To simulate the actual flowfield at the exit of the supersonic/hypersonic inlet, a wind tunnel is designed to study the flow in the scramjet isolator under the asymmetric incoming flow. And compression fields in the i...To simulate the actual flowfield at the exit of the supersonic/hypersonic inlet, a wind tunnel is designed to study the flow in the scramjet isolator under the asymmetric incoming flow. And compression fields in the isolator are investigated using wall static and pitot pressure measurements. Three incoming Mach numbers are considered as 1.5, 1.8 and 2. Results show that the increase of the asymmetry of the flow at the isolator entrance leads to the increase of the shock train length in the isolator for a given pressure ratio. Based on the analysis of the flow asymmetry effect at the isolator entrance on the shock train length, a modified correlation is proposed to calculate the length of the shock train. Predicted results of the proposed correlation are in good agreement with the experimental data.展开更多
According to the analysis of the turbulent intensity level around the high-speed train, the maximum turbulent intensity ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 which belongs to high turbulent flow. The flow field distribution law was ...According to the analysis of the turbulent intensity level around the high-speed train, the maximum turbulent intensity ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 which belongs to high turbulent flow. The flow field distribution law was studied and eight types of flow regions were proposed. They are high pressure with air stagnant region, pressure decreasing with air accelerating region, low pressure with high air flow velocity region I, turbulent region, steady flow region, low pressure with high air flow velocity region II,pressure increasing with air decelerating region and wake region. The analysis of the vortex structure around the train shows that the vortex is mainly induced by structures with complex mutation and large curvature change. The head and rear of train, the underbody structure, the carriage connection section and the wake region are the main vortex generating sources while the train body with even cross-section has rare vortexes. The wake structure development law studied lays foundation for the train drag reduction.展开更多
The development direction of railways is toward the improvement of capacity and service quality, where the service quality includes safety, schedule, high speed, and comfort. In light of the existing cellular automato...The development direction of railways is toward the improvement of capacity and service quality, where the service quality includes safety, schedule, high speed, and comfort. In light of the existing cellular automaton models, in this paper, we develop a model to analyze the mixed running processes of trains with maximal speeds of 500 km/h and 350 km/h respectively in the moving block system. In the proposed model, we establish some sound rules to control the running processes of a train, where the rules include the departure rules in the intermediate stations, the overtaking rules, and the conditions of speed limitation for a train stopping at a station or passing through a station. With the consideration of the mixed ratio and the distance between two adjacent stations, the properties of the train traffic flow (including capacity and average speed) are simulated. The numerical results show that the interactions among different trains will affect the capacity, and a proper increase of the spatial distance between two adjacent stations can enhance the capacity and the average speed under the moving block.展开更多
In order to describe an investigation of the flow around high-speed train on a bridge under cross winds using detached-eddy simulation(DES), a 1/8th scale model of a three-car high-speed train and a typical bridge mod...In order to describe an investigation of the flow around high-speed train on a bridge under cross winds using detached-eddy simulation(DES), a 1/8th scale model of a three-car high-speed train and a typical bridge model are employed, Numerical wind tunnel technology based on computational fluid dynamics(CFD) is used, and the CFD models are set as stationary models. The Reynolds number of the flow, based on the inflow velocity and the height of the vehicle, is 1.9×10~6. The computations are conducted under three cases, train on the windward track on the bridge(WWC), train on the leeward track on the bridge(LWC) and train on the flat ground(FGC). Commercial software FLUENT is used and the mesh sensitivity research is carried out by three different grids: coarse, medium and fine. Results show that compared with FGC case, the side force coefficients of the head cars for the WWC and LWC cases increases by 14% and 29%, respectively; the coefficients of middle cars for the WWC and LWC increase by 32% and 10%, respectively; and that of the tail car increases by 45% for the WWC whereas decreases by 2% for the LWC case. The most notable thing is that the side force and the rolling moment of the head car are greater for the LWC, while the side force and the rolling moment of the middle car and the tail car are greater for the WWC. Comparing the velocity profiles at different locations, the flow is significantly influenced by the bridge-train system when the air is close to it. For the three cases(WWC, LWC and FGC), the pressure on the windward side of train is mostly positive while that of the leeward side is negative. The discrepancy of train's aerodynamic force is due to the different surface area of positive pressure and negative pressure zone. Many vortices are born on the leeward edge of the roofs. Theses vortices develop downstream, detach and dissipate into the wake region. The eddies develop irregularly, leading to a noticeably turbulent flow at leeward side of train.展开更多
Based on incompressible viscous fluid Navier-stokes equation and k-ε 2-equations turbulent model, an investigation on 3D turbulent flow field around four kinds of train models has been made by finite element method. ...Based on incompressible viscous fluid Navier-stokes equation and k-ε 2-equations turbulent model, an investigation on 3D turbulent flow field around four kinds of train models has been made by finite element method. From the calculation, the pressure distribution characters of now field around high-speed trains have been obtained. It is significant for strength design of the high-speed train body, for resisting wind design of the facilities beside the high-speed railways and for determining the aerodynamic force of induced air to the human body near the railways.展开更多
Microcirculation of the peripheral nerve is necessary for neural growth and regeneration. However, technical limitations have limited studies in this area. The few studies conducted have concerned active exercise effe...Microcirculation of the peripheral nerve is necessary for neural growth and regeneration. However, technical limitations have limited studies in this area. The few studies conducted have concerned active exercise effects on microcirculation of the peripheral nerve. Using an animal experiment, this study evaluated the effect of swimming training on microcirculation of injured peripheral nerve by laser Doppler flowmetry. The results showed that the blood vessel at the distal end of the peripheral nerve was the main blood supply for the nerve, and the internal blood supply for the nerve had strong compensatory ability. Swimming training promoted the functional recovery of rats with sciatic nerve injury and the regeneration of myelin sheath and blood vessels, but had no impact on neural blood flow.展开更多
目的:通过收集血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练的相关文献,依照系统评价和Meta分析的范式,分析血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练与抗阻训练对运动者肌肉相关指标和专项能力的不同影响,旨在为运动者在训练实践中运用血流限制训练提供数据支持。方...目的:通过收集血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练的相关文献,依照系统评价和Meta分析的范式,分析血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练与抗阻训练对运动者肌肉相关指标和专项能力的不同影响,旨在为运动者在训练实践中运用血流限制训练提供数据支持。方法:检索中外数据库(中国知网、万方、PubMed、Web of Science和SPORTDiscus),应用血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练对对象为运动者中大学生运动者肢体围度、肌肉质量、肌肉力量和专项运动能力影响的随机对照试验,检索起止时间为2000-01-01/2023-10-12。至少2名研究者采用Cochrane协作网偏倚风险评估工具和标准对纳入文献进行质量评价。使用RevMan 5.4软件进行异质性检验、数据合并、亚组分析、绘制森林图和敏感性分析,绘制漏斗图并进行发表偏倚评价和敏感性分析。评价指标为肢体围度、肌肉厚度、肌肉力量和专项能力等,对不同专项运动能力进行亚组分析。结果:①共纳入18项随机对照试验,共403例受试者,根据Cochrane协作网偏倚风险评估工具,纳入文献中文献质量为A级的有16篇,B级有2篇。②将血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练与抗阻训练之间的效果进行对比,在肢体围度方面,两组间无显著性差异(SMD=0.03,95%CI:-0.16-0.21,P=0.78);在肌肉厚度方面(SMD=0.14,95%CI:0.01-0.27,P=0.03)及肌肉力量方面(SMD=0.37,95%CI:0.14-0.60,P=0.001)两组间有显著性差异。③对专项能力指标进行亚组分析结果显示,距离指标的分析结果存在高异质性(I2=73%),时间指标的分析结果存在高异质性(I2=55%),分析可能原因是各研究的测试方法及评估指标意义的不同导致;功率指标的分析结果显示无异质性(I2=0%);血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练对距离指标具有显著影响(P<0.01)。④合并效应结果显示,血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练比较抗阻训练对于专项能力的影响(P=0.41),提示不同训练方法对于专项能力不存在显著性影响。结论:①两种训练方法均能够促进大学生运动者的肌肉厚度、肌肉力量和专项能力,血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练相较于抗阻训练在促进运动员肌肉厚度、肌肉力量和部分专项能力方面具有显著性效果。因此,可以在专项训练之中科学合理地融合血流限制训练法,以差异性的生理刺激综合作用于肌肉,以取得更好的训练效果。②然而,由于纳入的研究数量较少,以及其他可能存在的局限性,今后需要纳入更多的高质量、多项目类型和性别的随机对照试验来证实。展开更多
背景:近年来,血流限制训练在踝关节损伤康复治疗中的应用逐渐增多,该技术可提高肌肉力量,尤其是结合低强度抗阻训练时可达到高负荷抗阻训练类似的效果。目的:阐述血流限制训练在预防与康复足踝部损伤中的应用现状。方法:在中国知网、Pub...背景:近年来,血流限制训练在踝关节损伤康复治疗中的应用逐渐增多,该技术可提高肌肉力量,尤其是结合低强度抗阻训练时可达到高负荷抗阻训练类似的效果。目的:阐述血流限制训练在预防与康复足踝部损伤中的应用现状。方法:在中国知网、PubMed和Web of Science数据库中进行文献检索,以“血流限制训练,加压训练,足踝,踝关节”为中文检索词,以“blood flow restriction,BFR,KAATSU,ankle,foot”为英文检索词,检索各数据库建库时间至2023年7月的相关文献,根据纳入及排除标准最终纳入50篇文献进行综述。结果与结论:在足踝部的应用中,血流限制训练主要用于对健康人群跟腱厚度和踝部肌力的研究,以及慢性踝关节不稳、跟腱断裂后及外踝骨折后。单次血流限制训练能使健康人群跟腱厚度减小,而长期血流限制训练能使健康人群跟腱厚度增加。血流限制训练能预防健康人群肌力下降,同时低强度血流训练能促进损伤患者踝部肌力的恢复。在目前的研究中很少发现与血流限制相关的不良事件,未来研究应比较不同训练方案在不同人群中的作用疗效,优化研究内容。展开更多
Intensive turbulence exists in the wakes of high speed trains, and the aerodynamic performance of the trailing car could deteriorate rapidly due to complicated features of the vortices in the wake zone. As a result, t...Intensive turbulence exists in the wakes of high speed trains, and the aerodynamic performance of the trailing car could deteriorate rapidly due to complicated features of the vortices in the wake zone. As a result, the safety and amenity of high speed trains would face a great challenge. This paper considers mainly the mechanism of vortex formation and evolution in the train flow field. A real CRH2 model is studied, with a leading car, a middle car and a trailing car included. Different running speeds and cross wind conditions are considered, and the approaches of un- steady Reynold-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) and de- tached eddy simulation (DES) are utilized, respectively. Re- suits reveal that DES has better capability of capturing small eddies compared to URANS. However, for large eddies, the effects of two approaches are almost the same. In conditions without cross winds, two large vortex streets stretch from the train nose and interact strongly with each other in the wake zone. With the reinforcement of the ground, a complicated wake vortex system generates and becomes strengthened as the running speed increases. However, the locations of flow separations on the train surface and the separation mechanism keep unchanged. In conditions with cross winds, three large vortices develop along the leeward side of the train, among which the weakest one has no obvious influence on the wake flow while the other two stretch to the tail of the train and combine with the helical vortices in the train wake. Thus, optimization of the aerodynamic performance of the trailing car should be aiming at reducing the intensity of the wake vortex system.展开更多
In the optimization of train diagrams, selecting the arrival and departure paths of the through gains has a great impact on the dwell time at district stations. In this paper, on the basis of train paths and the throu...In the optimization of train diagrams, selecting the arrival and departure paths of the through gains has a great impact on the dwell time at district stations. In this paper, on the basis of train paths and the through train connection time standard at district stations, we built a mathematical model aiming at minimizing dwell time of through trains at two adjacent district stations, and then converted this into a network flow model to which is added a source and a sink node. Then, we propose a new algorithm for solving the network flow model based on the minimum-cost flow algorithm. A case study for through trains from the Guiyang South Railway Station to the Chongqing West Railway Station shows that the algorithm is reliable and efficient for solving the problem of through train connections, and there is a reduction in the total dwell time that the through trains spend at two adjacent district stations.展开更多
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of training on endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) after revascularization and healthy young men. Background: Impa...Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of training on endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) after revascularization and healthy young men. Background: Impaired endothelial function has been observed in patients with CAD and those with CAD risk factors. Studies have shown that exercise can enhance endothelial function. Methods: This experimental cross-sectional study was conducted on patients with CAD (3 months after CABG and PCI) and students of medical school in 2011. Endothelium dependent dilation of the brachial artery was determined by using high-resolution vascular ultrasonography through flow-mediated vasodilatation (FMD) after induction of ischemia, and the data were analyzed using SPSS, dependent t-test and ANCOVA. Findings: The findings showed that at baseline, FMD was reduced in revascularized patients, when compared with healthy young men, after 8 weeks, and exercise training significantly improved FMD in patients underwent training group [from 4.31 ± 1.45 (SD)% to 6.15 ± 0.773 (SD)%, p p ed unchanged, and even after aerobic training, it did not significantly modify the brachial artery diameter in these groups. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that endothelial dysfunction persisting in CAD patients after revascularization and aerobic training can improve endothelial function in different vascular beds in CAD patients and healthy young men. This may contribute to the benefit of regular exercise in preventing and restricting cardiovascular disease.展开更多
Railway terminal is an important part of railway network. Transport organization of railway terminal is the key of the railway transport organization. Moreover, the organization of transport work is based on the organ...Railway terminal is an important part of railway network. Transport organization of railway terminal is the key of the railway transport organization. Moreover, the organization of transport work is based on the organization of wagon flows in the railway terminal. Because of the great amounts of equipment and a large number of train operations, the study on railway terminal transport organization is mostly focused on a marshalling station in railway terminal or a part of it. Systematic study taking railway terminal as a whole is very few. In this paper, the organization of wagon flows in a railway terminal is analyzed and a wagon flow model in a railway terminal is established. The main principles of organization of local trains are also presented.展开更多
文摘To simulate the actual flowfield at the exit of the supersonic/hypersonic inlet, a wind tunnel is designed to study the flow in the scramjet isolator under the asymmetric incoming flow. And compression fields in the isolator are investigated using wall static and pitot pressure measurements. Three incoming Mach numbers are considered as 1.5, 1.8 and 2. Results show that the increase of the asymmetry of the flow at the isolator entrance leads to the increase of the shock train length in the isolator for a given pressure ratio. Based on the analysis of the flow asymmetry effect at the isolator entrance on the shock train length, a modified correlation is proposed to calculate the length of the shock train. Predicted results of the proposed correlation are in good agreement with the experimental data.
基金Project(U1134203)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘According to the analysis of the turbulent intensity level around the high-speed train, the maximum turbulent intensity ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 which belongs to high turbulent flow. The flow field distribution law was studied and eight types of flow regions were proposed. They are high pressure with air stagnant region, pressure decreasing with air accelerating region, low pressure with high air flow velocity region I, turbulent region, steady flow region, low pressure with high air flow velocity region II,pressure increasing with air decelerating region and wake region. The analysis of the vortex structure around the train shows that the vortex is mainly induced by structures with complex mutation and large curvature change. The head and rear of train, the underbody structure, the carriage connection section and the wake region are the main vortex generating sources while the train body with even cross-section has rare vortexes. The wake structure development law studied lays foundation for the train drag reduction.
基金Project supported by the State Social Science Fund Project, China (Grant No. 11CJY067)the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province, China (Grant No. 1107RJYA070)
文摘The development direction of railways is toward the improvement of capacity and service quality, where the service quality includes safety, schedule, high speed, and comfort. In light of the existing cellular automaton models, in this paper, we develop a model to analyze the mixed running processes of trains with maximal speeds of 500 km/h and 350 km/h respectively in the moving block system. In the proposed model, we establish some sound rules to control the running processes of a train, where the rules include the departure rules in the intermediate stations, the overtaking rules, and the conditions of speed limitation for a train stopping at a station or passing through a station. With the consideration of the mixed ratio and the distance between two adjacent stations, the properties of the train traffic flow (including capacity and average speed) are simulated. The numerical results show that the interactions among different trains will affect the capacity, and a proper increase of the spatial distance between two adjacent stations can enhance the capacity and the average speed under the moving block.
基金Project(U1534210)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(14JJ1003)supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,China+2 种基金Project(2015CX003)supported by the Project of Innovation-driven Plan in Central South University,ChinaProject(14JC1003)supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,ChinaProject(2015T002-A)supported by the Technological Research and Development program of China Railways Cooperation
文摘In order to describe an investigation of the flow around high-speed train on a bridge under cross winds using detached-eddy simulation(DES), a 1/8th scale model of a three-car high-speed train and a typical bridge model are employed, Numerical wind tunnel technology based on computational fluid dynamics(CFD) is used, and the CFD models are set as stationary models. The Reynolds number of the flow, based on the inflow velocity and the height of the vehicle, is 1.9×10~6. The computations are conducted under three cases, train on the windward track on the bridge(WWC), train on the leeward track on the bridge(LWC) and train on the flat ground(FGC). Commercial software FLUENT is used and the mesh sensitivity research is carried out by three different grids: coarse, medium and fine. Results show that compared with FGC case, the side force coefficients of the head cars for the WWC and LWC cases increases by 14% and 29%, respectively; the coefficients of middle cars for the WWC and LWC increase by 32% and 10%, respectively; and that of the tail car increases by 45% for the WWC whereas decreases by 2% for the LWC case. The most notable thing is that the side force and the rolling moment of the head car are greater for the LWC, while the side force and the rolling moment of the middle car and the tail car are greater for the WWC. Comparing the velocity profiles at different locations, the flow is significantly influenced by the bridge-train system when the air is close to it. For the three cases(WWC, LWC and FGC), the pressure on the windward side of train is mostly positive while that of the leeward side is negative. The discrepancy of train's aerodynamic force is due to the different surface area of positive pressure and negative pressure zone. Many vortices are born on the leeward edge of the roofs. Theses vortices develop downstream, detach and dissipate into the wake region. The eddies develop irregularly, leading to a noticeably turbulent flow at leeward side of train.
文摘Based on incompressible viscous fluid Navier-stokes equation and k-ε 2-equations turbulent model, an investigation on 3D turbulent flow field around four kinds of train models has been made by finite element method. From the calculation, the pressure distribution characters of now field around high-speed trains have been obtained. It is significant for strength design of the high-speed train body, for resisting wind design of the facilities beside the high-speed railways and for determining the aerodynamic force of induced air to the human body near the railways.
基金the Military Project during "Tenth Five-Year Plan" Period, No.200626Z000058
文摘Microcirculation of the peripheral nerve is necessary for neural growth and regeneration. However, technical limitations have limited studies in this area. The few studies conducted have concerned active exercise effects on microcirculation of the peripheral nerve. Using an animal experiment, this study evaluated the effect of swimming training on microcirculation of injured peripheral nerve by laser Doppler flowmetry. The results showed that the blood vessel at the distal end of the peripheral nerve was the main blood supply for the nerve, and the internal blood supply for the nerve had strong compensatory ability. Swimming training promoted the functional recovery of rats with sciatic nerve injury and the regeneration of myelin sheath and blood vessels, but had no impact on neural blood flow.
文摘目的:通过收集血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练的相关文献,依照系统评价和Meta分析的范式,分析血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练与抗阻训练对运动者肌肉相关指标和专项能力的不同影响,旨在为运动者在训练实践中运用血流限制训练提供数据支持。方法:检索中外数据库(中国知网、万方、PubMed、Web of Science和SPORTDiscus),应用血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练对对象为运动者中大学生运动者肢体围度、肌肉质量、肌肉力量和专项运动能力影响的随机对照试验,检索起止时间为2000-01-01/2023-10-12。至少2名研究者采用Cochrane协作网偏倚风险评估工具和标准对纳入文献进行质量评价。使用RevMan 5.4软件进行异质性检验、数据合并、亚组分析、绘制森林图和敏感性分析,绘制漏斗图并进行发表偏倚评价和敏感性分析。评价指标为肢体围度、肌肉厚度、肌肉力量和专项能力等,对不同专项运动能力进行亚组分析。结果:①共纳入18项随机对照试验,共403例受试者,根据Cochrane协作网偏倚风险评估工具,纳入文献中文献质量为A级的有16篇,B级有2篇。②将血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练与抗阻训练之间的效果进行对比,在肢体围度方面,两组间无显著性差异(SMD=0.03,95%CI:-0.16-0.21,P=0.78);在肌肉厚度方面(SMD=0.14,95%CI:0.01-0.27,P=0.03)及肌肉力量方面(SMD=0.37,95%CI:0.14-0.60,P=0.001)两组间有显著性差异。③对专项能力指标进行亚组分析结果显示,距离指标的分析结果存在高异质性(I2=73%),时间指标的分析结果存在高异质性(I2=55%),分析可能原因是各研究的测试方法及评估指标意义的不同导致;功率指标的分析结果显示无异质性(I2=0%);血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练对距离指标具有显著影响(P<0.01)。④合并效应结果显示,血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练比较抗阻训练对于专项能力的影响(P=0.41),提示不同训练方法对于专项能力不存在显著性影响。结论:①两种训练方法均能够促进大学生运动者的肌肉厚度、肌肉力量和专项能力,血流限制训练法联合抗阻训练相较于抗阻训练在促进运动员肌肉厚度、肌肉力量和部分专项能力方面具有显著性效果。因此,可以在专项训练之中科学合理地融合血流限制训练法,以差异性的生理刺激综合作用于肌肉,以取得更好的训练效果。②然而,由于纳入的研究数量较少,以及其他可能存在的局限性,今后需要纳入更多的高质量、多项目类型和性别的随机对照试验来证实。
文摘背景:近年来,血流限制训练在踝关节损伤康复治疗中的应用逐渐增多,该技术可提高肌肉力量,尤其是结合低强度抗阻训练时可达到高负荷抗阻训练类似的效果。目的:阐述血流限制训练在预防与康复足踝部损伤中的应用现状。方法:在中国知网、PubMed和Web of Science数据库中进行文献检索,以“血流限制训练,加压训练,足踝,踝关节”为中文检索词,以“blood flow restriction,BFR,KAATSU,ankle,foot”为英文检索词,检索各数据库建库时间至2023年7月的相关文献,根据纳入及排除标准最终纳入50篇文献进行综述。结果与结论:在足踝部的应用中,血流限制训练主要用于对健康人群跟腱厚度和踝部肌力的研究,以及慢性踝关节不稳、跟腱断裂后及外踝骨折后。单次血流限制训练能使健康人群跟腱厚度减小,而长期血流限制训练能使健康人群跟腱厚度增加。血流限制训练能预防健康人群肌力下降,同时低强度血流训练能促进损伤患者踝部肌力的恢复。在目前的研究中很少发现与血流限制相关的不良事件,未来研究应比较不同训练方案在不同人群中的作用疗效,优化研究内容。
基金supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program(2009BAG12A03)the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China(2011CB711101)
文摘Intensive turbulence exists in the wakes of high speed trains, and the aerodynamic performance of the trailing car could deteriorate rapidly due to complicated features of the vortices in the wake zone. As a result, the safety and amenity of high speed trains would face a great challenge. This paper considers mainly the mechanism of vortex formation and evolution in the train flow field. A real CRH2 model is studied, with a leading car, a middle car and a trailing car included. Different running speeds and cross wind conditions are considered, and the approaches of un- steady Reynold-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) and de- tached eddy simulation (DES) are utilized, respectively. Re- suits reveal that DES has better capability of capturing small eddies compared to URANS. However, for large eddies, the effects of two approaches are almost the same. In conditions without cross winds, two large vortex streets stretch from the train nose and interact strongly with each other in the wake zone. With the reinforcement of the ground, a complicated wake vortex system generates and becomes strengthened as the running speed increases. However, the locations of flow separations on the train surface and the separation mechanism keep unchanged. In conditions with cross winds, three large vortices develop along the leeward side of the train, among which the weakest one has no obvious influence on the wake flow while the other two stretch to the tail of the train and combine with the helical vortices in the train wake. Thus, optimization of the aerodynamic performance of the trailing car should be aiming at reducing the intensity of the wake vortex system.
文摘In the optimization of train diagrams, selecting the arrival and departure paths of the through gains has a great impact on the dwell time at district stations. In this paper, on the basis of train paths and the through train connection time standard at district stations, we built a mathematical model aiming at minimizing dwell time of through trains at two adjacent district stations, and then converted this into a network flow model to which is added a source and a sink node. Then, we propose a new algorithm for solving the network flow model based on the minimum-cost flow algorithm. A case study for through trains from the Guiyang South Railway Station to the Chongqing West Railway Station shows that the algorithm is reliable and efficient for solving the problem of through train connections, and there is a reduction in the total dwell time that the through trains spend at two adjacent district stations.
文摘Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of training on endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) after revascularization and healthy young men. Background: Impaired endothelial function has been observed in patients with CAD and those with CAD risk factors. Studies have shown that exercise can enhance endothelial function. Methods: This experimental cross-sectional study was conducted on patients with CAD (3 months after CABG and PCI) and students of medical school in 2011. Endothelium dependent dilation of the brachial artery was determined by using high-resolution vascular ultrasonography through flow-mediated vasodilatation (FMD) after induction of ischemia, and the data were analyzed using SPSS, dependent t-test and ANCOVA. Findings: The findings showed that at baseline, FMD was reduced in revascularized patients, when compared with healthy young men, after 8 weeks, and exercise training significantly improved FMD in patients underwent training group [from 4.31 ± 1.45 (SD)% to 6.15 ± 0.773 (SD)%, p p ed unchanged, and even after aerobic training, it did not significantly modify the brachial artery diameter in these groups. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that endothelial dysfunction persisting in CAD patients after revascularization and aerobic training can improve endothelial function in different vascular beds in CAD patients and healthy young men. This may contribute to the benefit of regular exercise in preventing and restricting cardiovascular disease.
文摘Railway terminal is an important part of railway network. Transport organization of railway terminal is the key of the railway transport organization. Moreover, the organization of transport work is based on the organization of wagon flows in the railway terminal. Because of the great amounts of equipment and a large number of train operations, the study on railway terminal transport organization is mostly focused on a marshalling station in railway terminal or a part of it. Systematic study taking railway terminal as a whole is very few. In this paper, the organization of wagon flows in a railway terminal is analyzed and a wagon flow model in a railway terminal is established. The main principles of organization of local trains are also presented.