Coherent structures of a two\|phase round turbulent jet have been studied experimentally. The flow profiles at different Reynold's numbers and various positions from the jet exit are visualized using a sheet laser...Coherent structures of a two\|phase round turbulent jet have been studied experimentally. The flow profiles at different Reynold's numbers and various positions from the jet exit are visualized using a sheet laser source. The jets include two types,an air jet laden with incense smoke and an air jet laden with two kinds of solid particles, glass beads and catalytic cracking beads. The developments of both the large eddy structures of the round turbulent jet and the local particle dispersion in the vortex structures were recorded with a high\|speed movie camera. Free and excited jet conditions were tested. Analysis of the video pictures suggests a critical intrinsic frequency exists in the helical coherent structures of the air phase. In the spectral space the clockwise and counter\|clockwise helical structures occupy different positions. Large scale structures exsit in the two\|phase jet. The patterns are similar to those of the air jet with the Stokes numbers in the range of 1-8 32.展开更多
The two-dimensional turbulent evaporating gas-droplet two-phase flows in an afterburner diffusor of turbo-fan jet engines are simulated by the k-ε turbulence model and the particle trajectory model. Comparison of pre...The two-dimensional turbulent evaporating gas-droplet two-phase flows in an afterburner diffusor of turbo-fan jet engines are simulated by the k-ε turbulence model and the particle trajectory model. Comparison of predicted gas velocity and temperature distributions with experimental results for the cases without liquid spray shows pretty good agreement. Gas-droplet two-phase flow predictions give plausible droplet trajectories, fuel-vapor concentration distribution, gas-phase velocity and temperature field in presence of liquid droplets. One run of computation with this method is made for a particular afterburner. The results indicate that the location of the atomizers is not favorable to flame stabilization and combustion efficiency. The proposed numerical modeling can also be adopted for optimization design and performance evaluation of afterburner combustors of turbo-fan jet engines.展开更多
A mathematical model is set to evaluate the 3-D dense solid-liquid two-phaseturbulent flow in a non-clogging mud pump, the flow feature in the impeller channel is simulatedwith the tool of IPSA. Meanwhile, resort to T...A mathematical model is set to evaluate the 3-D dense solid-liquid two-phaseturbulent flow in a non-clogging mud pump, the flow feature in the impeller channel is simulatedwith the tool of IPSA. Meanwhile, resort to TECPLOT as the post-processor, the simulation results isvisualized. The results show the main flow characteristics: There exists backflow and aberrantvelocities at inlet area and a relative velocity slip between two phases; A jet-wake flow pattern isdiscerned around the shroud-suction side area; The relative velocity vector of solid phase iscloser to the pressure surface than that of liquid phase and the trend is more obvious with theincrease of diameter; The kinetic energy of turbulence k and the dissipation rate e reach theirpeaks at the corner of pressure and suction surface. The simulation results show a good agreementwith the experimental flow features in the impeller channel, which prove the turbulent model used isvalid and provide a theoretical design basis to non-clogging pumps.展开更多
The particle modulations to turbulence in round jets were experimentally studied by means of two-phase velocity measurements with Phase Doppler Anemometer (PDA). Laden with very large particles, no significant atten...The particle modulations to turbulence in round jets were experimentally studied by means of two-phase velocity measurements with Phase Doppler Anemometer (PDA). Laden with very large particles, no significant attenuations of turbulence intensities were measured in the farfields, due to small two-phase slip velocities and particle Reynolds number. The gas-phase turbulence is enhanced by particles in the near-fields, but it is significantly attenuated by the small particles in the far-fields. The smaller particles have a more profound effect on the attenuation of turbulence intensities. The enhancements or attenuations of turbulence intensities in the far-fields depends on the energy production, transport and dissipation mechanisms between the two phases, which are determined by the particle prop- erties and two-phase velocity slips. The non-dimensional parameter CTI is introduced to represent the change of turbulence intensity.展开更多
The dense solid-phase governing equations for two-phase flows are obtained by using the kinetic theory of gas molecules.Assuming that the solid-phase velocity distributions obey the Maxwell equations,the collision ter...The dense solid-phase governing equations for two-phase flows are obtained by using the kinetic theory of gas molecules.Assuming that the solid-phase velocity distributions obey the Maxwell equations,the collision term for particles under dense two-phase flow conditions is also derived. In comparison with the governing equations of a dilute two-phase flow,the solid-particle's governing equations are developed for a dense turbulent solid-liquid flow by adopting some relevant terms from the dilute two-phase governing equations.Based on Cauchy-Helmholtz theorem and Smagorinsky model, a second-order dynamic sub-grid-scale(SGS)model,in which the sub-grid-scale stress is a function of both the strain-rate tensor and the rotation-rate tensor,is proposed to model the two-phase governing equations by applying dimension analyses.Applying the SIMPLEC algorithm and staggering grid system to the two-phase discretized governing equations and employing the slip boundary conditions on the walls,the velocity and pressure fields,and the volumetric concentration are calculated.The simulation results are in a fairly good agreement with experimental data in two operating cases in a conduit with a rectangular cross-section and these comparisons imply that these models are practical.展开更多
A statistical formalism overcoming some conceptual and practical difficulties arising in existing two-phase flow (2PHF) mathematical modelling has been applied to propose a model for dilute 2PHF turbulent Hows. Phase ...A statistical formalism overcoming some conceptual and practical difficulties arising in existing two-phase flow (2PHF) mathematical modelling has been applied to propose a model for dilute 2PHF turbulent Hows. Phase interaction terms with a clear physical meaning enter the equations and the formalism provides some guidelines for the avoidance of closure assumptions or the rational approximation of these terms. Continuous phase averaged continuity, momentum, turbulent kinetic energy and turbulence dissipation rate equations have been rigorously and systematically obtained in a single step. These equations display a structure similar to that for single-phase flows. It is also assumed that dispersed phase dynamics is well described by a probability density function (pdf) equation and Eulerian continuity, momentum and fluctuating kinetic energy equations for the dispersed phase are deduced. An extension of the standard k-e turbulence model for the continuous phase is used. A gradient transport model is adopted for the dispersed phase fluctuating fluxes of momentum and kinetic energy at the non-colliding, large inertia limit. This model is then used to predict the behaviour of three axisymmetric turbulent jets of air laden with solid particles varying in size and concentration. Qualitative and quantitative numerical predictions compare reasonably well with the three different sets of experimental results, studying the influence of particle size, loading ratio and flow confinement velocity.展开更多
This research focused on the study of heat and mass transfers in a two-phase stratified turbulent fluid flow in a geothermal pipe with chemical reaction. The derived non-linear partial differential equations governing...This research focused on the study of heat and mass transfers in a two-phase stratified turbulent fluid flow in a geothermal pipe with chemical reaction. The derived non-linear partial differential equations governing the flow were solved using the Finite Difference Method. The effects of various physical parameters on the concentration, skin friction, heat, and mass transfers have been determined. Analysis of the results obtained indicated that the coefficient of skin friction decreased with an increase in Reynolds number and solutal Grasholf number, the rate of heat transfer increased with an increase in Eckert number, Prandtl number, and angle of inclination, and the rate of mass transfer increased with increase in Reynolds number, Chemical reaction parameter and angle of inclination. The findings would be useful to engineers in designing and maintaining geothermal pipelines more effectively.展开更多
A low Reynolds number k-ε model is used in the numeri cal study on a circular semi-confined turbulent impinging jet . The result is c ompared with that of the standard k-ε model and a refined k-ε mode l, which re-c...A low Reynolds number k-ε model is used in the numeri cal study on a circular semi-confined turbulent impinging jet . The result is c ompared with that of the standard k-ε model and a refined k-ε mode l, which re-consi-dered the fluctuating pressure diffusion term in the dissipa tion rate equation (ε-equation) through modeling. It shows that the low Re ynolds number k-ε model and the standard k-ε model yield very poor performance, while the predicting ability of the refined k-ε model is mu ch improved , especially for the turbulent kinetic energy k. So it can be co ncluded that the poor performance of the standard k-ε model is owing to t he incorrect considering the effect of the fluctuating pressure diffusion term r ather than the use of the wall function near the wall just as presumed in the re ference.展开更多
The eftects of various types of waves on vertical plane turbulent jets are studied numerically in the paper. A ttn'ee- dimensional numerical model in a-coordinate is developed to study these problems by use of large ...The eftects of various types of waves on vertical plane turbulent jets are studied numerically in the paper. A ttn'ee- dimensional numerical model in a-coordinate is developed to study these problems by use of large eddy simulation method. Turbulence is modeled by a dynamic coherent eddy model. Numerical results including the distribution of veloci- ty, the decay law of the mean velocity along axis, the turbulent Reynolds stresses and the volume flux per unit width without wave, in the first-order Stokes waves, in the second-order Stokes waves, in the fifth-order Stokes waves, in the solitary waves and in random waves are compared and analyzed. A focus on coherent structures, probability density func- tions and correlation functions of jets is also investigated. The numerical results are of great theoretical importance for un- derstanding jet turbulent behaviors in different types of waves.展开更多
A comprehensive numerical study on the three-dimensional structure of a turbulent jet in crossflow is performed. The jet-to-crossflow velocity ratio (R) varies in the range of 2 - 16; both vertical jets and inclined j...A comprehensive numerical study on the three-dimensional structure of a turbulent jet in crossflow is performed. The jet-to-crossflow velocity ratio (R) varies in the range of 2 - 16; both vertical jets and inclined jets without excess streamwise momentum are considered. The numerical results of the Standard two-equation k-ε model show that the turbulent structure can be broadly categorised according to the jet-to-crossflow velocity ratio. For strong to moderate jet discharges, i.e. R> 4, the jet is characterized by a longitudinal transition through a bent-over phase during which the jet becomes almost parallel with the main freestream, to a sectional vortex-pair flow with double concentration maxima; the computed flow details and scalar mixing characteristics can be described by self-similar relations beyond a dimensionless distance of around 20-60. The similarity coefficients are only weakly dependent on R. The cross-section scalar field is kidney-shaped and bifurcated, vvith distinct double concentration maxima; the aspect ratio is found to be around 1.2. A loss in vertical momentum is ob-served and the added mass coefficient of the jet motion is found to be approximately 1. On the other hand, for weak jets in strong crossflow, i. e. R ≥ 2, the lee of the jet is characterized by a negative pressure region. Although the double vortex flow can stili be noted, the scalar field becomes more symmetrical and no longer bifurcated. The similarity coeffcients are al-so noticeably different. The predicted jet flovv characteristics and mixing rates are well supported by experimental and field dala展开更多
A large eddy simulation (LES) is performed for two subsonic jets with a Reynolds number of , which have different core temperatures, i.e., the cold and hot jet. The far-field overall sound pressure levels (OASPL) and ...A large eddy simulation (LES) is performed for two subsonic jets with a Reynolds number of , which have different core temperatures, i.e., the cold and hot jet. The far-field overall sound pressure levels (OASPL) and noise spectra are well validated against previous experimental results. It is found that the OASPL is raised by heating at shallow angles. The most energetic coherent structures are extracted with specified frequencies using the filter based on the frequency domain variant of the snapshot method of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The modes have high coherence of near-field pressure for both jets, while the coherence of modes is enhanced greatly by heating. Based on the coherent structures, spatial wavepackets are educed and the characteristics of growth, saturation and decay are analyzed and compared between the two jets in detail. The results show that heating would enhance the linear growth rate for high frequency components, and nonlinear growth rates for low frequency components in general, which are responsible for higher OASPL in the hot jet. The far-field sound generated by wavepackets is computed using the Kirchhoff extrapolation, which matches well with that of LES at shallow angles. This indicates that the wavepackets associated with coherent structures are dominant sound sources in forced transitional turbulent jets. Additionally, the present POD method is proven to be a robust tool to extract the salient features of the wavepackets in turbulent flows.展开更多
A second-order moment two-phase turbulence model for simulating dense gas-particle flows (USM-Θ model), combining the unified second-order moment twophase turbulence model for dilute gas-particle flows with the kin...A second-order moment two-phase turbulence model for simulating dense gas-particle flows (USM-Θ model), combining the unified second-order moment twophase turbulence model for dilute gas-particle flows with the kinetic theory of particle collision, is proposed. The interaction between gas and particle turbulence is simulated using the transport equation of two-phase velocity correlation with a two-time-scale dissipation closure. The proposed model is applied to simulate dense gas-particle flows in a horizontal channel and a downer. Simulation results and their comparison with experimental results show that the model accounting for both anisotropic particle turbulence and particle-particle collision is obviously better than models accounting for only particle turbulence or only particle-particle collision. The USM-Θ model is also better than the k-ε-kp-Θ model and the k-ε-kp-εp-Θ model in that the first model can simulate the redistribution of anisotropic particle Reynolds stress components due to inter-particle collision, whereas the second and third models cannot.展开更多
Arc voltage fluctuations in a direct current (DC) non-transferred arc plasma generator are experimentally studied, in generating a jet in the laminar, transitional and turbulent regimes. The study is with a view tow...Arc voltage fluctuations in a direct current (DC) non-transferred arc plasma generator are experimentally studied, in generating a jet in the laminar, transitional and turbulent regimes. The study is with a view toward elucidating the mechanism of the fluctuations and their relationship with the generating parameters, arc root movement and flow regimes. Results indicate that the existence of a 300 Hz alternating current (AC) component in the power supply ripples does not cause the transition of the laminar plasma jet into a turbulent state. There exists a high frequency fluctuation at 4 kHz in the turbulent jet regime. It may be related to the rapid movement of the anode attachment point of the arc.展开更多
The present paper reports the first investigation on a turbulent jet issuing from a diamond orifice(hereafter termed a "diamond jet") with an aspect ratio of 1.7.Velocity measurements were conducted in the transit...The present paper reports the first investigation on a turbulent jet issuing from a diamond orifice(hereafter termed a "diamond jet") with an aspect ratio of 1.7.Velocity measurements were conducted in the transitional region,and the exit Reynolds number of the jet was 50000.For comparison,a round jet with identical normalized boundary conditions was also measured.It is shown that the diamond jet decays and spreads faster than the round jet does over the measured flow region.The axis-switching phenomenon is observed in the diamond jet.Although both jets display primary coherent structures in the near field,these structures are found to break down more rapidly in the diamond jet,due to the higher three-dimensionality of the flow.Moreover,the streamwise components of the Reynolds normal stress and all the shear stresses reach their maxima around the location of the maximal mean shear while the maxima of the lateral components of the Reynolds normal stresses occur around the centreline of the jet.展开更多
The effect of random waves on vertical plane turbulent jets is studied numerically and the mechanism behind the interaction of the jet and waves is analyzed. The large eddy simulation method is used and the σ-coordin...The effect of random waves on vertical plane turbulent jets is studied numerically and the mechanism behind the interaction of the jet and waves is analyzed. The large eddy simulation method is used and the σ-coordinate system is adopted. Turbulence is modeled by a dynamic coherent eddy model. The σ-coordinate transformation is introduced to map the irregular physical domain with a wavy free surface and an uneven bottom onto a regular computational domain. The fractional step method is used to solve the filtered Navier–Stokes equations. Results presented include the distribution of velocity, the decay law of the mean velocity along the jet axis, self-similar characteristics and volume flux per unit width. In particular, the role of coherent structures on the momentum transfer along the jet centerline and the jet instantaneous characteristics in JONSWAP waves are a special focus of this research. The numerical results obtained are of great theoretical importance in understanding the behavior of turbulent jets in random wave environments.展开更多
A numerical method was developed to directly simulate the compressible, particle-laden turbulent jets.The fourth order compact finite difference schemes were used to discretize the space derivatives. The Lagrangian me...A numerical method was developed to directly simulate the compressible, particle-laden turbulent jets.The fourth order compact finite difference schemes were used to discretize the space derivatives. The Lagrangian method was adopted to simulate the particle motion based on one-way coupling. It is found that the turbulent intensity profiles attain self-similar status in the jet downstream regions. At the Stokes number of 1, particles are concentrated largely in the outer boundaries of the large-scale vortex structures with the most uneven distribution and the widest dispersion in the lateral direction. Particles at the much smaller Stokes numbers are distributed evenly in the flow field, and the lateral dispersion is also considerable. Distribution of particles at much larger Stokes numbers is more uniform and the lateral dispersion becomes small. In addition, the inflow conditions have different effects on the particle dispersion. The direct numerical simulation (DNS) results accord with the previous experiments and numerical studies.展开更多
There are contradicted opinions on whether bubbles enhance or reduce the liquid turbulence. In this paper, the effect of void fraction and inlet velocity on the bubble-liquid two-phase turbulence of the multiple bubbl...There are contradicted opinions on whether bubbles enhance or reduce the liquid turbulence. In this paper, the effect of void fraction and inlet velocity on the bubble-liquid two-phase turbulence of the multiple bubble-liquid jets in a two-dimensional channel is studied by using the two-phase second-order moment turbulence model. The results confirm the phenomena observed in experiments and reported in references that at a low void fraction and low inlet velocities the bubbles enhance the liquid turbulence, whereas at a high void fraction and high inlet velocities the bubbles reduce the liquid turbulence.展开更多
A full second-order moment (FSM) model and an algebraic stress (ASM) two-phase turbulence modelare proposed and applied to predict turbulent bubble-liquid flows in a 2D rectangular bubble column. Predictiongives the b...A full second-order moment (FSM) model and an algebraic stress (ASM) two-phase turbulence modelare proposed and applied to predict turbulent bubble-liquid flows in a 2D rectangular bubble column. Predictiongives the bubble and liquid velocities, bubble volume fraction, bubble and liquid Reynolds stresses and bubble-liquidvelocity correlation. For predicted two-phase velocities and bubble volume fraction there is only slight differencebetween these two models, and the simulation results using both two models are in good agreement with the particleimage velocimetry (PIV) measurements. Although the predicted two-phase Reynolds stresses using the FSM are insomewhat better agreement with the PIV measurements than those predicted using the ASM, the Reynolds stressespredicted using both two models are in general agreement with the experiments. Therefore, it is suggested to usethe ASM two-phase turbulence model in engineering application for saving the computation time.展开更多
This work investigates the active control of a fully developed turbulent boundary layer by a submerged synthetic jet actuator.The impacts of the control are explored by measuring the streamwise velocities using partic...This work investigates the active control of a fully developed turbulent boundary layer by a submerged synthetic jet actuator.The impacts of the control are explored by measuring the streamwise velocities using particle image velocimetry,and reduction of the skin-friction drag is observed in a certain range downstream of the orifice.The coherent structure is defined and extracted using a spatial two-point correlation function,and it is found that the synthetic jet can efficiently reduce the streamwise scale of the coherent structure.Proper orthogonal decomposition analysis reveals that large-scale turbulent kinetic energy is significantly attenuated with the introduction of a synthetic jet.The conditional averaging results show that the induction effect of the prograde vortex on the low-speed fluid in a large-scale fluctuation velocity field is deadened,thereby suppressing the bursting process near the wall.展开更多
The turbulent properties of the fiber suspension in a turbulent round jet are numerically simulated and visualized, and some of the results are compared with the experimental data. The effects of the Reynolds number, ...The turbulent properties of the fiber suspension in a turbulent round jet are numerically simulated and visualized, and some of the results are compared with the experimental data. The effects of the Reynolds number, fiber volume fraction, and aspect ratio are analyzed. The results show that the fiber injection in the flow has a delay effect on the streamwise velocity decay along the jet axis, and such an effect becomes more obvious with the increases in the fiber volume fraction and aspect ratio and the decrease in the Reynolds number. The flow with fibers shows an increase in the streamwise velocity along the radial direction, and the increase magnitude is directly proportional to the fiber volume fraction and aspect ratio and inversely proportional to the Reynolds number. The presence of fibers makes the turbulent kinetic energy and Reynolds stress increase, and the extent increases with the fiber volume fraction, Reynolds number, and fiber aspect ratio.展开更多
文摘Coherent structures of a two\|phase round turbulent jet have been studied experimentally. The flow profiles at different Reynold's numbers and various positions from the jet exit are visualized using a sheet laser source. The jets include two types,an air jet laden with incense smoke and an air jet laden with two kinds of solid particles, glass beads and catalytic cracking beads. The developments of both the large eddy structures of the round turbulent jet and the local particle dispersion in the vortex structures were recorded with a high\|speed movie camera. Free and excited jet conditions were tested. Analysis of the video pictures suggests a critical intrinsic frequency exists in the helical coherent structures of the air phase. In the spectral space the clockwise and counter\|clockwise helical structures occupy different positions. Large scale structures exsit in the two\|phase jet. The patterns are similar to those of the air jet with the Stokes numbers in the range of 1-8 32.
文摘The two-dimensional turbulent evaporating gas-droplet two-phase flows in an afterburner diffusor of turbo-fan jet engines are simulated by the k-ε turbulence model and the particle trajectory model. Comparison of predicted gas velocity and temperature distributions with experimental results for the cases without liquid spray shows pretty good agreement. Gas-droplet two-phase flow predictions give plausible droplet trajectories, fuel-vapor concentration distribution, gas-phase velocity and temperature field in presence of liquid droplets. One run of computation with this method is made for a particular afterburner. The results indicate that the location of the atomizers is not favorable to flame stabilization and combustion efficiency. The proposed numerical modeling can also be adopted for optimization design and performance evaluation of afterburner combustors of turbo-fan jet engines.
文摘A mathematical model is set to evaluate the 3-D dense solid-liquid two-phaseturbulent flow in a non-clogging mud pump, the flow feature in the impeller channel is simulatedwith the tool of IPSA. Meanwhile, resort to TECPLOT as the post-processor, the simulation results isvisualized. The results show the main flow characteristics: There exists backflow and aberrantvelocities at inlet area and a relative velocity slip between two phases; A jet-wake flow pattern isdiscerned around the shroud-suction side area; The relative velocity vector of solid phase iscloser to the pressure surface than that of liquid phase and the trend is more obvious with theincrease of diameter; The kinetic energy of turbulence k and the dissipation rate e reach theirpeaks at the corner of pressure and suction surface. The simulation results show a good agreementwith the experimental flow features in the impeller channel, which prove the turbulent model used isvalid and provide a theoretical design basis to non-clogging pumps.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (50876053 and 50706021).
文摘The particle modulations to turbulence in round jets were experimentally studied by means of two-phase velocity measurements with Phase Doppler Anemometer (PDA). Laden with very large particles, no significant attenuations of turbulence intensities were measured in the farfields, due to small two-phase slip velocities and particle Reynolds number. The gas-phase turbulence is enhanced by particles in the near-fields, but it is significantly attenuated by the small particles in the far-fields. The smaller particles have a more profound effect on the attenuation of turbulence intensities. The enhancements or attenuations of turbulence intensities in the far-fields depends on the energy production, transport and dissipation mechanisms between the two phases, which are determined by the particle prop- erties and two-phase velocity slips. The non-dimensional parameter CTI is introduced to represent the change of turbulence intensity.
基金The project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (50176022)
文摘The dense solid-phase governing equations for two-phase flows are obtained by using the kinetic theory of gas molecules.Assuming that the solid-phase velocity distributions obey the Maxwell equations,the collision term for particles under dense two-phase flow conditions is also derived. In comparison with the governing equations of a dilute two-phase flow,the solid-particle's governing equations are developed for a dense turbulent solid-liquid flow by adopting some relevant terms from the dilute two-phase governing equations.Based on Cauchy-Helmholtz theorem and Smagorinsky model, a second-order dynamic sub-grid-scale(SGS)model,in which the sub-grid-scale stress is a function of both the strain-rate tensor and the rotation-rate tensor,is proposed to model the two-phase governing equations by applying dimension analyses.Applying the SIMPLEC algorithm and staggering grid system to the two-phase discretized governing equations and employing the slip boundary conditions on the walls,the velocity and pressure fields,and the volumetric concentration are calculated.The simulation results are in a fairly good agreement with experimental data in two operating cases in a conduit with a rectangular cross-section and these comparisons imply that these models are practical.
基金Supported by the Spanish CICYTR &D National Programs,under contract PB91-0699.
文摘A statistical formalism overcoming some conceptual and practical difficulties arising in existing two-phase flow (2PHF) mathematical modelling has been applied to propose a model for dilute 2PHF turbulent Hows. Phase interaction terms with a clear physical meaning enter the equations and the formalism provides some guidelines for the avoidance of closure assumptions or the rational approximation of these terms. Continuous phase averaged continuity, momentum, turbulent kinetic energy and turbulence dissipation rate equations have been rigorously and systematically obtained in a single step. These equations display a structure similar to that for single-phase flows. It is also assumed that dispersed phase dynamics is well described by a probability density function (pdf) equation and Eulerian continuity, momentum and fluctuating kinetic energy equations for the dispersed phase are deduced. An extension of the standard k-e turbulence model for the continuous phase is used. A gradient transport model is adopted for the dispersed phase fluctuating fluxes of momentum and kinetic energy at the non-colliding, large inertia limit. This model is then used to predict the behaviour of three axisymmetric turbulent jets of air laden with solid particles varying in size and concentration. Qualitative and quantitative numerical predictions compare reasonably well with the three different sets of experimental results, studying the influence of particle size, loading ratio and flow confinement velocity.
文摘This research focused on the study of heat and mass transfers in a two-phase stratified turbulent fluid flow in a geothermal pipe with chemical reaction. The derived non-linear partial differential equations governing the flow were solved using the Finite Difference Method. The effects of various physical parameters on the concentration, skin friction, heat, and mass transfers have been determined. Analysis of the results obtained indicated that the coefficient of skin friction decreased with an increase in Reynolds number and solutal Grasholf number, the rate of heat transfer increased with an increase in Eckert number, Prandtl number, and angle of inclination, and the rate of mass transfer increased with increase in Reynolds number, Chemical reaction parameter and angle of inclination. The findings would be useful to engineers in designing and maintaining geothermal pipelines more effectively.
文摘A low Reynolds number k-ε model is used in the numeri cal study on a circular semi-confined turbulent impinging jet . The result is c ompared with that of the standard k-ε model and a refined k-ε mode l, which re-consi-dered the fluctuating pressure diffusion term in the dissipa tion rate equation (ε-equation) through modeling. It shows that the low Re ynolds number k-ε model and the standard k-ε model yield very poor performance, while the predicting ability of the refined k-ε model is mu ch improved , especially for the turbulent kinetic energy k. So it can be co ncluded that the poor performance of the standard k-ε model is owing to t he incorrect considering the effect of the fluctuating pressure diffusion term r ather than the use of the wall function near the wall just as presumed in the re ference.
基金supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China ( Grant No.2008BAB29B09)the Ph. D. Programs Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China ( Grant No.20070294012)+1 种基金the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars ( Grant No. 50925932)the"Qinglan Project" of Jiangsu Province and Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Incubation Program of Hohai University(Grant No.2010B18814)
文摘The eftects of various types of waves on vertical plane turbulent jets are studied numerically in the paper. A ttn'ee- dimensional numerical model in a-coordinate is developed to study these problems by use of large eddy simulation method. Turbulence is modeled by a dynamic coherent eddy model. Numerical results including the distribution of veloci- ty, the decay law of the mean velocity along axis, the turbulent Reynolds stresses and the volume flux per unit width without wave, in the first-order Stokes waves, in the second-order Stokes waves, in the fifth-order Stokes waves, in the solitary waves and in random waves are compared and analyzed. A focus on coherent structures, probability density func- tions and correlation functions of jets is also investigated. The numerical results are of great theoretical importance for un- derstanding jet turbulent behaviors in different types of waves.
文摘A comprehensive numerical study on the three-dimensional structure of a turbulent jet in crossflow is performed. The jet-to-crossflow velocity ratio (R) varies in the range of 2 - 16; both vertical jets and inclined jets without excess streamwise momentum are considered. The numerical results of the Standard two-equation k-ε model show that the turbulent structure can be broadly categorised according to the jet-to-crossflow velocity ratio. For strong to moderate jet discharges, i.e. R> 4, the jet is characterized by a longitudinal transition through a bent-over phase during which the jet becomes almost parallel with the main freestream, to a sectional vortex-pair flow with double concentration maxima; the computed flow details and scalar mixing characteristics can be described by self-similar relations beyond a dimensionless distance of around 20-60. The similarity coefficients are only weakly dependent on R. The cross-section scalar field is kidney-shaped and bifurcated, vvith distinct double concentration maxima; the aspect ratio is found to be around 1.2. A loss in vertical momentum is ob-served and the added mass coefficient of the jet motion is found to be approximately 1. On the other hand, for weak jets in strong crossflow, i. e. R ≥ 2, the lee of the jet is characterized by a negative pressure region. Although the double vortex flow can stili be noted, the scalar field becomes more symmetrical and no longer bifurcated. The similarity coeffcients are al-so noticeably different. The predicted jet flovv characteristics and mixing rates are well supported by experimental and field dala
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants 11232011, 11402262, 11572314, 11621202)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
文摘A large eddy simulation (LES) is performed for two subsonic jets with a Reynolds number of , which have different core temperatures, i.e., the cold and hot jet. The far-field overall sound pressure levels (OASPL) and noise spectra are well validated against previous experimental results. It is found that the OASPL is raised by heating at shallow angles. The most energetic coherent structures are extracted with specified frequencies using the filter based on the frequency domain variant of the snapshot method of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The modes have high coherence of near-field pressure for both jets, while the coherence of modes is enhanced greatly by heating. Based on the coherent structures, spatial wavepackets are educed and the characteristics of growth, saturation and decay are analyzed and compared between the two jets in detail. The results show that heating would enhance the linear growth rate for high frequency components, and nonlinear growth rates for low frequency components in general, which are responsible for higher OASPL in the hot jet. The far-field sound generated by wavepackets is computed using the Kirchhoff extrapolation, which matches well with that of LES at shallow angles. This indicates that the wavepackets associated with coherent structures are dominant sound sources in forced transitional turbulent jets. Additionally, the present POD method is proven to be a robust tool to extract the salient features of the wavepackets in turbulent flows.
基金the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research of China(G-1999-0222-08)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(50376004)Ph.D.Program Foundation,Ministry of Education of China(20030007028)
文摘A second-order moment two-phase turbulence model for simulating dense gas-particle flows (USM-Θ model), combining the unified second-order moment twophase turbulence model for dilute gas-particle flows with the kinetic theory of particle collision, is proposed. The interaction between gas and particle turbulence is simulated using the transport equation of two-phase velocity correlation with a two-time-scale dissipation closure. The proposed model is applied to simulate dense gas-particle flows in a horizontal channel and a downer. Simulation results and their comparison with experimental results show that the model accounting for both anisotropic particle turbulence and particle-particle collision is obviously better than models accounting for only particle turbulence or only particle-particle collision. The USM-Θ model is also better than the k-ε-kp-Θ model and the k-ε-kp-εp-Θ model in that the first model can simulate the redistribution of anisotropic particle Reynolds stress components due to inter-particle collision, whereas the second and third models cannot.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.50336010,50276065)
文摘Arc voltage fluctuations in a direct current (DC) non-transferred arc plasma generator are experimentally studied, in generating a jet in the laminar, transitional and turbulent regimes. The study is with a view toward elucidating the mechanism of the fluctuations and their relationship with the generating parameters, arc root movement and flow regimes. Results indicate that the existence of a 300 Hz alternating current (AC) component in the power supply ripples does not cause the transition of the laminar plasma jet into a turbulent state. There exists a high frequency fluctuation at 4 kHz in the turbulent jet regime. It may be related to the rapid movement of the anode attachment point of the arc.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11072005 and 10921202)
文摘The present paper reports the first investigation on a turbulent jet issuing from a diamond orifice(hereafter termed a "diamond jet") with an aspect ratio of 1.7.Velocity measurements were conducted in the transitional region,and the exit Reynolds number of the jet was 50000.For comparison,a round jet with identical normalized boundary conditions was also measured.It is shown that the diamond jet decays and spreads faster than the round jet does over the measured flow region.The axis-switching phenomenon is observed in the diamond jet.Although both jets display primary coherent structures in the near field,these structures are found to break down more rapidly in the diamond jet,due to the higher three-dimensionality of the flow.Moreover,the streamwise components of the Reynolds normal stress and all the shear stresses reach their maxima around the location of the maximal mean shear while the maxima of the lateral components of the Reynolds normal stresses occur around the centreline of the jet.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (50679023, 50879019)Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (20070294012)+2 种基金the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (50925932)Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Incubation Program of Hohai University (2010B18814)Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province, and 333 High-Level Talent Training Program of Jiangsu Province (2017-B08038)
文摘The effect of random waves on vertical plane turbulent jets is studied numerically and the mechanism behind the interaction of the jet and waves is analyzed. The large eddy simulation method is used and the σ-coordinate system is adopted. Turbulence is modeled by a dynamic coherent eddy model. The σ-coordinate transformation is introduced to map the irregular physical domain with a wavy free surface and an uneven bottom onto a regular computational domain. The fractional step method is used to solve the filtered Navier–Stokes equations. Results presented include the distribution of velocity, the decay law of the mean velocity along the jet axis, self-similar characteristics and volume flux per unit width. In particular, the role of coherent structures on the momentum transfer along the jet centerline and the jet instantaneous characteristics in JONSWAP waves are a special focus of this research. The numerical results obtained are of great theoretical importance in understanding the behavior of turbulent jets in random wave environments.
基金Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No. 502047 and No. M503094)National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2003CB214500).
文摘A numerical method was developed to directly simulate the compressible, particle-laden turbulent jets.The fourth order compact finite difference schemes were used to discretize the space derivatives. The Lagrangian method was adopted to simulate the particle motion based on one-way coupling. It is found that the turbulent intensity profiles attain self-similar status in the jet downstream regions. At the Stokes number of 1, particles are concentrated largely in the outer boundaries of the large-scale vortex structures with the most uneven distribution and the widest dispersion in the lateral direction. Particles at the much smaller Stokes numbers are distributed evenly in the flow field, and the lateral dispersion is also considerable. Distribution of particles at much larger Stokes numbers is more uniform and the lateral dispersion becomes small. In addition, the inflow conditions have different effects on the particle dispersion. The direct numerical simulation (DNS) results accord with the previous experiments and numerical studies.
基金The project supported by the China Special Funds for Major State Basic Research (G-1999-0222-08)the Innovation and Technology Commission of Hong Kong and Aoyagi (H.K.) Ltd, Hong Kong, under the Grant No. UIM/122.
文摘There are contradicted opinions on whether bubbles enhance or reduce the liquid turbulence. In this paper, the effect of void fraction and inlet velocity on the bubble-liquid two-phase turbulence of the multiple bubble-liquid jets in a two-dimensional channel is studied by using the two-phase second-order moment turbulence model. The results confirm the phenomena observed in experiments and reported in references that at a low void fraction and low inlet velocities the bubbles enhance the liquid turbulence, whereas at a high void fraction and high inlet velocities the bubbles reduce the liquid turbulence.
基金Supported by the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research Projects, PRC(G1999-0222-08) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 19872039).
文摘A full second-order moment (FSM) model and an algebraic stress (ASM) two-phase turbulence modelare proposed and applied to predict turbulent bubble-liquid flows in a 2D rectangular bubble column. Predictiongives the bubble and liquid velocities, bubble volume fraction, bubble and liquid Reynolds stresses and bubble-liquidvelocity correlation. For predicted two-phase velocities and bubble volume fraction there is only slight differencebetween these two models, and the simulation results using both two models are in good agreement with the particleimage velocimetry (PIV) measurements. Although the predicted two-phase Reynolds stresses using the FSM are insomewhat better agreement with the PIV measurements than those predicted using the ASM, the Reynolds stressespredicted using both two models are in general agreement with the experiments. Therefore, it is suggested to usethe ASM two-phase turbulence model in engineering application for saving the computation time.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11732010,11972251,11872272,11902218,and 11802195)the National Key Research and Development Program of China,on‘Green Buildings and Building Industrialization’(Grant No.2018YFC0705300)。
文摘This work investigates the active control of a fully developed turbulent boundary layer by a submerged synthetic jet actuator.The impacts of the control are explored by measuring the streamwise velocities using particle image velocimetry,and reduction of the skin-friction drag is observed in a certain range downstream of the orifice.The coherent structure is defined and extracted using a spatial two-point correlation function,and it is found that the synthetic jet can efficiently reduce the streamwise scale of the coherent structure.Proper orthogonal decomposition analysis reveals that large-scale turbulent kinetic energy is significantly attenuated with the introduction of a synthetic jet.The conditional averaging results show that the induction effect of the prograde vortex on the low-speed fluid in a large-scale fluctuation velocity field is deadened,thereby suppressing the bursting process near the wall.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.11632016)
文摘The turbulent properties of the fiber suspension in a turbulent round jet are numerically simulated and visualized, and some of the results are compared with the experimental data. The effects of the Reynolds number, fiber volume fraction, and aspect ratio are analyzed. The results show that the fiber injection in the flow has a delay effect on the streamwise velocity decay along the jet axis, and such an effect becomes more obvious with the increases in the fiber volume fraction and aspect ratio and the decrease in the Reynolds number. The flow with fibers shows an increase in the streamwise velocity along the radial direction, and the increase magnitude is directly proportional to the fiber volume fraction and aspect ratio and inversely proportional to the Reynolds number. The presence of fibers makes the turbulent kinetic energy and Reynolds stress increase, and the extent increases with the fiber volume fraction, Reynolds number, and fiber aspect ratio.