI president of the China Society for Human Rights Studies 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2011年第6期2-3,共2页
This year marks the 90th anniversary of the found- ing of the Communist Party of China (CPC). As Party General Secretary Hu Jintao said, for the past 90 years, under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people hav... This year marks the 90th anniversary of the found- ing of the Communist Party of China (CPC). As Party General Secretary Hu Jintao said, for the past 90 years, under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people have accomplished the three missions of New Democratic Revolution, the Socialist Revolution and reform and opening-up. During the process, the Party and the people have opened a new path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, formed the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as established a system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 CPC s human Rights theory Promoting Development and Innovation of China INNOVATION
The Mathematical and Physical Theory of Rational Human Intelligence: Complete Empirical-Digital Properties;Full Electrochemical-Mechanical Model (Part I: Mathematical Foundations)
作者 Leo Depuydt 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2013年第5期491-561,共71页
The design of this paper is to present the first installment of a complete and final theory of rational human intelligence. The theory is mathematical in the strictest possible sense. The mathematics involved is stric... The design of this paper is to present the first installment of a complete and final theory of rational human intelligence. The theory is mathematical in the strictest possible sense. The mathematics involved is strictly digital—not quantitative in the manner that what is usually thought of as mathematics is quantitative. It is anticipated at this time that the exclusively digital nature of rational human intelligence exhibits four flavors of digitality, apparently no more, and that each flavor will require a lengthy study in its own right. (For more information,please refer to the PDF.) 展开更多
关键词 Artificial INTELLIGENCE Boolean ALGEBRA Boole’s ALGEBRA Black Box Theories Brain science Cognition Cognitive science Digital MATHEMATICs Electricity and Magnetism J.-L. Lagrange and Partial Differential Equations J. C. Maxwell’s theory of Electromagnetism Neuroscience Non-Quantitative and Quantitative MATHEMATICs Physics RATIONAL human INTELLIGENCE COMPLETE theory of RATIONAL Thought and Language
On Dynamic Social Factors for Development of China’s Human Rights Theory
作者 FAN JIZENG 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2011年第4期20-22,共3页
China's mainstream human rights theory has undergone tremendous changes since the reform-and-opening scheme was kicked off in the early 1980s. "Human rights," which used to be seen as a concept of capitalist ideolo... China's mainstream human rights theory has undergone tremendous changes since the reform-and-opening scheme was kicked off in the early 1980s. "Human rights," which used to be seen as a concept of capitalist ideology, is now an important part of the Chinese system of socialist values. 展开更多
关键词 On Dynamic social Factors for Development of China s human Rights theory
Analysis of Binding Interaction between Captopril and Human Serum Albumin
作者 Xiaoyan Gao Yingcai Tang +3 位作者 Wanqi Rong Xiaoping Zhang Wujie Zhao Yanqin Zi 《American Journal of Analytical Chemistry》 2011年第2期250-257,共8页
The interaction between captopril, an inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme and human serum albumin, a principal plasma protein in the liver has been investigated in vitro under a simulated physiological conditio... The interaction between captopril, an inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme and human serum albumin, a principal plasma protein in the liver has been investigated in vitro under a simulated physiological condition by UV-vis spectrophotometry and fluorescence spectrometry. The intrinsic fluorescence intensity of human serum albumin was strongly quenched by captopril. The binding constants and the number of binding sites can be calculated from the data obtained from fluorescence quenching experiments. The negative value of ΔG0 reveals that the binding process is a spontaneous process. According to the van’t Hoff equation, the standard enthalpy change (ΔH0) and standard entropy change (ΔS0) for the reaction were calculated to be 35.98 KJ●mol-1 and 221.25 J●mol-1 K. It indicated that the hydrophobic interactions play a main role in the binding of captopril to human serum albumin. In addition, the distance between captopril (acceptor) and tryptophan residues of human serum albumin (donor) was estimated to be 1.05 nm according to the F?rster’s resonance energy transfer theory. The results obtained herein will be of biological significance in pharmacology and clinical medicine. 展开更多
关键词 human serum Albumin CAPTOPRIL Fluorescence Quenching stern-Volmer Equation The Forster’s Resonance Energy Transfer theory
作者 郭海玲 卫金金 +1 位作者 崔坤 包若琪 《财经论丛》 北大核心 2024年第8期89-99,共11页
数字人技术可为直播行业注入新活力,如何提升数字人直播质量,增强用户参与度是亟待解决的管理问题。本研究基于S-O-R理论构建数字人直播用户参与行为影响机制模型,通过结构方程模型(SEM)和模糊集定性比较分析(fsQCA)识别用户参与行为关... 数字人技术可为直播行业注入新活力,如何提升数字人直播质量,增强用户参与度是亟待解决的管理问题。本研究基于S-O-R理论构建数字人直播用户参与行为影响机制模型,通过结构方程模型(SEM)和模糊集定性比较分析(fsQCA)识别用户参与行为关键影响因素及组态路径。研究发现:(1)交互型线索和解说氛围正向影响信任;印象型线索、移情性线索、娱乐氛围和解说氛围正向影响社会临场感;社会临场感正向影响信任,信任和社会临场感正向影响用户参与行为;所有影响因素均不能构成用户参与行为的必要条件,需多种因素协同发挥作用。(2)高娱乐氛围、高信任和高社会临场感均存在于围观式、表达式及购买式参与行为的所有组态中,对用户参与行为具有促进作用。在此基础上,围观式参与行为产生路径为情感内容驱动路径及形象内容驱动路径;表达式参与行为产生路径为情感驱动路径;购买式参与行为产生路径为情感形象驱动路径和情感社交驱动路径。 展开更多
关键词 数字人直播 s-O-R理论 用户参与行为 拟人化线索 直播氛围
作者 林秀芳 黄永锋 《中国文化与管理》 2024年第1期73-81,271,共10页
耙梳《朱子语录》《四书集注》等传统古籍文本,不难发觉有必要厘清朱子人性“恶”思想的理论源流及其内在逻辑。对于由何而产生人性之“恶”,在朱子看来,一念之差时,人心极易朝着人欲放纵,而产生“恶”,此为“恶”之发动机制;而且,禀气... 耙梳《朱子语录》《四书集注》等传统古籍文本,不难发觉有必要厘清朱子人性“恶”思想的理论源流及其内在逻辑。对于由何而产生人性之“恶”,在朱子看来,一念之差时,人心极易朝着人欲放纵,而产生“恶”,此为“恶”之发动机制;而且,禀气使至善的天理落实到人身上时,为人欲所蒙蔽,不能充分地展现而产生“恶”,此为“恶”之影响因素,但禀气不必然导致恶的产生;另外,“欲”是“恶”牵引机制,但“欲”也并不绝对导致“恶”,“欲”不等于“人欲”,“人欲”是做坏的“欲”,这“人欲”便是“恶”。深入分析可知,朱子哲学的人性论对人性“恶”的形成机制有过细致剖析,结合现代管理学来看,它有助于从源头上对治理管理活动中的一些难题,进而促成管理效果的提升。 展开更多
关键词 人性论 至善 禀气 恶欲 管理
作者 申绪璐(译) 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期1-13,共13页
北宋王安石承继唐代韩愈彰显孟子、肯定孟子的性善说,与程颢、程颐开创的道学派学者具有共同的性论基础。与王安石、程颢强调伦理意义上的善恶只是已发阶段的概念不同,南宋朱熹依据张载的心统性情与程颐的性即理,建立性情二层构架。同时... 北宋王安石承继唐代韩愈彰显孟子、肯定孟子的性善说,与程颢、程颐开创的道学派学者具有共同的性论基础。与王安石、程颢强调伦理意义上的善恶只是已发阶段的概念不同,南宋朱熹依据张载的心统性情与程颐的性即理,建立性情二层构架。同时,《大学》“身有所忿懥”的身、心理解反映了道学家不同的思想特色。有关性本善与无善无恶、尊德性与道问学的争论,反映了理学家不同的思想重点。尤其是尊德性与道问学对立的思想史叙事不断地再生产,直至今天仍保持着生命力。黄宗羲的《明儒学案》可为代表,这样的叙事非常稳妥,但也因此需要保持警惕。一方面这样的叙事容易忽略不同学者思想的丰富性,另一方面即使强调“朱陆和会”的学者也不可避免地局限在朱陆对立的理论前提。 展开更多
关键词 性善论 无善无恶 朱熹 王阳明 陆九渊
基于D-S证据理论的人机交互意图识别技术研究 被引量:1
作者 赵迪 于丽平 +1 位作者 刘格 戴志鹏 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2019年第3期60-63,共4页
人的意图识别在人机协作中有重要地位。文章以人体的上肢运动轨迹为主要判据,研究了针对目标抓取的意图识别方法,人机交互采用基于视觉的方式。文章建立了用户交互意图模型,以深度相机获取人体上肢的运动,利用多维度判断因子,应用D-S理... 人的意图识别在人机协作中有重要地位。文章以人体的上肢运动轨迹为主要判据,研究了针对目标抓取的意图识别方法,人机交互采用基于视觉的方式。文章建立了用户交互意图模型,以深度相机获取人体上肢的运动,利用多维度判断因子,应用D-S理论实现意图因子融合,优化了目标快速判定算法。实验表明,文中所用的意图识别方法能快速、准确地识别操作者的抓取意图,为人机协作服务。对比实验表明,多维度因子的意图识别方法准确性高于单因子的方法,更为有效。 展开更多
关键词 意图识别 D-s理论 机器视觉 人机协作
基于图像质量加权的D-S证据理论多生物特征融合识别 被引量:4
作者 肖宾杰 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期264-268,共5页
对人脸和指静脉在决策层的融合识别,给出一种新的组合图像质量评价方法,并采用一种改进的基于图像质量加权的D-S证据理论融合这两种生物特征。首先,组合图像质量评价法采用清晰度和对比度、相关系数的组合方法来评价生物特征图像质量;其... 对人脸和指静脉在决策层的融合识别,给出一种新的组合图像质量评价方法,并采用一种改进的基于图像质量加权的D-S证据理论融合这两种生物特征。首先,组合图像质量评价法采用清晰度和对比度、相关系数的组合方法来评价生物特征图像质量;其次,应用改进的基于图像质量的匹配值增强方法和D-S证据理论,减少了极大值图像质量指标的影响,使图像质量加权与实际情况更趋一致。实验结果表明,与没有考虑图像质量因素相比,考虑了图像质量信息的D-S证据理论融合方法提高了识别效果。 展开更多
关键词 人脸 指静脉 独立成分分析 主元分析 图像质量 D-s证据理论
作者 刘绪晶 《衡水学院学报》 2024年第2期79-85,共7页
人性问题是中国哲学史中的核心议题。哲学史上的人性论主要归结为五种:性无善恶、性善、性恶、性善恶混、性三品,但各自均存在一些问题或困境。其中,孟子的性善论是一种更全面、更深入的人性观,它内含着性本善与性向善两个面向。孟子的... 人性问题是中国哲学史中的核心议题。哲学史上的人性论主要归结为五种:性无善恶、性善、性恶、性善恶混、性三品,但各自均存在一些问题或困境。其中,孟子的性善论是一种更全面、更深入的人性观,它内含着性本善与性向善两个面向。孟子的性善论不仅能回应性善论自身面临的困境及问题,还兼顾、会通了其他人性论并弥补其不足,且为人的生存提供精神支撑与价值指引。儒家德治与法家法治作为两种不同的治国理念,其治理依据与结果完全不同。前者以人性善为依据,主张明德慎罚,表现出对人的地位和价值的尊重;后者以人性恶为依据,主张严刑峻法。 展开更多
关键词 孟子 人性论 善恶 德治 法治
作者 初珠立 杨自春 +1 位作者 梁洁 彭茂林 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2012年第9期93-97,共5页
针对船用锅炉人因安全性分析中存在的知识不确定性,采用D-S证据理论对多专家信息进行融合并建立考虑人因的贝叶斯网络,得到节点条件概率的区间表示形式。经加权平均后代入贝叶斯网络计算,与面向对象贝叶斯网络和FTA等方法的对比显示,该... 针对船用锅炉人因安全性分析中存在的知识不确定性,采用D-S证据理论对多专家信息进行融合并建立考虑人因的贝叶斯网络,得到节点条件概率的区间表示形式。经加权平均后代入贝叶斯网络计算,与面向对象贝叶斯网络和FTA等方法的对比显示,该方法能够更加有效地融合不同专家信息,也更为符合工程实际。 展开更多
关键词 不确定性 D—s证据理论 人因因素 贝叶斯网络 安全性分析 船用锅炉
Analysis of the Self-correction Model——from the view of cognitive psychology
作者 佘阿莉 《海外英语》 2015年第19期245-246,248,共3页
In view of the learners Chinglish,this paper puts forward a new teaching model-the Self-correction Model and makes an analysis of it from the view of cognitive psychology.
关键词 the sELF-CORRECTION MODEL the information PROCEssING MODEL piaget’s theory humanIsM
An abnormal resting-state functional brain network indicates progression towards Alzheimer's disease 被引量:2
作者 Jie Xiang Hao Guo +2 位作者 Rui Cao Hong Liang Junjie Chen 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第30期2789-2799,共11页
Brain structure and cognitive function change in the temporal lobe, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex of patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease, and brain network-connection strength, networ... Brain structure and cognitive function change in the temporal lobe, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex of patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease, and brain network-connection strength, network efficiency, and nodal attributes are abnormal. However, existing research has only analyzed the differences between these patients and normal controls. In this study, we constructed brain networks using resting-state functional MRI data that was extracted from four populations (nor- mal controls, patients with early mild cognitive impairment, patients with late mild cognitive impairment, and patients with Alzheimer's disease) using the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative data set. The aim was to analyze the characteristics of resting-state functional neural networks, and to observe mild cognitive impairment at different stages before the transformation to Alzheimer's disease. Results showed that as cognitive deficits increased across the four groups, the shortest path in the rest- ing-state functional network gradually increased, while clustering coefficients gradually decreased. This evidence indicates that dementia is associated with a decline of brain network efficiency. In addi- tion, the changes in functional networks revealed the progressive deterioration of network function across brain regions from healthy elderly adults to those with mild cognitive impairment and AIz- heimer's disease. The alterations of node attributes in brain regions may reflect the cognitive functions in brain regions, and we speculate that early impairments in memory, hearing, and language function can eventually lead to diffuse brain injury and other cognitive impairments. 展开更多
关键词 neural regeneration NEURODEGENERATION human connectome functional MRI graph theory resting statesmall world property early mild cognitive impairment late mild cognitive impairment Alzheimer's diseaseaging diffuse brain disease grants-supported paper NEUROREGENERATION
Higher Variations of the Monty Hall Problem (3.0, 4.0) and Empirical Definition of the Phenomenon of Mathematics, in Boole’s Footsteps, as Something the Brain Does 被引量:1
作者 Leo Depuydt Richard D. Gill 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2012年第4期243-273,共31页
In Advances in Pure Mathematics (www.scirp.org/journal/apm), Vol. 1, No. 4 (July 2011), pp. 136-154, the mathematical structure of the much discussed problem of probability known as the Monty Hall problem was mapped i... In Advances in Pure Mathematics (www.scirp.org/journal/apm), Vol. 1, No. 4 (July 2011), pp. 136-154, the mathematical structure of the much discussed problem of probability known as the Monty Hall problem was mapped in detail. It is styled here as Monty Hall 1.0. The proposed analysis was then generalized to related cases involving any number of doors (d), cars (c), and opened doors (o) (Monty Hall 2.0) and 1 specific case involving more than 1 picked door (p) (Monty Hall 3.0). In cognitive terms, this analysis was interpreted in function of the presumed digital nature of rational thought and language. In the present paper, Monty Hall 1.0 and 2.0 are briefly reviewed (§§2-3). Additional generalizations of the problem are then presented in §§4-7. They concern expansions of the problem to the following items: (1) to any number of picked doors, with p denoting the number of doors initially picked and q the number of doors picked when switching doors after doors have been opened to reveal goats (Monty Hall 3.0;see §4);(3) to the precise conditions under which one’s chances increase or decrease in instances of Monty Hall 3.0 (Monty Hall 3.2;see §6);and (4) to any number of switches of doors (s) (Monty Hall 4.0;see §7). The afore-mentioned article in APM, Vol. 1, No. 4 may serve as a useful introduction to the analysis of the higher variations of the Monty Hall problem offered in the present article. The body of the article is by Leo Depuydt. An appendix by Richard D. Gill (see §8) provides additional context by building a bridge to modern probability theory in its conventional notation and by pointing to the benefits of certain interesting and relevant tools of computation now available on the Internet. The cognitive component of the earlier investigation is extended in §9 by reflections on the foundations of mathematics. It will be proposed, in the footsteps of George Boole, that the phenomenon of mathematics needs to be defined in empirical terms as something that happens to the brain or something that the brain does. It is generally assumed that mathematics is a property of nature or reality or whatever one may call it. There is not the slightest intention in this paper to falsify this assumption because it cannot be falsified, just as it cannot be empirically or positively proven. But there is no way that this assumption can be a factual observation. It can be no more than an altogether reasonable, yet fully secondary, inference derived mainly from the fact that mathematics appears to work, even if some may deem the fact of this match to constitute proof. On the deepest empirical level, mathematics can only be directly observed and therefore directly analyzed as an activity of the brain. The study of mathematics therefore becomes an essential part of the study of cognition and human intelligence. The reflections on mathematics as a phenomenon offered in the present article will serve as a prelude to planned articles on how to redefine the foundations of probability as one type of mathematics in cognitive fashion and on how exactly Boole’s theory of probability subsumes, supersedes, and completes classical probability theory. §§2-7 combined, on the one hand, and §9, on the other hand, are both self-sufficient units and can be read independently from one another. The ultimate design of the larger project of which this paper is part remains the increase of digitalization of the analysis of rational thought and language, that is, of (rational, not emotional) human intelligence. To reach out to other disciplines, an effort is made to describe the mathematics more explicitly than is usual. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial INTELLIGENCE Binary structure BOOLEAN ALGEBRA BOOLEAN Operators Boole’s ALGEBRA Brain science Cognition Cognitive science DEFINITION of MATHEMATICs DEFINITION of Probability theory Digital MATHEMATICs Electrical Engineering Foundations of MATHEMATICs human INTELLIGENCE Linguistics Logic Monty HALL Problem Neuroscience Non-quantitative and Quantitative MATHEMATICs Probability theory Rational Thought and Language
The “3 Genomic Numbers” Discovery: How Our Genome Single-Stranded DNA Sequence Is “Self-Designed” as a Numerical Whole
作者 Jean-Claude Perez 《Applied Mathematics》 2013年第10期37-53,共17页
This article proves the existence of a hyper-precise global numerical meta-architecture unifying, structuring, binding and controlling the billion triplet codons constituting the sequence of single-stranded DNA of the... This article proves the existence of a hyper-precise global numerical meta-architecture unifying, structuring, binding and controlling the billion triplet codons constituting the sequence of single-stranded DNA of the entire human genome. Beyond the evolution and erratic mutations like transposons within the genome, it’s as if the memory of a fossil genome with multiple symmetries persists. This recalls the “intermingling” of information characterizing the fractal universe of chaos theory. The result leads to a balanced and perfect tuning between the masses of the two strands of the huge DNA molecule that constitute our genome. We show here how codon populations forming the single-stranded DNA sequences can constitute a critical approach to the understanding of junk DNA function. Then, we suggest revisiting certain methods published in our 2009 book “Codex Biogenesis”. In fact, we demonstrate here how the universal genetic code table is a powerful analytical filter to characterize single-stranded DNA sequences constituting chromosomes and genomes. We can then show that any genomic DNA sequence is featured by three numbers, which characterize it and its 64 codon populations with correlations greater than 99%. The number “1” is common to all sequences, expressing the second law of Chargaff. The other 2 numbers are related to each specific DNA sequence case characterizing life species. For example, the entire human genome is characterized by three remarkable numbers 1, 2, and Phi = 1.618 the golden ratio. Associated with each of these three numbers, we can match three axes of symmetry, then “imagine” a kind of hyperspace formed by these codon populations. Then we revisit the value (3-Phi)/2 which is probably universal and common to both the scale of quarks and atomic levels, balancing and tuning the whole human genome codon population. Finally, we demonstrate a new kind of duality between “form and substance” overlapping the whole human genome: we will show that—simultaneously with the duality between genes and junk DNA—there is a second layer of embedded hidden structure overlapping all the DNA of the whole human genome, dividing it into a second type of duality information/redundancy involving golden ratio proportions. 展开更多
关键词 Genetic Code CODON Populations Junk DNA Cancer Genomics Chromosomal Translocations Genomes Diversity Chromosomes Diversity WHOLE human GENOME DNA sEQUENCE “Phi” the Golden Ratio Fibonacci NUMBERs Information theory sYMMETRY Cellular Automata Chargaff’s CODON Level sYMMETRY Principle Fractal self-similarity “e” Euler’s Number “Pi” form and substance Redundancy Encryption
普遍主义还是特殊主义?——康德人类学的疑难 被引量:2
作者 毛竹 《云南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第5期14-26,共13页
长期以来,康德一直被描绘成一位纯粹的道德哲学家,平等主义、普遍主义以及世界主义构想是康德哲学最为难以撼动的成就与结论之一。但是读者在康德哲学中也发现了诸多关于非白人种族的激烈且贬损性的评论,这些评论散见于康德不同时期关... 长期以来,康德一直被描绘成一位纯粹的道德哲学家,平等主义、普遍主义以及世界主义构想是康德哲学最为难以撼动的成就与结论之一。但是读者在康德哲学中也发现了诸多关于非白人种族的激烈且贬损性的评论,这些评论散见于康德不同时期关于人类学和自然地理学的著作和讲稿之中。这种鲜明的反差在某种意义上揭示出了康德的种族理论与其提倡的普遍主义、平等主义及其世界主义构想之间难以解决的矛盾。本文追溯了康德散见于各个文本种关于非白人种族的贬损性评论以及康德的文本关于人种划分的胚芽和自然禀赋理论,梳理了讨论康德种族问题的文献脉络,尤其是吉米·雅布的终结性讨论,以期揭示康德人类学的疑难。 展开更多
关键词 康德的种族理论 康德的普遍主义 胚芽 自然禀赋 人种
性恶论与政治秩序——对荀子人性论的分析与重释 被引量:2
作者 何怀宏 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第4期62-69,共8页
荀子的人性论以主张性恶著称。但这种性恶论是否真的如其所称的那样完全真实?其逻辑是否自洽?从荀子的诸多论述验之以人的知、情、欲三个部分,却明显透露出并非如此。对人性既然可以“化性起为”,就要有化的动力和根据。这些根据和动力... 荀子的人性论以主张性恶著称。但这种性恶论是否真的如其所称的那样完全真实?其逻辑是否自洽?从荀子的诸多论述验之以人的知、情、欲三个部分,却明显透露出并非如此。对人性既然可以“化性起为”,就要有化的动力和根据。这些根据和动力也正是荀子承认的人普遍具有的道德辨知和同情的能力。这些能力在人性中可视作善端而存在。被荀子视为性恶的欲望,主要指过度和不加节制的欲望,而非一般的生欲。那么,荀子为什么还要极力主张一种性恶论呢?这与他对一般政治秩序的捍卫紧密相关。这种对“明分使群”的捍卫正是荀子对传统道德和政治哲学的一个特别有意义的贡献。但在特殊政治秩序方面,它和西方近代以来对人性估计不高的政治理论的主要趋势还是迥异的。 展开更多
关键词 人性 善恶 政治秩序 荀子 性恶论 道德辨知 政治哲学
朱氏妇科与张子和治疗闭经病异同分析浅述 被引量:1
作者 夏悦 倪晓容 +2 位作者 彭霞 刘虹麟 谢佳妮 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2023年第5期43-46,共4页
朱氏妇科是近代中医妇科著名流派,在调治月经病方面展现了其独特的理法,闭经病机复杂,多由月经量少、月经后期等演变而来,在中医妇科学里称作“血枯经闭”“女子不月”“经水不调”等,张子和治疗闭经病独具特色,其“攻邪论”也受朱氏妇... 朱氏妇科是近代中医妇科著名流派,在调治月经病方面展现了其独特的理法,闭经病机复杂,多由月经量少、月经后期等演变而来,在中医妇科学里称作“血枯经闭”“女子不月”“经水不调”等,张子和治疗闭经病独具特色,其“攻邪论”也受朱氏妇科推崇,朱氏妇科对闭经的治疗,随着传承变化,治疗理论发生沿革。朱氏妇科在张子和“血气流通论”的理论基础上,强调了冲任胞宫的特殊性,认为冲任二脉与妇科息息相关,故对冲任的通盛极其重视,认为月经的期至离不开肝、脾、肾三脏的蓄养运行,提出在治疗妇科疾病时“贵在冲任通盛”的观点,朱南孙在治疗闭经病的时候注重审证求因,同时力求整体观,认为闭经病病因具有虚实两端,胡国华教授在治疗闭经病上更为强调要中西合参,辨病与辨证相结合,同时重视健脾。该文将对朱氏妇科传承治疗闭经与张子和治疗闭经的治法方药进行对比分析。 展开更多
关键词 朱氏妇科 闭经 多囊卵巢综合征 卵巢早衰 攻邪论
作者 刘卫东 《山西经济管理干部学院学报》 2023年第3期14-19,共6页
石油师队伍为我国油田的开发、建设做出了不可磨灭的贡献,成为祖国石油工业的脊梁,推动工业经济稳定发展。深入挖掘石油师的人力资源管理经验,并对其中的内容加以整合分析,这对进一步发展马克思人力资源理论具有重大意义,对于正确认识... 石油师队伍为我国油田的开发、建设做出了不可磨灭的贡献,成为祖国石油工业的脊梁,推动工业经济稳定发展。深入挖掘石油师的人力资源管理经验,并对其中的内容加以整合分析,这对进一步发展马克思人力资源理论具有重大意义,对于正确认识和把握现代人力资源相关理论,促进人力资源的有效开发与科学管理,具有重要的理论价值与实践导向。 展开更多
关键词 石油师 人力资源 马克思人力资源理论 人力组合论
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