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Value-Added Tax (VAT) on Selected Financial Transactions
作者 Yvona Legierska 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第8期846-852,共7页
关键词 金融交易 增值税 欧盟理事会 捷克共和国 欧洲联盟 操作规则 消费税 指令
Analysis on the Influence of "Replacement of Business Tax by Value-added Tax" on the Cost of Highway Projects
作者 Hanzhi Kou 《Journal of World Architecture》 2021年第2期18-21,共4页
The"replacement of business tax by VAT reform"(hereby refer to as"VAT reform"for short)is a newly promulgated and implemented tax policy,and its impact on various industries in China is very differ... The"replacement of business tax by VAT reform"(hereby refer to as"VAT reform"for short)is a newly promulgated and implemented tax policy,and its impact on various industries in China is very different,and the highway project industry is no exception.The implementation of the"VAT reform"will not only have a positive impact on the cost of highway projects,but will also have some negative impacts.For this reason,highway project construction corporates must actively respond.The author explores and analyzes the positive and negative effects of the"VAT reform"on the cost of highway projects,and proposes a reform strategy for highway project cost work under the background of the"VAT reform",in hope of helping with bringing out the intrinsic value of highway project cost management work. 展开更多
关键词 "Replacement of business tax by vat reform" Highway project COST INFLUENCE
The Empirical Analysis on Cognitive Degree of the Restaurant Industry to "Replace the Business Tax with Value-added Tax"
作者 ZHAO Jianxiang 《International English Education Research》 2016年第7期118-120,共3页
Interregional Value-Added Tax in the Era of E-Commerce: Tax Policy Design Based on Big Data from Online Retailing
作者 Yu Chen Luwei Xiang Hu Yang 《Journal of Social Computing》 EI 2024年第1期46-57,共12页
The value-added tax(VAT)in China is levied and allocated based on the origin principle.Under the background of the increasing substitution of online retail for traditional offline retail,this mechanism will exacerbate... The value-added tax(VAT)in China is levied and allocated based on the origin principle.Under the background of the increasing substitution of online retail for traditional offline retail,this mechanism will exacerbate the disparity of regional tax revenue,and intensify tax competition among local governments.Therefore,reconsidering the allocation mechanism of value-added tax in China can be an important policy decision,and it is influenced by various economic and social factors.Firstly,we utilize large-scale retail transaction data from an e-commerce platform to measure regional disparities in retail and consumption among different regions and then reveals present tax policy results in revenue imbalance in different regions.Secondly,we establish a model based on game theory to illustrate how the origin principle leads to fierce tax competition among regions.Furthermore,by establishing and solving tax allocation models between local governments and the central government,this study simulates and calculates the degree of revenue imbalance under different scenarios and attempts to propose policy measures.The results indicate that implementing the destination principle will reduce regional tax imbalances.Moreover,adjusting the allocation ratio between the central government and local governments based on city levels is advantageous for further reducing regional tax revenue disparities. 展开更多
关键词 value-added tax E-COMMERCE destination principle origin principle
Value-added Tax and Leverage:Evidence from China's Value-added Tax Rate Reform
作者 Hongsheng Fang Lexin Zhao Xiufen Liu 《China & World Economy》 2024年第2期200-234,共35页
This paper uses China's value-added tax(VAT)rate reform as a quasi-natural experiment to identify the impacts of VAT rate shocks on corporate financial leverage.The results indicate that the reform reduced corpora... This paper uses China's value-added tax(VAT)rate reform as a quasi-natural experiment to identify the impacts of VAT rate shocks on corporate financial leverage.The results indicate that the reform reduced corporate total leverage significantly.There was a decrease in short-term leverage,but long-term leverage showed no significant change.These results remained robust across a series of robustness checks.Mechanism analysis shows that increasing profitability and improving cash flows acted as intermediary channels for the reform's impact on leverage.The reform also contributed to the mitigation of the asset–liability mismatch problem and the reduction of debt risk,while having no apparent impact on corporate investments.Finally,enterprises with more elastic demand and those with lower intermediate input ratios were affected most by the deleveraging effect of the VAT rate reform.This study suggests how the VAT rate cut shaped corporate capital structure.It thus helps to explain the economic consequences of VAT rate shocks. 展开更多
关键词 asset-liability ratio capital structure tax reduction vat rate reform
Effects of China's BT-to-VAT Reform on Listed Companies' Turnover Tax Burden
作者 曹越 李晶 《China Economist》 2017年第5期54-70,共17页
Using the data of China's listed companies during 2010-2014 as samples, this paper employs the PSM and DID methods to respectively investigate the effects of BTto-VAT reform on the turnover tax burden for companie... Using the data of China's listed companies during 2010-2014 as samples, this paper employs the PSM and DID methods to respectively investigate the effects of BTto-VAT reform on the turnover tax burden for companies in pilot regions(Shanghai and eight other provinces and municipalities) and the rest of China. Our study arrived at the following findings: Compared with pilot sectors in non-pilot regions, BT-to-VAT reform has no significant effect on the turnover tax burden of pilot companies in pilot regions; compared with non-pilot companies, BT-to-VAT reform slightly increased the turnover tax burden in the short run and somewhat reduced the turnover tax burden for pilot companies in the long run. Further differentiation of ownership nature led to the discovery that BT-toVAT reform somewhat reduced the turnover tax burden of SOEs and central SOEs, slightly increased the turnover tax burden for non-SOEs and local SOEs in pilot regions, slightly increased the turnover tax burden in the short run and somewhat reduced the turnover tax burden in the long run after nationwide pilot programs were introduced; BT-to-VAT reform has more significant effects on non-SOEs and local SOEs. In general, BT-to-VAT reform has no significant effects on the turnover tax burden of companies and after differentiating pilot regions, pilot sectors and ownership nature, we did not discover any significant effect, which is generally consistent with policy expectations. 展开更多
关键词 上市公司 增值税 流转 改革 中国 非国有企业 企业负担 电信
The Impact of the "Replace the Business Tax with VAT" on the Enterprises Tax Burden
作者 SUN Haozhe 《International English Education Research》 2018年第4期47-49,共3页
关键词 增值税代营业税 企业管理 税务管理 发展现状
Research on Influence of "Business Tax to VAT" Reform on Real Estate Enterprise
作者 REN Xiaoyue 《International English Education Research》 2016年第7期83-84,共2页
增值税减税能否提高制造业企业全要素生产率?--基于增值税税率下调事件的经验研究 被引量:1
作者 程新生 刘振华 修浩鑫 《北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第1期65-77,共13页
深化税制改革是激发市场主体活力、加快制造业转型、实现经济高质量发展的重要路径。基于2016—2020年中国沪深A股上市公司数据,研究了2018年和2019年增值税税率下调对制造业企业全要素生产率的影响。研究发现,增值税减税提高了制造业... 深化税制改革是激发市场主体活力、加快制造业转型、实现经济高质量发展的重要路径。基于2016—2020年中国沪深A股上市公司数据,研究了2018年和2019年增值税税率下调对制造业企业全要素生产率的影响。研究发现,增值税减税提高了制造业企业的全要素生产率。异质性分析结果显示,对于市场竞争地位高、国有产权、处于成熟期以及高市场化地区的企业而言,增值税减税对全要素生产率的提升效应显著。渠道分析表明,研发投入、人力资本投入以及资本配置效率是增值税减税影响企业全要素生产率的主要渠道。因此,政府部门应继续深化增值税改革,缩小制造业与其他行业的税率差异,切实减轻制造业企业税收负担,同时应加大对民营、初创等弱势企业的财政扶持力度,全面提高各类企业的全要素生产率。 展开更多
关键词 增值税减税 税制改革 全要素生产率 制造业 优化资本配置 高质量发展
作者 李海凌 肖光朋 +1 位作者 卢永琴 杨安琪 《建筑经济》 2024年第3期14-21,共8页
以我国工程总承包推进实践中工程计价中存在的税金计算难题为研究对象,探讨实践中存在的增值税认识偏差的根源。在引入增值税税负率、综合税负率的基础上,提出总承包模式下计算税金的思路:用税前含税工程造价作为增值税及工程造价税金... 以我国工程总承包推进实践中工程计价中存在的税金计算难题为研究对象,探讨实践中存在的增值税认识偏差的根源。在引入增值税税负率、综合税负率的基础上,提出总承包模式下计算税金的思路:用税前含税工程造价作为增值税及工程造价税金的计算基数。采用典型案例、企业访谈分别测算工程费用、其他费用的增值税税负率及综合税负率,并据此确定基于综合税负率的工程总承包项目工程造价的计算程序。用简易计税的思路计算税金,简化工程总承包项目工程造价的确定,希望为工程总承包计价提供支撑。 展开更多
关键词 综合税负率 工程总承包 增值税 附加税
作者 蔡德发 欧阳志坤 《商业经济》 2024年第2期161-164,共4页
增值税“留抵退税”政策是“减税降费”的重要手段之一,即将进项税额与销项税额的差额部分税款进行退还,进而影响企业的现金流,降低融资约束影响,有利于企业减轻资金压力。目前,有关增值税留抵退税对制造业的影响机制、作用等相关研究... 增值税“留抵退税”政策是“减税降费”的重要手段之一,即将进项税额与销项税额的差额部分税款进行退还,进而影响企业的现金流,降低融资约束影响,有利于企业减轻资金压力。目前,有关增值税留抵退税对制造业的影响机制、作用等相关研究文献较少,针对创新影响方面的文献则更少。鉴于此,通过双重差分模型分析增值税留抵退税政策对制造业上市公司创新的影响。研究表明:增值税“留抵退税”政策对制造业上市公司创新呈正向促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 减税降费 增值税 留抵退税
作者 钱海燕 金子涵 《合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期87-97,共11页
文章选取我国2014-2021年A股制造业公司数据,运用双重差分法研究2018年实施的增值税留抵退税政策能否提升企业的研发能力。实证结果表明,享受增值税留抵退税政策的企业,研发能力显著提升,并在一系列稳健性检验中得以验证。理论逻辑在于... 文章选取我国2014-2021年A股制造业公司数据,运用双重差分法研究2018年实施的增值税留抵退税政策能否提升企业的研发能力。实证结果表明,享受增值税留抵退税政策的企业,研发能力显著提升,并在一系列稳健性检验中得以验证。理论逻辑在于,增值税留抵退税政策的实施增加了企业现金流,增强企业抵御风险能力的同时也会降低企业的研发风险,企业的研发意愿增强,研发能力会得到进一步的提升。另外,制造业企业需要购进生产设备进行研发活动,而现金流的返还让企业不再担心会因为采购机器设备而产生大量的留抵税额;企业生产模式和生产理念的转变,也会更偏向于进行研发创新,提升自身的研发能力。在产权性质方面,增值税留抵退税政策仅对非国有企业研发能力有激励作用;在成长速度方面,增值税留抵退税政策对成长速度快的企业提升研发能力产生了积极效果。 展开更多
关键词 增值税留抵退税 研发能力 双重差分法
作者 胡志勇 郝一凡 《金陵科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期12-20,共9页
提高企业全要素生产率是增强生活性服务业竞争力的关键所在。作为宏观调控手段,税收政策对全要素生产率的影响一直备受关注。基于生活性服务业A股上市公司2015—2022年的数据,考察增值税减税对生活性服务业企业全要素生产率的影响。研... 提高企业全要素生产率是增强生活性服务业竞争力的关键所在。作为宏观调控手段,税收政策对全要素生产率的影响一直备受关注。基于生活性服务业A股上市公司2015—2022年的数据,考察增值税减税对生活性服务业企业全要素生产率的影响。研究发现,增值税减税能够提高生活性服务业企业全要素生产率,且能通过缓解融资约束和增加人力资本两条途径促进企业全要素生产率的提高。基于此,提出以下建议:扩大增值税减税政策适用范围,增强政策普惠性;拓宽企业融资渠道,缓解企业融资困境;增加企业人力资本投入,提高人力资源质量;优化增值税减税政策设计,采取差异化政策。 展开更多
关键词 增值税减税 企业全要素生产率 生活性服务业 融资约束 人力资本
作者 张宝慧 赵强 《洛阳理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期58-61,共4页
“营改增”推行后,我国税收形势发生重大变化,纳税筹划的重要性日渐突显,做好纳税筹划对中小企业至关重要。以M公司为例,针对中小企业纳税筹划展开分析,探析其在增值税和企业所得税方面存在的问题,设计相应纳税筹划方案,并从完善内部控... “营改增”推行后,我国税收形势发生重大变化,纳税筹划的重要性日渐突显,做好纳税筹划对中小企业至关重要。以M公司为例,针对中小企业纳税筹划展开分析,探析其在增值税和企业所得税方面存在的问题,设计相应纳税筹划方案,并从完善内部控制机制、加强与税务部门的沟通、加深对税法政策的理解等方面提出相应解决对策,以期对中小企业的纳税筹划工作有所裨益。 展开更多
关键词 中小企业 纳税筹划 增值税 企业所得税
作者 郭界秀 《经济经纬》 北大核心 2024年第2期150-160,共11页
以2010—2017年中国综合社会调查数据中劳动力个体为研究对象,基于“营改增”政策的准自然实验,采用双重差分法分析了其对劳动力个体就业的影响,以评估减税降费政策的社会福利效应,并考察其影响就业的具体机制。研究结果表明:“营改增... 以2010—2017年中国综合社会调查数据中劳动力个体为研究对象,基于“营改增”政策的准自然实验,采用双重差分法分析了其对劳动力个体就业的影响,以评估减税降费政策的社会福利效应,并考察其影响就业的具体机制。研究结果表明:“营改增”政策会提升试点地区劳动力个体的就业概率,机制在于优化产业结构;“营改增”政策对就业的影响在政策实施的第二年达到峰值,之后随着试点范围的扩大而逐渐减弱。异质性分析显示,“营改增”政策对劳动力个体就业的影响在不同受教育水平、性别和户籍群体间存在差异,表明精准的政策实施更有利于促进就业,优化就业结构。研究结论有助于在理论上甄别“营改增”影响就业的机理,在实践中为就业促进政策的制定与调整提供有益借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 营改增 劳动力就业 产业结构 综合社会调查数据
Study on Causes of Differences in Tax Burden of Value-Added Tax from the Perspective of Industrial Linkage
作者 Deyin Chu Yuan Li Tongbin Zhang 《China Finance and Economic Review》 2023年第4期44-64,共21页
It is of great practical significance to analyze the differences of actual tax burden value-added tax(VAT)from the perspective of industrial linkage for accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system and ... It is of great practical significance to analyze the differences of actual tax burden value-added tax(VAT)from the perspective of industrial linkage for accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system and promoting the formation of a new development pattern.This paper explains the differences and causes of the actual VAT tax burden in the manufacturing industry from the perspective of industrial linkage.According to the research results,the closer the intermediate input connection between an industry and other industries,the lower the actual VAT tax burden it bears.The characteristics of production network have a moderating effect on the relationship between the linkage of the manufacturing industries and the actual VAT tax burden.For the industries in the center of the production network,a stable backward linkage weakens the influence of industrial linkage on their actual tax burden.It is difficult for industries located in the spillover block to reduce their tax burden by adjusting the linkage of intermediate goods.In addition,highly linked manufacturing enterprises can also reduce their actual VAT tax burden by tax avoidance,tax shifting,adjusting the types of intermediate inputs and so on.Smoothing the domestic production network of the manufacturing industry and optimizing the VAT burden bearing mechanism of each manufacturing sub-industry will help promote the stable growth of the manufacturing industry and healthy development of the macro economy in China. 展开更多
关键词 actual tax burden of vat manufacturing industry industrial linkage production network Introduction
Value-Added Tax(VAT)Development and Reform History—A Study of VAT Evolution Around the World and in China
作者 胡天龙 《Frontiers of Law in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2022年第3期440-455,共16页
Value-added Tax(VAT),a turnover tax levied on the value appreciated in commodities production,circulation and sale,has been widely practiced by economies worldwide for its neutrality.From the international perspective... Value-added Tax(VAT),a turnover tax levied on the value appreciated in commodities production,circulation and sale,has been widely practiced by economies worldwide for its neutrality.From the international perspective,European Union VAT and New Zealand VAT stand out as characteristic models of VAT development and reform history.With changing economic development models and the growth of e-commerce businesses,VAT systems have been upgraded to meet taxation challenges brought about by the digital economy.Recently,VAT policies and measures have been introduced particularly to combat the COVID-19 impact.In China,the VAT system has been reformed constantly over the past 40 years and has been converging with international practice.China now needs to address emerging VAT issues through legislation,tax incentives,and tax-rate grades so as to meet challenges in VAT collection and management and to suit the“new normal”of economic development. 展开更多
关键词 value-added tax(vat) turnover tax digital economy E-COMMERCE
County-Level Tax Sharing:A Statistical Basis for Measuring China's Fiscal Decentralization
作者 毛捷 吕冰洋 陈佩霞 《China Economist》 2019年第2期66-80,共15页
Controversies exist in literature regarding what indicators should be employed to measure China's fiscal decentralization. This paper measures China's fiscal decentralization by the sharing ratios of county-le... Controversies exist in literature regarding what indicators should be employed to measure China's fiscal decentralization. This paper measures China's fiscal decentralization by the sharing ratios of county-level VAT and corporate income tax(CIT). This approach avoids such problems as homogeneous denominator, and reflects the intricate interactions between governments at different levels. Based on extensive sources including the National Fiscal Statistical Information at Prefecture and County Levels and China County(City) Socio-Economic Statistical Yearbook over the 1998-2007 period, our estimation and analysis led to the following findings:(1) Since 2002, counties have retained a falling share of revenues;(2) a multidimensional horizontal comparison reveals a pattern in the county-level tax sharing ratio, i.e. counties in central and eastern regions retain a higher share of tax revenues compared with those in western and northwestern regions.These findings explain the fiscal difficulties at the grassroots level, and can be used to conduct a quantitative analysis of the determinants and economic effects of China's fiscal decentralization." 展开更多
关键词 FISCAL DECENTRALIZATION tax SHARING vat corporate income tax(CIT)
China's New Tax System Benefits Foreign Investors
作者 Dong Shukui, Deputy Director of the Foreign-related Taxation Department of the State Taxation Administration 《China's Foreign Trade》 1994年第8期11-12,共2页
To meet the requirements of a socialist market economy and overcome the inherent sharp contradictions of the former taxation system, China began reforming the structure of its tax system this year. The structural refo... To meet the requirements of a socialist market economy and overcome the inherent sharp contradictions of the former taxation system, China began reforming the structure of its tax system this year. The structural reform has been carried out under theguidelines of unifying the tax law, creating equal treatment, simplifying the tax system, building up a rational tax revenue sharing system, redressing distribution relationships, standardizing the mode 展开更多
关键词 vat China’s New tax System Benefits Foreign Investors RATE
增值税改革与立法的法治逻辑 被引量:7
作者 张守文 《政法论丛》 北大核心 2023年第2期3-12,共10页
增值税的改革与立法都要遵循相应的法治逻辑。审视我国多次实施的增值税改革试点及其涉及的法治问题,有助于明晰法治逻辑的重要性。增值税改革和立法应遵循一般法治逻辑,符合统一原则、公平原则、协调原则的要求,以增进改革和立法的合... 增值税的改革与立法都要遵循相应的法治逻辑。审视我国多次实施的增值税改革试点及其涉及的法治问题,有助于明晰法治逻辑的重要性。增值税改革和立法应遵循一般法治逻辑,符合统一原则、公平原则、协调原则的要求,以增进改革和立法的合理性与合法性;同时,还应将增值税的基本原理与法治原则有机融合,体现税收领域的特殊法治逻辑,并据此确立增值税的立法模式、立法结构、立法内容等,从而不断提升增值税的立法质量。对上述两类法治逻辑的全面兼顾,有助于实现增值税领域的良法善治,如将其扩展至各类税制改革和税收立法,会更有助于优化税收职能,推进税收法治现代化,并由此保障和促进经济社会的健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 增值税 税制改革 税收立法 法治逻辑
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