The quality of interpretation is a dynamic conception, involving a good deal of variables, such as the participants, the situations, working conditions, cultures etc.. Therefore, in interpretation, those static elemen...The quality of interpretation is a dynamic conception, involving a good deal of variables, such as the participants, the situations, working conditions, cultures etc.. Therefore, in interpretation, those static elements, such as traditional grammars and certain linguistic rules can not be counted as the only criteria for the quality of interpretation. That is, there are many other nonlanguage elements—Ultra-linguistic factors that play an important role in interpretation. Ultra-linguistic factors get rid of the bounding of traditional grammar and parole, and reveal the facts in an indirect way. This paper gives a brief analysis of Ultra Linguistic elements in interpretation in order to achieve better result in interpretation practice.展开更多
Resistance to freezing and thawing of two UHSC (ultra high strength concrete) mixtures was evaluated in accordance with ASTM C 666 Procedure A. The two mixtures (plain and fiber reinforced) were developed using ma...Resistance to freezing and thawing of two UHSC (ultra high strength concrete) mixtures was evaluated in accordance with ASTM C 666 Procedure A. The two mixtures (plain and fiber reinforced) were developed using materials local to southern New Mexico, USA. Three different curing regimens were investigated for the mixture with fibers and one curing regimen was studied for the mixture without fibers. All curing regimens included 24 h of ambient curing followed by four days of wet curing at 50 ℃, and then two days dry curing at 200 ℃. At an age of seven days, one batch of fiber reinforced specimens was air cured at ambient conditions for the following six days and then placed in a water bath at 4.4 ℃ for 24 h prior to initiating freezing and thawing cycles. The second batch was air cured from day seven to day 12, and then wet cured for one day at 23 ℃ prior to being placed in the 4.4 ℃ water bath. The final batch was wet cured at 23 ℃ from the seventh day to an age of 13 days and then placed in the 4.4 ℃ water bath. The mixture with no fibers was air cured from the seventh day to an age of 12 days and then wet cured for one day at 23 ℃ prior to being placed in the 4.4 ℃ water bath. Higher moisture levels during curing produced greater initial dynamic elastic modulus values and durability factors at the end of the freezing and thawing tests, with the greatest durability factor being 87.5. Steel fibers were observed to improve both compressive strength and durability factor for UHSC.展开更多
超高温灭菌(ultra-high temperature treated,UHT)乳是一类长期储存的液态乳品,其货架期长短直接影响着产品的市场竞争力和消费者满意度。UHT乳的货架期常常受到多种因素的影响,包括但不限于:即使经过UHT却仍在乳中残留的部分生物因子...超高温灭菌(ultra-high temperature treated,UHT)乳是一类长期储存的液态乳品,其货架期长短直接影响着产品的市场竞争力和消费者满意度。UHT乳的货架期常常受到多种因素的影响,包括但不限于:即使经过UHT却仍在乳中残留的部分生物因子、货架期预测模型的合理性与准确性等。这些因素往往导致成品UHT乳在其储存货架期内发生如凝胶老化、脂肪上浮、风味改变、颜色改变等品质劣变现象。本文以近年来国内外对于影响UHT乳货架期稳定性的因素着手,分别解释了耐热芽孢、蛋白酶及脂肪酶影响UHT乳货架期寿命的机制,阐述了其引起的UHT乳货架期内的品质劣变现象;总结介绍了Arrhenius方程、多因素回归方程和BP神经网络3种货架期预测模型,在分别分析其运用环境的同时,对其优劣点进行了对比;最后在UHT乳的收奶端及生产端对延长UHT乳货架期的辅助技术进行了综述,以期从影响UHT乳货架期的相关因素入手,为今后UHT乳的生产及相关研究提供参考。展开更多
文摘The quality of interpretation is a dynamic conception, involving a good deal of variables, such as the participants, the situations, working conditions, cultures etc.. Therefore, in interpretation, those static elements, such as traditional grammars and certain linguistic rules can not be counted as the only criteria for the quality of interpretation. That is, there are many other nonlanguage elements—Ultra-linguistic factors that play an important role in interpretation. Ultra-linguistic factors get rid of the bounding of traditional grammar and parole, and reveal the facts in an indirect way. This paper gives a brief analysis of Ultra Linguistic elements in interpretation in order to achieve better result in interpretation practice.
文摘目的探究超早产儿/超低出生体重儿支气管肺发育不良(bronchopulmonary dysplasia,BPD)的危险因素,并构建logistic回归预测模型。方法选取2017年1月1日至2023年12月31日周口市妇幼保健院及周口市中医院新生儿重症监护室住院治疗的超早产儿/超低出生体重儿病历资料,严格按照纳入和排除标准,共纳入102例,根据是否发生BPD分为BPD组和非BPD组,比较两组一般资料,采用logistic回归分析导致超早产儿/超低出生体重儿发生BPD的病理原因。结果本研究共纳入102例超早产儿/超低出生体重儿,其中59例出现BPD,发生率为57.8%;胎儿情况:BPD组出生体重小于非BPD组、胎龄小于非BPD组,1 min Apgar评分≤7分、新生儿肺炎、新生儿败血症占比均高于非BPD组,机械通气时间长于非BPD组(P<0.05);孕母情况:BPD组羊膜早破>18 h、绒毛膜羊膜炎占比高于非BPD组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);胎龄、出生体重为超早产儿/超低出生体重儿发生BPD独立保护因素,机械通气时间、绒毛膜羊膜炎是超早产儿/超低出生体重儿发生BPD的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。基于多因素结果,构建logistic回归风险预测模型,Logit(P)在0~1,检验结果显示,该模型预测超早产儿/超低出生体重儿并发BPD的曲线下面积(AUC)为0.891(95%CI:0.846~0.939),Hosmer-Lemeshowχ^(2)=6.543,P=0.072。结论BPD的发生率在超早产儿/超低出生体重儿中明显升高,长时间机械通气、孕母绒毛膜羊膜炎是超早产儿/超低出生体重儿发生BPD的独立危险因素。基于上述因素构建logistic回归预测模型具有较高预测价值,可作为临床预测发生BPD的有效模型,并对后续临床决策具有一定指导意义。
文摘Resistance to freezing and thawing of two UHSC (ultra high strength concrete) mixtures was evaluated in accordance with ASTM C 666 Procedure A. The two mixtures (plain and fiber reinforced) were developed using materials local to southern New Mexico, USA. Three different curing regimens were investigated for the mixture with fibers and one curing regimen was studied for the mixture without fibers. All curing regimens included 24 h of ambient curing followed by four days of wet curing at 50 ℃, and then two days dry curing at 200 ℃. At an age of seven days, one batch of fiber reinforced specimens was air cured at ambient conditions for the following six days and then placed in a water bath at 4.4 ℃ for 24 h prior to initiating freezing and thawing cycles. The second batch was air cured from day seven to day 12, and then wet cured for one day at 23 ℃ prior to being placed in the 4.4 ℃ water bath. The final batch was wet cured at 23 ℃ from the seventh day to an age of 13 days and then placed in the 4.4 ℃ water bath. The mixture with no fibers was air cured from the seventh day to an age of 12 days and then wet cured for one day at 23 ℃ prior to being placed in the 4.4 ℃ water bath. Higher moisture levels during curing produced greater initial dynamic elastic modulus values and durability factors at the end of the freezing and thawing tests, with the greatest durability factor being 87.5. Steel fibers were observed to improve both compressive strength and durability factor for UHSC.
文摘超高温灭菌(ultra-high temperature treated,UHT)乳是一类长期储存的液态乳品,其货架期长短直接影响着产品的市场竞争力和消费者满意度。UHT乳的货架期常常受到多种因素的影响,包括但不限于:即使经过UHT却仍在乳中残留的部分生物因子、货架期预测模型的合理性与准确性等。这些因素往往导致成品UHT乳在其储存货架期内发生如凝胶老化、脂肪上浮、风味改变、颜色改变等品质劣变现象。本文以近年来国内外对于影响UHT乳货架期稳定性的因素着手,分别解释了耐热芽孢、蛋白酶及脂肪酶影响UHT乳货架期寿命的机制,阐述了其引起的UHT乳货架期内的品质劣变现象;总结介绍了Arrhenius方程、多因素回归方程和BP神经网络3种货架期预测模型,在分别分析其运用环境的同时,对其优劣点进行了对比;最后在UHT乳的收奶端及生产端对延长UHT乳货架期的辅助技术进行了综述,以期从影响UHT乳货架期的相关因素入手,为今后UHT乳的生产及相关研究提供参考。