This paper mainly focuses on the development of a learning-based controller for a class of uncertain mechanical systems modeled by the Euler-Lagrange formulation.The considered system can depict the behavior of a larg...This paper mainly focuses on the development of a learning-based controller for a class of uncertain mechanical systems modeled by the Euler-Lagrange formulation.The considered system can depict the behavior of a large class of engineering systems,such as vehicular systems,robot manipulators and satellites.All these systems are often characterized by highly nonlinear characteristics,heavy modeling uncertainties and unknown perturbations,therefore,accurate-model-based nonlinear control approaches become unavailable.Motivated by the challenge,a reinforcement learning(RL)adaptive control methodology based on the actor-critic framework is investigated to compensate the uncertain mechanical dynamics.The approximation inaccuracies caused by RL and the exogenous unknown disturbances are circumvented via a continuous robust integral of the sign of the error(RISE)control approach.Different from a classical RISE control law,a tanh(·)function is utilized instead of a sign(·)function to acquire a more smooth control signal.The developed controller requires very little prior knowledge of the dynamic model,is robust to unknown dynamics and exogenous disturbances,and can achieve asymptotic output tracking.Eventually,co-simulations through ADAMS and MATLAB/Simulink on a three degrees-of-freedom(3-DOF)manipulator and experiments on a real-time electromechanical servo system are performed to verify the performance of the proposed approach.展开更多
In this paper,the problem of guaranteed cost control for a class of uncertain discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems with mode-dependent time-delays and a given quadratic cost function are investigated. Attention...In this paper,the problem of guaranteed cost control for a class of uncertain discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems with mode-dependent time-delays and a given quadratic cost function are investigated. Attention is focused on designing a memoryless state feedback control law such that the closed-loop system is robust stochastically stable and the closed-loop cost function value is not more than a specified upper bound,for all admissible uncertainties. The key features of the approach include the introduction of a new type of suitable stochastic Lyapunov functional and free weighting matrices techniques. Sufficient conditions for the existence of such controller are obtained in terms of a set of linear matrix inequalities. A numerical example is given to illustrate the less conservatism of the proposed techniques.展开更多
The decentralized robust guaranteed cost control problem is studied for a class of interconnected singular large-scale systems with time-delay and norm-bounded time-invariant parameter uncertainty under a given quadra...The decentralized robust guaranteed cost control problem is studied for a class of interconnected singular large-scale systems with time-delay and norm-bounded time-invariant parameter uncertainty under a given quadratic cost performance function. The problem that is addressed in this study is to design a decentralized robust guaranteed cost state feedback controller such that the closed-loop system is not only regular, impulse-free and stable, but also guarantees an adequate level of performance for all admissible uncertainties. A sufficient condition for the existence of the decentralized robust guaranteed cost state feedback controllers is proposed in terms of a linear matrix inequality (LMI) via LMI approach. When this condition is feasible, the desired state feedback decentralized robust guaranteed cost controller gain matrices can be obtained. Finally, an illustrative example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.展开更多
This paper addresses the robust admissibility problem in singular fractional-order continuous time systems. It is based on new admissibility conditions of singular fractional-order systems expressed in a set of strict...This paper addresses the robust admissibility problem in singular fractional-order continuous time systems. It is based on new admissibility conditions of singular fractional-order systems expressed in a set of strict linear matrix inequalities(LMIs). Then, a static output feedback controller is designed for the uncertain closed-loop system to be admissible. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the proposed methods.展开更多
The problem of robustifying linear quadratic regulators (LQRs) for a class of uncertain affine nonlinear systems is considered. First, the exact linearization technique is used to transform an uncertain nonlinear sy...The problem of robustifying linear quadratic regulators (LQRs) for a class of uncertain affine nonlinear systems is considered. First, the exact linearization technique is used to transform an uncertain nonlinear system into a linear one and an optimal LQR is designed for the corresponding nominal system. Then, based on the integral sliding mode, a design approach to robustifying the optimal regulator is studied. As a result, the system exhibits global robustness to uncertainties and the ideal sliding mode dynamics is the same as that of the optimal LQR for the nominal system. A global robust optimal sliding mode control (GROSMC) is realized. Finally, a numerical simulation is demonstrated to show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithm compared with the conventional optimal LQR.展开更多
The problem of robust H-infinity fault-tolerant control against sensor failures for a class of uncertain descriptor systems via dynamical compensators is considered. Based on H-infinity theory in descriptor systems, a...The problem of robust H-infinity fault-tolerant control against sensor failures for a class of uncertain descriptor systems via dynamical compensators is considered. Based on H-infinity theory in descriptor systems, a sufficient condition for the existence of dynamical compensators with H-infinity fault-tolerant function is derived and expressions for the gain matrices in the compensators are presented. The dynamical compensator guarantees that the resultant colsed-loop system is admissible; furthermore, it maintains certain H-infinity norm performance in the normal condition as well as in the event of sensor failures and parameter uncertainties. A numerical example shows the effect of the proposed method.展开更多
A robust reliability method for stability analysis and reliability-based stabilization of time-delay dynamic systems with uncertain but bounded parameters is presented by treating the uncertain parameters as interval ...A robust reliability method for stability analysis and reliability-based stabilization of time-delay dynamic systems with uncertain but bounded parameters is presented by treating the uncertain parameters as interval variables.The performance function used for robust reliability analysis is defined by a delayindependent stability criterion.The design of robust controllers is carried out by solving a reliability-based optimization problem in which the control cost satisfying design requirements is minimized.This kind of treatment makes it possible to achieve a balance between the reliability and control cost in the design of controller when uncertainties must be taken into account.By the method,a robust reliability measure of the degree of stability of a time-delay uncertain system can be provided,and the maximum robustness bounds of uncertain parameters such that the time-delay system to be stable can be obtained.All the procedures are based on the linear matrix inequality approach and therefore can be carried out conveniently.The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method are demonstrated with two practical examples.It is shown by numerical simulations and comparison that it is meaningful to take the robust reliability into account in the control design of uncertain systems.展开更多
In this paper, a robust adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems is proposed. A novel adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface model is built to approximate the uncertain nonlinear funct...In this paper, a robust adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems is proposed. A novel adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface model is built to approximate the uncertain nonlinear functions by only one fuzzy logic system. The approximation capability of this model is proved and the model is implemented to solve the problem that too many approximators are used in the controller design of uncertain nonlinear systems. The shortage of "explosion of complexity" in backstepping design procedure is overcome by using the proposed dynamic surface control method. It is proved by constructing appropriate Lyapunov candidates that all signals of closed-loop systems are semi-globally uniformly ultimate bounded. Also, this novel controller stabilizes the states of uncertain nonlinear systems faster than the adaptive sliding mode controller (SMC). Two simulation examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the control approach proposed in this paper.展开更多
By means of matrix decomposition method a criterion is presented for the admissibility of T-S fuzzy descriptor system. Then, the problem of passivity control is studied for a kind of T-S fuzzy descriptor system with u...By means of matrix decomposition method a criterion is presented for the admissibility of T-S fuzzy descriptor system. Then, the problem of passivity control is studied for a kind of T-S fuzzy descriptor system with uncertain parameters, and sufficient conditions which make the closed-loop system admissible and strictly passive are obtained based on linear matrix inequality (LMI). The nonstrict LMIs restricted conditions which characterize the descriptor system are transformed into strict ones, so testing admissibility and passivity of the system can be finished simultaneously. The design scheme of state feedback controller is also obtained. Finally, a numerical example is given to show the validity and feasibility of the proposed approach.展开更多
A linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based sliding surface design method for integral sliding mode control of uncertain time- delay systems with mismatching uncertainties is proposed. The uncertain time-delay system und...A linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based sliding surface design method for integral sliding mode control of uncertain time- delay systems with mismatching uncertainties is proposed. The uncertain time-delay system under consideration may have mis- matching norm bounded uncertainties in the state matrix as well as the input matrix, A sufficient condition for the existence of a sliding surface is given to guarantee asymptotic stability of the full order slJdJng mode dynamics. An LMI characterization of the slid- ing surface is given, together with an integral sliding mode control law guaranteeing the existence of a sliding mode from the initial time. Finally, a simulation is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.展开更多
In this paper, delay-dependent stability analysis and robust stabilization for uncertain singular time-delay systems are addressed. By using Jensen integral inequality, an improved delay-dependent criterion of admissi...In this paper, delay-dependent stability analysis and robust stabilization for uncertain singular time-delay systems are addressed. By using Jensen integral inequality, an improved delay-dependent criterion of admissibility for singular time-delay systems is proposed in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI). Our new proposed criterion is less conservative and the numerical complexity is smaller than the existing ones. Based on this criterion, a state feedback controller is designed to ensure that the uncertain singular time-delay system is admissible. Finally, three numerical examples are employed to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.展开更多
In this paper, a new adaptive fuzzy backstepping control approach is developed for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown time-delay and unmeasured states. Using fuzzy logic systems to approximate the unknown nonli...In this paper, a new adaptive fuzzy backstepping control approach is developed for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown time-delay and unmeasured states. Using fuzzy logic systems to approximate the unknown nonlinear functions, a fuzzy state observer is designed for estimating the unmeasured states. On the basis of the state observer and applying the backstepping technique, an adaptive fuzzy observer control approach is developed. The main features of the proposed adaptive fuzzy control approach not only guarantees that all the signals of the closed-loop system are semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded, but also contain less adaptation parameters to be updated on-line. Finally, simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.展开更多
Aiming at a class of systems under parameter perturbations and unknown external disturbances, a method of fuzzy robust sliding mode control was proposed. Firstly, an integral sliding mode surface containing state feed...Aiming at a class of systems under parameter perturbations and unknown external disturbances, a method of fuzzy robust sliding mode control was proposed. Firstly, an integral sliding mode surface containing state feedback item was designed based on robust H∞ control theory. The robust state feedback control was utilized to substitute for the equivalent control of the traditional sliding mode control. Thus the robustness of systems sliding mode motion was improved even the initial states were unknown. Furthermore, when the upper bound of disturbance was unknown, the switching control logic was difficult to design, and the drawbacks of chattering in sliding mode control should also be considered simultaneously. To solve the above-mentioned problems, the fuzzy nonlinear method was applied to approximate the switching control term. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, the parameter adaptive law which could guarantee the system stability was devised. The proposed control strategy could reduce the system chattering effectively. And the control input would not switch sharply, which improved the practicality of the sliding mode controller. Finally, simulation was conducted on system with parameter perturbations and unknown external disturbances. The result shows that the proposed method could enhance the approaching motion performance effectively. The chattering phenomenon is weakened, and the system possesses stronger robustness against parameter perturbations and external disturbances.展开更多
An extended robust model predictive control approach for input constrained discrete uncertain nonlinear systems with time-delay based on a class of uncertain T-S fuzzy models that satisfy sector bound condition is pre...An extended robust model predictive control approach for input constrained discrete uncertain nonlinear systems with time-delay based on a class of uncertain T-S fuzzy models that satisfy sector bound condition is presented. In this approach, the minimization problem of the “worst-case” objective function is converted into the linear objective minimization problem in- volving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) constraints. The state feedback control law is obtained by solving convex optimization of a set of LMIs. Sufficient condition for stability and a new upper bound on robust performance index are given for these kinds of uncertain fuzzy systems with state time-delay. Simulation results of CSTR process show that the proposed robust predictive control approach is effective and feasible.展开更多
This paper investigates the problem of delay-dependent robust stabilization for uncertain singular systems with discrete and distributed delays in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. Based on a delay-d...This paper investigates the problem of delay-dependent robust stabilization for uncertain singular systems with discrete and distributed delays in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. Based on a delay-dependent stability condition for the nominal system, a state feedback controller is designed, which guarantees the resultant closed- loop system to be robustly stable. An explicit expression for the desired controller is also given by solving a set of matrix inequalities. Some numerical examples are provided to illustrate the less conservativeness of the proposed methods.展开更多
We consider quadratic stabilization for a class of switched systems which are composed of a finite set of continuoustime linear subsystems with norm bounded uncertainties. Under the assumption that there is no single ...We consider quadratic stabilization for a class of switched systems which are composed of a finite set of continuoustime linear subsystems with norm bounded uncertainties. Under the assumption that there is no single quadratically stable subsystem, if a convex combination of subsystems is quadratically stable, then we propose a state-dependent switching law, based on the convex combination of subsystems, such that the entire switched linear system is quadratically stable. When the state information is not available, we extend the discussion to designing an outputdependent switching law by constructing a robust Luenberger observer for each subsystem.展开更多
The problem of observer-based robust predictive control is studied for the singular systems with norm-bounded uncertainties and time-delay, and the design method of robust predictive observer-based controller is propo...The problem of observer-based robust predictive control is studied for the singular systems with norm-bounded uncertainties and time-delay, and the design method of robust predictive observer-based controller is proposed. By constructing the Lyapunov function with the error terms, the infinite time domain "min-max" optimization problems are converted into convex optimization problems solving by the linear matrix inequality (LMI), and the sufficient conditions for the existence of this control are derived. It is proved that the robust stability of the closed-loop singular systems can be guaranteed by the initial feasible solutions of the optimization problems, and the regular and the impulse-free of the singular systems are also guaranteed. A simulation example illustrates the efficiency of this method.展开更多
The robust H∞ control problem for discrete-time uncertain systems is investigated in this paper. The uncertain systems are modelled as a polytopic type with linear fractional uncertainty in the vertices. A new linear...The robust H∞ control problem for discrete-time uncertain systems is investigated in this paper. The uncertain systems are modelled as a polytopic type with linear fractional uncertainty in the vertices. A new linear matrix inequality (LMI) characterization of the H∞ performance for discrete systems is given by introducing a matrix slack variable which decouples the matrix of a Lyapunov function candidate and the parametric matrices of the system. This feature enables one to derive sufficient conditions for discrete uncertain systems by using parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions with less conservativeness. Based on the result, H∞ performance analysis and controller design are carried out. A numerical example is included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed results.展开更多
To alleviate the conservativeness of the stability criterion for Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy time-delay systems, a new delay-dependent stability criterion was proposed by introducing a new augmented Lyapunov function ...To alleviate the conservativeness of the stability criterion for Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy time-delay systems, a new delay-dependent stability criterion was proposed by introducing a new augmented Lyapunov function with an additional triple-integral term, which was firstly u3ed to derive the stability criterion for T-S fuzzy time-delay systems. By the same approach, the robust stability issue for fuzzy time-delay systems with uncertain parameters was also considered. On the other hand, in order to enhance the design flexibility, a new design approach for uncertain fuzzy time-delay systems under imperfect premise matching was also proposed, which allows the fuzzy controller to employ different membership functions from the fuzzy time-delay model. By the numerical examples, the proposed stability conditions are less conservative in the sense of getting larger allowable time-delay and obtaining smaller feedback control gains. For instance, when the allowable time-delay increases from 7.3 s to 12 s for an uncertain T-S fuzzy control system with time-delay, the norm of the feedback gains decreases from (34.299 2, 38.560 3) to (10.073 3, 11.349 0), respectively. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of the proposed design method was illustrated by the last example with the robustly stable curves of system state under the initial condition of x(0) = [3 -1].展开更多
The objective of this paper is to investigate the consensus of the multi-agent systems w/th nonlinear coupling function and external disturbances. The disturbance includes two parts, one part is supposed to be generat...The objective of this paper is to investigate the consensus of the multi-agent systems w/th nonlinear coupling function and external disturbances. The disturbance includes two parts, one part is supposed to be generated by an exogenous system, which is not required to be neutrally stable as in the output regulation theory, the other part is the modeling uncertainty in the exogenous disturbance system. A novel composite disturbance observer based control (DOBC) and H∞ control scheme is presented so that the disturbance with the exogenous system can be estimated and compensated and the consensus of the multi-agent systems with fixed and switching graph can be reached by using Hoo control law. Simulations demonstrate the advantages of the proposed DOBC and H∞ control scheme.展开更多
基金supported in part by the National Key R&D Program of China under Grant 2021YFB2011300the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 52075262。
文摘This paper mainly focuses on the development of a learning-based controller for a class of uncertain mechanical systems modeled by the Euler-Lagrange formulation.The considered system can depict the behavior of a large class of engineering systems,such as vehicular systems,robot manipulators and satellites.All these systems are often characterized by highly nonlinear characteristics,heavy modeling uncertainties and unknown perturbations,therefore,accurate-model-based nonlinear control approaches become unavailable.Motivated by the challenge,a reinforcement learning(RL)adaptive control methodology based on the actor-critic framework is investigated to compensate the uncertain mechanical dynamics.The approximation inaccuracies caused by RL and the exogenous unknown disturbances are circumvented via a continuous robust integral of the sign of the error(RISE)control approach.Different from a classical RISE control law,a tanh(·)function is utilized instead of a sign(·)function to acquire a more smooth control signal.The developed controller requires very little prior knowledge of the dynamic model,is robust to unknown dynamics and exogenous disturbances,and can achieve asymptotic output tracking.Eventually,co-simulations through ADAMS and MATLAB/Simulink on a three degrees-of-freedom(3-DOF)manipulator and experiments on a real-time electromechanical servo system are performed to verify the performance of the proposed approach.
基金Sponsored by the National Defense Basic Research Foundation of China (Grant No. 9140A17030207HT01)
文摘In this paper,the problem of guaranteed cost control for a class of uncertain discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems with mode-dependent time-delays and a given quadratic cost function are investigated. Attention is focused on designing a memoryless state feedback control law such that the closed-loop system is robust stochastically stable and the closed-loop cost function value is not more than a specified upper bound,for all admissible uncertainties. The key features of the approach include the introduction of a new type of suitable stochastic Lyapunov functional and free weighting matrices techniques. Sufficient conditions for the existence of such controller are obtained in terms of a set of linear matrix inequalities. A numerical example is given to illustrate the less conservatism of the proposed techniques.
基金This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (60474078)Science Foundation of High Education of Jiangsu of China (04KJD120016).
文摘The decentralized robust guaranteed cost control problem is studied for a class of interconnected singular large-scale systems with time-delay and norm-bounded time-invariant parameter uncertainty under a given quadratic cost performance function. The problem that is addressed in this study is to design a decentralized robust guaranteed cost state feedback controller such that the closed-loop system is not only regular, impulse-free and stable, but also guarantees an adequate level of performance for all admissible uncertainties. A sufficient condition for the existence of the decentralized robust guaranteed cost state feedback controllers is proposed in terms of a linear matrix inequality (LMI) via LMI approach. When this condition is feasible, the desired state feedback decentralized robust guaranteed cost controller gain matrices can be obtained. Finally, an illustrative example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
文摘This paper addresses the robust admissibility problem in singular fractional-order continuous time systems. It is based on new admissibility conditions of singular fractional-order systems expressed in a set of strict linear matrix inequalities(LMIs). Then, a static output feedback controller is designed for the uncertain closed-loop system to be admissible. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the proposed methods.
基金supported by the Doctoral Foundation of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(0022330).
文摘The problem of robustifying linear quadratic regulators (LQRs) for a class of uncertain affine nonlinear systems is considered. First, the exact linearization technique is used to transform an uncertain nonlinear system into a linear one and an optimal LQR is designed for the corresponding nominal system. Then, based on the integral sliding mode, a design approach to robustifying the optimal regulator is studied. As a result, the system exhibits global robustness to uncertainties and the ideal sliding mode dynamics is the same as that of the optimal LQR for the nominal system. A global robust optimal sliding mode control (GROSMC) is realized. Finally, a numerical simulation is demonstrated to show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithm compared with the conventional optimal LQR.
基金This work was supported by the Chinese National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation (No.69925308).
文摘The problem of robust H-infinity fault-tolerant control against sensor failures for a class of uncertain descriptor systems via dynamical compensators is considered. Based on H-infinity theory in descriptor systems, a sufficient condition for the existence of dynamical compensators with H-infinity fault-tolerant function is derived and expressions for the gain matrices in the compensators are presented. The dynamical compensator guarantees that the resultant colsed-loop system is admissible; furthermore, it maintains certain H-infinity norm performance in the normal condition as well as in the event of sensor failures and parameter uncertainties. A numerical example shows the effect of the proposed method.
文摘A robust reliability method for stability analysis and reliability-based stabilization of time-delay dynamic systems with uncertain but bounded parameters is presented by treating the uncertain parameters as interval variables.The performance function used for robust reliability analysis is defined by a delayindependent stability criterion.The design of robust controllers is carried out by solving a reliability-based optimization problem in which the control cost satisfying design requirements is minimized.This kind of treatment makes it possible to achieve a balance between the reliability and control cost in the design of controller when uncertainties must be taken into account.By the method,a robust reliability measure of the degree of stability of a time-delay uncertain system can be provided,and the maximum robustness bounds of uncertain parameters such that the time-delay system to be stable can be obtained.All the procedures are based on the linear matrix inequality approach and therefore can be carried out conveniently.The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method are demonstrated with two practical examples.It is shown by numerical simulations and comparison that it is meaningful to take the robust reliability into account in the control design of uncertain systems.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60525303 and 60704009)Key Research Program of Hebei Education Department (No. ZD200908)
文摘In this paper, a robust adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems is proposed. A novel adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface model is built to approximate the uncertain nonlinear functions by only one fuzzy logic system. The approximation capability of this model is proved and the model is implemented to solve the problem that too many approximators are used in the controller design of uncertain nonlinear systems. The shortage of "explosion of complexity" in backstepping design procedure is overcome by using the proposed dynamic surface control method. It is proved by constructing appropriate Lyapunov candidates that all signals of closed-loop systems are semi-globally uniformly ultimate bounded. Also, this novel controller stabilizes the states of uncertain nonlinear systems faster than the adaptive sliding mode controller (SMC). Two simulation examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the control approach proposed in this paper.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of P. R, China (60574011)the Distinguished Teacher Funds of Liaoning Universities (124210)the Key Laboratory Funds of Liaoning Universities of Intelligent Control Theory and Applications
文摘By means of matrix decomposition method a criterion is presented for the admissibility of T-S fuzzy descriptor system. Then, the problem of passivity control is studied for a kind of T-S fuzzy descriptor system with uncertain parameters, and sufficient conditions which make the closed-loop system admissible and strictly passive are obtained based on linear matrix inequality (LMI). The nonstrict LMIs restricted conditions which characterize the descriptor system are transformed into strict ones, so testing admissibility and passivity of the system can be finished simultaneously. The design scheme of state feedback controller is also obtained. Finally, a numerical example is given to show the validity and feasibility of the proposed approach.
基金supported in part by the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)(61334)
文摘A linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based sliding surface design method for integral sliding mode control of uncertain time- delay systems with mismatching uncertainties is proposed. The uncertain time-delay system under consideration may have mis- matching norm bounded uncertainties in the state matrix as well as the input matrix, A sufficient condition for the existence of a sliding surface is given to guarantee asymptotic stability of the full order slJdJng mode dynamics. An LMI characterization of the slid- ing surface is given, together with an integral sliding mode control law guaranteeing the existence of a sliding mode from the initial time. Finally, a simulation is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.60904009,No.60974004)
文摘In this paper, delay-dependent stability analysis and robust stabilization for uncertain singular time-delay systems are addressed. By using Jensen integral inequality, an improved delay-dependent criterion of admissibility for singular time-delay systems is proposed in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI). Our new proposed criterion is less conservative and the numerical complexity is smaller than the existing ones. Based on this criterion, a state feedback controller is designed to ensure that the uncertain singular time-delay system is admissible. Finally, three numerical examples are employed to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.60674056)Outstanding Youth Funds of Liaoning Province (No.2005219001)Educational Department of Liaoning Province (No.2006R29,No.2007T80)
文摘In this paper, a new adaptive fuzzy backstepping control approach is developed for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown time-delay and unmeasured states. Using fuzzy logic systems to approximate the unknown nonlinear functions, a fuzzy state observer is designed for estimating the unmeasured states. On the basis of the state observer and applying the backstepping technique, an adaptive fuzzy observer control approach is developed. The main features of the proposed adaptive fuzzy control approach not only guarantees that all the signals of the closed-loop system are semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded, but also contain less adaptation parameters to be updated on-line. Finally, simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
基金Project(51476187)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘Aiming at a class of systems under parameter perturbations and unknown external disturbances, a method of fuzzy robust sliding mode control was proposed. Firstly, an integral sliding mode surface containing state feedback item was designed based on robust H∞ control theory. The robust state feedback control was utilized to substitute for the equivalent control of the traditional sliding mode control. Thus the robustness of systems sliding mode motion was improved even the initial states were unknown. Furthermore, when the upper bound of disturbance was unknown, the switching control logic was difficult to design, and the drawbacks of chattering in sliding mode control should also be considered simultaneously. To solve the above-mentioned problems, the fuzzy nonlinear method was applied to approximate the switching control term. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, the parameter adaptive law which could guarantee the system stability was devised. The proposed control strategy could reduce the system chattering effectively. And the control input would not switch sharply, which improved the practicality of the sliding mode controller. Finally, simulation was conducted on system with parameter perturbations and unknown external disturbances. The result shows that the proposed method could enhance the approaching motion performance effectively. The chattering phenomenon is weakened, and the system possesses stronger robustness against parameter perturbations and external disturbances.
基金Project (No. 60421002) supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China
文摘An extended robust model predictive control approach for input constrained discrete uncertain nonlinear systems with time-delay based on a class of uncertain T-S fuzzy models that satisfy sector bound condition is presented. In this approach, the minimization problem of the “worst-case” objective function is converted into the linear objective minimization problem in- volving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) constraints. The state feedback control law is obtained by solving convex optimization of a set of LMIs. Sufficient condition for stability and a new upper bound on robust performance index are given for these kinds of uncertain fuzzy systems with state time-delay. Simulation results of CSTR process show that the proposed robust predictive control approach is effective and feasible.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.60503027)
文摘This paper investigates the problem of delay-dependent robust stabilization for uncertain singular systems with discrete and distributed delays in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. Based on a delay-dependent stability condition for the nominal system, a state feedback controller is designed, which guarantees the resultant closed- loop system to be robustly stable. An explicit expression for the desired controller is also given by solving a set of matrix inequalities. Some numerical examples are provided to illustrate the less conservativeness of the proposed methods.
基金supported in part by the Japan Ministry of Education,Sciences and Culture under Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)(21560471)the Green Industry Leading Program of Hubei University of Technology(CPYF2017003)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(1160147411461082)
文摘We consider quadratic stabilization for a class of switched systems which are composed of a finite set of continuoustime linear subsystems with norm bounded uncertainties. Under the assumption that there is no single quadratically stable subsystem, if a convex combination of subsystems is quadratically stable, then we propose a state-dependent switching law, based on the convex combination of subsystems, such that the entire switched linear system is quadratically stable. When the state information is not available, we extend the discussion to designing an outputdependent switching law by constructing a robust Luenberger observer for each subsystem.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(60774016).
文摘The problem of observer-based robust predictive control is studied for the singular systems with norm-bounded uncertainties and time-delay, and the design method of robust predictive observer-based controller is proposed. By constructing the Lyapunov function with the error terms, the infinite time domain "min-max" optimization problems are converted into convex optimization problems solving by the linear matrix inequality (LMI), and the sufficient conditions for the existence of this control are derived. It is proved that the robust stability of the closed-loop singular systems can be guaranteed by the initial feasible solutions of the optimization problems, and the regular and the impulse-free of the singular systems are also guaranteed. A simulation example illustrates the efficiency of this method.
基金This work was partially supported by RGC Grant 7103/01P and the open project of the state key Laboratory of intelligent and Systems,Tsinghua University(No.0406).
文摘The robust H∞ control problem for discrete-time uncertain systems is investigated in this paper. The uncertain systems are modelled as a polytopic type with linear fractional uncertainty in the vertices. A new linear matrix inequality (LMI) characterization of the H∞ performance for discrete systems is given by introducing a matrix slack variable which decouples the matrix of a Lyapunov function candidate and the parametric matrices of the system. This feature enables one to derive sufficient conditions for discrete uncertain systems by using parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions with less conservativeness. Based on the result, H∞ performance analysis and controller design are carried out. A numerical example is included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed results.
基金Project(61273095)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(135225)supported by the Academy of Finland
文摘To alleviate the conservativeness of the stability criterion for Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy time-delay systems, a new delay-dependent stability criterion was proposed by introducing a new augmented Lyapunov function with an additional triple-integral term, which was firstly u3ed to derive the stability criterion for T-S fuzzy time-delay systems. By the same approach, the robust stability issue for fuzzy time-delay systems with uncertain parameters was also considered. On the other hand, in order to enhance the design flexibility, a new design approach for uncertain fuzzy time-delay systems under imperfect premise matching was also proposed, which allows the fuzzy controller to employ different membership functions from the fuzzy time-delay model. By the numerical examples, the proposed stability conditions are less conservative in the sense of getting larger allowable time-delay and obtaining smaller feedback control gains. For instance, when the allowable time-delay increases from 7.3 s to 12 s for an uncertain T-S fuzzy control system with time-delay, the norm of the feedback gains decreases from (34.299 2, 38.560 3) to (10.073 3, 11.349 0), respectively. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of the proposed design method was illustrated by the last example with the robustly stable curves of system state under the initial condition of x(0) = [3 -1].
基金Supported by the National Excellence Youth Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60925012the National Basic Research Science Program of China under Grant No.2012CB720000+3 种基金973 Programthe National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.60875039,60904022,60805039,and 60774013the Science Foundation of China postdoctoral under Grant No.2011M500205the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China under Grant No.ZR2011FM017
文摘The objective of this paper is to investigate the consensus of the multi-agent systems w/th nonlinear coupling function and external disturbances. The disturbance includes two parts, one part is supposed to be generated by an exogenous system, which is not required to be neutrally stable as in the output regulation theory, the other part is the modeling uncertainty in the exogenous disturbance system. A novel composite disturbance observer based control (DOBC) and H∞ control scheme is presented so that the disturbance with the exogenous system can be estimated and compensated and the consensus of the multi-agent systems with fixed and switching graph can be reached by using Hoo control law. Simulations demonstrate the advantages of the proposed DOBC and H∞ control scheme.