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作者 魏征 蒋国霞 +5 位作者 王怡雯 黎刚刚 张中申 程杰 张凤莲 郝郑平 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第7期198-208,共11页
金属氧化物催化剂表面O_(2)分子的活化对于多相催化中氧化还原反应具有重要意义.硫化氢(H_(2)S)选择性氧化是一个典型的氧化反应,通常用于去除克劳斯工艺尾气中有害的H_(2)S,同时回收化工产品硫磺.受克劳斯反应的热力学限制,工艺尾气中... 金属氧化物催化剂表面O_(2)分子的活化对于多相催化中氧化还原反应具有重要意义.硫化氢(H_(2)S)选择性氧化是一个典型的氧化反应,通常用于去除克劳斯工艺尾气中有害的H_(2)S,同时回收化工产品硫磺.受克劳斯反应的热力学限制,工艺尾气中仍有近1%的H_(2)S残留,在焚烧炉中会转化为有害的SO_(x),造成不必要的硫损失以及严重的环境问题.研究表明,氧分子活化解离产生的活性氧物种是H_(2)S选择氧化的关键活性物种.然而,受限于氧分子的低效活化,传统催化剂需提高反应温度以获得令人满意的H_(2)S转化率,这也促进了副反应的进行并生成有害副产物SO_(2).因此,迫切需要在较低温度下实现氧分子的高效活化以促进H_(2)S选择氧化反应的进行,从而最大限度地提高克劳斯工艺硫回收效率并降低运营成本.目前,大多数研究通过引入更多的氧空位促进氧分子的活化及氧化反应的进行,但很少有人考虑氧空位本身结构的影响.近年来,研究者更多地关注不对称氧/空位(M_(1)-O-M_(2)或M_(1)-VO-M_(2)),该特殊结构可以有效地优化氧分子的活化,提高催化性能.本文报道了一种简单的氧空位调控策略用于H_(2)S选择氧化,通过过渡金属(M=Mn,Co和Mo)取代策略在LaFeO_(3)钙钛矿催化剂中引入不对称氧空位,从而激发氧分子活化以促进H_(2)S选择氧化的进行.X射线粉末衍射、Raman光谱及透射电镜结果表明,Mn和Co的引入形成了均匀的La_(2)FeMO_(6)以及La_(2)FeCoO_(6)双钙钛矿相,而Mo的引入则形成了La_(2)Mo_(2)O_(9)和LaFeO_(3)钙钛矿的混相.X射线光电子能谱及M?ssbauerr谱结果表明,Mn取代形成的La_(2)FeMO_(6)双钙钛矿催化剂由于其结构中Mn与Fe的完全交替取代形成了丰富的不对称Fe-VO-Mn位点,结合H_(2)程序升温还原及O_(2)程序升温解吸结果,可以推断不对称空位促进了催化剂上氧分子的活化,进而提高了催化剂的氧迁移率和还原性.模拟计算了氧分子在LaFeO_(3)及La_(2)FeMO_(6)催化剂上的吸附及解离过程,结果表明,氧分子在对称的Fe-VO-Fe位点上具有较高的吸附能及解离能,在不对称的Fe-VO-Mn位点上不存在稳定的吸附态,倾向于直接解离形成活性氧物种.具有丰富不对称Fe-VO-Mn位点的La_(2)FeMO_(6)催化剂的H_(2)S选择氧化低温活性和稳定性显著提高,在较宽的温度窗口内均可保持较好的H_(2)S转化率(>90%)与硫选择性(接近100%).综上,本文通过取代策略实现了对催化剂氧空位结构的调控,揭示了不对称氧空位对氧分子活化行为的促进机制.研究结果不仅为合理设计高效氧化催化剂探明了一条可行的途径,还对氧分子活化过程中氧空位结构的促进机制提供了深入的见解,有望激发更多关于开发氧化还原反应高效催化材料的研究. 展开更多
关键词 双钙钛矿 不对称氧空位 氧分子活化 硫化氢选择性氧化 硫磺回收
作者 卫珍妮 《西北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第1期20-29,共10页
研究一类具有饱和恢复率的SEIR时滞模型的行波解.首先,考虑一类二维系统初值问题的适定性;然后,通过构造一对有界的向量值上、下解得到一个闭凸集;最后,利用Schauder不动点定理证明:当基本再生数R^(0)>1,波速c>c^(*)时模型存在非... 研究一类具有饱和恢复率的SEIR时滞模型的行波解.首先,考虑一类二维系统初值问题的适定性;然后,通过构造一对有界的向量值上、下解得到一个闭凸集;最后,利用Schauder不动点定理证明:当基本再生数R^(0)>1,波速c>c^(*)时模型存在非平凡行波解. 展开更多
关键词 sEIR模型 饱和恢复率 时滞 行波解 sCHAUDER不动点定理
作者 潘鹏程 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2024年第2期113-121,共9页
开展船舶主机不同负荷工况下的S-CO_(2)布雷顿循环余热系统热力学特性和效能分析是其实现工程应用的必要环节。本文通过性能分析确定系统热力学参数对净输出功率和平准化能源成本的影响变化趋势,最佳运行参数范围以及系统关键热力学参... 开展船舶主机不同负荷工况下的S-CO_(2)布雷顿循环余热系统热力学特性和效能分析是其实现工程应用的必要环节。本文通过性能分析确定系统热力学参数对净输出功率和平准化能源成本的影响变化趋势,最佳运行参数范围以及系统关键热力学参数。通过主机典型负荷工况下的效能评估,分析集成S-CO_(2)再压缩布雷顿循环余热发电系统后的船舶节能减排效益。结果表明:主压缩机入口压力和压比对整个余热发电系统热力学性能和经济性影响最为显著,可调节这2个关键热力学参数以确保系统在船舶主机不同负荷下获得良好系统性能;集成该余热发电系统后,MAN8S90ME-C10.2型主机系统热效率最高可提高0.91%,燃油消耗量平均每年可减少51 t,NO_(2)和CO_(2)的排放量每年可分别减少2.28 t和760 t。 展开更多
关键词 s-CO_(2)再压缩布雷顿循环 热力学分析 斯皮尔曼等级相关 主机烟气余热回收
作者 尹洪超 张伟森 +1 位作者 冉兆航 张莹 《化学工程师》 CAS 2024年第6期46-50,共5页
随着我国海上稠油油田的深入开发,热采蒸汽驱规模逐步扩大,相应的H_(2)S系列问题也愈发凸显。H_(2)S不仅危害人的健康,还能腐蚀金属设备,严重影响生产的安全平稳运行。本文以L稠油油田为例,在调研目标油田储层概况和H_(2)S生成情况的基... 随着我国海上稠油油田的深入开发,热采蒸汽驱规模逐步扩大,相应的H_(2)S系列问题也愈发凸显。H_(2)S不仅危害人的健康,还能腐蚀金属设备,严重影响生产的安全平稳运行。本文以L稠油油田为例,在调研目标油田储层概况和H_(2)S生成情况的基础上,通过黄金管热模拟实验、色谱分析等方式,探究海上热采油田的H_(2)S的成因机理。实验结果表明,L稠油油田H_(2)S生成的物源主要为原油和地层水,岩屑能够起到催化作用;温度和时间是影响H_(2)S的主控因素,温度越高、时间越长,生成的H_(2)S量越高;L油田H_(2)S生成的主要原因是发生了地层水热裂解、硫酸盐还原反应。该研究成果能够为其他热采油田的H_(2)S成因研究提供探索思路,为油田H_(2)S治理指明方向。 展开更多
关键词 热采油田 H_(2)s 黄金管热模拟实验 物源 温度 机理
基于ASP.NET的高校党建工作绩效评价管理系统设计 被引量:2
作者 张常泉 《计算机时代》 2023年第1期137-140,共4页
通过对高校党建工作调研,开发了一个采用MVC开发模式、B/S架构,以SQL作为数据存储技术,基于Asp.net技术的高校党建工作绩效评价管理系统,实现了自我评价、他人评价、评价分析、系统设计等常用功能。通过测试表明,系统设计合理,运行稳定... 通过对高校党建工作调研,开发了一个采用MVC开发模式、B/S架构,以SQL作为数据存储技术,基于Asp.net技术的高校党建工作绩效评价管理系统,实现了自我评价、他人评价、评价分析、系统设计等常用功能。通过测试表明,系统设计合理,运行稳定,指标设置灵活,保证了党员工作绩效评价的科学、公正,提高了考评管理的效率。 展开更多
关键词 高校党建 工作绩效 评价管理 MVC B/s Asp.net
作者 王楠 《石油化工安全环保技术》 CAS 2023年第3期59-63,68,I0004,共7页
为减小因丁辛醇罐区储罐排放尾气引起的环境污染和其它安全隐患,通过对不同治理技术进行研究,择优应用冷却回收技术对含100%丁醛组分的醛储罐排放尾气进行回收。采用新型储罐密封技术对80%以上为丁醛的轻组分储罐、含60%左右丁醇的重组... 为减小因丁辛醇罐区储罐排放尾气引起的环境污染和其它安全隐患,通过对不同治理技术进行研究,择优应用冷却回收技术对含100%丁醛组分的醛储罐排放尾气进行回收。采用新型储罐密封技术对80%以上为丁醛的轻组分储罐、含60%左右丁醇的重组分储罐及含20%左右丁醇的杂醇储罐进行处理,以满足降低挥发性有机物量的目标,实现罐区尾气异味治理,有效减少现场异味,保护环境。 展开更多
关键词 冷却回收 储罐密封 挥发性有机物 异味治理
Pre-hepatectomy type Ⅳ collagen 7S predicts post-hepatectomy liver failure and recovery 被引量:4
作者 Masatsugu Ishii Osamu Itano +8 位作者 Masahiro Shinoda Minoru Kitago Yuta Abe Taizo Hibi Hiroshi Yagi Ayano Takeuchi Hanako Tsujikawa Tokiya Abe Yuko Kitagawa 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2020年第7期725-739,共15页
BACKGROUND Liver resection is an effective treatment for benign and malignant liver tumors.However,a method for preoperative evaluation of hepatic reserve has not yet been established.Previously reported assessments o... BACKGROUND Liver resection is an effective treatment for benign and malignant liver tumors.However,a method for preoperative evaluation of hepatic reserve has not yet been established.Previously reported assessments of preoperative hepatic reserve focused only on liver failure in the early postoperative period and did not consider the long-term recovery of hepatic reserve.When determining eligibility for hepatectomy,the underlying pathophysiology needs to be considered to determine if the functional hepatic reserve can withstand both surgery and any postoperative therapy.AIM To identify pre-hepatectomy factors associated with both early postoperative liver failure and long-term postoperative liver function recovery.METHODS This study was a retrospective cohort study.We retrospectively investigated 215 patients who underwent hepatectomy at our hospital between May 2013 and December 2016.Early post-hepatectomy liver failure(PHLF)was defined using the International Study Group of Liver Surgery’s definition of PHLF.Long-term postoperative recovery of liver function was defined as the time taken for serum total bilirubin and albumin levels to return to levels of<2 mg/dL and>2.8 g/dL,respectively,and the time taken for Child-Pugh score to return to Child-Pugh class A.RESULTS Preoperative type IV collagen 7S was identified as a significant independent factor associated with both PHLF and postoperative long-term recovery of liver function.Further analysis revealed that the time taken for the recovery of Child-Pugh scores and serum total bilirubin and albumin levels was significantly shorter in patients with type IV collagen 7S≤6 ng/mL than in those with type IV collagen 7S>6 ng/mL.In additional analyses,similar results were observed in patients without chronic viral hepatitis associated with fibrosis.CONCLUSION Preoperative type IV collagen 7S is a preoperative predictor of PHLF and longterm postoperative liver function recovery.It can also be used in patients without chronic hepatitis virus. 展开更多
关键词 HEPATECTOMY Liver failure Type IV collagen 7s Liver fibrosis Postoperative complications Long-term postoperative liver function recovery
Change in connection between corticospinal tract and Broca's area during motor recovery in a patient with an intracerebral hemorrhage 被引量:1
作者 Hyeok Gyu Kwon Sung Ho Jang 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第17期1313-1315,共3页
The present study reported a 42-year-old male patient who underwent conservative management for a spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in the left corona radiata and the basal ganglia. The patient presented with compl... The present study reported a 42-year-old male patient who underwent conservative management for a spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in the left corona radiata and the basal ganglia. The patient presented with complete weakness of the right upper and lower extremities at the onset of intracerebral hemorrhage; however, he showed progressive motor recovery to the level that he was able to extent the affected extremities against some resistance at 5 weeks after onset. The corticospinal tract of the affected (left) hemisphere connected to the left Broca's area at 3 weeks after onset as shown by diffusion tensor tractography. By contrast, this connection had disappeared at 5 weeks after onset as shown by diffusion tensor tractogaphy. Transcranial magnetic stimulation study showed that no motor evoked potential was elicited from the affected (left) hemisphere at 3 weeks after onset, but motor evoked potentials were elicited at 5 weeks after onset. These findings suggest that the connection between the injured corticospinal tract and Broca's area in this patient appears to be a compensation for severe motor weakness; consequently, the connection seems to disappear with motor recovery. 展开更多
关键词 corticospinal tract Broca's area motor recovery sTROKE intracerebral hemorrhage neural regeneration
利用背景噪声研究2021年云南漾濞M_(S)6.4地震同震及震后波速变化 被引量:1
作者 安艳茹 王伟涛 +4 位作者 杨微 蒋海昆 杨军 李孝宾 潘睿 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期3185-3201,共17页
通过测量地震波速度变化可分析地下介质应力状态的变化,加深对地震物理过程的认识.本文利用2021年5月21日漾濞MS6.4地震震中50 km范围内16个地震台站2021年的三分量连续记录,通过背景噪声干涉方法研究了漾濞MS6.4地震同震波速变化及震... 通过测量地震波速度变化可分析地下介质应力状态的变化,加深对地震物理过程的认识.本文利用2021年5月21日漾濞MS6.4地震震中50 km范围内16个地震台站2021年的三分量连续记录,通过背景噪声干涉方法研究了漾濞MS6.4地震同震波速变化及震后恢复过程.结果表明,在1~4 Hz的频带范围内,台站对间的相对波速在主震后明显降低,dv/v_(pair)的幅度为-0.29%~-0.02%,随台站间距增大而降低.由线性回归获得的各台站的相对波速变化dv/v_(station)的幅度为-0.16%~-0.02%,总体随震中距增大而减小.分析表明,测量得到的同震波速变化主要来自于浅层(≤2km)介质,受静态应变和动态应变的共同影响,主要由强地面运动引起的岩石破碎和应力大规模调整控制.远离主震的北部台站波速变化较大,对应力扰动敏感性高,推测与台站下方的热流体分布相关.波速变化测量结果指示漾濞地震周边地震波速度在震后几天内达到最低值,而在8月份前后逐渐恢复到震前的水平,表征了介质的愈合过程.研究表明利用背景噪声干涉可对同震及震后恢复过程的波速变化进行有效测量,漾濞地震的同震波速变化受断裂带破碎程度、动态应变和流体作用等多种因素的共同控制. 展开更多
关键词 漾濞6.4级地震 背景噪声 同震波速变化 震后恢复
A novel type curve for estimating oil recovery factor of gas flooding 被引量:1
作者 TANG Yong ZHANG Haochuan +6 位作者 HE Youwei GUO Xiaodong FAN Kun WU Zangyuan ZHOU Daiyu TAO Zhengwu LI Jinlong 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 CSCD 2022年第3期605-613,共9页
A novel type curve is presented for oil recovery factor prediction suitable for gas flooding by innovatively introducing the equivalent water-gas cut to replace the water cut,comprehensively considering the impact of ... A novel type curve is presented for oil recovery factor prediction suitable for gas flooding by innovatively introducing the equivalent water-gas cut to replace the water cut,comprehensively considering the impact of three-phase flow(oil,gas,water),and deriving the theoretical equations of gas flooding type curve based on Tong’s type curve.The equivalent water-gas cut is the ratio of the cumulative underground volume of gas and water production to the total underground volume of produced fluids.Field production data and the numerical simulation results are used to demonstrate the feasibility of the new type curve and verify the accuracy of the prediction results with field cases.The new type curve is suitable for oil recovery factor prediction of both water flooding and gas flooding.When a reservoir has no gas injected or produced,the gas phase can be ignored and only the oil and water phases need to be considered,in this case,this gas flooding type curve returns to the Tong’s type curve,which can evaluate the oil recovery factor of water flooding.For reservoirs with equivalent water-gas cuts of 60%-80%,the regression method of the new type curve works well in predicting the oil recovery factor.For reservoirs with equivalent water-gas cuts higher than 80%,both the regression and assignment methods of the new type curve can accurately predict the oil recovery factor of gas flooding. 展开更多
关键词 gas flooding reservoir equivalent water-gas cut type curve of gas flooding oil recovery factor prediction chart Tong’s type curve
作者 N.K. Dicheva (University of Architecture, Bulgaria) 《Analysis in Theory and Applications》 2001年第3期43-53,共11页
The best recovery of a linear functional Lf, f=f(x,y), on the basis of given linear functionals L jf,j=1,2,...,N in a sense of Sard has been investigated, using analogy of Peano's theorem. The best recovery of a ... The best recovery of a linear functional Lf, f=f(x,y), on the basis of given linear functionals L jf,j=1,2,...,N in a sense of Sard has been investigated, using analogy of Peano's theorem. The best recovery of a bivariate function by given scattered data has been obtained in a simple analytical form as a special case. 展开更多
Feasible Multiple Satellite Mission Scenarios Flying in a Constellation for Refinement of the Gravity Field Recovery
作者 Basem Elsaka 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2014年第3期267-273,共7页
Improving the gravity field recovery in terms of error levels and more isotropic noise distribution by adding cross-track and radial information to the satellite observables has been investigated through a number of s... Improving the gravity field recovery in terms of error levels and more isotropic noise distribution by adding cross-track and radial information to the satellite observables has been investigated through a number of studies by a variety of satellite constellations, i.e. satellite pairs that orbit the Earth in alternative configurations than the current GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) gravity mission. This contribution gives for the first time a comparative study considering the recovery of the global gravity field from three constellations flying in satellite pairs in different directions (i.e. along-track, cross-track and radial). The three constellations include: 1) Foursatellite Bender configuration (flying in two pairs) of type along-track observations, 2) Three-satellite GRAPEN (combined GRACE with Pendulum formations) configuration of type cross-alongtrack observations, 3) Four-satellite Cartwheel configuration (flying in two pairs) of type radialalong-track observations. Additionally, a GRACE mission scenario is added as a reference “comparative” mission. The orbits of all satellites are considered to fly with drag-free system, however, realistic white noise has been added to the simulated observations to mimic the error associated with the drag-free measurement. The results are analyzed in the spectral wavelength spectrum of the gravity field up to a spherical harmonics degree of n = 100 and are plotted spatially on earth maps. The results show that the Three-satellite GRAPEN constellation provides, besides its low economically launches, an improved gravity field solution with respect to the Four-satellite Bender and the Four-satellite Cartwheel constellations. 展开更多
关键词 sATELLITE GEODEsY Multi-satellite CONsTELLATIONs (Bender Cartwheel-4s GRAPEN) Gravity Field recovery
State - owned Enterprises' Reform Calls for Strengthening and Improving Party' s Leadership
《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期324-328,共5页
关键词 国有企业改革 国有独资企业 干部管理 基层党组织 监督机制 责任制度 党的建设 领导干部
作者 彭文强 罗振兵 +2 位作者 周昕润 朱寅鑫 周岩 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期215-224,共10页
针对飞翼布局无人飞行器中S弯进气道明显流动分离和出口总压畸变等问题,提出了基于合成双射流的主动流动控制方法,建立了合成双射流的S弯进气道数值仿真模型。结果表明,在S弯进气道分离点附近施加合成双射流控制,在整个射流周期内通过... 针对飞翼布局无人飞行器中S弯进气道明显流动分离和出口总压畸变等问题,提出了基于合成双射流的主动流动控制方法,建立了合成双射流的S弯进气道数值仿真模型。结果表明,在S弯进气道分离点附近施加合成双射流控制,在整个射流周期内通过“吹”“吸”接力可以有效抑制边界层流动分离,有效提升总压恢复系数。对比研究了合成双射流不同射流角度、射流峰值速度和激励频率对S弯进气道流场控制特性的影响规律。结果表明合成双射流与主流的角度越小,流动分离控制效果越好,较大射流峰值速度会对主流形成“阻挡”致使控制效果下降,激励频率与流场特征频率越接近控制效果越明显。 展开更多
关键词 s弯进气道 合成双射流 主动流动控制 流动分离 总压恢复系数
作者 MA XIAOWEN 《Contemporary World》 2017年第4期30-32,共3页
The third thematic seminar of the Stories of the Communist Party of China(CPC)series focusing on party-building,with'Building a Well-disciplined Party in All Aspects:The Practice of Shanxi'as its theme,was hel... The third thematic seminar of the Stories of the Communist Party of China(CPC)series focusing on party-building,with'Building a Well-disciplined Party in All Aspects:The Practice of Shanxi'as its theme,was held in Beijing on June 30.Song Tao,Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee(IDCPC),Luo Huining,Secretary of the CPC Shanxi 展开更多
Old District Heads for Modernity──An Interview with Zhang Huachun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tianjin's Hebei District
作者 Wu Xinyi Jin Haiyan 《China Today》 2000年第12期26-27,共2页
关键词 Old District Heads for Modernity secretary of the party Committee of Tianjin’s Hebei District Zhang An Interview with Zhang Huachun
China’s Communist Party Takes on Corruption
《ChinAfrica》 2012年第12期11-11,共1页
The fight against corruption has been one of the top priorities of the Com- munist Party of China (CPC). Adel Sabry vice chief editor of the Egyptian news- paper AI-Wafd, discussed his perspec- tive on the CPC's fi... The fight against corruption has been one of the top priorities of the Com- munist Party of China (CPC). Adel Sabry vice chief editor of the Egyptian news- paper AI-Wafd, discussed his perspec- tive on the CPC's fight against corrup- tion. His views are as follows: 展开更多
关键词 China’s Communist party Takes on Corruption CPC
The Communist Party of China Has Always Been the Firm Core of Leadership for China's Human Rights Development and Progress
作者 谷春德 HU Liang(译) 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2021年第2期205-227,共23页
Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,the human rights cause in China has developed and progressed through the period of democratic revolution,the early founding of the People’s Republic of China,the n... Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,the human rights cause in China has developed and progressed through the period of democratic revolution,the early founding of the People’s Republic of China,the new period of reform and openingup,and the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.all previous national Congresses of the Communist Party of China have made illustrations and arrangements on human rights issues,and the successive Party leaders have made important expositions on human rights issues.The Party and the state have enacted a series of policies,laws,and regulations to protect human rights in various periods.China has made historic and great achievements in human rights practice and created a human rights development path suited to China’s national conditions.China’s human rights development over the past century has fully proved that the CPC has always been,and it remains,the firm core of leadership for China’s human rights development and progress. 展开更多
关键词 Communist party of China China’s human rights cause firm core of leadership experience and enlightenment
A Mayors' Delegation of Portuguese Socialist Party's Visit to China
作者 He Huizhong 《International Understanding》 1996年第3期7-8,共2页
At the invitation of the Chinese Associa-tion for Intermational Understanding,a may-ors'delegation of the Portuguese Socialists Party,composed of eight members and headed by Mr.Ferraz de Abredu,former President of... At the invitation of the Chinese Associa-tion for Intermational Understanding,a may-ors'delegation of the Portuguese Socialists Party,composed of eight members and headed by Mr.Ferraz de Abredu,former President of the Portuguese Socialist Party&.Former Dep-uty-Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Portugal,visited China during the 2nd to the l0th June 1996.The delegation was met re-spectively by Mr.Wei Jianxing,Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Commit-tee&.member of the CPC Secretariat,and Mr.Wan Guoquan,Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and Vice President of the CAFIU. 展开更多
关键词 A Mayors Delegation of Portuguese socialist partys Visit to China
New Year's Party
作者 小虫 《小雪花(初中高分作文)》 2005年第1期48-49,43,共3页
关键词 New Year’s party
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