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东北日本地震波速度、Vp/Vs和各向异性结构:对俯冲带水迁移过程的探讨 被引量:3
作者 王建 肖卓伟 +1 位作者 赵大鹏 姚振兴 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期832-844,共13页
本文利用区域地震初至波到时数据,通过地震层析成像研究获得了东北日本俯冲带上地幔(深至约150km)的P波速度(VP)、S波速度(VS)、VP/VS和P波各向异性结构.结果表明,低速及高VP/VS比异常体主要分布在火山下方的下地壳和地幔楔中,其与低频... 本文利用区域地震初至波到时数据,通过地震层析成像研究获得了东北日本俯冲带上地幔(深至约150km)的P波速度(VP)、S波速度(VS)、VP/VS和P波各向异性结构.结果表明,低速及高VP/VS比异常体主要分布在火山下方的下地壳和地幔楔中,其与低频地震的分布吻合,该区域与俯冲板块脱水所释放的流体及其导致的部分熔融密切相关;俯冲的太平洋板块内可能由于脱水脆化导致的双层地震带区域则没有表现出整体的高VP/VS值,其可能与俯冲板块内部含水矿物含量有关;俯冲板块内双重地震带区域及上覆地幔楔薄层主要表现为与海沟平行的方位各向异性和正的径向各向异性,其可能是由于含水矿物的脱水使橄榄石晶格结构发生了从A型到B型的变化所引起的.我们研究表明,结合地震波速度和各向异性结构能够加深对俯冲带内水运移过程的认识. 展开更多
关键词 地震层析成像 俯冲带 vp/vs 各向异性 脱水反应
江苏常熟台VS与VP型倾斜仪观测数据对比分析 被引量:3
作者 刘冬冬 陆德明 +2 位作者 狄樑 钱文杰 丁建国 《四川地震》 2021年第1期39-43,共5页
通过对江苏常熟台VS与VP两个型号的垂直摆倾斜仪记录的2015~2016年地震事件波形数据进行对比分析,结果发现:在记录远震时,VP型宽频带垂直摆倾斜仪明显优于VS型垂直摆倾斜仪;在记录近震时,VS型垂直摆倾斜仪会产生同震阶跃,变化幅度大于V... 通过对江苏常熟台VS与VP两个型号的垂直摆倾斜仪记录的2015~2016年地震事件波形数据进行对比分析,结果发现:在记录远震时,VP型宽频带垂直摆倾斜仪明显优于VS型垂直摆倾斜仪;在记录近震时,VS型垂直摆倾斜仪会产生同震阶跃,变化幅度大于VP型宽频带垂直摆倾斜仪的变化幅度。 展开更多
关键词 vs型垂直摆倾斜仪 vp型宽频带垂直摆倾斜仪 同震响应能力
作者 杨玲英 杨祺 +1 位作者 蒋薇 张光顺 《云南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第S01期324-330,共7页
基于通海台VS、VP两种类型垂直摆倾斜仪同时段观测数据研究,对比分析2种类型的垂直摆的技术参数,观测数据年变化、日变化形态,内在质量精度,同震响应情况.经过研究发现:从技术参数来说,VP分辨率优于VS;2种类型仪器的观测数据年变化、日... 基于通海台VS、VP两种类型垂直摆倾斜仪同时段观测数据研究,对比分析2种类型的垂直摆的技术参数,观测数据年变化、日变化形态,内在质量精度,同震响应情况.经过研究发现:从技术参数来说,VP分辨率优于VS;2种类型仪器的观测数据年变化、日变化形态相似、数据变化特征相似,内精度接近,但是它们的同震响应特征差异大,VS对地方小震的响应优于VP,VP的同震响应振幅明显大于VS,VP的同震响应时间明显短于VS. 展开更多
关键词 vs垂直摆 vp垂直摆 对比分析 通海
Comparison of VP broadband tiltmeter and VS vertical pendulum tiltmeter 被引量:1
作者 Ma Wugang Wu Yanxia Zhao Huiqin 《Geodesy and Geodynamics》 2015年第3期226-232,共7页
Vertical pendulum(VP) tiltmeter is a kind of earthquake precursor observation equipment,which is used to record the interaction force associated with astronomical tidal tilts caused. Currently, VP broadband tiltmeter ... Vertical pendulum(VP) tiltmeter is a kind of earthquake precursor observation equipment,which is used to record the interaction force associated with astronomical tidal tilts caused. Currently, VP broadband tiltmeter and vertical sensor(VS) vertical pendulum tiltmeter are primarily used. In this paper, we compare the two different instruments by using four aspectsdmechanical structure, circuitry, zeroing, and bandwidthdbased on their working principles and applications. We conclude that VP broadband tiltmeter is more superior compared with VS vertical pendulum tiltmeter because of its higher bandwidth and degree of automation. 展开更多
关键词 vp broadband tiltmeter Broadband vs vertical pendu
作者 Lkwu.,KC 郭彦军 《国外测井技术》 1989年第2期37-44,19,共9页
关键词 vp vs 地震横波 地震纵波
巅峰对决 ViewSonic VP2250wb VS LG L227WT 广色域,一触即发!
作者 武超 郑晔 《电子竞技》 2008年第7期98-101,共4页
回忆一种新技术的诞生、发展一直到成熟,是一件非常有趣的事情。液晶显示器从本世纪伊始崭露头角到现在几乎统治了民用级显示器市场,从诞生开始,基本上每年都有一个卖点来吸引消费者。从2003年的价格之争,到2004年的响应速度,2005年的... 回忆一种新技术的诞生、发展一直到成熟,是一件非常有趣的事情。液晶显示器从本世纪伊始崭露头角到现在几乎统治了民用级显示器市场,从诞生开始,基本上每年都有一个卖点来吸引消费者。从2003年的价格之争,到2004年的响应速度,2005年的可视角度,2006年的对比度和8bit面板,再到2007年的宽屏之年……厂商在获得利润的同时,也将各种新技术的好处切切实实地带给了消费者。今年伊始,又一个新的卖点出现了,这就是"广色域"技术——这究竟是一个华而不实的噱头,还是又一次技术进步? 展开更多
关键词 ViewSonic vp2250wb vs LG L227WT 颜色系统 色彩空间 色域范围 广色域 三基色 三原色 LG 显示设备 vp 巅峰对决 vs
作者 Pete.,TA 晓红 《物探化探译丛》 1989年第1期31-34,共4页
关键词 vs/vp比值 砂岩 勘探 地震勘探
作者 MikeZimmer 陈洪丽 +1 位作者 王鑫峰 杨学武 《国外油气地质信息》 2002年第4期67-70,共4页
关键词 固结 砂岩压力 孔隙度 vp/vs 有效压力 P波 S波 速度 海上石油钻井
VP型宽频带潮汐观测仪的研制 被引量:21
作者 马武刚 吴艳霞 胡国庆 《地震工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期873-877,共5页
关键词 vp 宽频带 自动调零 vs
作者 刘嘉栋 吴庆举 朱敏 《地质学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期293-305,共13页
位于河套裂谷系西段的临河坳陷和狼山隆起,是环鄂尔多斯裂谷系和阴山造山带的重要组成部分,其地壳结构对于认识河套裂谷系和阴山造山带的形成机制具有重要意义。目前对于该区域地壳结构已有一些认识,但仍然存在争议,较为重要的是临河坳... 位于河套裂谷系西段的临河坳陷和狼山隆起,是环鄂尔多斯裂谷系和阴山造山带的重要组成部分,其地壳结构对于认识河套裂谷系和阴山造山带的形成机制具有重要意义。目前对于该区域地壳结构已有一些认识,但仍然存在争议,较为重要的是临河坳陷地壳是否增厚。本文基于临河坳陷和狼山隆起及周边布设的118个宽频带地震观测台阵数据,提取远震P波接收函数,探究了研究区的地壳结构信息。利用沉积层基底转换波时间延时获得了研究区沉积层厚度,结果显示临河坳陷规模较大,新生界地层平均厚约5.3 km,查干德勒苏坳陷规模较小,沉积层平均厚度2.7 km。H-κ叠加得到的狼山山前断裂带以北区域波速比相对较低,平均值约1.75,推断该区域地壳岩石组分以长英质为主。H-κ叠加得到的地壳厚度和共转换点(CCP)叠加成像得到的莫霍面埋深较为一致,表现为狼山隆起莫霍面较深西北侧较浅的特征。结合狼山隆起相对较低的波速比,本文推断狼山隆起受南北向挤压导致上地壳增厚是隆起造山的主要原因。本文得到的临河坳陷莫霍面轻微上隆,推断临河坳陷地壳在拉张环境下受地幔物质上涌影响发生减薄。本研究的结果对探索河套裂谷系和阴山造山带的形成机制提供了一定的约束。 展开更多
关键词 临河坳陷 狼山隆起 接收函数 地壳厚度 波速比
Crustal thickness and v_P/v_S ratio in Shanxi Graben, China 被引量:5
作者 Yutao Shi Yuan Gao Honglin Jing 《Earthquake Science》 2014年第6期589-597,共9页
Shanxi Graben is in the middle part of the North China Craton, from south to north. With the teleseismic data recorded by Regional Seismograph Networks and the temporary ZBnet-W Seismic Array around east part of Shanx... Shanxi Graben is in the middle part of the North China Craton, from south to north. With the teleseismic data recorded by Regional Seismograph Networks and the temporary ZBnet-W Seismic Array around east part of Shanxi Graben, we measured the crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio beneath each station using the H-K stack of receiver functions. The observed crustal thickness shows obvious lateral variation, increasing gradually from east to west in the Shanxi Graben. Beneath the Shanxi Graben the crust is relatively thicker than both sides of the south and the north. In addition, the Vp/Vs ratio in the north of study zone is higher than that in the south. The highest Vp/Vs ratio exists in the crust of the Xinding basin and the Datong basin. Our study also suggests that high velocity ratio might result from the strong activities of the magmation and volcanism. 展开更多
关键词 Shanxi Graben North China Craton (NCC) Receiver function Crustal thickness - Crustal vp/vs ratio
不同VS比例的黄花和污泥联合厌氧消化的研究 被引量:5
作者 王凯丽 董滨 戴晓虎 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期126-131,共6页
采用完全混合式反应器R1~R3(加拿大一枝黄花与脱水污泥的有机质配比分别为0:1、1:3和1:1),研究了污泥停留时间为30d,半连续中温(35±1)℃的运行状态下,脱水污泥和加拿大一枝黄花联合厌氧消化的系统稳定性和厌氧消化性能... 采用完全混合式反应器R1~R3(加拿大一枝黄花与脱水污泥的有机质配比分别为0:1、1:3和1:1),研究了污泥停留时间为30d,半连续中温(35±1)℃的运行状态下,脱水污泥和加拿大一枝黄花联合厌氧消化的系统稳定性和厌氧消化性能。结果表明:添加黄花进行共发酵,不但降低了游离氨的浓度和VFA的积累,使系统维持更好的稳定性;而且明显改善厌氧消化性能,与污泥单独厌氧消化相比,最佳条件下单位体积甲烷产率、比沼气产率、甲烷产率分别可以提高79.5%,61.7%,29.2%。随着黄花比例的提高,VS降解率呈现出逐渐上升的趋势。R3和R2的VS降解率稍微高于R1,分别为33.8%、31.2%、30.3%。随着黄花VS比例逐渐增加到50%,沼气中的甲烷和H2S含量稍微有所下降,VFA组分中戊酸的浓度升高,而乙酸和丙酸的浓度则有所下降。 展开更多
关键词 加拿大一枝黄花 脱水污泥 厌氧消化 中温 vs比例
ATM自愈网中高效VP-Packing算法 被引量:1
作者 唐健 冯天树 雷振明 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第1期34-37,58,共5页
在ATM网中,VP带宽的多样性以及一条链上VP数目的大量性,都给ATM自愈网带来了SDH自愈网中未曾遇到过的困难若没有一个快捷而又具有高填塞率的VP-Packing算法,自愈网速度将减慢,恢复率将降低本文指出了最佳VP-Packing算法具有指数组... 在ATM网中,VP带宽的多样性以及一条链上VP数目的大量性,都给ATM自愈网带来了SDH自愈网中未曾遇到过的困难若没有一个快捷而又具有高填塞率的VP-Packing算法,自愈网速度将减慢,恢复率将降低本文指出了最佳VP-Packing算法具有指数组的计算复杂性,进而提出了实用VP-Packing算法,该算法具有多项式的计算复杂性,在极短时间里就可以停止,理论分析和计算机模拟实验结果显示,该算法的填塞率与最大填塞率常常十分接近。 展开更多
关键词 ATM网 计算复杂性 填塞率 ISDN
对Walk-away VSP记录上一组波的分析
作者 何惺华 《油气地球物理》 2006年第3期5-8,共4页
利用正演模型、其他井间地震资料和VSP速度资料,分析了Walk-awayVSP记录上一组波的性质。分析结果表明这是纵波震源所激发的纵波在地表浅处某个强阻抗差界面上产生的转换横波。由于这种波具有纯横波的运动学特点,因此可以用于计算横波... 利用正演模型、其他井间地震资料和VSP速度资料,分析了Walk-awayVSP记录上一组波的性质。分析结果表明这是纵波震源所激发的纵波在地表浅处某个强阻抗差界面上产生的转换横波。由于这种波具有纯横波的运动学特点,因此可以用于计算横波的速度。 展开更多
关键词 Walk-away vsP 转换横波 纵横波速度比
承德地震台VP型宽频带垂直摆运行效能分析 被引量:2
作者 张玉林 宋晓冰 +3 位作者 郭亚亚 陈立强 焦成丽 李庆武 《地震地磁观测与研究》 2018年第2期108-115,共8页
与VS型垂直摆各项参数进行对比,分析VP型宽频带垂直摆具有的优势。采用VS、VP型垂直摆记录资料,对比数据连续率、完整率及固体潮记录能力、同震变化等;分析VP型垂直摆精度、潮汐因子绝对误差、相位误差等,以偏离正常年变背景为基准,判... 与VS型垂直摆各项参数进行对比,分析VP型宽频带垂直摆具有的优势。采用VS、VP型垂直摆记录资料,对比数据连续率、完整率及固体潮记录能力、同震变化等;分析VP型垂直摆精度、潮汐因子绝对误差、相位误差等,以偏离正常年变背景为基准,判断其数据记录是否异常,并分析年变特征,拟合观测数据分析异常特征,通过R值评分,进一步分析承德地震台VP型宽频带垂直摆映震能力。分析发现,VP型宽频带垂直摆记录固体潮和同震曲线的能力较好,精度较高,潮汐因子误差及绝对误差较小,产出数据更为可靠,异常信息更为明显,映震能力更高。 展开更多
关键词 vp型宽频带垂直摆 vs型垂直摆 映震能力 调和分析
Electrodeposition of Gold to Conformally Fill High-Aspect-Ratio Nanometric Silicon Grating Trenches: A Comparison of Pulsed and Direct Current Protocols 被引量:2
作者 Sami Znati Nicholas Chedid +3 位作者 Houxun Miao Lei Chen Eric E. Bennett Han Wen 《Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology》 2015年第4期207-213,共7页
Filling high-aspect-ratio trenches with gold is a frequent requirement in the fabrication of X-ray optics as well as micro-electronic components and other fabrication processes. Conformal electrodeposition of gold in ... Filling high-aspect-ratio trenches with gold is a frequent requirement in the fabrication of X-ray optics as well as micro-electronic components and other fabrication processes. Conformal electrodeposition of gold in sub-micron-width silicon trenches with an aspect ratio greater than 35 over a grating area of several square centimeters is challenging and has not been described in the literature previously. A comparison of pulsed plating and constant current plating led to a gold electroplating protocol that reliably filled trenches for such structures. 展开更多
关键词 PULSED ELECTROPLATING Gold ELECTROPLATING High Aspect ratio TRENCHES Gold Electrodepostion Di-rect Current Electrodeposition PULSED vs. Direct Current ELECTROPLATING Atomic LAYER Deposition Platinum Seed LAYER Silicon TRENCH Gratings TRENCH FILLING Grating FILLING ALD Adhesive LAYER
Poisson’s Ratio of Surface Soils and Shallow Sediments Determined from Seismic Compressional and Shear Wave Velocities
作者 U. E. Essien A. O. Akankpo M. U. Igboekwe 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2014年第12期1540-1546,共7页
This paper presents the results of seismic compressional, P- and shear, S-wave measurements carried out on the unconsolidated top-soil at the different locations of the study area to determine Poisson’s ratio. In thi... This paper presents the results of seismic compressional, P- and shear, S-wave measurements carried out on the unconsolidated top-soil at the different locations of the study area to determine Poisson’s ratio. In this work, seismic refraction data is used to determine Poisson’s ratio as an aid to engineering foundation. A 12-channel seismograph with signal stacking ability was used together with high frequency (100 Hz) geophones on the top-soil. The geophone intervals were set to 5 m at the all locations. In all the locations, Vp/Vs ratio ranged from 1.0289 to 1.4185 for the top layer. Vp/Vs ratio in the second layer ranged from 1.0512 to 1.5834. The Poisson’s ratio for the first layer ranged from -8.0324 to 0.2060. For the second layer, the Poisson’s ratio ranged from -0.7567 to 0.1683. The values of Vp/Vs ratio less than in the first layer and in some locations in the second layer resulted in negative Poisson’s ratio. The low and negative values of Poisson’s ratio are symptomatic of occurrence of ripable anisotropic materials in the locations where they occur, which suggests that indicated average depth should be removed and refilled with geomaterials that may be resilient to carry engineering loads. 展开更多
关键词 SEISMIC REFRACTION Eket vp/vs ratio Poisson’s ratio
The Golden Ratio Theorem: A Framework for Interchangeability and Self-Similarity in Complex Systems
作者 Alessandro Rizzo 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2023年第9期559-596,共38页
The Golden Ratio Theorem, deeply rooted in fractal mathematics, presents a pioneering perspective on deciphering complex systems. It draws a profound connection between the principles of interchangeability, self-simil... The Golden Ratio Theorem, deeply rooted in fractal mathematics, presents a pioneering perspective on deciphering complex systems. It draws a profound connection between the principles of interchangeability, self-similarity, and the mathematical elegance of the Golden Ratio. This research unravels a unique methodological paradigm, emphasizing the omnipresence of the Golden Ratio in shaping system dynamics. The novelty of this study stems from its detailed exposition of self-similarity and interchangeability, transforming them from mere abstract notions into actionable, concrete insights. By highlighting the fractal nature of the Golden Ratio, the implications of these revelations become far-reaching, heralding new avenues for both theoretical advancements and pragmatic applications across a spectrum of scientific disciplines. 展开更多
关键词 Conservation Law SELF-SIMILARITY INTERCHANGEABILITY Golden ratio Complex Systems Dynamic Exchange Structural Stability Mathematical Modeling Theoretical Framework P vs NP Millennium Problem
A Study on Average Velocity Ratios(V_P/V_S) in the Hohhot-Baotou Area
作者 Han Xiaoming Zhang Fan 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第1期118-127,共10页
The geological structure is complex in the Hohhot-Baotou area.Several earthquakes with MS≥6.0 have occurred in the area in history.This article selected the Hohhot-Baotou area as the study region and divided it into ... The geological structure is complex in the Hohhot-Baotou area.Several earthquakes with MS≥6.0 have occurred in the area in history.This article selected the Hohhot-Baotou area as the study region and divided it into 2 sub-regions,each with a spatial scope of 3°×2°,according to the spatial distribution of ML≥1.0 earthquakes occurring between January 2001 and April 2010,and the layout of the seismic network in the study region.Average velocity ratios of respective sub-regions were calculated,and comparative analysis was made on their temporal and spatial variations.Results show that there are slight differences between sub-regions in the variation amplitude of average velocity ratio curves over time,which mostly remains between 2.5% to 2.584%.In the Hohhot area,the average velocity ratio is 1.722,significantly lower than the average velocity ratio of 1.733 in the Baotou area.We preliminarily concluded that this was related to the distribution of fault structures and properties of underground media in the Hohhot area. 展开更多
关键词 Hohhot-Baotou area Average velocity ratio vp/vs Spatio-temporalanalysis
Crustal and uppermost mantle structure of the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau from joint inversion of surface wave dispersions and receiver functions with P velocity constraints
作者 Pei Zhang Xiaodong Song +2 位作者 Jiangtao Li Xingchen Wang Xuezhen Zhang 《Earthquake Science》 2024年第2期93-106,共14页
Lithospheric structure beneath the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is of vital significance for studying the geodynamic processes of crustal thickening and expansion of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. We conducted a j... Lithospheric structure beneath the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is of vital significance for studying the geodynamic processes of crustal thickening and expansion of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. We conducted a joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersions with P-wave velocity constraints using data from the Chin Array Ⅱ temporary stations deployed across the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Prior to joint inversion, we applied the H-κ-c method(Li JT et al., 2019) to the receiver function data in order to correct for the back-azimuthal variations in the arrival times of Ps phases and crustal multiples caused by crustal anisotropy and dipping interfaces. High-resolution images of vS, crustal thickness, and vP/vSstructures in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau were simultaneously derived from the joint inversion. The seismic images reveal that crustal thickness decreases outward from the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. The stable interiors of the Ordos and Alxa blocks exhibited higher velocities and lower crustal vP/vSratios. While, lower velocities and higher vP/vSratios were observed beneath the Qilian Orogen and Songpan-Ganzi terrane(SPGZ), which are geologically active and mechanically weak, especially in the mid-lower crust.Delamination or thermal erosion of the lithosphere triggered by hot asthenospheric flow contributes to the observed uppermost mantle low-velocity zones(LVZs) in the SPGZ. The crustal thickness, vS, and vP/vSratios suggest that whole lithospheric shortening is a plausible mechanism for crustal thickening in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, supporting the idea of coupled lithospheric-scale deformation in this region. 展开更多
关键词 joint inversion receiver functions surface waves crustal thickness vp/vs ratio NE Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
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