Maria Valtorta (1897-1961, Italian mystic)—bedridden since 1934 because paralyzed—wrote in Italian 13,193 pages of 122 school notebooks concerning alleged mystical visions on Jesus’ life, during World War II and fe...Maria Valtorta (1897-1961, Italian mystic)—bedridden since 1934 because paralyzed—wrote in Italian 13,193 pages of 122 school notebooks concerning alleged mystical visions on Jesus’ life, during World War II and few following years. The contents—about 2.64 million words—are now scattered in different books. She could write from 2 to 6 hours without pausing, with steady speed, and twice in the same day. She never made corrections and was very proficient in Italian. We have studied her writing activity concerning her alleged mystical experience with the main scope of establishing the time sequence of daily writing. This is possible because she diligently annotated the date of almost every text. We have reconstructed the time series of daily words and have converted them into time series of writing time, by assuming a realistic speed of 20 words per minute, a reliable average value of fast handwriting speed, applicable to Maria Valtorta. She wrote for 1340 days, about 3.67 years of equivalent contiguous writing time, mostly concentrated in the years 1943 to 1948. This study is a first approach in evaluating the effort done, in terms of writing time, by a mystic turned out to be a very effective literary author, whose texts are interesting to read per se, beyond any judgement—not of concern here—on her alleged visions.展开更多
This paper has proposed a new methodology extracting stability classes of field association words depending on automatically power link analysis to enhance the precision of decision tree. In this paper, we have studie...This paper has proposed a new methodology extracting stability classes of field association words depending on automatically power link analysis to enhance the precision of decision tree. In this paper, we have studied the effects of the time variation based on the frequencies of specific words called field association words that connected to documents using power link in a specific period. The stability classes have referred to the popularity of field association words based on the change of time in a given period. The new approach has evaluated by conducting experiments simulating results of 1575 files (about 5.16 MB). Based on these experiments, it has turned out that, the F-measure for ascending, stable and descending classes have achieved 93.6%, 99.8% and 75.7%, respectively. These results mean that F-measure was increasing by 12%, 4% and 34% than traditional methods because of the power link analysis.展开更多
In Qingdao dialect,“zan gan-er”(趱赶儿),meaning“small amount of time”,always collocates with“duo(多),yi(一),bu(不),mei(没)”etc.,to form many types of quantifiers which hold the similar meaning“brief period”dif...In Qingdao dialect,“zan gan-er”(趱赶儿),meaning“small amount of time”,always collocates with“duo(多),yi(一),bu(不),mei(没)”etc.,to form many types of quantifiers which hold the similar meaning“brief period”different in degree and which act as attributes,adverbial modifiers or objects.Due to the existence of a syntactic limitation of the“one core-verb”,in the serial-verb construction,the word“zan gan”(趱赶)gradually became an adverb,meaning“in a hurry”,and then under the analogy or derivation of the reasoning mechanism,the hidden meaning of its“temporary time”gradually became clear in daily life,and finally the word“zan gan-er”(趱赶儿)was evolved into a time word which meaning was“small amount of time”.展开更多
Digital broadcasting system has become a high-light of research on computer application. To respond to the changes of the playbill in the broadcasting system in real time, the response time of the system must be studi...Digital broadcasting system has become a high-light of research on computer application. To respond to the changes of the playbill in the broadcasting system in real time, the response time of the system must be studied. There is scarcely the research on this area currently. The influence factors in the response time are analyzed; the model on the response time of the system service is built; how the influence factors affect the response time of the system service is validated; and four improvement measures are proposed to minimize the response time of system service.展开更多
很多朋友发现,新建一个Word文档时,默认的中文和英文字体并不是我们喜欢的,每次我们都需要手动修改字体。有没有什么办法,能修改Word的默认字体呢?当然有。以Word 2016为例,同时按下键盘上的Ctrl+D键,在弹出的页面中,分别选定“华文仿...很多朋友发现,新建一个Word文档时,默认的中文和英文字体并不是我们喜欢的,每次我们都需要手动修改字体。有没有什么办法,能修改Word的默认字体呢?当然有。以Word 2016为例,同时按下键盘上的Ctrl+D键,在弹出的页面中,分别选定“华文仿宋”和“Times New Roman”为自己的中文和西文字体。展开更多
很多朋友已经开始使用Office 2013,不过当你在word2013组件输入双引号的时候,如果是使用智能五笔等第三方输入法,那么经常会出现半角双引号的情况,而系统自带的微软拼音输入法却是一切正常。经过仔细检查,发现双引号前面的文字是...很多朋友已经开始使用Office 2013,不过当你在word2013组件输入双引号的时候,如果是使用智能五笔等第三方输入法,那么经常会出现半角双引号的情况,而系统自带的微软拼音输入法却是一切正常。经过仔细检查,发现双引号前面的文字是“宋体”,而双引号却自动变成“Times New Roman”字体。(见图1)展开更多
针对室外大范围场景移动机器人建图中,激光雷达里程计位姿计算不准确导致SLAM(simultaneous localization and mapping)算法精度下降的问题,提出一种基于多传感信息融合的SLAM语义词袋优化算法MSW-SLAM(multi-sensor information fusion...针对室外大范围场景移动机器人建图中,激光雷达里程计位姿计算不准确导致SLAM(simultaneous localization and mapping)算法精度下降的问题,提出一种基于多传感信息融合的SLAM语义词袋优化算法MSW-SLAM(multi-sensor information fusion SLAM based on semantic word bags)。采用视觉惯性系统引入激光雷达原始观测数据,并通过滑动窗口实现了IMU(inertia measurement unit)量测、视觉特征和激光点云特征的多源数据联合非线性优化;最后算法利用视觉与激光雷达的语义词袋互补特性进行闭环优化,进一步提升了多传感器融合SLAM系统的全局定位和建图精度。实验结果显示,相比于传统的紧耦合双目视觉惯性里程计和激光雷达里程计定位,MSW-SLAM算法能够有效探测轨迹中的闭环信息,并实现高精度的全局位姿图优化,闭环检测后的点云地图具有良好的分辨率和全局一致性。展开更多
1刊登内容主要刊登人体解剖学、比较解剖学、临床应用解剖学、断层影像解剖学、神经解剖学、组织学、胚胎学、细胞生物学、再生医学、人类学等形态学方面的学术论著。主要栏目有专家论坛、专题报道、论著、研究快报、综述、技术方法、...1刊登内容主要刊登人体解剖学、比较解剖学、临床应用解剖学、断层影像解剖学、神经解剖学、组织学、胚胎学、细胞生物学、再生医学、人类学等形态学方面的学术论著。主要栏目有专家论坛、专题报道、论著、研究快报、综述、技术方法、教学研究、问题讨论、变异畸形、简讯等。2投寄要点2.1投稿请登陆《解剖学杂志》网站“作者投稿”,作者注册后按照网页上的提示进行网上投稿。请用Microsoft Word的A4页面设置,中文用宋体,英文用Times New Roman字体,行距1.5倍,小四号字。编排顺序是:题名页,中、英文摘要,正文,参考文献,插图和图版说明,表格。展开更多
线条图应清晰且有区分度,可用Word或Visio打开编辑。字体字号要求:中文字体为宋体,英文字体为Times New Roman,字号为8磅。坐标曲线图的坐标轴、标值线的画法应规范。如果坐标轴未给出标值线和标值,坐标原点应用字母“O”标注,在坐标轴...线条图应清晰且有区分度,可用Word或Visio打开编辑。字体字号要求:中文字体为宋体,英文字体为Times New Roman,字号为8磅。坐标曲线图的坐标轴、标值线的画法应规范。如果坐标轴未给出标值线和标值,坐标原点应用字母“O”标注,在坐标轴的末端应按照增量方向画出箭头,标目应排在坐标轴末端的外侧。如果坐标轴上已给出标值线和标值,坐标原点应用阿拉伯数字“0”或实际数值标注,不宜画出表示增量方向的箭头,标目应居中排在坐标轴的外侧,标注形式为“量的符号或名称/单位符号”。展开更多
线条图应清晰且有区分度,可用Word或Visio打开编辑。字体字号要求:中文字体为宋体,英文字体为Times New Roman,字号为8磅。坐标曲线图的坐标轴,标值线的画法应规范。如果坐标轴未给出标值线和标值,坐标原点应用字母“О”标注,在坐标轴...线条图应清晰且有区分度,可用Word或Visio打开编辑。字体字号要求:中文字体为宋体,英文字体为Times New Roman,字号为8磅。坐标曲线图的坐标轴,标值线的画法应规范。如果坐标轴未给出标值线和标值,坐标原点应用字母“О”标注,在坐标轴的末端应按照增量方向画出箭头,标目应排在坐标轴末端的外侧。展开更多
文摘Maria Valtorta (1897-1961, Italian mystic)—bedridden since 1934 because paralyzed—wrote in Italian 13,193 pages of 122 school notebooks concerning alleged mystical visions on Jesus’ life, during World War II and few following years. The contents—about 2.64 million words—are now scattered in different books. She could write from 2 to 6 hours without pausing, with steady speed, and twice in the same day. She never made corrections and was very proficient in Italian. We have studied her writing activity concerning her alleged mystical experience with the main scope of establishing the time sequence of daily writing. This is possible because she diligently annotated the date of almost every text. We have reconstructed the time series of daily words and have converted them into time series of writing time, by assuming a realistic speed of 20 words per minute, a reliable average value of fast handwriting speed, applicable to Maria Valtorta. She wrote for 1340 days, about 3.67 years of equivalent contiguous writing time, mostly concentrated in the years 1943 to 1948. This study is a first approach in evaluating the effort done, in terms of writing time, by a mystic turned out to be a very effective literary author, whose texts are interesting to read per se, beyond any judgement—not of concern here—on her alleged visions.
文摘This paper has proposed a new methodology extracting stability classes of field association words depending on automatically power link analysis to enhance the precision of decision tree. In this paper, we have studied the effects of the time variation based on the frequencies of specific words called field association words that connected to documents using power link in a specific period. The stability classes have referred to the popularity of field association words based on the change of time in a given period. The new approach has evaluated by conducting experiments simulating results of 1575 files (about 5.16 MB). Based on these experiments, it has turned out that, the F-measure for ascending, stable and descending classes have achieved 93.6%, 99.8% and 75.7%, respectively. These results mean that F-measure was increasing by 12%, 4% and 34% than traditional methods because of the power link analysis.
文摘In Qingdao dialect,“zan gan-er”(趱赶儿),meaning“small amount of time”,always collocates with“duo(多),yi(一),bu(不),mei(没)”etc.,to form many types of quantifiers which hold the similar meaning“brief period”different in degree and which act as attributes,adverbial modifiers or objects.Due to the existence of a syntactic limitation of the“one core-verb”,in the serial-verb construction,the word“zan gan”(趱赶)gradually became an adverb,meaning“in a hurry”,and then under the analogy or derivation of the reasoning mechanism,the hidden meaning of its“temporary time”gradually became clear in daily life,and finally the word“zan gan-er”(趱赶儿)was evolved into a time word which meaning was“small amount of time”.
文摘Digital broadcasting system has become a high-light of research on computer application. To respond to the changes of the playbill in the broadcasting system in real time, the response time of the system must be studied. There is scarcely the research on this area currently. The influence factors in the response time are analyzed; the model on the response time of the system service is built; how the influence factors affect the response time of the system service is validated; and four improvement measures are proposed to minimize the response time of system service.
文摘很多朋友发现,新建一个Word文档时,默认的中文和英文字体并不是我们喜欢的,每次我们都需要手动修改字体。有没有什么办法,能修改Word的默认字体呢?当然有。以Word 2016为例,同时按下键盘上的Ctrl+D键,在弹出的页面中,分别选定“华文仿宋”和“Times New Roman”为自己的中文和西文字体。
文摘很多朋友已经开始使用Office 2013,不过当你在word2013组件输入双引号的时候,如果是使用智能五笔等第三方输入法,那么经常会出现半角双引号的情况,而系统自带的微软拼音输入法却是一切正常。经过仔细检查,发现双引号前面的文字是“宋体”,而双引号却自动变成“Times New Roman”字体。(见图1)
文摘针对室外大范围场景移动机器人建图中,激光雷达里程计位姿计算不准确导致SLAM(simultaneous localization and mapping)算法精度下降的问题,提出一种基于多传感信息融合的SLAM语义词袋优化算法MSW-SLAM(multi-sensor information fusion SLAM based on semantic word bags)。采用视觉惯性系统引入激光雷达原始观测数据,并通过滑动窗口实现了IMU(inertia measurement unit)量测、视觉特征和激光点云特征的多源数据联合非线性优化;最后算法利用视觉与激光雷达的语义词袋互补特性进行闭环优化,进一步提升了多传感器融合SLAM系统的全局定位和建图精度。实验结果显示,相比于传统的紧耦合双目视觉惯性里程计和激光雷达里程计定位,MSW-SLAM算法能够有效探测轨迹中的闭环信息,并实现高精度的全局位姿图优化,闭环检测后的点云地图具有良好的分辨率和全局一致性。
文摘1刊登内容主要刊登人体解剖学、比较解剖学、临床应用解剖学、断层影像解剖学、神经解剖学、组织学、胚胎学、细胞生物学、再生医学、人类学等形态学方面的学术论著。主要栏目有专家论坛、专题报道、论著、研究快报、综述、技术方法、教学研究、问题讨论、变异畸形、简讯等。2投寄要点2.1投稿请登陆《解剖学杂志》网站“作者投稿”,作者注册后按照网页上的提示进行网上投稿。请用Microsoft Word的A4页面设置,中文用宋体,英文用Times New Roman字体,行距1.5倍,小四号字。编排顺序是:题名页,中、英文摘要,正文,参考文献,插图和图版说明,表格。
文摘线条图应清晰且有区分度,可用Word或Visio打开编辑。字体字号要求:中文字体为宋体,英文字体为Times New Roman,字号为8磅。坐标曲线图的坐标轴、标值线的画法应规范。如果坐标轴未给出标值线和标值,坐标原点应用字母“O”标注,在坐标轴的末端应按照增量方向画出箭头,标目应排在坐标轴末端的外侧。如果坐标轴上已给出标值线和标值,坐标原点应用阿拉伯数字“0”或实际数值标注,不宜画出表示增量方向的箭头,标目应居中排在坐标轴的外侧,标注形式为“量的符号或名称/单位符号”。
文摘线条图应清晰且有区分度,可用Word或Visio打开编辑。字体字号要求:中文字体为宋体,英文字体为Times New Roman,字号为8磅。坐标曲线图的坐标轴,标值线的画法应规范。如果坐标轴未给出标值线和标值,坐标原点应用字母“О”标注,在坐标轴的末端应按照增量方向画出箭头,标目应排在坐标轴末端的外侧。