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Safety Evaluation and Improvement of Homestays from the Perspective of Tourists’Perception: A Case Study of Tangjiajia Hot Spring Village in Nanjing
作者 MIN Xu YU Ziping 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2024年第5期87-90,共4页
Safety is one of the basic needs of tourists,and their sense of security is a necessary condition for the successful operation of homestays.Based on the theory of tourist perception,Nanjing Tangjiajia Hot Spring Villa... Safety is one of the basic needs of tourists,and their sense of security is a necessary condition for the successful operation of homestays.Based on the theory of tourist perception,Nanjing Tangjiajia Hot Spring Village is taken as the research object.This paper analyzes the tourists’perception of homestay safety facilities and services through questionnaire survey,field investigation,interview,and other methods.It proposes strategies for improving homestay safety,aiming to provide safety management references for China’s homestay industry and promote its sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 tourist perception Homestay safety Safety facilities Safety services
A system-integrated approach for the design of tourist areas at the local level under changing conditions:A case study in the Altay Mountains
作者 Alexandr Nikolaevich DUNETS Evgeniya Mikhailovna TABAKAEVA HAN Fang 《Regional Sustainability》 2024年第2期89-102,共14页
The existing approaches for the design of tourist areas often lead to limited flexibility in project implementation.To realize a more flexible approach,in this study,we formulated a model for planning and designing to... The existing approaches for the design of tourist areas often lead to limited flexibility in project implementation.To realize a more flexible approach,in this study,we formulated a model for planning and designing tourist areas at the local level.Moreover,specific tools for analyzing tourist areas and ensuring sustainable development under changing conditions were developed.This study was conducted in two tourist regions,Biryuzovaya Katun tourist complex and Belokurikha destination(including Belokurikha City with Belokurikha 2 Gornaya tourist complex and surrounding areas),in the Altay Mountains.We employed the recreation opportunity spectrum and proposed a system-integrated programming approach for the design of tourist areas at the destination and site levels.The key of this approach was the collection and analysis of current spatial data,including the spatial distribution of attractions and visitor flows.We constructed heat maps using video recording and unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)observation data.Moreover,we analyzed the video stream using an image-analyzing framework You Only Look Once(YOLO)v5 software.The heat map of visitor flows based on video recording data in the Andreevskaya Sloboda museum of Belokurikha 2 Gornaya tourist complex allowed us to highlight the most attractive sites in this area and classify them into one of three types:points of functional concentration,points of transitional concentration,and points of attractions.The heat maps in Biryuzovaya Katun tourist complex,created using UAV observation data,allowed us to determine the spatiotemporal patterns of visitor flows and tourists’preferences throughout the day within four time intervals:09:00-12:00,13:00-14:00,14:00-15:00,and 16:00-18:00(LST).The maximum visitor flow density occurred from 16:00 to 18:00 in the beach area of the artificial lake.A comparison between the visitor-concentrated sites and the current facilities provided insights into the demand for attractions and facilities and the lacking areas.Heat maps are useful in analyzing the land use at the site level,while zoning based on the recreation opportunity spectrum can be used to design tourist areas at the destination level.The proposed methods for analyzing the use of tourist areas contribute to the development of adaptive tourism design. 展开更多
关键词 Tourism planning tourist areas Unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) Visitor flows Heat map Altay Mountains
How Sense of Ritual in Tourism Impacts Tourists’Co-Creation of Tourism Experience Values:A Study Based on the Theory of Value Co-Creation
作者 Yi Min Zhang Guangyu Sun Genjin 《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2024年第2期67-84,共18页
Establishing a sense of ritual within tourism consumption scenarios offers tourists the opportunity for interactive engagement.Drawing upon the value co-creation theory,this study constructed an influence mechanism mo... Establishing a sense of ritual within tourism consumption scenarios offers tourists the opportunity for interactive engagement.Drawing upon the value co-creation theory,this study constructed an influence mechanism model to examine tourists'active engagement in the process of co-creating tourism experience values.It employed Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling(PLS-SEM)to empirically test the proposed hypotheses.The findings demonstrate that the model constructed in the present study exhibits robust reliability,validity,and explanatory power.The perception of the sense of ritual in tourism exerts a significant positive influence on tourists’co-creation of tourism experience values,thereby significantly enhancing both the communitas and flow experienced by tourists during their travels.Moreover,such communitas and flow can mediate the influence of the sense of ritual in tourism on tourists’co-creation of tourism experience values.This study contributes to advancing the current research on tourists’co-creation of tourism experience values and the sense of ritual in tourism,thereby providing theoretical foundations for cultivating a sense of ritual within tourism consumption scenarios. 展开更多
关键词 sense of ritual in tourism tourists’co-creation of tourism experience values theory of value co-creation theory of Interaction Ritual Chains
Evaluation of Comprehensive Carrying Capacity of Tourist Cities and Optimization Paths:Based on the Comparison between East and West Guangdong
作者 SHAO Na JIN Muhua WU Qing 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2024年第6期23-28,33,共7页
Seven tourist cities in eastern and western Guangdong were selected as the research objects to establish an evaluation index system of urban comprehensive carrying capacity,and its changing laws were analyzed.It was f... Seven tourist cities in eastern and western Guangdong were selected as the research objects to establish an evaluation index system of urban comprehensive carrying capacity,and its changing laws were analyzed.It was found that the comprehensive carrying capacities of cities in eastern and western Guangdong showed a trend of“first increasing and then decreasing”from 2015 to 2021,and reached the highest point in 2019,but there were significant differences among regions.From the perspective of spatial distribution,the comprehensive carrying capacities of cities in eastern and western Guangdong generally presented the law of high on both sides and low in the middle.In terms of the proportion of comprehensive carrying capacity of tourist cities,the larger part was always the carrying capacity of infrastructure and public services.The value of economic carrying capacity showed a trend of“first increasing and then decreasing”,while the value of environmental carrying capacity was always on the increase,and the value of tourism resources carrying capacity was basically stable.Finally,according to the analysis results,this paper put forward the optimization paths for comprehensive carrying capacities of tourist cities in eastern and western Guangdong from following four aspects:coordinating regional development,rationally utilizing natural resources,adjusting economic structure and adhering to the sustainable development concept. 展开更多
关键词 Comprehensive carrying capacity tourist city EVALUATION Optimization path Eastern and western Guangdong
作者 孙晓东 朱艳 张智玮 《旅游学刊》 北大核心 2025年第2期121-135,共15页
船上餐饮、住宿、休闲、娱乐、康健、运动、活动、服务等要素构成了一种特殊的旅游服务场景——邮轮船景。邮轮船景要素众多、复杂度高,对游客事前、事中和事后的出游体验和行为具有多样性和复杂性的影响作用。全面而深入地理解邮轮船... 船上餐饮、住宿、休闲、娱乐、康健、运动、活动、服务等要素构成了一种特殊的旅游服务场景——邮轮船景。邮轮船景要素众多、复杂度高,对游客事前、事中和事后的出游体验和行为具有多样性和复杂性的影响作用。全面而深入地理解邮轮船景的概念与内涵、要素与维度以及对游客全程体验的影响作用,可以推动服务场景理论向邮轮旅游乃至整个旅游领域的拓展,同时可以帮助邮轮旅游提供商优化船舶设计与建造、设施与服务配备以及船上运营管理策略。文章从邮轮船景概念的来源与内涵出发,在重新构建邮轮船景理论框架基础上,系统梳理和回顾了国内外关于邮轮船景对游客体验影响及作用机制的研究成果,并提出未来值得研究的主要方向。希望能吸引更多研究者和实业者进一步探讨如何通过邮轮船景优化提升游客体验。 展开更多
关键词 邮轮 邮轮船景 邮轮旅游 服务场景 游客体验
作者 伍蕾 胡佳 伍蓓 《旅游学刊》 北大核心 2025年第2期74-89,共16页
情感贯穿于旅游活动的始终,是旅游研究中不可忽视的一个重要议题。数字沉浸式场景推进了文化和旅游深层内涵(沉浸体验/消费升级)与内容禀赋(数字文明/文化传续)的价值融凝,情感体验成为其发展中的题中之义。尽管已有研究揭示了旅游者情... 情感贯穿于旅游活动的始终,是旅游研究中不可忽视的一个重要议题。数字沉浸式场景推进了文化和旅游深层内涵(沉浸体验/消费升级)与内容禀赋(数字文明/文化传续)的价值融凝,情感体验成为其发展中的题中之义。尽管已有研究揭示了旅游者情感体验的内涵、特征、效应、应用等,但均集中在旅游者情感体验的关联领域而非本体领域。基于此,该研究通过结合训练语料库和深度网络学习两种方法,建立情感数据库,标注情绪,通过Word2vec、TF-IDF、SO-PMI模型提取反映情感态度倾向的特征词,映射旅游者情感状态;利用情感本体库分类树方法筛选和归纳形成情感词典;再依据情感词典内部特征,建构数字沉浸式场景下旅游者情感体验交互矩阵。研究发现:1)所构词典较好地反映了数字沉浸式场景特色词汇,具有较高情感识别度,能有效提高情感分析任务的性能;2)能够明晰数字沉浸式场景下旅游者情感体验特征,一方面,积极和消极情感体验因素结合形成“乐”“好”“怒”“哀”“恶”“惧”“惊”7类情感簇群,另一方面,从旅游者情感体验的发生缘由、表现形式和作用结果衍生出场景架构、情感倾向、价值取向3个层面场景情感体验特征,并呈现出“初评价-次评价-再评价”的情感认知表现;3)“三横四纵”数字沉浸式场景下旅游者情感体验交互矩阵,探索和揭示了场景与旅游者之间的情感联动和运行机制。研究结果不仅为提升数字沉浸式场景下旅游者情感体验质量指明了发展方向,而且为数字沉浸式场景的设计与呈现、人文精神传播与创意营销提供了实践指导。 展开更多
关键词 数字沉浸式场景 旅游者情感体验 情感词典 情感数据库
作者 张文静 《商业观察》 2025年第1期97-100,117,共5页
民宿作为乡村旅游的新业态,在丰富产品体系、优化供给、促进消费等领域发挥着重要作用,进而为乡村振兴助力。构建乡村振兴与旅游民宿发展作用机制,选取黟县作为案例地,分析旅游民宿发展特征,剖析存在的问题,并提出树立新资源观,盘活闲... 民宿作为乡村旅游的新业态,在丰富产品体系、优化供给、促进消费等领域发挥着重要作用,进而为乡村振兴助力。构建乡村振兴与旅游民宿发展作用机制,选取黟县作为案例地,分析旅游民宿发展特征,剖析存在的问题,并提出树立新资源观,盘活闲置资源;强化人才培育,提升民宿经管水平;彰显地域特色,塑造民宿独特魅力;统筹空间谋划,优化民宿发展格局;积极探索创新、规范民宿发展等可持续发展实施路径的建议。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 旅游民宿 黟县
作者 赵书虹 杨雨婷 +3 位作者 李琴 孔营营 李佳懿 李晓光 《福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期116-123,共8页
中国国家公园是生态文明建设的国之重器,承载着为公众提供科普公共产品和生态福利的使命。以普达措国家公园为案例地,爬取携程网、同程旅游网以及小红书3个主流网站平台的游客评论,探究游客生态资源感知价值维度体系,分析游客对不同生... 中国国家公园是生态文明建设的国之重器,承载着为公众提供科普公共产品和生态福利的使命。以普达措国家公园为案例地,爬取携程网、同程旅游网以及小红书3个主流网站平台的游客评论,探究游客生态资源感知价值维度体系,分析游客对不同生态资源价值的感知收益差异,并对生态资源价值感知度和满意度进行评价分析。结果表明:(1)游客视角下的生态资源感知价值可分为地学价值、生物价值、美学价值、体验价值和科普价值5大维度,体验价值感知收益最高,科普价值感知收益最低;(2)不同维度的游客生态资源价值感知协同度呈现出较大差异,其中地学价值的感知度和满意度高,科普价值的感知度和满意度低。为国家公园合理开发利用资源,实现生态、经济和社会效益的统一提供实证研究结果和数据支持。 展开更多
关键词 国家公园 生态资源价值 游客感知 人地关系 网络文本分析 普达措
作者 周辉 《园林》 2025年第1期110-118,共9页
数字时代背景下人工智能技术的发展拓宽了数据的获取渠道。以5A级旅游景区为研究对象,利用官方平台的名录及属性数据和ChatGPT深度合成的文本数据挖掘隐性知识,采用描述性及推断性数理统计方法识别旅游景区关键空间意象要素,分析先天条... 数字时代背景下人工智能技术的发展拓宽了数据的获取渠道。以5A级旅游景区为研究对象,利用官方平台的名录及属性数据和ChatGPT深度合成的文本数据挖掘隐性知识,采用描述性及推断性数理统计方法识别旅游景区关键空间意象要素,分析先天条件及后天干预与空间意象之间的关系。结果表明:(1)标志物是游客印象中区别不同景区的主要依据,也是个体景区获得较高游客意象评价的关键;(2)标志物、区域和道路构成5A级景区整体空间意象的基础和主体;(3)后天设计对意象的影响至关重要,标志物打造和区域划分是后天设计环节中的重点。旨在可促进景区规划设计提升及高质量发展,推动精细化形象宣传和管理。 展开更多
关键词 旅游景区 空间意象 提示词设计 人工智能 数理统计
Evaluation and Characteristic Advantages of Rural Tourist Resources in Shaanxi Province,China 被引量:1
作者 胡粉宁 丁华 郭威 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2011年第4期61-64,共4页
The concept of rural tourist resources was introduced to analyze the present rural tourism development in Shaanxi Province,tourist resources in its rural areas were investigated comprehensively,structures,quantity and... The concept of rural tourist resources was introduced to analyze the present rural tourism development in Shaanxi Province,tourist resources in its rural areas were investigated comprehensively,structures,quantity and quality of 7 major types of both natural and cultural tourist resources were evaluated,and resource combinations were also analyzed from the perspective of geological location.Characteristics and advantages of rural tourist resources in Shaanxi Province were summarized as "abundant,diversified and high-quality";rural cultural tourist resources took the Absolute predominance and had great development potentials;cultural tourist resources such as folk cultures had distinctive regional features;rural natural tourist resources had obvious regional characteristics;resources were reasonably combined,each resource region had its own features.This study aimed at providing scientific support for the development,planning and protection of rural tourist resources in Shaanxi Province. 展开更多
Research on Leisure Agriculture Development Based on Red Tourist Area in Ningxiang County of Hunan Province,China 被引量:1
作者 刘天曌 杨载田 王盛强 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2011年第6期37-41,共5页
Based on development of leisure agriculture in Ningxiang County,the existing problems had been analyzed,conditions for leisure agriculture development in Ningxiang County had been summarized,which included good natura... Based on development of leisure agriculture in Ningxiang County,the existing problems had been analyzed,conditions for leisure agriculture development in Ningxiang County had been summarized,which included good natural conditions and abundant leisure agricultural resources;advantageous social economic conditions and excellent transportation,reference from domestic and foreign leisure agriculture.In view of these advantages,development conception had been further proposed and it was considered that it should enhance publicity,build brand and cultivate source market of leisure agriculture;conduct scientific decision and reasonable planning,develop leisure agricultural tourist area at suburb;pay attention to ecology,protect environment and walk sustainable development road.As for leisure agriculture in Ningxiang,four tourist areas should be divided,which were suburban rest tourist area in the north,celebrity hometown tourist area in the east,hot spring recuperation vacation area in the south and landscape religious tourist area in the west. 展开更多
关键词 Ningxiang COUNTY RED tourist area LEISURE AGRICULTURE
水稻转座子TouristOs6 从sbe1 基因启动区切离的证明 被引量:2
作者 谢冬绿 王宗阳 洪孟民 《植物生理学报(0257-4829)》 CSCD 1999年第3期274-280,共7页
为研究sbe1 基因的表达调控机理,籼稻IR36 品种的sbe1 基因被克隆。经测序后与已报告的sbe1 基因顺序相比,IR36 水稻品种sbe1 基因5’上游区顺序中除了有分散的32 个碱基差异外,值得注意的是缺少一段33... 为研究sbe1 基因的表达调控机理,籼稻IR36 品种的sbe1 基因被克隆。经测序后与已报告的sbe1 基因顺序相比,IR36 水稻品种sbe1 基因5’上游区顺序中除了有分散的32 个碱基差异外,值得注意的是缺少一段335 bp 长的TouristOs6 序列,并在缺失的位置上留下转座子切离后的特征性足印顺序,这表明IR36 品种的TouristOs6 已从sbe1 基因中切离。因而为TouristOs6 展开更多
关键词 水稻 sbe1基因 5'上游区 转座子 touristOs6
Investigation on Tourists' Satisfaction Degree in Xionger Mountain of Shandong Province 被引量:1
作者 王小爱 侯宗强 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第5期64-68,共5页
Through the field investigation in Xionger Mountain,it was found that the scenic area is rich in tourism resources.However,the development of tourism is lagging behind.By the method of random sampling,a survey for vis... Through the field investigation in Xionger Mountain,it was found that the scenic area is rich in tourism resources.However,the development of tourism is lagging behind.By the method of random sampling,a survey for visitors was conducted.A total of 100 questionnaires were issued,100 of which were valid.With the help of TSI evaluating model,tourists' satisfaction degree was calculated accurately.The results showed that ratio of tourism performance to price in Xionger Mountain wasn't high,of which tourists generally expressed dissatisfaction;that the overall environment was quite good,of which tourists showed higher satisfaction degree;that some tourists' expectations to this scenic area were not high;that revisit willing was comparatively high;that there was a certain gap compared with other scenic spot.Tourists' satisfaction degree on Xionger Mountain is 55.89% through calculating TSI index.Finally,aiming at the existent problems,some countermeasures for improving the tourists' satisfaction degree on Xionger Mountain were put forward from the aspects of tour value,environmental perception,marketing philosophy and modes. 展开更多
Ecological Security Assessment and the Sustainable Development of Tourist Destination—A Case Study of Taining Scenic Area 被引量:1
作者 景秀艳 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第10期61-65,75,共6页
With Taining national scenic area as the case study, the guidance of ecological footprint analysis on the sustainable development of tourist destination was expounded.
关键词 ECOLOGICAL security tourist ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT tourist SUSTAINABLE development Taining SCENIC area
Tourist Products Design of National Village Based on Experience——A Case Study of Minority Villages of Southeast Guizhou,China 被引量:1
作者 罗永常 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2011年第3期60-63,共4页
On the basis of resources features of minority villages in Southeast Guizhou and tourists' experience needs,the paper proposed that national villages would increasingly be the ideal destination of cultural experie... On the basis of resources features of minority villages in Southeast Guizhou and tourists' experience needs,the paper proposed that national villages would increasingly be the ideal destination of cultural experience tourism under the background of experience economy,and products design centering on experience need was the common problem confronted tourism development of national villages.Through analyzing four aspects of tourist resources which were natural ecology and pastoral scenery,tangible national culture,process and event national culture,and intangible culture,the paper proposed a general method for design of tourist products of national villages.The design should be conducted by following steps of "theme extraction—image shaping—scene design—atmosphere creation—program arrangement—implication design—publicity marketing".It should establish brand image of tourist products of national villages,so as to help tourists realize "image establishment—purchasing impulse—participation into interaction—profound experience—expectation achievement",and to constantly increase the attraction power of tourist products of national villages and comprehensive economic benefit of tourism. 展开更多
Study on Consumer Behaviors of Tourists in Rural Areas of Liaoning Province 被引量:1
作者 刘英杰 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第11期49-54,共6页
This study takes Liaoning Province for an example,investigates and analyzes a series of consumer decision behaviors of tourists in rural tourist sites,such as need recognition,data collection,purchase decision,summari... This study takes Liaoning Province for an example,investigates and analyzes a series of consumer decision behaviors of tourists in rural tourist sites,such as need recognition,data collection,purchase decision,summarizes law of tourists' behaviors,points out internal interaction between tourists' behaviors and demography features,proposes improvement measures for promoting the sustainable development of rural tourism. 展开更多
关键词 touristS in rural SCENIC areas CONSUMER behavior LIAONING PROVINCE
Analysis on Superior Features and Development Value of Water Tourist Resource in Jiangsu Province of China 被引量:1
作者 张利华 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2011年第8期61-64,69,共5页
In view of the fact that water resource had been taken as the focus of tourism development in Jiangsu Province, the paper had analyzed superior features of water tourist resource in Jiangsu Province, and summarized ge... In view of the fact that water resource had been taken as the focus of tourism development in Jiangsu Province, the paper had analyzed superior features of water tourist resource in Jiangsu Province, and summarized geographic features and plentiful water resources in Jiangsu. It emphasized that water resource was large in amount and river flew through most cities; that water resource was widely distributed and national AAAAA and AAAA scenic areas (spots) with water resource spread all over the province; that water resource was diversified in types and it could be divided into reaches, natural lakes and pools, springs, waterfalls, river mouths and lake surfaces; that water tourist resource was high in taste, strong in function and high in overall quality; and that water resource played a distinct role in landscape structure, which could not only constitute the main feature in isolation, but also lend people the sense of beauty through multiple landscaping factors. Based on the comprehensive evaluation on superior features of water resource in Jiangsu Province, it had proposed practical value for water tourism development, which was providing reference for scientific tourism planning, offering tourists abundant tourist products, shaping tourism brand image with distinct personality, creating a new growth pole and enhancing the protection of water resource. 展开更多
关键词 Jiangsu PROVINCE WATER tourist RESOURCE SUPERIOR FEATURES Development value
作者 郭安禧 郭英之 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2025年第1期236-246,共11页
旅游地魅力是近些年被提出和关注的新话题,目前考察旅游地魅力如何影响旅游者忠诚的研究尚少。本研究基于理智人模型、心理连续体模型和期望不一致理论,以享乐幸福感、实现幸福感、地方依赖、地方认同为中介和旅游体验质量为调节,探讨... 旅游地魅力是近些年被提出和关注的新话题,目前考察旅游地魅力如何影响旅游者忠诚的研究尚少。本研究基于理智人模型、心理连续体模型和期望不一致理论,以享乐幸福感、实现幸福感、地方依赖、地方认同为中介和旅游体验质量为调节,探讨旅游地魅力对旅游者忠诚影响的中介路径和边界条件。通过对旅游者问卷调查获得的444份有效问卷进行实证分析,结果显示:旅游地魅力对旅游者忠诚没有显著直接影响,享乐幸福感、地方依赖、地方认同在二者间起完全中介作用;旅游地魅力能提升享乐幸福感和实现幸福感,享乐幸福感会提升旅游者忠诚度,但实现幸福感不会提升旅游者忠诚度;旅游地魅力能增强地方依赖和地方认同,地方依赖和地方认同又能增强旅游者忠诚;旅游体验质量在旅游地魅力与实现幸福感、地方依赖、地方认同的作用关系中起正向调节作用。 展开更多
关键词 旅游地魅力 旅游者幸福感 地方依恋 旅游者忠诚 旅游体验质量
Study on Ecological Footprint of Sightseeing Tourists and Vacation Tourists in Sanya City
作者 邵小慧 罗艳菊 袁建平 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第10期43-47,共5页
Based on the theory of ecological footprint and tourists' consumption structure, the model of tourist ecological footprint was divided into six sub-models including catering, accommodation, shopping, sightseeing, ... Based on the theory of ecological footprint and tourists' consumption structure, the model of tourist ecological footprint was divided into six sub-models including catering, accommodation, shopping, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment, and ecological footprint of sightseeing tourists and vacation tourists in Sanya City was analyzed. The result showed that per capita ecological footprint of vacation tourists was higher than that of sightseeing tourists in Sanya City. The influential factor of the two kinds of tourists was slightly different in their proportion of sightseeing and entertainment factors. In the future, it should advocate sightseeing tourists to rationally make use of ecological resources, vacation tourists to have a healthy and ecological holiday, so as to ensure sustainable development of tourism. 展开更多
Construction of Ecological Tourist Destinations for Health Preservation
作者 余子萍 王丽 沙润 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第11期67-69,79,共4页
The approaches of constructing ecological tourist destinations for health preservation are introduced from 8 aspects,that is,resources,environment,cultures,services,facilities,management,marketing and education.Meanwh... The approaches of constructing ecological tourist destinations for health preservation are introduced from 8 aspects,that is,resources,environment,cultures,services,facilities,management,marketing and education.Meanwhile,this study states that the key of building such tourist destinations is the health-preservation environment system,including ecological environment,cultural environment and social environment. 展开更多
关键词 Health-preservation TOUR tourist DESTINATION CONSTRUCTION Environment system
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