Water transport at the root/soil interface of 1 year old Pinus sylvestris Linn. var. sylvestriformis (Takenouchi) Cheng et C. D. Chu seedlings under CO 2 doubling was studied by measuring soil electric conductanc...Water transport at the root/soil interface of 1 year old Pinus sylvestris Linn. var. sylvestriformis (Takenouchi) Cheng et C. D. Chu seedlings under CO 2 doubling was studied by measuring soil electric conductance to survey soil water profiles and comparing it with root distribution surveyed by soil coring and root harvesting in Changbai Mountain in 1999. The results were: (1) The profiles of soil water content were adjusted by root activity. The water content of the soil layer with abundant roots was higher. (2) When CO 2 concentration was doubled, water transport was more active at the root/soil interface and the roots were distributed into deeper layer. It was shown in this work that the method of measuring electric conductance is an inexpensive, non_destructive and relatively sensitive way for underground water transport process.展开更多
Furrow irrigation when combined with plastic mulch on ridge is one of the current uppermost wa- ter-saving irrigation technologies for arid regions. The present paper studies the dynamics of soil water-salt trans- por...Furrow irrigation when combined with plastic mulch on ridge is one of the current uppermost wa- ter-saving irrigation technologies for arid regions. The present paper studies the dynamics of soil water-salt trans- portation and its spatial distribution characteristics under irrigation with saline water in a maize field experiment. The mathematical relationships for soil salinity, irrigation amount and water salinity are also established to evaluate the contribution of the irrigation amount and the salinity of saline water to soil salt accumulation. The result showed that irrigation with water of high salinity could effectively increase soil water content, but the increment is limited com- paring with the influence from irrigation amount. The soil water content in furrows was higher than that in ridges at the same soil layers, with increments of 12.87% and 13.70% for MMF9 (the treatment with the highest water salinity and the largest amount of irrigation water) and MMF1 (the treatment with the lowest water salinity and the least amount of irrigation water) on 27 June, respectively. The increment for MMF9 was gradually reduced while that for MMF1 increased along with growth stages, the values for 17 August being 2.40% and 19.92%, respectively. Soil water content in the ridge for MMF9 reduced gradually from the surface layer to deeper layers while the surface soil water content for MMF1 was smaller than the contents below 20 cm at the early growing stage. Soil salinities for the treatments with the same amount of irrigation water but different water salinity increased with the water salinity. When water salinity was 6.04 dS/m, the less water resulted in more salt accumulation in topsoil and less in deep layers. When water salinity was 2.89 dS/m, however, the less water resulted in less salt accumulation in topsoil and salinity remained basically stable in deep layers. The salt accumulation in the ridge surface was much smaller than that in the furrow bottom under this technology, which was quite different from traditional furrow irrigation. The soil salinities for MMF7, MMF8 and MMF9 in the ridge surface were 0.191, 0.355 and 0.427 dS/m, respectively, whereas those in the furrow bottom were 0.316, 0.521 and 0.631 dS/m, respectively. The result of correlation analysis indicated that compared with irrigation amount, the irrigation water salinity was still the main factor influ- encing soil salinity in furrow irrigation with plastic mulch on ridge.展开更多
Soil erosion in hilly areas of the Sichuan Basin is a serious concern over sustainable crop production and sound ecosystem. A 3-year experiment was conducted using the method of runoff plots to examine the effects of ...Soil erosion in hilly areas of the Sichuan Basin is a serious concern over sustainable crop production and sound ecosystem. A 3-year experiment was conducted using the method of runoff plots to examine the effects of terracing and agroforestry in farmland systems on soil and water conservation of slope fields in the hilly areas in Jianyang County, Sichuan Province, Southwestern China. A power function (Y = aXb) can statistically describe the relationship between water runoff (Y) and rainfall (X). The regression equation for the treatment of sloping terraces with crops (Plot 2) is remarkably different from that for the treatment of sloping terraces with grasses and trees (Plot 1) and the conventional up- and down-slope crop system (Plot 3) regarding equation coefficients, while regression equations are similar between Plot 1 and Plot 3. Water runoff amount and runoff coefficient of slope fields increased by 21.5~41.0 % and 27.5~69.7 % respectively, compared to those of sloping terraces, suggesting that terracing notably reduced the water runoff in the field. In the case of sloping terraces, lower amount of water runoff was observed on sloping terraces with crops than on sloping terraces with grasses and trees. Sediment yields on the slope fields in the normal year of rainfall distribution were notably higher (34.41~331.67 % and 37.06~403.44 % for Plot 1 and Plot 2, respectively) than those on sloping terraces, implying that terracing also plays a significant role in the reduction in soil erosion. It is suggested that terracing with crops is significantly effective for soil and water conservation in cultivatedfarmland, while the conventional practice of up- and down- slope cultivation creates high rates of water runoff and soil sediment transport. Terracing with grasses and fruit trees shows a less reduction in water runoff than terracing with crops, which was observed in the 3-year experiments.展开更多
Understanding solute transport behaviors of deep soil profile in the Loess Plateau is helpful for ecological construction and agricultural production improvement. In this study, solute transport processes of a deep so...Understanding solute transport behaviors of deep soil profile in the Loess Plateau is helpful for ecological construction and agricultural production improvement. In this study, solute transport processes of a deep soil profile were measured by a conservative tracer experiment using 25 undisturbed soil cores (20 cm long and 7 cm diameter for each) continuously sampled from the surface downward to the depth of 500 cm in the Loess Plateau of China. The solute transport breakthrough curves (BTCs) were analyzed in terms of the convection-dispersion equation (CDE) and the mobile-immobile model (MIM). Average pore-water velocity and dispersion coefficient (or effective dispersion coefficient) were calculated using the CDE and MIM. Basic soil properties and water infiltration parameters were also determined to explore their influence on the solute transport parameters. Both pore-water velocity and dispersion coefficient (or effective dispersion coefficient) generally decreased with increasing depth, and the dispersivity fluctuated along the soil profile. There was a good linear correlation between log-transformed pore-water velocity and dispersion coefficient, with a slope of about 1.0 and an average dispersivity of 0.25 for the entire soil profile. Generally speaking, the soil was more homogeneous along the soil profile. Our results also show that hydrodynamic dispersion is the dominant mechanism of solute transport of loess soils in the study area.展开更多
Overwhelming evidence reveals that concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) have increased in streams which brings negative environmental impacts. DOC in stream flow is mainly originated from soil-water solu...Overwhelming evidence reveals that concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) have increased in streams which brings negative environmental impacts. DOC in stream flow is mainly originated from soil-water solutions of watershed. Wetlands prove to be the most sensitive areas as an important DOC reserve between terrestrial and fluvial biogeosystems. This reported study was focused on the distribution characteristics and the controlling factors of DOC in soil-water solutions of annular wetland, i.e., a dishing wetland and a forest wetland together, in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. The results indicate that DOC concentrations in soilwater solutions decreased and then increased with increasing soil depth in the annular wetland. In the upper soil layers of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm, DOC concentrations in soil-water solutions linearly increased from edge to center of the annular wetland (R^2 = 0.3122 and R^2 = 0.443). The distribution variations were intimately linked to DOC production and utilization and DOC transport processes in annular wetland soil-water solutions. The concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC), total carbon (TC) and Fe(II), DOC mobility and continuous vertical and lateral flow affectext the distribution variations of DOC in soil-water solutions. The correlation coefficients between DOC concentrations and TOC, TC and Fe(II) were 0.974, 0.813 and 0.753 respectively. These distribution characteristics suggested a systematic response of the distribution variations of DOC in annular wetland soil-water solutions to the geometry of closed depressions on a scale of small catchments. However, the DOC in soil pore water of the annular wetland may be the potential source of DOC to stream flow on watershed scale. These observations also implied the fragmentation of wetland landscape could bring the spatial-temporal variations of DOC distribution and exports, which would bring negative environmental impacts in watersheds of the Sanjiang Plain.展开更多
The effect of soil stratification was studied through numerical investigation based on the coupled model of solute transport in deformable unsaturated soil. The theoretical model implied two-way coupled excess pore pr...The effect of soil stratification was studied through numerical investigation based on the coupled model of solute transport in deformable unsaturated soil. The theoretical model implied two-way coupled excess pore pressure and soil deformation based on Biot's consolidation theory as well as a one-way coupled volatile pollutant concentration field developed from the advection-diffusion theory. Embedded in the model, the degree of saturation, fluid compressibility, self-weight of the soil matrix, porosity variance, longitudinal dispersion, and linear sorption were computed. Based on simulation results of a proposed three-layer landfill model using the finite element method, the multi-layer effects are discussed with regard to the hydraulic conductivity, shear modulus, degree of saturation, molecular diffusion coefficient, and thickness of each layer. Generally speaking, contaminants spread faster in a stratified field with a soft and highly permeable top layer; soil parameters of the top layer are more critical than the lower layers but controlling soil thicknesses will alter the results. This numerical investigation showed noticeable impacts of stratified soil properties on solute migration results, demonstrating the importance of correctly modeling layered soil instead of simply assuming the averaged properties across the soil profile.展开更多
The shortcomings of the present two formulae for describing column holdup are analyzed and deductions are made to find a new formula. The column holdup, Hw, described by the new formula is dimensional, and related to ...The shortcomings of the present two formulae for describing column holdup are analyzed and deductions are made to find a new formula. The column holdup, Hw, described by the new formula is dimensional, and related to soil solute transport kinesis and column physical properties. Compared with the other two column holdups, Hw is feasible to describe dimensional column holdup during solute transport process. The relationships between Hw and retardation factor, R, in different solute transport boundary conditions are established.展开更多
Transport properties and the associated structural heterogeneity of room temperature aqueous ionic liquids and especially of super-concentrated electrolyte aqueous solutions have received increasing attention,due to t...Transport properties and the associated structural heterogeneity of room temperature aqueous ionic liquids and especially of super-concentrated electrolyte aqueous solutions have received increasing attention,due to their potential application in ionic battery.This paper briefly reviews the results reported mainly since 2010 about the liquid-liquid separation,aggregation of polar and apolar domains in neat RTILs,and solvent clusters and 3D networks chiefly constructed by anions in super-concentrated electrolyte solutions.At the same time,the dominating effect of desolvation process of metal ions at electrode/electrolyte interface upon the transport of metal ions is stressed.This paper also presents the current understanding of how water affects the anion-cation interaction,structural heterogeneities,the structure of primary coordination sheath of metal ions and consequently their transport properties in free water-poor electrolytes.展开更多
With six packed columns composed of < 1 μm and 5 μm~0.25 mm fractions from an Eum-Orthic An- throsol (Columns 1~6) and one column of the Eum-Orthic Anthrosol (Column 7), K~(+) transport experiments under the c...With six packed columns composed of < 1 μm and 5 μm~0.25 mm fractions from an Eum-Orthic An- throsol (Columns 1~6) and one column of the Eum-Orthic Anthrosol (Column 7), K~(+) transport experiments under the condition of saturated steady water flow were conducted to qualify the effects of soil texture com- position on the retardation factor (R) of K~(+) transport. The results showed that the retardation factor of K~ (+) transport in the tested soil columns greatly increased with increasing clay contents. In an attempt to use pedo-transfer function (PTF) approach in the solute transport study, a preliminary PTF was established through the six packed columns (Columns 1~6) with soil basic data including soil bulk density, volumet- ric water content and clay content to predict the retardation factor, and proved valid by the satisfactory prediction of R in Column 7.展开更多
Soil infiltration and redistribution are important processes in field water cycle, and it is necessary to develop a simple model to describe the processes. In this study, an algebraic solution for one-dimensional wate...Soil infiltration and redistribution are important processes in field water cycle, and it is necessary to develop a simple model to describe the processes. In this study, an algebraic solution for one-dimensional water infiltration and redistribution without evaporation in unsaturated soil was developed based on Richards equation. The algebraic solution had three parameters, namely, the saturated water conductivity, the comprehensive shape coefficient of the soil water content distribution, and the soil suction allocation coefficient. To analyze the physical features of these parameters, a relationship between the Green-Ampt model and the algebraic solution was established. The three parameters were estimated based on experimental observations, whereas the soil water content and the water infiltration duration were calculated using the algebraic solution. The calculated soil water content and infiltration duration were compared with the experimental observations, and the results indicated that the algebraic solution accurately described the unsaturated soil water flow processes.展开更多
We analyze mimetic properties of a conservative finite-volume (FV) scheme on polygonal meshes used for modeling solute transport on a surface with variable elevation. Polygonal meshes not only provide enormous mesh ge...We analyze mimetic properties of a conservative finite-volume (FV) scheme on polygonal meshes used for modeling solute transport on a surface with variable elevation. Polygonal meshes not only provide enormous mesh generation flexibility, but also tend to improve stability properties of numerical schemes and reduce bias towards any particular mesh direction. The mathematical model is given by a system of weakly coupled shallow water and linear transport equations. The equations are discretized using different explicit cell-centered FV schemes for flow and transport subsystems with different time steps. The discrete shallow water scheme is well balanced and preserves the positivity of the water depth. We provide a rigorous estimate of a stable time step for the shallow water and transport scheme and prove a bounds-preserving property of the solute concentration. The scheme is second-order accurate over fully wet regions and first-order accurate over partially wet or dry regions. Theoretical results are verified with numerical experiments on rectangular, triangular, and polygonal meshes.展开更多
We selected a dark coniferous forest ecosystem of Gongga Mountain in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River as our research area to study the preferential flow and solute preferential transport by adding the tracers K...We selected a dark coniferous forest ecosystem of Gongga Mountain in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River as our research area to study the preferential flow and solute preferential transport by adding the tracers KNO3 and KBr to the self-made soil column equipment in different ways to examine density and volume changes of inflows and outflows of a mass input (impulse input) and a stable, well-distributed input (step input)). The results showed that this dark coniferous forest ecosystem of Gongga Mountain is a typical area of preferential flow and solute preferential transport, a process that can be classified into five parts. A great amount of solute was transported at high speed as the result of preferential flow in the soil and caused the density of the solute in both deep water and in groundwater to rise rapidly, which definitely increased pollution in the deep soil layer.展开更多
This paper points out the limitation of Beck formula and gives a revised formula owing to the water content and 222Rn escape in soil for calculating γ radiation doserate through the experimental fitting from 576 sets...This paper points out the limitation of Beck formula and gives a revised formula owing to the water content and 222Rn escape in soil for calculating γ radiation doserate through the experimental fitting from 576 sets of measured values in ZhejiangProvince. When the revised formula is applied to Beijing Municipality, where there is a great difference in the meteorology and soil conditions, the calculated average in general is only 3.5% different from that measured; those of every position deviate only 2.1% averagely; and their dispersion is in the experimental errors. Therefore, the revised formula possesses a high reliability and a broad suitability, and is an effective method to estimate the ac radiation dose rate oil the land.展开更多
The mechanism of transport of chemicals in soil is an important research topic of environmental science and engineering, and some models and methods for a variety of solute transport problems have been done. Howeve...The mechanism of transport of chemicals in soil is an important research topic of environmental science and engineering, and some models and methods for a variety of solute transport problems have been done. However. most of previous works are usually for a soil column of infinite dimension. Starting from the one-dimension transient solute transport equation and its boundary and initial condition for a solute transport problem of soil column of finite length, this work has successfully applied a variable transformation to simplify the partial differential equation of solute transport problem. And an analytical serial solution for the simplified equation is then established by the so-called separated variable method and the superposition method. Compared with numerical methods such as finite different method and finite element method, this analytical solution is more accurate and of higher computation efficiency. In addition, the solution procedure presented could be extended for applications such as quality analysis, design of physical experimentation, or parameter estimation and measurement of solute transport problems.展开更多
This paper is devoted to the study of the existence of weak solution in time with a periodic domain of sediment transport model. We consider a one-dimensional viscous sediment transport model which combines a viscous ...This paper is devoted to the study of the existence of weak solution in time with a periodic domain of sediment transport model. We consider a one-dimensional viscous sediment transport model which combines a viscous Shallow-Water system with a transport equation that describes the bottom evolution. The model studied does not take into account all the regularizing terms used by Roamba Brahima, Zongo Yacouba and Jean de Dieu Zabsonré (2017) and we use a better transport equation than that used by Zabsonré (2012).展开更多
Film hole irrigation has been widely adopted as an effective water-saving irrigation technology in the arid and semiarid areas of China.To investigate the effects of initial soil moisture content(θ0)on soil water and...Film hole irrigation has been widely adopted as an effective water-saving irrigation technology in the arid and semiarid areas of China.To investigate the effects of initial soil moisture content(θ0)on soil water and nitrogen transport characteristics under muddy water film hole infiltration,the laboratory experiments were conducted with muddy water film hole infiltration,using five initial soil moisture content treatments.The models for describing the relationships between the cumulative infiltration(I(t))and infiltration duration(t);the relationship among the horizontal and vertical migration distances of the wetting front(Fx,Fz),θ0 and t,were established.The results showed that the initial soil moisture content had a significant effect on I(t),Fx,Fz and moisture content distribution in the wetted body.The change of I(t)over t conformed to Kostiakov model.With the increase ofθ0,the infiltration coefficient(K)gradually decreased.NO-3-N was mainly distributed in the range of the wetting radius of 15 cm,while NH+4-N was mainly distributed in the range of the wetting radius of 8 cm.This study can provide a theoretical basis and technical support for film hole irrigation.展开更多
Salt (NaCl) solution was applied to the surface of a cultivated field with 3 × 6 m2 and then was leached downward by a steady infiltration rate 4 mm/d. Sampling programs were designed under guiding of Dagan's...Salt (NaCl) solution was applied to the surface of a cultivated field with 3 × 6 m2 and then was leached downward by a steady infiltration rate 4 mm/d. Sampling programs were designed under guiding of Dagan's scale concept. Each soil sample had eight replicates. Salt concentration exhibited a much more variability in both vertical and horizontal directions than water content, especially in the zones of peak values of concentration. The volume of immobile water, which might play an important role in the variability of concentration, was in the range of 24-39% of the total water volume in the experimental studies.展开更多
Based on the recent development in shallow flow modelling, this paperpresents a finite volume Godunov-type model for solving a 4×4 hyperbolic matrixsystem of conservation laws that comprise the shallow water and ...Based on the recent development in shallow flow modelling, this paperpresents a finite volume Godunov-type model for solving a 4×4 hyperbolic matrixsystem of conservation laws that comprise the shallow water and depth-averaged solute transport equations. The adopted governing equations are derived to preserveexactly the solution of lake at rest so that no special numerical technique is necessaryin order to construct a well-balanced scheme. The HLLC approximate Riemann solveris used to evaluate the interface fluxes. Second-order accuracy is achieved using theMUSCL slope limited linear reconstruction together with a Runge-Kutta time integration method. The model is validated against several benchmark tests and the resultsare in excellent agreement with analytical solutions or other published numerical predictions.展开更多
文摘Water transport at the root/soil interface of 1 year old Pinus sylvestris Linn. var. sylvestriformis (Takenouchi) Cheng et C. D. Chu seedlings under CO 2 doubling was studied by measuring soil electric conductance to survey soil water profiles and comparing it with root distribution surveyed by soil coring and root harvesting in Changbai Mountain in 1999. The results were: (1) The profiles of soil water content were adjusted by root activity. The water content of the soil layer with abundant roots was higher. (2) When CO 2 concentration was doubled, water transport was more active at the root/soil interface and the roots were distributed into deeper layer. It was shown in this work that the method of measuring electric conductance is an inexpensive, non_destructive and relatively sensitive way for underground water transport process.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (91025002,30970492)the National Key Technology R & D Program (2012BAC08B05)
文摘Furrow irrigation when combined with plastic mulch on ridge is one of the current uppermost wa- ter-saving irrigation technologies for arid regions. The present paper studies the dynamics of soil water-salt trans- portation and its spatial distribution characteristics under irrigation with saline water in a maize field experiment. The mathematical relationships for soil salinity, irrigation amount and water salinity are also established to evaluate the contribution of the irrigation amount and the salinity of saline water to soil salt accumulation. The result showed that irrigation with water of high salinity could effectively increase soil water content, but the increment is limited com- paring with the influence from irrigation amount. The soil water content in furrows was higher than that in ridges at the same soil layers, with increments of 12.87% and 13.70% for MMF9 (the treatment with the highest water salinity and the largest amount of irrigation water) and MMF1 (the treatment with the lowest water salinity and the least amount of irrigation water) on 27 June, respectively. The increment for MMF9 was gradually reduced while that for MMF1 increased along with growth stages, the values for 17 August being 2.40% and 19.92%, respectively. Soil water content in the ridge for MMF9 reduced gradually from the surface layer to deeper layers while the surface soil water content for MMF1 was smaller than the contents below 20 cm at the early growing stage. Soil salinities for the treatments with the same amount of irrigation water but different water salinity increased with the water salinity. When water salinity was 6.04 dS/m, the less water resulted in more salt accumulation in topsoil and less in deep layers. When water salinity was 2.89 dS/m, however, the less water resulted in less salt accumulation in topsoil and salinity remained basically stable in deep layers. The salt accumulation in the ridge surface was much smaller than that in the furrow bottom under this technology, which was quite different from traditional furrow irrigation. The soil salinities for MMF7, MMF8 and MMF9 in the ridge surface were 0.191, 0.355 and 0.427 dS/m, respectively, whereas those in the furrow bottom were 0.316, 0.521 and 0.631 dS/m, respectively. The result of correlation analysis indicated that compared with irrigation amount, the irrigation water salinity was still the main factor influ- encing soil salinity in furrow irrigation with plastic mulch on ridge.
基金the research funding provided by the National Basic Research Program (973 Program No. 2007CB407206) of Chinathe National Natural Science Foundation of China (40771027)the National Supporting Plan of Science and Technology of China (2008BAD98B04)
文摘Soil erosion in hilly areas of the Sichuan Basin is a serious concern over sustainable crop production and sound ecosystem. A 3-year experiment was conducted using the method of runoff plots to examine the effects of terracing and agroforestry in farmland systems on soil and water conservation of slope fields in the hilly areas in Jianyang County, Sichuan Province, Southwestern China. A power function (Y = aXb) can statistically describe the relationship between water runoff (Y) and rainfall (X). The regression equation for the treatment of sloping terraces with crops (Plot 2) is remarkably different from that for the treatment of sloping terraces with grasses and trees (Plot 1) and the conventional up- and down-slope crop system (Plot 3) regarding equation coefficients, while regression equations are similar between Plot 1 and Plot 3. Water runoff amount and runoff coefficient of slope fields increased by 21.5~41.0 % and 27.5~69.7 % respectively, compared to those of sloping terraces, suggesting that terracing notably reduced the water runoff in the field. In the case of sloping terraces, lower amount of water runoff was observed on sloping terraces with crops than on sloping terraces with grasses and trees. Sediment yields on the slope fields in the normal year of rainfall distribution were notably higher (34.41~331.67 % and 37.06~403.44 % for Plot 1 and Plot 2, respectively) than those on sloping terraces, implying that terracing also plays a significant role in the reduction in soil erosion. It is suggested that terracing with crops is significantly effective for soil and water conservation in cultivatedfarmland, while the conventional practice of up- and down- slope cultivation creates high rates of water runoff and soil sediment transport. Terracing with grasses and fruit trees shows a less reduction in water runoff than terracing with crops, which was observed in the 3-year experiments.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41571130081,41530854)
文摘Understanding solute transport behaviors of deep soil profile in the Loess Plateau is helpful for ecological construction and agricultural production improvement. In this study, solute transport processes of a deep soil profile were measured by a conservative tracer experiment using 25 undisturbed soil cores (20 cm long and 7 cm diameter for each) continuously sampled from the surface downward to the depth of 500 cm in the Loess Plateau of China. The solute transport breakthrough curves (BTCs) were analyzed in terms of the convection-dispersion equation (CDE) and the mobile-immobile model (MIM). Average pore-water velocity and dispersion coefficient (or effective dispersion coefficient) were calculated using the CDE and MIM. Basic soil properties and water infiltration parameters were also determined to explore their influence on the solute transport parameters. Both pore-water velocity and dispersion coefficient (or effective dispersion coefficient) generally decreased with increasing depth, and the dispersivity fluctuated along the soil profile. There was a good linear correlation between log-transformed pore-water velocity and dispersion coefficient, with a slope of about 1.0 and an average dispersivity of 0.25 for the entire soil profile. Generally speaking, the soil was more homogeneous along the soil profile. Our results also show that hydrodynamic dispersion is the dominant mechanism of solute transport of loess soils in the study area.
基金Project supported by the Knowledge Innovation Engineering Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No. KSCX2-YW-N-46-06)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 40501030).
文摘Overwhelming evidence reveals that concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) have increased in streams which brings negative environmental impacts. DOC in stream flow is mainly originated from soil-water solutions of watershed. Wetlands prove to be the most sensitive areas as an important DOC reserve between terrestrial and fluvial biogeosystems. This reported study was focused on the distribution characteristics and the controlling factors of DOC in soil-water solutions of annular wetland, i.e., a dishing wetland and a forest wetland together, in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. The results indicate that DOC concentrations in soilwater solutions decreased and then increased with increasing soil depth in the annular wetland. In the upper soil layers of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm, DOC concentrations in soil-water solutions linearly increased from edge to center of the annular wetland (R^2 = 0.3122 and R^2 = 0.443). The distribution variations were intimately linked to DOC production and utilization and DOC transport processes in annular wetland soil-water solutions. The concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC), total carbon (TC) and Fe(II), DOC mobility and continuous vertical and lateral flow affectext the distribution variations of DOC in soil-water solutions. The correlation coefficients between DOC concentrations and TOC, TC and Fe(II) were 0.974, 0.813 and 0.753 respectively. These distribution characteristics suggested a systematic response of the distribution variations of DOC in annular wetland soil-water solutions to the geometry of closed depressions on a scale of small catchments. However, the DOC in soil pore water of the annular wetland may be the potential source of DOC to stream flow on watershed scale. These observations also implied the fragmentation of wetland landscape could bring the spatial-temporal variations of DOC distribution and exports, which would bring negative environmental impacts in watersheds of the Sanjiang Plain.
文摘The effect of soil stratification was studied through numerical investigation based on the coupled model of solute transport in deformable unsaturated soil. The theoretical model implied two-way coupled excess pore pressure and soil deformation based on Biot's consolidation theory as well as a one-way coupled volatile pollutant concentration field developed from the advection-diffusion theory. Embedded in the model, the degree of saturation, fluid compressibility, self-weight of the soil matrix, porosity variance, longitudinal dispersion, and linear sorption were computed. Based on simulation results of a proposed three-layer landfill model using the finite element method, the multi-layer effects are discussed with regard to the hydraulic conductivity, shear modulus, degree of saturation, molecular diffusion coefficient, and thickness of each layer. Generally speaking, contaminants spread faster in a stratified field with a soft and highly permeable top layer; soil parameters of the top layer are more critical than the lower layers but controlling soil thicknesses will alter the results. This numerical investigation showed noticeable impacts of stratified soil properties on solute migration results, demonstrating the importance of correctly modeling layered soil instead of simply assuming the averaged properties across the soil profile.
基金Project (No. 49901009) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
文摘The shortcomings of the present two formulae for describing column holdup are analyzed and deductions are made to find a new formula. The column holdup, Hw, described by the new formula is dimensional, and related to soil solute transport kinesis and column physical properties. Compared with the other two column holdups, Hw is feasible to describe dimensional column holdup during solute transport process. The relationships between Hw and retardation factor, R, in different solute transport boundary conditions are established.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11974385 and 91956101)the Fund from the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.1731300500030)the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDB07030100).
文摘Transport properties and the associated structural heterogeneity of room temperature aqueous ionic liquids and especially of super-concentrated electrolyte aqueous solutions have received increasing attention,due to their potential application in ionic battery.This paper briefly reviews the results reported mainly since 2010 about the liquid-liquid separation,aggregation of polar and apolar domains in neat RTILs,and solvent clusters and 3D networks chiefly constructed by anions in super-concentrated electrolyte solutions.At the same time,the dominating effect of desolvation process of metal ions at electrode/electrolyte interface upon the transport of metal ions is stressed.This paper also presents the current understanding of how water affects the anion-cation interaction,structural heterogeneities,the structure of primary coordination sheath of metal ions and consequently their transport properties in free water-poor electrolytes.
基金Project (No. 49901009) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
文摘With six packed columns composed of < 1 μm and 5 μm~0.25 mm fractions from an Eum-Orthic An- throsol (Columns 1~6) and one column of the Eum-Orthic Anthrosol (Column 7), K~(+) transport experiments under the condition of saturated steady water flow were conducted to qualify the effects of soil texture com- position on the retardation factor (R) of K~(+) transport. The results showed that the retardation factor of K~ (+) transport in the tested soil columns greatly increased with increasing clay contents. In an attempt to use pedo-transfer function (PTF) approach in the solute transport study, a preliminary PTF was established through the six packed columns (Columns 1~6) with soil basic data including soil bulk density, volumet- ric water content and clay content to predict the retardation factor, and proved valid by the satisfactory prediction of R in Column 7.
基金supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No.KSCX2-YW-N-003)the National Basic Research Program of China (No.2005CB121103)the National Natural Science Foundation ofChina (No.50879067).
文摘Soil infiltration and redistribution are important processes in field water cycle, and it is necessary to develop a simple model to describe the processes. In this study, an algebraic solution for one-dimensional water infiltration and redistribution without evaporation in unsaturated soil was developed based on Richards equation. The algebraic solution had three parameters, namely, the saturated water conductivity, the comprehensive shape coefficient of the soil water content distribution, and the soil suction allocation coefficient. To analyze the physical features of these parameters, a relationship between the Green-Ampt model and the algebraic solution was established. The three parameters were estimated based on experimental observations, whereas the soil water content and the water infiltration duration were calculated using the algebraic solution. The calculated soil water content and infiltration duration were compared with the experimental observations, and the results indicated that the algebraic solution accurately described the unsaturated soil water flow processes.
基金This work was carried out under the auspices of the National Nuclear Security Administration of the U.S.Department of Energy at Los Alamos National Laboratory under Contract No.DE-AC52-06NA25396The Los Alamos unlimited release number is LA-UR-22-30864.
文摘We analyze mimetic properties of a conservative finite-volume (FV) scheme on polygonal meshes used for modeling solute transport on a surface with variable elevation. Polygonal meshes not only provide enormous mesh generation flexibility, but also tend to improve stability properties of numerical schemes and reduce bias towards any particular mesh direction. The mathematical model is given by a system of weakly coupled shallow water and linear transport equations. The equations are discretized using different explicit cell-centered FV schemes for flow and transport subsystems with different time steps. The discrete shallow water scheme is well balanced and preserves the positivity of the water depth. We provide a rigorous estimate of a stable time step for the shallow water and transport scheme and prove a bounds-preserving property of the solute concentration. The scheme is second-order accurate over fully wet regions and first-order accurate over partially wet or dry regions. Theoretical results are verified with numerical experiments on rectangular, triangular, and polygonal meshes.
基金the financial support provided by the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20060022006)National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Grant No. 30471379)
文摘We selected a dark coniferous forest ecosystem of Gongga Mountain in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River as our research area to study the preferential flow and solute preferential transport by adding the tracers KNO3 and KBr to the self-made soil column equipment in different ways to examine density and volume changes of inflows and outflows of a mass input (impulse input) and a stable, well-distributed input (step input)). The results showed that this dark coniferous forest ecosystem of Gongga Mountain is a typical area of preferential flow and solute preferential transport, a process that can be classified into five parts. A great amount of solute was transported at high speed as the result of preferential flow in the soil and caused the density of the solute in both deep water and in groundwater to rise rapidly, which definitely increased pollution in the deep soil layer.
文摘This paper points out the limitation of Beck formula and gives a revised formula owing to the water content and 222Rn escape in soil for calculating γ radiation doserate through the experimental fitting from 576 sets of measured values in ZhejiangProvince. When the revised formula is applied to Beijing Municipality, where there is a great difference in the meteorology and soil conditions, the calculated average in general is only 3.5% different from that measured; those of every position deviate only 2.1% averagely; and their dispersion is in the experimental errors. Therefore, the revised formula possesses a high reliability and a broad suitability, and is an effective method to estimate the ac radiation dose rate oil the land.
基金Acknowledgements: The work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90502006/D0123), Hunan provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 06JJ3020) and Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department (No. 06C500).
文摘The mechanism of transport of chemicals in soil is an important research topic of environmental science and engineering, and some models and methods for a variety of solute transport problems have been done. However. most of previous works are usually for a soil column of infinite dimension. Starting from the one-dimension transient solute transport equation and its boundary and initial condition for a solute transport problem of soil column of finite length, this work has successfully applied a variable transformation to simplify the partial differential equation of solute transport problem. And an analytical serial solution for the simplified equation is then established by the so-called separated variable method and the superposition method. Compared with numerical methods such as finite different method and finite element method, this analytical solution is more accurate and of higher computation efficiency. In addition, the solution procedure presented could be extended for applications such as quality analysis, design of physical experimentation, or parameter estimation and measurement of solute transport problems.
文摘This paper is devoted to the study of the existence of weak solution in time with a periodic domain of sediment transport model. We consider a one-dimensional viscous sediment transport model which combines a viscous Shallow-Water system with a transport equation that describes the bottom evolution. The model studied does not take into account all the regularizing terms used by Roamba Brahima, Zongo Yacouba and Jean de Dieu Zabsonré (2017) and we use a better transport equation than that used by Zabsonré (2012).
基金This study was financially supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2016YFC0400204)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.52079105,51779205 and 51479161)+1 种基金and the Public welfare industry research special project(Grant No.201203003)The authors acknowledge the anonymous reviewers and the editor for their valuable comments and suggestions.
文摘Film hole irrigation has been widely adopted as an effective water-saving irrigation technology in the arid and semiarid areas of China.To investigate the effects of initial soil moisture content(θ0)on soil water and nitrogen transport characteristics under muddy water film hole infiltration,the laboratory experiments were conducted with muddy water film hole infiltration,using five initial soil moisture content treatments.The models for describing the relationships between the cumulative infiltration(I(t))and infiltration duration(t);the relationship among the horizontal and vertical migration distances of the wetting front(Fx,Fz),θ0 and t,were established.The results showed that the initial soil moisture content had a significant effect on I(t),Fx,Fz and moisture content distribution in the wetted body.The change of I(t)over t conformed to Kostiakov model.With the increase ofθ0,the infiltration coefficient(K)gradually decreased.NO-3-N was mainly distributed in the range of the wetting radius of 15 cm,while NH+4-N was mainly distributed in the range of the wetting radius of 8 cm.This study can provide a theoretical basis and technical support for film hole irrigation.
文摘Salt (NaCl) solution was applied to the surface of a cultivated field with 3 × 6 m2 and then was leached downward by a steady infiltration rate 4 mm/d. Sampling programs were designed under guiding of Dagan's scale concept. Each soil sample had eight replicates. Salt concentration exhibited a much more variability in both vertical and horizontal directions than water content, especially in the zones of peak values of concentration. The volume of immobile water, which might play an important role in the variability of concentration, was in the range of 24-39% of the total water volume in the experimental studies.
基金This work is supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council(EPSRC)through grant:EP/F030177/1.
文摘Based on the recent development in shallow flow modelling, this paperpresents a finite volume Godunov-type model for solving a 4×4 hyperbolic matrixsystem of conservation laws that comprise the shallow water and depth-averaged solute transport equations. The adopted governing equations are derived to preserveexactly the solution of lake at rest so that no special numerical technique is necessaryin order to construct a well-balanced scheme. The HLLC approximate Riemann solveris used to evaluate the interface fluxes. Second-order accuracy is achieved using theMUSCL slope limited linear reconstruction together with a Runge-Kutta time integration method. The model is validated against several benchmark tests and the resultsare in excellent agreement with analytical solutions or other published numerical predictions.