Alternate partial root-zone drip fertigation (ADF) is a combination of alternating irrigation and drip fertigation,with the potential to save water and increase nitrogen (N) fertilizer efficiency.A 2-year greenhouse e...Alternate partial root-zone drip fertigation (ADF) is a combination of alternating irrigation and drip fertigation,with the potential to save water and increase nitrogen (N) fertilizer efficiency.A 2-year greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different fertigation frequencies on the distribution of soil moisture and nutrients and tomato yield under ADF.The treatments included three ADF frequencies with intervals of 3 days (F3),6 days (F6) and 12 days (F12),and conventional drip fertigation as a control (CK),which was fertilized once every 6 days.For the ADF treatments,two drip tapes were placed 10 cm away on each side of the tomato row,and alternate drip irrigation was realized using a manual valve on the distribution tapes.For the CK treatment,a drip tape was located close to the roots of the tomato plants.The total N application rate of all treatments was 180 kg ha^(-1).The total irrigation amounts applied to the CK treatment were450.6 and 446.1 mm in 2019 and 2020,respectively;and the irrigation amounts applied to the ADF treatments were 60%of those of the CK treatment.The F3 treatment resulted in water and N being distributed mainly in the 0–40-cm soil layer with less water and N being distributed in the 40–60-cm soil layer.The F6 treatment led to 21.0 and 29.0%higher 2-year average concentration of mineral N in the 0–20 and 20–40-cm soil layer,respectively and a 23.0%lower N concentration in the 40–60-cm soil layer than in the CK treatment.The 2-year average tomato yields of the F3,F6,F12,and CK treatments were 107.5,102.6,87.2,and 98.7 t ha^(-1),respectively.The tomato yield of F3 was significantly higher (23.3%) than that in the F12 treatment,whereas there was no significant difference between the F3 and F6 treatment.The F6 treatment resulted in yield similar to the CK treatment,indicating that ADF could maintain tomato yield with a 40%saving in water use.Based on the distribution of water and N,and tomato yield,a fertigation frequency of 6 days under ADF should be considered as a water-saving strategy for greenhouse tomato production.展开更多
Chlorination has been recognized as an efficient and economically favorable method for treating clogging in drip emitters caused by biological growth during sewage application. Further important criteria for determini...Chlorination has been recognized as an efficient and economically favorable method for treating clogging in drip emitters caused by biological growth during sewage application. Further important criteria for determining an optimal chlorination scheme are the different responses of crops to the chloride added into the soil through chlorination. During two seasons in 2008 and 2009, field experiments were conducted in a solar-heated greenhouse with drip irrigation systems applying secondary sewage effluent to tomato plants to investigate the influences of chlorine injection intervals and levels on plant growth, yield, fruit quality, and emitter clogging. Injection intervals ranging from 2 to 8 wk and injection concentrations ranging 2-50 mg L-1 of free chlorine residual at the end of the laterals were used. For the 2008 experiments, the yield from the treatments of sewage application with chlorination was 7.5% lower than the yield from the treatment of sewage application without chlorination, while the yields for the treatments with and without chlorination were similar for the 2009 experiments. The statistical tests indicated that neither the chlorine injection intervals and concentrations nor the interactions between the two significantly influenced plant height, leaf area, or tomato yield for both years. The qualities of the fruit in response to chlorination were parameter-dependent. Chlorination did not significantly influence the quality of ascorbic acid, soluble sugar, or soluble acids, but the interaction between the chlorine injection interval and the chlorine concentration significantly influenced the levels of soluble solids. It was also confirmed that chlorination was an effective method for reducing biological clogging. These results suggested that chlorination is safe for a crop that has a moderate sensitivity to chlorine, like tomato, and can maintain a high level of performance in drip irrigation systems applying sewage effluent.展开更多
[Objective] The research aimed to study the yield prediction model of processing tomato based on the grey system theory.[Method] The variation trend of processing tomato yield was studied by using the grey system theo...[Objective] The research aimed to study the yield prediction model of processing tomato based on the grey system theory.[Method] The variation trend of processing tomato yield was studied by using the grey system theory,and GM(1,1)grey model of processing tomato yield prediction was established.The processing tomato yield in Xinjiang during 2001-2009 was as the example to carry out the instance analysis.[Result] The model had the high forecast accuracy and strong generalization ability,and was reliable for the prediction of recent processing tomato yield.[Conclusion] The research provided the reference for the macro-control of tomato industry,the processing and storage of tomato in Xinjiang.展开更多
A study was conducted with 36 tomato germplasm [PGRC (19), The Netherlands (7), Japan (2), and Bangladesh (9)] with 3 check varieties in the research field of the Olericulture Division of Horticulture Research Centre ...A study was conducted with 36 tomato germplasm [PGRC (19), The Netherlands (7), Japan (2), and Bangladesh (9)] with 3 check varieties in the research field of the Olericulture Division of Horticulture Research Centre (HRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur during the winter season of 2022-23 to identify promising tomato breeding germplasm. All the germplasm showed differences in most of the parameters studied. Considerable variation was observed for fruit yield per hectare varied from 39 to 144 tons, while the highest fruit yield per hectare was harvested from the germplasm viz., BD 7759B, BD 7757, BD 7751, BD 7301, QM, BD 7759A, BD 7762, QF, BD 7753, BD 8886, BD 10351, NL-1A, SLA-19. The number of locules, total soluble solids (TSS) and plant height at last harvest varied from 2 to 6.6, 2.6 to 5.9%, and 66 to 154cm, respectively. The TYLCV infection (%) and leaf-sucking pest infestation (%) were observed with a 1 to 20% range in the field condition in both cases. So, we can select that germplasm has zero per cent infestation. Considering the plant growth habit, earliness, different yield contributing horticultural traits, virus and pest infestation thirteen germplasm viz., BD 7759B, BD 7757, BD 7751, BD 7301, QM, BD 7759A, BD 7762, QF, BD 7753, BD 8886, BD 10351, NL-1A, SLA-19 were selected as breeding materials for further tomato improvement program.展开更多
Sustainable irrigation method is now essential for adaptation and adoption in the areas where water resources are limited. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted to test the performance of alternate wetting and d...Sustainable irrigation method is now essential for adaptation and adoption in the areas where water resources are limited. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted to test the performance of alternate wetting and drying furrow irrigation(AWDFI) on crop growth, yield, water use efficiency(WUE), fruit quality and profitability analysis of tomato. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with six treatments replicated thrice during the dry seasons of 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. Irrigation water was applied through three ways of furrow: AWDFI, fixed wetting and drying furrow irrigation(FWDFI) and traditional(every) furrow irrigation(TFI). Each irrigation method was divided into two levels: irrigation up to 100 and 80% field capacity(FC). Results showed that plant biomass(dry matter) and marketable fruit yield of tomato did not differ significantly between the treatments of AWDFI and TFI, but significant difference was observed in AWDFI and in TFI compared to FWDFI at same irrigation level. AWDFI saved irrigation water by 35 to 38% for the irrigation levels up to 80 and 100% FC, compared to the TFI, respectively. AWDFI improved WUE by around 37 to 40% compared to TFI when irrigated with 100 and 80% FC, respectively. Fruit quality(total soluble solids and pulp) was found greater in AWDFI than in TFI. Net return from AWDFI technique was found nearly similar compared to TFI and more than FWDFI. The benefit cost ratio was viewed higher in AWDFI than in TFI and FWDFI by 2.8, 8.7 and 11, 10.4% when irrigation water was applied up to 100 and 80% FC, respectively. Unit production cost was obtained lower in AWDFI compared to TFI and FWDFI. However, AWDFI is a useful water-saving furrow irrigation technique which may resolve as an alternative choice compared with TFI in the areas where available water and supply methods are limited to irrigation.展开更多
Worldwide, the demand for agro-organic foods that are healthy, nutritious, and environmentally friendly is increasing dramatically across all nations among consumers. Tomatoes being one of the dietary requirements in ...Worldwide, the demand for agro-organic foods that are healthy, nutritious, and environmentally friendly is increasing dramatically across all nations among consumers. Tomatoes being one of the dietary requirements in almost every meal is not exceptional and its availability in the market all year round is very important to farmers as well as consumers because it is highly demanded as a vegetable par excellence;which is either eaten raw in salads, cooked or processed into liquid ingredients. This study investigates the impact of chicken, goat, and cow manure treatments on tomato plant growth response to height, leaf length, and width, as well as fruit yield. The experimental field trials were conducted over two planting seasons in Mundri West County. It followed a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) approach, consisting of four blocks. Each block contained three treatments replicated four times and a control group. The data of measured parameters from all 16 plots were subjected to one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the Gen Stat 14th Edition software. The findings indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) among all the different organic manure applications on tomato plant growth parameters compared to the control group. Chicken manure resulted in the tallest tomato plants (30.1 and 37.9 cm), longest leaves (9.9 and 10.4 cm), and widest leaves (2.1 and 2.5 cm) in both seasons respectively. The study showed plots treated with chicken manure had a highly significant impact (P < 0.05) on the prevalence of aphids (1.0) and white flies (1.4) with the lowest value compared to those with cow and goat manure applied. Additionally, chicken manure led to the highest yields (39.30 and 49.49 tons/ha) in both seasons. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that using chicken manure effectively improves the performance of Rio Grande Tomatoes, and thus, farmers are encouraged to utilize chicken manure to maximize their tomato yields.展开更多
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of applying different amounts of water and nitrogen on yield, fruit quality, water use efficiency (WUE), irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) and nitrog...The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of applying different amounts of water and nitrogen on yield, fruit quality, water use efficiency (WUE), irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of drip-irrigated greenhouse tomatoes in northwestern China. The plants were irrigated every seven days at various proportions of 20-cm pan evaporation (Ep). The experiment consisted of three irrigation levels (11, 50% Ep; 12, 75% Ep; and 13, 100% Ep) and three N application levels (N1, 150 kg N ha^-1; N2, 250 kg N ha^-1;and N3, 350 kg N ha^-1). Tomato yield increased with the amount of applied irrigation water in 12 and then decreased in 13. WUE and IWUE were the highest in Ii. WUE was 16.5% lower in 12 than that in I1, but yield was 26.6% higher in 12 than that in I1. Tomato yield, WUE, and IWUE were significantly higher in N2 than that in N1 and N3. NUIE decreased with increasing N levels but NUE increased with increase the amount of water applied. Increasing both water and N levels increased the foliar net photosynthetic rate. I1 and 12 treatments significantly increased the contents of total soluble solids (TSS), vitamin C (VC), lycopene, soluble sugars (SS), and organic acids (OA) and the sugar:acid ratio in the fruit and decreased the nitrate content. TSS, VC, lycopene, and SS contents were the highest in N2. The harvest index (HI) was the highest in 12N2. 12N2 provided the optimal combination of tomato yield, fruit quality, and WUE. The irrigation and fertilisation regime of 75% Ep and 250 kg N ha^-1 was the best strategy of water and N management for the production of drip-irrigated greenhouse tomato.展开更多
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is one of the important vegetables in supplying vitamins, minerals and fiber to human diets worldwide. Its successful production in the tropics is, however, constrained by environmenta...Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is one of the important vegetables in supplying vitamins, minerals and fiber to human diets worldwide. Its successful production in the tropics is, however, constrained by environmental variations especially under open field conditions. Two trials were conducted at the Horticulture Research and Teaching Field, Egerton University, Kenya to evaluate the effects of agricultural nets (agronets) herein called eco-friendly nets (EFNs) and floating row covers (FRCs) on microclimate modification, yield, and quality of tomato. A randomized complete block design with five replications was used. Tomato plants were grown under fine mesh EFN (0.4-mm pore diameter) cover, large mesh EFN (0.9-mm pore diameter) cover or FRC. The EFN and FRC were maintained either permanently closed or opened thrice a week from 9 am to 3 pm. Two open control treatments were used: unsprayed (untreated control) or sprayed with chemicals (treated control). The use of EFN or FRC modified the microclimate with higher temperatures, lower diurnal temperature ranges, and higher volumetric water content recorded compared with the controls. On the other hand, light quantity and photosynthetic active radiation were reduced by the use of EFN and FRC compared with the controls. The use of FRC and EFN resulted in more fruit and higher percent in marketable yield compared with open field production. Fruit quality at harvest was also significantly improved by the use of EFN and FRC. Fruits with higher total soluble solids (TSS), lower titratable acidity (TA), and higher sugar acid ratio were obtained in EFN and FRC treatments compared with the controls. Fruits harvested from EFN and FRC were also firmer compared with control fruits. These findings demonstrate the potential of EFN and FRC in modifying microclimate conditions and improving yields and quality of tomato under tropical field conditions.展开更多
The purpose of this article is to study the effects of different water elevations of non-pressure subirrigation on some indexes of tomato, including soil water status around crop rootzone, morphological indexes, physi...The purpose of this article is to study the effects of different water elevations of non-pressure subirrigation on some indexes of tomato, including soil water status around crop rootzone, morphological indexes, physiological indexes, photosynthetic indexes, yield, quality, and water use efficiency. With the tomato materials of Dongsheng 1, the irrigation experiment was carried out in the greenhouse, and significance analysis was done on the experiment data through the software of DPS. The results showed that different water elevations, had significant influence on the growth, yield, and quality of tomato. The yield of the 6-cm treatment was the highest, the 3-cm treatment was inferior to the 6-cm treatment, and the 0-cm treatment was the lowest. However, the WUE was 0 cm 〉 3 cm 〉 6 cm. The sugar/acid and soluble protein was the highest under the 0-cm treatment, and the content of ascorbic acid did not decrease considerably. When compared to the 0-cm treatment, the ascorbic acid content of 6-cm and 3-cm treatment increased by 19.2 and 6.8%, respectively. These irrigation methods can satisfy the requirements of tomato growth; different water elevations have different influences on the tomato soil water status around crop rootzone, the physiological characteristics, and yield. It also harmonized the percentage between sugar and acid, increased the content of soluble protein and ascorbic acid, and made tomato more delicious. The irrigation methods can improve the quality of tomato by water control, which is worth promoting in the agricultural production.展开更多
Tomato seeds (Lycopersicon esculentum L. Mill. cv. zhongshu No. 6) were treated by magnetized plasma before being sown to investigate its effect on the growth and yield of tomatoes. Biochemical analysis showed that ...Tomato seeds (Lycopersicon esculentum L. Mill. cv. zhongshu No. 6) were treated by magnetized plasma before being sown to investigate its effect on the growth and yield of tomatoes. Biochemical analysis showed that dehydrogenase activity increased with the increase of the current but decreased when the current was higher than 1.5 A. The activities of peroxidase (POD) isoenzyme changed in the same pattern. There was no difference in germination percentage between treatments and control, which were carried out in laboratory conditions. However, significant (c~ = 0.01) difference was observed in germination percentage in the pot experiment. In the pot experiment, the sprouting rate for the treatment with a 1.5 A current was 32.75%, whereas the untreated was only 4.75% on the eleventh day. Germination time is more than one day earlier than the control. The 1.5 A treatment increased the tomato yield by 20.7%.展开更多
Experiments were located at Lower Niger River Basin Development Authority, Ejiba and Horticultural Section College of Agriculture, Kabba in 2014 cropping season to investigate the effect of different spacing and urea ...Experiments were located at Lower Niger River Basin Development Authority, Ejiba and Horticultural Section College of Agriculture, Kabba in 2014 cropping season to investigate the effect of different spacing and urea application rates on fruit nutrient composition, growth and fruit yield of tomato in derived savanna vegetation of Nigeria. Field experiments were arranged in a randomized complete block design in factorial fashion with three replications. The row spacing were 75 × 40 cm (33,333 plant·ha-1, 75 × 50 cm (26,666 plant·ha-1) and 75 × 60 cm (22,222 plant·ha-1) while the urea rates comprised control (0 kg urea·ha-1), 54.3 and 108.6 kg urea·ha-1. Growth and yield parameters taken were as follows: average plant height, stem girth, leaf area (m2) and yield per land area. Data were collected from ten randomly selected plants in each plot. The data were statistically analyzed using GENSTAT. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to find out the significance of variation among the treatments while the significant difference between mean treatments was separated using least significance Difference at 5% level of probability. The result obtained from this study indicated that urea application and spacing affected significantly growth parameters of tomato and yield per land area. It could be concluded that there was a significant increase in plant height, number of leaves, number of fruits per plant and final fruit weight of tomato as a result of urea fertilizer application at the rate of 108.6 kg urea/ha. However, this was not significantly better than plots with urea application at 54.8 kg/ha in both Ejiba and Kabba. Row spacing of 75 × 50 cm showed better performance in number of fruit and fruit yield per plots. Farmers in Ejiba and Kabba should apply urea at the rate of 54.8 kg per hectare and plant the crop at a row spacing of 75 × 50 cm for optimum yield and for a more profitable production of tomato.展开更多
Producing enough tomato to meet market demand sustainably has not been feasible in the tropics like Ghana. Attempts to improve production using gre</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">enhous...Producing enough tomato to meet market demand sustainably has not been feasible in the tropics like Ghana. Attempts to improve production using gre</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">enhouse facilities have not addressed the challenge because of high-</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">temperature conditions in the greenhouse, which are difficult to manage. Heat stress, arising from high temperatures, hinder the performance of tomato in terms of fruit set and yield. Moreover, the impending climate change is expected to impose more unfavorable environmental conditions on crop production</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">. An experiment was conducted in (greenhouse at Chiba Un</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">iversity, Japan) summer period, which has similar high-temperature conditions like Ghana. This work sought to increase the yield of a hea</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">t-tolerant tomato using a state-of-the-art hydroponic system thr</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">ough high-density planting. The outcome of this work was intended for adoption and practice in Ghana. A Heat-tolerant tomato “Nkansah HT” along with Lebombo and Jaguar cultivars, were grown at high and low plant densities (4.1 and 2.7 plants m</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-2</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> respectively).</span></span><a name="_Hlk72355905"></a><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Each plant was grown in a low substrate volume culture (0.5 L plant</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-1</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">) </span><a name="_Hlk72267699"></a><span style="font-family:Verdana;">in a recirculating nutrient film technique (NFT) hydroponic system</span></span><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">. Parameters measured were plant growth and dry matter assimilation at 12 week</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">s after transplanting, and the generative components. Results sh</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">owed that a high plant density increased plant height but reduced chlorophyll content by</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> 9.6%. </span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Under temperature stress conditions, the three cultivars reco</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">rded more than 95% fruit set, but plant density did not affect the fruit set and the incidence of blossom end rot (BER).</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> The incidence of BER reduced the marketable yield of the Jaguar cultivar by 51% but, this physiological disorder was not recorded in the HT and the Lebombo cultivars. A high-density planting increased the yield per unit area increased by 38.9%. However, it is uneconomical to cultivate the Jaguar cultivar under a heat stress condition due to its high susceptibility to blossom end rot. To improve the yield of tomatoes under tropical heat stress with a threatening climate change condition, the HT is a better cultivar suited for high-density planting. This study shows that high-density cultivation of the HT cultivar in NFT hydroponic system has the potential to increase Ghana’s current tomato yield by 4.8 times.展开更多
Optimizing yield and nutrients content in crop production is the high time demand of arable farming. Vermicompost furnishes one of the most promising alternatives to costly chemical fertilizer. Therefore, a greenhouse...Optimizing yield and nutrients content in crop production is the high time demand of arable farming. Vermicompost furnishes one of the most promising alternatives to costly chemical fertilizer. Therefore, a greenhouse experiment was conducted at NARC, Islamabad, to investigate the effect of different levels of vermicompost [having C/N=15/1 and 14 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)] on growth, yield and nutrients content in hybrid tomato (National Tunnel Tomato-04-08) under greenhouse conditions during Rabi 2015. The data revealed that different rates (0.5 t·ha-1, 1 t·ha-1, 1.5 t·ha-1 and 2 t·ha-1) of vermicompost produced varied and significant (P -1) at the application of 2.0 t vermicompost ha-1 followed by 3.226 t·ha-1 where vermicompost was applied @ 1.5 t·ha-1. N, P and K content in tomato fruit and plant increased significantly with the application of increasing levels of vermicompost. The highest content of N (3.7%), P (0.67%), K (5.17%) in tomato fruit and N (3.4%), P (0.32%), K (3.2%) in tomato plant respectively were registered with soil application of vermicompost @ 2.0 t·ha-1. This study confirms that the vermicompost has a tremendous potential of plant nutrients supply for sustainable crop production.展开更多
The study was conducted with 75 tomato germplasm/lines at the farm of Olericulture Division, Horticulture Research Centre (HRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh during the winter season...The study was conducted with 75 tomato germplasm/lines at the farm of Olericulture Division, Horticulture Research Centre (HRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh during the winter season of 2020-21 to evaluate the WorldVeg tomato germplasm. The days to first harvest were varied from 106 to 116 days while twelve lines were harvested within 106 - 108 days. The number of fruits per plant varied from 11.7 to 71.3, while the range of single fruit weight was 16.4 - 186.6 g. Fruit yield per hectare was 15.7 - 150.4 t/ha where the highest fruit yield per hectare was obtained from the lines AVTO 1702 (150.40 t/ha), followed by AVTO 1409 (126.54 t/ha), AVTO 1010 (120.60 t/ha), AVTO 1712 (111.33 t/ha), AVTO 1711 (107.23 t/ha). The range of fruit length was observed 2.07 to 6.8 cm, while the fruit diameter was 1.9 to 7.4 cm. The range of pericarp thickness was 0.14 to 0.8 cm, while the range of number of locule was 2.0 to 8.2. The range of TSS level was 2.0% - 8.2%, while the shelf life of the tomato lines was recorded 5.2 to 10.3 days. Considering earliness, quantitative and qualitative characters, eleven WorldVeg Center tomato lines AVTO 1010, AVTO 1315, AVTO 1409, AVTO 1711, AVTO 1712, AVTO 1713, AVTO 1717, AVTO 1907, AVTO 1911, AVTO 1915 and AVTO 1921 were found promising. So, these eleven lines can be selected for further confirmation.展开更多
Field studies were conducted at Hazara Agriculture Research Station, Abbottabad to evaluate thirteen AVRDC lines along with one commercial check (Roma) for potential of fruit yield against septoria leaf spot during su...Field studies were conducted at Hazara Agriculture Research Station, Abbottabad to evaluate thirteen AVRDC lines along with one commercial check (Roma) for potential of fruit yield against septoria leaf spot during summer season 2014. The disease established itself by natural infection and disease severity was estimated with the help of 0 - 5 disease rating scale after 15 days interval from the onset of symptoms. The lines showed significant difference in % septoria leaf spot infection. The disease severity % increased up to 100% in line AVTO1314 whereas the lowest % severity was recorded in AVTO1173 which showed the highest yield (468.1 g) with average fruit weight 122.22 g while the significantly lowest mean yield/plant (35.05 g) was calculated in line AVTO1314 with fruit weight 47.92 g. It was concluded that the line AVTO1173 could be useful in genetic programs for incorporating resistant genes in local tomato germplasm against septoria leaf spot disease.展开更多
The experiment conducted in containers known as pot placed on rooftop of a building using noncalcareous grey terrace soil was carried out from October, 2012 to March, 2013 at Kazla, Motihar, Rajshahi, Bangladesh to in...The experiment conducted in containers known as pot placed on rooftop of a building using noncalcareous grey terrace soil was carried out from October, 2012 to March, 2013 at Kazla, Motihar, Rajshahi, Bangladesh to investigate the influences of calcium and mulching practices on yield and fruit quality of tomato. The study was laid out in a split-split plot design with three replications. The trials comprised three factors: 1) three tomato varieties viz, BARI F1Tomato-5, BARI F1Tomato-6 and BARI F1Tomato-7;2) four levels of calcium (Ca) treatment (40 ppm, 60 ppm, 80 ppm, 120 ppm) and 3) mulching practices. Results of the experiment revealed that fresh yield of tomato was significantly increased by applying mulching practices due to conservation of soil moisture by mulches and therefore, reduced Ca-deficiency symptoms. The highest number of fruits per plant and fresh yield were obtained from the variety BARI F1Tomato-5. The same trend of yield and yield contributing parameters were likely to be better by using T3?treatment (80 ppm) than those of other treatments. In contrast, BARI F1Tomato-7 variety in control treatment without mulching practice gave poor quality and yield of tomato. Results suggested that BARI F1Tomato-5 variety receiving 80 ppm calcium treatment with mulching condition exposed better quality, yield and yield contributing characters of tomato. However, the T3?treatment (80 ppm) with mulching would be recommended as the best combination to grow BARI F1Tomato-5 for the farmers in Bangladesh.展开更多
Field experiments were conducted with five rates (0, 75, 150, 225, and 450 kg P205 ha^-1) of seedbed P fertilizer application to investigate the yield of tomato in response to fertilizer P rate on calcareous soils w...Field experiments were conducted with five rates (0, 75, 150, 225, and 450 kg P205 ha^-1) of seedbed P fertilizer application to investigate the yield of tomato in response to fertilizer P rate on calcareous soils with widely different levels of Olsen P (13-142 mg kg^-1) at 15 sites in some suburban counties of Beijing in 1999. Under the condition of no P fertilizer application, tomato yield generally increased with an increase in soil test P levels, and the agronomic level for soil testing P measured with Olsen method was 50 or 82 mg kg^-1 soil to achieve 85% or 95% of maximum tomato yield, respectively. With regard to marketable yield, in the fields where Olsen-P levels were 〈 50 mg kg^-1, noticeable responses to applied P were observed. On the basis of a linear plateau regression, the optimum seedbed P application rate in the P-insufflcient fields was 125 kg P205 ha^-1 or about 1.5-2 times the P removal from harvested tomato plants. In contrast, in fields with moderate (50 〈 Olsen P 〈 90 mg kg^-1) or high (Olsen P 〉 90 mg kg^-1) available P, there was no marked effect on tomato fruit yield. Field survey data indicated that in most fields with conventional P management, a P surplus typically occurred. Thus, once the soil test P level reached the optimum for crop yield, it was recommended that P fertilizer application be restricted or eliminated to minimize negative environmental effects.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51809189)the Shanxi Province Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Nutrient Resources,China(2019002)。
文摘Alternate partial root-zone drip fertigation (ADF) is a combination of alternating irrigation and drip fertigation,with the potential to save water and increase nitrogen (N) fertilizer efficiency.A 2-year greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different fertigation frequencies on the distribution of soil moisture and nutrients and tomato yield under ADF.The treatments included three ADF frequencies with intervals of 3 days (F3),6 days (F6) and 12 days (F12),and conventional drip fertigation as a control (CK),which was fertilized once every 6 days.For the ADF treatments,two drip tapes were placed 10 cm away on each side of the tomato row,and alternate drip irrigation was realized using a manual valve on the distribution tapes.For the CK treatment,a drip tape was located close to the roots of the tomato plants.The total N application rate of all treatments was 180 kg ha^(-1).The total irrigation amounts applied to the CK treatment were450.6 and 446.1 mm in 2019 and 2020,respectively;and the irrigation amounts applied to the ADF treatments were 60%of those of the CK treatment.The F3 treatment resulted in water and N being distributed mainly in the 0–40-cm soil layer with less water and N being distributed in the 40–60-cm soil layer.The F6 treatment led to 21.0 and 29.0%higher 2-year average concentration of mineral N in the 0–20 and 20–40-cm soil layer,respectively and a 23.0%lower N concentration in the 40–60-cm soil layer than in the CK treatment.The 2-year average tomato yields of the F3,F6,F12,and CK treatments were 107.5,102.6,87.2,and 98.7 t ha^(-1),respectively.The tomato yield of F3 was significantly higher (23.3%) than that in the F12 treatment,whereas there was no significant difference between the F3 and F6 treatment.The F6 treatment resulted in yield similar to the CK treatment,indicating that ADF could maintain tomato yield with a 40%saving in water use.Based on the distribution of water and N,and tomato yield,a fertigation frequency of 6 days under ADF should be considered as a water-saving strategy for greenhouse tomato production.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (50779078)
文摘Chlorination has been recognized as an efficient and economically favorable method for treating clogging in drip emitters caused by biological growth during sewage application. Further important criteria for determining an optimal chlorination scheme are the different responses of crops to the chloride added into the soil through chlorination. During two seasons in 2008 and 2009, field experiments were conducted in a solar-heated greenhouse with drip irrigation systems applying secondary sewage effluent to tomato plants to investigate the influences of chlorine injection intervals and levels on plant growth, yield, fruit quality, and emitter clogging. Injection intervals ranging from 2 to 8 wk and injection concentrations ranging 2-50 mg L-1 of free chlorine residual at the end of the laterals were used. For the 2008 experiments, the yield from the treatments of sewage application with chlorination was 7.5% lower than the yield from the treatment of sewage application without chlorination, while the yields for the treatments with and without chlorination were similar for the 2009 experiments. The statistical tests indicated that neither the chlorine injection intervals and concentrations nor the interactions between the two significantly influenced plant height, leaf area, or tomato yield for both years. The qualities of the fruit in response to chlorination were parameter-dependent. Chlorination did not significantly influence the quality of ascorbic acid, soluble sugar, or soluble acids, but the interaction between the chlorine injection interval and the chlorine concentration significantly influenced the levels of soluble solids. It was also confirmed that chlorination was an effective method for reducing biological clogging. These results suggested that chlorination is safe for a crop that has a moderate sensitivity to chlorine, like tomato, and can maintain a high level of performance in drip irrigation systems applying sewage effluent.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Fund Item(61064005)~~
文摘[Objective] The research aimed to study the yield prediction model of processing tomato based on the grey system theory.[Method] The variation trend of processing tomato yield was studied by using the grey system theory,and GM(1,1)grey model of processing tomato yield prediction was established.The processing tomato yield in Xinjiang during 2001-2009 was as the example to carry out the instance analysis.[Result] The model had the high forecast accuracy and strong generalization ability,and was reliable for the prediction of recent processing tomato yield.[Conclusion] The research provided the reference for the macro-control of tomato industry,the processing and storage of tomato in Xinjiang.
文摘A study was conducted with 36 tomato germplasm [PGRC (19), The Netherlands (7), Japan (2), and Bangladesh (9)] with 3 check varieties in the research field of the Olericulture Division of Horticulture Research Centre (HRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur during the winter season of 2022-23 to identify promising tomato breeding germplasm. All the germplasm showed differences in most of the parameters studied. Considerable variation was observed for fruit yield per hectare varied from 39 to 144 tons, while the highest fruit yield per hectare was harvested from the germplasm viz., BD 7759B, BD 7757, BD 7751, BD 7301, QM, BD 7759A, BD 7762, QF, BD 7753, BD 8886, BD 10351, NL-1A, SLA-19. The number of locules, total soluble solids (TSS) and plant height at last harvest varied from 2 to 6.6, 2.6 to 5.9%, and 66 to 154cm, respectively. The TYLCV infection (%) and leaf-sucking pest infestation (%) were observed with a 1 to 20% range in the field condition in both cases. So, we can select that germplasm has zero per cent infestation. Considering the plant growth habit, earliness, different yield contributing horticultural traits, virus and pest infestation thirteen germplasm viz., BD 7759B, BD 7757, BD 7751, BD 7301, QM, BD 7759A, BD 7762, QF, BD 7753, BD 8886, BD 10351, NL-1A, SLA-19 were selected as breeding materials for further tomato improvement program.
基金Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh for providing fund and facilities for sustainable irrigation and water management practices
文摘Sustainable irrigation method is now essential for adaptation and adoption in the areas where water resources are limited. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted to test the performance of alternate wetting and drying furrow irrigation(AWDFI) on crop growth, yield, water use efficiency(WUE), fruit quality and profitability analysis of tomato. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with six treatments replicated thrice during the dry seasons of 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. Irrigation water was applied through three ways of furrow: AWDFI, fixed wetting and drying furrow irrigation(FWDFI) and traditional(every) furrow irrigation(TFI). Each irrigation method was divided into two levels: irrigation up to 100 and 80% field capacity(FC). Results showed that plant biomass(dry matter) and marketable fruit yield of tomato did not differ significantly between the treatments of AWDFI and TFI, but significant difference was observed in AWDFI and in TFI compared to FWDFI at same irrigation level. AWDFI saved irrigation water by 35 to 38% for the irrigation levels up to 80 and 100% FC, compared to the TFI, respectively. AWDFI improved WUE by around 37 to 40% compared to TFI when irrigated with 100 and 80% FC, respectively. Fruit quality(total soluble solids and pulp) was found greater in AWDFI than in TFI. Net return from AWDFI technique was found nearly similar compared to TFI and more than FWDFI. The benefit cost ratio was viewed higher in AWDFI than in TFI and FWDFI by 2.8, 8.7 and 11, 10.4% when irrigation water was applied up to 100 and 80% FC, respectively. Unit production cost was obtained lower in AWDFI compared to TFI and FWDFI. However, AWDFI is a useful water-saving furrow irrigation technique which may resolve as an alternative choice compared with TFI in the areas where available water and supply methods are limited to irrigation.
文摘Worldwide, the demand for agro-organic foods that are healthy, nutritious, and environmentally friendly is increasing dramatically across all nations among consumers. Tomatoes being one of the dietary requirements in almost every meal is not exceptional and its availability in the market all year round is very important to farmers as well as consumers because it is highly demanded as a vegetable par excellence;which is either eaten raw in salads, cooked or processed into liquid ingredients. This study investigates the impact of chicken, goat, and cow manure treatments on tomato plant growth response to height, leaf length, and width, as well as fruit yield. The experimental field trials were conducted over two planting seasons in Mundri West County. It followed a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) approach, consisting of four blocks. Each block contained three treatments replicated four times and a control group. The data of measured parameters from all 16 plots were subjected to one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the Gen Stat 14th Edition software. The findings indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) among all the different organic manure applications on tomato plant growth parameters compared to the control group. Chicken manure resulted in the tallest tomato plants (30.1 and 37.9 cm), longest leaves (9.9 and 10.4 cm), and widest leaves (2.1 and 2.5 cm) in both seasons respectively. The study showed plots treated with chicken manure had a highly significant impact (P < 0.05) on the prevalence of aphids (1.0) and white flies (1.4) with the lowest value compared to those with cow and goat manure applied. Additionally, chicken manure led to the highest yields (39.30 and 49.49 tons/ha) in both seasons. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that using chicken manure effectively improves the performance of Rio Grande Tomatoes, and thus, farmers are encouraged to utilize chicken manure to maximize their tomato yields.
基金supported by grants from the National High-Tech R&D Program of China(863 Program)(2013AA103004)the Water and Technology Support Plan of Shaanxi Province,China(2014slkj-17)
文摘The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of applying different amounts of water and nitrogen on yield, fruit quality, water use efficiency (WUE), irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of drip-irrigated greenhouse tomatoes in northwestern China. The plants were irrigated every seven days at various proportions of 20-cm pan evaporation (Ep). The experiment consisted of three irrigation levels (11, 50% Ep; 12, 75% Ep; and 13, 100% Ep) and three N application levels (N1, 150 kg N ha^-1; N2, 250 kg N ha^-1;and N3, 350 kg N ha^-1). Tomato yield increased with the amount of applied irrigation water in 12 and then decreased in 13. WUE and IWUE were the highest in Ii. WUE was 16.5% lower in 12 than that in I1, but yield was 26.6% higher in 12 than that in I1. Tomato yield, WUE, and IWUE were significantly higher in N2 than that in N1 and N3. NUIE decreased with increasing N levels but NUE increased with increase the amount of water applied. Increasing both water and N levels increased the foliar net photosynthetic rate. I1 and 12 treatments significantly increased the contents of total soluble solids (TSS), vitamin C (VC), lycopene, soluble sugars (SS), and organic acids (OA) and the sugar:acid ratio in the fruit and decreased the nitrate content. TSS, VC, lycopene, and SS contents were the highest in N2. The harvest index (HI) was the highest in 12N2. 12N2 provided the optimal combination of tomato yield, fruit quality, and WUE. The irrigation and fertilisation regime of 75% Ep and 250 kg N ha^-1 was the best strategy of water and N management for the production of drip-irrigated greenhouse tomato.
文摘Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is one of the important vegetables in supplying vitamins, minerals and fiber to human diets worldwide. Its successful production in the tropics is, however, constrained by environmental variations especially under open field conditions. Two trials were conducted at the Horticulture Research and Teaching Field, Egerton University, Kenya to evaluate the effects of agricultural nets (agronets) herein called eco-friendly nets (EFNs) and floating row covers (FRCs) on microclimate modification, yield, and quality of tomato. A randomized complete block design with five replications was used. Tomato plants were grown under fine mesh EFN (0.4-mm pore diameter) cover, large mesh EFN (0.9-mm pore diameter) cover or FRC. The EFN and FRC were maintained either permanently closed or opened thrice a week from 9 am to 3 pm. Two open control treatments were used: unsprayed (untreated control) or sprayed with chemicals (treated control). The use of EFN or FRC modified the microclimate with higher temperatures, lower diurnal temperature ranges, and higher volumetric water content recorded compared with the controls. On the other hand, light quantity and photosynthetic active radiation were reduced by the use of EFN and FRC compared with the controls. The use of FRC and EFN resulted in more fruit and higher percent in marketable yield compared with open field production. Fruit quality at harvest was also significantly improved by the use of EFN and FRC. Fruits with higher total soluble solids (TSS), lower titratable acidity (TA), and higher sugar acid ratio were obtained in EFN and FRC treatments compared with the controls. Fruits harvested from EFN and FRC were also firmer compared with control fruits. These findings demonstrate the potential of EFN and FRC in modifying microclimate conditions and improving yields and quality of tomato under tropical field conditions.
基金This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (50479051)the Agricultural Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Foundation of China (04EFN217100395)the Innovation Projects of Northwest A & F University for Graduate Students.
文摘The purpose of this article is to study the effects of different water elevations of non-pressure subirrigation on some indexes of tomato, including soil water status around crop rootzone, morphological indexes, physiological indexes, photosynthetic indexes, yield, quality, and water use efficiency. With the tomato materials of Dongsheng 1, the irrigation experiment was carried out in the greenhouse, and significance analysis was done on the experiment data through the software of DPS. The results showed that different water elevations, had significant influence on the growth, yield, and quality of tomato. The yield of the 6-cm treatment was the highest, the 3-cm treatment was inferior to the 6-cm treatment, and the 0-cm treatment was the lowest. However, the WUE was 0 cm 〉 3 cm 〉 6 cm. The sugar/acid and soluble protein was the highest under the 0-cm treatment, and the content of ascorbic acid did not decrease considerably. When compared to the 0-cm treatment, the ascorbic acid content of 6-cm and 3-cm treatment increased by 19.2 and 6.8%, respectively. These irrigation methods can satisfy the requirements of tomato growth; different water elevations have different influences on the tomato soil water status around crop rootzone, the physiological characteristics, and yield. It also harmonized the percentage between sugar and acid, increased the content of soluble protein and ascorbic acid, and made tomato more delicious. The irrigation methods can improve the quality of tomato by water control, which is worth promoting in the agricultural production.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 5017700) and the Natural Science Foundation ofShanxi Province (No. 20051078)
文摘Tomato seeds (Lycopersicon esculentum L. Mill. cv. zhongshu No. 6) were treated by magnetized plasma before being sown to investigate its effect on the growth and yield of tomatoes. Biochemical analysis showed that dehydrogenase activity increased with the increase of the current but decreased when the current was higher than 1.5 A. The activities of peroxidase (POD) isoenzyme changed in the same pattern. There was no difference in germination percentage between treatments and control, which were carried out in laboratory conditions. However, significant (c~ = 0.01) difference was observed in germination percentage in the pot experiment. In the pot experiment, the sprouting rate for the treatment with a 1.5 A current was 32.75%, whereas the untreated was only 4.75% on the eleventh day. Germination time is more than one day earlier than the control. The 1.5 A treatment increased the tomato yield by 20.7%.
文摘Experiments were located at Lower Niger River Basin Development Authority, Ejiba and Horticultural Section College of Agriculture, Kabba in 2014 cropping season to investigate the effect of different spacing and urea application rates on fruit nutrient composition, growth and fruit yield of tomato in derived savanna vegetation of Nigeria. Field experiments were arranged in a randomized complete block design in factorial fashion with three replications. The row spacing were 75 × 40 cm (33,333 plant·ha-1, 75 × 50 cm (26,666 plant·ha-1) and 75 × 60 cm (22,222 plant·ha-1) while the urea rates comprised control (0 kg urea·ha-1), 54.3 and 108.6 kg urea·ha-1. Growth and yield parameters taken were as follows: average plant height, stem girth, leaf area (m2) and yield per land area. Data were collected from ten randomly selected plants in each plot. The data were statistically analyzed using GENSTAT. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to find out the significance of variation among the treatments while the significant difference between mean treatments was separated using least significance Difference at 5% level of probability. The result obtained from this study indicated that urea application and spacing affected significantly growth parameters of tomato and yield per land area. It could be concluded that there was a significant increase in plant height, number of leaves, number of fruits per plant and final fruit weight of tomato as a result of urea fertilizer application at the rate of 108.6 kg urea/ha. However, this was not significantly better than plots with urea application at 54.8 kg/ha in both Ejiba and Kabba. Row spacing of 75 × 50 cm showed better performance in number of fruit and fruit yield per plots. Farmers in Ejiba and Kabba should apply urea at the rate of 54.8 kg per hectare and plant the crop at a row spacing of 75 × 50 cm for optimum yield and for a more profitable production of tomato.
文摘Producing enough tomato to meet market demand sustainably has not been feasible in the tropics like Ghana. Attempts to improve production using gre</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">enhouse facilities have not addressed the challenge because of high-</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">temperature conditions in the greenhouse, which are difficult to manage. Heat stress, arising from high temperatures, hinder the performance of tomato in terms of fruit set and yield. Moreover, the impending climate change is expected to impose more unfavorable environmental conditions on crop production</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">. An experiment was conducted in (greenhouse at Chiba Un</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">iversity, Japan) summer period, which has similar high-temperature conditions like Ghana. This work sought to increase the yield of a hea</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">t-tolerant tomato using a state-of-the-art hydroponic system thr</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">ough high-density planting. The outcome of this work was intended for adoption and practice in Ghana. A Heat-tolerant tomato “Nkansah HT” along with Lebombo and Jaguar cultivars, were grown at high and low plant densities (4.1 and 2.7 plants m</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-2</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> respectively).</span></span><a name="_Hlk72355905"></a><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Each plant was grown in a low substrate volume culture (0.5 L plant</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-1</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">) </span><a name="_Hlk72267699"></a><span style="font-family:Verdana;">in a recirculating nutrient film technique (NFT) hydroponic system</span></span><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">. Parameters measured were plant growth and dry matter assimilation at 12 week</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">s after transplanting, and the generative components. Results sh</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">owed that a high plant density increased plant height but reduced chlorophyll content by</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> 9.6%. </span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Under temperature stress conditions, the three cultivars reco</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">rded more than 95% fruit set, but plant density did not affect the fruit set and the incidence of blossom end rot (BER).</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> The incidence of BER reduced the marketable yield of the Jaguar cultivar by 51% but, this physiological disorder was not recorded in the HT and the Lebombo cultivars. A high-density planting increased the yield per unit area increased by 38.9%. However, it is uneconomical to cultivate the Jaguar cultivar under a heat stress condition due to its high susceptibility to blossom end rot. To improve the yield of tomatoes under tropical heat stress with a threatening climate change condition, the HT is a better cultivar suited for high-density planting. This study shows that high-density cultivation of the HT cultivar in NFT hydroponic system has the potential to increase Ghana’s current tomato yield by 4.8 times.
文摘Optimizing yield and nutrients content in crop production is the high time demand of arable farming. Vermicompost furnishes one of the most promising alternatives to costly chemical fertilizer. Therefore, a greenhouse experiment was conducted at NARC, Islamabad, to investigate the effect of different levels of vermicompost [having C/N=15/1 and 14 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)] on growth, yield and nutrients content in hybrid tomato (National Tunnel Tomato-04-08) under greenhouse conditions during Rabi 2015. The data revealed that different rates (0.5 t·ha-1, 1 t·ha-1, 1.5 t·ha-1 and 2 t·ha-1) of vermicompost produced varied and significant (P -1) at the application of 2.0 t vermicompost ha-1 followed by 3.226 t·ha-1 where vermicompost was applied @ 1.5 t·ha-1. N, P and K content in tomato fruit and plant increased significantly with the application of increasing levels of vermicompost. The highest content of N (3.7%), P (0.67%), K (5.17%) in tomato fruit and N (3.4%), P (0.32%), K (3.2%) in tomato plant respectively were registered with soil application of vermicompost @ 2.0 t·ha-1. This study confirms that the vermicompost has a tremendous potential of plant nutrients supply for sustainable crop production.
文摘The study was conducted with 75 tomato germplasm/lines at the farm of Olericulture Division, Horticulture Research Centre (HRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh during the winter season of 2020-21 to evaluate the WorldVeg tomato germplasm. The days to first harvest were varied from 106 to 116 days while twelve lines were harvested within 106 - 108 days. The number of fruits per plant varied from 11.7 to 71.3, while the range of single fruit weight was 16.4 - 186.6 g. Fruit yield per hectare was 15.7 - 150.4 t/ha where the highest fruit yield per hectare was obtained from the lines AVTO 1702 (150.40 t/ha), followed by AVTO 1409 (126.54 t/ha), AVTO 1010 (120.60 t/ha), AVTO 1712 (111.33 t/ha), AVTO 1711 (107.23 t/ha). The range of fruit length was observed 2.07 to 6.8 cm, while the fruit diameter was 1.9 to 7.4 cm. The range of pericarp thickness was 0.14 to 0.8 cm, while the range of number of locule was 2.0 to 8.2. The range of TSS level was 2.0% - 8.2%, while the shelf life of the tomato lines was recorded 5.2 to 10.3 days. Considering earliness, quantitative and qualitative characters, eleven WorldVeg Center tomato lines AVTO 1010, AVTO 1315, AVTO 1409, AVTO 1711, AVTO 1712, AVTO 1713, AVTO 1717, AVTO 1907, AVTO 1911, AVTO 1915 and AVTO 1921 were found promising. So, these eleven lines can be selected for further confirmation.
文摘Field studies were conducted at Hazara Agriculture Research Station, Abbottabad to evaluate thirteen AVRDC lines along with one commercial check (Roma) for potential of fruit yield against septoria leaf spot during summer season 2014. The disease established itself by natural infection and disease severity was estimated with the help of 0 - 5 disease rating scale after 15 days interval from the onset of symptoms. The lines showed significant difference in % septoria leaf spot infection. The disease severity % increased up to 100% in line AVTO1314 whereas the lowest % severity was recorded in AVTO1173 which showed the highest yield (468.1 g) with average fruit weight 122.22 g while the significantly lowest mean yield/plant (35.05 g) was calculated in line AVTO1314 with fruit weight 47.92 g. It was concluded that the line AVTO1173 could be useful in genetic programs for incorporating resistant genes in local tomato germplasm against septoria leaf spot disease.
文摘The experiment conducted in containers known as pot placed on rooftop of a building using noncalcareous grey terrace soil was carried out from October, 2012 to March, 2013 at Kazla, Motihar, Rajshahi, Bangladesh to investigate the influences of calcium and mulching practices on yield and fruit quality of tomato. The study was laid out in a split-split plot design with three replications. The trials comprised three factors: 1) three tomato varieties viz, BARI F1Tomato-5, BARI F1Tomato-6 and BARI F1Tomato-7;2) four levels of calcium (Ca) treatment (40 ppm, 60 ppm, 80 ppm, 120 ppm) and 3) mulching practices. Results of the experiment revealed that fresh yield of tomato was significantly increased by applying mulching practices due to conservation of soil moisture by mulches and therefore, reduced Ca-deficiency symptoms. The highest number of fruits per plant and fresh yield were obtained from the variety BARI F1Tomato-5. The same trend of yield and yield contributing parameters were likely to be better by using T3?treatment (80 ppm) than those of other treatments. In contrast, BARI F1Tomato-7 variety in control treatment without mulching practice gave poor quality and yield of tomato. Results suggested that BARI F1Tomato-5 variety receiving 80 ppm calcium treatment with mulching condition exposed better quality, yield and yield contributing characters of tomato. However, the T3?treatment (80 ppm) with mulching would be recommended as the best combination to grow BARI F1Tomato-5 for the farmers in Bangladesh.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30230250) the Ministry of Agriculture, China (No. 2003-Z53).
文摘Field experiments were conducted with five rates (0, 75, 150, 225, and 450 kg P205 ha^-1) of seedbed P fertilizer application to investigate the yield of tomato in response to fertilizer P rate on calcareous soils with widely different levels of Olsen P (13-142 mg kg^-1) at 15 sites in some suburban counties of Beijing in 1999. Under the condition of no P fertilizer application, tomato yield generally increased with an increase in soil test P levels, and the agronomic level for soil testing P measured with Olsen method was 50 or 82 mg kg^-1 soil to achieve 85% or 95% of maximum tomato yield, respectively. With regard to marketable yield, in the fields where Olsen-P levels were 〈 50 mg kg^-1, noticeable responses to applied P were observed. On the basis of a linear plateau regression, the optimum seedbed P application rate in the P-insufflcient fields was 125 kg P205 ha^-1 or about 1.5-2 times the P removal from harvested tomato plants. In contrast, in fields with moderate (50 〈 Olsen P 〈 90 mg kg^-1) or high (Olsen P 〉 90 mg kg^-1) available P, there was no marked effect on tomato fruit yield. Field survey data indicated that in most fields with conventional P management, a P surplus typically occurred. Thus, once the soil test P level reached the optimum for crop yield, it was recommended that P fertilizer application be restricted or eliminated to minimize negative environmental effects.